Exemplo n.º 1
        /*Public Function GetImplantActivity(strIsotope As String, vAssayActivity As Variant, vAssayDate As Variant) As Variant
         * Dim dImplantDate As Date
         * GetImplantActivity = Null
         * If IsNumeric(vAssayActivity) Then
         *      If IsDate(vAssayDate) Then
         *              If objPatient.ImplantDate <> vbNullString Then
         *                      dImplantDate = objPatient.ImplantDate
         *                      If dImplantDate <> MISSING_DATE Then
         *                              Select Case strIsotope
         *                              Case "Iodine", "I-125", "I125"
         *                                      'half-life
         *                                      GetImplantActivity = CSng(vAssayActivity) * 0.5 ^ ((dImplantDate - CDate(vAssayDate)) / 59.4)
         *                              Case "Palladium", "Pd-103", "Pd103"
         *                                      GetImplantActivity = CSng(vAssayActivity) * 0.5 ^ ((dImplantDate - CDate(vAssayDate)) / 16.97)
         *                              End Select
         *                      End If
         *              End If
         *      End If
         * End If
         * Exit_Procedure:
         * Exit Function*/

        /// <summary>
        /// If this is too slow/performance hit, then move function to back end.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="isotope"></param>
        /// <param name="assayActivity"></param>
        /// <param name="assayDate"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static object GetCurrentActivity(string isotope, string assayActivity, string assayDate)
            object currentActivity = System.DBNull.Value;

            if (PageUtil.IsInteger(assayActivity) || PageUtil.IsDecimal(assayActivity))
                if (PageUtil.IsDate(assayDate))
                    DateTime d1, d2;

                    d1 = System.DateTime.Now;
                    d2 = Convert.ToDateTime(assayDate);

                    TimeSpan ts = d1 - d2;

                    int days = ts.Days;
                    //GetCurrentActivity = sngAssayActivity * 0.5 ^ ((Date - dAssayDate) / 59.4)
                    if (isotope.Equals("Iodine") || isotope.Equals("I-125") || isotope.Equals("I125"))
                        double Itotal = Convert.ToDouble(assayActivity) * (Math.Pow(0.5, (days / 59.4)));
                        currentActivity = Math.Round(Itotal, 6).ToString();                        // could remove this to store full value in db and round to six places on output
                    else if (isotope.Equals("Palladium") || isotope.Equals("Pd-103") || isotope.Equals("Pd103"))
                        double Ptotal = Convert.ToDouble(assayActivity) * (Math.Pow(0.5, (days / 16.97)));
                        currentActivity = Math.Round(Ptotal, 6).ToString();

Exemplo n.º 2
        /* 'actual seeds assigned to patient
         * If IsNumeric(txtSeedStrength) Then
         *      If IsNumeric(txtNumSeeds) Then
         *              txtTotalActivity = CSng(txtNumSeeds) * CSng(txtSeedStrength)
         *              blnDosimetrySaved = False
         *      Else
         *              blnComplete = False
         *      End If
         *      'reccommended activity calculated above
         *      'see if actual is greater than recommended, should be about 100-110%
         *      If IsNumeric(txtRecTotActivity) Then
         *              If IsNumeric(txtTotalActivity) And CSng(txtRecTotActivity) > 0 Then
         *                      txtPercentActivity = CSng(txtTotalActivity) / CSng(txtRecTotActivity)
         *                      blnDosimetrySaved = False
         *              Else
         *                      blnComplete = False
         *              End If
         *      Else
         *              blnComplete = False
         *      End If
         * Else
         *      blnComplete = False
         * End If

        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="isotope"></param>
        /// <param name="assayActivity"></param>
        /// <param name="assayDate"></param>
        /// <param name="implantDate"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string GetImplantActivity(string isotope, string assayActivity, string assayDate, string implantDate)
            string implantActivity = "";

            if (PageUtil.IsInteger(assayActivity) || PageUtil.IsDecimal(assayActivity))
                if (PageUtil.IsDate(assayDate) && PageUtil.IsDate(implantDate))
                    DateTime d1, d2;

                    d1 = Convert.ToDateTime(implantDate);            //implant date comes from BrachyDate field in Brachy table
                    d2 = Convert.ToDateTime(assayDate);

                    TimeSpan ts = d1 - d2;

                    int days = ts.Days;
                    //GetCurrentActivity = sngAssayActivity * 0.5 ^ ((Date - dAssayDate) / 59.4)
                    if (isotope.Equals("Iodine") || isotope.Equals("I-125") || isotope.Equals("I125"))
                        double Itotal = Convert.ToDouble(assayActivity) * (Math.Pow(0.5, (days / 59.4)));
                        implantActivity = Math.Round(Itotal, 6).ToString();                        // could remove this to store full value in db and round to six places on output
                    else if (isotope.Equals("Palladium") || isotope.Equals("Pd-103") || isotope.Equals("Pd103"))
                        double Ptotal = Convert.ToDouble(assayActivity) * (Math.Pow(0.5, (days / 16.97)));
                        implantActivity = Math.Round(Ptotal, 6).ToString();

Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculate percent of recommened activity = Total Seed Activity / (Recommended Total Activity + 10%)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="totActivity"></param>
        /// <param name="recTotActivity"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string CalcPercentActivity(string totActivity, string recTotActivity)
            double percentActivity = 0;

            if (PageUtil.IsDecimal(totActivity) && (PageUtil.IsDecimal(recTotActivity) && double.Parse(recTotActivity) != 0))
                percentActivity = double.Parse(totActivity) / double.Parse(recTotActivity);                 // X 10%?

            percentActivity = RoundFloat(percentActivity) * 100;

Exemplo n.º 4
        public static string CalcTotActivity(string numSeeds, string seedStrength)
            double totActivity = 0;

            if (PageUtil.IsDecimal(numSeeds) && PageUtil.IsDecimal(seedStrength))
                totActivity = int.Parse(numSeeds) * double.Parse(seedStrength);

            //totActivity = Math.Round((totActivity * 100), PhysicsUtil.SignificantDigits);
            totActivity = RoundFloat(totActivity);

Exemplo n.º 5
         * 'calculate RecTotActivity
         *      'check to be sure all numbers are present for calculating
         *      If Not IsNull(txtIsotope) And IsNumeric(txtPrescribedDose) And IsNumeric(txtAvgDimension) Then
         *              Select Case txtIsotope
         *              Case "Palladium"
         *                      'if we can ever figure out what these magic numbers mean, they
         *                      'should go into the config table!!!
         *                      If CSng(txtAvgDimension) < CSng(3) Then
         *                              x = 17.8 * CSng(txtAvgDimension)
         *                      Else
         *                              x = 3.2 * (CSng(txtAvgDimension) ^ 2.56)
         *                      End If
         *                      sngRecTotActivity = 1.686 * x * CSng(txtPrescribedDose) / 140 * 1.1 'changed 3/23/2000
         *              Case "Iodine"
         *                      If CSng(txtAvgDimension) < 3 Then
         *                              x = 5 * CSng(txtAvgDimension)
         *                      Else
         *                              x = 1.338 * (CSng(txtAvgDimension) ^ 2.2)
         *                      End If
         *                      sngRecTotActivity = 0.897 * 1.27 * x * CSng(txtPrescribedDose) / 144 * 1.1
         *              End Select
         *              txtRecTotActivity = sngRecTotActivity
         *              blnDosimetrySaved = False
         *              cmdPrintDosimetry.SetFocus 'prevent error in next line
         *              cmdSaveDosimetry.Enabled = True
         *      ElseIf Not blnPrePlan Then
         *              blnComplete = False
         *      End If

        public static string CalcRecTotActivity(string isotope, string prescribedDose, string avgDimension)
            double recTotActivity = 0;

            if (PageUtil.IsDecimal(prescribedDose) && PageUtil.IsDecimal(avgDimension))
                double x;

                if (isotope.Equals("Palladium"))
                    if (double.Parse(avgDimension) < 3)
                        x = 17.8 * double.Parse(avgDimension);
                        x = 3.2 * (Math.Pow(double.Parse(avgDimension), 2.56));

                    recTotActivity = 1.686 * x * double.Parse(prescribedDose) / 140 * 1.1;
                else if (isotope.Equals("Iodine"))
                    if (double.Parse(avgDimension) < 3)
                        x = 5 * double.Parse(avgDimension);
                        x = 1.388 * Math.Pow(double.Parse(avgDimension), 2.2);

                    recTotActivity = 0.987 * 1.27 * x * double.Parse(prescribedDose) / 144 * 1.1;
            recTotActivity = RoundFloat(recTotActivity);
