Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieve a previously accepted Package from the GSCCCA Real Estate eFiling system
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gscccaID">The GSCCCAID of the Accepted package being requested</param>
        /// <returns>A Package object that contains infromation about the Accepted package including filings
        /// and recording informations.  If the Package
        /// could not be retrieved, does not exist, or is not Accepted, a NULL package  Object is returned.  Check the Status property of the FilingHandler
        /// and the RawXMLResponse Property for more information</returns>
        public Package GetAcceptedPackage(Guid gscccaID)
            //reset variables
            this.rawrequest = "<getAcceptedPackage>" + gscccaID.ToString() + "</getAcceptedPackage>";

            //make the request and record the reponse
            string xml = PRIARetrieveRecordedPackage(gscccaID.ToString());

            this.rawresponse = xml;

            //process the response.
            Package p          = null;
            bool    responseOK = processResponse(xml, "RECORDED");

            if (responseOK)
                PRIA_RESPONSE_GROUP_Type response = createPriaResponse(xml);
                if (response.RESPONSE[0].RESPONSE_DATA != null &&
                    response.RESPONSE[0].RESPONSE_DATA.Count > 0 &&
                    response.RESPONSE[0].RESPONSE_DATA[0] != null &&
                    response.RESPONSE[0].RESPONSE_DATA[0].PACKAGE != null)
                    p = Package.FromPriaPackage(response.RESPONSE[0].RESPONSE_DATA[0].PACKAGE);
                    this.status = "Error in response package.  Please check the xml that was returned";

Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieve a previously rejected package from the GSCCCA Real Estate eFiling systme
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gscccaID">The GSCCCAID of the rejected package being requested</param>
        /// <returns>A Package object that contains information about the rejected package.  THe package object will NOT contain
        /// filings, rather only the reasons provided for rejected.  If the package
        /// could not be retrieved, does not exist, or is not rejected, a NULL package Object is returned.  Check the Status property of the FilingHandler
        /// and the RawXMLResponse Property for more information</returns>
        public Package GetRejectedPackage(Guid gscccaID)
            //reset variables
            this.rawrequest = "<getRejectedPackage>" + gscccaID.ToString() + "</getRejectedPackage>";

            //make the request and record the reponse
            string xml = PRIARetrieveRejectedPackage(gscccaID.ToString());

            this.rawresponse = xml;

            //process the response.
            Package p = null;

            bool responseOK = processResponse(xml, "REJECTED");

            if (responseOK)
                p          = new Package();
                p.GSCCCAID = gscccaID;

                PRIA_RESPONSE_GROUP_Type response = createPriaResponse(xml);
                if (response.RESPONSE[0].STATUS[0].RECORDING_ERROR != null)
                    foreach (PRIA_RECORDING_ERROR_Type err in response.RESPONSE[0].STATUS[0].RECORDING_ERROR)
                        RejectionReason r = new RejectionReason(err._Description);

Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Given an xml pria response, checks the status string of the response and compares it to a user provided desired response.  The status text of the
        /// status document can be found in the Status property of this object after this method is called.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="xml">The xml of a pria response document</param>
        /// <param name="desiredResponse">The status description used to compare against the status actually contained with the status document</param>
        /// <returns>True if the response matches the user specified desired response, false otherwise</returns>
        private bool processResponse(string xml, string desiredResponse)
            bool okResponse = false;

            PRIA_RESPONSE_GROUP_Type response = createPriaResponse(xml);

            if (response == null)
                status = "Error parsing response from GSCCCA. Please review the XML returned from GSCCCA.";
                string description = "";
                if (response.RESPONSE != null && response.RESPONSE.Count > 0 &&
                    response.RESPONSE[0] != null && response.RESPONSE[0].STATUS != null &&
                    response.RESPONSE[0].STATUS.Count > 0 && response.RESPONSE[0].STATUS[0] != null)
                    description = response.RESPONSE[0].STATUS[0]._Description.Trim().ToUpper();
                    status      = description;
                    if (description == desiredResponse.Trim().ToUpper())
                        okResponse = true;
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves a pending Real estate package from the GSCCCA eFiling system.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gscccaID">The GSCCCAID of the package being requested.</param>
        /// <returns>A Package object that contains infromation about the pending filings including document images.  If the package
        /// could not be retrieved or does not exist, a NULL Package Object is returned.  Check the Status property of the FilingHandler
        /// and the RawXMLResponse Property for more information</returns>
        public Package GetPendingPackage(Guid gscccaID)
            //reset variables
            this.rawrequest = "<getPendingPackage>" + gscccaID.ToString() + "</getPendingPackage>";

            //make the request and record the reponse
            string xml = PRIAGetPendingPackage(gscccaID.ToString());

            this.rawresponse = xml;

            //process the response.
            Package p          = null;
            bool    responseOK = processResponse(xml, "RECEIVED");

            if (responseOK)
                PRIA_RESPONSE_GROUP_Type response = createPriaResponse(xml);
                if (response.RESPONSE[0].RESPONSE_DATA != null &&
                    response.RESPONSE[0].RESPONSE_DATA.Count > 0 &&
                    response.RESPONSE[0].RESPONSE_DATA[0] != null &&
                    response.RESPONSE[0].RESPONSE_DATA[0].PACKAGE != null)
                    p = Package.FromPriaPackage(response.RESPONSE[0].RESPONSE_DATA[0].PACKAGE);
                    if (p == null)
                        this.status = "Error in response package.  Please check the xml that was returned";
                        //set the filer informatoin
                        if (response.RESPOND_TO_PARTY != null)
                            FilingParty filer = FilingParty.FromPriaRespondToParty(response.RESPOND_TO_PARTY);
                            p.OriginalFiler = filer;
                    this.status = "Error in response package.  Please check the xml that was returned";

Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a strongly typed PRIA_RESPONSE_GROUP object from the xml provided
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="xml">XML string representing a pria response</param>
        /// <returns>A strongly typed PRIA_RESPONSE_GROUP object if the xml was parsable, null otherwise</returns>
        private PRIA_RESPONSE_GROUP_Type createPriaResponse(string xml)
            PRIA_RESPONSE_GROUP_Type priaResponse = null;

                StringReader      sr;
                XmlReader         reader;
                XmlSerializer     xs;
                XmlReaderSettings settings;

                sr       = new StringReader(xml);
                settings = new XmlReaderSettings();
                settings.IgnoreWhitespace = true;
                reader       = XmlReader.Create(sr, settings);
                xs           = new XmlSerializer(typeof(PRIA_RESPONSE_GROUP_Type));
                priaResponse = (PRIA_RESPONSE_GROUP_Type)xs.Deserialize(reader);
            catch { }
Exemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a List of strings representing GSCCCAIDs of all pending packages on the GSCCCA real estate eFiling portal
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="xml">The xml of the pria response containing the document list</param>
        /// <returns>A List of strings of GSCCCAIDs of all pending packages</returns>
        private List <string> createPackageList(string xml)
            List <string> filings          = null;
            bool          responseExpected = processResponse(xml, "RECEIVED");

            if (responseExpected)
                filings = new List <string>();
                PRIA_RESPONSE_GROUP_Type response = createPriaResponse(xml);
                if (response.RESPONSE[0].RESPONSE_DATA != null && response.RESPONSE[0].RESPONSE_DATA.Count > 0)
                    foreach (PRIA_RESPONSE_Type priaResponse in response.RESPONSE[0].RESPONSE_DATA)
                        if (priaResponse.PACKAGE != null)