// ------------------------------------------
        // CLONING
        // ------------------------------------------

        #region Cloning

        /// <summary>
        /// Clones this instance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Returns a clone of this instance.</returns>
        public override object Clone(params string[] areas)
            IBdoScriptwordConfiguration config = base.Clone(areas) as BdoScriptwordConfiguration;

            config.ParameterDetail = ParameterDetail?.Clone <DataElementSet>();
            config.SubScriptword   = SubScriptword?.Clone <BdoScriptwordConfiguration>();

Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Start Strategy Optimization
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="optimizationParameters">Contains info for the parameters to be used for optimization</param>
        private void StartOptimization(BruteForceParameters optimizationParameters)
                // Save instance
                _optimizationParameters = optimizationParameters;

                if (_asyncClassLogger.IsInfoEnabled)
                    _asyncClassLogger.Info("Getting argument combinations", _type.FullName, "StartOptimization");

                // Change Status to indicate on UI
                _optimizationParameters.Status = OptimizationStatus.Working;

                // Clear all previous information

                // Get Parameter values to be used in the Constructor
                object[] ctorArguments = optimizationParameters.GetParameterValues();

                // Get Conditional Parameter values to be used for creating Iterations
                Tuple <int, object, double>[] conditionalParameters = optimizationParameters.GetConditionalParameters();

                // Save Parameter Details
                _parmatersDetails = optimizationParameters.ParameterDetails;

                // Get all ctor arguments to be used for optimization
                CreateCtorCombinations(ctorArguments, conditionalParameters);

                // Initialize Stratgey for each set of arguments
                foreach (object[] ctorArgumentValues in _ctorArguments)
                    // Get new Key.
                    string key = ApplicationIdGenerator.NextId();

                    var instanceParameterDetails = new Dictionary <string, ParameterDetail>();

                    for (int i = 0; i < ctorArgumentValues.Length; i++)
                        // Create new parameter details to be when creating Strategy Instance object
                        ParameterDetail tempParameterDetail = new ParameterDetail(_parmatersDetails[i].ParameterType, ctorArgumentValues[i]);

                        instanceParameterDetails.Add(_parmatersDetails[i].Description, tempParameterDetail);

                    // Create Strategy Instance object
                    var instance = new StrategyInstance(key, instanceParameterDetails, optimizationParameters.StrategyType);

                    // Save Strategy details in new Strategy Executor object
                    var strategyExecutor = new StrategyExecutor(instance, _currentDispatcher);

                    // Register Event
                    strategyExecutor.StatusChanged += OnStrategyExecutorStatusChanged;

                    // Add to local map
                    _strategiesCollection.AddOrUpdate(key, strategyExecutor, (ky, value) => strategyExecutor);

                    StringBuilder parametersInfo = new StringBuilder();
                    foreach (object ctorArgument in strategyExecutor.CtorArguments)
                        parametersInfo.Append(" | ");

                    // Create new object to be used with Event Aggregator
                    var optimizationStatistics = new OptimizationStatistics(strategyExecutor.StrategyKey);
                    optimizationStatistics.Description      = parametersInfo.ToString();
                    optimizationStatistics.ExecutionDetails = instance.ExecutionDetails;

                    // Raise event to Bind statistics to UI and will be updated as each instance is executed
                    EventSystem.Publish <OptimizationStatistics>(optimizationStatistics);

                // Save total number of iterations count
                _optimizationParameters.TotalIterations = _strategiesCollection.Count;

                // Start executing each instance
            catch (Exception exception)
                _asyncClassLogger.Error(exception, _type.FullName, "StartOptimization");
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns if animator is updated and bytes of updated values.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private bool AnimatorUpdated(out byte[] updatedBytes, bool forceAll = false)
            updatedBytes = null;
            List <ChangedParameter> cps = new List <ChangedParameter>();
            //Bytes required to accomodate changed parameters.
            int requiredBytes = 0;

            /* Every time a parameter is updated a byte is added
             * for it's index, this is why requiredBytes increases
             * by 1 when a value updates. ChangedParameter contains
             * the index updated and the new value. The requiresBytes
             * is increased also by however many bytes are required
             * for the type which has changed. Some types use special parameter
             * detail indexes, such as layer weights; these can be found under const. */

            for (byte i = 0; i < _parameterDetails.Count; i++)
                ParameterDetail pd = _parameterDetails[i];
                /* Bool. */
                if (pd.ControllerParameter.type == AnimatorControllerParameterType.Bool)
                    bool next = _animator.GetBool(pd.Hash);
                    //If changed.
                    if (forceAll || _bools[pd.TypeIndex] != next)
                        cps.Add(new ChangedParameter(i, BitConverter.GetBytes(next)));
                        _bools[pd.TypeIndex] = next;
                        //Parameter index + data.
                        requiredBytes += (1 + 1);
                /* Float. */
                else if (pd.ControllerParameter.type == AnimatorControllerParameterType.Float)
                    float next = _animator.GetFloat(pd.Hash);
                    //If changed.
                    if (forceAll || _floats[pd.TypeIndex] != next)
                        byte[] data = Compression.ReturnCompressedFloat(next);
                        cps.Add(new ChangedParameter(i, data));
                        _floats[pd.TypeIndex] = next;
                        //Parameter index + data.
                        requiredBytes += (1 + data.Length);
                /* Int. */
                else if (pd.ControllerParameter.type == AnimatorControllerParameterType.Int)
                    int next = _animator.GetInteger(pd.Hash);
                    //If changed.
                    if (forceAll || _ints[pd.TypeIndex] != next)
                        byte[] data = Compression.ReturnCompressedInteger(next);
                        cps.Add(new ChangedParameter(i, data));
                        _ints[pd.TypeIndex] = next;
                        //Parameter index + data.
                        requiredBytes += (1 + data.Length);

            /* Also add any trigger updates.
             * Each trigger update will require
             * 2 bytes, for the indicator and value.
             * So add on two required bytes
             * for every trigger update count. */
            /* Don't need to force trigger sends since
             * they're one-shots. */
            requiredBytes += (_triggerUpdates.Count * 2);

            if (forceAll)
                //Add all layers to layer states.
                for (int i = 0; i < _animator.layerCount; i++)
            //Go through each layer which needs to be synchronized.
            foreach (int layerIndex in _unsynchronizedLayerStates)
                if (ReturnLayerState(out int stateHash, out float normalizedTime, layerIndex))
                    int writeIndex = 0;
                    //Cannot compress hash, it will always be too large.
                    byte[] hashBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(stateHash);
                    byte[] time      = Compression.ReturnCompressedFloat(normalizedTime);
                    //Resize for layerindex, hash, and time.
                    byte[] data = new byte[1 + hashBytes.Length + time.Length];
                    //Layer index.
                    data[0] = (byte)layerIndex;
                    Array.Copy(hashBytes, 0, data, writeIndex, hashBytes.Length);
                    writeIndex += hashBytes.Length;
                    Array.Copy(time, 0, data, writeIndex, time.Length);
                    _animator.Play(stateHash, layerIndex, normalizedTime);
                    //1 for parameter index and then data.
                    requiredBytes += (1 + data.Length);
                    //Add to cps.
                    cps.Add(new ChangedParameter(STATE, data));

            //Layer weights are added on as raw bytes
            List <byte> layerBytes = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < _layerWeights.Length; i++)
                float next = _animator.GetLayerWeight(i);
                if (forceAll || _layerWeights[i] != next)
                    if (layerBytes == null)
                        layerBytes = new List <byte>();
                    //Layerweight indicator.
                    //Layer index.
                    //Weight value.
                    byte[] compressedWeight = Compression.ReturnCompressedFloat(next);
                    //indicator, layer index, data.
                    requiredBytes += (2 + compressedWeight.Length);

                    _layerWeights[i] = next;

            /* Speed is similar to layer weights but we don't need the index,
             * only the indicator and value. */
            byte[] speedBytes = null;
            float  speedNext  = _animator.speed;

            if (forceAll || _speed != speedNext)
                byte[] speedCompressed = Compression.ReturnCompressedFloat(speedNext);
                //1 byte for speed indicator, rest for actual speed.
                speedBytes    = new byte[1 + speedCompressed.Length];
                speedBytes[0] = SPEED;
                Array.Copy(speedCompressed, 0, speedBytes, 1, speedCompressed.Length);
                //Indicator + value.
                requiredBytes += speedBytes.Length;

                _speed = speedNext;

            //If no bytes are required then there is nothing to update.
            if (requiredBytes == 0)

            //Current write index for byte array.
            int updateWriteIndex = 0;

            updatedBytes = new byte[requiredBytes];

            //If speed change exist.
            if (speedBytes != null)
                Array.Copy(speedBytes, 0, updatedBytes, updateWriteIndex, speedBytes.Length);
                updateWriteIndex += speedBytes.Length;
            //If there are layer weights to add.
            if (layerBytes != null)
                byte[] layersArray = layerBytes.ToArray();
                Array.Copy(layersArray, 0, updatedBytes, updateWriteIndex, layersArray.Length);
                updateWriteIndex += layersArray.Length;

            //If there are changed parameters.
            if (cps.Count > 0)
                //Build into byte array.
                foreach (ChangedParameter cp in cps)
                    updatedBytes[updateWriteIndex] = cp.ParameterIndex;
                    Array.Copy(cp.Data, 0, updatedBytes, updateWriteIndex + 1, cp.Data.Length);
                    //Increase index.
                    updateWriteIndex += (1 + cp.Data.Length);

        /// <summary>InspectConstructor
        /// <para></para>
        /// </summary>
        public Dictionary <int, ParameterDetail> InspectMethods(Type CurrentType)
            ParameterInfo[]      parameters                    = null;
            ParameterDetail      ObjParameterDetail            = null;
            AnnotationDefination ObjAnnotationDefination       = null;
            Dictionary <int, ParameterDetail> CtorParams       = new Dictionary <int, ParameterDetail>();
            List <string>           TypeCollections            = null;
            ParameterNameCollection ObjParameterNameCollection = null;
            List <string>           GenericParameterTypeName   = new List <string>();

                int index = 0;
                TypeCollections = new List <string>();
                foreach (var ctor in CurrentType.GetConstructors())
                    ObjParameterDetail = new ParameterDetail();
                    parameters         = ctor.GetParameters();
                    foreach (var param in parameters)
                        var    NewType       = param.ParameterType;
                        String FullNameSpace = NewType.AssemblyQualifiedName;
                        if (FullNameSpace != null)
                            if (FullNameSpace != null)
                                ObjParameterNameCollection = new ParameterNameCollection();
                                ObjParameterDetail.WrapperFullDescription = "";
                                if (FullNameSpace.IndexOf("`") != -1)
                                    ObjParameterNameCollection.Name = FullNameSpace;
                                    ObjParameterNameCollection.Name = FullNameSpace.Split(new char[] { ',' })[0];
                                ObjParameterNameCollection.ArgumentName = param.Name;
                                throw new ApplicationException("Unable to resolve constructor paramter for class: " + NewType.Name);
                        else if (NewType.AssemblyQualifiedName == null)
                            if (NewType.IsGenericType)
                                if (NewType.AssemblyQualifiedName == null)
                                    if (NewType.GenericTypeArguments.Count() > 0)
                                        ObjParameterNameCollection = BuildParameter(NewType, ref GenericParameterTypeName);
                                    if (ObjParameterNameCollection != null)
                                ObjParameterNameCollection = BuildParameter(NewType, ref GenericParameterTypeName);
                                if (ObjParameterNameCollection != null)
                            ObjParameterDetail.WrapperFullDescription = "";
                            if (ObjParameterNameCollection == null)
                                ObjParameterNameCollection = new ParameterNameCollection {
                                    Name = NewType.Name

                    IEnumerable <Attribute> CtorAttributes = ctor.GetCustomAttributes();
                    foreach (var attr in CtorAttributes)
                        ObjAnnotationDefination = new AnnotationDefination();
                        ObjAnnotationDefination.AnnotationName = attr.GetType().Name;
                        ObjAnnotationDefination.AppliedOn      = "ctor";
                        if (ObjAnnotationDefination.AnnotationName == "Enabled")
                            ObjAnnotationDefination.OrderNo = ((BottomhalfCore.Annotations.Enabled)attr).Order;
                        if (ObjAnnotationDefination.AnnotationName == "File")
                            ObjAnnotationDefination.Filename = ((BottomhalfCore.Annotations.File)attr).Filename;
                        if (ObjParameterDetail.AnnotationDetail == null)
                            ObjParameterDetail.AnnotationDetail = new List <AnnotationDefination>();

                    if ((ObjParameterDetail.AnnotationDetail != null && ObjParameterDetail.AnnotationDetail.Count > 0) || ObjParameterDetail.Parameters.Count > 0)
                        CtorParams.Add(++index, ObjParameterDetail);
                if (TypeCollections.Count() > 0)
                    ObjParameterDetail.IsGeneric = true;
                    if (GenericParameterTypeName.Count() > 0)
                        ObjParameterDetail.GenericParameterTypeName = GenericParameterTypeName;
                        GenericParameterTypeName = null;

            catch (BeanException _beanEx)
                _beanEx.LocationTrack(this.GetType().FullName + "InspectConstructor()");
                throw _beanEx;
            catch (Exception ex)
                BeanException ObjBeanException = new BeanException();
                ObjBeanException.LocationTrack(this.GetType().FullName + "InspectConstructor()");
                throw ObjBeanException;
        /// <summary>ManageConstructor
        /// <para></para>
        /// </summary>
        public void ManageConstructor(Dictionary <string, TypeRefCollection> ClassTypeCollection)
                string Element = null;
                ParameterNameCollection ParamCollectionName = null;
                int               typeindex = 0, CtorIndex = 0, paramindex = 0;
                List <string>     Properties = null;
                TypeRefCollection TypeRef    = null;
                ParameterDetail   ObjParameterDetail = null;
                Boolean           RemoveFlag = false;
                Dictionary <string, List <InterfaceClassLinker> > interfaceClassLinker = container.GetInterfaceClassLinker();
                INameSpaceHandler nameSpaceHandler = new NameSpaceHandler();
                while (typeindex < ClassTypeCollection.Count)
                    TypeRef = ClassTypeCollection.ElementAt(typeindex).Value;

                    //--------------------------------- Managing attribute  ---------------------------------------------------
                    if (TypeRef.FieldAttributesCollection != null && TypeRef.FieldAttributesCollection.Count > 0)
                        int fieldindex = 0;
                        Properties = new List <string>();
                        while (fieldindex < TypeRef.FieldAttributesCollection.Count)
                            var FieldName = TypeRef.FieldAttributesCollection[fieldindex].FieldName;
                            if (FieldName != null && FieldName.IndexOf('`') != -1)
                                Element = null;
                                Element = FieldName.Substring(0, FieldName.IndexOf("[["));
                                var NewObj = interfaceClassLinker.Where(x => x.Key == Element).FirstOrDefault().Value;
                                if (NewObj != null && NewObj.Count > 0)
                                    if (TypeRef.FieldAttributesCollection[fieldindex].IsInterface)
                                        List <string> SplittedCollection = ConvertNameSpaceToList(FieldName);

                                        /// <summary>
                                        /// Handle and manage class or types namespace
                                        /// </summary>
                                        SplittedCollection = nameSpaceHandler.ResolveNamespace(SplittedCollection);
                                        if (SplittedCollection.Count == 2)
                                            int removeindex = 0;
                                            while (removeindex < SplittedCollection.Count)
                                                if (SplittedCollection[removeindex].IndexOf("`") != 1)
                                            SplittedCollection[0] = NewObj.FirstOrDefault().FullName; //ParamCollectionName.Name;

                                        if (SplittedCollection.Count == 1)
                                            TypeRef.FieldAttributesCollection[fieldindex].FieldName   = SplittedCollection[0];
                                            TypeRef.FieldAttributesCollection[fieldindex].GenericList = null;
                                            TypeRef.FieldAttributesCollection[fieldindex].FieldName   = null;
                                            TypeRef.FieldAttributesCollection[fieldindex].GenericList = SplittedCollection;

                    //-------------------------------------------- Managing controller -------------------------------------------
                    if (TypeRef != null && TypeRef.Constructors.Count > 0)
                        CtorIndex = 0;
                        while (CtorIndex < TypeRef.Constructors.Count)
                            ObjParameterDetail = TypeRef.Constructors.ElementAt(CtorIndex).Value;
                            if (ObjParameterDetail != null && ObjParameterDetail.Parameters.Count > 0)
                                paramindex = 0;
                                while (paramindex < ObjParameterDetail.Parameters.Count)
                                    RemoveFlag          = false;
                                    ParamCollectionName = ObjParameterDetail.Parameters.ElementAt(paramindex);
                                    //------------->  Converting generic collection types -----------------------------
                                    if (ParamCollectionName.Name.IndexOf("`") != -1)
                                        if ((ParamCollectionName.Name.Split(new char[] { '`' })[0]).IndexOf("System.Collections") == -1)
                                            if (ParamCollectionName.Name.IndexOf("[[") != -1)
                                                Element = ParamCollectionName.Name.Split(new string[] { "[[" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[0];
                                                Element = ParamCollectionName.Name;
                                            if (Element.IndexOf("`1") != -1)
                                                if (ParamCollectionName.Name.IndexOf("[[") != -1)
                                                    Element = ParamCollectionName.Name.Split(new string[] { "[[" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[1];
                                                    Element = ParamCollectionName.Name;
                                                ParamCollectionName.Name = Element.Split(new[] { ',' })[0];
                                                RemoveFlag = true;
                                                var NewObj = interfaceClassLinker.Where(x => x.Key == Element).FirstOrDefault().Value;
                                                if (NewObj != null)
                                                    RemoveFlag = true;
                                                    ParamCollectionName.Name = NewObj.FirstOrDefault().FullName;
                                            ObjParameterDetail.Parameters[paramindex++] = ParamCollectionName;
                                            RemoveFlag = true;
                                            Element    = GetImplementedName(ParamCollectionName.Name);
                                            ObjParameterDetail.Parameters[paramindex++] = ParamCollectionName;
                                    if (!RemoveFlag)
            catch (BeanException _beanEx)
                _beanEx.LocationTrack(this.GetType().FullName + "ManageConstructor()");
                throw _beanEx;
            catch (Exception ex)
                BeanException ObjBeanException = new BeanException();
                ObjBeanException.LocationTrack(this.GetType().FullName + "ManageConstructor()");
                throw ObjBeanException;