Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize a new instance of the KryptonContextMenuCheckBox class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="initialText">Initial text for display.</param>
        public KryptonContextMenuCheckBox(string initialText)
            // Default fields
            _enabled               = true;
            _autoClose             = false;
            _text                  = initialText;
            _extraText             = string.Empty;
            _image                 = null;
            _imageTransparentColor = Color.Empty;
            _checkState            = CheckState.Unchecked;
            _checked               = false;
            _threeState            = false;
            _autoCheck             = true;
            _style                 = LabelStyle.NormalPanel;
            Images                 = new CheckBoxImages();

            // Create the redirectors
            _stateCommonRedirect = new PaletteContentInheritRedirect(PaletteContentStyle.LabelNormalPanel);
            StateCheckBoxImages  = new PaletteRedirectCheckBox(Images);

            // Create the states
            StateCommon   = new PaletteContent(_stateCommonRedirect);
            StateDisabled = new PaletteContent(StateCommon);
            StateNormal   = new PaletteContent(StateCommon);
            OverrideFocus = new PaletteContent(_stateCommonRedirect);

            // Override the normal/disabled values with the focus, when the control has focus
            OverrideNormal   = new PaletteContentInheritOverride(OverrideFocus, StateNormal, PaletteState.FocusOverride, false);
            OverrideDisabled = new PaletteContentInheritOverride(OverrideFocus, StateDisabled, PaletteState.FocusOverride, false);
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize a new instance of the PaletteRibbonImages class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="redirect">Inheritence redirection instance.</param>
        /// <param name="needPaint">Paint delegate.</param>
        public PaletteRibbonImages(PaletteRedirect redirect,
                                   NeedPaintHandler needPaint)
            Debug.Assert(redirect != null);
            Debug.Assert(needPaint != null);

            CheckBox            = new CheckBoxImages(needPaint);
            RadioButton         = new RadioButtonImages(needPaint);
            InternalCheckBox    = new PaletteRedirectCheckBox(redirect, CheckBox);
            InternalRadioButton = new PaletteRedirectRadioButton(redirect, RadioButton);
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize a new instance of the ViewDrawRibbonGroupCheckBoxImage class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ribbon">Reference to owning ribbon control.</param>
        /// <param name="ribbonCheckBox">Reference to ribbon group check box definition.</param>
        /// <param name="large">Show the large image.</param>
        public ViewDrawRibbonGroupCheckBoxImage(KryptonRibbon ribbon,
                                                KryptonRibbonGroupCheckBox ribbonCheckBox,
                                                bool large)
            Debug.Assert(ribbonCheckBox != null);

            // Remember incoming parameters
            _ribbonCheckBox = ribbonCheckBox;
            _large          = large;

            // Use redirector to get the check box images and redirect to parent palette
            PaletteRedirectCheckBox redirectImages = new PaletteRedirectCheckBox(ribbon.GetRedirector(), ribbon.StateCommon.RibbonImages.CheckBox);

            // Create drawing element
            _drawCheckBox = new ViewDrawCheckBox(redirectImages);

            // Add as only child
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize a new instance of the KryptonCheckBox class.
        /// </summary>
        public KryptonCheckBox()
            // Turn off standard click and double click events, we do that manually
            SetStyle(ControlStyles.StandardClick |
                     ControlStyles.StandardDoubleClick, false);

            // Set default properties
            _style         = LabelStyle.NormalPanel;
            _orientation   = VisualOrientation.Top;
            _checkPosition = VisualOrientation.Left;
            _checked       = false;
            _threeState    = false;
            _checkState    = CheckState.Unchecked;
            _useMnemonic   = true;
            AutoCheck      = true;

            // Create content storage
            Values              = new LabelValues(NeedPaintDelegate);
            Values.TextChanged += OnCheckBoxTextChanged;
            Images              = new CheckBoxImages(NeedPaintDelegate);

            // Create palette redirector
            _paletteCommonRedirect = new PaletteContentInheritRedirect(Redirector, PaletteContentStyle.LabelNormalPanel);
            _paletteCheckBoxImages = new PaletteRedirectCheckBox(Redirector, Images);

            // Create the palette provider
            StateCommon   = new PaletteContent(_paletteCommonRedirect, NeedPaintDelegate);
            StateDisabled = new PaletteContent(StateCommon, NeedPaintDelegate);
            StateNormal   = new PaletteContent(StateCommon, NeedPaintDelegate);
            OverrideFocus = new PaletteContent(_paletteCommonRedirect, NeedPaintDelegate);

            // Override the normal values with the focus, when the control has focus
            _overrideNormal = new PaletteContentInheritOverride(OverrideFocus, StateNormal, PaletteState.FocusOverride, false);

            // Our view contains background and border with content inside
            _drawContent = new ViewDrawContent(_overrideNormal, this, VisualOrientation.Top)
                UseMnemonic = _useMnemonic,

                // Only draw a focus rectangle when focus cues are needed in the top level form
                TestForFocusCues = true

            // Create the check box image drawer and place inside element so it is always centered
            _drawCheckBox = new ViewDrawCheckBox(_paletteCheckBoxImages)
                CheckState = _checkState
            _layoutCenter = new ViewLayoutCenter

            // Place check box on the left and the label in the remainder
            _layoutDocker = new ViewLayoutDocker
                { _layoutCenter, ViewDockStyle.Left },
                { _drawContent, ViewDockStyle.Fill }

            // Need a controller for handling mouse input
            _controller                   = new CheckBoxController(_drawCheckBox, _layoutDocker, NeedPaintDelegate);
            _controller.Click            += OnControllerClick;
            _controller.Enabled           = true;
            _layoutDocker.MouseController = _controller;
            _layoutDocker.KeyController   = _controller;

            // Change the layout to match the inital right to left setting and orientation

            // Create the view manager instance
            ViewManager = new ViewManager(this, _layoutDocker);

            // We want to be auto sized by default, but not the property default!
            AutoSize     = true;
            AutoSizeMode = AutoSizeMode.GrowAndShrink;
        public KryptonListView()
                     | ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer
                     | ControlStyles.SupportsTransparentBackColor // Cannot get thi sto work (Code removed)!!
                     | ControlStyles.EnableNotifyMessage
                     , true);

            base.OwnerDraw = true;
            // We need to repaint entire control whenever resized
            SetStyle(ControlStyles.ResizeRedraw, true);
            // Yes, we want to be drawn double buffered by default
            DoubleBuffered = true;

            // Default fields
            _alwaysActive    = true;
            _style           = ButtonStyle.ListItem;
            Padding          = new Padding(1);
            base.BorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.None;

            // We need to create and cache a device context compatible with the display
            _screenDC = PI.CreateCompatibleDC(IntPtr.Zero);

            // Set the palette and renderer to the defaults as specified by the manager
            Redirector = new PaletteRedirect(null);

            KryptonManager.GlobalPaletteChanged += OnGlobalPaletteChanged;

            NeedPaintDelegate = OnNeedPaint;

            // Create the palette storage
            Images = new CheckBoxImages(NeedPaintDelegate);
            _paletteCheckBoxImages = new PaletteRedirectCheckBox(Redirector, Images);
            StateCommon            = new PaletteListStateRedirect(Redirector, PaletteBackStyle.InputControlStandalone, PaletteBorderStyle.InputControlStandalone, NeedPaintDelegate);
            OverrideFocus          = new PaletteListItemTripleRedirect(Redirector, PaletteBackStyle.ButtonListItem, PaletteBorderStyle.ButtonListItem, PaletteContentStyle.ButtonListItem, NeedPaintDelegate);
            StateDisabled          = new PaletteListState(StateCommon, NeedPaintDelegate);
            StateActive            = new PaletteDouble(StateCommon, NeedPaintDelegate);
            StateNormal            = new PaletteListState(StateCommon, NeedPaintDelegate);
            StateTracking          = new PaletteListItemTriple(StateCommon.Item, NeedPaintDelegate);
            StatePressed           = new PaletteListItemTriple(StateCommon.Item, NeedPaintDelegate);
            StateCheckedNormal     = new PaletteListItemTriple(StateCommon.Item, NeedPaintDelegate);
            StateCheckedTracking   = new PaletteListItemTriple(StateCommon.Item, NeedPaintDelegate);
            StateCheckedPressed    = new PaletteListItemTriple(StateCommon.Item, NeedPaintDelegate);
            // Create manager and view for drawing the background
            ViewDrawPanel = new ViewDrawPanel(StateNormal.Back);

            // Create the override handling classes
            _overrideNormal          = new PaletteTripleOverride(OverrideFocus.Item, StateNormal.Item, PaletteState.FocusOverride);
            _overrideTracking        = new PaletteTripleOverride(OverrideFocus.Item, StateTracking.Item, PaletteState.FocusOverride);
            _overridePressed         = new PaletteTripleOverride(OverrideFocus.Item, StatePressed.Item, PaletteState.FocusOverride);
            _overrideCheckedNormal   = new PaletteTripleOverride(OverrideFocus.Item, StateCheckedNormal.Item, PaletteState.FocusOverride);
            _overrideCheckedTracking = new PaletteTripleOverride(OverrideFocus.Item, StateCheckedTracking.Item, PaletteState.FocusOverride);
            _overrideCheckedPressed  = new PaletteTripleOverride(OverrideFocus.Item, StateCheckedPressed.Item, PaletteState.FocusOverride);

            // Create the check box image drawer and place inside element so it is always centered
            _drawCheckBox   = new ViewDrawCheckBox(_paletteCheckBoxImages);
            _layoutCheckBox = new ViewLayoutCenter
            _layoutCheckBoxAfter = new ViewLayoutSeparator(3, 0);
            _layoutCheckBoxStack = new ViewLayoutStack(true)
            // Stack used to layout the location of the node image
            _layoutImage       = new ViewLayoutSeparator(0, 0);
            _layoutImageAfter  = new ViewLayoutSeparator(3, 0);
            _layoutImageCenter = new ViewLayoutCenter(_layoutImage);
            _layoutImageStack  = new ViewLayoutStack(true)
            _layoutImageState       = new ViewLayoutSeparator(16, 16);
            _layoutImageCenterState = new ViewLayoutCenter(_layoutImageState);
            // Create the draw element for owner drawing individual items
            _contentValues = new ShortTextValue();
            _drawButton    = new ViewDrawButton(StateDisabled.Item, _overrideNormal,
                                                _overrideTracking, _overridePressed,
                                                _overrideCheckedNormal, _overrideCheckedTracking,
                                                new PaletteMetricRedirect(Redirector),
                                                _contentValues, VisualOrientation.Top, false);

            // Place check box on the left and the label in the remainder
            _layoutDockerTile = new ViewLayoutDocker
                { _layoutImageStack, ViewDockStyle.Left },
                { _layoutImageCenterState, ViewDockStyle.Left },
                { _layoutCheckBoxStack, ViewDockStyle.Left },
                { _drawButton, ViewDockStyle.Fill }

            _layoutDockerSmall = new ViewLayoutDocker
                { _drawButton, ViewDockStyle.Left },
                { _layoutImageStack, ViewDockStyle.Left },
                { _layoutImageCenterState, ViewDockStyle.Left },
                { _layoutCheckBoxStack, ViewDockStyle.Left }

            // Place check box on the left and the text to match the width
            _layoutDockerCheckLarge = new ViewLayoutDocker
                { _layoutImageStack, ViewDockStyle.Left },
                { _layoutImageCenterState, ViewDockStyle.Left },
                { _layoutCheckBoxStack, ViewDockStyle.Left },
                { _drawButton, ViewDockStyle.Bottom }

            // Create the element that fills the remainder space and remembers fill rectangle
            _layoutFill = new ViewLayoutFill(this)
                DisplayPadding = new Padding(1)

            // Create inner view for placing inside the drawing docker
            _drawDockerInner = new ViewLayoutDocker
                { _layoutFill, ViewDockStyle.Fill }

            // Create view for the control border and background
            _drawDockerOuter = new ViewDrawDocker(StateNormal.Back, StateNormal.Border)
                { _drawDockerInner, ViewDockStyle.Fill }

            // Create the view manager instance
            ViewManager = new ViewManager(this, _drawDockerOuter);
            // We need to create and cache a device context compatible with the display
            _screenDC = PI.CreateCompatibleDC(IntPtr.Zero);
            StateCommon.Item.Content.ShortText.MultiLine  = InheritBool.True;
            StateCommon.Item.Content.ShortText.MultiLineH = PaletteRelativeAlign.Center;
            StateCommon.Item.Content.ShortText.TextH      = PaletteRelativeAlign.Center;