public void GraphWithoutSelfEdges()
            AdjacencyGraph g = new AdjacencyGraph(
                new QuickGraph.Providers.VertexAndEdgeProvider(),

            RandomGraph.Graph(g, 20, 100, new Random(), false);

            DepthFirstSearchAlgorithm dfs = new DepthFirstSearchAlgorithm(g);

            dfs.StartVertex        += new VertexHandler(this.StartVertex);
            dfs.DiscoverVertex     += new VertexHandler(this.DiscoverVertex);
            dfs.ExamineEdge        += new EdgeHandler(this.ExamineEdge);
            dfs.TreeEdge           += new EdgeHandler(this.TreeEdge);
            dfs.BackEdge           += new EdgeHandler(this.BackEdge);
            dfs.ForwardOrCrossEdge += new EdgeHandler(this.FowardOrCrossEdge);
            dfs.FinishVertex       += new VertexHandler(this.FinishVertex);

            m_Time = 0;

            foreach (IVertex v in g.Vertices)
                Parents[v] = v;

            // compute

            CheckDfs(g, dfs);
 public void RemoveFromAllParents()
     foreach (Quadtree parent in Parents.ToList())
Exemplo n.º 3
 /// <summary>
 /// This clears the top-level dictionaries AND the parent references.
 /// If a deep clear is required, call "ClearDeeply()" instead.
 /// If only local entries need to be cleared
 /// (to bring shadowed values into view, for example)
 /// then call LocalEntries.Clear() or LocalDefaults.Clear().
 /// </summary>
 public void Clear()
     lock (_syncRoot)
Exemplo n.º 4
 private void Cleanup()
     foreach (var kc in ActiveComponents.Reverse())
         if (kc.Value.LastPing != InputHelper.CurrentFrame - 1)
             Remove(kc.Key, kc.Value);
     CurrentParent = this;
     MaxChildren   = 0;
     ChildrenCount = 0;
Exemplo n.º 5
        public void Bind()
            _words = Data.Access.GetSemanticTypes();
            foreach (SemanticType type in _words)
                SemanticTypeViewModel parent = new SemanticTypeViewModel(type);

                if (parent.ParentId == 0)
                    parent.IsExpanded = true;
        public void GraphWithSelfEdgesPUT(AdjacencyGraph g, int loopBound, bool self)
            Random rnd; //new Random();
            var    choose1 = PexChoose.FromCall(this);

            rnd = choose1.ChooseValue <Random>("Random object");
            for (int i = 0; i < loopBound; ++i)
                for (int j = 0; j < i * i; ++j)
                    RandomGraph.Graph(g, i, j, rnd, true);
                    DepthFirstSearchAlgorithm dfs = new DepthFirstSearchAlgorithm(g);
                    dfs.StartVertex        += new VertexHandler(this.StartVertex);
                    dfs.DiscoverVertex     += new VertexHandler(this.DiscoverVertex);
                    dfs.ExamineEdge        += new EdgeHandler(this.ExamineEdge);
                    dfs.TreeEdge           += new EdgeHandler(this.TreeEdge);
                    dfs.BackEdge           += new EdgeHandler(this.BackEdge);
                    dfs.ForwardOrCrossEdge += new EdgeHandler(this.FowardOrCrossEdge);
                    dfs.FinishVertex       += new VertexHandler(this.FinishVertex);

                    m_Time = 0;

                    foreach (IVertex v in g.Vertices)
                        Parents[v] = v;

                    var choose = PexChoose.FromCall(this);
                    if (choose.ChooseValue <bool>("to add a self ede"))
                        IVertex selfEdge = RandomGraph.Vertex(g, rnd);
                        g.AddEdge(selfEdge, selfEdge);
                    // compute

                    CheckDfs(g, dfs);
Exemplo n.º 7
        /// Summary
        /// Time: 8 min 17 sec
        /// Pattern: AAAA, Parameterized stub
        /// Pex Limitations - Not able to generate any test due to the following issue:
        /// <boundary> maxbranches - 40000 (maximum number of branches exceeded)
        /// [execution] Please notice: A branch in the method System.Collections.Hashtable+HashtableEnumerator.MoveNext was executed 5777 times;
        /// please check that the code is not stuck in an infinite loop.
        /// [test] (run 1) GraphWithoutSelfEdgesPUT01, pathboundsexceeded (duplicate)
        /// [execution] Please notice: A branch in the method System.Collections.Hashtable+HashtableEnumerator.MoveNext was executed 4344 times;
        /// please check that the code is not stuck in an infinite loop.
        /// [test] (run 2) GraphWithoutSelfEdgesPUT01, pathboundsexceeded (duplicate)
        /// <summary>
        /// @Author:Madhuri
        /// </summary>
        public void GraphWithSelfEdgesPUT(AdjacencyGraph g, int loopBound)
            Random rnd = new Random();

            for (int i = 0; i < loopBound; ++i)
                for (int j = 0; j < i * i; ++j)
                    RandomGraph.Graph(g, i, j, rnd, true);
                    BreadthFirstSearchAlgorithm bfs = new BreadthFirstSearchAlgorithm(g);
                    bfs.InitializeVertex += new VertexHandler(this.InitializeVertex);
                    bfs.DiscoverVertex   += new VertexHandler(this.DiscoverVertex);
                    bfs.ExamineEdge      += new EdgeHandler(this.ExamineEdge);
                    bfs.ExamineVertex    += new VertexHandler(this.ExamineVertex);
                    bfs.TreeEdge         += new EdgeHandler(this.TreeEdge);
                    bfs.NonTreeEdge      += new EdgeHandler(this.NonTreeEdge);
                    bfs.GrayTarget       += new EdgeHandler(this.GrayTarget);
                    bfs.BlackTarget      += new EdgeHandler(this.BlackTarget);
                    bfs.FinishVertex     += new VertexHandler(this.FinishVertex);

                    m_CurrentDistance = 0;

                    m_SourceVertex = RandomGraph.Vertex(g, rnd);
                    var choose = PexChoose.FromCall(this);
                    if (choose.ChooseValue <bool>("to add a self ede"))
                        IVertex selfEdge = RandomGraph.Vertex(g, rnd);
                        g.AddEdge(selfEdge, selfEdge);
                    // g.RemoveEdge(RandomGraph.Edge(g, rnd));
                    foreach (IVertex v in g.Vertices)
                        Distances[v] = int.MaxValue;
                        Parents[v]   = v;
                    Distances[SourceVertex] = 0;

                    CheckBfs(g, bfs);
Exemplo n.º 8
        public void GraphWithSelfEdges()
            Random rnd = new Random();

            for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
                for (int j = 0; j < i * i; ++j)
                    AdjacencyGraph g = new AdjacencyGraph(
                        new QuickGraph.Providers.VertexProvider(),
                        new QuickGraph.Providers.EdgeProvider(),
                    RandomGraph.Graph(g, i, j, rnd, true);

                    BreadthFirstSearchAlgorithm bfs = new BreadthFirstSearchAlgorithm(g);
                    bfs.InitializeVertex += new VertexEventHandler(this.InitializeVertex);
                    bfs.DiscoverVertex   += new VertexEventHandler(this.DiscoverVertex);
                    bfs.ExamineEdge      += new EdgeEventHandler(this.ExamineEdge);
                    bfs.ExamineVertex    += new VertexEventHandler(this.ExamineVertex);
                    bfs.TreeEdge         += new EdgeEventHandler(this.TreeEdge);
                    bfs.NonTreeEdge      += new EdgeEventHandler(this.NonTreeEdge);
                    bfs.GrayTarget       += new EdgeEventHandler(this.GrayTarget);
                    bfs.BlackTarget      += new EdgeEventHandler(this.BlackTarget);
                    bfs.FinishVertex     += new VertexEventHandler(this.FinishVertex);

                    m_CurrentDistance = 0;
                    m_SourceVertex    = RandomGraph.Vertex(g, rnd);

                    foreach (IVertex v in g.Vertices)
                        Distances[v] = int.MaxValue;
                        Parents[v]   = v;
                    Distances[SourceVertex] = 0;

                    CheckBfs(g, bfs);
Exemplo n.º 9
        protected virtual void Select()

            var competition = new List <IChromosome <TVertex, TEdge> >();

            while (Population.Count > 0)

                var competitionSize = Random.Next(2, 4);

                for (var i = 0; i < competitionSize && Population.Count > 0; i++)



Exemplo n.º 10
        public override int Produce(
            int min,
            int max,
            int subpop,
            IList <Individual> inds,
            IEvolutionState state,
            int thread,
            IDictionary <string, object> misc)
            int start = inds.Count;

            // how many individuals should we make?
            int n = TypicalIndsProduced;

            if (n < min)
                n = min;
            if (n > max)
                n = max;

            // should we bother?
            if (!state.Random[thread].NextBoolean(Likelihood))
                // just load from source 0 and clone 'em
                Sources[0].Produce(n, n, subpop, inds, state, thread, misc);

            IntBag[] parentparents   = null;
            IntBag[] preserveParents = null;
            if (misc != null && misc.ContainsKey(KEY_PARENTS))
                preserveParents   = (IntBag[])misc[KEY_PARENTS];
                parentparents     = new IntBag[2];
                misc[KEY_PARENTS] = parentparents;

            GPInitializer initializer = (GPInitializer)state.Initializer;

            for (int q = start; q < n + start; /* no increment */) // keep on going until we're filled up

                // grab two individuals from our sources
                if (Sources[0] == Sources[1]) // grab from the same source
                    Sources[0].Produce(2, 2, subpop, Parents, state, thread, misc);
                else // grab from different sources
                    Sources[0].Produce(1, 1, subpop, Parents, state, thread, misc);
                    Sources[1].Produce(1, 1, subpop, Parents, state, thread, misc);

                // at this point, Parents[] contains our two selected individuals

                // are our tree values valid?
                if (Tree1 != TREE_UNFIXED && (Tree1 < 0 || Tree1 >= ((GPIndividual)Parents[0]).Trees.Length))
                    // uh oh
                        "GP Crossover Pipeline attempted to fix tree.0 to a value which was out of bounds of the array of the individual's trees.  Check the pipeline's fixed tree values -- they may be negative or greater than the number of trees in an individual");
                if (Tree2 != TREE_UNFIXED && (Tree2 < 0 || Tree2 >= ((GPIndividual)Parents[1]).Trees.Length))
                    // uh oh
                        "GP Crossover Pipeline attempted to fix tree.1 to a value which was out of bounds of the array of the individual's trees.  Check the pipeline's fixed tree values -- they may be negative or greater than the number of trees in an individual");

                int t1;
                int t2;
                if (Tree1 == TREE_UNFIXED || Tree2 == TREE_UNFIXED)
                    // pick random trees -- their GPTreeConstraints must be the same
                        if (Tree1 == TREE_UNFIXED)
                            if (((GPIndividual)Parents[0]).Trees.Length > 1)
                                t1 = state.Random[thread].NextInt(((GPIndividual)Parents[0]).Trees.Length);
                                t1 = 0;
                            t1 = Tree1;

                        if (Tree2 == TREE_UNFIXED)
                            if (((GPIndividual)Parents[1]).Trees.Length > 1)
                                t2 = state.Random[thread].NextInt(((GPIndividual)Parents[1]).Trees.Length);
                                t2 = 0;
                            t2 = Tree2;
                    } while (((GPIndividual)Parents[0]).Trees[t1].Constraints(initializer) !=
                    t1 = Tree1;
                    t2 = Tree2;
                    // make sure the constraints are okay
                    if (((GPIndividual)Parents[0]).Trees[t1].Constraints(initializer) !=
                        ((GPIndividual)Parents[1]).Trees[t2].Constraints(initializer)) // uh oh
                            "GP Crossover Pipeline's two tree choices are both specified by the user -- but their GPTreeConstraints are not the same");

                bool res1 = false;
                bool res2 = false;

                // BRS: This is kind of stupid to name it this way!
                GPTree currTree = ((GPIndividual)Parents[1]).Trees[t2];

                // pick some nodes
                GPNode p1 = null;
                GPNode p2 = null;

                // lets walk on parent2 all nodes to get subtrees for each node, doing it once for O(N) and not O(N^2)
                // because depth etc are computed and not stored
                ArrayList nodeToSubtrees = new ArrayList();
                // also Hashtable for size to List() of nodes in that size for O(1) lookup
                Hashtable sizeToNodes = new Hashtable();
                TraverseTreeForDepth(currTree.Child, nodeToSubtrees, sizeToNodes);
                // sort the ArrayList with comparator that sorts by subtrees
                nodeToSubtrees.Sort(new NodeComparator());

                for (int x = 0; x < NumTries; x++)
                    // pick a node in individual 1
                    p1 = NodeSelect1.PickNode(state, subpop, thread, (GPIndividual)Parents[0], ((GPIndividual)Parents[0]).Trees[t1]);
                    // now lets find "similar" in parent 2
                    p2 = FindFairSizeNode(nodeToSubtrees, sizeToNodes, p1, currTree, state, thread);

                    // check for depth and swap-compatibility limits
                    res1 = VerifyPoints(initializer, p2, p1); // p2 can fill p1's spot -- order is important!
                    if (n - (q - start) < 2 || TossSecondParent)
                        res2 = true;
                        res2 = VerifyPoints(initializer, p1, p2); // p1 can fill p2's spot --  order is important!
                    // did we get something that had both nodes verified?
                    // we reject if EITHER of them is invalid. This is what lil-gp
                    // does.
                    // Koza only has numTries set to 1, so it's compatible as well.
                    if (res1 && res2)

                // at this point, res1 AND res2 are valid, OR
                // either res1 OR res2 is valid and we ran out of tries, OR
                // neither res1 nor res2 is valid and we rand out of tries.
                // So now we will transfer to a tree which has res1 or res2
                // valid, otherwise it'll just get replicated. This is
                // compatible with both Koza and lil-gp.

                // at this point I could check to see if my sources were breeding
                // pipelines -- but I'm too lazy to write that code (it's a little
                // complicated) to just swap one individual over or both over,
                // -- it might still entail some copying. Perhaps in the future.
                // It would make things faster perhaps, not requiring all that
                // cloning.

                // Create some new individuals based on the old ones -- since
                // GPTree doesn't deep-clone, this should be just fine. Perhaps we
                // should change this to proto off of the main species prototype,
                // but
                // we have to then copy so much stuff over; it's not worth it.

                GPIndividual j1 = ((GPIndividual)Parents[0]).LightClone();
                GPIndividual j2 = null;
                if (n - (q - start) >= 2 && !TossSecondParent)
                    j2 = ((GPIndividual)Parents[1]).LightClone();

                // Fill in various tree information that didn't get filled in there
                j1.Trees = new GPTree[((GPIndividual)Parents[0]).Trees.Length];
                if (n - (q - start) >= 2 && !TossSecondParent)
                    j2.Trees = new GPTree[((GPIndividual)Parents[1]).Trees.Length];

                // at this point, p1 or p2, or both, may be null.
                // If not, swap one in. Else just copy the parent.

                for (int x = 0; x < j1.Trees.Length; x++)
                    if (x == t1 && res1) // we've got a tree with a kicking cross
                    // position!
                        j1.Trees[x]                   = ((GPIndividual)Parents[0]).Trees[x].LightClone();
                        j1.Trees[x].Owner             = j1;
                        j1.Trees[x].Child             = ((GPIndividual)Parents[0]).Trees[x].Child.CloneReplacing(p2, p1);
                        j1.Trees[x].Child.Parent      = j1.Trees[x];
                        j1.Trees[x].Child.ArgPosition = 0;
                        j1.Evaluated                  = false;
                    } // it's changed
                        j1.Trees[x]                   = ((GPIndividual)Parents[0]).Trees[x].LightClone();
                        j1.Trees[x].Owner             = j1;
                        j1.Trees[x].Child             = (GPNode)((GPIndividual)Parents[0]).Trees[x].Child.Clone();
                        j1.Trees[x].Child.Parent      = j1.Trees[x];
                        j1.Trees[x].Child.ArgPosition = 0;

                if (n - (q - start) >= 2 && !TossSecondParent)
                    for (int x = 0; x < j2.Trees.Length; x++)
                        if (x == t2 && res2) // we've got a tree with a kicking
                        // cross position!
                            j2.Trees[x]                   = ((GPIndividual)Parents[1]).Trees[x].LightClone();
                            j2.Trees[x].Owner             = j2;
                            j2.Trees[x].Child             = ((GPIndividual)Parents[1]).Trees[x].Child.CloneReplacing(p1, p2);
                            j2.Trees[x].Child.Parent      = j2.Trees[x];
                            j2.Trees[x].Child.ArgPosition = 0;
                            j2.Evaluated                  = false;
                        } // it's changed
                            j2.Trees[x]                   = ((GPIndividual)Parents[1]).Trees[x].LightClone();
                            j2.Trees[x].Owner             = j2;
                            j2.Trees[x].Child             = (GPNode)((GPIndividual)Parents[1]).Trees[x].Child.Clone();
                            j2.Trees[x].Child.Parent      = j2.Trees[x];
                            j2.Trees[x].Child.ArgPosition = 0;

                // add the individuals to the population
                // by Ermo. I think this should be add
                // inds.set(q,j1);
                // Yes -- Sean
                if (preserveParents != null)
                    preserveParents[q] = parentparents[0];

                if (q < n + start && !TossSecondParent)
                    // by Ermo. Same reason, should changed to add
                    //inds[q] = j2;
                    if (preserveParents != null)
                        preserveParents[q] = parentparents[0];
Exemplo n.º 11
        private void AddStudent()
            if (!AddNewMode)
                Person = SelectedPerson;
            LastModule = SelectedGroup?.LastModule;
            if (Person != null && LastModule != null)
                using (var _context = new ApplicationContext())
                    var person = _context.Persons.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ID == Person.ID);
                    if (person == null)
                        Parents = ParentPicker.Parents;
                        person  = new Person()
                            FirstName  = Person.FirstName,
                            SecondName = Person.SecondName,
                            Patronymic = Person.Patronymic,
                            Phone      = Person.Phone
                        _context.Entry(person).State = EntityState.Added;

                        foreach (var parent in Parents)
                            if (!_context.Parents.Any(x => x.ID == parent.ID))
                                _context.Entry(parent).State = EntityState.Added;
                                _context.Entry(parent).State = EntityState.Unchanged;
                            var newPair = _context.PersonParents.Add(new PersonParent()
                                Parent = parent,
                                Person = person
                            _context.Entry(newPair).State = EntityState.Added;

                    var student = new Student()
                        DateStart = LastModule.DateStart,
                        Balance   = 0,
                        Module_ID = LastModule.ID,
                        Person    = person

                    EventsManager.RaiseObjectChangedEvent(student, ChangeType.Added);
            Person = new Person();
Exemplo n.º 12
        public override int Produce(
            int min,
            int max,
            int subpop,
            IList <Individual> inds,
            IEvolutionState state,
            int thread,
            IDictionary <string, object> misc)
            int start = inds.Count;

            // how many individuals should we make?
            var n = TypicalIndsProduced;

            if (n < min)
                n = min;
            if (n > max)
                n = max;

            // should we bother?
            if (!state.Random[thread].NextBoolean(Likelihood))
                // just load from source 0 and clone 'em
                Sources[0].Produce(n, n, subpop, inds, state, thread, misc);

            IntBag[] parentparents   = null;
            IntBag[] preserveParents = null;
            if (misc != null && misc.ContainsKey(KEY_PARENTS))
                preserveParents   = (IntBag[])misc[KEY_PARENTS];
                parentparents     = new IntBag[2];
                misc[KEY_PARENTS] = parentparents;

            for (var q = start; q < n + start; /* no increment */) // keep on going until we're filled up

                // grab two individuals from our sources
                if (Sources[0] == Sources[1]) // grab from the same source
                    Sources[0].Produce(2, 2, subpop, Parents, state, thread, misc);
                else // grab from different sources
                    Sources[0].Produce(1, 1, subpop, Parents, state, thread, misc);
                    Sources[1].Produce(1, 1, subpop, Parents, state, thread, misc);

                // determines size of parents, in terms of chunks
                var chunkSize = ((VectorSpecies)Parents[0].Species).ChunkSize;
                var size      = new int[2];
                size[0] = ((VectorIndividual)Parents[0]).GenomeLength;
                size[1] = ((VectorIndividual)Parents[1]).GenomeLength;
                var sizeInChunks = new int[2];
                sizeInChunks[0] = size[0] / chunkSize;
                sizeInChunks[1] = size[1] / chunkSize;

                // variables used to split & join the children
                var minChunks = new int[2];
                var maxChunks = new int[2];

                // BRS : TODO : Change to rectangular arrays?
                var split = new int[2][];
                for (var x = 0; x < 2; x++)
                    split[x] = new int[2];
                var pieces = new Object[2][];
                for (var x = 0; x < 2; x++)
                    pieces[x] = new object[2];

                // determine min and max crossover segment lengths, in terms of chunks
                for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                    minChunks[i] = (int)(sizeInChunks[i] * MinCrossoverPercentage);
                    // round minCrossoverPercentage up to nearest chunk boundary
                    if (size[i] % chunkSize != 0 && minChunks[i] < sizeInChunks[i])
                    maxChunks[i] = (int)(sizeInChunks[i] * MaxCrossoverPercentage);

                // attempt 'num-tries' times to produce valid children (which are bigger than min-child-size)
                var validChildren = false;
                var attempts      = 0;
                while (validChildren == false && attempts < NumTries)
                    // generate split indices for one-point (tail end used as end of segment)
                    if (CrossoverType == VectorSpecies.C_ONE_POINT)
                        for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                            // select first index at most 'max_chunks' away from tail end of vector
                            split[i][0] = sizeInChunks[i] - maxChunks[i];
                            // shift back towards tail end with random value based on min/max parameters
                            split[i][0] += state.Random[thread].NextInt(maxChunks[i] - minChunks[i]);
                            // convert split from chunk numbers to array indices
                            split[i][0] *= chunkSize;
                            // select tail end chunk boundary as second split index
                            split[i][1] = sizeInChunks[i] * chunkSize;

                    // generate split indices for two-point (both indicies have randomized positions)
                    else if (CrossoverType == VectorSpecies.C_TWO_POINT)
                        for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                            // select first split index randomly
                            split[i][0] = state.Random[thread].NextInt(sizeInChunks[i] - minChunks[i]);
                            // second index must be at least 'min_chunks' after the first index
                            split[i][1] = split[i][0] + minChunks[i];
                            // add a random value up to max crossover size, without exceeding size of the parent
                            split[i][1] += state.Random[thread].NextInt(Math.Min(maxChunks[i] - minChunks[i],
                                                                                 sizeInChunks[i] - split[i][0]));
                            // convert split from chunk numbers to array indices
                            split[i][0] *= chunkSize;
                            split[i][1] *= chunkSize;

                    // use the split indices generated above to split the parents into pieces
                    ((VectorIndividual)Parents[0]).Split(split[0], pieces[0]);
                    ((VectorIndividual)Parents[1]).Split(split[1], pieces[1]);

                    // create copies of the parents, swap the middle segment, and then rejoin the pieces
                    // - this is done to test whether or not the resulting children are of a valid size,
                    // - because we are using Object references to an undetermined array type, there is no way
                    //   to cast it to the appropriate array type (i.e. short[] or double[]) to figure out the
                    //   length of the pieces
                    // - instead, we use the join method on copies, and let each vector type figure out its own
                    //   length with the genomeLength() method
                    var children = new VectorIndividual[2];
                    children[0] = (VectorIndividual)Parents[0].Clone();
                    children[1] = (VectorIndividual)Parents[1].Clone();

                    var swap = pieces[0][1];
                    pieces[0][1] = pieces[1][1];
                    pieces[1][1] = swap;

                    if (children[0].GenomeLength > MinChildSize && children[1].GenomeLength > MinChildSize)
                        validChildren = true;

                // if the children produced were valid, updates the parents
                if (validChildren)
                    Parents[0].Evaluated = false;
                    Parents[1].Evaluated = false;

                // add parents to the population
                // by Ermo. is this wrong?
                // -- Okay Sean
                if (preserveParents != null)
                    preserveParents[q] = parentparents[0];
                if (q < n + start && TossSecondParent == false)
                    // by Ermo. also this is wrong?
                    if (preserveParents != null)
                        preserveParents[q] = parentparents[0];
Exemplo n.º 13
        public override int Produce(
            int min,
            int max,
            int subpop,
            IList <Individual> inds,
            IEvolutionState state,
            int thread,
            IDictionary <string, object> misc)
            int start = inds.Count;

            // how many individuals should we make?
            var n = TypicalIndsProduced;

            if (n < min)
                n = min;
            if (n > max)
                n = max;

            IntBag[] parentparents   = null;
            IntBag[] preserveParents = null;

            if (misc != null && misc.ContainsKey(KEY_PARENTS))
                preserveParents   = (IntBag[])misc[KEY_PARENTS];
                parentparents     = new IntBag[2];
                misc[KEY_PARENTS] = parentparents;

            // should we bother?
            // should we use them straight?
            if (!state.Random[thread].NextBoolean(Likelihood))
                // just load from source 0 and clone 'em
                Sources[0].Produce(n, n, subpop, inds, state, thread, misc);

            for (var q = start; q < n + start;)
            // keep on going until we're filled up

                // grab two individuals from our Sources
                if (Sources[0] == Sources[1])
                // grab from the same source
                    Sources[0].Produce(2, 2, subpop, Parents, state, thread, misc);
                // grab from different Sources
                    Sources[0].Produce(1, 1, subpop, Parents, state, thread, misc);
                    Sources[1].Produce(1, 1, subpop, Parents, state, thread, misc);

                // at this point, Parents[] contains our two selected individuals,
                // AND they're copied so we own them and can make whatever modifications
                // we like on them.

                // so we'll cross them over now.  Since this is the default pipeline,
                // we'll just do it by calling defaultCrossover on the first child

                ((VectorIndividual)Parents[0]).DefaultCrossover(state, thread, (VectorIndividual)Parents[1]);
                Parents[0].Evaluated = false;
                Parents[1].Evaluated = false;

                // add 'em to the population
                // by Ermo. this should use add instead of set, because the inds is empty, so will throw index out of bounds
                // okay -- Sean
                if (preserveParents != null)
                    preserveParents[q] = parentparents[0];
                if (q < n + start && !TossSecondParent)
                    // by Ermo. as as here, see the comments above
                    if (preserveParents != null)
                        preserveParents[q] = new IntBag(parentparents[0]);
            if (preserveParents != null)
                misc[KEY_PARENTS] = preserveParents;