private void InitUserControlsManually()
            // set controls in filter to default values

            // Hook up EventFilterChanged Event to be able to react to changed filter
            ucoFilter.EventFilterChanged += new TEventHandlerEventFilterChanged(this.EventFilterChanged);


            // now the filter is initialized we can load the initial data


            grdEvent.AddTextColumn("Event Name", FEventTable.Columns[PPartnerTable.GetPartnerShortNameDBName()]);
            grdEvent.AddTextColumn("Event Code", FEventTable.Columns[PUnitTable.GetOutreachCodeDBName()]);
            grdEvent.AddTextColumn("Country", FEventTable.Columns[PCountryTable.GetCountryNameDBName()]);
            grdEvent.AddDateColumn("Start Date", FEventTable.Columns[PPartnerLocationTable.GetDateEffectiveDBName()]);
            grdEvent.AddDateColumn("End Date", FEventTable.Columns[PPartnerLocationTable.GetDateGoodUntilDBName()]);
            grdEvent.AddPartnerKeyColumn("Event Key", FEventTable.Columns[PPartnerTable.GetPartnerKeyDBName()]);
            grdEvent.AddTextColumn("Event Type", FEventTable.Columns[PUnitTable.GetUnitTypeCodeDBName()]);

            FEventTable.DefaultView.AllowDelete = false;
            FEventTable.DefaultView.AllowEdit   = false;
            FEventTable.DefaultView.AllowNew    = false;

            grdEvent.Selection.EnableMultiSelection = false;
            grdEvent.Selection.SelectRow(1, true);
Exemplo n.º 2
 /// <summary>
 /// get the current address from a location table
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ATable">table with locations</param>
 /// <returns>data view containing the current address</returns>
 public static DataView DetermineCurrentAddresses(PPartnerLocationTable ATable)
     return(new DataView(ATable, "((" + PPartnerLocationTable.GetDateEffectiveDBName() + " <= #" +
                         DateTime.Now.Date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "# OR " +
                         PPartnerLocationTable.GetDateEffectiveDBName() + " IS NULL) AND (" +
                         PPartnerLocationTable.GetDateGoodUntilDBName() + " >= #" + DateTime.Now.Date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") +
                         "# OR " + PPartnerLocationTable.GetDateGoodUntilDBName() + " IS NULL))", "", DataViewRowState.CurrentRows));
Exemplo n.º 3
 /// <summary>
 /// get the current address from a location table
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ATable">table with locations</param>
 /// <returns>data view containing the current address</returns>
 public static DataView DetermineCurrentAddresses(PPartnerLocationTable ATable)
     // dd/MM/yyyy did not work on Mono on Mac
     // see also
     return(new DataView(ATable, "((" + PPartnerLocationTable.GetDateEffectiveDBName() + " <= #" + DateTime.Now.Date.ToString(
                             "yyyy-MM-dd") + "# OR " + PPartnerLocationTable.GetDateEffectiveDBName() + " IS NULL) AND (" +
                         PPartnerLocationTable.GetDateGoodUntilDBName() + " >= #" + DateTime.Now.Date.ToString(
                             "yyyy-MM-dd") + "# OR " + PPartnerLocationTable.GetDateGoodUntilDBName() + " IS NULL))", "", DataViewRowState.CurrentRows));
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// check the validity of each location and update the icon of each location (current address, old address, future address)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="APartnerLocationsDT">the datatable to check</param>
        /// <param name="ADateToCheck"></param>
        public static void DeterminePartnerLocationsDateStatus(DataTable APartnerLocationsDT, DateTime ADateToCheck)
            System.DateTime pDateEffective;
            System.DateTime pDateGoodUntil;

             *  Add custom DataColumn if its not part of the DataTable yet
            if (!APartnerLocationsDT.Columns.Contains(PARTNERLOCATION_ICON_COLUMN))
                APartnerLocationsDT.Columns.Add(new System.Data.DataColumn(PARTNERLOCATION_ICON_COLUMN, typeof(Int32)));

             * Loop over all DataRows and determine their 'Date Status'. The result is then
             * stored in the 'Icon' DataColumn.
            foreach (DataRow pRow in APartnerLocationsDT.Rows)
                if (pRow.RowState != DataRowState.Deleted)
                    bool Unchanged = pRow.RowState == DataRowState.Unchanged;

                    pDateEffective = TSaveConvert.ObjectToDate(pRow[PPartnerLocationTable.GetDateEffectiveDBName()]);
                    pDateGoodUntil = TSaveConvert.ObjectToDate(
                        pRow[PPartnerLocationTable.GetDateGoodUntilDBName()], TNullHandlingEnum.nhReturnHighestDate);

                    // Current Address: Icon = 1,
                    // Future Address:  Icon = 2,
                    // Expired Address: Icon = 3.
                    if ((pDateEffective <= ADateToCheck) && ((pDateGoodUntil >= ADateToCheck) || (pDateGoodUntil == new DateTime(9999, 12, 31))))
                        pRow[PartnerEditTDSPPartnerLocationTable.GetIconDBName()] = ((object)1);
                    else if (pDateEffective > ADateToCheck)
                        pRow[PartnerEditTDSPPartnerLocationTable.GetIconDBName()] = ((object)2);
                        pRow[PartnerEditTDSPPartnerLocationTable.GetIconDBName()] = ((object)3);

                    if (Unchanged)
                        // We do not want changing the Icon column to enable save. So revert row status to original.
Exemplo n.º 5
        private DataTable GetConferenceListTable(TDBTransaction AReadTransaction, string ATableName)
            DataTable Table;

            DataColumn[] Key = new DataColumn[1];

            // Used eg. Select Event Dialog
            Table = DBAccess.GetDBAccessObj(AReadTransaction).SelectDT(
                "SELECT DISTINCT " +
                PPartnerTable.GetPartnerShortNameDBName() +
                ", " + PPartnerTable.GetPartnerClassDBName() +
                ", " + PUnitTable.GetOutreachCodeDBName() +
                ", " + PCountryTable.GetTableDBName() + "." + PCountryTable.GetCountryNameDBName() +
                ", " + PPartnerLocationTable.GetTableDBName() + "." + PPartnerLocationTable.GetDateEffectiveDBName() +
                ", " + PPartnerLocationTable.GetTableDBName() + "." + PPartnerLocationTable.GetDateGoodUntilDBName() +
                ", " + PPartnerTable.GetTableDBName() + "." + PPartnerTable.GetPartnerKeyDBName() +
                ", " + PUnitTable.GetUnitTypeCodeDBName() +

                " FROM PUB." + PPartnerTable.GetTableDBName() +
                ", PUB." + PUnitTable.GetTableDBName() +
                ", PUB." + PLocationTable.GetTableDBName() +
                ", PUB." + PPartnerLocationTable.GetTableDBName() +
                ", PUB." + PCountryTable.GetTableDBName() +

                " WHERE " +
                PPartnerTable.GetTableDBName() + "." + PPartnerTable.GetPartnerKeyDBName() + " = " +
                PUnitTable.GetTableDBName() + "." + PUnitTable.GetPartnerKeyDBName() + " AND " +
                PPartnerTable.GetTableDBName() + "." + PPartnerTable.GetPartnerKeyDBName() + " = " +
                PPartnerLocationTable.GetTableDBName() + "." + PPartnerLocationTable.GetPartnerKeyDBName() + " AND " +

                PLocationTable.GetTableDBName() + "." + PLocationTable.GetSiteKeyDBName() + " = " +
                PPartnerLocationTable.GetTableDBName() + "." + PPartnerLocationTable.GetSiteKeyDBName() + " AND " +
                PLocationTable.GetTableDBName() + "." + PLocationTable.GetLocationKeyDBName() + " = " +
                PPartnerLocationTable.GetTableDBName() + "." + PPartnerLocationTable.GetLocationKeyDBName() + " AND " +
                PCountryTable.GetTableDBName() + "." + PCountryTable.GetCountryCodeDBName() + " = " +
                PLocationTable.GetTableDBName() + "." + PLocationTable.GetCountryCodeDBName() + " AND " +

                PPartnerTable.GetStatusCodeDBName() + " = 'ACTIVE' AND " +
                PPartnerTable.GetPartnerClassDBName() + " = 'UNIT' AND (" +
                PUnitTable.GetUnitTypeCodeDBName() + " LIKE '%CONF%' OR " +
                PUnitTable.GetUnitTypeCodeDBName() + " LIKE '%CONG%')"
                ATableName, AReadTransaction);

            Key[0]           = Table.Columns[PPartnerTable.GetPartnerKeyDBName()];
            Table.PrimaryKey = Key;

Exemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// todoComment
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        /// <param name="AVerificationResultCollection"></param>
        /// <param name="AVerificationResult"></param>
        public static void VerifyDates(DataColumnChangeEventArgs e,
                                       TVerificationResultCollection AVerificationResultCollection,
                                       out TVerificationResult AVerificationResult)
            AVerificationResult = null;
            DateTime DateGoodUntil = new DateTime();
            DateTime DateEffective = new DateTime();

                if (e.Column.ColumnName == PPartnerLocationTable.GetDateEffectiveDBName())
                    // MessageBox.Show('p_date_effective_d: ' + e.Row['p_date_effective_d', DataRowVersion.Current].ToString);
                    DateEffective = TSaveConvert.ObjectToDate(e.ProposedValue);
                    DateGoodUntil = TSaveConvert.ObjectToDate(e.Row[PPartnerLocationTable.GetDateGoodUntilDBName()]);
                else if (e.Column.ColumnName == PPartnerLocationTable.GetDateGoodUntilDBName())
                    DateEffective = TSaveConvert.ObjectToDate(e.Row[PPartnerLocationTable.GetDateEffectiveDBName()]);
                    DateGoodUntil = TSaveConvert.ObjectToDate(e.ProposedValue);

                // MessageBox.Show('p_date_effective_d: ' + DateEffective.ToString + Environment.NewLine +
                // 'p_date_good_until_d: ' + DateGoodUntil.ToString);
                if (e.Column.ColumnName == PPartnerLocationTable.GetDateEffectiveDBName())
                    AVerificationResult = TDateChecks.FirstLesserOrEqualThanSecondDate(DateEffective, DateGoodUntil, "Valid From", "Valid To");
                    AVerificationResult = TDateChecks.FirstGreaterOrEqualThanSecondDate(DateGoodUntil, DateEffective, "Valid To", "Valid From");

                if (e.Column.ColumnName == PPartnerLocationTable.GetDateEffectiveDBName())
                    // delete any error that might have been there from a verification of the other column
                    // delete any error that might have been there from a verification of the other column
            catch (Exception Exp)
                MessageBox.Show("Exception occured in TPartnerAddressVerification.VerifyDates: " + Exp.ToString());
Exemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// todoComment
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        /// <param name="AVerificationResultCollection"></param>
        /// <param name="AVerificationResult"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Boolean VerifyPartnerLocationData(DataColumnChangeEventArgs e,
                                                        TVerificationResultCollection AVerificationResultCollection,
                                                        out TVerificationResult AVerificationResult)
            Boolean ReturnValue;

            AVerificationResult = null;

            // MessageBox.Show('Verifying DataRow...');
            if ((e.Column.ColumnName == PPartnerLocationTable.GetDateEffectiveDBName()) ||
                (e.Column.ColumnName == PPartnerLocationTable.GetDateGoodUntilDBName()))
                VerifyDates(e, AVerificationResultCollection, out AVerificationResult);

            if (e.Column.Ordinal == ((PPartnerLocationTable)e.Column.Table).ColumnEmailAddress.Ordinal)
                VerifyEmailAddress(e, out AVerificationResult);

            if (e.Column.Ordinal == ((PPartnerLocationTable)e.Column.Table).ColumnLocationType.Ordinal)
                VerifyLocationType(e, out AVerificationResult);

            // any verification errors?
            if (AVerificationResult == null)
                ReturnValue = true;
                ReturnValue = false;

                // MessageBox.Show('VerifyPartnerLocationData: There was an error!');

        public static DataTable GetEventUnits()
            List <OdbcParameter> SqlParameterList = new List <OdbcParameter>();

            DataColumn[] Key    = new DataColumn[3];
            DataTable    Events = new DataTable();

            if (TLogging.DL >= 9)
                Console.WriteLine("GetEventUnits called!");

            TDBTransaction Transaction = null;

                                                           ref Transaction,
                string SqlStmt =
                    "SELECT DISTINCT " +
                    PPartnerTable.GetPartnerShortNameDBName() +
                    ", " + PPartnerTable.GetPartnerClassDBName() +
                    ", " + PUnitTable.GetOutreachCodeDBName() +
                    ", " + PCountryTable.GetTableDBName() + "." + PCountryTable.GetCountryNameDBName() +
                    ", " + PPartnerLocationTable.GetTableDBName() + "." + PPartnerLocationTable.GetSiteKeyDBName() +
                    ", " + PPartnerLocationTable.GetTableDBName() + "." + PPartnerLocationTable.GetLocationKeyDBName() +
                    ", " + PPartnerLocationTable.GetTableDBName() + "." + PPartnerLocationTable.GetDateEffectiveDBName() +
                    ", " + PPartnerLocationTable.GetTableDBName() + "." + PPartnerLocationTable.GetDateGoodUntilDBName() +

                    ", " + PPartnerTable.GetTableDBName() + "." + PPartnerTable.GetPartnerKeyDBName() +
                    ", " + PUnitTable.GetUnitTypeCodeDBName() +
                    ", " + PUnitTable.GetUnitNameDBName() +

                    " FROM pub_" + PPartnerTable.GetTableDBName() +
                    ", pub_" + PUnitTable.GetTableDBName() +
                    ", pub_" + PLocationTable.GetTableDBName() +
                    ", pub_" + PPartnerLocationTable.GetTableDBName() +
                    ", pub_" + PCountryTable.GetTableDBName() +

                    " WHERE " +
                    PPartnerTable.GetTableDBName() + "." + PPartnerTable.GetPartnerKeyDBName() + " = " +
                    PUnitTable.GetTableDBName() + "." + PUnitTable.GetPartnerKeyDBName() + " AND " +

                    PPartnerTable.GetTableDBName() + "." + PPartnerTable.GetPartnerKeyDBName() + " = " +
                    PPartnerLocationTable.GetTableDBName() + "." + PPartnerLocationTable.GetPartnerKeyDBName() + " AND " +
                    PLocationTable.GetTableDBName() + "." + PLocationTable.GetSiteKeyDBName() + " = " +
                    PPartnerLocationTable.GetTableDBName() + "." + PPartnerLocationTable.GetSiteKeyDBName() + " AND " +
                    PLocationTable.GetTableDBName() + "." + PLocationTable.GetLocationKeyDBName() + " = " +
                    PPartnerLocationTable.GetTableDBName() + "." + PPartnerLocationTable.GetLocationKeyDBName() + " AND " +
                    PCountryTable.GetTableDBName() + "." + PCountryTable.GetCountryCodeDBName() + " = " +
                    PLocationTable.GetTableDBName() + "." + PLocationTable.GetCountryCodeDBName() + " AND " +

                    PPartnerTable.GetStatusCodeDBName() + " = 'ACTIVE' " + " AND " +
                    PPartnerTable.GetPartnerClassDBName() + " = 'UNIT' ";

                // sort rows according to name
                SqlStmt = SqlStmt + " ORDER BY " + PPartnerTable.GetPartnerShortNameDBName();

                Events = DBAccess.GDBAccessObj.SelectDT(SqlStmt, "events",
                                                        Transaction, SqlParameterList.ToArray());

                Key[0]            = Events.Columns[PPartnerTable.GetPartnerKeyDBName()];
                Key[1]            = Events.Columns[PPartnerLocationTable.GetSiteKeyDBName()];
                Key[2]            = Events.Columns[PPartnerLocationTable.GetLocationKeyDBName()];
                Events.PrimaryKey = Key;

Exemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines which address is the 'Best Address' of a Partner, and marks it in the DataColumn 'BestAddress'.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>There are convenient overloaded server-side Methods, Ict.Petra.Server.MPartner.ServerCalculations.DetermineBestAddress,
        /// which work by specifying the PartnerKey of a Partner in an Argument.</remarks>
        /// <param name="APartnerLocationsDT">DataTable containing the addresses of a Partner.</param>
        /// <returns>A <see cref="TLocationPK" /> which points to the 'Best Address'. If no 'Best Address' was found,
        /// SiteKey and LocationKey of this instance will be both -1.</returns>
        public static TLocationPK DetermineBestAddress(DataTable APartnerLocationsDT)
            TLocationPK ReturnValue;

            DataRow[]    OrderedRows;
            System.Int32 CurrentRow;
            System.Int32 BestRow;
            System.Int16 FirstRowAddrOrder;
            bool         FirstRowMailingAddress;

            System.DateTime BestRowDate;
            System.DateTime TempDate;
            CurrentRow = 0;
            BestRow    = 0;
            bool Unchanged = false;

            TLogging.LogAtLevel(8, "Calculations.DetermineBestAddress: processing " + APartnerLocationsDT.Rows.Count.ToString() + " rows...");

            if (APartnerLocationsDT == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Argument APartnerLocationsDT must not be null");

            if (!APartnerLocationsDT.Columns.Contains(PARTNERLOCATION_BESTADDR_COLUMN))
                DeterminePartnerLocationsDateStatus(APartnerLocationsDT, DateTime.Today);

             *  Add custom DataColumn if its not part of the DataTable yet
            if (!APartnerLocationsDT.Columns.Contains(PARTNERLOCATION_BESTADDR_COLUMN))
                APartnerLocationsDT.Columns.Add(new System.Data.DataColumn(PARTNERLOCATION_BESTADDR_COLUMN, typeof(Boolean)));

             * Order tables' rows: first all records with p_send_mail_l = true, these are ordered
             * ascending by Icon, then all records with p_send_mail_l = false, these are ordered
             * ascending by Icon.
            OrderedRows = APartnerLocationsDT.Select(APartnerLocationsDT.DefaultView.RowFilter,
                                                     PPartnerLocationTable.GetSendMailDBName() + " DESC, " + PartnerEditTDSPPartnerLocationTable.GetIconDBName() + " ASC",

            if (OrderedRows.Length > 1)
                FirstRowAddrOrder      = Convert.ToInt16(OrderedRows[0][PartnerEditTDSPPartnerLocationTable.GetIconDBName()]);
                FirstRowMailingAddress = Convert.ToBoolean(OrderedRows[0][PPartnerLocationTable.GetSendMailDBName()]);

                // determine pBestRowDate
                if (FirstRowAddrOrder != 3)
                    BestRowDate = TSaveConvert.ObjectToDate(OrderedRows[CurrentRow][PPartnerLocationTable.GetDateEffectiveDBName()]);
                    BestRowDate = TSaveConvert.ObjectToDate(OrderedRows[CurrentRow][PPartnerLocationTable.GetDateGoodUntilDBName()]);

                // iterate through the sorted rows
                for (CurrentRow = 0; CurrentRow <= OrderedRows.Length - 1; CurrentRow += 1)
                    Unchanged = OrderedRows[CurrentRow].RowState == DataRowState.Unchanged;

                    // reset any row that might have been marked as 'best' before
                    OrderedRows[CurrentRow][PartnerEditTDSPPartnerLocationTable.GetBestAddressDBName()] = ((object)0);

                    // We do not want changing the BestAddress column to enable save. So revert row status to original.
                    if (Unchanged)

                    // determine pTempDate
                    if (FirstRowAddrOrder != 3)
                        TempDate = TSaveConvert.ObjectToDate(OrderedRows[CurrentRow][PPartnerLocationTable.GetDateEffectiveDBName()]);
                        TempDate = TSaveConvert.ObjectToDate(OrderedRows[CurrentRow][PPartnerLocationTable.GetDateGoodUntilDBName()]);

                    // still the same ADDR_ORDER than the ADDR_ORDER of the first row and
                    // still the same Mailing Address than the Mailing Address flag of the first row > proceed
                    if ((Convert.ToInt16(OrderedRows[CurrentRow][PartnerEditTDSPPartnerLocationTable.GetIconDBName()]) == FirstRowAddrOrder) &&
                        (Convert.ToBoolean(OrderedRows[CurrentRow][PPartnerLocationTable.GetSendMailDBName()]) == FirstRowMailingAddress))
                        switch (FirstRowAddrOrder)
                        case 1:
                        case 3:

                            // find the Row with the highest p_date_effective_d (or p_date_good_until_d) date
                            if (TempDate > BestRowDate)
                                BestRowDate = TempDate;
                                BestRow     = CurrentRow;


                        case 2:

                            // find the Row with the lowest p_date_effective_d date
                            if (TempDate < BestRowDate)
                                BestRowDate = TempDate;
                                BestRow     = CurrentRow;


                Unchanged = OrderedRows[0].RowState == DataRowState.Unchanged;

                // mark the location that was determined to be the 'best'
                OrderedRows[BestRow][PartnerEditTDSPPartnerLocationTable.GetBestAddressDBName()] = ((object)1);

                // We do not want changing the BestAddress column to enable save. So revert row status to original.
                if (Unchanged)

                ReturnValue =
                    new TLocationPK(Convert.ToInt64(OrderedRows[BestRow][PLocationTable.GetSiteKeyDBName()]),
                if (OrderedRows.Length == 1)
                    Unchanged = OrderedRows[0].RowState == DataRowState.Unchanged;

                    // mark the only location to be the 'best'
                    OrderedRows[0][PartnerEditTDSPPartnerLocationTable.GetBestAddressDBName()] = ((object)1);

                    // We do not want changing the BestAddress column to enable save. So revert row status to original.
                    if (Unchanged)

                    ReturnValue = new TLocationPK(Convert.ToInt64(OrderedRows[0][PLocationTable.GetSiteKeyDBName()]),
                    ReturnValue = new TLocationPK();

Exemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a list of locations for a given Partner.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>Corresponds in parts with with Progress 4GL Method
        /// 'GetPartnerLocations' in partner/maillib.p.</remarks>
        /// <param name="APartnerKey">PartnerKey of the Partner being processed.</param>
        /// <param name="AMailingAddressesOnly">If true: only include addresses with mailing flag set.</param>
        /// <param name="AIncludeCurrentAddresses">If true: include current addresses.</param>
        /// <param name="AIncludeFutureAddresses">If true: include future addresses.</param>
        /// <param name="AIncludeExpiredAddresses">If true: include expired addresses.</param>
        /// <param name="APartnerLocations">The Locations of the Partner being processed.</param>
        /// <param name="ADataBase">An instantiated <see cref="TDataBase" /> object, or null (default = null). If null
        /// gets passed then the Method executes DB commands with the 'globally available'
        /// <see cref="DBAccess.GDBAccessObj" /> instance, otherwise with the instance that gets passed in with this
        /// Argument!</param>
        /// <returns>False if an invalid PartnerKey was passed in or if Petra Security
        /// denied access to the Partner, otherwise true.</returns>
        public static bool GetPartnerLocations(Int64 APartnerKey,
                                               bool AMailingAddressesOnly,
                                               bool AIncludeCurrentAddresses,
                                               bool AIncludeFutureAddresses,
                                               bool AIncludeExpiredAddresses,
                                               out PPartnerLocationTable APartnerLocations,
                                               TDataBase ADataBase = null)
            TDBTransaction ReadTransaction;
            Boolean        NewTransaction;

            String  SelectSQL;
            DataSet FillDataSet;

            OdbcParameter param;

            // Initialise out Argument
            APartnerLocations = null;

            if (APartnerKey > 0)
                TLogging.LogAtLevel(8, "TMailing.GetPartnerLocations: Checking access to Partner.");

                if (TSecurity.CanAccessPartnerByKey(APartnerKey, false, ADataBase) ==
                    ReadTransaction = DBAccess.GetDBAccessObj(ADataBase).GetNewOrExistingTransaction(
                        out NewTransaction);

                    // Load Partner Locations, taking passed in restrictions into account.
                        SelectSQL =
                            "SELECT *" +
                            "  FROM PUB_" + PPartnerLocationTable.GetTableDBName() +
                            " WHERE " + PPartnerLocationTable.GetPartnerKeyDBName() + " = ?" +
                            "   AND (NOT ? = true OR (? = true AND " + PPartnerLocationTable.GetSendMailDBName() + " = true))" +
                            "   AND ((? = true AND ((" + PPartnerLocationTable.GetDateEffectiveDBName() + " <= ?" +
                            "          OR " + PPartnerLocationTable.GetDateEffectiveDBName() + " IS NULL)" +
                            "     AND (" + PPartnerLocationTable.GetDateGoodUntilDBName() + " >= ?" +
                            "          OR " + PPartnerLocationTable.GetDateGoodUntilDBName() + " IS NULL)))" +
                            "     OR (? = true AND " + PPartnerLocationTable.GetDateEffectiveDBName() + " > ?)" +
                            "     OR (? = true AND " + PPartnerLocationTable.GetDateGoodUntilDBName() + " < ?))";

                        List <OdbcParameter> parameters = new List <OdbcParameter>();
                        param       = new OdbcParameter("PartnerKey", OdbcType.Decimal, 10);
                        param.Value = APartnerKey;
                        param       = new OdbcParameter("MailingAddressOnly1", OdbcType.Bit);
                        param.Value = AMailingAddressesOnly;
                        param       = new OdbcParameter("MailingAddressOnly2", OdbcType.Bit);
                        param.Value = AMailingAddressesOnly;
                        param       = new OdbcParameter("IncludeCurrentAddresses", OdbcType.Bit);
                        param.Value = AIncludeCurrentAddresses;
                        param       = new OdbcParameter("TodaysDate1", OdbcType.Date);
                        param.Value = DateTime.Now;
                        param       = new OdbcParameter("TodaysDate2", OdbcType.Date);
                        param.Value = DateTime.Now;
                        param       = new OdbcParameter("IncludeFutureAddresses", OdbcType.Bit);
                        param.Value = AIncludeFutureAddresses;
                        param       = new OdbcParameter("TodaysDate3", OdbcType.Date);
                        param.Value = DateTime.Now;
                        param       = new OdbcParameter("IncludeExpiredAddresses", OdbcType.Bit);
                        param.Value = AIncludeExpiredAddresses;
                        param       = new OdbcParameter("TodaysDate4", OdbcType.Date);
                        param.Value = DateTime.Now;

                         * Our out Argument 'APartnerLocations' is a Typed DataTable, but SelectDT
                         * returns an untyped DataTable, therefore we need to create a Typed DataTable
                         * that contains the data of the returned untyped DataTable!
                        FillDataSet       = new DataSet();
                        APartnerLocations = new PPartnerLocationTable(PPartnerLocationTable.GetTableDBName());

                        DBAccess.GetDBAccessObj(ADataBase).Select(FillDataSet, SelectSQL,
//                      TLogging.LogAtLevel(7, "TMailing.GetPartnerLocations:  FillDataSet.Tables.Count: " + FillDataSet.Tables.Count.ToString());

                        if (APartnerLocations.Rows.Count > 0)
//                          TLogging.LogAtLevel(7, "TMailing.GetPartnerLocations: Found " + APartnerLocations.Rows.Count.ToString() + " PartnerLocations found for Partner " + APartnerKey.ToString() + ".");
                             * /* No Rows returned = no PartnerLocations for Partner.
                             * That shouldn't happen with existing Partners, but if it does (eg. non-existing
                             * PartnerKey passed in) we return an empty Typed DataTable.
//                          TLogging.LogAtLevel(7, "TMailing.GetPartnerLocations: No PartnerLocations found for Partner " + APartnerKey.ToString() + "!");
                            APartnerLocations = new PPartnerLocationTable();
                        if (NewTransaction)
                            TLogging.LogAtLevel(7, "TMailing.GetPartnerLocations: committed own transaction.");

                    TLogging.LogAtLevel(8, "TMailing.GetPartnerLocations: Access to Partner DENIED!");

                    // Petra Security prevents us from accessing this Partner -> return false;
                // Invalid PartnerKey -> return false;
        public static DataTable GetEventUnits(bool AIncludeConferenceUnits, bool AIncludeOutreachUnits,
                                              string AEventName, bool AIncludeLocationData, bool ACurrentAndFutureEventsOnly)
            TDBTransaction ReadTransaction;
            Boolean        NewTransaction = false;

            List <OdbcParameter> SqlParameterList = new List <OdbcParameter>();

            DataColumn[] Key    = new DataColumn[1];
            DataTable    Events = new DataTable();

            if (AEventName == "*")
                AEventName = "";
            else if (AEventName.EndsWith("*"))
                AEventName = AEventName.Substring(0, AEventName.Length - 1);

            if (TLogging.DL >= 9)
                Console.WriteLine("GetEventUnits called!");

            ReadTransaction = DBAccess.GDBAccessObj.GetNewOrExistingTransaction(IsolationLevel.RepeatableRead,
                                                                                out NewTransaction);

                string SqlStmt =
                    "SELECT DISTINCT " +
                    PPartnerTable.GetPartnerShortNameDBName() +
                    ", " + PPartnerTable.GetPartnerClassDBName() +
                    ", " + PUnitTable.GetOutreachCodeDBName();

                if (AIncludeLocationData || ACurrentAndFutureEventsOnly)
                    SqlStmt = SqlStmt +
                              ", " + PCountryTable.GetTableDBName() + "." + PCountryTable.GetCountryNameDBName() +
                              ", " + PPartnerLocationTable.GetTableDBName() + "." + PPartnerLocationTable.GetDateEffectiveDBName() +
                              ", " + PPartnerLocationTable.GetTableDBName() + "." + PPartnerLocationTable.GetDateGoodUntilDBName();

                SqlStmt = SqlStmt +
                          ", " + PPartnerTable.GetTableDBName() + "." + PPartnerTable.GetPartnerKeyDBName() +
                          ", " + PUnitTable.GetUnitTypeCodeDBName() +

                          " FROM pub_" + PPartnerTable.GetTableDBName() +
                          ", pub_" + PUnitTable.GetTableDBName();

                if (AIncludeLocationData || ACurrentAndFutureEventsOnly)
                    SqlStmt = SqlStmt +
                              ", pub_" + PLocationTable.GetTableDBName() +
                              ", pub_" + PPartnerLocationTable.GetTableDBName() +
                              ", pub_" + PCountryTable.GetTableDBName();

                SqlStmt = SqlStmt +
                          " WHERE " +
                          PPartnerTable.GetTableDBName() + "." + PPartnerTable.GetPartnerKeyDBName() + " = " +
                          PUnitTable.GetTableDBName() + "." + PUnitTable.GetPartnerKeyDBName() + " AND ";

                if (AIncludeLocationData || ACurrentAndFutureEventsOnly)
                    SqlStmt = SqlStmt +
                              PPartnerTable.GetTableDBName() + "." + PPartnerTable.GetPartnerKeyDBName() + " = " +
                              PPartnerLocationTable.GetTableDBName() + "." + PPartnerLocationTable.GetPartnerKeyDBName() + " AND " +
                              PLocationTable.GetTableDBName() + "." + PLocationTable.GetSiteKeyDBName() + " = " +
                              PPartnerLocationTable.GetTableDBName() + "." + PPartnerLocationTable.GetSiteKeyDBName() + " AND " +
                              PLocationTable.GetTableDBName() + "." + PLocationTable.GetLocationKeyDBName() + " = " +
                              PPartnerLocationTable.GetTableDBName() + "." + PPartnerLocationTable.GetLocationKeyDBName() + " AND " +
                              PCountryTable.GetTableDBName() + "." + PCountryTable.GetCountryCodeDBName() + " = " +
                              PLocationTable.GetTableDBName() + "." + PLocationTable.GetCountryCodeDBName() + " AND ";

                SqlStmt = SqlStmt +
                          PPartnerTable.GetStatusCodeDBName() + " = 'ACTIVE' " + " AND " +
                          PPartnerTable.GetPartnerClassDBName() + " = 'UNIT' ";

                // add criteria for conference and/or outreach
                String ConferenceWhereClause = "(" +
                                               PUnitTable.GetUnitTypeCodeDBName() + " LIKE '%CONF%' OR " +
                                               PUnitTable.GetUnitTypeCodeDBName() + " LIKE '%CONG%')";

                String OutreachWhereClause = PUnitTable.GetOutreachCodeDBName() + " IS NOT NULL AND " +
                                             PUnitTable.GetOutreachCodeDBName() + " <> '' AND (" +
                                             PUnitTable.GetUnitTypeCodeDBName() + " NOT LIKE '%CONF%' AND " +
                                             PUnitTable.GetUnitTypeCodeDBName() + " NOT LIKE '%CONG%')";

                if (AIncludeConferenceUnits &&
                    SqlStmt = SqlStmt + " AND ((" + ConferenceWhereClause + ") OR (" + OutreachWhereClause + "))";
                else if (AIncludeConferenceUnits)
                    SqlStmt = SqlStmt + " AND (" + ConferenceWhereClause + ")";
                else if (AIncludeOutreachUnits)
                    SqlStmt = SqlStmt + " AND (" + OutreachWhereClause + ")";

                // add criteria for event name filter
                if (AEventName.Length > 0)
                    // in case there is a filter set for the event name
                    AEventName = AEventName.Replace('*', '%') + "%";
                    SqlStmt    = SqlStmt + " AND " + PUnitTable.GetUnitNameDBName() +
                                 " LIKE '" + AEventName + "'";

                if (ACurrentAndFutureEventsOnly)
                    SqlStmt = SqlStmt + " AND " + PPartnerLocationTable.GetDateGoodUntilDBName() + " >= ?";

                    SqlParameterList.Add(new OdbcParameter("param_date", OdbcType.Date)
                        Value = DateTime.Today.Date

                // sort rows according to name
                SqlStmt = SqlStmt + " ORDER BY " + PPartnerTable.GetPartnerShortNameDBName();

                Events = DBAccess.GDBAccessObj.SelectDT(SqlStmt, "events",
                                                        ReadTransaction, SqlParameterList.ToArray());

                Key[0]            = Events.Columns[PPartnerTable.GetPartnerKeyDBName()];
                Events.PrimaryKey = Key;
            catch (Exception e)
                if (NewTransaction)

                    if (TLogging.DL >= 7)
                        Console.WriteLine("GetEventUnits: committed own transaction.");
