Exemplo n.º 1
        public List <HtmlComponentModel> Bind()
            //add custom html variable
            return(new List <HtmlComponentModel> {
                new HtmlComponentModel()
                    Key = "page-list",
                    Name = "Page List",
                    Icon = "Vendors/PageList/icon.svg",
                    Description = "Display a list of webpages that belong to your website.",
                    Parameters = new Dictionary <string, HtmlComponentParameter>()
                            new HtmlComponentParameter()
                                Name = "Path",
                                Required = true,
                                DefaultValue = "",
                                Description = "The relative path to search for web pages within your website."
                            new HtmlComponentParameter()
                                Name = "Length",
                                DataType = HtmlComponentParameterDataType.Number,
                                DefaultValue = "",
                                Description = "Total webpages to display within the list."
                            new HtmlComponentParameter()
                                Name = "Recursive",
                                DataType = HtmlComponentParameterDataType.Boolean,
                                DefaultValue = "true",
                                Description = "If true, will include webpages from sub-folders in the list."
                            new HtmlComponentParameter()
                                Name = "Container File",
                                DefaultValue = "",
                                Description = "Relative path to your custom html template used as the container for list items and can include paging buttons."
                            new HtmlComponentParameter()
                                Name = "Item File",
                                DefaultValue = "",
                                Description = "Relative path to your custom html template for a list item, which includes the title & description of a webpage, the author & creation date, along with a thumbnail image."
                    Render = new Func <View, IRequest, Dictionary <string, string>, string, string, string, List <KeyValuePair <string, string> > >((view, request, args, data, prefix, key) =>
                        var results = new List <KeyValuePair <string, string> >();

                        /* args /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
                         * path: (required) relative path from "/Content/pages/" used to list pages from
                         * length: (optional) the amount of pages to display before showing paging buttons at the bottom of the list
                         * recursive: (optional) recurse through sub-folders to find more pages
                         * container-file: (optional) change the default view template used to render the list container & paging buttons
                         * item-file: (optional) change the default view template used to render each page list item

                        //get list of pages to load
                        var containerTemplate = "/Vendors/PageList/container.html";
                        var itemTemplate = "/Vendors/PageList/page.html";
                        var recursive = true;
                        if (args.ContainsKey("container-file"))
                            //get custom container template
                            containerTemplate = args["container-file"];
                        if (args.ContainsKey("item-file"))
                            //get custom item template
                            itemTemplate = args["item-file"];
                            //include css file for page lists
                            request.AddCSS("/editor/vendors/pagelist/pagelist.css", "pagelist");

                        if (args.ContainsKey("recursive"))
                                recursive = bool.Parse(args["recursive"]);
                            catch (Exception) { }
                        var container = new View(containerTemplate);
                        var item = new View(itemTemplate);
                        var files = new string[] { };
                        var path = "";
                        var length = 4;
                        if (args.ContainsKey("path"))
                            path = args["path"];
                        if (args.ContainsKey("length"))
                            int.TryParse(args["length"], out length);
                        files = Directory.GetFiles(App.MapPath("/Content/pages/" + path), "*.html", recursive ? SearchOption.AllDirectories : SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly);
                        if (files.Length > 0)
                            files = files.Select(f =>
                                //clean up file paths
                                var paths = f.Split('\\').ToList();
                                var index = paths.FindIndex(i => i == "Content");
                                if (index > 0)
                                    paths = paths.Skip(index).ToList();
                                return "/" + string.Join('/', paths);

                        //get config files for each page
                        var html = new StringBuilder();
                        var i = 0;
                        foreach (var file in files)
                            if (i > length)
                            if (file.IndexOf("template.html") > 0)
                            var config = PageInfo.GetPageConfig(file);
                            item["title"] = config.title.body;
                            item["date-created"] = config.datecreated.ToShortDateString();
                            item["thumb"] = config.thumbnail;
                            item["description"] = config.description;
                            html.Append(item.Render() + "\n");

                        container["list"] = html.ToString();

                        //TODO: paging buttons
                        results.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>(prefix + key, container.Render()));
                        return results;