public void Unregister(PObject obj) { if (nameDict.ContainsKey(obj)) { nameDict.Remove(obj); } }
public void TestFailure_from_long_string_should_produce_diff() { var obj1 = new PObject { Field = "Item", Property = 420, Value = new PValueObject(), }; var obj2 = new PObject { Field = "Different Item", Property = 999, }; var subj = new MemberwiseEqualMatcher <PObject>(obj1); var failure = TestMatcherLocalizer.Failure(subj, obj2); Assert.NotNull(failure.UserData.Diff); var diff = failure.UserData.Diff.ToString().Split(new [] { '\n', '\r' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); Assert.Equal(new [] { "@@@ -1,5 +1,5", " {", "- Property = 420", "+ Property = 999", "@@@ -2,6 +2,6", " Property = 420", " Value = PValueObject { }", "- Field = Item", "+ Field = Different Item", }, diff); // last line contains } which is removed }
void TestExecuteTask(PDictionary input, PropertyListEditorAction action, string entry, string type, string value, PObject expected) { var task = CreateTask <PropertyListEditor> (); task.PropertyList = Path.Combine(Cache.CreateTemporaryDirectory(), "propertyList.plist"); task.Action = action.ToString(); task.Entry = entry; task.Type = type; task.Value = value; input.Save(task.PropertyList); if (expected == null) { Assert.IsFalse(task.Execute(), "Task was expected to fail."); return; } Assert.IsTrue(task.Execute(), "Task was expected to execute successfully."); var output = PObject.FromFile(task.PropertyList); Assert.AreEqual(expected.Type, output.Type, "Task produced the incorrect plist output."); CheckValue(output, expected); }
public ClosableExpander AddListItem (string name, Widget widget, PObject obj) { if (noContentLabel != null) { contentBox.Remove (noContentLabel); noContentLabel.Destroy (); noContentLabel = null; } var expander = new ClosableExpander (); expanders++; expander.ContentLabel = name; expander.SetWidget (widget); expander.BorderWidth = 4; expander.Closed += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { expanders--; var expanderWidget = (ClosableExpander)sender; obj.Remove (); contentBox.Remove (expanderWidget); expanderWidget.Destroy (); if (expanders == 0) Clear (); }; contentBox.PackStart (expander, true, true, 0); contentBox.Show (); expander.Expanded = false; return expander; }
public PInjureTag(PPlayer FromPlayer, PPlayer ToPlayer, int Injure, PObject InjureSource) : base(TagName) { AppendField(FromPlayerFieldName, FromPlayer); AppendField(ToPlayerFieldName, ToPlayer); AppendField(InjureFieldName, Injure); AppendField(InjureSourceFieldName, InjureSource); }
/// <summary>添加到上传列表</summary> public void UL(PObject pObject, int slot) { lock (pobjectLists[slot]) { pobjectLists[slot].Add(pObject); } }
void LogErrorsFromOutput(string output) { try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(output)) { return; } var plist = PObject.FromString(output) as PDictionary; var errors = PObject.Create(PObjectType.Array) as PArray; var message = PObject.Create(PObjectType.String) as PString; if ((plist?.TryGetValue("product-errors", out errors) == true)) { foreach (var error in errors) { var dict = error as PDictionary; if (dict?.TryGetValue("message", out message) == true) { Log.LogError(ToolName, null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, 0, "{0}", message.Value); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.LogWarning($"Failed to parse altool output: {ex.Message}. \nOutput: {output}"); } }
bool Clear(ref PObject plist) { if (Type != null) { switch (Type.ToLowerInvariant()) { case "string": plist = new PString(string.Empty); break; case "array": plist = new PArray(); break; case "dict": plist = new PDictionary(); break; case "bool": plist = new PBoolean(false); break; case "real": plist = new PReal(0); break; case "integer": plist = new PNumber(0); break; case "date": plist = new PDate(DateTime.Now); break; case "data": plist = new PData(new byte[1]); break; default: Log.LogError(7045, null, $"Unrecognized Type: {Type}"); return(false); } } else { plist = PObject.Create(plist.Type); } return(true); }
protected override Stream LoadResource(string resourceFullPath, string assemblyName) { var fileStream = base.LoadResource(resourceFullPath, assemblyName); var resourceFileName = Path.GetFileName(resourceFullPath); //HACK: CFBundleExecutable is invalid in bundle plists but some downloaded libraries contain it. remove it. if (resourceFileName == "Info.plist") { var po = PObject.FromStream(fileStream) as PDictionary; if (po != null && po.Remove("CFBundleExecutable")) { var memoryStream = new MemoryStream(); using (var ctx = PropertyListFormat.Binary.StartWriting(memoryStream)) ctx.WriteObject(po); fileStream.Dispose(); memoryStream.Position = 0; return(memoryStream); } } return(fileStream); }
static void WriteXcent(PObject doc, string path) { var buf = doc.ToByteArray(false); using (var stream = new MemoryStream()) { stream.Write(buf, 0, buf.Length); var src = stream.ToArray(); bool save; // Note: if the destination file already exists, only re-write it if the content will change if (File.Exists(path)) { var dest = File.ReadAllBytes(path); save = !AreEqual(src, dest); } else { save = true; } if (save) { File.WriteAllBytes(path, src); } } }
PDictionary MergeEntitlementDictionary(PDictionary dict, MobileProvision profile) { var result = new PDictionary(); foreach (var item in dict) { PObject value = item.Value; if (value is PDictionary) { value = MergeEntitlementDictionary((PDictionary)value, profile); } else if (value is PString) { value = MergeEntitlementString((PString)value, profile, false); } else if (value is PArray) { value = MergeEntitlementArray((PArray)value, profile); } else { value = value.Clone(); } if (value != null) { result.Add(item.Key, value); } } return(result); }
public PEntity(PObject obj) : this(PapillonPINVOKE.new_PEntity__SWIG_1(PObject.getCPtr(obj)), true) { if (PapillonPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) { throw PapillonPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); } }
static void TestExecuteTask(PDictionary input, PropertyListEditorAction action, string entry, string type, string value, PObject expected) { var task = new PropertyListEditor { PropertyList = Path.GetTempFileName(), BuildEngine = new TestEngine(), Action = action.ToString(), Entry = entry, Type = type, Value = value }; input.Save(task.PropertyList); try { if (expected == null) { Assert.IsFalse(task.Execute(), "Task was expected to fail."); return; } Assert.IsTrue(task.Execute(), "Task was expected to execute successfully."); var output = PObject.FromFile(task.PropertyList); Assert.AreEqual(expected.Type, output.Type, "Task produced the incorrect plist output."); CheckValue(output, expected); } finally { File.Delete(task.PropertyList); } }
/// <summary> /// Lit la liste des objets du jeu /// </summary> private static void ReadObjectList() { var currentObject = new PObject(FirstObject); //var currentObject = FirstObject; //var nextObject = FirstObject; while (currentObject.BaseAddress != uint.MinValue && currentObject.BaseAddress % 2 == uint.MinValue) { if (currentObject.GUID == LocalGUID) { MyPlayer.BaseAddress = currentObject.BaseAddress; } if (!ObjectDictionary.ContainsKey(currentObject.GUID)) { PObject obj = null; // Add the object based on it's *actual* type. Note: WoW's Object descriptors for OBJECT_FIELD_TYPE // is a bitmask. We want to use the type at 0x14, as it's an 'absolute' type. /* switch (currentObject.Type) * { * // Belive it or not, the base Object class is hardly used in WoW. * case (int)Constants.ObjectType.Object: * obj = new PObject(currentObject.BaseAddress); * break; * case (int)Constants.ObjectType.Unit: * obj = new PUnit(currentObject.BaseAddress); * break; * case (int)Constants.ObjectType.Player: * obj = new PPlayer(currentObject.BaseAddress); * break; * case (int)Constants.ObjectType.GameObject: * obj = new PGameObject(currentObject.BaseAddress); * break; * case (int)Constants.ObjectType.Item: * obj = new PItem(currentObject.BaseAddress); * break; * case (int)Constants.ObjectType.Container: * obj = new PContainer(currentObject.BaseAddress); * break; * // These two aren't used in most bots, as they're fairly pointless. * // They are AI and area triggers for NPCs handled by the client itself. * case (int)Constants.ObjectType.AiGroup: * case (int)Constants.ObjectType.AreaTrigger: * break; * } */ if (obj != null) { ObjectDictionary.Add(currentObject.GUID, obj); } } else { ObjectDictionary[currentObject.GUID].BaseAddress = currentObject.BaseAddress; } currentObject.BaseAddress = Wow.ReadUInt(currentObject.BaseAddress + (uint)Common.Offsets.ObjectManager.NextObject); } }
bool Merge(PObject plist, PObject value) { switch (plist.Type) { case PObjectType.Dictionary: if (value.Type == PObjectType.Array) { Log.LogError(7057, PropertyList, "Merge: Can't Add array Entries to dict"); return(false); } var dict = (PDictionary)plist; if (value.Type == PObjectType.Dictionary) { var import = (PDictionary)value; foreach (var item in import) { if (dict.ContainsKey(item.Key)) { Log.LogMessage(MessageImportance.Low, "Duplicate Entry Was Skipped: {0}", item.Key); continue; } dict.Add(item.Key, item.Value.Clone()); } } else if (!dict.ContainsKey(string.Empty)) { dict.Add(string.Empty, value); } break; case PObjectType.Array: var array = (PArray)plist; if (value.Type == PObjectType.Array) { var import = (PArray)value; for (int i = 0; i < import.Count; i++) { array.Add(import[i].Clone()); } } else { array.Add(value); } break; default: Log.LogError(7058, PropertyList, "Merge: Specified Entry Must Be a Container"); return(false); } return(true); }
bool Merge(PObject plist, PObject value) { switch (plist.Type) { case PObjectType.Dictionary: if (value.Type == PObjectType.Array) { Log.LogError(7057, PropertyList, MSBStrings.E7057); return(false); } var dict = (PDictionary)plist; if (value.Type == PObjectType.Dictionary) { var import = (PDictionary)value; foreach (var item in import) { if (dict.ContainsKey(item.Key)) { Log.LogMessage(MessageImportance.Low, MSBStrings.M0162, item.Key); continue; } dict.Add(item.Key, item.Value.Clone()); } } else if (!dict.ContainsKey(string.Empty)) { dict.Add(string.Empty, value); } break; case PObjectType.Array: var array = (PArray)plist; if (value.Type == PObjectType.Array) { var import = (PArray)value; for (int i = 0; i < import.Count; i++) { array.Add(import[i].Clone()); } } else { array.Add(value); } break; default: Log.LogError(7058, PropertyList, MSBStrings.E7058); return(false); } return(true); }
public void SetObject(PObject obj) { PapillonPINVOKE.PEntity_SetObject(swigCPtr, PObject.getCPtr(obj)); if (PapillonPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) { throw PapillonPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); } }
public static void Unblacklist(PObject target) { if (target == null) { return; } Unblacklist(target.GUID + ""); }
public void Swap(PObject other) { PapillonPINVOKE.PObject_Swap(swigCPtr, PObject.getCPtr(other)); if (PapillonPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) { throw PapillonPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); } }
public static void Blacklist(PObject target, uint length, bool writeText) { if (target == null) { return; } Blacklist(target.GUID + "", length, writeText); }
public void SetPListContainer (PObjectContainer value) { nsDictionary = value; nsDictionary.Changed += delegate { QueueDraw (); }; RefreshTree (); }
public void SetDescriptor(PObject arg0) { PapillonPINVOKE.PDescriptor_SetDescriptor__SWIG_1(swigCPtr, PObject.getCPtr(arg0)); if (PapillonPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) { throw PapillonPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); } }
public void ExpectTo_should_obtain_matcher() { var obj1 = new PObject(); var obj2 = new PObject(); Expect(obj1).To(Matchers.BeMemberwiseEqualTo(obj2)); Assert.IsInstanceOf <MemberwiseEqualMatcher <PObject> >(Matchers.BeMemberwiseEqualTo(obj2)); }
bool Delete(PObject plist) { var path = GetPropertyPath(); var current = plist; PDictionary dict; PArray array; int index; int i = 0; if (path.Length == 0) { Log.LogError(7050, null, MSBStrings.E7050, Entry); return(false); } while (i < path.Length) { dict = current as PDictionary; array = current as PArray; if (array != null) { if (!int.TryParse(path[i], out index) || index < 0) { Log.LogError(7051, null, MSBStrings.E7051, Entry); return(false); } if (index >= array.Count) { Log.LogError(7052, null, MSBStrings.E7052, Entry); return(false); } current = array[index]; } else if (dict != null) { if (!dict.TryGetValue(path[i], out current)) { Log.LogError(7052, null, MSBStrings.E7052, Entry); return(false); } } else { Log.LogError(7052, null, MSBStrings.E7052, Entry); return(false); } i++; } current.Remove(); return(true); }
private void GlobalModels_UnRegistering(object sender, Guid e) { PObject obj = GlobalModels.GetModel <PObject>(e); if (obj is PTemplatePage template) { this.TemplateList.Remove(template); } }
private void GlobalModels_Registered(object sender, Guid e) { PObject obj = GlobalModels.GetModel <PObject>(e); if (obj is PTemplatePage template) { this.TemplateList.Add(template); } }
public static void SetColumn(PObject control, int value) { if (control == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("element"); } control.SetValue(ColumnProperty, value); }
public string GetName(PObject obj) { if (nameDict.ContainsKey(obj)) { return(nameDict[obj]); } return(null); }
bool Delete(PObject plist) { var path = GetPropertyPath(); var current = plist; PDictionary dict; PArray array; int index; int i = 0; if (path.Length == 0) { Log.LogError(7050, null, $"Delete: Can't Delete Entry, \"{Entry}\", from Parent"); return(false); } while (i < path.Length) { dict = current as PDictionary; array = current as PArray; if (array != null) { if (!int.TryParse(path[i], out index) || index < 0) { Log.LogError(7051, null, $"Delete: Entry, \"{Entry}\", Contains Invalid Array Index"); return(false); } if (index >= array.Count) { Log.LogError(7052, null, $"Delete: Entry, \"{Entry}\", Does Not Exist"); return(false); } current = array[index]; } else if (dict != null) { if (!dict.TryGetValue(path[i], out current)) { Log.LogError(7052, null, $"Delete: Entry, \"{Entry}\", Does Not Exist"); return(false); } } else { Log.LogError(7052, null, $"Delete: Entry, \"{Entry}\", Does Not Exist"); return(false); } i++; } current.Remove(); return(true); }
public void Matches_should_detect_same_reference() { var sameReference = new PObject(); var subj = new MemberwiseEqualMatcher <PObject>( sameReference ); Assert.True(subj.Matches(sameReference)); }
private static void HasToldAbout(PObject target) { if (target == null) return; lock (IsMarkedDictionary) { IsMarkedDictionary["GUID" + target.GUID] = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(30); } }
private void GlobalModels_Registered(object sender, Guid e) { PObject obj = GlobalModels.GetModel <PObject>(e); if (obj is PContentPage page) { this.PageList.Add(page); } }
private void GlobalModels_UnRegistering(object sender, Guid e) { PObject obj = GlobalModels.GetModel <PObject>(e); if (obj is PContentPage page) { this.PageList.Remove(page); } }
public static bool IsSchool(PObject node) { switch (node.Type) { case (int) Constants.ObjectType.GameObject: if (((PGameObject) node).GameObjectType == 25) { return true; } break; } return false; }
public static bool IsMine(PObject node) { switch (node.Type) { case (int) Constants.ObjectType.GameObject: if (_mines.Contains(((PGameObject) node).Name)) { return true; } break; } return false; }
private static bool IsBadNode(PObject checkNode) { if (checkNode != null) { try { lock (BadNodes) { if (BadNodes.Any(node => FindNode.GetLocation(checkNode).GetDistanceTo(node) < 5)) return true; } } catch { } } return false; }
public void Run(TestConfig config) { int count = config.Count; var res = new TestGcResult(); config.Result = res; IDatabase db = config.GetDatabase(); Root root = new Root(); IIndex<string, PObject> strIndex = root.strIndex = db.CreateIndex<string, PObject>(IndexType.Unique); IIndex<long, PObject> intIndex = root.intIndex = db.CreateIndex<long, PObject>(IndexType.Unique); db.Root = root; long insKey = 1999; long remKey = 1999; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (i > nObjectsInTree) { remKey = (3141592621L * remKey + 2718281829L) % 1000000007L; intIndex.Remove(new Key(remKey)); strIndex.Remove(new Key(remKey.ToString())); } PObject obj = new PObject(); insKey = (3141592621L * insKey + 2718281829L) % 1000000007L; obj.intKey = insKey; obj.strKey = insKey.ToString(); = new PObject(); intIndex[obj.intKey] = obj; strIndex[obj.strKey] = obj; if (i > 0) { Tests.Assert(root.list.intKey == i - 1); } root.list = new PObject(); root.list.intKey = i; root.Store(); if (i % 1000 == 0) db.Commit(); } db.Close(); }
public static void Unblacklist(PObject target) { if (target == null) return; Unblacklist(target.GUID); FlyingEngine.CurrentProfile.RemoveBadNode(target.Location); FlyingEngine.CurrentProfile.SaveFile(FlyingEngine.CurrentProfile.FileName); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { Storage db = StorageFactory.Instance.CreateStorage(); for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) { if ("background".Equals(args[i])) { db.SetProperty("perst.background.gc", true); } else if ("altbtree".Equals(args[i])) { db.SetProperty("perst.alternative.btree", true); } else { Console.Error.WriteLine("Unrecognized option: " + args[i]); } } db.Open("testgc.dbs"); db.GcThreshold = 1000000; StorageRoot root = new StorageRoot(); root.strIndex = db.CreateIndex(typeof(string), true); root.intIndex = db.CreateIndex(typeof(long), true); db.SetRoot(root); Index intIndex = root.intIndex; Index strIndex = root.strIndex; long insKey = 1999; long remKey = 1999; int i2; for (i2 = 0; i2 < nIterations; i2++) { if (i2 > nObjectsInTree) { remKey = (3141592621L * remKey + 2718281829L) % 1000000007L; intIndex.Remove(new Key(remKey)); strIndex.Remove(new Key(Convert.ToString(remKey))); } PObject obj = new PObject(); insKey = (3141592621L * insKey + 2718281829L) % 1000000007L; obj.intKey = insKey; obj.strKey = Convert.ToString(insKey); = new PObject(); intIndex.Put(new Key(obj.intKey), obj); strIndex.Put(new Key(obj.strKey), obj); if (i2 > 0) { Assert.That(root.list.intKey == i2 - 1); } root.list = new PObject(); root.list.intKey = i2; root.Store(); if (i2 % 1000 == 0) { Console.Out.Write("Iteration " + i2 + "\r"); Console.Out.Flush(); db.Commit(); } } db.Close(); }
public static void Blacklist(PObject target, uint length, bool writeText) { Blacklist(target.GUID, length, writeText); }
public static void AddBadNode(PObject pObject) { AddBadNode(pObject.Location); }
public static Location GetLocation(PObject node) { switch (node.Type) { case (int) Constants.ObjectType.GameObject: return (node).Location; case (int) Constants.ObjectType.Unit: return (node).Location; } return new Location(0, 0, 0); }
public static void Unblacklist(PObject target) { if (target == null) return; Unblacklist(target.GUID + ""); }
public static void Blacklist(PObject target, uint length, bool writeText) { if (target == null) return; Blacklist(target.GUID + "", length, writeText); }
public static string GetName(PObject node) { switch (node.Type) { case (int) Constants.ObjectType.Unit: return ((PUnit) node).Name; case (int) Constants.ObjectType.GameObject: return ((PGameObject) node).Name; } return ""; }
void AddToTree (Gtk.TreeStore treeStore, Gtk.TreeIter iter, PObject current, Dictionary<PObject, PListScheme.SchemaItem> tree) { foreach (var item in PObject.ToEnumerable (current)) { var subIter = FindOrAddPObject (iter, item.Key, item.Value, tree); AddToTree (treeStore, subIter, item.Value, tree); } }
private static void ReadObjectList() { var currentObject = new PObject(Memory.Read<uint>(CurrentManager + (uint) Pointers.ObjectManager.FirstObject)); LocalGUID = Memory.Read<UInt64>(CurrentManager + (uint) Pointers.ObjectManager.LocalGUID); while (currentObject.BaseAddress != UInt32.MinValue && currentObject.BaseAddress%2 == UInt32.MinValue) { // Keep the static reference to the local player updated... at all times. if (currentObject.GUID == LocalGUID) { //MessageBox.Show("Found localplayer! 0x" + currentObject.ToString("X8")); MyPlayer.UpdateBaseAddress(currentObject.BaseAddress); } if (!ObjectDictionary.ContainsKey(currentObject.GUID)) { PObject obj = null; // Add the object based on it's *actual* type. Note: WoW's Object descriptors for OBJECT_FIELD_TYPE // is a bitmask. We want to use the type at 0x14, as it's an 'absolute' type. switch (currentObject.Type) { // Belive it or not, the base Object class is hardly used in WoW. case (int) Constants.ObjectType.Object: obj = new PObject(currentObject.BaseAddress); break; case (int) Constants.ObjectType.Unit: obj = new PUnit(currentObject.BaseAddress); break; case (int) Constants.ObjectType.Player: obj = new PPlayer(currentObject.BaseAddress); break; case (int) Constants.ObjectType.GameObject: obj = new PGameObject(currentObject.BaseAddress); break; case (int) Constants.ObjectType.Item: obj = new PItem(currentObject.BaseAddress); break; case (int) Constants.ObjectType.Container: obj = new PContainer(currentObject.BaseAddress); break; // These two aren't used in most bots, as they're fairly pointless. // They are AI and area triggers for NPCs handled by the client itself. case (int) Constants.ObjectType.AiGroup: case (int) Constants.ObjectType.AreaTrigger: break; } if (obj != null) { // We have a valid object that isn't in the object list already. // So lets add it. ObjectDictionary.Add(currentObject.GUID, obj); } } else { // The object already exists, just update the pointer. ObjectDictionary[currentObject.GUID].UpdateBaseAddress(currentObject.BaseAddress); } // We need the next object. currentObject.BaseAddress = Memory.Read<uint>(currentObject.BaseAddress + (uint) Pointers.ObjectManager.NextObject); } }
static void WriteXcent(PObject doc, string path) { var buf = doc.ToByteArray (false); using (var stream = File.Open (path, FileMode.Create)) { if (AppleSdkSettings.XcodeVersion < new Version (4, 4, 1)) { // write the xcent file with the magic header, length, and the plist var length = Mono.DataConverter.BigEndian.GetBytes ((uint) buf.Length + 8); // 8 = magic.length + magicLen.Length stream.Write (XcentMagic, 0, XcentMagic.Length); stream.Write (length, 0, length.Length); } stream.Write (buf, 0, buf.Length); } }
TreeIter FindOrAddPObject (TreeIter iter, string id, PObject item, Dictionary<PObject, PListScheme.SchemaItem> tree) { TreeIter subIter; if (CurrentTree.ContainsKey (item)) { if (iter.Equals (TreeIter.Zero) ? treeStore.IterChildren (out subIter) : treeStore.IterChildren (out subIter, iter)) { do { if (treeStore.GetValue (subIter, 1) == item) { // If we have modified the value of an existing PObject, such // as changing the value of a PNumber from '1' to '2', we will // need to refresh the value in the treestore. treeStore.SetValue (subIter, 0, id); break; } } while (treeStore.IterNext (ref subIter)); } } else { subIter = treeStore.InsertNodeBefore (FindOrAddNewEntry (iter)); treeStore.SetValues (subIter, id, item, tree [item]); if (CurrentTree.Count > 0) { treeview.ExpandToPath (treeStore.GetPath (subIter)); this.treeview.Selection.SelectIter (subIter); } if (item is PArray || item is PDictionary) { var newEntryIter = FindOrAddNewEntry (subIter); if (CurrentTree.Count > 0) treeview.ExpandToPath (treeStore.GetPath (newEntryIter)); } } return subIter; }