Exemplo n.º 1
        public override void ExecuteBuild()
            // Parse the parameters
            string DepotPath = ParseParamValue("DepotPath");

            if (DepotPath == null)
                throw new AutomationException("Missing -DepotPath=... parameter");

            string OutputDir = ParseParamValue("OutputDir");

            if (OutputDir == null)
                throw new AutomationException("Missing -OutputDir=... parameter");

            // Create a temporary client to sync down the folder
            string ClientName = String.Format("{0}_{1}_SyncDepotPath_Temp", P4Env.User, Environment.MachineName);

            List <KeyValuePair <string, string> > RequiredView = new List <KeyValuePair <string, string> >();

            RequiredView.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>(DepotPath, "/..."));

            if (P4.DoesClientExist(ClientName))

            P4ClientInfo Client = new P4ClientInfo();

            Client.Owner    = P4Env.User;
            Client.Host     = Environment.MachineName;
            Client.RootPath = OutputDir;
            Client.Name     = ClientName;
            Client.View     = RequiredView;
            Client.Stream   = null;
            Client.Options  = P4ClientOption.NoAllWrite | P4ClientOption.Clobber | P4ClientOption.NoCompress | P4ClientOption.Unlocked | P4ClientOption.NoModTime | P4ClientOption.RmDir;
            Client.LineEnd  = P4LineEnd.Local;

            // Sync the workspace, then delete the client
                P4Connection Perforce = new P4Connection(P4Env.User, ClientName);
                Perforce.Sync("-f //...");
    public override void ExecuteBuild()
        string TemplateClient = "ue4_licensee_workspace";
        var    Clients        = P4.GetClientsForUser("UE4_Licensee");

        string TestClient = "UAT_Test_Client";

        P4ClientInfo NewClient = null;

        foreach (var Client in Clients)
            if (Client.Name == TemplateClient)
                NewClient = Client;
        if (NewClient == null)
            throw new AutomationException("Could not find template");
        NewClient.Owner    = P4Env.User;      // this is not right, we need the actual licensee user!
        NewClient.Host     = Environment.MachineName.ToLower();
        NewClient.RootPath = @"C:\TestClient";
        NewClient.Name     = TestClient;
        if (P4.DoesClientExist(TestClient))

        //P4CLIENT         Name of client workspace        p4 help client
        //P4PASSWD         User password passed to server  p4 help passwd

        string[] VarsToSave =
        var KeyValues = new Dictionary <string, string>();

        foreach (var ToSave in VarsToSave)
            KeyValues.Add(ToSave, GetEnvVar(ToSave));

        SetEnvVar("P4CLIENT", NewClient.Name);
        //SetEnv("P4PASSWD", ParseParamValue("LicenseePassword");

        //Sync(CombinePaths(PathSeparator.Slash, P4Env.BuildRootP4, "UE4Games.uprojectdirs"));
        string Output;

        P4.P4Output(out Output, "files -m 10 " + CombinePaths(PathSeparator.Slash, P4Env.Branch, "..."));

        var    Lines     = Output.Split(new string[] { Environment.NewLine }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
        string SlashRoot = CombinePaths(PathSeparator.Slash, P4Env.Branch, "/");
        string LocalRoot = CombinePaths(CmdEnv.LocalRoot, @"\");

        foreach (string Line in Lines)
            if (Line.Contains(" - ") && Line.Contains("#"))
                string depot = Line.Substring(0, Line.IndexOf("#"));
                if (!depot.Contains(SlashRoot))
                    throw new AutomationException("{0} does not contain {1} and it is supposed to.", depot, P4Env.Branch);
                string local = CombinePaths(depot.Replace(SlashRoot, LocalRoot));
                LogInformation("{0}", depot);
                LogInformation("    {0}", local);

        // should be used as a sanity check! make sure there are no files!
        P4.LogP4Output(out Output, "files -m 10 " + CombinePaths(PathSeparator.Slash, P4Env.Branch, "...", "NoRedist", "..."));

        // caution this doesn't actually use the client _view_ from the template at all!
        // if you want that sync -f -k /...
        // then use client syntax in the files command instead
        // don't think we care, we don't rely on licensee _views_

        foreach (var ToLoad in VarsToSave)
            SetEnvVar(ToLoad, KeyValues[ToLoad]);