Exemplo n.º 1
        //public ActionResult GetList(int DeptId)
        //    List<Sys_User> list = new Sys_UserDAL().GetList(DeptId);
        //    return Json(list);

        public ActionResult GetList(int DeptId, int page = 1)
            PagerInfo pi = new PagerInfo();
            pi.CurrenetPageIndex = page;
            ObjEntity list = new Sys_UserDAL().GetList(DeptId, pi);
            return Json(new { data = list.ResultData, pager = list.ResultPager });
Exemplo n.º 2
 // GET: /Home/
 public ActionResult Index(int page = 1)
     List<SqlParamList> list = new List<SqlParamList>();
     list.Add(new SqlParamList("IsTrue", "=", 0));
     PagerInfo pi = new PagerInfo();
     pi.CurrenetPageIndex = page;
     ObjEntity data = new munich_reDAL().GetPagerList(pi, list);
     return View(data);
Exemplo n.º 3
 /// <summary>
 ///     检索条件
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="name"></param>
 protected void Query(string typeName)
     var pager = new PagerInfo();
     pager.CurrenetPageIndex = AspNetPager1.CurrentPageIndex;
     pager.PageSize = AspNetPager1.PageSize;
     rptList.DataSource = BLLFactory<T_ManagerInfoManager>.Instance.FindWithPager(string.Format("M_Type='{0}'", typeName), pager, "M_Time", true);
     AspNetPager1.RecordCount = pager.RecordCount;
Exemplo n.º 4
 protected void Bind(Repeater rpt, string typeName)
     var pager = new PagerInfo();
     pager.CurrenetPageIndex = 1;
     pager.PageSize = 10;
     rpt.DataSource = BLLFactory<T_ManagerInfoManager>.Instance.FindWithPager(string.Format("M_Type='{0}'", typeName), pager, "M_Time", true);
     // rpt.DataSource = BLLFactory<T_ManagerInfoManager>.Instance.Find(string.Format("M_Type='{0}'",typeName), "order by M_Time desc");
Exemplo n.º 5
 /// <summary>
 /// 检索条件
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="name"></param>
 protected void Query(string name)
     PagerInfo pager = new PagerInfo();
     pager.CurrenetPageIndex = AspNetPager1.CurrentPageIndex;
     pager.PageSize = AspNetPager1.PageSize;
     rptList.DataSource = BLLFactory<T_RoleManager>.Instance.FindWithPager(string.Format("RoleName like '%{0}%'", name), pager, "RoleID", true);
     AspNetPager1.RecordCount = pager.RecordCount;
Exemplo n.º 6
 /// <summary>
 /// 检索条件
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="name"></param>
 protected void Query(string where)
     PagerInfo pager = new PagerInfo();
     pager.CurrenetPageIndex = AspNetPager1.CurrentPageIndex;
     pager.PageSize = AspNetPager1.PageSize;
     rptList.DataSource = BLLFactory<T_UserInfoManager>.Instance.FindWithPager(where, pager, "UserID", true);
     AspNetPager1.RecordCount = pager.RecordCount;
Exemplo n.º 7
 // GET: /IPAccess/IPAccess/
 public ActionResult Index(int pageIndex = 1, int pageSize = 20)
     int count = 0;
     List<Models.IPAccess> ipaccess = _IIPAccessService.GetIPAccessAll(pageIndex, pageSize, out count);
     PagerInfo pager = new PagerInfo(pageIndex, pageSize, count);
     PagerQuery<PagerInfo, List<Models.IPAccess>, string> query = new PagerQuery<PagerInfo, List<Models.IPAccess>, string>(pager, ipaccess, "");
     ViewBag.navigation = new Navigation
         Level = new List<string> { "系統設定", "登入IP管理" },
         HaveButton = false
     return View(query);
Exemplo n.º 8
        public static HtmlString ShowPageNavigate(this HtmlHelper HtmlHelper, PagerInfo paging, int btnNumber = 5, string paramName = "page")
            if (HtmlHelper.ViewContext.RequestContext.HttpContext.Request.Url == null) return null;

            var urlStr = HtmlHelper.ViewContext.RequestContext.HttpContext.Request.Url.ToString();

            var pageIndex = paging.CurrenetPageIndex; //当前页数
            var pageCount = paging.PageCount; //总页数

            if (pageCount <= 1) return null;

            var outPut = new StringBuilder();
            outPut.AppendFormat("<ul class='pagination'>");

            if (pageIndex > 1)
                var urlTo = UrlComHelper.UpdateParam(urlStr, paramName, (pageIndex - 1).ToString());
                var firstPage = UrlComHelper.UpdateParam(urlStr, paramName, "1");
                outPut.AppendFormat("<li class='firstPage'><a href='{0}'><span>首页</span></a></li>", firstPage);
                outPut.AppendFormat("<li class='prev'><a href='{0}'>← <span>上一页</span></a></li>", urlTo);

            const int index = 5;
            for (var i = 0; i < btnNumber; i++)
                if ((pageIndex + i - index) < 1 || (pageIndex + i - index) > pageCount) continue;

                var urlTo = UrlComHelper.UpdateParam(urlStr, paramName, (pageIndex + i - index).ToString());

                    pageIndex + i - index == pageIndex
                        ? "<li class='active'><a href='{0}'>{1}</a></li>"
                        : "<li><a href='{0}'>{1}</a></li>", urlTo, pageIndex + i - index);

            if (pageIndex < pageCount)
                var urlTo = UrlComHelper.UpdateParam(urlStr, paramName, (pageIndex + 1).ToString());
                var trailerPage = UrlComHelper.UpdateParam(urlStr, paramName, pageCount.ToString());

                outPut.AppendFormat("<li class='next'><a href='{0}'><span>下一页</span>→</a></li>", urlTo);
                outPut.AppendFormat("<li class='trailerPage'><a href='{0}'> <span>尾页</span></a></li>", trailerPage);

            return new HtmlString(outPut.ToString());
Exemplo n.º 9
 public ActionResult TennisAlliance(string keyWords, int pageIndex = 1, int pageSize = 20)
     int count = 0;
     List<TennisAlliance> pagedList = _ITennisAllianceService.GetTennisAllianceByCondition(keyWords, pageIndex, pageSize, out count);
     PagerInfo pager = new PagerInfo(pageIndex, pageSize, count);
     PagerQuery<PagerInfo, List<TennisAlliance>, string> query = new PagerQuery<PagerInfo, List<TennisAlliance>, string>(pager, pagedList, keyWords);
     ViewBag.navigation = new Navigation
         Level = new List<string> { "網球", "聯盟資料" },
         Area = RouteData.DataTokens["area"].ToString(),
         Controller = RouteData.Values["controller"].ToString(),
         Action = "Index",
         HaveButton = true,
         ButtonText = "回賽程頁",
         Parameter = new List<Parameter>{
             new Parameter("date",DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")),
     return View(query);
Exemplo n.º 10
 public ActionResult BKOSTeam(BKOSTeamQuery queryModel, int pageIndex = 1, int pageSize = 100)
     int count = 0;
     List<BKOSTeam> pagedList = _IBKOSTeamService.GetBKOSTeamByCondition(queryModel, pageIndex, pageSize, out count).ToList();
     PagerInfo pager = new PagerInfo(pageIndex, pageSize, count);
     PagerQuery<PagerInfo, List<BKOSTeam>, BKOSTeamQuery> query = new PagerQuery<PagerInfo, List<BKOSTeam>, BKOSTeamQuery>(pager, pagedList, queryModel);
     ViewBag.SelectAlliances = _IBKOSAllianceService.QueryAll().ToList().Select(p => new SelectListItem { Text = p.ShowName, Value = p.AllianceID.ToString(), Selected = queryModel != null && queryModel.AllianceID == p.AllianceID });
     ViewBag.navigation = new Navigation
         Level = new List<string> { "奧訊籃球", "隊伍管理" },
         Area = RouteData.DataTokens["area"].ToString(),
         Controller = RouteData.Values["controller"].ToString(),
         Action = "Index",
         HaveButton = true,
         ButtonText = "回賽程頁",
         Parameter = new List<Parameter>{
             new Parameter("date",DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")),
     return View(query);
Exemplo n.º 11
 /// <summary>
 /// 主頁顯示
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public ActionResult Index(string gameType = "IHBF", string keyWords = null, int pageIndex = 1, string sMsg = null)
     int count = 0;
     List<IceHockeyAlliance> ia = _IIceHockeyAllianceService.getAllianceListByIHBF(gameType, keyWords, pageIndex, pageSize, out count);
     PagerInfo pager = new PagerInfo(pageIndex, pageSize, count);
     PagerQuery<PagerInfo, List<IceHockeyAlliance>, string> query = new PagerQuery<PagerInfo, List<IceHockeyAlliance>, string>(pager, ia, keyWords);
     ViewBag.PageCount = count;
     ViewBag.gameType = gameType.ToUpper();
     ViewBag.navigation = new Navigation
         Level = new List<string> { AppData.GetGameTypeName(gameType), "聯盟管理" },
         Area = RouteData.DataTokens["area"].ToString(),
         Controller = "IHBFSchedules",
         Action = "Index",
         HaveButton = true,
         Parameter = new List<Models.ViewModel.Parameter> {
          new Parameter("date", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")),
          new Parameter("gameType", gameType)
         ButtonText = "返回賽程"
     return View(query);
Exemplo n.º 12
        /// <summary>
        /// 根据Owner获取对应的附件列表
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ownerID">拥有者ID</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <FileUploadInfo> GetByOwner(string ownerID, PagerInfo pagerInfo)
            string condition = string.Format("Owner_ID ='{0}' ", ownerID);

            return(base.FindWithPager(condition, pagerInfo));
Exemplo n.º 13
        private DataTable QueryWorkItemListData(PagerInfo pagerInfo, string distributorName, string startDate, string endDate, ref int total)
            string userId = this.UserValidator.UserID;
            string sql    = @" select * from (select rownum rn , A.* from (select a.totaldzje
,a.totaldzje-(a.totalhkje+a.totallxje) yqsje
,to_char(Max(b.cjjedzsj),'yyyy-mm-dd HH24:mi') hkdzsj 
,f.objectid workid
,e.objectid instanceid 
,a.jxs,to_char(f.receivetime,'yyyy-mm-dd HH24:mi') receivetime
from I_Repayment a
Left join I_DZJEList b on a.objectid = b.parentobjectid
join Ot_Instancecontext e on e.bizobjectid = a.objectid
join Ot_Workitem f on f.instanceid = e.objectid
where e.workflowcode = 'Repayment'  and ACTIVITYCODE = 'Market' and f.participant = '{0}' {3}
group by a.totaldzje,a.totalhkje,a.totallxje,f.objectid,e.objectid,a.jxs,f.receivetime,a.JXSH3ID  order by f.receivetime desc ) A  {4}) A where A.rn >= {1} and A.rn <={2} ";

            string sqlCount = @"select count(1) from ( select 
a.jxs,to_char(f.receivetime,'yyyy-mm-dd') receivetime
from I_Repayment a
join Ot_Instancecontext e on e.bizobjectid = a.objectid
join Ot_Workitem f on f.instanceid = e.objectid
where e.workflowcode = 'Repayment' and ACTIVITYCODE = 'Market' and f.participant = '{0}' {1}
 ) A";

            string conditions = "";

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(distributorName))
                conditions = conditions + string.Format(@" AND a.jxs like '%{0}%'", distributorName);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(startDate))
                conditions = conditions + string.Format(@" AND to_char(f.receivetime,'yyyy-mm-dd HH24:mi') >= '{0}'", startDate);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(endDate))
                conditions = conditions + string.Format(@" AND to_char(f.receivetime,'yyyy-mm-dd') <= '{0}'", endDate);

            #region 排序

            string OrderBy = " order by  A.receivetime asc  ";
            if (pagerInfo.iSortCol_0 != 0)
                OrderBy = " ORDER BY ";
                if (pagerInfo.iSortCol_0 == 5)
                    OrderBy += " A.receivetime " + pagerInfo.sSortDir_0.ToUpper();
                else if (pagerInfo.iSortCol_0 == 6)
                    OrderBy += " A.hkdzsj " + pagerInfo.sSortDir_0.ToUpper();

            sql      = string.Format(sql, userId, pagerInfo.StartIndex, pagerInfo.EndIndex, conditions, OrderBy);
            sqlCount = string.Format(sqlCount, userId, conditions);
            DataTable dt    = this.Engine.EngineConfig.CommandFactory.CreateCommand().ExecuteDataTable(sql);
            var       count = this.Engine.EngineConfig.CommandFactory.CreateCommand().ExecuteScalar(sqlCount);
            if (count != null)
                total = Convert.ToInt32(count);

Exemplo n.º 14
        public ActionResult FindApplyByTag()

            string where = GetPagerCondition();
            string condition = where;//存储另外一个条件

            //有三个条件 add: todo: done:
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(where))
                string value = where.Substring(where.IndexOf(':') + 1);
                if (where.StartsWith("add:"))
                    condition = string.Format("Editor='{0}'", CurrentUser.ID);

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
                        condition += string.Format(" AND Status={0}", value);//加上状态
                else if (where.StartsWith("todo:"))
                {                                                                                             //我的待办
                    string applyIdString = BLLFactory <ApplyUser> .Instance.GetApplyIdByUser(CurrentUser.ID); //我的待办

                    condition = string.Format("ID IN ({0}) AND Status=0", applyIdString);

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
                        condition += string.Format(" AND Category='{0}'", value);//加上状态
                else if (where.StartsWith("done:"))
                {                                                                                           //我的已办
                    string applyIdString = BLLFactory <ApplyUser> .Instance.GetApplyIdDone(CurrentUser.ID); //我的待办

                    condition = string.Format("ID IN ({0})", applyIdString);

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
                        condition += string.Format(" AND Category='{0}'", value);//加上状态

            PagerInfo pagerInfo = GetPagerInfo();

            var sort = GetSortOrder();
            List <ApplyInfo> list = null;

            if (sort != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(sort.SortName))
                list = baseBLL.FindWithPager(condition, pagerInfo, sort.SortName, sort.IsDesc);
                list = baseBLL.FindWithPager(condition, pagerInfo);

            var objList = ConvertObjectList(list);

            var result = new { total = pagerInfo.RecordCount, rows = objList }; //如果使用转义,请使用objList对象

Exemplo n.º 15
        /// <summary>
        /// 查询药品基础信息
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="keys"></param>
        /// <param name="index"></param>
        /// <param name="size"></param>
        /// <param name="pager"></param>
        /// <param name="ValidCondition"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IEnumerable <Business.Models.DrugInfoModel> GetDrugInfoByCondition(string keys, int index, int size, out PagerInfo pager, bool ValidCondition)
            pager = PagerInfo.Validate(new PagerInfo {
                Index = index, Size = size
                var all = this.Queryable;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(keys))
                    all = all.Where(r => (r.Pinyin != null && r.Pinyin.ToUpper().Contains(keys.ToUpper())) || (r.ProductGeneralName != null && r.ProductGeneralName.Contains(keys)) || (r.BusinessScopeCode != null && r.BusinessScopeCode.Contains(keys)) || (r.DictionaryDosageCode != null && r.DictionaryDosageCode.Contains(keys)) || (r.DictionarySpecificationCode != null && r.DictionarySpecificationCode.Contains(keys)));

                all = all.Where(r => !r.BusinessScopeCode.Contains("医疗器械") || !r.BusinessScopeCode.Contains("保健食品")); //医疗器械和保健食品不查

                if (ValidCondition)                                                                                   //查询被锁定药品
                    all = all.Where(r => r.Valid == false);
                var c = from i in all
                        join w in RepositoryProvider.Db.Warehouses on i.WareHouses equals w.Id
                        join u in RepositoryProvider.Db.Users on i.CreateUserId equals u.Id
                        select new Business.Models.DrugInfoModel
                    BarCode           = i.BarCode,
                    BigPackage        = i.BigPackage,
                    BusinessScopeCode = i.BusinessScopeCode,
                    Code                          = i.Code,
                    CreateTime                    = i.CreateTime,
                    CreateUserId                  = u.Employee.Name,
                    DictionaryDosageCode          = i.DictionaryDosageCode,
                    DictionaryMeasurementUnitCode = i.DictionaryMeasurementUnitCode,
                    DictionaryPiecemealUnitCode   = i.DictionaryPiecemealUnitCode,
                    DictionarySpecificationCode   = i.DictionarySpecificationCode,
                    DocCode                       = i.DocCode,
                    DrugCategoryCode              = i.DrugCategoryCode,
                    DrugClinicalCategoryCode      = i.DrugClinicalCategoryCode,
                    DrugStorageTypeCode           = i.DrugStorageTypeCode,
                    FactoryName                   = i.FactoryName,
                    id                               = i.Id,
                    IsApproval                       = i.IsApproval == true ? "审批通过" : "未审批通过",
                    IsImport                         = i.IsImport == true ? "进口" : "非进口",
                    IsMainMaintenance                = i.IsMainMaintenance ? "重点养护" : "一般养护",
                    IsMedicalInsurance               = i.IsMedicalInsurance ? "医保药品" : "非医保药品",
                    IsPrescription                   = i.IsPrescription ? "处方药" : "非处方药",
                    IsSpecialDrugCategory            = i.IsSpecialDrugCategory ? "特殊管理药品" : "非特殊管理药品",
                    LicensePermissionNumber          = i.LicensePermissionNumber,
                    LimitedUpPrice                   = i.LimitedUpPrice,
                    MaxInventoryCount                = i.MaxInventoryCount,
                    MedicalCategoryDetailCode        = i.MedicalCategoryDetailCode,
                    MiddlePackage                    = i.MiddlePackage,
                    MinInventoryCount                = i.MinInventoryCount,
                    Origin                           = i.Origin,
                    Package                          = i.Package,
                    PackageAmount                    = i.PackageAmount,
                    PerformanceStandards             = i.PerformanceStandards,
                    PermitLicenseCode                = i.PermitLicenseCode,
                    PiecemealNumber                  = i.PiecemealNumber,
                    PiecemealSpecification           = i.PiecemealSpecification,
                    Pinyin                           = i.Pinyin,
                    Price                            = i.Price,
                    ProductGeneralName               = i.ProductGeneralName,
                    ProductName                      = i.ProductName,
                    PurchaseManageCategoryDetailCode = i.PurchaseManageCategoryDetailCode,
                    RetailPrice                      = i.RetailPrice,
                    SalePrice                        = i.SalePrice,
                    SmallPackage                     = i.SmallPackage,
                    SpecialDrugCategoryCode          = i.SpecialDrugCategoryCode,
                    StandardCode                     = i.StandardCode,
                    Valid                            = i.Valid ? "有效" : "无效",
                    ValidPeriod                      = i.ValidPeriod,
                    WareHouses                       = w.Name,
                    WholeSalePrice                   = i.WholeSalePrice,
                    Description                      = i.Description,
                    WareHouseZones                   = i.WareHouseZones
                pager.RecordCount = c.Count();
                c = c.OrderBy(d => d.Code).ThenBy(r => r.ProductGeneralName);
                var records = c
                              .Skip((pager.Index - 1) * pager.Size)

                records.ForEach(r =>
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(r.WareHouseZones))
                        Guid wzid = Guid.Parse(r.WareHouseZones);
                        var wz    = RepositoryProvider.Db.WarehouseZones.FirstOrDefault(u => u.Id == wzid);
                        if (wz != null)
                            r.WareHouseZones = wz.Name;
            catch (Exception ex)
Exemplo n.º 16
        public JsonNetResult Query(string condition, string rootId, string unitId, PagerInfo pager)
            var list = new UserService().Query(condition, rootId, unitId, pager);

            return(JsonNet(new ResponseResult(true, list, pager)));
Exemplo n.º 17
 /// <summary>
 /// 以分页方式通用获取集合对象方法
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sql">查询的Sql语句</param>
 /// <param name="info">分页实体</param>
 /// <param name="paramList">参数列表,如果没有则为null</param>
 /// <param name="trans">事务对象</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public virtual List <T> GetListWithPager(string sql, PagerInfo info, IDbDataParameter[] paramList = null, DbTransaction trans = null)
     return(baseDal.GetListWithPager(sql, info, paramList, trans));
Exemplo n.º 18
        /// <summary>
        /// 根据客户分组的名称,搜索属于该分组的客户列表
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ownerUser">客户所属用户</param>
        /// <param name="groupName">客户分组的名称,如果客户分组为空,那么返回未分组客户列表</param>
        /// <param name="pagerInfo">分页条件</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <CustomerInfo> FindByGroupName(string ownerUser, string groupName, PagerInfo pagerInfo = null)
            ICustomer dal = baseDal as ICustomer;

            return(dal.FindByGroupName(ownerUser, groupName, pagerInfo));
Exemplo n.º 19
 public IList <ProductEntity> Query(string condition, PagerInfo pager)
     return(ProductRepository.Query(condition, pager));
Exemplo n.º 20
        public DataTable StatisticsLogsDAL(LogConditionModel conditValue, PagerInfo pagerInfo, SortInfo sortInfo)
            StringBuilder whereSql = new StringBuilder();
            string        sql      = @"SELECT d.DeviceName,d.SIM,d.SN,dl.dtinsert,dl.content
                            FROM device_log dl LEFT JOIN device_info d ON dl.device_sn = d.SN {0}
                            ORDER BY dl.dtinsert DESC, dl.id LIMIT " + (pagerInfo.PageSize * (pagerInfo.CurrenetPageIndex - 1)) + "," + pagerInfo.PageSize + ";";

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(conditValue.DeviceType))
                whereSql.Append(@" AND DeviceType='" + conditValue.DeviceType + "'");
                whereSql.Append(@" AND DeviceType ='生化仪'");

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(conditValue.Model))
                whereSql.Append(@" AND Model='" + conditValue.Model + "'");

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(conditValue.Region))
                whereSql.Append(@" AND Region='" + conditValue.Region + "'");

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(conditValue.DeviceName))
                whereSql.Append(@" AND DeviceName='" + conditValue.DeviceName + "'");

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(conditValue.SIM))
                whereSql.Append(@" AND SIM='" + conditValue.SIM + "'");

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(conditValue.SN))
                whereSql.Append(@" AND SN='" + conditValue.SN + "'");

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(conditValue.dtStart))
                whereSql.Append(@" AND dtInsert >='" + conditValue.dtStart + "'");

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(conditValue.dtEnd))
                whereSql.Append(@" AND dtInsert <='" + conditValue.dtEnd + "'");

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(whereSql.ToString()))
                whereSql = new StringBuilder(" WHERE " + whereSql.ToString().Substring(4));

            var SqlCondit = string.Format(sql, whereSql.ToString());

            using (var conn = new MySqlConnection(Global.strConn))
                MySqlDataAdapter adapter = new MySqlDataAdapter(SqlCondit, conn);
                DataSet          ds      = new DataSet();

Exemplo n.º 21
        /// <summary>
        /// 根据供应商ID,分页获取客户列表(关联客户列表)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="supplierID">供应商ID</param>
        /// <param name="pagerInfo">分页条件</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <CustomerInfo> FindBySupplier(string supplierID, string condition, PagerInfo pagerInfo = null)
            ICustomer dal = baseDal as ICustomer;

            return(dal.FindBySupplier(supplierID, condition, pagerInfo));
Exemplo n.º 22
 /// <summary>
 /// 分页查询 + 条件查询 + 排序
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="pager">分页对象</param>
 /// <param name="condition">过滤条件</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public async Task <PagerEntity <WarehouseSingleDto> > QueryWarehouseByPagesAsync(PagerInfo pager, List <SearchCondition> condition = null)
     return(await Task.Run(() =>
         var list = _repository.QueryWarehouseByPagers(pager, condition);
         return _mapper.Map <PagerEntity <WarehouseSingleDto> >(list);
Exemplo n.º 23
        public ActionResult List()
            Comm_Platform_Worker workerModel = Session["worker"] as Comm_Platform_Worker;

            if (workerModel == null)
            string region_code    = CommonFunc.SafeGetStringFromObj(workerModel.region_code);
            string dell_user_name = CommonFunc.SafeGetStringFromObj(workerModel.user_name);
            string name           = CommonFunc.FilterSpecialString(CommonFunc.SafeGetStringFromObj(Request["names"]).Trim());
            string sex            = CommonFunc.FilterSpecialString(CommonFunc.SafeGetStringFromObj(Request["sex"]).Trim());

            string birthdateBegin = CommonFunc.FilterSpecialString(CommonFunc.SafeGetStringFromObj(Request["txtBirthDateBegin"]).Trim());
            string birthdateEnd   = CommonFunc.FilterSpecialString(CommonFunc.SafeGetStringFromObj(Request["txtBirthDateEnd"]).Trim());
            string id_card_number = CommonFunc.FilterSpecialString(CommonFunc.SafeGetStringFromObj(Request["idCard"]).Trim());
            string address        = CommonFunc.FilterSpecialString(CommonFunc.SafeGetStringFromObj(Request["address"]).Trim());
            string s = string.Empty;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(CommonFunc.SafeGetStringFromObj(Request["ddlProvince"])))
                s = CommonFunc.SafeGetStringFromObj(Request["ddlProvince"]);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(CommonFunc.SafeGetStringFromObj(Request["ddlCity"])))
                s = CommonFunc.SafeGetStringFromObj(Request["ddlCity"]);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(CommonFunc.SafeGetStringFromObj(Request["ddlCounty"])))
                s = CommonFunc.SafeGetStringFromObj(Request["ddlCounty"]);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(CommonFunc.SafeGetStringFromObj(Request["ddlStreet"])))
                s = CommonFunc.SafeGetStringFromObj(Request["ddlStreet"]);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(CommonFunc.SafeGetStringFromObj(Request["ddlCommunity"])))
                s = CommonFunc.SafeGetStringFromObj(Request["ddlCommunity"]);
            if (s.Length > region_code.Length)
                region_code = s;

            int         pageIndex   = CommonFunc.SafeGetIntFromObj(this.Request["pageIndex"], 1);
            int         pageSize    = this.Request["pageSize"] == null ? PageSize.GetPageSize : int.Parse(Request["pageSize"]);
            int         totalCount  = 0;
            CommonParam commonParam = new CommonParam()
                PageIndex         = pageIndex,
                PageSize          = pageSize,
                TotalCount        = totalCount,
                region_code       = region_code,
                name              = name,
                sex               = sex,
                txtBirthDateBegin = birthdateBegin,
                txtBirthDateEnd   = birthdateEnd,
                idCard            = id_card_number,
                address           = address
            var disease_Comm_Testing_BloodList = disease_Supplementary_Examination_USService.LoadSearchEntities(commonParam);

            totalCount = commonParam.TotalCount;
            int PageCount = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Ceiling((double)totalCount / pageSize));

            List <Chronic_disease_Supplementary_Examination_US> result = new List <Chronic_disease_Supplementary_Examination_US>();

            PagerInfo pager = new PagerInfo();

            pager.PageIndex  = pageIndex;
            pager.PageSize   = pageSize;
            pager.TotalCount = totalCount;
            PagerQuery <PagerInfo, List <Chronic_disease_Supplementary_Examination_US> > query = new PagerQuery <PagerInfo, List <Chronic_disease_Supplementary_Examination_US> >(pager, result);

            ViewData.Model         = query;
            ViewBag.dell_user_name = dell_user_name;
            ViewBag.PageIndex      = pageIndex;
            ViewBag.PageSize       = pageSize;
Exemplo n.º 24
        /// <summary>
        /// 根据Owner获取对应的附件列表
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ownerID">拥有者ID</param>
        /// <param name="attachmentGUID">附件组GUID</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <FileUploadInfo> GetByOwnerAndAttachGUID(string ownerID, string attachmentGUID, PagerInfo pagerInfo)
            string condition = string.Format("Owner_ID ='{0}' AND AttachmentGUID='{1}' ", ownerID, attachmentGUID);

            return(base.FindWithPager(condition, pagerInfo));
Exemplo n.º 25
 /// <summary>
 /// 根据条件查询数据库,并返回DataTable集合(用于分页数据显示)
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="condition">查询的条件</param>
 /// <param name="info">分页实体</param>
 /// <param name="fieldToSort">排序字段</param>
 /// <param name="desc">是否降序</param>
 /// <param name="trans">事务对象</param>
 /// <returns>指定DataTable的集合</returns>
 public virtual DataTable FindToDataTable(string condition, PagerInfo info, string fieldToSort, bool desc, DbTransaction trans = null)
     return(baseDal.FindToDataTable(condition, info, fieldToSort, desc, trans));
Exemplo n.º 26
 /// <summary>
 /// 根据条件查询数据库,并返回对象集合(用于分页数据显示)
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="condition">查询的条件</param>
 /// <param name="info">分页实体</param>
 /// <param name="trans">事务对象</param>
 /// <returns>指定对象的集合</returns>
 public virtual List <T> FindWithPager(string condition, PagerInfo info, DbTransaction trans = null)
     return(baseDal.FindWithPager(condition, info, trans));
Exemplo n.º 27
 /// <summary>
 /// 根据条件,从视图里面获取记录
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="viewName">视图名称</param>
 /// <param name="condition">查询条件</param>
 /// <param name="sortField">排序字段</param>
 /// <param name="isDescending">是否为降序</param>
 /// <param name="info">分页条件</param>
 /// <param name="trans">事务对象</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public virtual DataTable FindByViewWithPager(string viewName, string condition, string sortField, bool isDescending, PagerInfo info, DbTransaction trans = null)
     return(baseDal.FindByViewWithPager(viewName, condition, sortField, isDescending, info, trans));
Exemplo n.º 28
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取指定用户的上传信息
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userId">用户ID</param>
        /// <param name="category">附件分类:个人附件,业务附件</param>
        /// <param name="pagerInfo">分页信息</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <FileUploadInfo> GetAllByUser(Int32 userId, string category, PagerInfo pagerInfo)
            IFileUploads dal = baseDal as IFileUploads;

            return(dal.GetAllByUser(userId, category, pagerInfo));
Exemplo n.º 29
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取指定附件组GUID的附件信息
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="attachmentGUID">附件组GUID</param>
        /// <param name="pagerInfo">分页信息</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <FileUploadInfo> GetByAttachGUID(string attachmentGUID, PagerInfo pagerInfo)
            string condition = string.Format("AttachmentGUID='{0}' ", attachmentGUID);

            return(FindWithPager(condition, pagerInfo));
Exemplo n.º 30
 public IList <ReturnFormEntity> Query(ReturnQueryCondition condition, PagerInfo pager)
     return(ReturnFormRepository.Query(condition, pager));
Exemplo n.º 31
        /// <summary>
        /// 列表页
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="condition"></param>
        /// <param name="rootId"></param>
        /// <param name="unitId"></param>
        /// <param name="pager"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public JsonNetResult JsonQuery(string condition, string rootId, string unitId, PagerInfo pager)
            if (!this.IsAdmin)
                condition = UserContext.RootUnitName;
            var list = new UserService().Query(condition, rootId, unitId, pager);

            return(JsonNet(new ResponseResult(true, list, pager)));
Exemplo n.º 32
 /// <summary>
 /// 返回数据库所有的对象集合(用于分页数据显示)
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="info">分页实体信息</param>
 /// <param name="fieldToSort">排序字段</param>
 /// <param name="desc">是否降序</param>
 /// <param name="trans">事务对象</param>
 /// <returns>指定对象的集合</returns>
 public virtual List <T> GetAll(PagerInfo info, string fieldToSort, bool desc, DbTransaction trans = null)
     return(baseDal.GetAll(info, fieldToSort, desc, trans));
Exemplo n.º 33
 public List <DrugInfo> SearchPagedDrugInfosByAllStrings(string keys, int index, int size, out PagerInfo pager)
     pager = PagerInfo.Validate(new PagerInfo {
         Index = index, Size = size
         List <DrugInfo> records      = new List <DrugInfo>();
         var             queryBuilder = QueryBuilder.Create <DrugInfo>();
         Expression <Func <DrugInventoryRecord, bool> > expression = dir => true;
         var query = this.Queryable;
         query = query.Where(PreparePredicate(queryBuilder.Expression));
         if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(keys))
             query = query.Where(d => false
                                 || (d.Code != null && d.Code.Contains(keys))
                                 || (d.ProductName != null && d.ProductName.Contains(keys))
                                 || (d.Pinyin != null && d.Pinyin.Contains(keys))
                                 || (d.BarCode != null && d.BarCode.Contains(keys))
                                 || (d.DictionarySpecificationCode != null && d.DictionarySpecificationCode.Contains(keys))
                                 || (d.DictionaryDosageCode != null && d.DictionaryDosageCode.Contains(keys))
                                 || (d.DictionaryMeasurementUnitCode != null && d.DictionaryMeasurementUnitCode.Contains(keys))
                                 || (d.FactoryName != null && d.FactoryName.Contains(keys))
                                 || (d.SpecialDrugCategoryCode != null && d.SpecialDrugCategoryCode.Contains(keys))
                                 || (d.BusinessScopeCode != null && d.BusinessScopeCode.Contains(keys))
         pager.RecordCount = query.Count();  //处理总录条数
         query             = query.OrderBy(d => d.BarCode)
                             .OrderBy(d => d.ProductName);
         records = query
                   .Skip((pager.Index - 1) * pager.Size)
     catch (Exception ex)
         return(this.HandleException <List <DrugInfo> >("根据字符串查询药物基础信息失败", ex));
Exemplo n.º 34
 /// <summary>
 /// 根据分页条件,返回DataSet对象
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="info">分页条件</param>
 /// <param name="trans">事务对象</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public virtual DataTable GetAllToDataTable(PagerInfo info, DbTransaction trans = null)
     return(baseDal.GetAllToDataTable(info, trans));
Exemplo n.º 35
        /// <summary>
        /// 查询保健食品
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="keys"></param>
        /// <param name="index"></param>
        /// <param name="size"></param>
        /// <param name="pager"></param>
        /// <param name="ValidCondition"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable <Business.Models.FoodModel> GetFoodByCondition(string keys, int index, int size, out BugsBox.Application.Core.PagerInfo pager, bool ValidCondition)
            pager = PagerInfo.Validate(new PagerInfo {
                Index = index, Size = size
                var all = this.Queryable.Where(r => r.BusinessScopeCode.Contains("保健食品"));
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(keys))
                    all = all.Where(r => (r.Pinyin != null && r.Pinyin.ToUpper().Contains(keys.ToUpper())) || (r.ProductGeneralName != null && r.ProductGeneralName.Contains(keys)) || (r.DictionaryDosageCode != null && r.DictionaryDosageCode.Contains(keys)) || (r.DictionarySpecificationCode != null && r.DictionarySpecificationCode.Contains(keys)));

                if (ValidCondition)//查询被锁定保健食品
                    all = all.Where(r => r.Valid == false);

                var c = from i in all
                        join w in RepositoryProvider.Db.Warehouses on i.WareHouses equals w.Id
                        join u in RepositoryProvider.Db.Users on i.CreateUserId equals u.Id
                        select new Business.Models.FoodModel
                    BusinessScopeCode             = i.BusinessScopeCode,
                    CreateTime                    = i.CreateTime,
                    CreateUserName                = u.Employee.Name,
                    DictionaryDosageCode          = i.DictionaryDosageCode,
                    DictionaryMeasurementUnitCode = i.DictionaryMeasurementUnitCode,
                    DictionarySpecificationCode   = i.DictionarySpecificationCode,
                    DocCode             = i.DocCode,
                    Code                = i.Code,
                    DrugStorageTypeCode = i.DrugStorageTypeCode,
                    FactoryName         = i.FactoryName,
                    Id         = i.Id,
                    IsApproval = i.IsApproval == true ? "审批通过" : "未审批通过",
                    IsImport   = i.IsImport == true ? "进口" : "非进口",
                    LicensePermissionNumber = i.LicensePermissionNumber,
                    LimitedUpPrice          = i.LimitedUpPrice,
                    MaxInventoryCount       = i.MaxInventoryCount,
                    MinInventoryCount       = i.MinInventoryCount,
                    PerformanceStandards    = i.PerformanceStandards,
                    Pinyin                        = i.Pinyin,
                    Price                         = i.Price,
                    ProductGeneralName            = i.ProductGeneralName,
                    SalePrice                     = i.SalePrice,
                    Origin                        = i.Origin,
                    LicensePermissionOutValidDate = i.PermitOutDate,
                    Valid                         = i.Valid == true ? "有效" : "无效",
                    ValidPeriod                   = i.ValidPeriod,
                    WareHouses                    = w.Name,
                    Locked                        = i.IsLock == true ? "锁定" : "未锁定",
                    NotValidReason                = i.ValidRemark,
                    WareHouseZone                 = i.WareHouseZones,
                    BarCode                       = i.BarCode,
                    LimitedLowPrice               = i.LimitedLowPrice,
                    Contact                       = i.FactoryNameAbbreviation,
                    Description                   = i.Description,
                pager.RecordCount = c.Count();
                c = c.OrderBy(d => d.Code).ThenBy(r => r.ProductGeneralName);
                var records = c
                              .Skip((pager.Index - 1) * pager.Size)

                records.ForEach(r =>
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(r.WareHouseZone))
                        Guid wzid = Guid.Parse(r.WareHouseZone);
                        var wz    = RepositoryProvider.Db.WarehouseZones.FirstOrDefault(u => u.Id == wzid);
                        if (wz != null)
                            r.WareHouseZone = wz.Name;

            catch (Exception ex)
Exemplo n.º 36
 /// <summary>
 /// 根据分页条件,返回DataSet对象
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="info">分页条件</param>
 /// <param name="fieldToSort">排序字段</param>
 /// <param name="trans">事务对象</param>
 /// <param name="desc">是否降序</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public virtual DataTable GetAllToDataTable(PagerInfo info, string fieldToSort, bool desc, DbTransaction trans = null)
     return(baseDal.GetAllToDataTable(info, fieldToSort, desc, trans));
Exemplo n.º 37
        public static IList <FormApproverEntity> Query(AuditQueryCondition condition, PagerInfo pager)

            var list = new List <FormApproverEntity>();

            var orderSql = " ORDER BY ";

            if (pager.OrderFields.Count > 0)
                foreach (var field in pager.OrderFields)
                    orderSql += field.Field + (field.Desc ? " DESC" : "") + ",";
                orderSql += "form_no";

            var sql = string.Format(@"SELECT {0} FROM form_approvers WHERE 1=1{1}", COLUMN_SQL, GetConditionSql(condition));

            sql = @"SELECT * FROM
                SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER(" + orderSql + @") pid," + COLUMN_SQL + @"
                FROM (" + sql + @") t            
            ) t1 WHERE t1.pid BETWEEN @p_pageNo * @p_pageSize + 1 AND (@p_pageNo + 1) * @p_pageSize ";

            var db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase();
            var dc = db.GetSqlStringCommand(sql);

            AddParameters(db, dc, condition);

            db.AddInParameter(dc, "p_pageNo", DbType.Int32, pager.PageIndex);
            db.AddInParameter(dc, "p_pageSize", DbType.Int32, pager.PageSize);

            using (IDataReader reader = db.ExecuteReader(dc))
                while (reader.Read())
                    var entity = new FormApproverEntity();


Exemplo n.º 38
 /// <summary>
 /// 根据查询条件,返回记录到DataTable集合中
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="condition">查询条件</param>
 /// <param name="pagerInfo">分页条件</param>
 /// <param name="trans">事务对象</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public virtual DataTable FindToDataTable(string condition, PagerInfo pagerInfo, DbTransaction trans = null)
     return(baseDal.FindToDataTable(condition, pagerInfo, trans));
Exemplo n.º 39
 /// <summary>
 /// 根据条件查询数据库,并返回对象集合(用于分页数据显示)
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="condition">查询的条件</param>
 /// <param name="info">分页实体</param>
 /// <param name="fieldToSort">排序字段</param>
 /// <param name="desc">是否降序</param>
 /// <param name="trans">事务对象</param>
 /// <returns>指定对象的集合</returns>
 public virtual List <T> FindWithPager(string condition, PagerInfo info, string fieldToSort, bool desc, DbTransaction trans = null)
     return(baseDal.FindWithPager(condition, info, fieldToSort, desc, trans));
Exemplo n.º 40
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取指定附件组GUID的附件信息
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="attachmentGUID">附件组GUID</param>
        /// <param name="pagerInfo">分页信息</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <FileUploadInfo> GetByAttachGUID(string attachmentGUID, PagerInfo pagerInfo)
            IFileUploads dal = baseDal as IFileUploads;

            return(dal.GetByAttachGUID(attachmentGUID, pagerInfo));
Exemplo n.º 41
        /// <summary>
        /// 搜索LUCENE数据
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="indexType"></param>
        /// <param name="query"></param>
        /// <param name="sort"></param>
        /// <param name="pagerInfo"></param>
        /// <param name="callback"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static List<Document> SearchLuceneData(LuceneTextIndexType indexType, Query query, Sort sort, PagerInfo pagerInfo, SearchLuceneDataLoopItemHandler callback)
            List<Document> list = new List<Document>();

            string textIndexDir = Utilities.GetLuceneTextIndexDirectoryPath(indexType, null);
            FSDirectory directory = FSDirectory.Open(new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(textIndexDir), new NoLockFactory());
            IndexReader indexReader = IndexReader.Open(directory, true);
            IndexSearcher indexSearcher = new IndexSearcher(indexReader);

            ScoreDoc[] docs;
            int totalCount;
            int startOffset;
            int endOffset;

            if (sort != null)
                TopFieldDocs resultFieldDocs = indexSearcher.Search(query, null, indexSearcher.MaxDoc(), sort);
                totalCount = resultFieldDocs.totalHits;
                pagerInfo.RecordCount = totalCount;
                startOffset = (pagerInfo.PageIndex - 1) * pagerInfo.PageSize;
                endOffset = pagerInfo.PageIndex * pagerInfo.PageSize;
                if (endOffset >= totalCount)
                    endOffset = totalCount;
                docs = resultFieldDocs.scoreDocs;
                TopDocs resultFieldDocs = indexSearcher.Search(query, null, indexSearcher.MaxDoc());
                totalCount = resultFieldDocs.totalHits;
                pagerInfo.RecordCount = totalCount;
                startOffset = (pagerInfo.PageIndex - 1) * pagerInfo.PageSize;
                endOffset = pagerInfo.PageIndex * pagerInfo.PageSize;
                if (endOffset >= totalCount)
                    endOffset = totalCount;
                docs = resultFieldDocs.scoreDocs;

            if (totalCount > 0)
                for (int i = startOffset; i < endOffset; i++)
                    ScoreDoc hit = docs[i];
                    Document doc = indexSearcher.Doc(hit.doc);


                    if (callback != null)


            return list;
Exemplo n.º 42
 /// <summary>
 /// 返回数据库所有的对象集合(用于分页数据显示)
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="info">分页实体信息</param>
 /// <param name="trans">事务对象</param>
 /// <returns>指定对象的集合</returns>
 public virtual List <T> GetAll(PagerInfo info, DbTransaction trans = null)
     return(baseDal.GetAll(info, trans));