public void AddNewSDPart(POCOSDPart newSDpart)
            using (var context = new eBikesContext())
                // checking part invetory on hand
                if (newSDpart.ServiceDetailID == 0)
                    throw new Exception("Please select a service detail to add part");
                var existingSD = context.ServiceDetails.Find(newSDpart.ServiceDetailID);
                if (newSDpart.Quantity == 0)
                    throw new Exception("The quantity of part must be a positive whole number");
                if (existingSD.Status == "C")
                    throw new Exception("Selected service detail is closed, can not be edit.");
                var part = context.Parts.Find(newSDpart.PartID);
                if (part == null)
                    throw new Exception("The partID is not valid.");
                if (newSDpart.Quantity > part.QuantityOnHand)
                    throw new Exception($"Failed PartID: {newSDpart.PartID} only has {part.QuantityOnHand} in inventory.");

                if (existingSD.Status == "S")
                    part.QuantityOnHand -= newSDpart.Quantity;

                ServiceDetailPart SDpart = new ServiceDetailPart();
                SDpart.PartID          = newSDpart.PartID;
                SDpart.Quantity        = (short)newSDpart.Quantity;
                SDpart.ServiceDetailID = newSDpart.ServiceDetailID;
                SDpart.SellingPrice    = context.Parts.Find(newSDpart.PartID).SellingPrice;
 public void UpdateSDPart(POCOSDPart newSDpart)
     using (var context = new eBikesContext())
         // checking part invetory on hand
         var existingSDpart = context.ServiceDetailParts.Find(newSDpart.ServiceDetailPartID);
         var existingSD     = context.ServiceDetails.Find(existingSDpart.ServiceDetailID);
         if (existingSD.Status == "C")
             throw new Exception("Service detail is closed, part can not be updated");
         if (newSDpart.Quantity == 0)
             throw new Exception("The quantity of part must be a positive whole number");
         var part = context.Parts.Find(newSDpart.PartID);
         if (newSDpart.Quantity > part.QuantityOnHand)
             throw new Exception($"PartID: {newSDpart.PartID} only has Quantity: {part.QuantityOnHand} in inventory.");
         if (existingSD.Status == "S")
             var existingPart = context.Parts.Find(newSDpart.PartID);
             var oldSDpart    = context.ServiceDetailParts.Find(newSDpart.ServiceDetailPartID);
             if (newSDpart.Quantity > oldSDpart.Quantity)
                 existingPart.QuantityOnHand -= newSDpart.Quantity - oldSDpart.Quantity;
             if (newSDpart.Quantity < oldSDpart.Quantity)
                 existingPart.QuantityOnHand += oldSDpart.Quantity - newSDpart.Quantity;
         var NewSDpart = context.ServiceDetailParts.Find(newSDpart.ServiceDetailPartID);
         NewSDpart.Quantity = (short)newSDpart.Quantity;
        public void RemoveSDPart(POCOSDPart info)
            using (var context = new eBikesContext())
                var existingSDpart = context.ServiceDetailParts.Find(info.ServiceDetailPartID);
                var existingSD     = context.ServiceDetails.Find(existingSDpart.ServiceDetailID);

                if (existingSD.Status == "C")
                    throw new Exception("Service detail is closed, part can not be removed");
                // if the serviceDetail already started then return part back to inventory
                if (existingSD.Status == "S")
                    var existingPart = context.Parts.Find(existingSDpart.PartID);

                    existingPart.QuantityOnHand += existingSDpart.Quantity;
