Exemplo n.º 1
        // init the tree by part name.
        private void InitTreeByPart()

            PartPmtListEx partPmtList = m_sheet.GetPartPmtList();
            PartListEx    partList    = partPmtList.GetPartList();

            for (int i = 0; i < partList.Size(); i++)
                PartEx part = partList.GetPartByIndex(i);

                // append the part node.
                TreeNode partNode = partPmtTreeView.Nodes.Add(part.GetName());
                partNode.ImageIndex         = 0;
                partNode.SelectedImageIndex = 0;
                partNode.Tag = part.GetID();

                // insert each part pmt node.
                PartPmtListEx partPmtList1 = partPmtList.GetAllPmtOfPart(part.GetID());
                for (int j = 0; j < partPmtList1.Size(); j++)
                    PartPmtEx partPmt = partPmtList1.GetPartPmtByIndex(j);

                    // append the part placement node.
                    String strNodeName = "Placement ";
                    strNodeName += (j + 1);
                    TreeNode pmtNode = partNode.Nodes.Add(strNodeName);
                    pmtNode.ImageIndex         = 1;
                    pmtNode.SelectedImageIndex = 1;
                    pmtNode.Tag = partPmt.GetID();
Exemplo n.º 2
        private void QrCodeForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int v = 0;

            int        vv         = 0;
            int        vvv        = 0;
            Pen        blackPen   = new Pen(Color.Black, 1);
            Pen        blackPen2  = new Pen(Color.Black, 2);
            SolidBrush blackBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.Black);
            HatchBrush hatchBrush = new HatchBrush(HatchStyle.BackwardDiagonal, Color.Black, Color.White);
            int space = 2;

            for (int length = 0; length < shtListView.Items.Count; length++)
                SLTQrCodeItem SLTQrCodeItemTemp = new SLTQrCodeItem()
                    SLTBmpShadowList = new List <SLTShadowBmp>()
                ListViewItem  item        = shtListView.Items[length];
                long          iSheetID    = (long)item.Tag;
                SheetEx       sheet       = m_sheetList.GetSheetByID(iSheetID);
                string        M_Name      = sheet.GetMat().GetName();
                PartPmtListEx partPmtList = sheet.GetPartPmtList();
                int           partsCount  = partPmtList.GetPartList().Size();
                Rect2DEx      sheetRec    = sheet.GetMat().GetBoundaryRect();
                int           MatWidth    = (int)sheetRec.GetWidth();
                int           MatHeight   = (int)sheetRec.GetHeight();
                SLTQrCodeItemTemp.BlankBmp = new Bitmap(MatWidth + 1, MatHeight + 1);
                Graphics gBlank = Graphics.FromImage(SLTQrCodeItemTemp.BlankBmp);
                gBlank.Clear(Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255, 255));
                gBlank.DrawRectangle(blackPen, 0, 0, MatWidth, MatHeight);
                for (int i = 0; i < partsCount; i++)
                    SLTShadowBmp SLTShadowBmpItem = new SLTShadowBmp();
                    PartPmtEx    partPmt          = sheet.GetPartTopItemList().GetPartPmtByIndex(i).GetPartPmt();
                    Rect2DEx     partRe2          = partPmt.GetRectBox();
                    Matrix2DEx   Matrix           = partPmt.GetMatrix();
                    int          PartWidth        = (int)partRe2.GetWidth();
                    int          PartHeight       = (int)partRe2.GetHeight();
                    int          PoX   = (int)Matrix.GetMatVal(2, 0);
                    int          PoY   = (int)Matrix.GetMatVal(2, 1);
                    int          Angle = (int)(Math.Asin(Matrix.GetMatVal(0, 1)) * 180 / Math.PI);
                    SLTShadowBmpItem.SLTPartInfos = new SLTPartShape()
                        PoX        = m_nestParam.GetNestDir() == NEST_DIRECTION_EX.NEST_DIR_X ? PoX : PoX - PartWidth,
                        PoY        = MatHeight - PoY - PartHeight,
                        PartWidth  = PartWidth,
                        PartHeight = PartHeight,
                        NestDir    = m_nestParam.GetNestDir() == NEST_DIRECTION_EX.NEST_DIR_X ? "X" : "Y",
                        MatName    = M_Name,
                    gBlank.DrawRectangle(blackPen, SLTShadowBmpItem.SLTPartInfos.PoX, SLTShadowBmpItem.SLTPartInfos.PoY, PartWidth, PartHeight);
                for (int i = 0; i < SLTQrCodeItemTemp.SLTBmpShadowList.Count; i++)
                    Bitmap       original  = SLTQrCodeItemTemp.BlankBmp;
                    Bitmap       copy      = new Bitmap(original.Width, original.Height);
                    SLTShadowBmp Shapeitem = SLTQrCodeItemTemp.SLTBmpShadowList[i];
                    using (Graphics gTemp = Graphics.FromImage(copy))
                        Rectangle imageRectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, copy.Width, copy.Height);
                        gTemp.DrawImage(original, imageRectangle, imageRectangle, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
                        gTemp.FillRectangle(hatchBrush, Shapeitem.SLTPartInfos.PoX,
                                            Shapeitem.SLTPartInfos.PoY, Shapeitem.SLTPartInfos.PartWidth, Shapeitem.SLTPartInfos.PartHeight);
                        gTemp.DrawRectangle(blackPen2, Shapeitem.SLTPartInfos.PoX,
                                            Shapeitem.SLTPartInfos.PoY, Shapeitem.SLTPartInfos.PartWidth, Shapeitem.SLTPartInfos.PartHeight);//画矩形
                    SLTQrCodeItemTemp.SLTBmpShadowList[i].ShadowBmp = copy;
                    PartEx partEx        = partPmtList.GetPartList().GetPartByIndex(i);
                    string OrderNo       = OrderManagerDal.Instance.GetOrder(partEx.GetID());
                    string partNameIndex = partEx.GetName().Substring(1, 1);
                    string partName      = partEx.GetName();
                    SLTQrCodeItemTemp.SLTBmpShadowList[i].QrCodeText = OrderNo + "-" + partNameIndex;
                    SLTQrCodeItemTemp.SLTBmpShadowList[i].QrCodeBmp  = GenerateQRCode(partNameIndex);
                    Font font = new Font("微软雅黑", 60f);//8号
                    StringFormat format = new StringFormat()
                        Alignment     = StringAlignment.Center,
                        LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center,
                    string text1 = OrderNo + "-" + partNameIndex;
                    string text2 = partName;
                    string text3 = Shapeitem.SLTPartInfos.PartWidth + "*" + Shapeitem.SLTPartInfos.PartHeight;
                    string text4 = Shapeitem.SLTPartInfos.MatName;
                    SLTQrCodeItemTemp.SLTBmpShadowList[i].SLTText = text1 + "\r\n" + text2 + "\r\n" + text3 + "\r\n" + text4;
                    Size   SLTTextSize = TextRenderer.MeasureText(SLTQrCodeItemTemp.SLTBmpShadowList[i].SLTText, font);
                    Bitmap textBmp     = new Bitmap(SLTTextSize.Width + space + 5, SLTTextSize.Width + space + 5);
                    using (Graphics gTextTemp = Graphics.FromImage(textBmp))
                        gTextTemp.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighQuality;
                        gTextTemp.DrawString(SLTQrCodeItemTemp.SLTBmpShadowList[i].SLTText, font, blackBrush,
                                             new RectangleF(space, (textBmp.Height - SLTTextSize.Height - (2 * space)) / 2 + space, textBmp.Width - space, textBmp.Height - space));
                    SLTQrCodeItemTemp.SLTBmpShadowList[i].SLTTextBmp = textBmp;
                //g.DrawString(partName, font, blackBrush, new RectangleF(0, 0, 100, 100), format);
                //g.DrawImage(qrBmp, 150, 150, 50, 50);

            int          bmpPrintWidth = 500;
            int          Colunm        = 2;
            List <Shape> positionBase  = new List <Shape>();
            int          count         = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < _SLTQrCodeList.Count; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < _SLTQrCodeList[i].SLTBmpShadowList.Count; j++)
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < Colunm; j++)
                    if (i * j + j >= count)
                    Shape itemTemp = new Shape()
                        PoX        = j * (bmpPrintWidth / Colunm),
                        PoY        = i * (bmpPrintWidth / Colunm),
                        PartWidth  = bmpPrintWidth / Colunm,
                        PartHeight = bmpPrintWidth / Colunm,

            int    bmpPrintHeight = ((positionBase.Count / Colunm) + (positionBase.Count % Colunm)) * (bmpPrintWidth / Colunm);
            Bitmap PrintBmp       = new Bitmap(bmpPrintWidth, bmpPrintHeight);

            using (Graphics gPrint = Graphics.FromImage(PrintBmp))
                count = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < _SLTQrCodeList.Count; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < _SLTQrCodeList[i].SLTBmpShadowList.Count; j++)
                        float TextPx   = positionBase[count].PoX;
                        float TextPy   = positionBase[count].PoY + positionBase[count].PartHeight * 0.1f;
                        float QrCodePx = TextPx;
                        float QrCodePy = positionBase[count].PoY + positionBase[count].PartHeight * 0.5f;

                        float  SLTPx      = positionBase[count].PoX + positionBase[count].PartWidth * 0.4f;
                        float  SLTPy      = positionBase[count].PoY;
                        Size   SLTSize    = _SLTQrCodeList[i].SLTBmpShadowList[j].ShadowBmp.Size;
                        float  SLTWidth   = (int)(positionBase[count].PartHeight * SLTSize.Width / SLTSize.Height);
                        float  SLTHeight  = (int)(positionBase[count].PartHeight);
                        Bitmap SLTBmpTemp = _SLTQrCodeList[i].SLTBmpShadowList[j].ShadowBmp;
                        float  scale      = (float)SLTSize.Width / (float)SLTSize.Height;
                        if (scale < 0.6f)//固定高度
                            SLTWidth  = (int)(positionBase[count].PartHeight * SLTSize.Width / SLTSize.Height);
                            SLTHeight = positionBase[count].PartHeight;
                        else if (0.6f < scale && scale < 1)//固定宽度
                            SLTWidth  = positionBase[count].PartWidth * 0.6f;
                            SLTHeight = (int)(positionBase[count].PartWidth * 0.6f * SLTSize.Height / SLTSize.Width);
                        else if (scale > 1)//旋转
                            SLTWidth  = positionBase[count].PartWidth * 0.6f;
                            SLTHeight = (int)(positionBase[count].PartWidth * 0.6f * SLTSize.Height / SLTSize.Width);
                            //SLTBmpTemp = new Bitmap(SLTSize.Width, SLTSize.Height);
                            //using (Graphics gCcopy = Graphics.FromImage(SLTBmpTemp))
                            //    gCcopy.Clear(Color.White);
                            //    gCcopy.TranslateTransform(0, 0); //源点移动到旋转中心
                            //    gCcopy.RotateTransform(90f); //旋转
                            //    Rectangle imageRectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, SLTSize.Width, SLTSize.Height);
                            //    gCcopy.DrawImage(_SLTQrCodeList[i].SLTBmpShadowList[j].ShadowBmp, imageRectangle, imageRectangle, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
                            //scale = SLTSize.Height / SLTSize.Width;
                            //if (0.6f < scale && scale < 1)//固定高度
                            //    SLTWidth = (int)(positionBase[count].PartHeight * SLTSize.Width / SLTSize.Height);
                            //    SLTHeight = positionBase[count].PartHeight;
                            //else if (0.6f < scale && scale < 1)//固定宽度
                            //    SLTWidth = positionBase[count].PartWidth * 0.6f;
                            //    SLTHeight = (int)(positionBase[count].PartWidth * 0.6f * SLTSize.Height / SLTSize.Width);
                        //    SLTWidth = (int)(positionBase[count].PartHeight * SLTSize.Width / SLTSize.Height);
                        //    SLTHeight = positionBase[count].PartHeight;
                                         TextPx, TextPy,
                                         (int)(positionBase[count].PartWidth * 0.4),
                                         (int)(positionBase[count].PartHeight * 0.4));
                                         QrCodePx, QrCodePy,
                                         (int)(positionBase[count].PartWidth * 0.4),
                                         (int)(positionBase[count].PartHeight * 0.4));
                        gPrint.DrawImage(SLTBmpTemp, SLTPx, SLTPy, SLTWidth, SLTHeight);
            panelQrCodePrint.BackgroundImage       = PrintBmp;
            panelQrCodePrint.BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.Stretch;

            for (int i = 0; i < _SLTQrCodeList.Count; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < _SLTQrCodeList[i].SLTBmpShadowList.Count; j++)
Exemplo n.º 3
        private void viewShtBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ListView.SelectedListViewItemCollection selItems = shtListView.SelectedItems;
            if (selItems.Count != 1)
                MessageBox.Show("Please select one sheet to view.", "NestProfessor DEMO");
                ListViewItem  item        = selItems[0];
                long          iSheetID    = (long)item.Tag;
                SheetEx       sheet       = m_sheetList.GetSheetByID(iSheetID);
                string        M_Name      = sheet.GetMat().GetName();
                PartPmtListEx partPmtList = sheet.GetPartPmtList();
                int           partsCount  = partPmtList.GetPartList().Size();
                Rect2DEx      sheetRec    = sheet.GetMat().GetGeomItemList().GetItemByIndex(0).GetRectBox();
                string        info        = "SheetName:" + M_Name + "\r\nWidth:" + sheetRec.GetWidth().ToString() + "--Height:" + sheetRec.GetHeight().ToString();
                for (int i = 0; i < partsCount; i++)
                    PartEx     partEx = partPmtList.GetPartList().GetPartByIndex(i);
                    PartPmtEx  part   = sheet.GetPartTopItemList().GetPartPmtByIndex(i).GetPartPmt();
                    Rect2DEx   re2    = part.GetRectBox();
                    Matrix2DEx Matrix = part.GetMatrix();
                    info += "\r\nPartName:" + partEx.GetName()
                            + "\r\n角度:" + Math.Round(Math.Asin(Matrix.GetMatVal(0, 1)) * 180 / Math.PI).ToString() + "度"
                            + "\r\nX:" + Math.Round(Matrix.GetMatVal(2, 0)).ToString()
                            + "\tY:" + Math.Round(Matrix.GetMatVal(2, 1)).ToString()
                            + "\r\n长:" + Math.Round(re2.GetWidth()).ToString()
                            + "\t宽:" + Math.Round(re2.GetHeight()).ToString()
                            + "\t面积:" + Math.Round(re2.GetWidth() * re2.GetHeight()).ToString();

                Bitmap   bmp         = new Bitmap(300, 300);
                Graphics GraphicsObj = Graphics.FromImage(bmp);
                string str      = "OrderNo:0025";
                Font   font     = new Font("微软雅黑", 15f);
                double strWidth = TextRenderer.MeasureText(str, font).Width;
                Brush  brush    = Brushes.Red;
                PointF point    = new PointF(10f, 10f);
                GraphicsObj.DrawString(str, font, brush, 10, 10);
                Pen myPen = new Pen(Color.Red, 1);
                GraphicsObj.DrawRectangle(myPen, 50, 50, 30, 30);//画矩形
                SolidBrush myBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.Red);
                GraphicsObj.FillRectangle(myBrush, 70, 70, 30, 30);
                Bitmap   tBtm      = new Bitmap(1000, 1000);
                Brush    blackrush = Brushes.Black;
                Graphics gTest     = Graphics.FromImage(tBtm);
                gTest.FillRectangle(blackrush, 0, 0, 1000, 1000);
                GraphicsObj.DrawImage(tBtm, 100, 100, 50, 50);


                if (sheet != null)
                    SheetInfoForm form = new SheetInfoForm(m_impDataList, m_partColorConfig, sheet);