Exemplo n.º 1
        public ActionResult GetUserPages2(C_WxUserShowVM.Condition condition)
            string where = StrWhere(condition);

            PageJsonModel <C_WxUserShowVM> page = new PageJsonModel <C_WxUserShowVM>();

            page.pageIndex = condition.pageIndex;
            page.pageSize  = condition.pageSize;
            page.strForm   = @"(select a.ID,a.UserName,a.IsValid,a.NickName,a.Mobile,a.Grade,a.TrueName,
                                a.WxNo,a.DatRegister,a.Email,a.PortraitUrl,wx.openid wx_openid,
                                wx.nickname wx_nickname,wx.sex wx_sex,wx.headimgurl wx_headimgurl,wx.remark wx_remark,
                                wx.groupid wx_groupid,wx.subscribe wx_subscribe,wx.subscribe_time wx_subscribe_time,
                                wx.country wx_country,wx.language wx_language 
                                from C_WxUser as a left join C_UserWxInfo as wx on a.UserName=wx.C_UserName) as userwxvm";
            page.strSelect = "*";
            page.strWhere  = where + " and Email<>''";
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(condition.orderby) == false)
                page.strOrder = Common.FilteSQLStr(condition.orderby);
                page.strOrder = "ID desc";


            return(Json(page.pageResponse, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Exemplo n.º 2
        public ActionResult LoadSources(SYSMArticleSearch condition)
            PageJsonModel <SYSMArticle> page = new PageJsonModel <SYSMArticle>();

            page.pageIndex = condition.pageIndex;
            page.pageSize  = condition.pageSize;
            page.strForm   = string.Format(" SYSMArticle ");
            page.strSelect = " * ";
            page.strWhere  = " and Title<>'' ";

            if (condition.dayType == "today")
                page.strWhere += string.Format(" and DatEdit>='{0}' ", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd 00:00:00"));
            if (condition.dayType == "history")
                page.strWhere += string.Format(" and DatEdit<'{0}' ", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd 00:00:00"));

            page.strOrder = "DatEdit desc";

            return(Json(page.pageResponse, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Exemplo n.º 3
        public ActionResult GetOrders(OrderSearch condition)
            string where = OrderSearch.StrWhere(condition);

            PageJsonModel <OrderShowVM> page = new PageJsonModel <OrderShowVM>();

            page.pageIndex = condition.pageIndex;
            page.strForm   = @" [Order] left join C_User on [Order].UserName=C_User.UserName ";
            page.strSelect = " [Order].*,C_User.Name C_User_Name,(select C_UserType.Name from C_UserType where  C_UserType.Lever= C_User.C_UserTypeID) C_UserTypeName ";
            page.pageSize  = condition.pageSize;
            page.strWhere  = string.Format(" and [Order].ParentUser='' ") + where;

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(condition.orderby) == false)
                page.strOrder = Common.FilteSQLStr(condition.orderby);
                page.strOrder = " [Order].ID Desc";


            return(Json(page.pageResponse, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Exemplo n.º 4
        private ActionResult GetInStockCensusPages(InStockCensusShow condition, string where)
            string StrForm = "(select count(*) count,s.IntoOrderNo,s.BigCode,s.MiddleCode,p.ProductNumber ProductNumber,p.ProductName ProductName,s.IntoTime " +
                             "from Scale s left join Product p on s.ProductNo=p.ProductNumber where s.IsInto=1 " + where +
                             "group by ProductNumber,ProductName,s.IntoOrderNo,s.BigCode,s.MiddleCode,s.IntoTime) as InStockScaleShow ";

            PageJsonModel <InStockCensus> page = new PageJsonModel <InStockCensus>();

            page.pageIndex = condition.pageIndex;
            page.pageSize  = condition.pageSize;
            page.strForm   = StrForm;
            page.strSelect = " * ";
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(condition.orderby) == false)
                page.strOrder = Common.FilteSQLStr(condition.orderby);
                page.strOrder = "IntoTime desc";


            if (page.pageResponse != null && page.pageResponse.RtnList != null && page.pageResponse.RtnList.Count > 0)
                ScaleCodeCount IntoStockCount = Scale.GetIntoStockCount(where);
                page.pageResponse.BigCount    = IntoStockCount.BigCount;
                page.pageResponse.MiddleCount = IntoStockCount.MiddleCount;
                page.pageResponse.SmallCount  = IntoStockCount.SmallCount;
                return(Json(page.pageResponse, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
            return(Json("", JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Exemplo n.º 5
        public ActionResult GetC_UserScaletj(ScaleOutStokeShow condition)
            string where = string.Empty;
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(condition.keyword))
                where += " and ProductNo+ProductName like '%" + condition.keyword + "%'";
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(condition.DatCreateB))
                where += string.Format(" and CreateTime >={0} ", CommonFunc.GetTimestamp(Convert.ToDateTime(condition.DatCreateB + " 00:00:00")));
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(condition.DatCreateE))
                where += string.Format(" and CreateTime <={0} ", CommonFunc.GetTimestamp(Convert.ToDateTime(condition.DatCreateE + " 23:59:59")));
            PageJsonModel <OutScaleDetail> page = new PageJsonModel <OutScaleDetail>();

            page.pageIndex = condition.pageIndex;
            page.pageSize  = condition.pageSize;

            page.strForm = "(select count(SmallCode) as Qty,s.Shipper,s.ProductNo,p.ProductName,p.ProductImg " +
                           "from ScaleOutStoke s left join Product p on s.ProductNo=p.ProductNumber " +
                           "where Shipper='" + CurrentUser.UserName + "'" + where +
                           "group by s.Shipper,s.ProductNo,p.ProductName,ProductImg) as Detail";

            page.strSelect = "* ";
            page.strOrder  = "Qty desc";
            return(Json(page.pageResponse, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Exemplo n.º 6
        public ActionResult GetSentOrders(jf_lpOrderSearch condition)
            string where = string.Empty;
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(condition.OrderNo))
                where += " and OrderNo like '%" + Common.Filter(condition.OrderNo) + "%' ";
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(condition.keyword))
                where += string.Format(@" and (jf_lpOrder.OrderNo like '%{0}%' or jf_lpOrder.OrderName like '%{0}%' 
                                           or OrderMan like '%{0}%' or OrderMobile like '%{0}%' 
                                           or [Address] like '%{0}%' or [PostName] like '%{0}%' or [PostNo] like '%{0}%') ", condition.keyword);

            PageJsonModel <jf_lpOrderShowVM> page = new PageJsonModel <jf_lpOrderShowVM>();

            page.pageIndex = condition.pageIndex;
            page.pageSize  = condition.pageSize;
            page.strForm   = " jf_lpOrder left join j_OrderPost on j_OrderPost.OrderNo=jf_lpOrder.OrderNo ";
            page.strSelect = @" jf_lpOrder.*,
                ISNULL(j_OrderPost.PostName,'') PostName,ISNULL(j_OrderPost.PostNo,'') PostNo,ISNULL(j_OrderPost.Dat,0) PostDat  ";
            page.strWhere  = " and j_OrderPost.PostNo is not null " + where;
            page.strOrder  = " j_OrderPost.Dat Desc";

            return(Json(page.pageResponse, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Exemplo n.º 7
        private ActionResult GetPages(C_UserSearch condition, string where)
            PageJsonModel <C_UserShow> page = new PageJsonModel <C_UserShow>();

            page.pageIndex = condition.pageIndex;
            page.pageSize  = condition.pageSize;
            page.strForm   = @"(select c.*,o.Name ChiefName,o.Phone ChiefPhone ,t.Name LevelName,I.Name IName  from  C_User as c left join C_User as o on c.Chief=o.ID  left join C_UserType t on c.C_UserTypeID=t.Lever left join C_User I on c.Introducer=I.UserName ) as C_UserShow";
            page.strSelect = " * ";
            page.strWhere  = where;
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(condition.orderby) == false)
                page.strOrder = Common.FilteSQLStr(condition.orderby);
                page.strOrder = "ID desc";


            if (page.pageResponse != null && page.pageResponse.RtnList != null && page.pageResponse.RtnList.Count > 0)
                return(Json(page.pageResponse, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
            return(Json("", JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Exemplo n.º 8
        public ActionResult GetC_Userhuantj(ScaleOutStokeShow condition)
            string where = string.Empty;
            string where1 = string.Empty;

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(condition.keyword))
                where += " and Phone like '%" + condition.keyword + "%'";
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(condition.DatCreateB))
                where1 += string.Format(" and C_UserAdvice.DatCreate >='{0} 00:00:00' ", Common.Filter(condition.DatCreateB));
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(condition.DatCreateE))
                where1 += string.Format(" and C_UserAdvice.DatCreate <'{0} 23:59:59' ", Common.Filter(condition.DatCreateE));
            PageJsonModel <C_UserAdvice> page = new PageJsonModel <C_UserAdvice>();

            page.pageIndex = condition.pageIndex;
            page.pageSize  = condition.pageSize;
            string strForm = "";

            strForm = @"C_UserAdvice left join ScaleOutStoke on ScaleOutStoke.SmallCode=C_UserAdvice.SN";
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(where1))
                strForm += where1;
            page.strForm   = strForm;
            page.strSelect = " C_UserAdvice.Phone Phone,count(SN) sl ";
            page.strWhere  = string.Format(" and ScaleOutStoke.Consignee='{0}' and C_UserAdvice.state2='已审核' and C_UserAdvice.state='换货' group by Phone ", CurrentUser.UserName) + where;
            page.strOrder  = "Phone";
            return(Json(page.pageResponse, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Exemplo n.º 9
        private ActionResult GetPages(SelScale condition, string where)
            PageJsonModel <View_AntiQuery> page = new PageJsonModel <View_AntiQuery>();

            page.pageIndex = condition.pageIndex;
            page.pageSize  = condition.pageSize;
            page.strForm   = "View_AntiQuery";
            page.strSelect = " ID, AntiCode, IP, province, city, warning, Address, UserName, CreateTime, BigCode, MiddleCode, SmallCode,SalesAddress ";
            page.strWhere  = where;
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(condition.orderby) == false)
                page.strOrder = Common.FilteSQLStr(condition.orderby);
                page.strOrder = "CreateTime desc";


            if (page.pageResponse != null && page.pageResponse.RtnList != null && page.pageResponse.RtnList.Count > 0)
                return(Json(page.pageResponse, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));

            return(Json("", JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Exemplo n.º 10
        private ActionResult GetPages2(SelScale condition, string where)
            PageJsonModel <SelScale> page = new PageJsonModel <SelScale>();

            page.pageIndex = condition.pageIndex;
            page.pageSize  = condition.pageSize;
            page.strForm   = " SelScale";
            page.strSelect = " province,city,Address,warning,count(ID) cnt";
            page.strWhere  = where + " and warning='窜货' group by province,city,Address,warning";
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(condition.orderby) == false)
                page.strOrder = Common.FilteSQLStr(condition.orderby);
                page.strOrder = "count(ID) desc";


            if (page.pageResponse != null && page.pageResponse.RtnList != null && page.pageResponse.RtnList.Count > 0)
                return(Json(page.pageResponse, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
            return(Json("", JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Exemplo n.º 11
        private ActionResult GetOutStockCencusPages(OutStockCensusShow condition, string where)
            PageJsonModel <OutStockCensus> page = new PageJsonModel <OutStockCensus>();

            page.pageIndex = condition.pageIndex;
            page.pageSize  = condition.pageSize;
            string strForm = "";

            strForm = @"(select count(*) count,s.CreateTime,s.OutOrderNo,s.BigCode,s.MiddleCode,s.Consignee Consignee, s.Shipper Shipper,p.ProductName ProductName,p.ProductNumber ProductNumber " +
                      "from ScaleOutStoke s left join Product p on s.ProductNo=p.ProductNumber where Shipper='总部' " + where;
            strForm       += " group by s.CreateTime,s.OutOrderNo,s.BigCode,s.MiddleCode,s.Consignee,s.Shipper,p.ProductName,p.ProductNumber) as OutStockScaleShow left join C_User as c on c.UserName=OutStockScaleShow.Consignee";
            page.strForm   = strForm;
            page.strSelect = " OutStockScaleShow.*,c.Name C_Name ";

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(condition.orderby) == false)
                page.strOrder = Common.FilteSQLStr(condition.orderby);
                page.strOrder = "OutStockScaleShow.CreateTime desc";


            if (page.pageResponse != null && page.pageResponse.RtnList != null && page.pageResponse.RtnList.Count > 0)
                ScaleCodeCount OutCodeCount = ScaleOutStoke.GetC_UserOutCount(where);
                page.pageResponse.BigCount    = OutCodeCount.BigCount;
                page.pageResponse.MiddleCount = OutCodeCount.MiddleCount;
                page.pageResponse.SmallCount  = OutCodeCount.SmallCount;
                return(Json(page.pageResponse, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
            return(Json("", JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Exemplo n.º 12
        private ActionResult GetPages(Scale condition, string where)
            PageJsonModel <ScaleOutStokeShow> page = new PageJsonModel <ScaleOutStokeShow>();

            page.pageIndex = condition.pageIndex;
            page.pageSize  = condition.pageSize;
            page.strForm   = "(select s.Shipper,s.BigCode,s.MiddleCode,s.SmallCode,s.AntiCode,s.CreateTime,s.OutOrderNo,s.ProductName,s.ProductNumber,s.ProductImg,c.Name " +
                             "from (select s.SmallCode,s.Consignee, s.Shipper, s.BigCode,s.MiddleCode," +
                             "s.AntiCode,s.CreateTime,s.OutOrderNo,p.ProductName,p.ProductNumber," +
                             "p.ProductImg ProductImg from ScaleOutStoke s left join Product p on s.ProductNo=p.ProductNumber where s.Shipper='总部') s left join C_User c on s.Consignee=c.UserName) as OutStockScaleShow";
            page.strSelect = " * ";
            page.strWhere  = where;
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(condition.orderby) == false)
                page.strOrder = Common.FilteSQLStr(condition.orderby);
                page.strOrder = "CreateTime desc";


            if (page.pageResponse != null && page.pageResponse.RtnList != null && page.pageResponse.RtnList.Count > 0)
                return(Json(page.pageResponse, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
            return(Json("", JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Exemplo n.º 13
        public ActionResult GetAgentIncrease(SearchAgentIncrease condition)
            string where = string.Empty;
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(condition.keyword))
                condition.keyword = Common.Filter(condition.keyword);
                where            += string.Format(@" and o.Name like '%{0}%'  ", condition.keyword);
            where += string.Format(" and c.DatVerify >='{0}/01 00:00:00' and c.DatVerify<'{1}/01 00:00:00'", Common.Filter(condition.DatCreateMon), DateTime.Parse(Common.Filter(condition.DatCreateMon) + "/01").AddMonths(1).ToString("yyyy-MM"));
            if (condition.C_UserTypeID != 0)
                where += string.Format(" and o.C_UserTypeID ='{0}' ", condition.C_UserTypeID);

            PageJsonModel <AgentIncrease> page = new PageJsonModel <AgentIncrease>();

            page.pageIndex = condition.pageIndex;
            page.strForm   = @" ( select Count(c.Chief)+ (select COUNT(*)+1 from C_User where Chief=o.ID and state='已审核' and DatVerify<'" + Common.Filter(condition.DatCreateMon) + "/01 00:00:00') Team, (select COUNT(*)+1 from C_User where Chief=o.ID and state='已审核' and DatVerify<'" + Common.Filter(condition.DatCreateMon) + "/01 00:00:00') Teamcount, Count(c.Chief) counts, Count(c.Chief)/(select COUNT(*)+1.0 from C_User where Chief=o.ID and state='已审核' and DatVerify<'" + Common.Filter(condition.DatCreateMon) + "/01 00:00:00') agentcount,o.Name Name,o.Identifier Identifier from C_User c left join C_User o on c.Chief=o.ID where c.Chief!=0 and c.state='已审核'  " + where + " group by o.Chief,o.Identifier,o.Name,o.ID) as show";
            page.strSelect = " * ";
            page.pageSize  = condition.pageSize;
            page.strWhere  = "";
            page.strOrder  = " agentcount Desc";

            return(Json(page.pageResponse, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Exemplo n.º 14
        public ActionResult GetSaleAgent(SaleSearch condition)
            string where = "and Chief=0 and UserName!='m2000' and c.state='已审核'";
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(condition.keyword))
                condition.keyword = Common.Filter(condition.keyword);
                where            += string.Format(@" and (c.Name like '%{0}%' or c.Phone like '%{0}%')  ", condition.keyword);

            if (condition.C_UserTypeID != 0)
                where += string.Format(" and c.C_UserTypeID ='{0}' ", condition.C_UserTypeID);

            PageJsonModel <C_User> page = new PageJsonModel <C_User>();

            page.pageIndex = condition.pageIndex;
            page.strForm   = @" (select c.ID,c.Name,c.UserName,c.Phone,t.Name C_UserTypeName,(select COUNT(*) from [ScaleOutStoke] where  Consignee=c.UserName  and State='启用') count from [C_User] c  left join [C_UserType] t on c.C_UserTypeID=t.Lever  where 1=1  " + where + "  group by c.ID,c.Name,c.UserName,c.Phone,t.Name   ) as show";
            //  page.strForm = @" (select c.ID,c.Name,c.UserName,c.Phone,t.Name C_UserTypeName,count(s.ID) count from [C_User] c left join [ScaleOutStoke] s on c.UserName=s.Consignee  left join [C_UserType] t on c.C_UserTypeID=t.Lever   where s.State='启用'  " + where + " group by c.ID,c.Name,c.UserName,c.Phone,t.Name) as show";
            page.strSelect = " * ";
            page.pageSize  = condition.pageSize;
            page.strWhere  = "";
            page.strOrder  = " ID Desc";

            return(Json(page.pageResponse, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Exemplo n.º 15
        public ActionResult LoadRebateDetail(RebateSearch condition)
            PageJsonModel <C_UserRebate> page = new PageJsonModel <C_UserRebate>();

            page.pageIndex = condition.pageIndex;
            page.pageSize  = condition.pageSize;
            page.strForm   = string.Format(" C_UserRebate left join [Order] left join C_User on [Order].UserName=C_User.UserName on C_UserRebate.OrderNo=[Order].OrderNo ");
            page.strSelect = " C_UserRebate.*,C_User.Name order_CName, [Order].SumPrice ";
            page.strWhere  = string.Format(" and R_People='{0}' ", CurrentUser.UserName);

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(condition.keyword))
                condition.keyword = Common.Filter(condition.keyword);
                page.strWhere    += string.Format(" and C_UserRebate.OrderNo='{0}' ", condition.keyword);
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(condition.DatCreateMon))
                condition.DatCreateMon = Common.Filter(condition.DatCreateMon);

                DateTime DatMon = new DateTime();
                DateTime.TryParse(condition.DatCreateMon, out DatMon);

                page.strWhere += string.Format("  and datepart(mm,C_UserRebate.DatCreat)=datepart(mm,'{0}') ", DatMon.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"));
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(condition.Cat))
                page.strWhere += string.Format("  and C_UserRebate.Cat='{0}' ", condition.Cat);

            page.strOrder = "C_UserRebate.DatCreat desc";

            return(Json(page.pageResponse, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Exemplo n.º 16
        public ActionResult GetPDALog(BaseDateSearch condition)
            string where = string.Empty;
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(condition.DatCreateB))
                where += string.Format(" and OpearTime >={0} ", CommonFunc.GetTimestamp(Convert.ToDateTime(condition.DatCreateB + " 00:00:00")));
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(condition.DatCreateE))
                where += string.Format(" and OpearTime <={0} ", CommonFunc.GetTimestamp(Convert.ToDateTime(condition.DatCreateE + " 23:59:59")));
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(condition.keyword))
                where += string.Format(" and EventName+TypeName+BarCode like '%{0}%' ", condition.keyword);

            PageJsonModel <PDALog> page = new PageJsonModel <PDALog>();

            page.pageIndex = condition.pageIndex;
            page.pageSize  = condition.pageSize;
            page.strForm   = "PDALog";
            page.strSelect = " * ";
            page.strWhere  = where;
            page.strOrder  = "OpearTime desc";

            return(Json(page.pageResponse, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Exemplo n.º 17
        public ActionResult GetNoSendOrders(OrderSearch condition)
            string where = string.Empty;
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(condition.OrderNo))
                where += " and [Order].OrderNo like '%" + Common.Filter(condition.OrderNo) + "%' ";
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(condition.keyword))
                where += string.Format(" and ([Order].OrderNo like '%{0}%' or [Order].OrderName like '%{0}%' or [Order].OrderMan like '%{0}%' or [Order].OrderMobile like '%{0}%' or [Order].[Address] like '%{0}%') ", condition.keyword);
            where += string.Format(" and [Order].OrderState='待发货' and [Order].AuditState='已审核'");

            PageJsonModel <OrderShowVM> page = new PageJsonModel <OrderShowVM>();

            page.pageIndex = condition.pageIndex;
            page.pageSize  = condition.pageSize;
            page.strForm   = " [Order] left join C_User on [Order].UserName=C_User.UserName ";
            page.strSelect = @" [Order].*,C_User.Name C_User_Name,(select Name from C_UserType where  C_UserType.Lever= C_User.C_UserTypeID) C_UserTypeName ";
            page.strWhere  = string.Format(" and [Order].ParentUser='' ") + where;
            page.strOrder  = " DatAudit Asc";

            return(Json(page.pageResponse, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Exemplo n.º 18
        /// <summary>
        /// 出货详情
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="condition"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ActionResult GetC_UserOutScaleDetail(ScaleOutStokeShow condition)
            string where = string.Empty;
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(condition.keyword))
                where += " and Name+OutOrderNo+ProductName like '%" + condition.keyword + "%'";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(condition.DatCreateB))
                where += string.Format(" and CreateTime>={0}", CommonFunc.GetTimestamp(Convert.ToDateTime(condition.DatCreateB + " 00:00:00")));
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(condition.DatCreateE))
                where += string.Format(" and CreateTime<={0}", CommonFunc.GetTimestamp(Convert.ToDateTime(condition.DatCreateE + " 23:59:59")));

            PageJsonModel <ScaleOutStokeShow> page = new PageJsonModel <ScaleOutStokeShow>();

            page.pageIndex = condition.pageIndex;
            page.pageSize  = condition.pageSize;
            page.strForm   = " (select COUNT(*) Qty,s.Shipper, s.ProductNo as ProductNumber,c.Name,s.CreateTime,s.OutOrderNo,p.ProductName,p.ProductImg,Consignee " +
                             "from ScaleOutStoke s left join C_User c on s.Consignee=c.UserName left join Product as p on s.ProductNo=p.ProductNumber " +
                             "group by s.ProductNo ,c.Name,s.CreateTime,s.Shipper,s.OutOrderNo,p.ProductName,p.ProductImg,Consignee ) as Detail ";
            page.strSelect = "* ";
            page.strWhere  = " and Shipper='" + CurrentUser.UserName + "'" + where;
            page.strOrder  = "CreateTime,OutOrderNo desc";
            return(Json(page.pageResponse, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Exemplo n.º 19
        public ActionResult GetSentOrders(OrderSearch condition)
            string where = string.Empty;
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(condition.OrderNo))
                where += " and OrderNo like '%" + Common.Filter(condition.OrderNo) + "%' ";
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(condition.keyword))
                where += string.Format(@" and ([Order].OrderNo like '%{0}%' or [Order].OrderName like '%{0}%' 
                                           or [Order].OrderMan like '%{0}%' or [Order].OrderMobile like '%{0}%' 
                                           or [Order].[Address] like '%{0}%' or OrderPost.[PostName] like '%{0}%' or OrderPost.[PostNo] like '%{0}%') ", condition.keyword);

            PageJsonModel <OrderShowVM> page = new PageJsonModel <OrderShowVM>();

            page.pageIndex = condition.pageIndex;
            page.pageSize  = condition.pageSize;
            page.strForm   = " [Order] left join C_User on [Order].UserName=C_User.UserName left join OrderPost on OrderPost.OrderNo=[Order].OrderNo ";
            page.strSelect = @" [Order].*,C_User.Name C_User_Name,
                ISNULL(OrderPost.PostName,'') PostName,ISNULL(OrderPost.PostNo,'') PostNo,ISNULL(OrderPost.Dat,0) PostDat,(select Name from C_UserType where  C_UserType.Lever= C_User.C_UserTypeID) C_UserTypeName  ";
            page.strWhere  = " and [Order].ParentUser='' and OrderPost.PostNo is not null " + where;
            page.strOrder  = " OrderPost.Dat Desc";

            return(Json(page.pageResponse, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Exemplo n.º 20
        public ActionResult GetNoSendOrders(jf_lpOrderSearch condition)
            string where = string.Empty;
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(condition.OrderNo))
                where += " and OrderNo like '%" + Common.Filter(condition.OrderNo) + "%' ";
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(condition.keyword))
                where += string.Format(" and (OrderNo like '%{0}%' or OrderName like '%{0}%' or OrderMan like '%{0}%' or OrderMobile like '%{0}%' or [Address] like '%{0}%') ", condition.keyword);
            where += string.Format(" and OrderState='待发货' and PayState='已支付' and AuditState='已审核'");

            PageJsonModel <jf_lpOrderShowVM> page = new PageJsonModel <jf_lpOrderShowVM>();

            page.pageIndex = condition.pageIndex;
            page.pageSize  = condition.pageSize;
            page.strForm   = " jf_lpOrder ";
            page.strSelect = @" * ";
            page.strWhere  = where;
            page.strOrder  = " DatPay Asc";

            return(Json(page.pageResponse, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Exemplo n.º 21
        //public ActionResult InCreaseIndex()
        //    return View();

        public ActionResult GetAgentIncrease(SaleSearch condition)
            string where = string.Empty;
            string wheres = string.Empty;

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(condition.keyword))
                condition.keyword = Common.Filter(condition.keyword);
                wheres           += string.Format(@" and Name like '%{0}%'  ", condition.keyword);
            where += string.Format(" and DatAudit >='{0}/01 00:00:00' and DatAudit<'{1}/01 00:00:00'", Common.Filter(condition.DatCreateB), DateTime.Parse(Common.Filter(condition.DatCreateB) + "/01").AddMonths(1).ToString("yyyy-MM"));

            if (condition.C_UserTypeID != 0)
                wheres += string.Format(" and C_UserTypeID ='{0}' ", condition.C_UserTypeID);
            string OldSumPrice                = "(select Sum(o.SumPrice)  from [C_User] c left join [Order] o on c.UserName=o.UserName  where c.UserName=oc.UserName and OrderState='已发货' and DatAudit<'" + Common.Filter(condition.DatCreateB) + "/01 00:00:00')";
            string TheMonthSumPrice           = "(select Sum(o.SumPrice)  from [C_User] c left join [Order] o on c.UserName=o.UserName  where c.UserName=oc.UserName and OrderState='已发货'  " + where + ")";
            PageJsonModel <SaleInCrease> page = new PageJsonModel <SaleInCrease>();

            page.pageIndex = condition.pageIndex;
            page.strForm   = @"(select " + OldSumPrice + " OldSumPrice," + TheMonthSumPrice + " TheMonthSumPrice ," + TheMonthSumPrice + "/" + OldSumPrice + " Increase,  SUM(od.SumPrice) SumPrice,oc.Name Name,oc.Identifier Identifier,oc.C_UserTypeID C_UserTypeID from [C_User] oc left join [Order] od on od.UserName=oc.UserName   where od.OrderState='已发货'  group by oc.UserName, Name,Identifier,oc.C_UserTypeID  ) as show";
            page.strSelect = " * ";
            page.pageSize  = condition.pageSize;
            page.strWhere  = wheres;
            page.strOrder  = " Increase,TheMonthSumPrice desc";

            return(Json(page.pageResponse, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Exemplo n.º 22
        public ActionResult GetAdvicePage(C_UserAdvice condition)
            string where = string.Empty;
            where       += "and State='已审核'";
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Common.Filter(condition.keyword)))
                where += string.Format(@" and (Name like '%{0}%' or Phone like '%{0}%') ", Common.Filter(condition.keyword));

            PageJsonModel <C_UserAdvice> page = new PageJsonModel <C_UserAdvice>();

            page.pageIndex = condition.pageIndex;
            page.pageSize  = condition.pageSize;
            page.strForm   = @"C_UserAdvice";
            page.strSelect = " * ";
            page.strWhere  = where;
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(condition.orderby) == false)
                page.strOrder = Common.FilteSQLStr(condition.orderby);
                page.strOrder = "DatCreate asc";

            return(Json(page.pageResponse, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Exemplo n.º 23
        private ActionResult GetPages(RtnStockSeacher condition, string where)
            PageJsonModel <ScaleRtnStokeDetail> page = new PageJsonModel <ScaleRtnStokeDetail>();

            page.pageIndex = condition.pageIndex;
            page.pageSize  = condition.pageSize;
            page.strForm   = "ScaleRtnStoke s left join C_User as c on c.UserName=s.Consignee";
            page.strSelect = " s.ReturnTime,s.BigCode,s.MiddleCode,s.SmallCode,s.OrderNo,s.OutTime,s.OutOrderNo,c.Name ";
            page.strWhere  = where;
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(condition.orderby) == false)
                page.strOrder = Common.FilteSQLStr(condition.orderby);
                page.strOrder = "ReturnTime desc";

            if (page.pageResponse != null && page.pageResponse.RtnList != null && page.pageResponse.RtnList.Count > 0)
                return(Json(page.pageResponse, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
            return(Json("", JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Exemplo n.º 24
        public ActionResult GetBigCodePage(BigScaleSearch condition)
            string where = string.Empty;
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(condition.KeyWord))
                where += string.Format(" and ProductNumber+ProductName+ProducctNo+BarCode like '%{0}%'", Common.Filter(condition.KeyWord));
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(condition.OrderNo))
                where += string.Format(" and OrderNo like '{0}%'", Common.Filter(condition.OrderNo));
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(condition.DatCreateB))
                where += string.Format(" and ReturnTime >={0} ", CommonFunc.GetTimestamp(Convert.ToDateTime(condition.DatCreateB + " 00:00:00")));
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(condition.DatCreateE))
                where += string.Format(" and ReturnTime <={0} ", CommonFunc.GetTimestamp(Convert.ToDateTime(condition.DatCreateE + " 23:59:59")));

            PageJsonModel <ScaleRtnStokeDetail> page = new PageJsonModel <ScaleRtnStokeDetail>();

            page.pageIndex = condition.pageIndex;
            page.pageSize  = condition.pageSize;
            page.strForm   = "View_RtnRecord";
            page.strSelect = " OrderNo, RtnWay, BarCode, ProducctNo, ReturnTime, OperaUser, BarCount, ProductImg, ProductNumber, ProductName, PUserName, PRealName, Name ";
            page.strWhere  = where;
            page.strOrder  = " ReturnTime desc";

            return(Json(page.pageResponse, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Exemplo n.º 25
        public ActionResult GetRebate_nh_DetailPage(RebateSearch condition)
            string where = string.Empty;
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(condition.keyword))
                where += " and c.Name like '%" + condition.keyword + "%'";
            condition.DatCreateMon = Common.Filter(condition.DatCreateMon);

            DateTime DatMon = new DateTime();

            DateTime.TryParse(condition.DatCreateMon, out DatMon);
            where += string.Format(" and r.State='已发放' and r.Cat='拿货返利'  and  r.R_People='" + condition.UserName + "' and datepart(mm,r.DatCreat)=datepart(mm,'{0}')  ", DatMon.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"));

            PageJsonModel <C_UserRebate> page = new PageJsonModel <C_UserRebate>();

            page.pageIndex = condition.pageIndex;
            page.pageSize  = condition.pageSize;
            page.strForm   = @"  C_UserRebate r left join C_User c on r.R_People=c.UserName
                               left join C_UserType on C_UserType.Lever=c.C_UserTypeID left join [Order] on r.OrderNo=[Order].OrderNo ";
            page.strSelect = " r.*,c.Name Name,c.Phone Phone,C_UserType.Name userTypeName,[Order].ProductCnt ";
            page.strWhere  = " and Issuer='总部' " + where;
            page.strOrder  = "r.DatCreat desc";
            return(Json(page.pageResponse, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Exemplo n.º 26
        public ActionResult Rebate_nh_GetNoRebatePage(RebateSearch condition)
            condition.State = "未发放";
            string where    = RebateSearch.StrWhere_nh(condition);
            PageJsonModel <C_UserRebate> page = Rebate_nh_GetPage(condition, where);

            return(Json(page.pageResponse, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Exemplo n.º 27
        public ActionResult GetMyScalePage(BaseInSearch condition)
            PageJsonModel <ScaleOutStoke> page = new PageJsonModel <ScaleOutStoke>();

            page.pageIndex = condition.pageIndex;
            page.pageSize  = condition.pageSize;
            page.strForm   = " ScaleOutStoke ";
            page.strSelect = "* ";
            page.strWhere  = string.Format(" and  Consignee='{0}' and State='启用' and  P_ID='{1}'", CurrentUser.UserName, condition.keyword);
            page.strOrder  = "DatCreate desc";
            return(Json(page.pageResponse, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Exemplo n.º 28
        private ActionResult GetPages(SupplierSearch condition, string where)
            PageJsonModel <Supplier> page = new PageJsonModel <Supplier>();

            page.pageIndex = condition.pageIndex;
            page.pageSize  = condition.pageSize;
            page.strForm   = "Supplier";
            page.strSelect = " * ";
            page.strWhere  = where;
            page.strOrder  = "ID desc";
            return(Json(page.pageResponse, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Exemplo n.º 29
        public ActionResult GetProductPage(MProductSearch condition)
            PageJsonModel <Product> page = new PageJsonModel <Product>();

            page.pageIndex = condition.pageIndex;
            page.pageSize  = condition.pageSize;
            page.strForm   = "Product";
            page.strSelect = "* ";
            page.strWhere  = " and States='已上架'";
            page.strOrder  = "ProductID desc";
            return(Json(page.pageResponse, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Exemplo n.º 30
        private static PageJsonModel <C_UserInduce> NewMethod(C_UserSearch condition, string where)
            PageJsonModel <C_UserInduce> page = new PageJsonModel <C_UserInduce>();

            page.pageIndex = condition.pageIndex;
            page.pageSize  = condition.pageSize;
            page.strForm   = @"( select c.*,t.Name ILeverName from  (select c.*,t.Name LeverName from (SELECT c.*,b.C_UserTypeID IC_UserTypeID ,b.Name IName,b.Phone IPhone FROM C_User c left join C_User b on c.Introducer=b.UserName where c.Introducer!='' and c.Chief=0) c left join C_UserType t on  c.C_UserTypeID=t.Lever) c left join C_UserType t on c.IC_UserTypeID=t.Lever ) as Show";
            page.strSelect = " * ";
            page.strWhere  = where;
            page.strOrder  = "ID desc";