Exemplo n.º 1
        private List <string> ReadCurrentPolies()
            var filePath = Path.Combine(this._config.InstallDir, "text.pak");
            var idxFile  = filePath.Replace(".pak", ".idx");

            var indexes  = PakTools.LoadIndexData(idxFile);
            var records  = PakTools.CreateIndexRecords(indexes, true);
            var polyFile = new List <IndexRecord>(records).First(b => b.FileName == "monlist0-e.html");

            List <string> polyContents;

            using (var fileStream = File.Open(filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                byte[] numArray = new byte[polyFile.FileSize];
                fileStream.Seek((long)polyFile.Offset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                fileStream.Read(numArray, 0, polyFile.FileSize);
                numArray = PakTools.Decode(numArray, 0);

                polyContents = Encoding.GetEncoding("big5")
                               .GetString(numArray).Split('\n').Select(b => Regex.Replace(b.Trim(), @"<[^>]*>", string.Empty).Trim())
                               .Where(b => b.Trim() != string.Empty && b != "Choose a monster." && !b.Contains("Release Polymorph")).ToList();

            // it is the default file, so return an empty list since they haven't customized
            if (polyContents[0].IndexOf("<p><font fg=ffffff> Choose a monster. </p>") > -1)
                return(new List <string>());

Exemplo n.º 2
        private string GetUpdatedMonlistContent()
            var filePath = Path.Combine(this._config.InstallDir, "text.pak");
            var idxFile  = filePath.Replace(".pak", ".idx");

            var indexes  = PakTools.LoadIndexData(idxFile);
            var records  = PakTools.CreateIndexRecords(indexes, true);
            var polyFile = new List <IndexRecord>(records).First(b => b.FileName == "monlist-e.html");

            using (var fileStream = File.Open(filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                byte[] numArray = new byte[polyFile.FileSize];
                fileStream.Seek((long)polyFile.Offset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                fileStream.Read(numArray, 0, polyFile.FileSize);
                numArray = PakTools.Decode(numArray, 0);

                       .Replace("Ordinary Monsters", "Custom Polylist"));
Exemplo n.º 3
        private void patchWorker_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
            foreach (var directory in PatchDirectories.Keys)
                var filesToPack     = new List <PakFile>();
                var directoryString = Path.Combine(this._config.InstallDir, directory);

                var filePaths = Directory.GetFiles(directoryString);
                foreach (var filePath in filePaths)
                    filesToPack.Add(new PakFile
                        FileName = filePath,
                        Content  = File.ReadAllText(filePath)

                Helpers.SetControlPropertyThreadSafe(this.prgCurrent, "Maximum", filesToPack.Count);
                Helpers.SetControlPropertyThreadSafe(this.prgTotal, "Maximum", PatchDirectories.Keys.Count);

                PakTools.RebuildPak(Path.Combine(this._config.InstallDir, PatchDirectories[directory]),
                                    (progress) =>

                var directoryInfo = new DirectoryInfo(directoryString);
                foreach (FileInfo file in directoryInfo.GetFiles())

            Helpers.SetControlPropertyThreadSafe(this.prgTotal, "Value", PatchDirectories.Keys.Count);
Exemplo n.º 4
        }     //end LauncherForm_KeyDown

        private void updateChecker_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
                var force            = e.Argument != null && (bool)e.Argument;
                var versionInfo      = Helpers.GetVersionInfo(this._config.VersionInfoUrl, this._config.PublicKey);
                var launcherKey      = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(@"Software\" + this._config.KeyName, true);
                var lastUpdatedCheck = launcherKey.GetValue("LastUpdated");
                var updatesLastRun   = (int?)lastUpdatedCheck ?? 0;

                if (versionInfo == null)

                var settings = Helpers.LoadSettings(this._config.KeyName);

                if (Helpers.UpdateConfig(versionInfo))
                    MessageBox.Show("Configuration information was updated from the server.\n\nThe launcher will close. Please re-launch.",
                                    @"Configuration Updated", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);

                var applicationPath = Application.ExecutablePath;
                var appDataPath     = Directory.GetParent(Application.UserAppDataPath).ToString();
                var updaterLocation = Path.Combine(appDataPath, "Updater.exe");
                var updaterChecksum = Helpers.GetChecksum(updaterLocation);

                if (!File.Exists(updaterLocation) || updaterChecksum != versionInfo.FileChecksums["Updater.exe"])
                    using (var client = new WebClient())
                        client.DownloadProgressChanged += client_DownloadProgressChanged;
                        client.DownloadFileAsyncSync(new Uri(this._config.UpdaterUrl.ToString()),

                } //end if

                if (versionInfo.Version != Version)
                    var result = DialogResult.Cancel;

                    // push to the UI thread to actually display the dialog... ugly hack
                    var dialog = this.BeginInvoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate
                        result = new UpdateForm(versionInfo).ShowDialog();


                    if (result == DialogResult.OK)
                        var info = new ProcessStartInfo(updaterLocation);
                        info.Arguments = "\"" + applicationPath + "\"";

                        if (Environment.OSVersion.Version.Major >= 6)
                            info.Verb = "runas";

                    } //end if
                }     //end if

                if (versionInfo.LastUpdated < updatesLastRun && !force)

                // checks for > 1 because the Updater.exe is always present.
                if (versionInfo.FileChecksums != null && versionInfo.FileChecksums.Count > 1)
                    Helpers.SetControlPropertyThreadSafe(this.prgUpdates, "Maximum", versionInfo.FileChecksums.Count);

                    for (var i = 1; i < versionInfo.FileChecksums.Count; i++)
                        var file     = versionInfo.FileChecksums.ElementAt(i).Key;
                        var checksum = versionInfo.FileChecksums.ElementAt(i).Value;
                        var filePath = Path.Combine(this._config.InstallDir, file);

                        if (!File.Exists(filePath) || Helpers.GetChecksum(filePath) != checksum)
                            var extension = Path.GetExtension(file);
                            using (var client = new WebClient())
                                client.DownloadProgressChanged += client_DownloadProgressChanged;

                                if (File.Exists(filePath) && extension != null &&
                                    extension.Equals(".pak", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) &&
                                    var idxFile  = filePath.Replace(".pak", ".idx");
                                    var pakIndex = PakTools.RebuildPak(filePath, versionInfo.PakFiles[file], true);

                                    PakTools.RebuildIndex(idxFile, pakIndex, true);
                                        new Uri(this._config.UpdaterFilesRoot + file.Replace("\\", "/")),

                    } //end for

                    var currentTime = DateTime.UtcNow - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1);
                    launcherKey.SetValue("LastUpdated", (int)currentTime.TotalSeconds, RegistryValueKind.DWord);

                    string versionName;
                    var    isWin8OrHigher = Helpers.IsWin8OrHigher(out versionName);

                    if (isWin8OrHigher && versionName == "Windows 10" && settings.ClientBin.ToLower() != "s3ep1u.bin")
                        settings.ClientBin = "S3EP1U.bin";
                        Helpers.SaveSettings(this._config.KeyName, settings, this._config.InstallDir, true);

                            "You're running Windows 10, but aren't using the S3EP1U.bin file. It has now been automatically set.\n\n" +
                            @"If you want to use the normal S3EP1.bin file, you can update it under Settings -> Client Settings.",
                            @"Windows 10 Detected",
                            MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                    } //end if
                }     //end if
            } //end try/finally
        }     //end updateChecker
Exemplo n.º 5
        public MainViewModel(IKernel kernel)
            Kernel = kernel;

            #region ViewModels
            Utilities = kernel.Get <UtilitiesViewModel>();


            #region Relay Commands
            ExitCommand    = new RelayCommand(Exit);
            SaveCommand    = new RelayCommand(Save, CanSave);
            RefreshCommand = new RelayCommand(Refresh, CanRefresh);
            RunGameCommand = new RelayCommand(RunGame, CanRunGame);

            LocateDocumentsCommand = new RelayCommand(LocateDocuments, CanLocateDocuments);
            LocateGameCommand      = new RelayCommand(LocateGame, CanLocateGame);

            ModsList = Properties.Settings.Default.ModList;
            Logger   = new DMMLogger();
            Profiles = new ObservableCollection <Dos2ModsSettings>();
            lt       = new LsxTools();
            pt       = new PakTools(this);

            // Get Profile Info

            // FIXME check for changes
            bool initProfiles = GetProfileInfo();
            //check if any profiles were loaded
            // FIXME get all profiles and check if they were loaded
            // FIXME handle the case where profiles are messed up better
            if (initProfiles)
                // Layout
                // mod list is generated in WorkspaceViewModel
                AnchorablesSource = new ObservableCollection <DockableViewModel>()
                    new WorkspaceViewModel(this)
                        Title     = "Mods",
                        ContentId = "mods",
                    new LogViewModel()
                        Title           = "Log",
                        ContentId       = "log",
                        ParentViewModel = this,
                    new PropertiesViewModel()
                        Title           = "Properties",
                        ContentId       = "properties",
                        ParentViewModel = this,
                    new ConflictsViewModel(this)
                        Title     = "Conflicts List",
                        ContentId = "conflicts",