Exemplo n.º 1
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            if (args.Length < 10)
                Console.WriteLine("Usage: classify grammar.txt filelist.txt output_dir result_list.txt");
                Console.WriteLine("  grammar.txt         String - filename for grammar to use");
                Console.WriteLine("  filelist.txt        String - list of files");
                Console.WriteLine("  output_dir          String - destination to save result");
                Console.WriteLine("  result_list.txt     String - file to save pairs of inputs/outputs for evaluation");
                Console.WriteLine("  thread_count           int - number of threads to use for execution");
                Console.WriteLine("  proc_timeout           int - maximum time a thread can run (in minutes)");
                Console.WriteLine("  neighbors (k)          int - number to use when doing k-nearest-neighbor analyses");
                Console.WriteLine("  classify_url        String - url of classifier (use \"-\" for default, saskatoon)");
                Console.WriteLine("  prob_threshold      double - classification probability pruning threshold");
                Console.WriteLine("  layout_stats_file   String - filename for stats file to use");

            string grammar_txt = args[0];
            string file_list   = args[1];
            string output_dir  = Path.GetFullPath(args[2]);
            string result_list = args[3];

            string thread_count_str = args[4];
            int    thread_count;

            if (!int.TryParse(thread_count_str, out thread_count))
                Console.Error.WriteLine("Could not parse argument thread_count, using default value of {0}.", thread_count_default);
                thread_count = thread_count_default;

            string proc_timeout_str = args[5];
            int    proc_timeout;

            if (!int.TryParse(proc_timeout_str, out proc_timeout))
                Console.Error.WriteLine("Could not parse argument proc_timeout, using default value of {0}.", proc_timeout_default);
                proc_timeout = proc_timeout_default;

            string neighbors_str = args[6];
            int    neighbors;

            if (!int.TryParse(neighbors_str, out neighbors))
                Console.Error.WriteLine("Could not parse argument neighbors, using default value of {0}.", neighbors_default);
                neighbors = neighbors_default;

            string classify_url = args[7];

            if (classify_url == "-")
                classify_url = classify_url_default;

            string prob_threshold_str = args[8];
            double prob_threshold;

            if (!double.TryParse(prob_threshold_str, out prob_threshold))
                Console.Error.WriteLine("Could not parse argument prob_threshold, using default value of {0}.", prob_threshold_default);
                prob_threshold = prob_threshold_default;

            string stats_file = args[9];

            Grammar grammar = Grammar.Load(grammar_txt);

            List <string> input_files = new List <string>();

            using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(file_list, FileMode.Open))
                StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(fs);
                for (string s = sr.ReadLine(); s != null; s = sr.ReadLine())

            Semaphore sema = new Semaphore(thread_count, thread_count);

            Dictionary <string, string> inputfile_to_output_inkml = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            // number of files completed
            int complete_counter = 0;

            for (int k = 0; k < input_files.Count; k++)
                string filename = input_files[k];
                Console.WriteLine("Evaluating " + filename);

                Thread thread = new Thread(delegate()
                    InkML inkml_file    = InkML.NewFromFile(filename);
                    ParserMain pm       = new ParserMain(grammar, inkml_file, top_n, neighbors, classify_url, prob_threshold, stats_file);
                    Thread threadToKill = null;
                    Action action       = delegate()
                        threadToKill = Thread.CurrentThread;
                    IAsyncResult async_result = action.BeginInvoke(null, null);

                    // wait minutes
                    if (async_result.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(proc_timeout * 60 * 1000))                                 // proc_timeout is in minutes

                        if (pm.validParses.Count > 0)
                            string inkml_string = pm.validParses[0].root.ToInkML(inkml_file.annotations["UI"]);
                            string new_inkml    = output_dir + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "result." + Path.GetFileName(filename);

                            inputfile_to_output_inkml.Add(filename, new_inkml);

                            using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(new_inkml, FileMode.Create))
                                StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(fs);

                            Console.WriteLine("Done with " + filename + "; valid parse:\n" + pm.validParseTreeString(1));
                            Console.WriteLine("Done with " + filename + "; invalid parse");
                        Console.WriteLine("Done with " + filename + "; aborted");
                    Interlocked.Increment(ref complete_counter);
                while (thread.IsAlive == false)

            while (complete_counter != input_files.Count)

            using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(result_list, FileMode.Create))
                StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(fs);
                foreach (string filename in input_files)
                    string new_inkml;
                    if (inputfile_to_output_inkml.TryGetValue(filename, out new_inkml))
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            if (args.Length < 4)
                Console.WriteLine("Usage: ParserTest grammarFile inputInkML outputInkML adjStats [segmentFile]");
            // Note syntax for embedding subsequent arguments in output string {<index}
            string grammarFile     = args[0];
            string inputInkMLFile  = args[1];
            string outputInkMLFile = args[2];
            string adjStatsFile    = args[3];
            string segmentSet      = null;

            if (args.Length > 4)
                segmentSet = args[4];

            InkML inputFileML = InkML.NewFromFile(inputInkMLFile);

            if (inputFileML == null)
                Console.Error.WriteLine("error opening file {0}", args[1]);
            // The InkML type contains some iterable fields, e.g. over 'traces' (strokes)
            List <Stroke> strokeList = new List <Stroke>();

            foreach (InkML.Trace tr in inputFileML.traces)

            //Console.WriteLine("****************** SECOND PARSE ************************");
            // port 1501: Part 1 (parallel implementation)
            // port 1503: Part 2 (parallel implementation)
            Grammar    grammar      = Grammar.Load(grammarFile);
            ParserMain secondParser = null;

            if (args.Length > 3)
                secondParser = new ParserMain(grammar, inputFileML, 1, 2, "http://saskatoon.cs.rit.edu:1501/", 0, adjStatsFile, segmentSet, strokeList);
                // NOTE: currently the behavior for Next() and Start() has been modified (likely will not execute properly).
                secondParser = new ParserMain(grammar, inputFileML, 1, 2, "http://saskatoon.cs.rit.edu:1501/", 0, adjStatsFile);


            if (secondParser.validParses.Count > 0)
                string annotationui = inputFileML.annotations.ContainsKey("UI") ? inputFileML.annotations["UI"] : "NO_UI";
                //Console.WriteLine(secondParser.validParses[0].root.ToInkML( annotationui ) );
                System.IO.File.WriteAllText(outputInkMLFile, secondParser.validParses[0].root.ToInkML(annotationui));

            Console.WriteLine("Applied Rules: " + secondParser.apply_rule_counter);

            // inkml output