Exemplo n.º 1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Create the pdf document
            //PDF4NET v5: PDFDocument doc = new PDFDocument();
            PDFFixedDocument doc = new PDFFixedDocument();

            // Create a blank page
            //PDF4NET v5: PDFPage page = doc.AddPage();
            PDFPage page = doc.Pages.Add();

            // Create the signature field.
            PDFSignatureField sign = new PDFSignatureField("Signature");

            //PDF4NET v5: sign.Widgets[0].DisplayRectangle = new DisplayRectangle(50, 100, 200, 40);
            sign.Widgets[0].DisplayRectangle = new PDFDisplayRectangle(50, 100, 200, 40);
            // Create the digital signature.
            //PDF4NET v5: sign.Signature = new PDFDigitalSignature();
            PDFCmsDigitalSignature ds = new PDFCmsDigitalSignature();

            // The certificate is loaded from disk, but it also can be loaded from a certificate store.
            ds.Certificate = new X509Certificate2("..\\..\\..\\..\\..\\SupportFiles\\O2SolutionsDemoCertificate.pfx", "P@ssw0rd!", X509KeyStorageFlags.Exportable);
            ds.Location    = "Romania";
            ds.Reason      = "For demo";
            ds.ContactInfo = "*****@*****.**";
            sign.Signature = ds;

Exemplo n.º 2
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            PDFFixedDocument document  = new PDFFixedDocument();
            PDFPage          page      = document.Pages.Add();
            PDFPen           pen       = new PDFPen(PDFRgbColor.Black, 1);
            PDFStandardFont  helvetica = new PDFStandardFont(PDFStandardFontFace.Helvetica, 16);

            PDFPoint[] points = new PDFPoint[] {
                new PDFPoint(50, 150), new PDFPoint(100, 200), new PDFPoint(150, 50), new PDFPoint(200, 150), new PDFPoint(250, 50)
            DrawBezierConnectedLines(page, points, pen, 0, helvetica);

            page.Canvas.TranslateTransform(0, 200);
            DrawBezierConnectedLines(page, points, pen, 0.1, helvetica);

            page.Canvas.TranslateTransform(0, 200);
            DrawBezierConnectedLines(page, points, pen, 0.3, helvetica);

            page.Canvas.TranslateTransform(0, 200);
            DrawBezierConnectedLines(page, points, pen, 0.5, helvetica);

            using (FileStream output = File.Create("BezierConnectedLines.pdf"))
        /// <summary>
        /// Main method for running the sample.
        /// </summary>
        public static SampleOutputInfo[] Run(Stream input)
            PDFDocumentFeatures df = new PDFDocumentFeatures();

            // Do not load file attachments, new file attachments cannot be added.
            df.EnableDocumentFileAttachments = false;
            // Do not load form fields, form fields cannot be filled and new form fields cannot be added.
            df.EnableDocumentFormFields = false;
            // Do not load embedded JavaScript code, new JavaScript code at document level cannot be added.
            df.EnableDocumentJavaScriptFragments = false;
            // Do not load the named destinations, new named destinations cannot be created.
            df.EnableDocumentNamedDestinations = false;
            // Do not load the document outlines, new outlines cannot be created.
            df.EnableDocumentOutline = false;
            // Do not load annotations, new annotations cannot be added to existing pages.
            df.EnablePageAnnotations = false;
            // Do not load the page graphics, new graphics cannot be added to existing pages.
            df.EnablePageGraphics = false;
            PDFFixedDocument document = new PDFFixedDocument(input, df);

            PDFStandardFont helvetica = new PDFStandardFont(PDFStandardFontFace.HelveticaBold, 24);
            PDFBrush        brush     = new PDFBrush();

            // Add a new page with some content on it.
            PDFPage page = document.Pages.Add();

            page.Canvas.DrawString("New page added to an existing document.", helvetica, brush, 20, 50);

            // When document features have been specified at load time the document is automatically saved in incremental update mode.

Exemplo n.º 4
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            // Extract the page content from the source file.
            FileStream     stream      = File.OpenRead("input.pdf");
            PDFFile        source      = new PDFFile(stream);
            PDFPageContent pageContent = source.ExtractPageContent(0);


            PDFFixedDocument document = new PDFFixedDocument();

            document.OptionalContentProperties = new PDFOptionalContentProperties();
            PDFPage page = document.Pages.Add();

            // Create an optional content group (layer) for the extracted page content.
            PDFOptionalContentGroup ocg = new PDFOptionalContentGroup();

            ocg.Name            = "Embedded page";
            ocg.VisibilityState = PDFOptionalContentGroupVisibilityState.AlwaysVisible;
            ocg.PrintState      = PDFOptionalContentGroupPrintState.NeverPrint;
            // Draw the extracted page content in the layer
            page.Canvas.DrawFormXObject(pageContent, 0, 0, page.Width, page.Height);

            // Build the display tree for the optional content
            PDFOptionalContentDisplayTreeNode ocgNode = new PDFOptionalContentDisplayTreeNode(ocg);


            using (FileStream output = File.Create("EmbedPageAsLayer.pdf"))
Exemplo n.º 5
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            string supportPath = "..\\..\\..\\..\\..\\SupportFiles\\";

            FileStream       input    = File.OpenRead(supportPath + "content.pdf");
            PDFFixedDocument document = new PDFFixedDocument(input);


            PDFContentExtractor           ce            = new PDFContentExtractor(document.Pages[0]);
            PDFTextSearchResultCollection searchResults = ce.SearchText("lorem");

            if (searchResults.Count > 0)
                PDFContentRedactor cr = new PDFContentRedactor(document.Pages[0]);


                for (int i = 0; i < searchResults.Count; i++)


            using (FileStream output = File.Create("RedactedSearchResults.pdf"))
Exemplo n.º 6
        // For this sample to work, the following file
        // needs to exist: multicolumntextandimages.pdf.
        // Compile the corresponding sample to get this file
        public static void MultiPage()
            //PDF4NET v5: PDFFile mctiFile = PDFFile.FromFile("Sample_MultiColumnTextAndImages-Secure.pdf", Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("userpass"));
            FileStream stm  = File.OpenRead("..\\..\\..\\..\\..\\SupportFiles\\content.pdf");
            PDFFile    file = new PDFFile(stm);

            // extract the content of first 4 pages
            //PDF4NET v5: PDFImportedContent[] ic = mctiFile.ExtractPagesContent("0-3");
            PDFPageContent[] pc = file.ExtractPageContent(0, 3);

            // create the new document
            //PDF4NET v5: PDFDocument doc = new PDFDocument();
            PDFFixedDocument doc = new PDFFixedDocument();
            // add a page to it
            //PDF4NET v5: PDFPage page = doc.AddPage();
            PDFPage page = doc.Pages.Add();

            // draw the imported content (4 pages) on the new page
            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawImportedContent(ic[0], 0, 0, page.Width / 2, page.Height / 2);
            page.Canvas.DrawFormXObject(pc[0], 0, 0, page.Width / 2, page.Height / 2);
            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawImportedContent(ic[1], page.Width / 2, 0, page.Width / 2, page.Height / 2);
            page.Canvas.DrawFormXObject(pc[1], page.Width / 2, 0, page.Width / 2, page.Height / 2);
            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawImportedContent(ic[2], 0, page.Height / 2, page.Width / 2, page.Height / 2);
            page.Canvas.DrawFormXObject(pc[2], 0, page.Height / 2, page.Width / 2, page.Height / 2);
            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawImportedContent(ic[3], page.Width / 2, page.Height / 2, page.Width / 2, page.Height / 2);
            page.Canvas.DrawFormXObject(pc[3], page.Width / 2, page.Height / 2, page.Width / 2, page.Height / 2);

            // save the mixed document

            //PDF4NET v5: mctiFile.Close();
Exemplo n.º 7
        // For this sample to work, the following file
        // need to exist: unicode.pdf.
        // Compile the corresponding sample to get this file
        public static void SplitFile()
            //PDF4NET v5: PDFFile.SplitFile("Sample_Unicode.pdf", "Sample_Unicode-page.pdf");
            FileStream stm  = File.OpenRead("..\\..\\..\\..\\..\\SupportFiles\\content.pdf");
            PDFFile    file = new PDFFile(stm);

            for (int i = 0; i < file.PageCount; i++)
                PDFFixedDocument document = new PDFFixedDocument();
                document.Save(i + ".pdf");
Exemplo n.º 8
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Create the pdf document
            //PDF4NET v5: PDFDocument pdfDoc = new PDFDocument();
            PDFFixedDocument pdfDoc = new PDFFixedDocument();


            // Save the document to disk
Exemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a PDF file that contains 2 file attachments.
        /// </summary>
        private static void CreateAttachments()
            // Create the pdf document
            //PDF4NET v5: PDFDocument doc = new PDFDocument();
            PDFFixedDocument doc = new PDFFixedDocument();

            // Create a blank page
            //PDF4NET v5: PDFPage page = doc.AddPage();
            PDFPage page = doc.Pages.Add();
            // Print instructions about how to view the attachments in the PDF file.
            PDFBrush brush = new PDFBrush(new PDFRgbColor(0, 0, 0));
            //PDF4NET v5: PDFFont font = new PDFFont();
            PDFStandardFont font = new PDFStandardFont();

            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("This document contains 2 file attachments.", font, null, brush, 50, 50);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("This document contains 2 file attachments.", font, brush, 50, 50);
            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("In the Acrobat/Reader menu click on View > " +
            //PDF4NET v5:     "Navigation tabs > Attachments to view them.", font, null, brush, 50, 60);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("In the Acrobat/Reader menu click on View > " +
                                   "Navigation tabs > Attachments to view them.", font, brush, 50, 60);

            // Create an attachment for 'xfasampleform.pdf' file
            //PDF4NET v5: PDFDocumentAttachment attachment = new PDFDocumentAttachment();
            PDFDocumentFileAttachment attachment = new PDFDocumentFileAttachment();

            //PDF4NET v5: attachment.FileName = "..\\SupportFiles\\xfasampleform.pdf";
            attachment.FileName    = "sample.pdf";
            attachment.Payload     = File.ReadAllBytes("..\\..\\..\\..\\..\\SupportFiles\\sample.pdf");
            attachment.MimeType    = "application/pdf";
            attachment.Description = "Sample PDF file";
            // Add the attachment to document.
            //PDF4NET v5: doc.Attachments.Add(attachment);

            // Create an attachment for 'auto1.jpg' file
            //PDF4NET v5: attachment = new PDFDocumentAttachment();
            attachment = new PDFDocumentFileAttachment();
            //PDF4NET v5: attachment.FileName = "..\\SupportFiles\\auto1.jpg";
            attachment.FileName    = "auto1.jpg";
            attachment.Payload     = File.ReadAllBytes("..\\..\\..\\..\\..\\SupportFiles\\auto1.jpg");
            attachment.MimeType    = "image/jpg";
            attachment.Description = "Lexus - Minority Report";
            // Add the attachment to document.

            // Save the document to disk
Exemplo n.º 10
        private static void SplitPagesNoUnusedResourcesRemoval()
            using (FileStream fs = File.OpenRead("PDF4NET.Features.pdf"))
                PDFFile sourceFile = new PDFFile(fs);

                for (int i = 0; i < sourceFile.PageCount; i++)
                    PDFFixedDocument document = new PDFFixedDocument();
                    PDFPage          page     = sourceFile.ExtractPage(i);

Exemplo n.º 11
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Create the pdf document
            //PDF4NET v5: PDFDocument pdfDoc = new PDFDocument();
            PDFFixedDocument pdfDoc = new PDFFixedDocument();

            // Create first page
            //PDF4NET v5: PDFPage pdfPage1 = pdfDoc.AddPage();
            PDFPage pdfPage1 = pdfDoc.Pages.Add();

            // Create the graphic objects
            //PDF4NET v5: PDFFont fontText = new PDFFont(PDFFontFace.Helvetica, 12);
            PDFStandardFont fontText   = new PDFStandardFont(PDFStandardFontFace.Helvetica, 12);
            PDFBrush        blackBrush = new PDFBrush(new PDFRgbColor());

            Random rnd = new Random();

            for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++)
                // Create random colors for drawing the spline
                PDFColor penColor = new PDFRgbColor((byte)rnd.Next(256),
                                                    (byte)rnd.Next(256), (byte)rnd.Next(256));

                // Create the pen to draw the border
                PDFPen randomPen = new PDFPen(penColor, 1);

                // Generate random control points
                float x1 = rnd.Next((int)pdfPage1.Width);
                float y1 = rnd.Next((int)pdfPage1.Height);
                float x2 = rnd.Next((int)pdfPage1.Width);
                float y2 = rnd.Next((int)pdfPage1.Height);
                float x3 = rnd.Next((int)pdfPage1.Width);
                float y3 = rnd.Next((int)pdfPage1.Height);
                float x4 = rnd.Next((int)pdfPage1.Width);
                float y4 = rnd.Next((int)pdfPage1.Height);

                // Draw the Bezier spline
                pdfPage1.Canvas.DrawBezier(randomPen, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4);

            // Draw a label
            //PDF4NET v5: pdfPage1.Canvas.DrawText("Random Bezier splines", fontText, null, blackBrush, 20, 20, 0, PDFTextAlign.TopLeft);
            pdfPage1.Canvas.DrawString("Random Bezier splines", fontText, blackBrush, 20, 20);

            // Save the document to disk
Exemplo n.º 12
        private void PerformSeparation(string outputPdfFile, bool keepSeparation)
            FileStream       input    = File.OpenRead(pdfFile);
            PDFFixedDocument document = new PDFFixedDocument(input);


            PDFPageTransformer          pageTransformer = new PDFPageTransformer(document.Pages[0]);
            PDFSeparateContentTransform sct             = new PDFSeparateContentTransform(separationName, keepSeparation);


            using (FileStream output = File.Create(outputPdfFile))
Exemplo n.º 13
        // For this sample to work, the following file
        // need to exist: multicolumntextandimages.pdf.
        // Compile the corresponding sample to get this file
        public static void EncryptFile()
            //PDF4NET v5:
            //PDFSecurityManager securityManager = new PDFSecurityManager();
            //securityManager.KeySize = EncryptionKeySize.Use128BitKey;
            //securityManager.UserPassword = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("userpass");
            //securityManager.OwnerPassword = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("ownerpass");
            //securityManager.AllowPrint = false;
            //securityManager.FullQualityPrint = true;
            //securityManager.AllowModifyDocument = false;
            //securityManager.AllowExtractContent = false;
            //securityManager.AllowInteractiveEdit = false;
            //securityManager.AllowFormsFill = true;
            //securityManager.AllowAccessibilityExtractContent = true;
            //securityManager.AllowAssembleDocument = false;

            //    "Sample_MultiColumnTextAndImages.pdf", "Sample_MultiColumnTextAndImages-Secure.pdf");

            PDFFixedDocument      document           = new PDFFixedDocument("..\\..\\..\\..\\..\\SupportFiles\\content.pdf");
            PDFAesSecurityHandler aesSecurityHandler = new PDFAesSecurityHandler();

            aesSecurityHandler.KeySize                                 = 256;
            aesSecurityHandler.UserPassword                            = "******";
            aesSecurityHandler.OwnerPassword                           = "******";
            aesSecurityHandler.EnablePrint                             = false;
            aesSecurityHandler.HighQualityPrint                        = true;
            aesSecurityHandler.EnableDocumentChange                    = false;
            aesSecurityHandler.EnableContentExtraction                 = false;
            aesSecurityHandler.EnableAnnotationsAndFieldsEdit          = false;
            aesSecurityHandler.EnableFormsFill                         = true;
            aesSecurityHandler.EnableContentExtractionForAccessibility = true;
            aesSecurityHandler.EnableDocumentAssembly                  = false;
            document.Save("content-secure.pdf", aesSecurityHandler);

            // or
            //PDFDocument doc =
            //	PDFFile.EncryptFile( securityManager, "multicolumntextandimages-secure.pdf" );
            ////Serial number goes here
            //doc.SerialNumber = "serial number goes here";
            //doc.Save( stream );
Exemplo n.º 14
        private static void SplitPagesWithUnusedResourcesRemoval()
            using (FileStream fs = File.OpenRead("PDF4NET.Features.pdf"))
                PDFFile sourceFile = new PDFFile(fs);

                for (int i = 0; i < sourceFile.PageCount; i++)
                    PDFFixedDocument document = new PDFFixedDocument();
                    PDFPage          page     = sourceFile.ExtractPage(i);

                    RemoveUnusedResourcesTransform transform       = new RemoveUnusedResourcesTransform();
                    PDFPageTransformer             pageTransformer = new PDFPageTransformer(page);


        /// <summary>
        /// Main method for running the sample.
        /// </summary>
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            string supportPath = "..\\..\\..\\..\\..\\SupportFiles\\";

            X509Certificate2 certificate = new X509Certificate2(supportPath + "O2SolutionsDemoCertificate.pfx", "P@ssw0rd!", X509KeyStorageFlags.Exportable);
            FileStream       input       = File.OpenRead(supportPath + "formfill.pdf");
            PDFFixedDocument document    = new PDFFixedDocument(input);


            // Sign the document
            PDFSignatureField      signField = document.Form.Fields["signhere"] as PDFSignatureField;
            PDFCmsDigitalSignature signature = new PDFCmsDigitalSignature();

            signature.SignatureDigestAlgorithm = PDFDigitalSignatureDigestAlgorithm.Sha256;
            signature.Certificate = certificate;
            signature.ContactInfo = "*****@*****.**";
            signature.Location    = "Cluj Napoca";
            signature.Name        = "O2 Solutions Support";
            signature.Reason      = "Simple signature";
            signField.Signature   = signature;

            // Load the signature image
            FileStream  signatureImageStream = File.OpenRead(supportPath + "signature.png");
            PDFPngImage signatureImage       = new PDFPngImage(signatureImageStream);

            // Create the signature custom appearance
            PDFAnnotationAppearance aa = new PDFAnnotationAppearance(signField.Widgets[0].VisualRectangle.Width, signField.Widgets[0].VisualRectangle.Height);

            aa.Canvas.DrawImage(signatureImage, 0, 0, aa.Width, aa.Height);
            // Set the custom appearance on the signature field
            signField.Widgets[0].NormalAppearance = aa;

            using (FileStream output = File.Create("DigitalSignatureWithCustomAppearance.pdf"))
Exemplo n.º 16
        // For this sample to work, the following files
        // need to exist: unicode.pdf and multicolumntextandimages.pdf.
        // Compile the corresponding samples to get these files
        public static void MixFiles()
            //PDF4NET v5: PDFFile unicodeFile = PDFFile.FromFile("Sample_Unicode.pdf");
            FileStream stm1  = File.OpenRead("..\\..\\..\\..\\..\\SupportFiles\\content.pdf");
            PDFFile    file1 = new PDFFile(stm1);
            //PDF4NET v5: PDFFile mctiFile = PDFFile.FromFile("Sample_MultiColumnTextAndImages.pdf");
            FileStream stm2  = File.OpenRead("..\\..\\..\\..\\..\\SupportFiles\\sample.pdf");
            PDFFile    file2 = new PDFFile(stm2);
            //PDF4NET v5: PDFImportedPage ip = null;
            PDFPage ip = null;

            //PDF4NET v5: PDFDocument doc = new PDFDocument();
            PDFFixedDocument doc = new PDFFixedDocument();

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                // extract the page
                ip = file1.ExtractPage(i);

                // add the page to new document

                // extract the page
                ip = file2.ExtractPage(i);

                // add the page to new document

            // save the mixed document

            //PDF4NET v5: unicodeFile.Close();
            //PDF4NET v5: mctiFile.Close();
Exemplo n.º 17
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //PDF4NET v5: PDFDocument doc = new PDFDocument();
            PDFFixedDocument doc = new PDFFixedDocument();

            //PDF4NET v5: PDFPage page = doc.AddPage();
            PDFPage page = doc.Pages.Add();


            //PDF4NET v5: page = doc.AddPage();
            page = doc.Pages.Add();

            //PDF4NET v5: page = doc.AddPage();
            page = doc.Pages.Add();

            //PDF4NET v5: page = doc.AddPage();
            page = doc.Pages.Add();

            //PDF4NET v5: page = doc.AddPage();
            page = doc.Pages.Add();

            //PDF4NET v5: page = doc.AddPage();
            page = doc.Pages.Add();

            //PDF4NET v5: page = doc.AddPage();
            page = doc.Pages.Add();

Exemplo n.º 18
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Create the pdf document
            //PDF4NET v5: PDFDocument doc = new PDFDocument();
            PDFFixedDocument doc = new PDFFixedDocument();

            // Create one page
            //PDF4NET v5: PDFPage page = doc.AddPage();
            PDFPage page = doc.Pages.Add();

            PDFBrush blackBrush = new PDFBrush(new PDFRgbColor(0, 0, 0));
            //PDF4NET v5: PDFFont fontSection = new PDFFont(PDFFontFace.Helvetica, 10);
            PDFStandardFont fontSection = new PDFStandardFont(PDFStandardFontFace.Helvetica, 10);

            fontSection.Bold = true;
            //PDF4NET v5: PDFFont fontText = new PDFFont(PDFFontFace.Helvetica, 8);
            PDFStandardFont fontText = new PDFStandardFont(PDFStandardFontFace.Helvetica, 8);

            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("Text annotations", fontSection, null, blackBrush, 20, 45, 0, PDFTextAlign.BottomLeft);
            PDFStringLayoutOptions slo = new PDFStringLayoutOptions()
                X = 20, Y = 45, VerticalAlign = PDFStringVerticalAlign.Bottom
            PDFStringAppearanceOptions sao = new PDFStringAppearanceOptions()
                Font = fontSection, Brush = blackBrush

            page.Canvas.DrawString("Text annotations", sao, slo);

            // Create all available text annotations
            //PDF4NET v5: PDFTextAnnotation ta = new PDFTextAnnotation("Comment", "Comment annotation");
            PDFTextAnnotation ta = new PDFTextAnnotation()
                Author = "Comment", Contents = "Comment annotation"

            ta.Icon = PDFTextAnnotationIcon.Comment;
            //PDF4NET v5: ta.Rectangle = new RectangleF(20, 60, 20, 20);
            ta.Location = new PDFPoint(20, 60);
            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("Comment", fontText, null, blackBrush, 20, 80, 0, PDFTextAlign.TopLeft);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("Comment", fontText, blackBrush, 20, 80);

            //PDF4NET v5: ta = new PDFTextAnnotation("Help", "Help annotation");
            ta = new PDFTextAnnotation()
                Author = "Help", Contents = "Help annotation"
            ta.Icon = PDFTextAnnotationIcon.Help;
            //PDF4NET v5: ta.Rectangle = new RectangleF(100, 60, 20, 20);
            ta.Location = new PDFPoint(100, 60);
            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("Help", fontText, null, blackBrush, 100, 80, 0, PDFTextAlign.TopLeft);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("Help", fontText, blackBrush, 100, 80);

            //PDF4NET v5: ta = new PDFTextAnnotation("Insert", "Insert annotation");
            ta = new PDFTextAnnotation()
                Author = "Insert", Contents = "Insert annotation"
            ta.Icon = PDFTextAnnotationIcon.Insert;
            //PDF4NET v5: ta.Rectangle = new RectangleF(180, 60, 20, 20);
            ta.Location = new PDFPoint(180, 60);
            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("Insert", fontText, null, blackBrush, 180, 80, 0, PDFTextAlign.TopLeft);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("Insert", fontText, blackBrush, 180, 80);

            //PDF4NET v5: ta = new PDFTextAnnotation("Key", "Key annotation");
            ta = new PDFTextAnnotation()
                Author = "Key", Contents = "Key annotation"
            ta.Icon = PDFTextAnnotationIcon.Key;
            //PDF4NET v5: ta.Rectangle = new RectangleF(260, 60, 20, 20);
            ta.Location = new PDFPoint(260, 60);
            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("Key", fontText, null, blackBrush, 260, 80, 0, PDFTextAlign.TopLeft);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("Key", fontText, blackBrush, 260, 80);

            //PDF4NET v5: ta = new PDFTextAnnotation("New paragraph", "New paragraph annotation");
            ta = new PDFTextAnnotation()
                Author = "New paragraph", Contents = "New paragraph annotation"
            ta.Icon = PDFTextAnnotationIcon.NewParagraph;
            //PDF4NET v5: ta.Rectangle = new RectangleF(340, 60, 20, 20);
            ta.Location = new PDFPoint(340, 60);
            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("New paragraph", fontText, null, blackBrush, 340, 80, 0, PDFTextAlign.TopLeft);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("New paragraph", fontText, blackBrush, 340, 80);

            //PDF4NET v5: ta = new PDFTextAnnotation("Note", "Note annotation");
            ta = new PDFTextAnnotation()
                Author = "Note", Contents = "Note annotation"
            ta.Icon = PDFTextAnnotationIcon.Note;
            //PDF4NET v5: ta.Rectangle = new RectangleF(420, 60, 20, 20);
            ta.Location = new PDFPoint(420, 60);
            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("Note", fontText, null, blackBrush, 420, 80, 0, PDFTextAlign.TopLeft);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("Note", fontText, blackBrush, 420, 80);

            //PDF4NET v5: ta = new PDFTextAnnotation("Paragraph", "Paragraph annotation");
            ta = new PDFTextAnnotation()
                Author = "Paragraph", Contents = "Paragraph annotation"
            ta.Icon = PDFTextAnnotationIcon.Paragraph;
            //PDF4NET v5: ta.Rectangle = new RectangleF(500, 60, 20, 20);
            ta.Location = new PDFPoint(500, 60);
            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("Paragraph", fontText, null, blackBrush, 500, 80, 0, PDFTextAlign.TopLeft);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("Paragraph", fontText, blackBrush, 500, 80);

            // Rubber stamp annotations

            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("Rubber stamp annotations", fontSection, null, blackBrush, 20, 120, 0, PDFTextAlign.TopLeft);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("Rubber stamp annotations", fontSection, blackBrush, 20, 120);

            // Create all available rubber stamp annotations
            //PDF4NET v5: PDFRubberStampAnnotation rsa = new PDFRubberStampAnnotation("Approved", "Approved annotation");
            PDFRubberStampAnnotation rsa = new PDFRubberStampAnnotation()
                Author = "Approved", Contents = "Approved annotation"

            //PDF4NET v5: rsa.Icon = PDFRubberStampAnnotationIcon.Approved;
            rsa.StampName = PDFRubberStampAnnotationName.Approved;
            //PDF4NET v5: rsa.Rectangle = new RectangleF(20, 140, 100, 30);
            rsa.DisplayRectangle = new PDFDisplayRectangle(20, 140, 100, 30);
            rsa.Opacity          = 50;
            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("Approved", fontText, null, blackBrush, 20, 180, 0, PDFTextAlign.TopLeft);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("Approved", fontText, blackBrush, 20, 180);

            //PDF4NET v5: rsa = new PDFRubberStampAnnotation("As Is", "As Is annotation");
            rsa = new PDFRubberStampAnnotation()
                Author = "As Is", Contents = "As Is annotation"
            //PDF4NET v5: rsa.Icon = PDFRubberStampAnnotationIcon.AsIs;
            rsa.StampName = PDFRubberStampAnnotationName.AsIs;
            //PDF4NET v5: rsa.Rectangle = new RectangleF(120, 140, 100, 30);
            rsa.DisplayRectangle = new PDFDisplayRectangle(120, 140, 100, 30);
            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("As Is", fontText, null, blackBrush, 120, 180, 0, PDFTextAlign.TopLeft);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("As Is", fontText, blackBrush, 120, 180);

            //PDF4NET v5: rsa = new PDFRubberStampAnnotation("Confidential", "Confidential annotation");
            rsa = new PDFRubberStampAnnotation()
                Author = "Confidential", Contents = "Confidential annotation"
            //PDF4NET v5: rsa.Icon = PDFRubberStampAnnotationIcon.Confidential;
            rsa.StampName = PDFRubberStampAnnotationName.Confidential;
            //PDF4NET v5: rsa.Rectangle = new RectangleF(220, 140, 100, 30);
            rsa.DisplayRectangle = new PDFDisplayRectangle(220, 140, 100, 30);
            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("Confidential", fontText, null, blackBrush, 220, 180, 0, PDFTextAlign.TopLeft);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("Confidential", fontText, blackBrush, 220, 180);

            //PDF4NET v5: rsa = new PDFRubberStampAnnotation("Departmental", "Departmental annotation");
            rsa = new PDFRubberStampAnnotation()
                Author = "Departmental", Contents = "Departmental annotation"
            //PDF4NET v5: rsa.Icon = PDFRubberStampAnnotationIcon.Departmental;
            rsa.StampName = PDFRubberStampAnnotationName.Departmental;
            //PDF4NET v5: rsa.Rectangle = new RectangleF(320, 140, 100, 30);
            rsa.DisplayRectangle = new PDFDisplayRectangle(320, 140, 100, 30);
            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("Departmental", fontText, null, blackBrush, 320, 180, 0, PDFTextAlign.TopLeft);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("Departmental", fontText, blackBrush, 320, 180);

            //PDF4NET v5: rsa = new PDFRubberStampAnnotation("Draft", "Draft annotation");
            rsa = new PDFRubberStampAnnotation()
                Author = "Draft", Contents = "Draft annotation"
            //PDF4NET v5: rsa.Icon = PDFRubberStampAnnotationIcon.Draft;
            rsa.StampName = PDFRubberStampAnnotationName.Draft;
            //PDF4NET v5: rsa.Rectangle = new RectangleF(420, 140, 100, 30);
            rsa.DisplayRectangle = new PDFDisplayRectangle(420, 140, 100, 30);
            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("Draft", fontText, null, blackBrush, 420, 180, 0, PDFTextAlign.TopLeft);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("Draft", fontText, blackBrush, 420, 180);

            //PDF4NET v5: rsa = new PDFRubberStampAnnotation("Experimental", "Experimental annotation");
            rsa = new PDFRubberStampAnnotation()
                Author = "Experimental", Contents = "Experimental annotation"
            //PDF4NET v5: rsa.Icon = PDFRubberStampAnnotationIcon.Experimental;
            rsa.StampName = PDFRubberStampAnnotationName.Experimental;
            //PDF4NET v5: rsa.Rectangle = new RectangleF(520, 140, 100, 30);
            rsa.DisplayRectangle = new PDFDisplayRectangle(520, 140, 100, 30);
            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("Experimental", fontText, null, blackBrush, 520, 180, 0, PDFTextAlign.TopLeft);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("Experimental", fontText, blackBrush, 520, 180);

            //PDF4NET v5: rsa = new PDFRubberStampAnnotation("Expired", "Expired annotation");
            rsa = new PDFRubberStampAnnotation()
                Author = "Expired", Contents = "Expired annotation"
            //PDF4NET v5: rsa.Icon = PDFRubberStampAnnotationIcon.Expired;
            rsa.StampName = PDFRubberStampAnnotationName.Expired;
            //PDF4NET v5: rsa.Rectangle = new RectangleF(20, 200, 100, 30);
            rsa.DisplayRectangle = new PDFDisplayRectangle(20, 200, 100, 30);
            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("Expired", fontText, null, blackBrush, 20, 240, 0, PDFTextAlign.TopLeft);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("Expired", fontText, blackBrush, 20, 240);

            //PDF4NET v5: rsa = new PDFRubberStampAnnotation("Final", "Final annotation");
            rsa = new PDFRubberStampAnnotation()
                Author = "Final", Contents = "Final annotation"
            //PDF4NET v5: rsa.Icon = PDFRubberStampAnnotationIcon.Final;
            rsa.StampName = PDFRubberStampAnnotationName.Final;
            //PDF4NET v5: rsa.Rectangle = new RectangleF(120, 200, 100, 30);
            rsa.DisplayRectangle = new PDFDisplayRectangle(120, 200, 100, 30);
            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("Final", fontText, null, blackBrush, 120, 240, 0, PDFTextAlign.TopLeft);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("Final", fontText, blackBrush, 120, 240);

            //PDF4NET v5: rsa = new PDFRubberStampAnnotation("ForComment", "ForComment annotation");
            rsa = new PDFRubberStampAnnotation()
                Author = "ForComment", Contents = "ForComment annotation"
            //PDF4NET v5: rsa.Icon = PDFRubberStampAnnotationIcon.ForComment;
            rsa.StampName = PDFRubberStampAnnotationName.ForComment;
            //PDF4NET v5: rsa.Rectangle = new RectangleF(220, 200, 100, 30);
            rsa.DisplayRectangle = new PDFDisplayRectangle(220, 200, 100, 30);
            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("ForComment", fontText, null, blackBrush, 220, 240, 0, PDFTextAlign.TopLeft);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("ForComment", fontText, blackBrush, 220, 240);

            //PDF4NET v5: rsa = new PDFRubberStampAnnotation("ForPublicRelease", "ForPublicRelease annotation");
            rsa = new PDFRubberStampAnnotation()
                Author = "ForPublicRelease", Contents = "ForPublicRelease annotation"
            //PDF4NET v5: rsa.Icon = PDFRubberStampAnnotationIcon.ForPublicRelease;
            rsa.StampName = PDFRubberStampAnnotationName.ForPublicRelease;
            //PDF4NET v5: rsa.Rectangle = new RectangleF(320, 200, 100, 30);
            rsa.DisplayRectangle = new PDFDisplayRectangle(320, 200, 100, 30);
            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("ForPublicRelease", fontText, null, blackBrush, 320, 240, 0, PDFTextAlign.TopLeft);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("ForPublicRelease", fontText, blackBrush, 320, 240);

            //PDF4NET v5: rsa = new PDFRubberStampAnnotation("NotApproved", "NotApproved annotation");
            rsa = new PDFRubberStampAnnotation()
                Author = "NotApproved", Contents = "NotApproved annotation"
            //PDF4NET v5: rsa.Icon = PDFRubberStampAnnotationIcon.NotApproved;
            rsa.StampName = PDFRubberStampAnnotationName.NotApproved;
            //PDF4NET v5: rsa.Rectangle = new RectangleF(420, 200, 100, 30);
            rsa.DisplayRectangle = new PDFDisplayRectangle(420, 200, 100, 30);
            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("NotApproved", fontText, null, blackBrush, 420, 240, 0, PDFTextAlign.TopLeft);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("NotApproved", fontText, blackBrush, 420, 240);

            //PDF4NET v5: rsa = new PDFRubberStampAnnotation("NotForPublicRelease", "NotForPublicRelease annotation");
            rsa = new PDFRubberStampAnnotation()
                Author = "NotForPublicRelease", Contents = "NotForPublicRelease annotation"
            //PDF4NET v5: rsa.Icon = PDFRubberStampAnnotationIcon.NotForPublicRelease;
            rsa.StampName = PDFRubberStampAnnotationName.NotForPublicRelease;
            //PDF4NET v5: rsa.Rectangle = new RectangleF(520, 200, 100, 30);
            rsa.DisplayRectangle = new PDFDisplayRectangle(520, 200, 100, 30);
            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("NotForPublicRelease", fontText, null, blackBrush, 520, 240, 0, PDFTextAlign.TopLeft);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("NotForPublicRelease", fontText, blackBrush, 520, 240);

            //PDF4NET v5: rsa = new PDFRubberStampAnnotation("Sold", "Sold annotation");
            rsa = new PDFRubberStampAnnotation()
                Author = "Sold", Contents = "Sold annotation"
            //PDF4NET v5: rsa.Icon = PDFRubberStampAnnotationIcon.Sold;
            rsa.StampName = PDFRubberStampAnnotationName.Sold;
            //PDF4NET v5: rsa.Rectangle = new RectangleF(20, 260, 100, 30);
            rsa.DisplayRectangle = new PDFDisplayRectangle(20, 260, 100, 30);
            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("Sold", fontText, null, blackBrush, 20, 300, 0, PDFTextAlign.TopLeft);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("Sold", fontText, blackBrush, 20, 300);

            //PDF4NET v5: rsa = new PDFRubberStampAnnotation("TopSecret", "TopSecret annotation");
            rsa = new PDFRubberStampAnnotation()
                Author = "TopSecret", Contents = "TopSecret annotation"
            //PDF4NET v5: rsa.Icon = PDFRubberStampAnnotationIcon.TopSecret;
            rsa.StampName = PDFRubberStampAnnotationName.TopSecret;
            //PDF4NET v5: rsa.Rectangle = new RectangleF(120, 260, 100, 30);
            rsa.DisplayRectangle = new PDFDisplayRectangle(120, 260, 100, 30);
            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("TopSecret", fontText, null, blackBrush, 120, 300, 0, PDFTextAlign.TopLeft);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("TopSecret", fontText, blackBrush, 120, 300);

            // Line annotations

            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("Line annotations", fontSection, null, blackBrush, 20, 350, 0, PDFTextAlign.TopLeft);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("Line annotations", fontSection, blackBrush, 20, 350);
            //PDF4NET v5: PDFLineAnnotation la = new PDFLineAnnotation("Line", "Line annotation");
            PDFLineAnnotation la = new PDFLineAnnotation()
                Author = "Line", Contents = "Line annotation"

            //PDF4NET v5: la.BeginLineStyle = PDFLineEndingStyle.Circle;
            la.StartLineSymbol = PDFLineEndingStyle.Circle;
            //PDF4NET v5: la.EndLineStyle = PDFLineEndingStyle.OpenArrow;
            la.EndLineSymbol = PDFLineEndingStyle.OpenArrow;
            //PDF4NET v5: la.LineDirection = PDFLineDirection.TopLeftToBottomRight;

            //PDF4NET v5: la.Rectangle = new RectangleF(20, 370, 150, 30);
            la.StartPoint = new PDFPoint(20, 370);
            la.EndPoint   = new PDFPoint(170, 400);
            //PDF4NET v5: la.Border = new PDFAnnotationBorder(1, PDFBorderStyle.Solid);
            la.LineWidth = 1;
            //PDF4NET v5: la.Color = new PDFRgbColor(Color.Red);
            la.LineColor = PDFRgbColor.Red;
            //PDF4NET v5: la.InteriorColor = new PDFRgbColor(Color.CornflowerBlue);
            la.InteriorColor = PDFRgbColor.CornflowerBlue;
            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("Line annotation with a circle and open arrow", fontText, null, blackBrush, 20, 420, 0, PDFTextAlign.TopLeft);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("Line annotation with a circle and open arrow", fontText, blackBrush, 20, 420);

            // File attachment annotations

            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("File attachment annotations", fontSection, null, blackBrush, 20, 450, 0, PDFTextAlign.TopLeft);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("File attachment annotations", fontSection, blackBrush, 20, 450);
            // Create all available file attachment annotations
            //PDF4NET v5: PDFFileAttachmentAnnotation faa = new PDFFileAttachmentAnnotation("Graph", "Graph icon");
            PDFFileAttachmentAnnotation faa = new PDFFileAttachmentAnnotation()
                Author = "Graph", Contents = "Graph icon"

            faa.Icon = PDFFileAttachmentAnnotationIcon.Graph;
            //PDF4NET v5: faa.Rectangle = new RectangleF(20, 470, 20, 20);
            faa.Location = new PDFPoint(20, 470);
            faa.FileName = "sample.pdf";
            faa.Payload  = File.ReadAllBytes("..\\..\\..\\..\\..\\SupportFiles\\sample.pdf");
            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("Graph", fontText, null, blackBrush, 20, 500, 0, PDFTextAlign.TopLeft);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("Graph", fontText, blackBrush, 20, 500);

            //PDF4NET v5: faa = new PDFFileAttachmentAnnotation("Paperclip", "Paperclip icon");
            faa = new PDFFileAttachmentAnnotation()
                Author = "Paperclip", Contents = "Paperclip icon"
            faa.Icon = PDFFileAttachmentAnnotationIcon.Paperclip;
            //PDF4NET v5: faa.Rectangle = new RectangleF(100, 470, 20, 20);
            faa.Location = new PDFPoint(100, 470);
            faa.FileName = "sample.pdf";
            faa.Payload  = File.ReadAllBytes("..\\..\\..\\..\\..\\SupportFiles\\sample.pdf");
            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("Paperclip", fontText, null, blackBrush, 100, 500, 0, PDFTextAlign.TopLeft);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("Paperclip", fontText, blackBrush, 100, 500);

            //PDF4NET v5: faa = new PDFFileAttachmentAnnotation("PushPin", "PushPin icon");
            faa = new PDFFileAttachmentAnnotation()
                Author = "PushPin", Contents = "PushPin icon"
            faa.Icon = PDFFileAttachmentAnnotationIcon.PushPin;
            //PDF4NET v5: faa.Rectangle = new RectangleF(180, 470, 20, 20);
            faa.Location = new PDFPoint(180, 470);
            faa.FileName = "sample.pdf";
            faa.Payload  = File.ReadAllBytes("..\\..\\..\\..\\..\\SupportFiles\\sample.pdf");
            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("PushPin", fontText, null, blackBrush, 180, 500, 0, PDFTextAlign.TopLeft);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("PushPin", fontText, blackBrush, 180, 500);

            //PDF4NET v5: faa = new PDFFileAttachmentAnnotation("Tag", "Tag icon");
            faa = new PDFFileAttachmentAnnotation()
                Author = "Tag", Contents = "Tag icon"
            faa.Icon = PDFFileAttachmentAnnotationIcon.Tag;
            //PDF4NET v5: faa.Rectangle = new RectangleF(260, 470, 20, 20);
            faa.Location = new PDFPoint(260, 470);
            faa.FileName = "sample.pdf";
            faa.Payload  = File.ReadAllBytes("..\\..\\..\\..\\..\\SupportFiles\\sample.pdf");
            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("Graph", fontText, null, blackBrush, 260, 500, 0, PDFTextAlign.TopLeft);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("Graph", fontText, blackBrush, 260, 500);

            // Highlight annotation

            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("Markup annotation - this text will be highlighted", fontSection, null, blackBrush, 20, 610);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("Markup annotation - this text will be highlighted", fontSection, blackBrush, 20, 610);
            //PDF4NET v5: PDFHighlightAnnotation ha = new PDFHighlightAnnotation("Markup annotation", "Markup annotation with highlight style");
            PDFTextMarkupAnnotation tma = new PDFTextMarkupAnnotation()
                Author = "Markup annotation", Contents = "Markup annotation with highlight style"

            tma.TextMarkupType = PDFTextMarkupAnnotationType.Highlight;
            //PDF4NET v5: ha.Rectangle = new RectangleF(100, 610, 100, 10);
            tma.DisplayRectangle = new PDFDisplayRectangle(100, 610, 100, 10);
            tma.TextMarkupColor  = new PDFRgbColor(255, 255, 0);

            // Square and circle annotations

            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("Square and circle annotations", fontSection, null, blackBrush, 20, 650);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("Square and circle annotations", fontSection, blackBrush, 20, 650);
            //PDF4NET v5: PDFEllipseAnnotation ea = new PDFEllipseAnnotation("Ellipse annotation", "An ellipse annotation");
            PDFCircleAnnotation ca = new PDFCircleAnnotation()
                Author = "Ellipse annotation", Contents = "An ellipse annotation"

            //PDF4NET v5: ea.Rectangle = new RectangleF(20, 670, 150, 75);
            ca.DisplayRectangle = new PDFDisplayRectangle(20, 670, 150, 75);
            //PDF4NET v5: ea.Color = new PDFRgbColor(255, 255, 0);
            ca.BorderColor   = new PDFRgbColor(255, 255, 0);
            ca.InteriorColor = new PDFRgbColor(0, 255, 0);

            //PDF4NET v5: PDFRectangleAnnotation ra = new PDFRectangleAnnotation("Rectangle annotation", "A rectangle annotation");
            PDFSquareAnnotation sa = new PDFSquareAnnotation()
                Author = "Rectangle annotation", Contents = "A rectangle annotation"

            //PDF4NET v5: ra.Rectangle = new RectangleF(200, 670, 150, 75);
            sa.DisplayRectangle = new PDFDisplayRectangle(200, 670, 150, 75);
            //PDF4NET v5: ra.Color = new PDFRgbColor(255, 64, 0);
            sa.BorderColor   = new PDFRgbColor(255, 64, 0);
            sa.InteriorColor = new PDFRgbColor(64, 0, 255);

            // Create 2nd page
            //PDF4NET v5: page = doc.AddPage();
            page = doc.Pages.Add();

            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("Annotations with custom appearance", fontSection, null, blackBrush, 20, 45, 0, PDFTextAlign.BottomLeft);
            slo.Y = 45;
            page.Canvas.DrawString("Annotations with custom appearance", sao, slo);

            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("a. Annotations with image appearance", fontSection, null, blackBrush, 20, 60, 0, PDFTextAlign.BottomLeft);
            slo.Y = 60;
            page.Canvas.DrawString("a. Annotations with image appearance", sao, slo);

            //PDF4NET v5: PDFRubberStampAnnotation isa = new PDFRubberStampAnnotation("ImageAppearance", "Annotation with image appearance.");
            PDFRubberStampAnnotation isa = new PDFRubberStampAnnotation()
                Author = "ImageAppearance", Contents = "Annotation with image appearance."

            //PDF4NET v5: isa.Rectangle = new RectangleF(20, 70, 200, 100);
            isa.DisplayRectangle = new PDFDisplayRectangle(20, 70, 200, 100);
            //PDF4NET v5: Bitmap img = new Bitmap("..\\SupportFiles\\auto1.jpg");
            //PDF4NET v5: isa.Appearance = new PDFImageAppearance(img);
            //PDF4NET v5: img.Dispose();

            FileStream   imgStream = File.OpenRead("..\\..\\..\\..\\..\\SupportFiles\\auto1.jpg");
            PDFJpegImage img       = new PDFJpegImage(imgStream);

            PDFAnnotationAppearance ia = new PDFAnnotationAppearance(isa.DisplayRectangle.Width, isa.DisplayRectangle.Height);

            ia.Canvas.DrawImage(img, 0, 0, ia.Width, ia.Height);
            isa.NormalAppearance = ia;

            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("Image appearance", fontText, null, blackBrush, 20, 175, 0, PDFTextAlign.TopLeft);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("Image appearance", fontText, blackBrush, 20, 175);

            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("b. Annotations with owner draw appearance", fontSection, null, blackBrush, 20, 200, 0, PDFTextAlign.TopLeft);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("b. Annotations with owner draw appearance", fontSection, blackBrush, 20, 200);
            //PDF4NET v5: PDFRubberStampAnnotation odsa = new PDFRubberStampAnnotation("OwnerDrawAppearance", "Annotation with owner draw appearance.");
            PDFRubberStampAnnotation odsa = new PDFRubberStampAnnotation()
                Author = "OwnerDrawAppearance", Contents = "Annotation with owner draw appearance."

            //PDF4NET v5: odsa.Rectangle = new RectangleF(20, 220, 200, 100);
            odsa.DisplayRectangle = new PDFDisplayRectangle(20, 220, 200, 100);
            //PDF4NET v5: odsa.Appearance = new PDFAnnotationAppearance();
            //PDF4NET v5: odsa.Appearance.Width = odsa.Rectangle.Width;
            //PDF4NET v5: odsa.Appearance.Height = odsa.Rectangle.Height;
            odsa.NormalAppearance = new PDFAnnotationAppearance(odsa.DisplayRectangle.Width, odsa.DisplayRectangle.Height);
            PDFBrush redBrush = new PDFBrush(new PDFRgbColor(192, 0, 0));

            //PDF4NET v5: odsa.Appearance.Canvas.DrawRoundRectangle(redBrush, 0, 0, odsa.Rectangle.Width, odsa.Rectangle.Height, 40, 40);
            odsa.NormalAppearance.Canvas.DrawRoundRectangle(redBrush, 0, 0, odsa.DisplayRectangle.Width, odsa.DisplayRectangle.Height, 40, 40);
            PDFBrush blueBrush = new PDFBrush(new PDFRgbColor(0, 0, 128));

            //PDF4NET v5: odsa.Appearance.Canvas.DrawEllipse(blueBrush, (odsa.Rectangle.Width - odsa.Rectangle.Height) / 2, 0, odsa.Rectangle.Height, odsa.Rectangle.Height);
                                                     (odsa.DisplayRectangle.Width - odsa.DisplayRectangle.Height) / 2, 0, odsa.DisplayRectangle.Height, odsa.DisplayRectangle.Height);
            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("Owner draw appearance", fontText, null, blackBrush, 20, 325, 0, PDFTextAlign.TopLeft);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("Owner draw appearance", fontText, blackBrush, 20, 325);

            // Save the document to disk
Exemplo n.º 19
        /// <summary>
        /// Main method for running the sample.
        /// </summary>
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            string supportPath = "..\\..\\..\\..\\..\\SupportFiles\\";

            X509Certificate2 certificate = new X509Certificate2(supportPath + "O2SolutionsDemoCertificate.pfx", "P@ssw0rd!", X509KeyStorageFlags.Exportable);
            FileStream       input       = File.OpenRead(supportPath + "formfill.pdf");
            PDFFixedDocument document    = new PDFFixedDocument(input);


            // Sign the document
            PDFSignatureField      signField = document.Form.Fields["signhere"] as PDFSignatureField;
            PDFCmsDigitalSignature signature = new PDFCmsDigitalSignature();

            signature.SignatureDigestAlgorithm = PDFDigitalSignatureDigestAlgorithm.Sha256;
            signature.Certificate = certificate;
            signature.ContactInfo = "*****@*****.**";
            signature.Location    = "Cluj Napoca";
            signature.Name        = "O2 Solutions Support";
            signature.Reason      = "Simple signature";
            signField.Signature   = signature;

            using (FileStream output = File.Create("MultipleDigitalSignatures.pdf"))

            // For the second signature the document must be opened in incremental update mode
            // by passing the PDFDocumentFeatures object to PDFFixedDocument constructor
            PDFDocumentFeatures df = new PDFDocumentFeatures();

            // Do not load file attachments, new file attachments cannot be added.
            df.EnableDocumentFileAttachments = false;
            // Load form fields to support signing.
            df.EnableDocumentFormFields = true;
            // Do not load embedded JavaScript code, new JavaScript code at document level cannot be added.
            df.EnableDocumentJavaScriptFragments = false;
            // Do not load the named destinations, new named destinations cannot be created.
            df.EnableDocumentNamedDestinations = false;
            // Do not load the document outlines, new outlines cannot be created.
            df.EnableDocumentOutline = false;
            // Do not load annotations, new annotations cannot be added to existing pages.
            df.EnablePageAnnotations = true;
            // Do not load the page graphics, new graphics cannot be added to existing pages.
            df.EnablePageGraphics = false;
            // Incremental update mode requires the changes to be added to the input file
            input    = File.OpenRead("MultipleDigitalSignatures.pdf");
            document = new PDFFixedDocument(input, df);

            signField = new PDFSignatureField("sign2");
            signField.Widgets[0].VisualRectangle = new PDFDisplayRectangle(150, 350, 200, 60);
            signature = new PDFCmsDigitalSignature();
            signature.SignatureDigestAlgorithm = PDFDigitalSignatureDigestAlgorithm.Sha256;
            signature.Certificate = certificate;
            signature.ContactInfo = "*****@*****.**";
            signature.Location    = "Cluj Napoca";
            signature.Name        = "O2 Solutions Support";
            signature.Reason      = "Simple signature";
            signField.Signature   = signature;

            // The same file used as input must also be used as output as the Save method saves only the changes and not the entire file.
            using (FileStream output = File.Open("MultipleDigitalSignatures.pdf", FileMode.Open))
Exemplo n.º 20
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Create the pdf document
            //PDF4NET v5: PDFDocument pdfDoc = new PDFDocument();
            PDFFixedDocument pdfDoc = new PDFFixedDocument();

            // Create the graphic objects
            //PDF4NET v5: PDFFont fontText = new PDFFont(PDFFontFace.Helvetica, 12);
            PDFStandardFont fontText = new PDFStandardFont(PDFStandardFontFace.Helvetica, 12);
            //PDF4NET v5: PDFBrush blackBrush = new PDFBrush(new PDFRgbColor(Color.Black));
            PDFBrush blackBrush = new PDFBrush(PDFRgbColor.Black);

            Random rnd = new Random();

            // Create first page
            //PDF4NET v5: PDFPage pdfPage1 = pdfDoc.AddPage();
            PDFPage pdfPage1 = pdfDoc.Pages.Add();

            byte[] rgb = new byte[3];
            // Draw 50 arcs
            for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++)
                // Create random colors for the border and the interior
                //PDF4NET v5: Color penColor = Color.FromArgb(rnd.Next(256), rnd.Next(256), rnd.Next(256));

                // Create the pen to draw the border
                //PDF4NET v5: PDFPen randomPen = new PDFPen(new PDFRgbColor(penColor), 1);
                PDFPen randomPen = new PDFPen(new PDFRgbColor(rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]), 1);

                // Generate random positions
                float left = rnd.Next((int)pdfPage1.Width);
                float top  = rnd.Next((int)pdfPage1.Height);

                // Generate random sizes
                float width      = rnd.Next((int)(pdfPage1.Width - left)); // try to keep the arc within the page
                float height     = rnd.Next((int)(pdfPage1.Height - top)); // try to keep the arc within the page
                float startAngle = rnd.Next(360);
                float sweepAngle = rnd.Next(360);

                // Draw the ellipse
                pdfPage1.Canvas.DrawArc(randomPen, top, left, width, height, startAngle, sweepAngle);

            // Draw a label
            //PDF4NET v5: pdfPage1.Canvas.DrawText("Random arcs", fontText, null, blackBrush, 20, 20);
            pdfPage1.Canvas.DrawString("Random arcs", fontText, blackBrush, 20, 20);

            // Create the second page
            //PDF4NET v5: PDFPage pdfPage2 = pdfDoc.AddPage();
            PDFPage pdfPage2 = pdfDoc.Pages.Add();

            // Draw 50 pies
            for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++)
                // Create random colors for the border and the interior
                //PDF4NET v5: Color brushColor = Color.FromArgb(rnd.Next(256), rnd.Next(256), rnd.Next(256));
                //PDF4NET v5: Color penColor = Color.FromArgb(rnd.Next(256), rnd.Next(256), rnd.Next(256));

                // Create the brush to fill the interior
                //PDF4NET v5: PDFBrush randomBrush = new PDFBrush(new PDFRgbColor(brushColor));
                PDFBrush randomBrush = new PDFBrush(new PDFRgbColor(rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]));
                // Create the pen to draw the border
                //PDF4NET v5: PDFPen randomPen = new PDFPen(new PDFRgbColor(penColor), 1);
                PDFPen randomPen = new PDFPen(new PDFRgbColor(rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]), 1);

                // Generate random positions
                float left = rnd.Next((int)pdfPage2.Width);
                float top  = rnd.Next((int)pdfPage2.Height);

                // Generate random sizes
                float width      = rnd.Next((int)(pdfPage2.Width - left)); // try to keep the pie within the page
                float height     = rnd.Next((int)(pdfPage2.Height - top)); // try to keep the pie within the page
                float startAngle = rnd.Next(360);
                float sweepAngle = rnd.Next(360);

                // Draw the ellipse
                pdfPage2.Canvas.DrawPie(randomPen, randomBrush, top, left, width, height, startAngle, sweepAngle);

            // Draw a label
            //PDF4NET v5: pdfPage2.Canvas.DrawText("Random pies", fontText, null, blackBrush, 20, 20);
            pdfPage2.Canvas.DrawString("Random pies", fontText, blackBrush, 20, 20);

            // Save the document to disk
Exemplo n.º 21
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Create the pdf document
            //PDF4NET v5: PDFDocument pdfDoc = new PDFDocument();
            PDFFixedDocument pdfDoc = new PDFFixedDocument();

            // Set the document information
            pdfDoc.DocumentInformation          = new PDFDocumentInformation();
            pdfDoc.DocumentInformation.Author   = "O2 Solutions (http://www.o2sol.com)";
            pdfDoc.DocumentInformation.Title    = "Sample document";
            pdfDoc.DocumentInformation.Subject  = "The abilities of the PDF4NET library";
            pdfDoc.DocumentInformation.Keywords = "pdf4net, pdf, .net, sample";
            pdfDoc.DocumentInformation.Creator  = "DocAndViewer";

            // Set viewer preferences
            // Change HideMenubar to false in order to
            // access the Preferences menu item.
            pdfDoc.ViewerPreferences              = new PDFViewerPreferences();
            pdfDoc.ViewerPreferences.HideMenubar  = false;
            pdfDoc.ViewerPreferences.HideToolbar  = true;
            pdfDoc.ViewerPreferences.HideWindowUI = true;
            //PDF4NET v5: pdfDoc.ViewerPreferences.DisplayDocTitle = true;
            pdfDoc.ViewerPreferences.DisplayDocumentTitle = true;

            // Set up custom properties
            //PDF4NET v5: PDFMetadataSchema is no longer supported in PDF4NET 10
            //PDFMetadataSchema ms = new PDFMetadataSchema();
            //ms["Company"] = "O2 Solutions";
            //ms["Website"] = "http://www.o2sol.com/";
            //ms["Product"] = "PDF4NET Library";
            //ms.StoreSchemaInDocInfo = true;

            //// Add schema to document
            //pdfDoc.Metadata = new PDFXMPMetadata();

            // Store custom properties
            pdfDoc.DocumentInformation.CosDictionary["/Company"] = new PDFCosString("O2 Solutions");
            pdfDoc.DocumentInformation.CosDictionary["/Website"] = new PDFCosString("https://o2sol.com/");
            pdfDoc.DocumentInformation.CosDictionary["/Product"] = new PDFCosString("PDF4NET");
            // Store custom XMP metadata
            pdfDoc.XmpMetadata          = new PDFXmpMetadata();
            pdfDoc.XmpMetadata.Metadata = "<custommetadata>Custom metadata</custommetadata>";

            // Create one page
            //PDF4NET v5: PDFPage pdfPage = pdfDoc.AddPage();
            PDFPage pdfPage = pdfDoc.Pages.Add();

            // Create the graphic objects
            //PDF4NET v5: PDFFont fontText = new PDFFont(PDFFontFace.Helvetica, 12);
            PDFStandardFont fontText = new PDFStandardFont(PDFStandardFontFace.Helvetica, 12);
            //PDF4NET v5: PDFFont fontTitle = new PDFFont(PDFFontFace.Helvetica, 12);
            PDFStandardFont fontTitle = new PDFStandardFont(PDFStandardFontFace.Helvetica, 12);

            fontTitle.Bold = true;
            PDFBrush brush = new PDFBrush(new PDFRgbColor());

            // Write on the page the current settings
            //PDF4NET v5: pdfPage.Canvas.DrawText("Document information", fontTitle, null, brush, 20, 20, 0, PDFTextAlign.TopLeft);
            pdfPage.Canvas.DrawString("Document information", fontTitle, brush, 20, 20);
            //PDF4NET v5: pdfPage.Canvas.DrawText("Author: " + pdfDoc.DocumentInformation.Author, fontText, null, brush, 20, 35, 0, PDFTextAlign.TopLeft);
            pdfPage.Canvas.DrawString("Author: " + pdfDoc.DocumentInformation.Author, fontText, brush, 20, 35);
            //PDF4NET v5: pdfPage.Canvas.DrawText("Title: " + pdfDoc.DocumentInformation.Title, fontText, null, brush, 20, 50, 0, PDFTextAlign.TopLeft);
            pdfPage.Canvas.DrawString("Title: " + pdfDoc.DocumentInformation.Title, fontText, brush, 20, 50);
            //PDF4NET v5: pdfPage.Canvas.DrawText("Subject: " + pdfDoc.DocumentInformation.Subject, fontText, null, brush, 20, 65, 0, PDFTextAlign.TopLeft);
            pdfPage.Canvas.DrawString("Subject: " + pdfDoc.DocumentInformation.Subject, fontText, brush, 20, 65);
            //PDF4NET v5: pdfPage.Canvas.DrawText("Keywords: " + pdfDoc.DocumentInformation.Keywords, fontText, null, brush, 20, 80, 0, PDFTextAlign.TopLeft);
            pdfPage.Canvas.DrawString("Keywords: " + pdfDoc.DocumentInformation.Keywords, fontText, brush, 20, 80);
            //PDF4NET v5: pdfPage.Canvas.DrawText("Creator: " + pdfDoc.DocumentInformation.Creator, fontText, null, brush, 20, 95, 0, PDFTextAlign.TopLeft);
            pdfPage.Canvas.DrawString("Creator: " + pdfDoc.DocumentInformation.Creator, fontText, brush, 20, 95);

            //PDF4NET v5: pdfPage.Canvas.DrawText("Viewer preferences", fontTitle, null, brush, 20, 120, 0, PDFTextAlign.TopLeft);
            pdfPage.Canvas.DrawString("Viewer preferences", fontTitle, brush, 20, 120);
            //PDF4NET v5: pdfPage.Canvas.DrawText("HideMenubar: " + pdfDoc.ViewerPreferences.HideMenubar, fontText, null, brush, 20, 135, 0, PDFTextAlign.TopLeft);
            pdfPage.Canvas.DrawString("HideMenubar: " + pdfDoc.ViewerPreferences.HideMenubar, fontText, brush, 20, 135);
            //PDF4NET v5: pdfPage.Canvas.DrawText("HideToolbar: " + pdfDoc.ViewerPreferences.HideToolbar, fontText, null, brush, 20, 150, 0, PDFTextAlign.TopLeft);
            pdfPage.Canvas.DrawString("HideToolbar: " + pdfDoc.ViewerPreferences.HideToolbar, fontText, brush, 20, 150);
            //PDF4NET v5: pdfPage.Canvas.DrawText("HideWindowUI: " + pdfDoc.ViewerPreferences.HideWindowUI, fontText, null, brush, 20, 165, 0, PDFTextAlign.TopLeft);
            pdfPage.Canvas.DrawString("HideWindowUI: " + pdfDoc.ViewerPreferences.HideWindowUI, fontText, brush, 20, 165);
            //PDF4NET v5: pdfPage.Canvas.DrawText("DisplayDocTitle: " + pdfDoc.ViewerPreferences.DisplayDocTitle, fontText, null, brush, 20, 180, 0, PDFTextAlign.TopLeft);
            pdfPage.Canvas.DrawString("DisplayDocTitle: " + pdfDoc.ViewerPreferences.DisplayDocumentTitle, fontText, brush, 20, 180);

            // Save the document to disk
Exemplo n.º 22
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Create the pdf document
            //PDF4NET v5: PDFDocument doc = new PDFDocument();
            PDFFixedDocument doc = new PDFFixedDocument();

            // Create the graphic objects
            //PDF4NET v5: PDFFont fontText = new PDFFont(PDFFontFace.Helvetica, 12);
            PDFStandardFont fontText = new PDFStandardFont(PDFStandardFontFace.Helvetica, 12);

            PDFBrush blackBrush = new PDFBrush(new PDFRgbColor());

            // Create 3 pages
            //PDF4NET v5: PDFPage page = doc.AddPage();
            PDFPage page = doc.Pages.Add();

            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("Page 1", fontText, null, blackBrush, 20, 30);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("Page 1", fontText, blackBrush, 20, 30);

            //PDF4NET v5: page = doc.AddPage();
            page = doc.Pages.Add();

            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("Page 2", fontText, null, blackBrush, 20, 30);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("Page 2", fontText, blackBrush, 20, 30);

            //PDF4NET v5: page = doc.AddPage();
            page = doc.Pages.Add();

            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("Page 3", fontText, null, blackBrush, 20, 30);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("Page 3", fontText, blackBrush, 20, 30);

            /// URI Action
            // create a web action
            //PDF4NET v5: PDFURIAction uriAction = new PDFURIAction();
            PDFUriAction uriAction = new PDFUriAction();

            uriAction.URI = "http://www.o2sol.com/";

            // create a bookmark to point to the url above
            //PDF4NET v5: PDFBookmark url = new PDFBookmark();
            PDFOutlineItem url = new PDFOutlineItem();

            url.Title  = "www.o2sol.com";
            url.Color  = new PDFRgbColor();
            url.Action = uriAction;
            // add the bookmark to the document
            //PDF4NET v5: doc.Bookmarks.Add(url);
            /// URI Action

            /// Javascript Action
            // create a javascript action to print the document
            PDFJavaScriptAction jsAction = new PDFJavaScriptAction();

            jsAction.Script = "this.print(true);\n";

            // create a bookmark to point to execute the action
            //PDF4NET v5: PDFBookmark js = new PDFBookmark();
            PDFOutlineItem js = new PDFOutlineItem();

            js.Title  = "Print me from JavaScript";
            js.Color  = new PDFRgbColor();
            js.Action = jsAction;
            // add the bookmark to the document
            //PDF4NET v5: doc.Bookmarks.Add(url);
            /// Javascript Action

            /// OpenDocument action
            // Create an action to be executed when the document is opened
            // The action will open the document at the
            // second page of the document using a 800% zoom
            //PDF4NET v5: PDFPageDestination pageDestination = new PDFPageDestination();
            PDFPageDirectDestination pageDestination = new PDFPageDirectDestination();

            pageDestination.Page = doc.Pages[1];
            //PDF4NET v5: pageDestination.MagnificationMode = PDFMagnificationMode.XYZ;
            pageDestination.ZoomMode = PDFDestinationZoomMode.XYZ;

            pageDestination.Left = 0;
            pageDestination.Top  = 0;
            pageDestination.Zoom = 800;
            PDFGoToAction goToAction = new PDFGoToAction();

            goToAction.Destination = pageDestination;

            // set the action on the document
            doc.OpenAction = goToAction;
            /// OpenDocument action

            // Save the document to disk
Exemplo n.º 23
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Create the pdf document
            //PDF4NET v5: PDFDocument doc = new PDFDocument();
            PDFFixedDocument doc = new PDFFixedDocument();

            // Create a blank page
            //PDF4NET v5: PDFPage page = doc.AddPage();
            PDFPage page = doc.Pages.Add();

            // Create the annotation that will display the 3D artwork.
            PDF3DAnnotation annot3d = new PDF3DAnnotation();

            // Add the annotation to the page.

            //PDF4NET v5: annot3d.Rectangle = new RectangleF(50, 50, 400, 400);
            annot3d.DisplayRectangle = new PDFDisplayRectangle(50, 50, 400, 400);

            annot3d.Stream = Create3DStream();

            //PDF4NET v5: annot3d.Appearance = new PDFAnnotationAppearance();
            annot3d.NormalAppearance = new PDFAnnotationAppearance(annot3d.DisplayRectangle.Width, annot3d.DisplayRectangle.Height);

            //PDF4NET v5: annot3d.Appearance.Canvas.DrawText("Click to activate", new PDFFont(),
            //                null, new PDFBrush(new PDFRgbColor()), 200, 200, 0, PDFTextAlign.MiddleCenter);
            PDFStringLayoutOptions slo = new PDFStringLayoutOptions();

            slo.X = 200;
            slo.Y = 200;
            slo.HorizontalAlign = PDFStringHorizontalAlign.Center;
            slo.VerticalAlign   = PDFStringVerticalAlign.Middle;
            PDFStringAppearanceOptions sao = new PDFStringAppearanceOptions();

            sao.Font  = new PDFStandardFont(PDFStandardFontFace.Helvetica, 10);
            sao.Brush = new PDFBrush(PDFRgbColor.Black);
            annot3d.NormalAppearance.Canvas.DrawString("Click to activate", sao, slo);

            // Create the default view.
            //PDF4NET v5: PDF3DProjection projection1 = new PDF3DProjection(PDF3DProjectionType.Perspective);
            PDF3DProjection projection1 = new PDF3DProjection()
                Type = PDF3DProjectionType.Perspective

            projection1.FieldOfView = 30;
            PDF3DLightingScheme lightScheme1 = null;
            //PDF4NET v5: PDF3DRenderMode renderMode1 = new PDF3DRenderMode(PDF3DRenderStyle.Solid);
            PDF3DRenderMode renderMode1 = new PDF3DRenderMode()
                Mode = PDF3DRenderModeType.Solid

            //PDF4NET v5: PDF3DBackground background1 = new PDF3DBackground(new PDFRgbColor(255, 255, 255));
            PDF3DBackground background1 = new PDF3DBackground()
                Color = PDFRgbColor.White

            PDF3DView defaultView = CreateView("Default view",
                                               new double[] { -0.382684f, 0.92388f, -0.0000000766026f, 0.18024f, 0.0746579f, 0.980785f, 0.906127f, 0.37533f, -0.19509f, -122.669f, -112.432f, 45.6829f },
                                               131.695f, background1, projection1, renderMode1, lightScheme1);

            // Create a wireframe view.
            //PDF4NET v5: PDF3DRenderMode renderMode2 = new PDF3DRenderMode(PDF3DRenderStyle.Wireframe);
            PDF3DRenderMode renderMode2 = new PDF3DRenderMode()
                Mode = PDF3DRenderModeType.Wireframe

            PDF3DView wireframeView = CreateView("Wireframe view",
                                                 new double[] { -0.382684f, 0.92388f, -0.0000000766026f, 0.18024f, 0.0746579f, 0.980785f, 0.906127f, 0.37533f, -0.19509f, -122.669f, -112.432f, 45.6829f },
                                                 131.695f, background1, projection1, renderMode2, lightScheme1);

            // Create a transparent wireframe view.
            //PDF4NET v5: PDF3DRenderMode renderMode3 = new PDF3DRenderMode(PDF3DRenderStyle.TransparentWireframe);
            PDF3DRenderMode renderMode3 = new PDF3DRenderMode()
                Mode = PDF3DRenderModeType.TransparentWireframe

            renderMode3.AuxiliaryColor = new PDFRgbColor(0, 192, 0);
            PDF3DView transparentWireframeView = CreateView("Transparent wireframe view",
                                                            new double[] { -0.382684f, 0.92388f, -0.0000000766026f, 0.18024f, 0.0746579f, 0.980785f, 0.906127f, 0.37533f, -0.19509f, -122.669f, -112.432f, 45.6829f },
                                                            131.695f, background1, projection1, renderMode3, lightScheme1);

            //PDF4NET v5: annot3d.Stream.DefaultView = 0;
            annot3d.Stream.DefaultView = defaultView;

Exemplo n.º 24
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Create the pdf document
            //PDF4NET v5: PDFDocument pdfDoc = new PDFDocument();
            PDFFixedDocument pdfDoc = new PDFFixedDocument();

            // set the security options
            //PDF4NET v5: pdfDoc.SecurityManager = new PDFSecurityManager();
            PDFAesSecurityHandler aesSecurityHandler = new PDFAesSecurityHandler();

            // use 128 bit encryption
            //PDF4NET v5: pdfDoc.SecurityManager.KeySize = EncryptionKeySize.Use128BitKey;
            aesSecurityHandler.KeySize = 256;
            // set user password to "userpass"
            //PDF4NET v5: pdfDoc.SecurityManager.UserPassword = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("userpass");
            aesSecurityHandler.UserPassword = "******";
            // set owner password to "ownerpass"
            //PDF4NET v5: pdfDoc.SecurityManager.OwnerPassword = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("ownerpass");
            aesSecurityHandler.OwnerPassword = "******";
            // allow to print the pdf document
            //PDF4NET v5: pdfDoc.SecurityManager.AllowPrint = true;
            aesSecurityHandler.EnablePrint = true;
            // do not allow high quality print
            //PDF4NET v5: pdfDoc.SecurityManager.FullQualityPrint = false;
            aesSecurityHandler.HighQualityPrint = false;
            // do not alow to modify the document
            //PDF4NET v5: pdfDoc.SecurityManager.AllowModifyDocument = false;
            aesSecurityHandler.EnableDocumentChange = false;
            // do not allow to extract content (text and images) from the document
            //PDF4NET v5: pdfDoc.SecurityManager.AllowExtractContent = false;
            aesSecurityHandler.EnableContentExtraction = false;
            // do not allow to fill forms or to create annotations
            //PDF4NET v5: pdfDoc.SecurityManager.AllowInteractiveEdit = false;
            aesSecurityHandler.EnableAnnotationsAndFieldsEdit = false;
            // do not allow forms fill
            //PDF4NET v5: pdfDoc.SecurityManager.AllowFormsFill = false;
            aesSecurityHandler.EnableFormsFill = false;
            // allow to extract content in support for accessibility
            //PDF4NET v5: pdfDoc.SecurityManager.AllowAccessibilityExtractContent = true;
            aesSecurityHandler.EnableContentExtractionForAccessibility = true;
            // do not allow to assemble document
            //PDF4NET v5: pdfDoc.SecurityManager.AllowAssembleDocument = false;
            aesSecurityHandler.EnableDocumentAssembly = false;

            // Create one page
            //PDF4NET v5: PDFPage pdfPage = pdfDoc.AddPage();
            PDFPage pdfPage = pdfDoc.Pages.Add();

            // Draw "Encrypted Hello world" in the center of the page
            //PDF4NET v5:
            //    new PDFFont(PDFFontFace.Helvetica, 100), new PDFPen(new PDFRgbColor(255, 0, 0), 1),
            //    new PDFBrush(new PDFRgbColor(0, 0, 255)), pdfPage.Width / 2, pdfPage.Height / 2 - 3,
            //    0, PDFTextAlign.BottomCenter);
            PDFStringLayoutOptions slo = new PDFStringLayoutOptions();

            slo.X = pdfPage.Width / 2;
            slo.Y = pdfPage.Height / 2 - 3;
            slo.HorizontalAlign = PDFStringHorizontalAlign.Center;
            slo.VerticalAlign   = PDFStringVerticalAlign.Bottom;
            PDFStringAppearanceOptions sao = new PDFStringAppearanceOptions();

            sao.Font  = new PDFStandardFont(PDFStandardFontFace.Helvetica, 100);
            sao.Pen   = new PDFPen(new PDFRgbColor(255, 0, 0), 1);
            sao.Brush = new PDFBrush(new PDFRgbColor(0, 0, 255));
            pdfPage.Canvas.DrawString("Encrypted", sao, slo);
            slo.Y             = pdfPage.Height / 2 + 3;
            slo.VerticalAlign = PDFStringVerticalAlign.Top;
            pdfPage.Canvas.DrawString("Hello world !", sao, slo);

            // Save the document to disk
            //PDF4NET v5:pdfDoc.Save("Sample_Encryption.pdf");
            pdfDoc.Save("Sample_Encryption.pdf", aesSecurityHandler);
Exemplo n.º 25
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Create the graphic objects
            //PDF4NET v5: PDFFont fontChapter = new PDFFont(PDFFontFace.Helvetica, 20);
            PDFStandardFont fontChapter = new PDFStandardFont(PDFStandardFontFace.Helvetica, 20);

            fontChapter.Bold = true;
            //PDF4NET v5: PDFFont fontSection = new PDFFont(PDFFontFace.Helvetica, 16);
            PDFStandardFont fontSection = new PDFStandardFont(PDFStandardFontFace.Helvetica, 16);

            fontSection.Italic = true;
            //PDF4NET v5: PDFFont fontText = new PDFFont(PDFFontFace.Helvetica, 12);
            PDFStandardFont fontText   = new PDFStandardFont(PDFStandardFontFace.Helvetica, 12);
            PDFBrush        blackBrush = new PDFBrush(new PDFRgbColor());

            // Create the pdf document
            //PDF4NET v5: PDFDocument pdfDoc = new PDFDocument();
            PDFFixedDocument pdfDoc = new PDFFixedDocument();

            // Display the outlines when opening the document
            pdfDoc.DisplayMode = PDFDisplayMode.UseOutlines;

            // Create 10 pages
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                //PDF4NET v5: PDFPage pdfPage = pdfDoc.AddPage();
                PDFPage pdfPage = pdfDoc.Pages.Add();
                //PDF4NET v5: pdfPage.Canvas.DrawText("Chapter " + (i + 1).ToString(), fontChapter, null, blackBrush, 10, 10, 0, PDFTextAlign.TopLeft);
                pdfPage.Canvas.DrawString("Chapter " + (i + 1).ToString(), fontChapter, blackBrush, 10, 10);
                //PDF4NET v5: pdfPage.Canvas.DrawText("Section " + (i + 1).ToString() + ".1", fontSection, null, blackBrush, 20, 32, 0, PDFTextAlign.TopLeft);
                pdfPage.Canvas.DrawString("Section " + (i + 1).ToString() + ".1", fontSection, blackBrush, 20, 32);
                //PDF4NET v5: pdfPage.Canvas.DrawText("Paragraph " + (i + 1).ToString() + ".1.1", fontText, null, blackBrush, 30, 50, 0, PDFTextAlign.TopLeft);
                pdfPage.Canvas.DrawString("Paragraph " + (i + 1).ToString() + ".1.1", fontText, blackBrush, 30, 50);
                //PDF4NET v5: pdfPage.Canvas.DrawText("Paragraph " + (i + 1).ToString() + ".1.2", fontText, null, blackBrush, 30, 200, 0, PDFTextAlign.TopLeft);
                pdfPage.Canvas.DrawString("Paragraph " + (i + 1).ToString() + ".1.2", fontText, blackBrush, 30, 200);
                //PDF4NET v5: pdfPage.Canvas.DrawText("Paragraph " + (i + 1).ToString() + ".1.3", fontText, null, blackBrush, 30, 300, 0, PDFTextAlign.TopLeft);
                pdfPage.Canvas.DrawString("Paragraph " + (i + 1).ToString() + ".1.3", fontText, blackBrush, 30, 300);
                //PDF4NET v5: pdfPage.Canvas.DrawText("Section " + (i + 1).ToString() + ".2", fontSection, null, blackBrush, 20, 400, 0, PDFTextAlign.TopLeft);
                pdfPage.Canvas.DrawString("Section " + (i + 1).ToString() + ".2", fontSection, blackBrush, 20, 400);
                //PDF4NET v5: pdfPage.Canvas.DrawText("Paragraph " + (i + 1).ToString() + ".2.1", fontText, null, blackBrush, 30, 420, 0, PDFTextAlign.TopLeft);
                pdfPage.Canvas.DrawString("Paragraph " + (i + 1).ToString() + ".2.1", fontText, blackBrush, 30, 420);
                //PDF4NET v5: pdfPage.Canvas.DrawText("Paragraph " + (i + 1).ToString() + ".2.2", fontText, null, blackBrush, 30, 570, 0, PDFTextAlign.TopLeft);
                pdfPage.Canvas.DrawString("Paragraph " + (i + 1).ToString() + ".2.2", fontText, blackBrush, 30, 570);
                //PDF4NET v5: pdfPage.Canvas.DrawText("Paragraph " + (i + 1).ToString() + ".2.3", fontText, null, blackBrush, 30, 650, 0, PDFTextAlign.TopLeft);
                pdfPage.Canvas.DrawString("Paragraph " + (i + 1).ToString() + ".2.3", fontText, blackBrush, 30, 650);

            // Create the bookmarks tree
            // Create a root outline
            //PDF4NET v5: PDFBookmark root = CreateBookmark("Bookmarks", new PDFRgbColor(Color.Black), PDFBookmarkDisplayStyle.Bold, pdfDoc.Pages[0]);
            PDFOutlineItem root = CreateBookmark("Bookmarks", PDFRgbColor.Black, PDFOutlineItemVisualStyle.Bold, pdfDoc.Pages[0]);

            //PDF4NET v5: pdfDoc.Bookmarks.Add(root);

            // Create document bookmarks
            for (int i = 0; i < pdfDoc.Pages.Count; i++)
                // Create chapter bookmark
                //PDF4NET v5: PDFBookmark chapter = CreateBookmark("Chapter " + (i + 1).ToString(), new PDFRgbColor(Color.Blue), PDFBookmarkDisplayStyle.Italic, pdfDoc.Pages[i]);
                PDFOutlineItem chapter = CreateBookmark("Chapter " + (i + 1).ToString(), PDFRgbColor.Blue, PDFOutlineItemVisualStyle.Italic, pdfDoc.Pages[i]);
                //PDF4NET v5: root.Bookmarks.Add(chapter);

                // Create section 1 bookmark
                //PDF4NET v5: PDFBookmark section1 = CreateBookmark("Section " + (i + 1).ToString() + ".1", new PDFRgbColor(Color.Green), PDFBookmarkDisplayStyle.Italic, pdfDoc.Pages[i]);
                PDFOutlineItem section1 = CreateBookmark("Section " + (i + 1).ToString() + ".1", PDFRgbColor.Green, PDFOutlineItemVisualStyle.Italic, pdfDoc.Pages[i]);
                //PDF4NET v5: chapter.Bookmarks.Add(section1);

                // Create paragraph bookmarks
                //PDF4NET v5: PDFBookmark paragraph11 = CreateBookmark("Paragraph " + (i + 1).ToString() + ".1.1", new PDFRgbColor(Color.Red), PDFBookmarkDisplayStyle.Regular, pdfDoc.Pages[i]);
                PDFOutlineItem paragraph11 = CreateBookmark("Paragraph " + (i + 1).ToString() + ".1.1", PDFRgbColor.Red, PDFOutlineItemVisualStyle.Regular, pdfDoc.Pages[i]);
                //PDF4NET v5: section1.Bookmarks.Add(paragraph11);

                //PDF4NET v5: PDFBookmark paragraph12 = CreateBookmark("Paragraph " + (i + 1).ToString() + ".1.2", new PDFRgbColor(Color.Red), PDFBookmarkDisplayStyle.Regular, pdfDoc.Pages[i]);
                PDFOutlineItem paragraph12 = CreateBookmark("Paragraph " + (i + 1).ToString() + ".1.2", PDFRgbColor.Red, PDFOutlineItemVisualStyle.Regular, pdfDoc.Pages[i]);
                //PDF4NET v5: section1.Bookmarks.Add(paragraph12);

                //PDF4NET v5: PDFBookmark paragraph13 = CreateBookmark("Paragraph " + (i + 1).ToString() + ".1.3", new PDFRgbColor(Color.Red), PDFBookmarkDisplayStyle.Regular, pdfDoc.Pages[i]);
                PDFOutlineItem paragraph13 = CreateBookmark("Paragraph " + (i + 1).ToString() + ".1.3", PDFRgbColor.Red, PDFOutlineItemVisualStyle.Regular, pdfDoc.Pages[i]);
                //PDF4NET v5: section1.Bookmarks.Add(paragraph13);
                section1.Expanded = true;

                // Create section 2 bookmark
                //PDF4NET v5: PDFBookmark section2 = CreateBookmark("Section " + (i + 1).ToString() + ".2", new PDFRgbColor(Color.Green), PDFBookmarkDisplayStyle.Italic, pdfDoc.Pages[i]);
                PDFOutlineItem section2 = CreateBookmark("Section " + (i + 1).ToString() + ".2", PDFRgbColor.Green, PDFOutlineItemVisualStyle.Italic, pdfDoc.Pages[i]);
                //PDF4NET v5: chapter.Bookmarks.Add(section2);

                // Create paragraph bookmarks
                //PDF4NET v5: PDFBookmark paragraph21 = CreateBookmark("Paragraph " + (i + 1).ToString() + ".2.1", new PDFRgbColor(Color.Red), PDFBookmarkDisplayStyle.Regular, pdfDoc.Pages[i]);
                PDFOutlineItem paragraph21 = CreateBookmark("Paragraph " + (i + 1).ToString() + ".2.1", PDFRgbColor.Red, PDFOutlineItemVisualStyle.Regular, pdfDoc.Pages[i]);
                //PDF4NET v5: section2.Bookmarks.Add(paragraph21);

                //PDF4NET v5: PDFBookmark paragraph22 = CreateBookmark("Paragraph " + (i + 1).ToString() + ".2.2", new PDFRgbColor(Color.Red), PDFBookmarkDisplayStyle.Regular, pdfDoc.Pages[i]);
                PDFOutlineItem paragraph22 = CreateBookmark("Paragraph " + (i + 1).ToString() + ".2.2", PDFRgbColor.Red, PDFOutlineItemVisualStyle.Regular, pdfDoc.Pages[i]);
                //PDF4NET v5: section2.Bookmarks.Add(paragraph22);

                //PDF4NET v5: PDFBookmark paragraph23 = CreateBookmark("Paragraph " + (i + 1).ToString() + ".2.3", new PDFRgbColor(Color.Red), PDFBookmarkDisplayStyle.Regular, pdfDoc.Pages[i]);
                PDFOutlineItem paragraph23 = CreateBookmark("Paragraph " + (i + 1).ToString() + ".2.3", PDFRgbColor.Red, PDFOutlineItemVisualStyle.Regular, pdfDoc.Pages[i]);
                //PDF4NET v5: section2.Bookmarks.Add(paragraph23);
                section2.Expanded = true;

                chapter.Expanded = true;

            root.Expanded = true;

            // Save the document to disk
Exemplo n.º 26
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Create the pdf document
            //PDF4NET v5: PDFDocument pdfDoc = new PDFDocument();
            PDFFixedDocument pdfDoc = new PDFFixedDocument();

            // Create first page
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            PDFPage pdfPage1 = pdfDoc.Pages.Add();

            // Create the graphic objects
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            PDFStandardFont fontText   = new PDFStandardFont(PDFStandardFontFace.Helvetica, 12);
            PDFBrush        blackBrush = new PDFBrush(new PDFRgbColor());
            PDFBrush        greenBrush = new PDFBrush(new PDFRgbColor(0, 255, 0));
            PDFPen          pen        = new PDFPen(PDFRgbColor.Orange, 1);

            // Draw an ellipse that has a border
            //PDF4NET v5: pdfPage1.Canvas.DrawText("This ellipse is drawn by drawing its border", fontText, null, blackBrush, 20, 20, 0, PDFTextAlign.TopLeft);
            pdfPage1.Canvas.DrawString("This ellipse is drawn by drawing its border", fontText, blackBrush, 20, 20);
            pdfPage1.Canvas.DrawEllipse(pen, null, 20, 35, 200, 100);

            // Draw an ellipse that has no border and its interior is filled
            //PDF4NET v5: pdfPage1.Canvas.DrawText("This ellipse is drawn by filling its interior", fontText, null, blackBrush, 300, 20, 0, PDFTextAlign.TopLeft);
            pdfPage1.Canvas.DrawString("This ellipse is drawn by filling its interior", fontText, blackBrush, 300, 20);
            pdfPage1.Canvas.DrawEllipse(null, greenBrush, 300, 35, 300, 150);

            // Draw an ellipse that has a border and its interior is filled
            //PDF4NET v5: pdfPage1.Canvas.DrawText("This ellipse has a border and a filled interior", fontText, null, blackBrush, 20, 200, 0, PDFTextAlign.TopLeft);
            pdfPage1.Canvas.DrawString("This ellipse has a border and a filled interior", fontText, blackBrush, 20, 200);
            pdfPage1.Canvas.DrawEllipse(pen, greenBrush, 20, 215, 200, 150);

            // Draw a circle
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            pdfPage1.Canvas.DrawString("This is a circle", fontText, blackBrush, 300, 200);
            pdfPage1.Canvas.DrawEllipse(pen, greenBrush, 300, 215, 200, 200);

            // Create the second page
            //PDF4NET v5: PDFPage pdfPage2 = pdfDoc.AddPage();
            PDFPage pdfPage2 = pdfDoc.Pages.Add();

            Random rnd = new Random();

            for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++)
                // Create random colors for the border and the interior
                PDFRgbColor brushColor = new PDFRgbColor((byte)rnd.Next(256),
                                                         (byte)rnd.Next(256), (byte)rnd.Next(256));
                PDFRgbColor penColor = new PDFRgbColor((byte)rnd.Next(256),
                                                       (byte)rnd.Next(256), (byte)rnd.Next(256));

                // Create the brush to fill the interior
                PDFBrush randomBrush = new PDFBrush(brushColor);
                // Create the pen to draw the border
                PDFPen randomPen = new PDFPen(penColor, 1);

                // Generate random positions
                float left = rnd.Next((int)pdfPage2.Width);
                float top  = rnd.Next((int)pdfPage2.Height);

                // Generate random sizes
                float width  = rnd.Next((int)(pdfPage2.Width - left)); // try to keep the rectangle
                float height = rnd.Next((int)(pdfPage2.Height - top)); // within the page

                // Draw the ellipse
                pdfPage2.Canvas.DrawEllipse(randomPen, randomBrush, left, top, width, height);

            // Draw a label
            //PDF4NET v5: pdfPage2.Canvas.DrawText("Random ellipses", fontText, null, blackBrush, 20, 350, 0, PDFTextAlign.TopLeft);
            pdfPage2.Canvas.DrawString("Random ellipses", fontText, blackBrush, 20, 350);

            // Save the document to disk
Exemplo n.º 27
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Create the PDF document
            //PDF4NET v5: PDFDocument doc = new PDFDocument();
            PDFFixedDocument doc = new PDFFixedDocument();

            // Create the helper graphic objects.
            //PDF4NET v5: PDFFont titleFont = new PDFFont(PDFFontFace.Helvetica, 10);
            PDFStandardFont titleFont = new PDFStandardFont(PDFStandardFontFace.Helvetica, 10);

            titleFont.Bold = true;
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            PDFStandardFont textFont = new PDFStandardFont(PDFStandardFontFace.Helvetica, 8);
            //PDF4NET v5: PDFBrush brush = new PDFBrush(new PDFRgbColor(Color.Black));
            PDFBrush brush = new PDFBrush(PDFRgbColor.Black);

            // First page for linear barcodes.
            //PDF4NET v5: PDFPage page = doc.AddPage();
            PDFPage page = doc.Pages.Add();

            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("1D/Linear barcodes", titleFont, null, brush, 20, 50);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("1D/Linear barcodes", titleFont, brush, 20, 50);

            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("1. Codabar", textFont, null, brush, 20, 70);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("1. Codabar", textFont, brush, 20, 70);
            PDFCodabarBarcode cb = new PDFCodabarBarcode("0123456789");

            page.Canvas.DrawBarcode(cb, 20, 80);

            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("2. Code 11", textFont, null, brush, 20, 140);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("2. Code 11", textFont, brush, 20, 140);
            PDFCode11Barcode c11 = new PDFCode11Barcode("0123456789");

            page.Canvas.DrawBarcode(c11, 20, 150);

            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("3. Code 128A", textFont, null, brush, 20, 210);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("3. Code 128A", textFont, brush, 20, 210);
            PDFCode128ABarcode c128a = new PDFCode128ABarcode("CODE128A");

            page.Canvas.DrawBarcode(c128a, 20, 220);

            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("4. Code 128B", textFont, null, brush, 20, 280);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("4. Code 128B", textFont, brush, 20, 280);
            PDFCode128BBarcode c128b = new PDFCode128BBarcode("CODE128B");

            page.Canvas.DrawBarcode(c128b, 20, 290);

            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("5. Code 128C", textFont, null, brush, 20, 350);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("5. Code 128C", textFont, brush, 20, 350);
            PDFCode128CBarcode c128c = new PDFCode128CBarcode("0123456789");

            page.Canvas.DrawBarcode(c128c, 20, 360);

            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("6. Code 25", textFont, null, brush, 20, 420);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("6. Code 25", textFont, brush, 20, 420);
            PDFCode25Barcode c25 = new PDFCode25Barcode("0123456789");

            page.Canvas.DrawBarcode(c25, 20, 430);

            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("7. Code 25 Interleaved", textFont, null, brush, 20, 490);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("7. Code 25 Interleaved", textFont, brush, 20, 490);
            PDFCode25InterleavedBarcode c25i = new PDFCode25InterleavedBarcode("0123456789");

            page.Canvas.DrawBarcode(c25i, 20, 500);

            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("8. Code 39", textFont, null, brush, 20, 560);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("8. Code 39", textFont, brush, 20, 560);
            PDFCode39Barcode c39 = new PDFCode39Barcode("CODE39");

            page.Canvas.DrawBarcode(c39, 20, 570);

            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("9. Code 39 Extended", textFont, null, brush, 20, 630);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("9. Code 39 Extended", textFont, brush, 20, 630);
            PDFCode39ExtendedBarcode c39x = new PDFCode39ExtendedBarcode("C39Ext");

            page.Canvas.DrawBarcode(c39x, 20, 640);

            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("10. Code 93", textFont, null, brush, 20, 700);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("10. Code 93", textFont, brush, 20, 700);
            PDFCode93Barcode c93 = new PDFCode93Barcode("CODE93");

            page.Canvas.DrawBarcode(c93, 20, 710);

            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("11. Code 93 Extended", textFont, null, brush, 200, 70);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("11. Code 93 Extended", textFont, brush, 200, 70);
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            page.Canvas.DrawBarcode(c93x, 200, 80);

            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("12. COOP 25", textFont, null, brush, 200, 140);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("12. COOP 25", textFont, brush, 200, 140);
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            PDFCoop25Barcode coop25 = new PDFCoop25Barcode("0123456789");

            page.Canvas.DrawBarcode(coop25, 200, 150);

            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("13. EAN-13", textFont, null, brush, 200, 210);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("13. EAN-13", textFont, brush, 200, 210);
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            PDFEan13Barcode ean13 = new PDFEan13Barcode("012345678901");

            page.Canvas.DrawBarcode(ean13, 200, 220);

            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("14. EAN-8", textFont, null, brush, 200, 280);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("14. EAN-8", textFont, brush, 200, 280);
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            PDFEan8Barcode ean8 = new PDFEan8Barcode("0123456");

            page.Canvas.DrawBarcode(ean8, 200, 290);

            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("15. IATA 25", textFont, null, brush, 200, 350);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("15. IATA 25", textFont, brush, 200, 350);
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            PDFIata25Barcode i25 = new PDFIata25Barcode("0123456789");

            page.Canvas.DrawBarcode(i25, 200, 360);

            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("16. ISBN", textFont, null, brush, 200, 420);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("16. ISBN", textFont, brush, 200, 420);
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            PDFIsbnBarcode isbn = new PDFIsbnBarcode("123456789");

            page.Canvas.DrawBarcode(isbn, 200, 430);

            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("17. ISMN", textFont, null, brush, 200, 490);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("17. ISMN", textFont, brush, 200, 490);
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            PDFIsmnBarcode ismn = new PDFIsmnBarcode("123456789");

            page.Canvas.DrawBarcode(ismn, 200, 500);

            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("18. ISSN", textFont, null, brush, 200, 560);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("18. ISSN", textFont, brush, 200, 560);
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            PDFIssnBarcode issn = new PDFIssnBarcode("123456789");

            page.Canvas.DrawBarcode(issn, 200, 570);

            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("19. JAN-13", textFont, null, brush, 200, 630);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("19. JAN-13", textFont, brush, 200, 630);
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            PDFJan13Barcode jan13 = new PDFJan13Barcode("1234567890");

            page.Canvas.DrawBarcode(jan13, 200, 640);

            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("20. Matrix 25", textFont, null, brush, 200, 700);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("20. Matrix 25", textFont, brush, 200, 700);
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            page.Canvas.DrawBarcode(m25, 200, 710);

            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("21. Msi/Plessey", textFont, null, brush, 350, 70);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("21. Msi/Plessey", textFont, brush, 350, 70);
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            PDFMsiPlesseyBarcode msi = new PDFMsiPlesseyBarcode("0123456789");

            page.Canvas.DrawBarcode(msi, 350, 80);

            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("22. Planet", textFont, null, brush, 350, 140);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("22. Planet", textFont, brush, 350, 140);
            PDFPlanetBarcode planet = new PDFPlanetBarcode("012345678901");

            page.Canvas.DrawBarcode(planet, 350, 150);

            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("23. Postnet", textFont, null, brush, 350, 210);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("23. Postnet", textFont, brush, 350, 210);
            PDFPostNetBarcode postnet = new PDFPostNetBarcode("012345678");

            page.Canvas.DrawBarcode(postnet, 350, 220);

            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("24. RM4SCC", textFont, null, brush, 350, 280);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("24. RM4SCC", textFont, brush, 350, 280);
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            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("25. SCC-14", textFont, null, brush, 350, 350);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("25. SCC-14", textFont, brush, 350, 350);
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            PDFScc14Barcode scc14 = new PDFScc14Barcode("0123456789012");

            page.Canvas.DrawBarcode(scc14, 350, 360);

            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("26. SSCC-18", textFont, null, brush, 350, 420);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("26. SSCC-18", textFont, brush, 350, 420);
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            PDFSscc18Barcode sscc18 = new PDFSscc18Barcode("00000012331234567");

            page.Canvas.DrawBarcode(sscc18, 350, 430);

            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("27. UPC-A", textFont, null, brush, 350, 490);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("27. UPC-A", textFont, brush, 350, 490);
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            PDFUpcaBarcode upca = new PDFUpcaBarcode("87567816412");

            upca.Supplement           = "59999";
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            upca.SupplementTextPosition = PDFBarcodeTextPosition.Top;
            page.Canvas.DrawBarcode(upca, 350, 500);

            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("28. UPC-E", textFont, null, brush, 350, 560);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("28. UPC-E", textFont, brush, 350, 560);
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            PDFUpceBarcode upce = new PDFUpceBarcode("0425261");

            page.Canvas.DrawBarcode(upce, 350, 570);

            // Second page for linear barcodes.
            //PDF4NET v5: page = doc.AddPage();
            page = doc.Pages.Add();
            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("1D/Linear barcodes (continued)", titleFont, null, brush, 20, 50);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("1D/Linear barcodes (continued)", titleFont, brush, 20, 50);

            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("29. Singapore Post", textFont, null, brush, 20, 70);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("29. Singapore Post", textFont, brush, 20, 70);
            PDFSingaporePostBarcode singPost = new PDFSingaporePostBarcode("0123456789");

            page.Canvas.DrawBarcode(singPost, 20, 80);

            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("30. Royal Dutch TPG Post", textFont, null, brush, 20, 140);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("30. Royal Dutch TPG Post", textFont, brush, 20, 140);
            PDFKixBarcode kix = new PDFKixBarcode("0123456789");

            page.Canvas.DrawBarcode(kix, 20, 150);

            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("31. PZN", textFont, null, brush, 20, 210);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("31. PZN", textFont, brush, 20, 210);
            //PDF4NET v5: PDFPZNBarcode pzn = new PDFPZNBarcode("123456");
            PDFPznBarcode pzn = new PDFPznBarcode("123456");

            page.Canvas.DrawBarcode(pzn, 20, 220);

            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("32. Deutsche Post Identcode", textFont, null, brush, 20, 280);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("32. Deutsche Post Identcode", textFont, brush, 20, 280);
            PDFIdentcodeBarcode identcode = new PDFIdentcodeBarcode("01234567890");

            page.Canvas.DrawBarcode(identcode, 20, 290);

            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("33. Deutsche Post Leitcode", textFont, null, brush, 20, 350);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("33. Deutsche Post Leitcode", textFont, brush, 20, 350);
            PDFLeitcodeBarcode leitcode = new PDFLeitcodeBarcode("0123456789012");

            page.Canvas.DrawBarcode(leitcode, 20, 360);

            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("34. USPS Facing Identification Mark", textFont, null, brush, 20, 420);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("34. USPS Facing Identification Mark", textFont, brush, 20, 420);
            //PDF4NET v5: PDFUSPSFIMBarcode fim = new PDFUSPSFIMBarcode("A");
            PDFUspsFimBarcode fim = new PDFUspsFimBarcode("A");

            page.Canvas.DrawBarcode(fim, 20, 430);

            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("35. USPS Horizontal Bars", textFont, null, brush, 20, 490);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("35. USPS Horizontal Bars", textFont, brush, 20, 490);
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            PDFUspsHorizontalBarcode hb = new PDFUspsHorizontalBarcode("111");

            page.Canvas.DrawBarcode(hb, 20, 500);

            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("36. USPS Package Identification Code", textFont, null, brush, 20, 560);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("36. USPS Package Identification Code", textFont, brush, 20, 560);
            //PDF4NET v5: PDFUSPSPICBarcode pic = new PDFUSPSPICBarcode("910123456789012345678");
            PDFUspsPicBarcode pic = new PDFUspsPicBarcode("910123456789012345678");

            page.Canvas.DrawBarcode(pic, 20, 570);

            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("37. FedEx Ground 96", textFont, null, brush, 20, 630);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("37. FedEx Ground 96", textFont, brush, 20, 630);
            PDFFedExGround96Barcode fg96 = new PDFFedExGround96Barcode("960123456789012345678");

            page.Canvas.DrawBarcode(fg96, 20, 640);

            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("38. Pharmacode", textFont, null, brush, 20, 700);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("38. Pharmacode", textFont, brush, 20, 700);
            PDFPharmacodeBarcode pharma = new PDFPharmacodeBarcode("12345");

            page.Canvas.DrawBarcode(pharma, 20, 710);

            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("39. Code 32 - Italian Pharmacode", textFont, null, brush, 200, 70);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("39. Code 32 - Italian Pharmacode", textFont, brush, 200, 70);
            PDFCode32Barcode c32 = new PDFCode32Barcode("12345678");

            page.Canvas.DrawBarcode(c32, 200, 80);

            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("40. UCC/EAN 128", textFont, null, brush, 200, 140);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("40. UCC/EAN 128", textFont, brush, 200, 140);
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            PDFEan128Barcode ean128 = new PDFEan128Barcode("0123456789");

            ean128.ApplicationIdentifier = "101";
            page.Canvas.DrawBarcode(ean128, 200, 150);

            // Create the 3rd page to display 2D barcodes.
            //PDF4NET v5: page = doc.AddPage();
            page = doc.Pages.Add();

            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("2D/Bidimensional barcodes", titleFont, null, brush, 20, 50);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("2D/Bidimensional barcodes", titleFont, brush, 20, 50);

            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("1. Codablock F", textFont, null, brush, 20, 70);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("1. Codablock F", textFont, brush, 20, 70);
            PDFCodablockFBarcode cf = new PDFCodablockFBarcode();

            cf.Rows    = 5;
            cf.Columns = 7;
            cf.Data    = "1234567890";
            page.Canvas.DrawBarcode(cf, 20, 80);

            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("2. Code 16K", textFont, null, brush, 20, 140);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("2. Code 16K", textFont, brush, 20, 140);
            PDFCode16KBarcode c16k = new PDFCode16KBarcode();

            c16k.Rows = 0;
            c16k.Data = "Abcd-1234567890-wxyZ";
            page.Canvas.DrawBarcode(c16k, 20, 150);

            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("3. DataMatrix", textFont, null, brush, 20, 210);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("3. DataMatrix", textFont, brush, 20, 210);
            PDFDataMatrixBarcode dm = new PDFDataMatrixBarcode();

            //PDF4NET v5: dm.Encoding = DataMatrixEncoding.ASCII;
            dm.DataEncoding = DataMatrixEncoding.ASCII;
            //PDF4NET v5: dm.SymbolSize = DataMatrixSymbolSize.Auto;
            dm.BarcodeSize = DataMatrixBarcodeSize.Auto;
            dm.Data        = "ABCDabcd";
            dm.XDimension  = 3;
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            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("4. MicroPDF417", textFont, null, brush, 20, 280);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("4. MicroPDF417", textFont, brush, 20, 280);
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            PDF417MicroBarcode mpdf417 = new PDF417MicroBarcode();

            mpdf417.CompactionMode = PDF417DataCompactionMode.Text;
            mpdf417.XDimension  = 1;
            mpdf417.YDimension  = 2.5f;
            mpdf417.BarcodeSize = PDF417MicroBarcodeSize.Rows20Columns4;
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            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("5. PDF417", textFont, null, brush, 20, 370);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("5. PDF417", textFont, brush, 20, 370);
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            PDF417RegularBarcode pdf417 = new PDF417RegularBarcode();

            pdf417.CompactionMode       = PDF417DataCompactionMode.Text;
            pdf417.Data                 = "ABCDEF";
            pdf417.Rows                 = 5;
            pdf417.Columns              = 5;
            pdf417.XDimension           = 1;
            pdf417.YDimension           = 10;
            pdf417.ErrorCorrectionLevel = PDF417ErrorCorrectionLevel.Level2;
            page.Canvas.DrawBarcode(pdf417, 20, 380);
