Exemplo n.º 1
        private void ApplyUpgrades(UpgradePrefab prefab)
            Dictionary <PartModule, bool> moduleUpgraded = new Dictionary <PartModule, bool>();

            foreach (PartModule pm in prefab.part.Modules)
                if (pm.upgradesApplied.Count > 0)
                    moduleUpgraded.Add(pm, true);
                    moduleUpgraded.Add(pm, false);

            // Enable upgrades in the handler to reflect the state of user selection for this part
            foreach (PartUpgrade pu in prefab.upgrades)
                if (pu.upgradeState == PartUpgrade.UpgradeState.Disabled)
                    PartUpgradeManager.Handler.SetEnabled(pu.upgradeName, false);
                    PartUpgradeManager.Handler.SetEnabled(pu.upgradeName, true);

            // Apply upgrades on modules
            // Due to ApplyUpgrades() not doing anything when all upgrades are disabled
            // I need to do OnLoad from the config node to revert the module fields to their
            // default value in this case
            int i = 0;

            ConfigNode[] moduleNodes = prefab.part.partInfo.partConfig.GetNodes("MODULE");
            foreach (PartModule pm in prefab.part.Modules)
                bool wasUpgraded = false;
                moduleUpgraded.TryGetValue(pm, out wasUpgraded);

                if (wasUpgraded && pm.upgradesApplied.Count == 0) // THIS DON'T WORK FOR A ModuleDataTransmitter. WHY ?
                    if (moduleNodes != null)
                        if (moduleNodes.Count() > i)
                            if (moduleNodes[i].GetValue("name") == pm.moduleName)
                                pm.Load(moduleNodes[i]); // OnLoad() isn't enough (issue #4). ex : ok for ModuleEngines, not ok for ModuleDataTransmitter.
                    // In case of a PartStatsUpgradeModule, things get ugly because I've got no public function
                    // that reset the module mass/cost modifiers, so I manually set them to 0. For part fields
                    // modifiers I'm forced to parse the upgrade node to reset the corresponding part fields to
                    // their config value.
                    // TODO : test this with a more complex multi-node stats module
                    if (pm is PartStatsUpgradeModule)
                        PartStatsUpgradeModule psum = (PartStatsUpgradeModule)pm;
                        psum.costOffset = 0;
                        psum.massOffset = 0;
                        if (psum.upgradeNode != null)
                            foreach (ConfigNode.Value v in psum.upgradeNode.values)
                                if (v.name != "mass" && v.name != "cost" && v.name != "massAdd " && v.name != "costAdd")
                                        FieldInfo partField = prefab.part.GetType().GetField(v.name);
                                        partField.SetValue(prefab.part, Convert.ChangeType(prefab.part.partInfo.partConfig.GetValue(v.name), partField.FieldType));
                                    catch (Exception)
                                        Debug.LogError("[UpgradesUIextensions] Could not revert part field \"" + v.name + "\" to initial value");
Exemplo n.º 2
        private void UpdateModuleWidgetInfo(UpgradePrefab upgradePrefab)
            // Update every module widget :
            int i = 0;
            List <PartModule> modules = upgradePrefab.part.Modules.GetModules <PartModule>().OrderBy(p => p.GUIName).ToList();

            foreach (PartListTooltipWidget widget in tooltip.panelExtended.GetComponentsInChildren <PartListTooltipWidget>(true))
                // Resource widgets are named "PartListTooltipExtendedResourceInfo(Clone)"
                // Module widgets are named "PartListTooltipExtendedPartInfo(Clone)"
                if (widget.name == "PartListTooltipExtendedPartInfo(Clone)" && modules.Count >= i)
                    while (true)
                        string widgetTitle;
                        string widgetText;

                        // Get the upgrades-updated module text info from our special prefab
                            widgetTitle = modules[i].GUIName;
                            widgetText  = modules[i].GetInfo();
                        catch (Exception)
                            widgetTitle = widget.textName.text;
                            widgetText  = widget.textInfo.text;
                            Debug.LogWarning("[UpgradesUIextensions] Could not retrieve module text for module " + modules[i].GUIName);

                        // Stock doesn't create a widget for modules that return an empty GetInfo(), but seems to be
                        // checking against an already parsed string where control characters are removed
                        if (RemoveControlCharacters(widgetText).Equals(""))
                        // The module has a widget text, we update it with some extra info on the applied upgrades
                            // Special formatting for PartStatsUpgradeModule
                            if (modules[i] is PartStatsUpgradeModule)
                                widgetTitle = "Part stats upgrade";
                                widgetText  = "";

                                if (!(modules[i].upgradesApplied.Count() > 0))
                                    widgetText += "No stats modifications in current upgrades";
                                    if (modules[i].showUpgradesInModuleInfo)
                                        widgetText += "<b>Current upgrades:\n</b>";
                                        foreach (string upgrade in modules[i].upgradesApplied)
                                            widgetText += "<b>" + PartUpgradeManager.Handler.GetUpgrade(upgrade).title + "</b>\n";

                                        widgetText += "\n<color=#99ff00ff><b>Modified stats :</b></color>\n";

                                    PartStatsUpgradeModule psum = (PartStatsUpgradeModule)modules[i];
                                    if (psum.GetModuleCost(upgradePrefab.part.partInfo.cost, ModifierStagingSituation.CURRENT) > float.Epsilon || psum.GetModuleCost(upgradePrefab.part.partInfo.cost, ModifierStagingSituation.CURRENT) < -float.Epsilon)
                                        widgetText += "<b>Cost modifier : </b>" + psum.GetModuleCost(upgradePrefab.part.partInfo.cost, ModifierStagingSituation.CURRENT).ToString("+ 0;- #") + " <sprite=2 tint=1>\n";
                                    if (psum.GetModuleMass(upgradePrefab.part.mass, ModifierStagingSituation.CURRENT) > float.Epsilon || psum.GetModuleMass(upgradePrefab.part.mass, ModifierStagingSituation.CURRENT) < -float.Epsilon)
                                        widgetText += "<b>Mass modifier : </b>" + psum.GetModuleMass(upgradePrefab.part.mass, ModifierStagingSituation.CURRENT).ToString("+ 0.###;- #.###") + " t\n";
                                    if (psum.upgradeNode != null)
                                        foreach (ConfigNode.Value value in psum.upgradeNode.values)
                                            if (value.name != "cost" && value.name != "costAdd" && value.name != "mass" && value.name != "massAdd")
                                                widgetText += "<b>New " + value.name + ": </b>" + value.value + " \n";
                            // All other modules : append upgrade text if showUpgradesInModuleInfo is set to true in the module cfg
                                if (modules[i].showUpgradesInModuleInfo)
                                    if (modules[i].upgradesApplied.Count() > 0)
                                        widgetText += "\n<color=#99ff00ff><b>Upgrades :</b></color>\n";

                                        foreach (string upgrade in modules[i].upgradesApplied)
                                            widgetText += "<b>- " + PartUpgradeManager.Handler.GetUpgrade(upgrade).title + ":</b>\n";
                                            ConfigNode cn = modules[i].upgrades.Find(p => p.GetValue("name__") == upgrade);
                                            widgetText += cn.GetValue("description__") + "\n";
                                    // This is the "Upgrades available at <techtree nodes>..." text, seems totally bugged in 1.2.2 :
                                    // it usually show the already applied upgrades but sometimes also the "outdated" upgrade
                                    // widgetText += "\n" + part.Modules.GetModule(i).PrintUpgrades();
                            widget.Setup(widgetTitle, widgetText);
