Exemplo n.º 1
    /// Position::init() initializes at startup the various arrays used to compute
    /// hash keys.
    internal static void init()
        var rng = new PRNG(1070372);

        foreach (var c in Color.AllColors)
            foreach (var pt in PieceType.AllPieceTypes)
                for (var s = Square.SQ_A1; s <= Square.SQ_H8; ++s)
                    Zobrist.psq[c, pt, s] = rng.rand();

        foreach (var f in File.AllFiles)
            Zobrist.enpassant[f] = rng.rand();

        for (var cr = (int) CastlingRight.NO_CASTLING; cr <= (int) CastlingRight.ANY_CASTLING; ++cr)
            Zobrist.castling[cr] = 0;
            var b = Bitboard.Create((ulong) cr);
            while (b != 0)
                var k = Zobrist.castling[1 << Utils.pop_lsb(ref b)];
                Zobrist.castling[cr] ^= (k != 0 ? k : rng.rand());

        Zobrist.side = rng.rand();
        Zobrist.exclusion = rng.rand();