Exemplo n.º 1
        protected override void DoRegisterArtefacts(PDFLayoutContext context, PDFArtefactRegistrationSet set, Style fullstyle)
            base.DoRegisterArtefacts(context, set, fullstyle);

            LinkAction actiontype = this.Action;

            if (actiontype == LinkAction.Undefined)
                actiontype = this.ResolveActionType(this.Destination, this.File);

            object[]  entries = null;
            PDFAction action;

            if (this.IsNamedAction(actiontype))
                PDFNamedAction named = new PDFNamedAction(this, this.Action);
                action = named;
            else if (actiontype == LinkAction.Uri)
                string url = this.File;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(url))
                    action = new PDFUriDestinationAction(this, actiontype, url);
                    throw new PDFLinkException(Errors.NoFileLinkSpecifiedOnUriAction);
            else if (actiontype == LinkAction.Destination)
                //If we start with a # then we are an ID, otherwise we are a uniqueID or Name
                PDFDestination dest;
                Component      comp;
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Destination))
                    //if there is no destination then there is no link. So do not register
                    comp = null;
                else if (this.Destination.StartsWith(ComponentIDPrefix))
                    string id = this.Destination.Substring(ComponentIDPrefix.Length);
                    comp = this.Document.FindAComponentById(id);
                    comp = this.Document.FindAComponentByName(this.Destination);

                if (null == comp)
                    if (context.Conformance == ParserConformanceMode.Strict)
                        throw new PDFLayoutException(string.Format(Errors.LinkToDestinationCouldNotBeMade, this.Destination));
                        context.TraceLog.Add(TraceLevel.Error, "PDFLink", string.Format(Errors.LinkToDestinationCouldNotBeMade, this.Destination));

                    //cannot continue as we dont have anything to link to

                dest = new PDFDestination(comp, this.DestinationFit, this.UniqueID);

                PDFDestinationAction destact = new PDFDestinationAction(this, actiontype, dest);
                action = destact;

                if (null != dest)
                    object link = context.DocumentLayout.RegisterCatalogEntry(context, PDFArtefactTypes.Names, dest);
                    set.SetArtefact(LinkArtefactName, link);
            else if (actiontype == LinkAction.ExternalDestination)
                string name = this.Destination;
                string file = this.File;
                PDFRemoteDestinationAction remote = new PDFRemoteDestinationAction(this, actiontype, file, name);
                remote.NewWindow = this.NewWindow;

                action = remote;
                throw RecordAndRaise.Argument("actiontype");

            if (null != action)
                entries = this.AddActionAnnotationToChildren(context, fullstyle, action);
                set.SetArtefact(LinkAnnotationChildEntries, entries);
Exemplo n.º 2
        private static void CreateNamedActions(PDFFixedDocument document, PDFFont font)
            PDFPen   blackPen   = new PDFPen(new PDFRgbColor(0, 0, 0), 1);
            PDFBrush blackBrush = new PDFBrush();

            font.Size = 12;
            PDFStringAppearanceOptions sao = new PDFStringAppearanceOptions();

            sao.Brush = blackBrush;
            sao.Font  = font;
            PDFStringLayoutOptions slo = new PDFStringLayoutOptions();

            slo.HorizontalAlign = PDFStringHorizontalAlign.Center;
            slo.VerticalAlign   = PDFStringVerticalAlign.Middle;

            for (int i = 0; i < document.Pages.Count; i++)
                document.Pages[i].Canvas.DrawString("Named actions:", font, blackBrush, 400, 20);

                // First page
                document.Pages[i].Canvas.DrawRectangle(blackPen, 400, 40, 200, 20);
                slo.X = 500;
                slo.Y = 50;
                document.Pages[i].Canvas.DrawString("Go To First Page", sao, slo);

                // Create a link annotation on top of the widget.
                PDFLinkAnnotation link = new PDFLinkAnnotation();
                link.DisplayRectangle = new PDFDisplayRectangle(400, 40, 200, 20);

                // Create a named action and attach it to the link.
                PDFNamedAction namedAction = new PDFNamedAction();
                namedAction.NamedAction = PDFActionName.FirstPage;
                link.Action             = namedAction;

                // Prev page
                document.Pages[i].Canvas.DrawRectangle(blackPen, 400, 80, 200, 20);
                slo.Y = 90;
                document.Pages[i].Canvas.DrawString("Go To Previous Page", sao, slo);

                // Create a link annotation on top of the widget.
                link = new PDFLinkAnnotation();
                link.DisplayRectangle = new PDFDisplayRectangle(400, 80, 200, 20);

                // Create a named action and attach it to the link.
                namedAction             = new PDFNamedAction();
                namedAction.NamedAction = PDFActionName.PrevPage;
                link.Action             = namedAction;

                // Next page
                document.Pages[i].Canvas.DrawRectangle(blackPen, 400, 120, 200, 20);
                slo.Y = 130;
                document.Pages[i].Canvas.DrawString("Go To Next Page", sao, slo);

                // Create a link annotation on top of the widget.
                link = new PDFLinkAnnotation();
                link.DisplayRectangle = new PDFDisplayRectangle(400, 120, 200, 20);

                // Create a named action and attach it to the link.
                namedAction             = new PDFNamedAction();
                namedAction.NamedAction = PDFActionName.NextPage;
                link.Action             = namedAction;

                // Last page
                document.Pages[i].Canvas.DrawRectangle(blackPen, 400, 160, 200, 20);
                slo.Y = 170;
                document.Pages[i].Canvas.DrawString("Go To Last Page", sao, slo);

                // Create a link annotation on top of the widget.
                link = new PDFLinkAnnotation();
                link.DisplayRectangle = new PDFDisplayRectangle(400, 160, 200, 20);

                // Create a named action and attach it to the link.
                namedAction             = new PDFNamedAction();
                namedAction.NamedAction = PDFActionName.LastPage;
                link.Action             = namedAction;

                // Print document
                document.Pages[i].Canvas.DrawRectangle(blackPen, 400, 200, 200, 20);
                slo.Y = 210;
                document.Pages[i].Canvas.DrawString("Print Document", sao, slo);

                // Create a link annotation on top of the widget.
                link = new PDFLinkAnnotation();
                link.DisplayRectangle = new PDFDisplayRectangle(400, 200, 200, 20);

                // Create a named action and attach it to the link.
                namedAction             = new PDFNamedAction();
                namedAction.NamedAction = PDFActionName.Print;
                link.Action             = namedAction;