Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Get import target description where given attribute is defined
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="attribute">Import attribute</param>
        /// <param name="componentType">Type of defining component</param>
        /// <param name="importMethodID">Id of method that can be used for import. It is <c>null</c> for self exports</param>
        /// <param name="importType">Type of defined export</param>
        /// <returns><c>true</c> if target has been successfully found, <c>false</c> otherwise</returns>
        private bool getImportTarget(CodeAttribute2 attribute, TypeDescriptor componentType, out MethodID importMethodID, out TypeDescriptor importType)
            var target = attribute.Parent as CodeElement;

            importMethodID = null;
            importType     = null;

            var name = target.Name();

            switch (target.Kind)
            case vsCMElement.vsCMElementVariable:
                //variables are represented by properties within type system
                importType     = _assembly.InfoBuilder.CreateDescriptor((target as CodeVariable).Type);
                importMethodID = Naming.Method(componentType, Naming.SetterPrefix + name, false,
                                               ParameterTypeInfo.Create("value", importType)

            case vsCMElement.vsCMElementProperty:
                importType     = _assembly.InfoBuilder.CreateDescriptor((target as CodeProperty).Type);
                importMethodID = Naming.Method(componentType, Naming.SetterPrefix + name, false,
                                               ParameterTypeInfo.Create("value", importType)

Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates <see cref="TypeMethodInfo" /> for given element.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="element">Element which <see cref="TypeMethodInfo" /> is created.</param>
        /// <returns>Created <see cref="TypeMethodInfo" />.</returns>
        internal TypeMethodInfo BuildFrom(CodeVariable element)
            var isShared      = element.IsShared;
            var isAbstract    = false; //variables cannot be abstract
            var declaringType = CreateDescriptor(element.Parent as CodeClass);
            var variableType  = CreateDescriptor(element.Type);

            //variables cannot have type arguments
            var methodTypeArguments = TypeDescriptor.NoDescriptors;

            TypeDescriptor returnType;

            ParameterTypeInfo[] parameters;

            var buildGetter = RequiredName.StartsWith(Naming.GetterPrefix);

            if (buildGetter)
                returnType = variableType;
                parameters = ParameterTypeInfo.NoParams;
                returnType = TypeDescriptor.Void;
                parameters = new[] { ParameterTypeInfo.Create("value", variableType) };

            var methodInfo = new TypeMethodInfo(
                declaringType, RequiredName, returnType, parameters,
                isShared, methodTypeArguments, isAbstract

Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the array that will contains given instances.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="itemType">Type of the array item.</param>
        /// <param name="instances">The instances.</param>
        /// <returns>Instance referene with created array.</returns>
        internal InstanceRef CreateArray(TypeDescriptor itemType, IEnumerable <InstanceRef> instances)
            var instArray = instances.ToArray();

            var arrayInfo = TypeDescriptor.Create(string.Format("Array<{0},1>", itemType.TypeName));
            var intParam  = ParameterTypeInfo.Create("p", TypeDescriptor.Create <int>());
            var ctorID    = Naming.Method(arrayInfo, Naming.CtorName, false, intParam);
            var setID     = Naming.Method(arrayInfo, "set_Item", false, intParam, ParameterTypeInfo.Create("p2", itemType));

            var arrayStorage = getFreeStorage("arr");

            emit((e) =>
                //array construction
                e.AssignNewObject(arrayStorage, arrayInfo);
                var lengthVar = e.GetTemporaryVariable("len");
                e.AssignLiteral(lengthVar, instArray.Length);
                e.Call(ctorID, arrayStorage, Arguments.Values(lengthVar));

                //set instances to appropriate indexes
                var arrIndex = e.GetTemporaryVariable("set");
                for (int i = 0; i < instArray.Length; ++i)
                    var instStorage = getStorage(instArray[i]);
                    e.AssignLiteral(arrIndex, i);
                    e.Call(setID, arrayStorage, Arguments.Values(arrIndex, instStorage));

            var array = new InstanceRef(this, arrayInfo, true);

            _instanceStorages[array] = arrayStorage;

Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate unary info for specified method.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="methodName">Name of the method.</param>
        /// <returns>TypeMethodInfo.</returns>
        private TypeMethodInfo unaryOperatorInfo(string methodName)
            var thisInfo = TypeDescriptor.Create <T>();

            var op = ParameterTypeInfo.Create("op", thisInfo);

            var methodInfo = new TypeMethodInfo(thisInfo, methodName, thisInfo, ParameterTypeInfo.NoParams, false, TypeDescriptor.NoDescriptors);

Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate binary info for specified method.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="methodName">Name of the method.</param>
        /// <param name="resultInfo">The result information.</param>
        /// <returns>TypeMethodInfo.</returns>
        private TypeMethodInfo binaryInfo(string methodName, TypeDescriptor resultInfo)
            var thisInfo = TypeDescriptor.Create <T>();

            var op1 = ParameterTypeInfo.Create("op1", thisInfo);
            var op2 = ParameterTypeInfo.Create("op2", thisInfo);

            var methodInfo = new TypeMethodInfo(thisInfo, methodName, resultInfo, new ParameterTypeInfo[] { op2 }, false, TypeDescriptor.NoDescriptors);

Exemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates <see cref="TypeMethodInfo" /> for given element.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="element">Element which <see cref="TypeMethodInfo" /> is created.</param>
        /// <returns>Created <see cref="TypeMethodInfo" />.</returns>
        protected TypeMethodInfo BuildFrom(CodeProperty element)
            //translate name according to naming conventions of type system
            var buildGetter = RequiredName.StartsWith(Naming.GetterPrefix);
            var namePrefix  = buildGetter ? Naming.GetterPrefix : Naming.SetterPrefix;

            var property2 = element as CodeProperty2;
            var isShared  = property2 != null && property2.IsShared;

            var method     = buildGetter ? element.Getter : element.Setter;
            var isAbstract = method == null || method.MustImplement;

            var declaringTypeNode = element.DeclaringClass();
            var declaringType     = CreateDescriptor(declaringTypeNode);
            var variableType      = CreateDescriptor(element.Type);

            //properties cannot have type arguments
            var methodTypeArguments = TypeDescriptor.NoDescriptors;

            TypeDescriptor returnType;

            ParameterTypeInfo[] parameters;
            if (buildGetter)
                returnType = variableType;
                parameters = ParameterTypeInfo.NoParams;
                returnType = TypeDescriptor.Void;
                parameters = new[] { ParameterTypeInfo.Create("value", variableType) };

            var isIndexer = RequiredName == Naming.IndexerSetter || RequiredName == Naming.IndexerGetter;

            if (isIndexer)
                var indexParameters = CreateParametersInfo(method.Parameters);
                parameters = indexParameters.Concat(parameters).ToArray();

            var methodInfo = new TypeMethodInfo(
                declaringType, RequiredName, returnType, parameters,
                isShared, methodTypeArguments, isAbstract

Exemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates parameter's info from given <see cref="CodeElements" /> describing method parameters.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parameters">Method parameters described by <see cref="CodeElements" />.</param>
        /// <returns>Created parameter's info.</returns>
        public ParameterTypeInfo[] CreateParametersInfo(CodeElements parameters)
            var result = new List <ParameterTypeInfo>();

            foreach (CodeParameter parameter in parameters)
                var paramName = parameter.Name;
                var paramType = CreateDescriptor(parameter.Type);

                //TODO: default values handling
                var parameterInfo = ParameterTypeInfo.Create(paramName, paramType);

Exemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Create setter info for given field.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="field">Field which setter is needed.</param>
        /// <returns>Created setter.</returns>
        private TypeMethodInfo createSetter(FieldInfo field)
            if (field == null)

            var name          = Naming.SetterPrefix + field.Name;
            var declaringType = TypeDescriptor.Create(field.DeclaringType);
            var fieldType     = TypeDescriptor.Create(field.FieldType);
            var isStatic      = field.IsStatic;

            return(new TypeMethodInfo(declaringType,
                                      name, TypeDescriptor.Void, new ParameterTypeInfo[] {
                ParameterTypeInfo.Create("value", fieldType)
                                      isStatic, TypeDescriptor.NoDescriptors));
Exemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Create setter info for given field.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="field">Field which setter is needed.</param>
        /// <param name="context">Context of transcription.</param>
        /// <returns>Created setter.</returns>
        private TypeMethodInfo createSetter(FieldReference field, TranscriptionContext context)
            if (field == null)

            var name = Naming.SetterPrefix + field.Name;

            var declaringType = createTypeInfo(field.DeclaringType, context);
            var fieldType     = createTypeInfo(field.FieldType, context);
            var isStatic      = resolveIsStatic(field, context);

            return(new TypeMethodInfo(declaringType,
                                      name, TypeDescriptor.Void, new ParameterTypeInfo[] {
                ParameterTypeInfo.Create("value", fieldType)
                                      isStatic, TypeDescriptor.NoDescriptors));
Exemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Apply information available in method reference.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="methodReference">Method reference of builded method info.</param>
        private void applyMethod(MethodReference methodReference)
            //set default parameters
            foreach (var param in methodReference.Parameters)
                var paramInfo = ParameterTypeInfo.Create(param.Name, GetDescriptor(param.ParameterType));

            var name = methodReference.Name;

            switch (name)
            case ".ctor":
                name = Naming.CtorName;

            case ".cctor":
                name = Naming.ClassCtorName;

            //set default MethodName
            MethodName = name;

            //set default IsStatic
            IsStatic = !methodReference.HasThis;

            //set default ReturnType
            ReturnType = GetDescriptor(methodReference.ReturnType);

            //set method generic parameters if available
            var parameters = methodReference.GenericParameters;

            //TODO ensure that this doesnt colide with GenericInstanceMethods handling
            // in applyGenericMethod
            foreach (var par in parameters)
                var parType = TypeHelper.BuildDescriptor(par);