Exemplo n.º 1
        protected override async Task InternalExecute(IContext context)
            var pad = PadFactory.CreateInstance(this.PadContract, this.PadMode, this.Instance);
            await pad.Init();

            await pad.Execute(pad.Context, Instance);

            this.Context.Result           = pad.Context.Result;
            this.Context.ExecutionSummary = pad.Context.ExecutionSummary;
            this.Context.Status           = pad.Context.Status;
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a unique instance of the plugin type, with new
        /// instances of all native-code instances needed to access
        /// the entire hardware API.
        /// </summary>
        public ImplantJSInstance CreateInstance(JavascriptImplant parent)
            var implant = ImplantFactory.Construct(parent);

            implant.osc      = OscFactory.Construct(parent);
            implant.pads     = PadFactory.Construct(parent);
            implant.knobs    = KnobFactory.Construct(parent);
            implant.keys     = KeysFactory.Construct(parent);
            implant.gui      = GuiFactory.Construct(parent);
            implant.time     = TimeFactory.Construct(parent);
            implant.settings = SettingsFactory.Construct(parent);
            implant.shared   = StaticFactory.Construct(parent);
            implant.session  = SessionFactory.Construct(parent);
            implant.mode     = ModesFactory.Construct(parent);

Exemplo n.º 3
        public async Task <bool> Handle(ExecutionCommand request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var pad = PadFactory.CreateInstance(request.Pad, ExecutionMode.Normal, request.Instances);
            await pad.Init();

            await pad.Execute(pad.Context, request.Instances);

            var result = new ExecutionResult
                PadIdentifier = request.Pad.Identifier,
                Status        = pad.Context.Status,
                Summary       = pad.Context.ExecutionSummary,
                Result        = pad.Context.Result

            using (var padmgr = this.clientFactory.CreateClient("padMgr"))
                var histResponse = await padmgr.PostAsJsonAsync <ExecutionResult>($"/api/pad/history?userId={request.UserId}", result);
Exemplo n.º 4
        public async Task <IActionResult> ExecuteSync([FromBody] PadExecution request)
            var pad = PadFactory.CreateInstance(request.Pad, ExecutionMode.Normal, request.Instances);
            await pad.Init();

            await pad.Execute(pad.Context, request.Instances);

            var result = new ExecutionResult
                PadIdentifier = request.Pad.Identifier,
                Status        = pad.Context.Status,
                Summary       = pad.Context.ExecutionSummary,
                Result        = pad.Context.Result

            using (var padmgr = this.clientFactory.CreateClient("padMgr"))
                var histResponse = await padmgr.PostAsJsonAsync <ExecutionResult>($"/api/pad/history?userId={request.UserId}", result);
Exemplo n.º 5
        public async Task ExpressionEvNode()
            var padContract = new Engine.Contracts.PadContract()
                Id   = 1,
                Name = "test"

            var constant1 = new Engine.Contracts.NodeBaseContract()
                Id       = 1,
                NodeId   = 1,
                OutNodes = new List <long>()
                Type     = NodeType.Input,
                MetaData = new NodeMetaData()
                    NodeData = new NodeMetaDataAttribute()
                        NodeClass = typeof(ConstantNode)
                    FieldsMetaData = new List <FieldMetaDataAttribute>()
                        new FieldMetaDataAttribute()
                            Name      = "Value",
                            ValueType = typeof(int)
                        new FieldMetaDataAttribute()
                            Name      = "ConstantType",
                            ValueType = typeof(ConstantType)

            var constant2 = new Engine.Contracts.NodeBaseContract()
                Id       = 2,
                NodeId   = 2,
                OutNodes = new List <long>()
                Type     = NodeType.Input,
                MetaData = new NodeMetaData()
                    NodeData = new Engine.NodeMetaDataAttribute()
                        NodeClass = typeof(ConstantNode)
                    FieldsMetaData = new List <FieldMetaDataAttribute>()
                        new FieldMetaDataAttribute()
                            Name      = "Value",
                            ValueType = typeof(int)
                        new FieldMetaDataAttribute()
                            Name      = "ConstantType",
                            ValueType = typeof(ConstantType)

            var constant3 = new Engine.Contracts.NodeBaseContract()
                Id       = 3,
                NodeId   = 3,
                OutNodes = new List <long>()
                Type     = NodeType.Input,
                MetaData = new NodeMetaData()
                    NodeData = new Engine.NodeMetaDataAttribute()
                        NodeClass = typeof(ConstantNode)
                    FieldsMetaData = new List <FieldMetaDataAttribute>()
                        new FieldMetaDataAttribute()
                            Name      = "Value",
                            ValueType = typeof(int)
                        new FieldMetaDataAttribute()
                            Name      = "ConstantType",
                            ValueType = typeof(ConstantType)

            var expressionNode = new Engine.Contracts.NodeBaseContract()
                Id      = 4,
                NodeId  = 4,
                InNodes = new List <long>()
                    1, 2, 3
                Type     = NodeType.Output,
                MetaData = new NodeMetaData()
                    NodeData = new NodeMetaDataAttribute()
                        NodeClass = typeof(ExpressionEvaluatorNode)
                    FieldsMetaData = new List <FieldMetaDataAttribute>()
                        new FieldMetaDataAttribute()
                            Name            = "Value",
                            MappedNodeId    = 1,
                            MappedFieldName = "Value"
                        new FieldMetaDataAttribute()
                            Name            = "Value",
                            MappedNodeId    = 2,
                            MappedFieldName = "Value"
                        new FieldMetaDataAttribute()
                            Name            = "Value",
                            MappedNodeId    = 3,
                            MappedFieldName = "Value"
                        new FieldMetaDataAttribute()
                            Name      = "Expression",
                            ValueType = typeof(string)

            padContract.Nodes = new List <Engine.Contracts.NodeBaseContract>()
                constant1, constant2, constant3, expressionNode

            List <InstanceMapping> mappings = new List <InstanceMapping>()
                new InstanceMapping()
                    NodeId        = 1,
                    FieldMappings = new List <FieldMapping>()
                        new FieldMapping()
                            FieldName = "Value", Value = "2"
                        new FieldMapping()
                            FieldName = "ConstantType", Value = "Int"
                new InstanceMapping()
                    NodeId        = 2,
                    FieldMappings = new List <FieldMapping>()
                        new FieldMapping()
                            FieldName = "Value", Value = "10"
                        new FieldMapping()
                            FieldName = "ConstantType", Value = "Int"
                new InstanceMapping()
                    NodeId        = 3,
                    FieldMappings = new List <FieldMapping>()
                        new FieldMapping()
                            FieldName = "Value", Value = "1"
                        new FieldMapping()
                            FieldName = "ConstantType", Value = "Int"
                new InstanceMapping()
                    NodeId        = 4,
                    FieldMappings = new List <FieldMapping>()
                        new FieldMapping()
                            FieldName = "Expression", Value = "{{Value_1}} * {{Value_2}} + {{Value_3}}"
            var instance = new Instances(mappings);

            var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(instance);

            var pad = PadFactory.CreateInstance(padContract, ExecutionMode.Normal, instance);
            await pad.Init();

            await pad.Execute(pad.Context, instance);

            Assert.Equal(ExecutionStatus.Success, pad.Context.Status);
            Assert.Equal(21, pad.Context.Result);
Exemplo n.º 6
        public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task PadNodeExeTestAsync()
            var padContract = new Engine.Contracts.PadContract()
                Id   = 1,
                Name = "test"

            var constant1 = new Engine.Contracts.NodeBaseContract()
                Id       = 1,
                NodeId   = 1,
                OutNodes = new List <long>()
                Type     = NodeType.Input,
                MetaData = new NodeMetaData()
                    NodeData = new NodeMetaDataAttribute()
                        NodeClass = typeof(ConstantNode)
                    FieldsMetaData = new List <FieldMetaDataAttribute>()
                        new FieldMetaDataAttribute()
                            Name      = "Value",
                            ValueType = typeof(int)
                        new FieldMetaDataAttribute()
                            Name      = "ConstantType",
                            ValueType = typeof(ConstantType)

            var constant2 = new NodeBaseContract()
                Id       = 2,
                NodeId   = 2,
                OutNodes = new List <long>()
                Type     = NodeType.Input,
                MetaData = new NodeMetaData()
                    NodeData = new NodeMetaDataAttribute()
                        NodeClass = typeof(ConstantNode)
                    FieldsMetaData = new List <FieldMetaDataAttribute>()
                        new FieldMetaDataAttribute()
                            Name      = "Value",
                            ValueType = typeof(int)
                        new FieldMetaDataAttribute()
                            Name      = "ConstantType",
                            ValueType = typeof(ConstantType)

            var add = new NodeBaseContract()
                Id      = 3,
                NodeId  = 3,
                InNodes = new List <long>()
                    1, 2
                Type     = NodeType.Output,
                MetaData = new NodeMetaData()
                    NodeData = new NodeMetaDataAttribute()
                        NodeClass = typeof(AddNode)
                    FieldsMetaData = new List <FieldMetaDataAttribute>()
                        new FieldMetaDataAttribute()
                            Name            = "Left",
                            Direction       = FieldDirection.Input,
                            MappedNodeId    = 1,
                            MappedFieldName = "Value"
                        new FieldMetaDataAttribute()
                            Name         = "Right",
                            MappedNodeId = 2,
                            Direction    = FieldDirection.Input,

            padContract.Nodes = new List <NodeBaseContract>()
                constant1, constant2, add

            List <InstanceMapping> mappings = new List <InstanceMapping>()
                new InstanceMapping()
                    NodeId        = 1,
                    FieldMappings = new List <FieldMapping>()
                        new FieldMapping()
                            FieldName = "Value", Value = "1"
                        new FieldMapping()
                            FieldName = "ConstantType", Value = "Int"
                new InstanceMapping()
                    NodeId        = 2,
                    FieldMappings = new List <FieldMapping>()
                        new FieldMapping()
                            FieldName = "Value", Value = "1"
                        new FieldMapping()
                            FieldName = "ConstantType", Value = "Int"
            var instance = new Instances(mappings);

            var padnodeContract = new Engine.Contracts.PadContract()
                Id   = 1,
                Name = "test"

            var padNode = new NodeBaseContract()
                Id       = 1,
                NodeId   = 1,
                Type     = NodeType.Input,
                OutNodes = new List <long>()
                MetaData = new NodeMetaData()
                    NodeData = new NodeMetaDataAttribute()
                        NodeClass = typeof(PadNode)
                    FieldsMetaData = new List <FieldMetaDataAttribute>()
                        new FieldMetaDataAttribute()
                            Name      = "PadContract",
                            ValueType = typeof(Engine.Contracts.PadContract)
                        new FieldMetaDataAttribute()
                            Name      = "PadMode",
                            ValueType = typeof(ExecutionMode)
                        new FieldMetaDataAttribute()
                            Name      = "Instance",
                            ValueType = typeof(Instances)
            var constantOutput = new NodeBaseContract()
                Id       = 2,
                NodeId   = 2,
                Type     = NodeType.Output,
                MetaData = new NodeMetaData()
                    NodeData = new NodeMetaDataAttribute()
                        NodeClass = typeof(ConstantNode)
                    FieldsMetaData = new List <FieldMetaDataAttribute>()
                        new FieldMetaDataAttribute()
                            Name         = "Value",
                            MappedNodeId = 1,
                            Direction    = FieldDirection.Input,
                        new FieldMetaDataAttribute()
                            Name      = "ConstantType",
                            ValueType = typeof(ConstantType)

            padnodeContract.Nodes = new List <NodeBaseContract>()
                padNode, constantOutput

            var padInstance = new Instances(
                new List <InstanceMapping>()
                new InstanceMapping()
                    NodeId        = 1,
                    FieldMappings = new List <FieldMapping>()
                        new FieldMapping()
                            FieldName = "PadContract", Value = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(padContract)
                        new FieldMapping()
                            FieldName = "PadMode", Value = "Normal"
                        new FieldMapping()
                            FieldName = "Instance", Value = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(instance)

            var pad = PadFactory.CreateInstance(padnodeContract, ExecutionMode.Normal, padInstance);
            await pad.Init();

            await pad.Execute(pad.Context, instance);

            Assert.Equal(ExecutionStatus.Success, pad.Context.Status);
            Assert.Equal(2.0, pad.Context.Result);
Exemplo n.º 7
        public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task MultiplyNodeConstantTestAsync()
            var padContract = new Engine.Contracts.PadContract()
                Id   = 1,
                Name = "test"

            var constant1 = new Engine.Contracts.NodeBaseContract()
                Id       = 1,
                NodeId   = 1,
                OutNodes = new List <long>()
                Type     = NodeType.Input,
                MetaData = new NodeMetaData()
                    NodeData = new Engine.NodeMetaDataAttribute()
                        NodeClass = typeof(ConstantNode)
                    FieldsMetaData = new List <FieldMetaDataAttribute>()
                        new FieldMetaDataAttribute()
                            Name      = "Value",
                            ValueType = typeof(int)
                        new FieldMetaDataAttribute()
                            Name      = "ConstantType",
                            ValueType = typeof(ConstantType)

            var constant2 = new Engine.Contracts.NodeBaseContract()
                Id       = 2,
                NodeId   = 2,
                OutNodes = new List <long>()
                Type     = NodeType.Input,
                MetaData = new NodeMetaData()
                    NodeData = new Engine.NodeMetaDataAttribute()
                        NodeClass = typeof(ConstantNode)
                    FieldsMetaData = new List <FieldMetaDataAttribute>()
                        new FieldMetaDataAttribute()
                            Name      = "Value",
                            ValueType = typeof(double)
                        new FieldMetaDataAttribute()
                            Name      = "ConstantType",
                            ValueType = typeof(ConstantType)

            var add = new Engine.Contracts.NodeBaseContract()
                Id      = 3,
                NodeId  = 3,
                InNodes = new List <long>()
                    1, 2
                Type     = NodeType.Output,
                MetaData = new NodeMetaData()
                    NodeData = new Engine.NodeMetaDataAttribute()
                        NodeClass = typeof(MultiplyNode)
                    FieldsMetaData = new List <FieldMetaDataAttribute>()
                        new FieldMetaDataAttribute()
                            Name            = "Left",
                            Direction       = FieldDirection.Input,
                            MappedNodeId    = 1,
                            MappedFieldName = "Value"
                        new FieldMetaDataAttribute()
                            Name         = "Right",
                            MappedNodeId = 2,
                            Direction    = FieldDirection.Input,

            padContract.Nodes = new List <Engine.Contracts.NodeBaseContract>()
                constant1, constant2, add

            List <InstanceMapping> mappings = new List <InstanceMapping>()
                new InstanceMapping()
                    NodeId        = 1,
                    FieldMappings = new List <FieldMapping>()
                        new FieldMapping()
                            FieldName = "Value", Value = "10"
                        new FieldMapping()
                            FieldName = "ConstantType", Value = "Int"
                new InstanceMapping()
                    NodeId        = 2,
                    FieldMappings = new List <FieldMapping>()
                        new FieldMapping()
                            FieldName = "Value", Value = "1.1"
                        new FieldMapping()
                            FieldName = "ConstantType", Value = "Number"
            var instance = new Instances(mappings);

            var pad = PadFactory.CreateInstance(padContract, ExecutionMode.Normal, instance);
            await pad.Init();

            await pad.Execute(pad.Context, instance);

            Assert.Equal(ExecutionStatus.Success, pad.Context.Status);
            Assert.Equal(11.0, pad.Context.Result);
Exemplo n.º 8
        public async Task ObjectNodeTestAsync()
            var padContract = new Engine.Contracts.PadContract()
                Id   = 1,
                Name = "test"

            var objectNode = new Engine.Contracts.NodeBaseContract()
                Id       = 1,
                NodeId   = 1,
                OutNodes = new List <long>()
                Type     = NodeType.Input,
                MetaData = new NodeMetaData()
                    NodeData = new NodeMetaDataAttribute()
                        NodeClass = typeof(ObjectNode)
                    FieldsMetaData = new List <FieldMetaDataAttribute>()
                        new FieldMetaDataAttribute()
                            Name      = "Schema",
                            ValueType = typeof(string)
                        new FieldMetaDataAttribute()
                            Name      = "JsonString",
                            ValueType = typeof(string)

            var constant1 = new Engine.Contracts.NodeBaseContract()
                Id     = 2,
                NodeId = 2,
                // OutNodes = new List<long>() { 3 },
                Type     = NodeType.Output,
                MetaData = new NodeMetaData()
                    NodeData = new NodeMetaDataAttribute()
                        NodeClass = typeof(ConstantNode)
                    FieldsMetaData = new List <FieldMetaDataAttribute>()
                        new FieldMetaDataAttribute()
                            Name            = "Value",
                            ValueType       = typeof(object),
                            Direction       = FieldDirection.Input,
                            MappedNodeId    = 1,
                            MappedFieldName = "__Result__"
                        new FieldMetaDataAttribute()
                            Name      = "ConstantType",
                            ValueType = typeof(ConstantType)

            padContract.Nodes = new List <Engine.Contracts.NodeBaseContract>()
                objectNode, constant1

            var contractString = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(padContract);

            JSchemaGenerator generator = new JSchemaGenerator();
            JSchema          schema    = generator.Generate(typeof(Account));
            var schemaString           = schema.ToString();
            var account = new Account
                Email     = "*****@*****.**",
                Name      = "Johe Doe",
                Age       = 20,
                DateBrith = new DateTimeOffset(1980, 1, 1, 12, 1, 2, new TimeSpan(-6, 0, 0)),
                Address   = new Address {
                    Line1 = "Mobile AL"
                Duration  = new TimeSpan(12, 0, 1),
                LastLogin = DateTime.Now

            List <InstanceMapping> mappings = new List <InstanceMapping>()
                new InstanceMapping()
                    NodeId        = 1,
                    FieldMappings = new List <FieldMapping>()
                        new FieldMapping()
                            FieldName = "Schema", Value = schema.ToString()
                        new FieldMapping()
                            FieldName = "JsonString", Value = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(account)
            var instance = new Instances(mappings);
            var json     = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(instance);
            var pad      = PadFactory.CreateInstance(padContract, ExecutionMode.Normal, instance);
            await pad.Init();

            await pad.Execute(pad.Context, instance);

            Assert.Equal(ExecutionStatus.Success, pad.Context.Status);

            await Task.CompletedTask;
Exemplo n.º 9
        public async Task OrNode()
            var padContract = new Engine.Contracts.PadContract()
                Id   = 1,
                Name = "test"

            var constant1 = new Engine.Contracts.NodeBaseContract()
                Id       = 1,
                NodeId   = 1,
                OutNodes = new List <long>()
                Type     = NodeType.Input,
                MetaData = new NodeMetaData()
                    NodeData = new NodeMetaDataAttribute()
                        NodeClass = typeof(ConstantNode)
                    FieldsMetaData = new List <FieldMetaDataAttribute>()
                        new FieldMetaDataAttribute()
                            Name      = "Value",
                            ValueType = typeof(bool)
                        new FieldMetaDataAttribute()
                            Name      = "ConstantType",
                            ValueType = typeof(ConstantType)

            var constant2 = new Engine.Contracts.NodeBaseContract()
                Id       = 2,
                NodeId   = 2,
                OutNodes = new List <long>()
                Type     = NodeType.Input,
                MetaData = new NodeMetaData()
                    NodeData = new Engine.NodeMetaDataAttribute()
                        NodeClass = typeof(ConstantNode)
                    FieldsMetaData = new List <FieldMetaDataAttribute>()
                        new FieldMetaDataAttribute()
                            Name      = "Value",
                            ValueType = typeof(bool)
                        new FieldMetaDataAttribute()
                            Name      = "ConstantType",
                            ValueType = typeof(ConstantType)

            var add = new Engine.Contracts.NodeBaseContract()
                Id      = 3,
                NodeId  = 3,
                InNodes = new List <long>()
                    1, 2
                Type     = NodeType.Output,
                MetaData = new NodeMetaData()
                    NodeData = new Engine.NodeMetaDataAttribute()
                        NodeClass = typeof(OrNode)
                    FieldsMetaData = new List <FieldMetaDataAttribute>()
                        new FieldMetaDataAttribute()
                            Name            = "Left",
                            Direction       = FieldDirection.Input,
                            MappedNodeId    = 1,
                            MappedFieldName = "Value"
                        new FieldMetaDataAttribute()
                            Name         = "Right",
                            MappedNodeId = 2,
                            Direction    = FieldDirection.Input,

            padContract.Nodes = new List <Engine.Contracts.NodeBaseContract>()
                constant1, constant2, add

            List <InstanceMapping> mappings = new List <InstanceMapping>()
                new InstanceMapping()
                    NodeId        = 1,
                    FieldMappings = new List <FieldMapping>()
                        new FieldMapping()
                            FieldName = "Value", Value = "True"
                        new FieldMapping()
                            FieldName = "ConstantType", Value = "Boolean"
                new InstanceMapping()
                    NodeId        = 2,
                    FieldMappings = new List <FieldMapping>()
                        new FieldMapping()
                            FieldName = "Value", Value = "False"
                        new FieldMapping()
                            FieldName = "ConstantType", Value = "Boolean"
            var instance = new Instances(mappings);

            var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(instance);

            var pad = PadFactory.CreateInstance(padContract, ExecutionMode.Normal, instance);
            await pad.Init();

            await pad.Execute(pad.Context, instance);

            Assert.Equal(ExecutionStatus.Success, pad.Context.Status);
            Assert.Equal(true, pad.Context.Result);