public void ClipPolygon() { var bounds = new OxyRect(0, 0, 1, 1); var points = CreatePointList(); var result = SutherlandHodgmanClipping.ClipPolygon(bounds, points); Assert.AreEqual(4, result.Count); }
/// <summary> /// Renders the polygon annotation. /// </summary> /// <param name="rc">The render context.</param> public override void Render(IRenderContext rc) { base.Render(rc); this.screenRectangle = new OxyRect(this.Transform(this.X - (this.Width / 2), this.Y - (this.Height / 2)), this.Transform(this.X + (this.Width / 2), this.Y + (this.Height / 2))); // clip to the area defined by the axes var clippingRectangle = this.GetClippingRect(); rc.DrawClippedEllipse( clippingRectangle, this.screenRectangle, this.GetSelectableFillColor(this.Fill), this.GetSelectableColor(this.Stroke), this.StrokeThickness); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Text)) { var textPosition = this.GetActualTextPosition(() => this.screenRectangle.Center); rc.DrawClippedText( clippingRectangle, textPosition, this.Text, this.ActualTextColor, this.ActualFont, this.ActualFontSize, this.ActualFontWeight, this.TextRotation, this.TextHorizontalAlignment, this.TextVerticalAlignment); } }
/// <summary> /// Draws an ellipse. /// </summary> /// <param name="rect">The rectangle.</param> /// <param name="fill">The fill color.</param> /// <param name="stroke">The stroke color.</param> /// <param name="thickness">The thickness.</param> public override void DrawEllipse(OxyRect rect, OxyColor fill, OxyColor stroke, double thickness) { this.SetAlias(false); var convertedRectangle = rect.Convert(); if (fill.IsVisible()) { this.SetFill(fill); using (var path = new CGPath()) { path.AddEllipseInRect(convertedRectangle); this.gctx.AddPath(path); } this.gctx.DrawPath(CGPathDrawingMode.Fill); } if (stroke.IsVisible() && thickness > 0) { this.SetStroke(stroke, thickness); using (var path = new CGPath()) { path.AddEllipseInRect(convertedRectangle); this.gctx.AddPath(path); } this.gctx.DrawPath(CGPathDrawingMode.Stroke); } }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="CohenSutherlandClipping" /> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="rect">The clipping rectangle.</param> public CohenSutherlandClipping(OxyRect rect) { this.xmin = rect.Left; this.xmax = rect.Right; this.ymin = rect.Top; this.ymax = rect.Bottom; }
public void SinglePointOutside() { var points = new[] { new ScreenPoint(0, 0) }; var clippingRectangle = new OxyRect(0.3, -0.5, 0.5, 1); var rc = Substitute.For<IRenderContext>(); var received = new List<ScreenPoint>(); rc.DrawClippedLine(clippingRectangle, points, 1, OxyColors.Black, 1, null, LineJoin.Miter, false, null, received.AddRange); Assert.AreEqual(0, received.Count); }
public void CrossingLine() { var points = new[] { new ScreenPoint(0, 0), new ScreenPoint(100, 0) }; var clippingRectangle = new OxyRect(30, -50, 50, 100); var rc = Substitute.For<IRenderContext>(); var received = new List<ScreenPoint>(); rc.DrawClippedLine(clippingRectangle, points, 1, OxyColors.Black, 1, null, LineJoin.Miter, false, null, received.AddRange); Assert.AreEqual(2, received.Count); Assert.AreEqual(new ScreenPoint(30, 0), received[0]); Assert.AreEqual(new ScreenPoint(80, 0), received[1]); }
/// <summary> /// Renders the polygon annotation. /// </summary> /// <param name="rc">The render context.</param> /// <param name="model">The plot model.</param> public override void Render(IRenderContext rc, PlotModel model) { base.Render(rc, model); double x0 = double.IsNaN(this.MinimumX) || this.MinimumX.Equals(double.MinValue) ? this.XAxis.ActualMinimum : this.MinimumX; double x1 = double.IsNaN(this.MaximumX) || this.MaximumX.Equals(double.MaxValue) ? this.XAxis.ActualMaximum : this.MaximumX; double y0 = double.IsNaN(this.MinimumY) || this.MinimumY.Equals(double.MinValue) ? this.YAxis.ActualMinimum : this.MinimumY; double y1 = double.IsNaN(this.MaximumY) || this.MaximumY.Equals(double.MaxValue) ? this.YAxis.ActualMaximum : this.MaximumY; this.screenRectangle = new OxyRect(this.Transform(x0, y0), this.Transform(x1, y1)); // clip to the area defined by the axes var clippingRectangle = this.GetClippingRect(); rc.DrawClippedRectangle( clippingRectangle, this.screenRectangle, this.GetSelectableFillColor(this.Fill), this.GetSelectableColor(this.Stroke), this.StrokeThickness); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Text)) { var textPosition = this.GetActualTextPosition(() => this.screenRectangle.Center); rc.DrawClippedText( clippingRectangle, textPosition, this.Text, this.ActualTextColor, this.ActualFont, this.ActualFontSize, this.ActualFontWeight, this.TextRotation, HorizontalAlignment.Center, VerticalAlignment.Middle); } }
/// <summary> /// Draws an ellipse. /// </summary> /// <param name="rect">The rectangle defining the ellipse.</param> /// <param name="fill">The fill.</param> /// <param name="stroke">The stroke.</param> /// <param name="thickness">The thickness.</param> public void DrawEllipse(OxyRect rect, OxyColor fill, OxyColor stroke, double thickness) { var el = new Ellipse(); if (stroke.IsVisible()) { el.Stroke = stroke.ToBrush(); el.StrokeThickness = thickness; } if (fill.IsVisible()) { el.Fill = fill.ToBrush(); } el.Width = rect.Width; el.Height = rect.Height; Canvas.SetLeft(el, rect.Left); Canvas.SetTop(el, rect.Top); this.Add(el, rect.Left, rect.Top); }
public void DrawEllipse(OxyRect rect, OxyColor fill, OxyColor stroke, double thickness = 1) { using (var paint = new Paint()) { paint.AntiAlias = true; paint.StrokeWidth = (float)thickness; if (fill != null) { paint.SetStyle(Paint.Style.Fill); paint.Color = stroke.ToColor(); canvas.DrawOval(rect.ToRectF(), paint); } if (stroke != null) { paint.SetStyle(Paint.Style.Stroke); paint.Color = stroke.ToColor(); canvas.DrawOval(rect.ToRectF(), paint); } } }
/// <summary> /// Draws an ellipse. /// </summary> /// <param name="rect">The rectangle.</param> /// <param name="fill">The fill color.</param> /// <param name="stroke">The stroke color.</param> /// <param name="thickness">The thickness.</param> public override void DrawEllipse(OxyRect rect, OxyColor fill, OxyColor stroke, double thickness) { // center of ellipse var ex = rect.Left + (rect.Width / 2.0); var ey = rect.Top + (rect.Height / 2.0); // ellipse dimensions var ew = rect.Width; var eh = rect.Height; if (fill.IsVisible()) { this.g.Save(); this.g.Translate(ex, ey); // make (ex, ey) == (0, 0) this.g.Scale(ew / 2.0, eh / 2.0); // for width: ew / 2.0 == 1.0, eh / 2.0 == 1.0 this.g.Arc(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2.0 * Math.PI); // 'circle' centered at (0, 0) this.g.ClosePath(); this.g.SetSourceColor(fill); this.g.Fill(); this.g.Restore(); } if (stroke.IsVisible() && thickness > 0) { this.g.Save(); // g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighQuality; // TODO this.g.Translate(ex, ey); // make (ex, ey) == (0, 0) this.g.Scale(ew / 2.0, eh / 2.0); // for width: ew / 2.0 == 1.0 // for height: eh / 2.0 == 1.0 this.g.Arc(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2.0 * Math.PI); // 'circle' centered at (0, 0) this.g.SetSourceColor(stroke); this.g.LineWidth = thickness * 2.0 / ew; this.g.Stroke(); this.g.Restore(); } }
/// <summary> /// Renders a continuous line. /// </summary> /// <param name="rc">The render context.</param> /// <param name="clippingRect">The clipping rectangle.</param> /// <param name="pointsToRender">The points to render.</param> protected virtual void RenderLine(IRenderContext rc, OxyRect clippingRect, IList<ScreenPoint> pointsToRender) { var dashArray = this.ActualDashArray; if (this.outputBuffer == null) { this.outputBuffer = new List<ScreenPoint>(pointsToRender.Count); } rc.DrawClippedLine( clippingRect, pointsToRender, this.MinimumSegmentLength * this.MinimumSegmentLength, this.GetSelectableColor(this.ActualColor), this.StrokeThickness, dashArray, this.LineJoin, false, this.outputBuffer); }
/// <summary> /// Draws a rectangle. /// </summary> /// <param name="rect">The rectangle.</param> /// <param name="fill">The fill color. If set to <c>OxyColors.Undefined</c>, the rectangle will not be filled.</param> /// <param name="stroke">The stroke color. If set to <c>OxyColors.Undefined</c>, the rectangle will not be stroked.</param> /// <param name="thickness">The stroke thickness (in device independent units, 1/96 inch).</param> public void DrawRectangle(OxyRect rect, OxyColor fill, OxyColor stroke, double thickness = 1) { }
/// <summary> /// Updates the scale and offset properties of the transform from the specified boundary rectangle. /// </summary> /// <param name="bounds">The bounds.</param> internal override void UpdateTransform(OxyRect bounds) { double x0 = bounds.Left; double x1 = bounds.Right; double y0 = bounds.Bottom; double y1 = bounds.Top; this.ScreenMin = new ScreenPoint(x0, y1); this.ScreenMax = new ScreenPoint(x1, y0); this.MidPoint = new ScreenPoint((x0 + x1) / 2, (y0 + y1) / 2); // this.ActualMinimum = 0; double r = Math.Min(Math.Abs(x1 - x0), Math.Abs(y1 - y0)); this.SetTransform(0.5 * r / (this.ActualMaximum - this.ActualMinimum), this.ActualMinimum); }
/// <summary> /// Renders by scaling a fixed image. /// </summary> /// <param name="rc">The render context.</param> /// <param name="model">The model.</param> public void RenderFixed(IRenderContext rc, PlotModel model) { if (image == null) { int m = this.Data.GetLength(0); int n = this.Data.GetLength(1); int width = this.ImageSize; int height = this.ImageSize; if (this.pixels == null || this.pixels.GetLength(0) != height || this.pixels.GetLength(1) != width) { this.pixels = new OxyColor[width, height]; } var p = this.pixels; for (int yi = 0; yi < height; yi++) { for (int xi = 0; xi < width; xi++) { double x = (xi - width * 0.5) / (width * 0.5) * this.Magnitude1; double y = -(yi - height * 0.5) / (height * 0.5) * this.Magnitude1; double angle = Math.Atan2(y, x) / Math.PI * 180; double magnitude = Math.Sqrt(x * x + y * y); if (angle < 0) { angle += 360; } // transform to indices in the Data array var ii = (angle - this.Angle0) / (this.Angle1 - this.Angle0) * m; var jj = (magnitude - this.Magnitude0) / (this.Magnitude1 - this.Magnitude0) * n; if (ii >= 0 && ii < m && jj >= 0 && jj < n) { // get the (interpolated) value var value = this.GetValue(ii, jj); // use the color axis to get the color p[xi, yi] = OxyColor.FromAColor(160, this.ColorAxis.GetColor(value)); } else { // outside the range of the Data array p[xi, yi] = OxyColors.Transparent; } } } // Create the PNG image this.image = OxyImage.Create(p, ImageFormat.Png); } OxyRect dest; if (this.PlotModel.PlotType != PlotType.Polar) { var topleft = this.Transform(-this.Magnitude1, this.Magnitude1); var bottomright = this.Transform(this.Magnitude1, -this.Magnitude1); dest = new OxyRect(topleft.X, topleft.Y, bottomright.X - topleft.X, bottomright.Y - topleft.Y); } else { var top = this.Transform(this.Magnitude1, 90); var bottom = this.Transform(this.Magnitude1, 270); var left = this.Transform(this.Magnitude1, 180); var right = this.Transform(this.Magnitude1, 0); dest = new OxyRect(left.X, top.Y, right.X - left.X, bottom.Y - top.Y); } // Render the image var clip = this.GetClippingRect(); rc.DrawClippedImage(clip, this.image, dest.Left, dest.Top, dest.Width, dest.Height, 1, false); }
/// <summary> /// Renders the series on the specified rendering context. /// </summary> /// <param name="rc">The rendering context.</param> public override void Render(IRenderContext rc) { var nitems = this.Items.Count; var items = this.Items; if (nitems == 0 || this.StrokeThickness <= 0 || this.LineStyle == LineStyle.None) { return; } this.VerifyAxes(); var clippingRect = this.GetClippingRect(); var dashArray = this.LineStyle.GetDashArray(); var dataCandlewidth = (this.CandleWidth > 0) ? this.CandleWidth : this.minDx * 0.80; var halfDataCandlewidth = .5 * dataCandlewidth; // colors var fillUp = this.GetSelectableFillColor(this.IncreasingColor); var fillDown = this.GetSelectableFillColor(this.DecreasingColor); var lineUp = this.GetSelectableColor(this.IncreasingColor.ChangeIntensity(0.70)); var lineDown = this.GetSelectableColor(this.DecreasingColor.ChangeIntensity(0.70)); // determine render range var xmin = this.XAxis.ActualMinimum; var xmax = this.XAxis.ActualMaximum; this.WindowStartIndex = this.UpdateWindowStartIndex(items, item => item.X, xmin, this.WindowStartIndex); for (int i = this.WindowStartIndex; i < nitems; i++) { var bar = items[i]; // if item beyond visible range, done if (bar.X > xmax) { return; } // check to see whether is valid if (!this.IsValidItem(bar, this.XAxis, this.YAxis)) { continue; } var fillColor = bar.Close > bar.Open ? fillUp : fillDown; var lineColor = bar.Close > bar.Open ? lineUp : lineDown; var high = this.Transform(bar.X, bar.High); var low = this.Transform(bar.X, bar.Low); var max = this.Transform(bar.X, Math.Max(bar.Open, bar.Close)); var min = this.Transform(bar.X, Math.Min(bar.Open, bar.Close)); if (this.StrokeThickness > 0 && this.LineStyle != LineStyle.None) { // Upper extent rc.DrawClippedLine( clippingRect, new[] { high, max }, 0, lineColor, this.StrokeThickness, this.EdgeRenderingMode, dashArray, this.LineJoin); // Lower extent rc.DrawClippedLine( clippingRect, new[] { min, low }, 0, lineColor, this.StrokeThickness, this.EdgeRenderingMode, dashArray, this.LineJoin); } var p1 = this.Transform(bar.X - halfDataCandlewidth, bar.Open); var p2 = this.Transform(bar.X + halfDataCandlewidth, bar.Close); var rect = new OxyRect(p1, p2); rc.DrawClippedRectangle(clippingRect, rect, fillColor, lineColor, this.StrokeThickness, this.EdgeRenderingMode); } }
/// <summary> /// Updates the scale and offset properties of the transform from the specified boundary rectangle. /// </summary> /// <param name="bounds">The bounds.</param> internal override void UpdateTransform(OxyRect bounds) { var x0 = bounds.Left; var x1 = bounds.Right; var y0 = bounds.Bottom; var y1 = bounds.Top; this.ScreenMin = new ScreenPoint(x0, y1); this.ScreenMax = new ScreenPoint(x1, y0); var newScale = (this.EndAngle - this.StartAngle) / (this.ActualMaximum - this.ActualMinimum); var newOffset = this.ActualMinimum - (this.StartAngle / newScale); this.SetTransform(newScale, newOffset); }
/// <summary> /// Converts an <see cref="OxyRect" /> to a <see cref="Rect" />. /// </summary> /// <param name="r">The rectangle.</param> /// <returns>A <see cref="Rect" />.</returns> private Rect ToRect(OxyRect r) { return(new Rect(r.Left, r.Top, r.Width, r.Height)); }
/// <summary> /// Shows the zoom rectangle. /// </summary> /// <param name="rectangle">The rectangle.</param> public void ShowZoomRectangle(OxyRect rectangle) { }
/// <summary> /// Sets the clip rectangle. /// </summary> /// <param name="clippingRect">The clipping rectangle.</param> /// <returns>True if the clip rectangle was set.</returns> public bool SetClip(OxyRect clippingRect) { this.clip = clippingRect.ToRect(false); return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Draws the rectangle. /// </summary> /// <param name="rect">The rectangle.</param> /// <param name="fill">The fill color.</param> /// <param name="stroke">The stroke color.</param> /// <param name="thickness">The stroke thickness.</param> public void DrawRectangle(OxyRect rect, OxyColor fill, OxyColor stroke, double thickness) { this.renderUnits.Add(new RectangleRenderUnit(rect.ToRectangleF(), this.GetBrush(stroke), this.GetBrush(fill), (float)thickness)); }
/// <summary> /// Sets the clipping rectangle. /// </summary> /// <param name="clippingRect">The clipping rectangle.</param> /// <returns>True if the clipping rectangle was set.</returns> public bool SetClip(OxyRect clippingRect) { this.clipRect = clippingRect.ToRectangleF(); renderUnits.Add(new ClipRectRenderUnit(clipRect)); return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Draws an ellipse. /// </summary> /// <param name="rect">The rectangle.</param> /// <param name="fill">The fill color.</param> /// <param name="stroke">The stroke color.</param> /// <param name="thickness">The thickness.</param> public void DrawEllipse(OxyRect rect, OxyColor fill, OxyColor stroke, double thickness) { var el = rect.ToEllipse(); this.renderUnits.Add(new EllipseRenderUnit(el, this.GetBrush(stroke), this.GetBrush(fill), (float)thickness)); }
/// <summary> /// Draws an ellipse. /// </summary> /// <param name="rect">The rectangle.</param> /// <param name="fill">The fill color. If set to <c>OxyColors.Undefined</c>, the ellipse will not be filled.</param> /// <param name="stroke">The stroke color. If set to <c>OxyColors.Undefined</c>, the ellipse will not be stroked.</param> /// <param name="thickness">The thickness (in device independent units, 1/96 inch).</param> public void DrawEllipse(OxyRect rect, OxyColor fill, OxyColor stroke, double thickness = 1) { }
/// <summary> /// Sets the clip rectangle. /// </summary> /// <param name="rect">The clip rectangle.</param> /// <returns> /// True if the clip rectangle was set. /// </returns> public bool SetClip(OxyRect rect) { return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Renders the point labels. /// </summary> /// <param name="rc">The render context.</param> /// <param name="clippingRect">The clipping rectangle.</param> protected void RenderPointLabels(IRenderContext rc, OxyRect clippingRect) { int index = -1; foreach (var point in this.ActualPoints) { index++; if (!this.IsValidPoint(point)) { continue; } var pt = this.Transform(point) + new ScreenVector(0, -this.LabelMargin); if (!clippingRect.Contains(pt)) { continue; } var item = this.GetItem(index); var s = StringHelper.Format(this.ActualCulture, this.LabelFormatString, item, point.X, point.Y); #if SUPPORTLABELPLACEMENT switch (this.LabelPlacement) { case LabelPlacement.Inside: pt = new ScreenPoint(rect.Right - this.LabelMargin, (rect.Top + rect.Bottom) / 2); ha = HorizontalAlignment.Right; break; case LabelPlacement.Middle: pt = new ScreenPoint((rect.Left + rect.Right) / 2, (rect.Top + rect.Bottom) / 2); ha = HorizontalAlignment.Center; break; case LabelPlacement.Base: pt = new ScreenPoint(rect.Left + this.LabelMargin, (rect.Top + rect.Bottom) / 2); ha = HorizontalAlignment.Left; break; default: // Outside pt = new ScreenPoint(rect.Right + this.LabelMargin, (rect.Top + rect.Bottom) / 2); ha = HorizontalAlignment.Left; break; } #endif rc.DrawClippedText( clippingRect, pt, s, this.ActualTextColor, this.ActualFont, this.ActualFontSize, this.ActualFontWeight, 0, HorizontalAlignment.Center, VerticalAlignment.Bottom); } }
/// <summary> /// Renders the series on the specified rendering context. /// </summary> /// <param name="rc">The rendering context.</param> public override void Render(IRenderContext rc) { if ( == null || == 0) { return; } var items =; var nitems =; this.VerifyAxes(); var clippingRect = this.GetClippingRect(); var datacandlewidth = (this.BarWidth > 0) ? this.BarWidth : this.minDx * 0.80; var halfDataCandleWidth = datacandlewidth * 0.5; // colors var fillUp = this.GetSelectableFillColor(this.PositiveColor); var fillDown = this.GetSelectableFillColor(this.NegativeColor); var barfillUp = this.PositiveHollow ? OxyColors.Transparent : fillUp; var barfillDown = this.NegativeHollow ? OxyColors.Transparent : fillDown; var lineUp = this.GetSelectableColor(this.PositiveColor.ChangeIntensity(this.StrokeIntensity)); var lineDown = this.GetSelectableColor(this.NegativeColor.ChangeIntensity(this.StrokeIntensity)); // determine render range var xmin = this.XAxis.ActualMinimum; var xmax = this.XAxis.ActualMaximum; this.winIndex = OhlcvItem.FindIndex(items, xmin, this.winIndex); for (int i = this.winIndex; i < nitems; i++) { var bar = items[i]; // if item beyond visible range, done if (bar.X > xmax) { break; } // check to see whether is valid if (!bar.IsValid()) { continue; } var p1 = this.Transform(bar.X - halfDataCandleWidth, 0); switch (this.VolumeStyle) { case VolumeStyle.Combined: { var p2 = this.Transform(bar.X + halfDataCandleWidth, Math.Abs(bar.BuyVolume - bar.SellVolume)); var fillcolor = (bar.BuyVolume > bar.SellVolume) ? barfillUp : barfillDown; var linecolor = (bar.BuyVolume > bar.SellVolume) ? lineUp : lineDown; var rect1 = new OxyRect(p1, p2); rc.DrawClippedRectangle(clippingRect, rect1, fillcolor, linecolor, this.StrokeThickness, this.EdgeRenderingMode); } break; case VolumeStyle.PositiveNegative: { var p2Buy = this.Transform(bar.X + halfDataCandleWidth, bar.BuyVolume); var p2Bell = this.Transform(bar.X + halfDataCandleWidth, -bar.SellVolume); var rectBuy = new OxyRect(p1, p2Buy); var rectSell = new OxyRect(p1, p2Bell); rc.DrawClippedRectangle(clippingRect, rectBuy, fillUp, lineUp, this.StrokeThickness, this.EdgeRenderingMode); rc.DrawClippedRectangle(clippingRect, rectSell, fillDown, lineDown, this.StrokeThickness, this.EdgeRenderingMode); } break; case VolumeStyle.Stacked: { var p2Buy = this.Transform(bar.X + halfDataCandleWidth, bar.BuyVolume); var p2Sell = this.Transform(bar.X + halfDataCandleWidth, bar.SellVolume); var pBoth = this.Transform(bar.X - halfDataCandleWidth, bar.BuyVolume + bar.SellVolume); OxyRect rectBuy; OxyRect rectSell; if (bar.BuyVolume > bar.SellVolume) { rectSell = new OxyRect(p1, p2Sell); rectBuy = new OxyRect(p2Sell, pBoth); } else { rectBuy = new OxyRect(p1, p2Buy); rectSell = new OxyRect(p2Buy, pBoth); } rc.DrawClippedRectangle(clippingRect, rectBuy, fillUp, lineUp, this.StrokeThickness, this.EdgeRenderingMode); rc.DrawClippedRectangle(clippingRect, rectSell, fillDown, lineDown, this.StrokeThickness, this.EdgeRenderingMode); break; } case VolumeStyle.None: break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } } if (this.InterceptStrokeThickness > 0 && this.InterceptLineStyle != LineStyle.None) { // draw volume y=0 line var p1 = this.InverseTransform(clippingRect.BottomLeft); var p2 = this.InverseTransform(clippingRect.TopRight); var lineA = this.Transform(p1.X, 0); var lineB = this.Transform(p2.X, 0); rc.DrawClippedLine( clippingRect, new[] { lineA, lineB }, 0, this.InterceptColor, this.InterceptStrokeThickness, this.EdgeRenderingMode, this.InterceptLineStyle.GetDashArray(), LineJoin.Miter); } }
/// <summary> /// Sets the clip rectangle. /// </summary> /// <param name="clippingRect">The clipping rectangle.</param> /// <returns>True if the clip rectangle was set.</returns> public bool SetClip(OxyRect clippingRect) { this.clip = clippingRect.ToRect(false); return true; }
/// <summary> /// Renders the legend symbol on the specified render context. /// </summary> /// <param name="rc">The rendering context.</param> /// <param name="legendBox">The legend rectangle.</param> public abstract void RenderLegend(IRenderContext rc, OxyRect legendBox);
public override void DrawEllipse (OxyRect rect, OxyColor fill, OxyColor stroke, double thickness) { if (fill != null) { ToColor(fill).SetFill(); var path = new CGPath (); path.AddElipseInRect(ToRectangle(rect)); gctx.AddPath (path); gctx.DrawPath (CGPathDrawingMode.Fill); } if (stroke == null || thickness <= 0) { return; } SetAttributes (null, stroke, thickness); var path2 = new CGPath (); path2.AddElipseInRect(ToRectangle(rect)); gctx.AddPath (path2); gctx.DrawPath (CGPathDrawingMode.Stroke); }
/// <summary> /// Renders the series on the specified rendering context. /// </summary> /// <param name="rc">The rendering context.</param> // ReSharper disable once FunctionComplexityOverflow public override void Render(IRenderContext rc) { if ( == null || == 0) { return; } var items =; var nitems =; this.VerifyAxes(); var clippingBar = this.GetClippingRect(this.BarAxis); var clippingSep = this.GetSeparationClippingRect(); var clippingVol = this.GetClippingRect(this.VolumeAxis); var datacandlewidth = (this.CandleWidth > 0) ? this.CandleWidth : this.minDx * 0.80; var candlewidth = this.XAxis.Transform(items[0].X + datacandlewidth) - this.XAxis.Transform(items[0].X) - this.StrokeThickness; // colors var fillUp = this.GetSelectableFillColor(this.PositiveColor); var fillDown = this.GetSelectableFillColor(this.NegativeColor); var barfillUp = this.PositiveHollow ? OxyColors.Transparent : fillUp; var barfillDown = this.NegativeHollow ? OxyColors.Transparent : fillDown; var lineUp = this.GetSelectableColor(this.PositiveColor.ChangeIntensity(this.StrokeIntensity)); var lineDown = this.GetSelectableColor(this.NegativeColor.ChangeIntensity(this.StrokeIntensity)); // determine render range var xmin = this.XAxis.ActualMinimum; var xmax = this.XAxis.ActualMaximum; this.winIndex = OhlcvItem.FindIndex(items, xmin, this.winIndex); for (int i = this.winIndex; i < nitems; i++) { var bar = items[i]; // if item beyond visible range, done if (bar.X > xmax) { break; } // check to see whether is valid if (!bar.IsValid()) { continue; } var fillColor = bar.Close > bar.Open ? barfillUp : barfillDown; var lineColor = bar.Close > bar.Open ? lineUp : lineDown; var high = this.Transform(bar.X, bar.High); var low = this.Transform(bar.X, bar.Low); var open = this.Transform(bar.X, bar.Open); var close = this.Transform(bar.X, bar.Close); var max = new ScreenPoint(open.X, Math.Max(open.Y, close.Y)); var min = new ScreenPoint(open.X, Math.Min(open.Y, close.Y)); // Bar part rc.DrawClippedLine( clippingBar, new[] { high, min }, 0, lineColor, this.StrokeThickness, null, LineJoin.Miter, true); // Lower extent rc.DrawClippedLine( clippingBar, new[] { max, low }, 0, lineColor, this.StrokeThickness, null, LineJoin.Miter, true); // Body var openLeft = open + new ScreenVector(-candlewidth * 0.5, 0); if (max.Y - min.Y < 1.0) { var leftPoint = new ScreenPoint(openLeft.X - this.StrokeThickness, min.Y); var rightPoint = new ScreenPoint(openLeft.X + this.StrokeThickness + candlewidth, min.Y); rc.DrawClippedLine(clippingBar, new[] { leftPoint, rightPoint }, leftPoint.DistanceToSquared(rightPoint), lineColor, this.StrokeThickness, null, LineJoin.Miter, true); leftPoint = new ScreenPoint(openLeft.X - this.StrokeThickness, max.Y); rightPoint = new ScreenPoint(openLeft.X + this.StrokeThickness + candlewidth, max.Y); rc.DrawClippedLine(clippingBar, new[] { leftPoint, rightPoint }, leftPoint.DistanceToSquared(rightPoint), lineColor, this.StrokeThickness, null, LineJoin.Miter, true); } else { var rect = new OxyRect(openLeft.X, min.Y, candlewidth, max.Y - min.Y); rc.DrawClippedRectangleAsPolygon(clippingBar, rect, fillColor, lineColor, this.StrokeThickness); } // Volume Part if (this.VolumeAxis == null || this.VolumeStyle == VolumeStyle.None) { continue; } var iY0 = this.VolumeAxis.Transform(0); switch (this.VolumeStyle) { case VolumeStyle.Combined: { var adj = this.VolumeAxis.Transform(Math.Abs(bar.BuyVolume - bar.SellVolume)); var fillcolor = (bar.BuyVolume > bar.SellVolume) ? barfillUp : barfillDown; var linecolor = (bar.BuyVolume > bar.SellVolume) ? lineUp : lineDown; var rect1 = new OxyRect(openLeft.X, adj, candlewidth, Math.Abs(adj - iY0)); rc.DrawClippedRectangleAsPolygon(clippingVol, rect1, fillcolor, linecolor, this.StrokeThickness); } break; case VolumeStyle.PositiveNegative: { var buyY = this.VolumeAxis.Transform(bar.BuyVolume); var sellY = this.VolumeAxis.Transform(-bar.SellVolume); var rect1 = new OxyRect(openLeft.X, buyY, candlewidth, Math.Abs(buyY - iY0)); rc.DrawClippedRectangleAsPolygon(clippingVol, rect1, fillUp, lineUp, this.StrokeThickness); var rect2 = new OxyRect(openLeft.X, iY0, candlewidth, Math.Abs(sellY - iY0)); rc.DrawClippedRectangleAsPolygon(clippingVol, rect2, fillDown, lineDown, this.StrokeThickness); } break; case VolumeStyle.Stacked: if (bar.BuyVolume > bar.SellVolume) { var buyY = this.VolumeAxis.Transform(bar.BuyVolume); var sellY = this.VolumeAxis.Transform(bar.SellVolume); var dyoffset = sellY - iY0; var rect2 = new OxyRect(openLeft.X, sellY, candlewidth, Math.Abs(sellY - iY0)); rc.DrawClippedRectangleAsPolygon(clippingVol, rect2, fillDown, lineDown, this.StrokeThickness); var rect1 = new OxyRect(openLeft.X, buyY + dyoffset, candlewidth, Math.Abs(buyY - iY0)); rc.DrawClippedRectangleAsPolygon(clippingVol, rect1, fillUp, lineUp, this.StrokeThickness); } else { var buyY = this.VolumeAxis.Transform(bar.BuyVolume); var sellY = this.VolumeAxis.Transform(bar.SellVolume); var dyoffset = buyY - iY0; var rect1 = new OxyRect(openLeft.X, buyY, candlewidth, Math.Abs(buyY - iY0)); rc.DrawClippedRectangleAsPolygon(clippingVol, rect1, fillUp, lineUp, this.StrokeThickness); var rect2 = new OxyRect(openLeft.X, sellY + dyoffset, candlewidth, Math.Abs(sellY - iY0)); rc.DrawClippedRectangleAsPolygon(clippingVol, rect2, fillDown, lineDown, this.StrokeThickness); } break; } } if (this.SeparatorStrokeThickness > 0 && this.SeparatorLineStyle != LineStyle.None) { // draw volume & bar separation line if (this.VolumeStyle != VolumeStyle.None) { var ysep = (clippingSep.Bottom + clippingSep.Top) / 2.0; rc.DrawClippedLine( clippingSep, new[] { new ScreenPoint(clippingSep.Left, ysep), new ScreenPoint(clippingSep.Right, ysep) }, 0, this.SeparatorColor, this.SeparatorStrokeThickness, this.SeparatorLineStyle.GetDashArray(), LineJoin.Miter, true); } // draw volume y=0 line if (this.VolumeAxis != null && this.VolumeStyle == VolumeStyle.PositiveNegative) { var y0 = this.VolumeAxis.Transform(0); rc.DrawClippedLine( clippingVol, new[] { new ScreenPoint(clippingVol.Left, y0), new ScreenPoint(clippingVol.Right, y0) }, 0, OxyColors.Goldenrod, this.SeparatorStrokeThickness, this.SeparatorLineStyle.GetDashArray(), LineJoin.Miter, true); } } }
/// <summary> /// Renders the series on the specified rendering context. /// </summary> /// <param name="rc">The rendering context.</param> /// <param name="model">The owner plot model.</param> public override void Render(IRenderContext rc, PlotModel model) { if (this.Items.Count == 0) { return; } this.VerifyAxes(); var clippingRect = this.GetClippingRect(); var dashArray = this.LineStyle.GetDashArray(); var actualColor = this.GetSelectableColor(this.ActualColor); var shadowEndColor = this.GetSelectableColor(this.ShadowEndColor); foreach (var v in this.Items) { if (!this.IsValidItem(v, this.XAxis, this.YAxis)) { continue; } if (this.StrokeThickness > 0 && this.LineStyle != LineStyle.None) { var high = this.Transform(v.X, v.High); var low = this.Transform(v.X, v.Low); if (double.IsNaN(v.Open) || double.IsNaN(v.Close)) { rc.DrawClippedLine( clippingRect, new[] { low, high }, 0, actualColor, this.StrokeThickness, dashArray, this.LineJoin, false); } else { var open = this.Transform(v.X, v.Open); var close = this.Transform(v.X, v.Close); var max = new ScreenPoint(open.X, Math.Max(open.Y, close.Y)); var min = new ScreenPoint(open.X, Math.Min(open.Y, close.Y)); // Upper shadow rc.DrawClippedLine( clippingRect, new[] { high, min }, 0, actualColor, this.StrokeThickness, dashArray, this.LineJoin, true); // Lower shadow rc.DrawClippedLine( clippingRect, new[] { max, low }, 0, actualColor, this.StrokeThickness, dashArray, this.LineJoin, true); // Shadow ends if (this.ShadowEndColor.IsVisible() && this.ShadowEndLength > 0) { var highLeft = new ScreenPoint(high.X - (this.CandleWidth * 0.5 * this.ShadowEndLength) - 1, high.Y); var highRight = new ScreenPoint(high.X + (this.CandleWidth * 0.5 * this.ShadowEndLength), high.Y); rc.DrawClippedLine( clippingRect, new[] { highLeft, highRight }, 0, shadowEndColor, this.StrokeThickness, dashArray, this.LineJoin, true); var lowLeft = new ScreenPoint(low.X - (this.CandleWidth * 0.5 * this.ShadowEndLength) - 1, low.Y); var lowRight = new ScreenPoint(low.X + (this.CandleWidth * 0.5 * this.ShadowEndLength), low.Y); rc.DrawClippedLine( clippingRect, new[] { lowLeft, lowRight }, 0, shadowEndColor, this.StrokeThickness, dashArray, this.LineJoin, true); } // Body var openLeft = open + new ScreenVector(-this.CandleWidth * 0.5, 0); var rect = new OxyRect(openLeft.X, min.Y, this.CandleWidth, max.Y - min.Y); var fillColor = v.Close > v.Open ? this.GetSelectableFillColor(this.ActualIncreasingFill) : this.GetSelectableFillColor(this.DecreasingFill); rc.DrawClippedRectangleAsPolygon(clippingRect, rect, fillColor, actualColor, this.StrokeThickness); } } } }
/// <summary> /// Renders the legend symbol for the line series on the /// specified rendering context. /// </summary> /// <param name="rc">The rendering context.</param> /// <param name="legendBox">The bounding rectangle of the legend box.</param> public override void RenderLegend(IRenderContext rc, OxyRect legendBox) { double y0 = (legendBox.Top * 0.2) + (legendBox.Bottom * 0.8); double y1 = (legendBox.Top * 0.4) + (legendBox.Bottom * 0.6); double y2 = (legendBox.Top * 0.8) + (legendBox.Bottom * 0.2); var pts0 = new[] { new ScreenPoint(legendBox.Left, y0), new ScreenPoint(legendBox.Right, y0) }; var pts1 = new[] { new ScreenPoint(legendBox.Right, y2), new ScreenPoint(legendBox.Left, y1) }; var pts = new List<ScreenPoint>(); pts.AddRange(pts0); pts.AddRange(pts1); rc.DrawLine(pts0, this.GetSelectableColor(this.ActualColor), this.StrokeThickness, this.ActualLineStyle.GetDashArray()); rc.DrawLine(pts1, this.GetSelectableColor(this.ActualColor2), this.StrokeThickness, this.ActualLineStyle.GetDashArray()); rc.DrawPolygon(pts, this.GetSelectableFillColor(this.ActualFill), OxyColors.Undefined); }
/// <summary> /// Renders the series on the specified rendering context. /// </summary> /// <param name="rc">The rendering context.</param> public override void Render(IRenderContext rc) { if ( == null || == 0) { return; } var items =; var nitems =; this.VerifyAxes(); var clipping = this.GetClippingRect(); var datacandlewidth = (this.BarWidth > 0) ? this.BarWidth : this.minDx * 0.80; var candlewidth = this.XAxis.Transform(items[0].X + datacandlewidth) - this.XAxis.Transform(items[0].X) - this.StrokeThickness; // colors var fillUp = this.GetSelectableFillColor(this.PositiveColor); var fillDown = this.GetSelectableFillColor(this.NegativeColor); var barfillUp = this.PositiveHollow ? OxyColors.Transparent : fillUp; var barfillDown = this.NegativeHollow ? OxyColors.Transparent : fillDown; var lineUp = this.GetSelectableColor(this.PositiveColor.ChangeIntensity(this.StrokeIntensity)); var lineDown = this.GetSelectableColor(this.NegativeColor.ChangeIntensity(this.StrokeIntensity)); // determine render range var xmin = this.XAxis.ActualMinimum; var xmax = this.XAxis.ActualMaximum; this.winIndex = OhlcvItem.FindIndex(items, xmin, this.winIndex); for (int i = this.winIndex; i < nitems; i++) { var bar = items[i]; // if item beyond visible range, done if (bar.X > xmax) { break; } // check to see whether is valid if (!bar.IsValid()) { continue; } var leftX = this.XAxis.Transform(bar.X) - (this.BarWidth / 2.0); var y0 = this.YAxis.Transform(0); switch (this.VolumeStyle) { case VolumeStyle.Combined: { var adj = this.YAxis.Transform(Math.Abs(bar.BuyVolume - bar.SellVolume)); var fillcolor = (bar.BuyVolume > bar.SellVolume) ? barfillUp : barfillDown; var linecolor = (bar.BuyVolume > bar.SellVolume) ? lineUp : lineDown; var rect1 = new OxyRect(leftX, adj, candlewidth, Math.Abs(adj - y0)); rc.DrawClippedRectangleAsPolygon(clipping, rect1, fillcolor, linecolor, this.StrokeThickness); } break; case VolumeStyle.PositiveNegative: { var buyY = this.YAxis.Transform(bar.BuyVolume); var sellY = this.YAxis.Transform(-bar.SellVolume); var rect1 = new OxyRect(leftX, buyY, candlewidth, Math.Abs(buyY - y0)); rc.DrawClippedRectangleAsPolygon(clipping, rect1, fillUp, lineUp, this.StrokeThickness); var rect2 = new OxyRect(leftX, y0, candlewidth, Math.Abs(sellY - y0)); rc.DrawClippedRectangleAsPolygon(clipping, rect2, fillDown, lineDown, this.StrokeThickness); } break; case VolumeStyle.Stacked: if (bar.BuyVolume > bar.SellVolume) { var buyY = this.YAxis.Transform(bar.BuyVolume); var sellY = this.YAxis.Transform(bar.SellVolume); var dyoffset = sellY - y0; var rect2 = new OxyRect(leftX, sellY, candlewidth, Math.Abs(sellY - y0)); rc.DrawClippedRectangleAsPolygon(clipping, rect2, fillDown, lineDown, this.StrokeThickness); var rect1 = new OxyRect(leftX, buyY + dyoffset, candlewidth, Math.Abs(buyY - y0)); rc.DrawClippedRectangleAsPolygon(clipping, rect1, fillUp, lineUp, this.StrokeThickness); } else { var buyY = this.YAxis.Transform(bar.BuyVolume); var sellY = this.YAxis.Transform(bar.SellVolume); var dyoffset = buyY - y0; var rect1 = new OxyRect(leftX, buyY, candlewidth, Math.Abs(buyY - y0)); rc.DrawClippedRectangleAsPolygon(clipping, rect1, fillUp, lineUp, this.StrokeThickness); var rect2 = new OxyRect(leftX, sellY + dyoffset, candlewidth, Math.Abs(sellY - y0)); rc.DrawClippedRectangleAsPolygon(clipping, rect2, fillDown, lineDown, this.StrokeThickness); } break; } } if (this.InterceptStrokeThickness > 0 && this.InterceptLineStyle != LineStyle.None) { // draw volume y=0 line var intercept = this.YAxis.Transform(0); rc.DrawClippedLine( clipping, new[] { new ScreenPoint(clipping.Left, intercept), new ScreenPoint(clipping.Right, intercept) }, 0, this.InterceptColor, this.InterceptStrokeThickness, this.InterceptLineStyle.GetDashArray(), LineJoin.Miter, true); } }
/// <summary> /// Renders the legend symbol for the series on the specified rendering context. /// </summary> /// <param name="rc">The rendering context.</param> /// <param name="legendBox">The bounding rectangle of the legend box.</param> public override void RenderLegend(IRenderContext rc, OxyRect legendBox) { double xmid = (legendBox.Left + legendBox.Right) / 2; double yopen = legendBox.Top + ((legendBox.Bottom - legendBox.Top) * 0.7); double yclose = legendBox.Top + ((legendBox.Bottom - legendBox.Top) * 0.3); double[] dashArray = this.LineStyle.GetDashArray(); rc.DrawLine( new[] { new ScreenPoint(xmid, legendBox.Top), new ScreenPoint(xmid, legendBox.Bottom) }, this.GetSelectableColor(this.ActualColor), this.StrokeThickness, dashArray, OxyPenLineJoin.Miter, true); // Shadow ends if (this.ShadowEndColor.IsVisible() && this.ShadowEndLength > 0) { var highLeft = new ScreenPoint(xmid - (this.CandleWidth * 0.5 * this.ShadowEndLength) - 1, legendBox.Top); var highRight = new ScreenPoint(xmid + (this.CandleWidth * 0.5 * this.ShadowEndLength), legendBox.Top); rc.DrawLine( new[] { highLeft, highRight }, this.GetSelectableColor(this.ShadowEndColor), this.StrokeThickness, dashArray, this.LineJoin, true); var lowLeft = new ScreenPoint(xmid - (this.CandleWidth * 0.5 * this.ShadowEndLength) - 1, legendBox.Bottom); var lowRight = new ScreenPoint(xmid + (this.CandleWidth * 0.5 * this.ShadowEndLength), legendBox.Bottom); rc.DrawLine( new[] { lowLeft, lowRight }, this.GetSelectableColor(this.ShadowEndColor), this.StrokeThickness, dashArray, this.LineJoin, true); } rc.DrawRectangleAsPolygon( new OxyRect(xmid - (this.CandleWidth * 0.5), yclose, this.CandleWidth, yopen - yclose), this.GetSelectableFillColor(this.ActualIncreasingFill), this.GetSelectableColor(this.ActualColor), this.StrokeThickness); }
/// <summary> /// Renders the series on the specified rendering context. /// </summary> /// <param name="rc">The rendering context.</param> /// <param name="model">The model.</param> public override void Render(IRenderContext rc, PlotModel model) { if (this.Items.Count == 0) { return; } var clippingRect = this.GetClippingRect(); int i = 0; this.ActualBarRectangles = new List <OxyRect>(); foreach (var item in this.Items) { if (!this.IsValid(item.X0) || !this.IsValid(item.X1) || !this.IsValid(item.Y0) || !this.IsValid(item.Y1)) { continue; } var p0 = this.Transform(item.X0, item.Y0); var p1 = this.Transform(item.X1, item.Y1); var rectangle = OxyRect.Create(p0.X, p0.Y, p1.X, p1.Y); this.ActualBarRectangles.Add(rectangle); rc.DrawClippedRectangleAsPolygon( clippingRect, rectangle, this.GetSelectableFillColor(item.Color.GetActualColor(this.ActualFillColor)), this.StrokeColor, this.StrokeThickness); if (this.LabelFormatString != null) { var s = this.Format( this.LabelFormatString, this.GetItem(i), item.X0, item.X1, item.Y0, item.Y1, item.Title); var pt = new ScreenPoint( (rectangle.Left + rectangle.Right) / 2, (rectangle.Top + rectangle.Bottom) / 2); rc.DrawClippedText( clippingRect, pt, s, this.ActualTextColor, this.ActualFont, this.ActualFontSize, this.ActualFontWeight, 0, HorizontalAlignment.Center, VerticalAlignment.Middle); } i++; } }
/// <summary> /// Renders the series on the specified rendering context. /// </summary> /// <param name="rc">The rendering context.</param> public override void Render(IRenderContext rc) { if (this.Items.Count == 0) { return; } var clippingRect = this.GetClippingRect(); int startIdx = 0; double xmax = double.MaxValue; this.ActualBarRectangles = new List <OxyRect>(); this.ActualItems = new List <RectangleBarItem>(); if (this.IsXMonotonic) { var xmin = this.XAxis.ActualMinimum; xmax = this.XAxis.ActualMaximum; this.WindowStartIndex = this.UpdateWindowStartIndex(this.Items, rect => rect.X0, xmin, this.WindowStartIndex); startIdx = this.WindowStartIndex; } int clipCount = 0; for (int i = startIdx; i < this.Items.Count; i++) { var item = this.Items[i]; if (!this.IsValid(item.X0) || !this.IsValid(item.X1) || !this.IsValid(item.Y0) || !this.IsValid(item.Y1)) { continue; } var p0 = this.Transform(item.X0, item.Y0); var p1 = this.Transform(item.X1, item.Y1); var rectangle = OxyRect.Create(p0.X, p0.Y, p1.X, p1.Y); this.ActualBarRectangles.Add(rectangle); this.ActualItems.Add(item); rc.DrawClippedRectangleAsPolygon( clippingRect, rectangle, this.GetSelectableFillColor(item.Color.GetActualColor(this.ActualFillColor)), this.StrokeColor, this.StrokeThickness); if (this.LabelFormatString != null) { var s = StringHelper.Format( this.ActualCulture, this.LabelFormatString, this.GetItem(i), item.X0, item.X1, item.Y0, item.Y1, item.Title); var pt = new ScreenPoint( (rectangle.Left + rectangle.Right) / 2, (rectangle.Top + rectangle.Bottom) / 2); rc.DrawClippedText( clippingRect, pt, s, this.ActualTextColor, this.ActualFont, this.ActualFontSize, this.ActualFontWeight, 0, HorizontalAlignment.Center, VerticalAlignment.Middle); } clipCount += item.X0 > xmax ? 1 : 0; if (clipCount > 1) { break; } } }
/// <summary> /// Draws an ellipse. /// </summary> /// <param name="rect">The rectangle.</param> /// <param name="fill">The fill color.</param> /// <param name="stroke">The stroke color.</param> /// <param name="thickness">The thickness.</param> public override void DrawEllipse(OxyRect rect, OxyColor fill, OxyColor stroke, double thickness) { this.paint.Reset(); { if (fill.IsVisible()) { this.SetFill(fill); this.canvas.DrawOval(this.Convert(rect), this.paint); } if (stroke.IsVisible()) { this.SetStroke(stroke, thickness); this.canvas.DrawOval(this.Convert(rect), this.paint); } } }
/// <summary> /// Renders the polygon annotation. /// </summary> /// <param name="rc"> /// The render context. /// </param> /// <param name="model"> /// The plot model. /// </param> public override void Render(IRenderContext rc, PlotModel model) { base.Render(rc, model); this.screenRectangle = OxyRect.Create(this.Transform(this.X - (Width / 2), Y - (Height / 2)), this.Transform(X + (Width / 2), Y + (Height / 2))); // clip to the area defined by the axes var clipping = this.GetClippingRect(); rc.DrawClippedEllipse(clipping, this.screenRectangle, this.Fill, this.Stroke, this.StrokeThickness); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Text)) { var textPosition = this.screenRectangle.Center; rc.DrawClippedText( clipping, textPosition, this.Text, this.ActualTextColor, this.ActualFont, this.ActualFontSize, this.ActualFontWeight, this.TextRotation, HorizontalAlignment.Center, VerticalAlignment.Middle); } }
public void ShowZoomRectangle(OxyRect rectangle) { throw new System.NotImplementedException(); }
/// <summary> /// Sets the clipping rectangle. /// </summary> /// <param name="clippingRect">The clipping rectangle.</param> /// <returns><c>true</c> if the clip rectangle was set.</returns> public bool SetClip(OxyRect clippingRect) { this.clip = this.ToRect(clippingRect); return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Shows the zoom rectangle. /// </summary> /// <param name="r"> /// The rectangle. /// </param> public void ShowZoomRectangle(OxyRect r) { this.zoomControl.Width = r.Width; this.zoomControl.Height = r.Height; Canvas.SetLeft(this.zoomControl, r.Left); Canvas.SetTop(this.zoomControl, r.Top); this.zoomControl.Template = this.ZoomRectangleTemplate; this.zoomControl.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; }
/// <summary> /// Renders the points as line, broken line and markers. /// </summary> /// <param name="rc">The rendering context.</param> /// <param name="clippingRect">The clipping rectangle.</param> /// <param name="points">The points to render.</param> protected void RenderPoints(IRenderContext rc, OxyRect clippingRect, IList <DataPoint> points) { var lastValidPoint = new ScreenPoint?(); var areBrokenLinesRendered = this.BrokenLineThickness > 0 && this.BrokenLineStyle != LineStyle.None; var dashArray = areBrokenLinesRendered ? this.BrokenLineStyle.GetDashArray() : null; var broken = areBrokenLinesRendered ? new List <ScreenPoint>(2) : null; if (this.contiguousScreenPointsBuffer == null) { this.contiguousScreenPointsBuffer = new List <ScreenPoint>(points.Count); } int startIdx = 0; double xmax = double.MaxValue; if (this.IsXMonotonic) { // determine render range var xmin = this.XAxis.ActualMinimum; xmax = this.XAxis.ActualMaximum; this.WindowStartIndex = this.UpdateWindowStartIndex(points, point => point.X, xmin, this.WindowStartIndex); startIdx = this.WindowStartIndex; } for (int i = startIdx; i < points.Count; i++) { if (!this.ExtractNextContiguousLineSegment(points, ref i, ref lastValidPoint, xmax, broken, this.contiguousScreenPointsBuffer)) { break; } if (areBrokenLinesRendered) { if (broken.Count > 0) { var actualBrokenLineColor = this.BrokenLineColor.IsAutomatic() ? this.ActualColor : this.BrokenLineColor; rc.DrawClippedLineSegments( clippingRect, broken, actualBrokenLineColor, this.BrokenLineThickness, dashArray, this.LineJoin, false); broken.Clear(); } } else { lastValidPoint = null; } if (this.Decimator != null) { if (this.decimatorBuffer == null) { this.decimatorBuffer = new List <ScreenPoint>(this.contiguousScreenPointsBuffer.Count); } else { this.decimatorBuffer.Clear(); } this.Decimator(this.contiguousScreenPointsBuffer, this.decimatorBuffer); this.RenderLineAndMarkers(rc, clippingRect, this.decimatorBuffer); } else { this.RenderLineAndMarkers(rc, clippingRect, this.contiguousScreenPointsBuffer); } this.contiguousScreenPointsBuffer.Clear(); } }
/// <summary> /// Renders the legend symbol for the line series on the specified rendering context. /// </summary> /// <param name="rc"> /// The rendering context. /// </param> /// <param name="legendBox"> /// The bounding rectangle of the legend box. /// </param> public override void RenderLegend(IRenderContext rc, OxyRect legendBox) { double xmid = (legendBox.Left + legendBox.Right) / 2; double ymid = (legendBox.Top + legendBox.Bottom) / 2; var midpt = new ScreenPoint(xmid, ymid); rc.DrawMarker( midpt, legendBox, this.MarkerType, this.MarkerOutline, this.MarkerSize, this.ActualMarkerFillColor, this.MarkerStroke, this.MarkerStrokeThickness); }
/// <summary> /// Draws the rectangle. /// </summary> /// <param name="rect">The rectangle.</param> /// <param name="fill">The fill color.</param> /// <param name="stroke">The stroke color.</param> /// <param name="thickness">The stroke thickness.</param> public override void DrawRectangle(OxyRect rect, OxyColor fill, OxyColor stroke, double thickness) { this.WriteRectangle(rect.Left, rect.Top, rect.Width, rect.Height, this.CreateStyle(fill, stroke, thickness)); }
/// <summary> /// Renders the image annotation. /// </summary> /// <param name="rc"> /// The render context. /// </param> /// <param name="model"> /// The plot model. /// </param> public override void Render(IRenderContext rc, PlotModel model) { base.Render(rc, model); var p = this.GetPoint(this.X, this.Y, rc, model); var o = this.GetVector(this.OffsetX, this.OffsetY, rc, model); var position = p + o; var clippingRect = this.GetClippingRect(); var imageInfo = rc.GetImageInfo(this.ImageSource); if (imageInfo == null) { return; } var s = this.GetVector(this.Width, this.Height, rc, model); var width = s.X; var height = s.Y; if (double.IsNaN(width) && double.IsNaN(height)) { width = imageInfo.Width; height = imageInfo.Height; } if (double.IsNaN(width)) { width = height / imageInfo.Height * imageInfo.Width; } if (double.IsNaN(height)) { height = width / imageInfo.Width * imageInfo.Height; } double x = position.X; double y = position.Y; if (this.HorizontalAlignment == HorizontalAlignment.Center) { x -= width * 0.5; } if (this.HorizontalAlignment == HorizontalAlignment.Right) { x -= width; } if (this.VerticalAlignment == VerticalAlignment.Middle) { y -= height * 0.5; } if (this.VerticalAlignment == VerticalAlignment.Bottom) { y -= height; } this.actualBounds = new OxyRect(x, y, width, height); if (this.X.Unit == PlotLengthUnit.Data || this.Y.Unit == PlotLengthUnit.Data) { rc.DrawClippedImage(clippingRect, this.ImageSource, x, y, width, height, this.Opacity, this.Interpolate); } else { rc.DrawImage(this.ImageSource, x, y, width, height, this.Opacity, this.Interpolate); } }
/// <summary> /// Renders the item label. /// </summary> /// <param name="rc">The render context</param> /// <param name="clippingRect">The clipping rectangle</param> /// <param name="rect">The rectangle of the item.</param> /// <param name="value">The value of the label.</param> /// <param name="index">The index of the bar item.</param> protected abstract void RenderLabel( IRenderContext rc, OxyRect clippingRect, OxyRect rect, double value, int index);
/// <summary> /// Renders the legend symbol for the line series on the /// specified rendering context. /// </summary> /// <param name="rc">The rendering context.</param> /// <param name="legendBox">The bounding rectangle of the legend box.</param> public override void RenderLegend(IRenderContext rc, OxyRect legendBox) { double xmid = (legendBox.Left + legendBox.Right) / 2; double ymid = (legendBox.Top + legendBox.Bottom) / 2; var pts = new[] { new ScreenPoint(legendBox.Left, ymid), new ScreenPoint(legendBox.Right, ymid) }; rc.DrawLine( pts, this.GetSelectableColor(this.ActualColor), this.StrokeThickness, this.ActualDashArray); var midpt = new ScreenPoint(xmid, ymid); rc.DrawMarker( legendBox, midpt, this.MarkerType, this.MarkerOutline, this.MarkerSize, this.ActualMarkerFill, this.MarkerStroke, this.MarkerStrokeThickness); }
/// <summary> /// Renders the annotation on the specified context. /// </summary> /// <param name="rc">The render context.</param> /// <param name="model">The model.</param> public override void Render(IRenderContext rc, PlotModel model) { base.Render(rc, model); this.CalculateActualMinimumsMaximums(); this.screenPoints = this.GetScreenPoints(); // clip to the area defined by the axes var clippingRectangle = OxyRect.Create( this.ClipByXAxis ? this.XAxis.ScreenMin.X : PlotModel.PlotArea.Left, this.ClipByYAxis ? this.YAxis.ScreenMin.Y : PlotModel.PlotArea.Top, this.ClipByXAxis ? this.XAxis.ScreenMax.X : PlotModel.PlotArea.Right, this.ClipByYAxis ? this.YAxis.ScreenMax.Y : PlotModel.PlotArea.Bottom); const double MinimumSegmentLength = 4; var clippedPoints = new List <ScreenPoint>(); var dashArray = this.LineStyle.GetDashArray(); rc.DrawClippedLine( clippingRectangle, this.screenPoints, MinimumSegmentLength * MinimumSegmentLength, this.GetSelectableColor(this.Color), this.StrokeThickness, dashArray, this.LineJoin, this.aliased, null, clippedPoints.AddRange); ScreenPoint position; double angle; double margin = this.TextMargin; if (this.TextHorizontalAlignment == HorizontalAlignment.Center) { margin = 0; } else { margin *= this.TextLinePosition < 0.5 ? 1 : -1; } if (GetPointAtRelativeDistance(clippedPoints, this.TextLinePosition, margin, out position, out angle)) { if (angle < -90) { angle += 180; } if (angle > 90) { angle -= 180; } switch (this.TextOrientation) { case AnnotationTextOrientation.Horizontal: angle = 0; break; case AnnotationTextOrientation.Vertical: angle = -90; break; } // Apply 'padding' to the position var angleInRadians = angle / 180 * Math.PI; var f = 1; if (this.TextHorizontalAlignment == HorizontalAlignment.Right) { f = -1; } if (this.TextHorizontalAlignment == HorizontalAlignment.Center) { f = 0; } position += new ScreenVector(f * this.TextPadding * Math.Cos(angleInRadians), f * this.TextPadding * Math.Sin(angleInRadians)); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Text)) { var textPosition = this.GetActualTextPosition(() => position); if (this.TextPosition.IsDefined()) { angle = this.TextRotation; } if (this.ClipText) { var cs = new CohenSutherlandClipping(clippingRectangle); if (cs.IsInside(position)) { rc.DrawClippedText( clippingRectangle, textPosition, this.Text, this.ActualTextColor, this.ActualFont, this.ActualFontSize, this.ActualFontWeight, angle, this.TextHorizontalAlignment, this.TextVerticalAlignment); } } else { rc.DrawText( textPosition, this.Text, this.ActualTextColor, this.ActualFont, this.ActualFontSize, this.ActualFontWeight, angle, this.TextHorizontalAlignment, this.TextVerticalAlignment); } } } }
/// <summary> /// Renders the transformed points as a line (smoothed if <see cref="LineSeries.Smooth"/> is <c>true</c>) and markers (if <see cref="MarkerType"/> is not <c>None</c>). /// </summary> /// <param name="rc">The render context.</param> /// <param name="clippingRect">The clipping rectangle.</param> /// <param name="pointsToRender">The points to render.</param> protected virtual void RenderLineAndMarkers(IRenderContext rc, OxyRect clippingRect, IList<ScreenPoint> pointsToRender) { var screenPoints = pointsToRender; if (this.Smooth) { // spline smoothing (should only be used on small datasets) var resampledPoints = ScreenPointHelper.ResamplePoints(pointsToRender, this.MinimumSegmentLength); screenPoints = CanonicalSplineHelper.CreateSpline(resampledPoints, 0.5, null, false, 0.25); } // clip the line segments with the clipping rectangle if (this.StrokeThickness > 0 && this.ActualLineStyle != LineStyle.None) { this.RenderLine(rc, clippingRect, screenPoints); } if (this.MarkerType != MarkerType.None) { var markerBinOffset = this.MarkerResolution > 0 ? this.Transform(this.MinX, this.MinY) : default(ScreenPoint); rc.DrawMarkers( clippingRect, pointsToRender, this.MarkerType, this.MarkerOutline, new[] { this.MarkerSize }, this.ActualMarkerFill, this.MarkerStroke, this.MarkerStrokeThickness, this.MarkerResolution, markerBinOffset); } }
/// <summary> /// Renders the annotation on the specified context. /// </summary> /// <param name="rc">The render context.</param> public override void Render(IRenderContext rc) { base.Render(rc); var lon0 = this.XAxis.ActualMinimum; var lon1 = this.XAxis.ActualMaximum; var lat0 = this.YAxis.ActualMinimum; var lat1 = this.YAxis.ActualMaximum; // the desired number of tiles horizontally double tilesx = this.PlotModel.Width / this.TileSize; // calculate the desired zoom level var n = tilesx / (((lon1 + 180) / 360) - ((lon0 + 180) / 360)); var zoom = (int)Math.Round(Math.Log(n) / Math.Log(2)); if (zoom < this.MinZoomLevel) { zoom = this.MinZoomLevel; } if (zoom > this.MaxZoomLevel) { zoom = this.MaxZoomLevel; } // find tile coordinates for the corners double x0, y0; LatLonToTile(lat0, lon0, zoom, out x0, out y0); double x1, y1; LatLonToTile(lat1, lon1, zoom, out x1, out y1); double xmax = Math.Max(x0, x1); double xmin = Math.Min(x0, x1); double ymax = Math.Max(y0, y1); double ymin = Math.Min(y0, y1); var clippingRectangle = this.GetClippingRect(); // Add the tiles for (var x = (int)xmin; x < xmax; x++) { for (var y = (int)ymin; y < ymax; y++) { string uri = this.GetTileUri(x, y, zoom); var img = this.GetImage(uri, rc.RendersToScreen); if (img == null) { continue; } // transform from tile coordinates to lat/lon double latitude0, latitude1, longitude0, longitude1; TileToLatLon(x, y, zoom, out latitude0, out longitude0); TileToLatLon(x + 1, y + 1, zoom, out latitude1, out longitude1); // transform from lat/lon to screen coordinates var s00 = this.Transform(longitude0, latitude0); var s11 = this.Transform(longitude1, latitude1); var r = OxyRect.Create(s00.X, s00.Y, s11.X, s11.Y); // draw the image rc.DrawClippedImage(clippingRectangle, img, r.Left, r.Top, r.Width, r.Height, this.Opacity, true); } } // draw the copyright notice var p = new ScreenPoint(clippingRectangle.Right - 5, clippingRectangle.Bottom - 5); var textSize = rc.MeasureText(this.CopyrightNotice, this.ActualFont, this.ActualFontSize, this.ActualFontWeight); rc.DrawRectangle(new OxyRect(p.X - textSize.Width - 2, p.Y - textSize.Height - 2, textSize.Width + 4, textSize.Height + 4), OxyColor.FromAColor(200, OxyColors.White), OxyColors.Undefined); rc.DrawText( p, this.CopyrightNotice, OxyColors.Black, this.ActualFont, this.ActualFontSize, this.ActualFontWeight, 0, HorizontalAlignment.Right, VerticalAlignment.Bottom); }
/// <summary> /// Renders the points as line, broken line and markers. /// </summary> /// <param name="rc">The rendering context.</param> /// <param name="clippingRect">The clipping rectangle.</param> /// <param name="points">The points to render.</param> protected void RenderPoints(IRenderContext rc, OxyRect clippingRect, ICollection<DataPoint> points) { var pointEnumerator = points.GetEnumerator(); var lastValidPoint = new ScreenPoint?(); var areBrokenLinesRendered = this.BrokenLineThickness > 0 && this.BrokenLineStyle != LineStyle.None; var dashArray = areBrokenLinesRendered ? this.BrokenLineStyle.GetDashArray() : null; var broken = areBrokenLinesRendered ? new List<ScreenPoint>(2) : null; if (this.contiguousScreenPointsBuffer == null) { this.contiguousScreenPointsBuffer = new List<ScreenPoint>(points.Count); } while (pointEnumerator.MoveNext() && this.ExtractNextContiguousLineSegment(pointEnumerator, ref lastValidPoint, broken, this.contiguousScreenPointsBuffer)) { if (areBrokenLinesRendered) { if (broken.Count > 0) { var actualBrokenLineColor = this.BrokenLineColor.IsAutomatic() ? this.ActualColor : this.BrokenLineColor; rc.DrawClippedLineSegments( clippingRect, broken, actualBrokenLineColor, this.BrokenLineThickness, dashArray, this.LineJoin, false); broken.Clear(); } } else { lastValidPoint = null; } if (this.Decimator != null) { if (this.decimatorBuffer == null) { this.decimatorBuffer = new List<ScreenPoint>(this.contiguousScreenPointsBuffer.Count); } else { this.decimatorBuffer.Clear(); } this.Decimator(this.contiguousScreenPointsBuffer, this.decimatorBuffer); this.RenderLineAndMarkers(rc, clippingRect, this.decimatorBuffer); } else { this.RenderLineAndMarkers(rc, clippingRect, this.contiguousScreenPointsBuffer); } this.contiguousScreenPointsBuffer.Clear(); } }
/// <summary> /// Renders the series on the specified render context. /// </summary> /// <param name="rc">The rendering context.</param> /// <param name="model">The model.</param> public override void Render(IRenderContext rc, PlotModel model) { if (this.Items.Count == 0) { return; } var clippingRect = this.GetClippingRect(); var outlierScreenPoints = new List <ScreenPoint>(); var halfBoxWidth = this.BoxWidth * 0.5; var halfWhiskerWidth = halfBoxWidth * this.WhiskerWidth; var strokeColor = this.GetSelectableColor(this.Stroke); var fillColor = this.GetSelectableFillColor(this.Fill); var dashArray = this.LineStyle.GetDashArray(); foreach (var item in this.Items) { // Add the outlier points outlierScreenPoints.AddRange(item.Outliers.Select(outlier => this.Transform(item.X, outlier))); var topWhiskerTop = this.Transform(item.X, item.UpperWhisker); var topWhiskerBottom = this.Transform(item.X, item.BoxTop); var bottomWhiskerTop = this.Transform(item.X, item.BoxBottom); var bottomWhiskerBottom = this.Transform(item.X, item.LowerWhisker); rc.DrawClippedLine( clippingRect, new[] { topWhiskerTop, topWhiskerBottom }, 0, strokeColor, this.StrokeThickness, dashArray, OxyPenLineJoin.Miter, true); rc.DrawClippedLine( clippingRect, new[] { bottomWhiskerTop, bottomWhiskerBottom }, 0, strokeColor, this.StrokeThickness, dashArray, OxyPenLineJoin.Miter, true); // Draw the whiskers if (this.WhiskerWidth > 0) { var topWhiskerLine1 = this.Transform(item.X - halfWhiskerWidth, item.UpperWhisker); var topWhiskerLine2 = this.Transform(item.X + halfWhiskerWidth, item.UpperWhisker); var bottomWhiskerLine1 = this.Transform(item.X - halfWhiskerWidth, item.LowerWhisker); var bottomWhiskerLine2 = this.Transform(item.X + halfWhiskerWidth, item.LowerWhisker); rc.DrawClippedLine( clippingRect, new[] { topWhiskerLine1, topWhiskerLine2 }, 0, strokeColor, this.StrokeThickness, null, OxyPenLineJoin.Miter, true); rc.DrawClippedLine( clippingRect, new[] { bottomWhiskerLine1, bottomWhiskerLine2 }, 0, strokeColor, this.StrokeThickness, null, OxyPenLineJoin.Miter, true); } if (this.ShowBox) { // Draw the box var rect = this.GetBoxRect(item); rc.DrawClippedRectangleAsPolygon(clippingRect, rect, fillColor, strokeColor, this.StrokeThickness); } if (!this.ShowMedianAsDot) { // Draw the median line var medianLeft = this.Transform(item.X - halfBoxWidth, item.Median); var medianRight = this.Transform(item.X + halfBoxWidth, item.Median); rc.DrawClippedLine( clippingRect, new[] { medianLeft, medianRight }, 0, strokeColor, this.StrokeThickness * this.MedianThickness, null, OxyPenLineJoin.Miter, true); } else { var mc = this.Transform(item.X, item.Median); if (clippingRect.Contains(mc)) { var ellipseRect = new OxyRect( mc.X - this.MedianPointSize, mc.Y - this.MedianPointSize, this.MedianPointSize * 2, this.MedianPointSize * 2); rc.DrawEllipse(ellipseRect, fillColor, OxyColors.Undefined, 0); } } } // Draw the outlier(s) var markerSizes = outlierScreenPoints.Select(o => this.OutlierSize).ToList(); rc.DrawMarkers( clippingRect, outlierScreenPoints, this.OutlierType, null, markerSizes, fillColor, strokeColor, this.StrokeThickness); }
/// <summary> /// Renders the bar/column item. /// </summary> /// <param name="rc">The render context.</param> /// <param name="clippingRect">The clipping rectangle.</param> /// <param name="topValue">The end value of the bar.</param> /// <param name="categoryValue">The category value.</param> /// <param name="actualBarWidth">The actual width of the bar.</param> /// <param name="item">The item.</param> /// <param name="rect">The rectangle of the bar.</param> protected override void RenderItem( IRenderContext rc, OxyRect clippingRect, double topValue, double categoryValue, double actualBarWidth, BarItemBase item, OxyRect rect) { base.RenderItem(rc, clippingRect, topValue, categoryValue, actualBarWidth, item, rect); var errorItem = item as ErrorColumnItem; if (errorItem == null) { return; } // Render the error var lowerValue = topValue - errorItem.Error; var upperValue = topValue + errorItem.Error; var left = 0.5 - (this.ErrorWidth / 2); var right = 0.5 + (this.ErrorWidth / 2); var leftValue = categoryValue + (left * actualBarWidth); var middleValue = categoryValue + (0.5 * actualBarWidth); var rightValue = categoryValue + (right * actualBarWidth); var lowerErrorPoint = this.Transform(middleValue, lowerValue); var upperErrorPoint = this.Transform(middleValue, upperValue); rc.DrawClippedLine( clippingRect, new List<ScreenPoint> { lowerErrorPoint, upperErrorPoint }, 0, this.StrokeColor, this.ErrorStrokeThickness, null, OxyPenLineJoin.Miter, true); if (this.ErrorWidth > 0) { var lowerLeftErrorPoint = this.Transform(leftValue, lowerValue); var lowerRightErrorPoint = this.Transform(rightValue, lowerValue); rc.DrawClippedLine( clippingRect, new List<ScreenPoint> { lowerLeftErrorPoint, lowerRightErrorPoint }, 0, this.StrokeColor, this.ErrorStrokeThickness, null, OxyPenLineJoin.Miter, true); var upperLeftErrorPoint = this.Transform(leftValue, upperValue); var upperRightErrorPoint = this.Transform(rightValue, upperValue); rc.DrawClippedLine( clippingRect, new List<ScreenPoint> { upperLeftErrorPoint, upperRightErrorPoint }, 0, this.StrokeColor, this.ErrorStrokeThickness, null, OxyPenLineJoin.Miter, true); } }
/// <summary> /// Renders the legend symbol on the specified rendering context. /// </summary> /// <param name="rc">The rendering context.</param> /// <param name="legendBox">The legend rectangle.</param> public override void RenderLegend(IRenderContext rc, OxyRect legendBox) { double xmid = (legendBox.Left + legendBox.Right) / 2; double ybottom = legendBox.Top + ((legendBox.Bottom - legendBox.Top) * 0.7); double ytop = legendBox.Top + ((legendBox.Bottom - legendBox.Top) * 0.3); double ymid = (ybottom + ytop) * 0.5; var halfBoxWidth = legendBox.Width * 0.24; var halfWhiskerWidth = halfBoxWidth * this.WhiskerWidth; const double LegendStrokeThickness = 1; var strokeColor = this.GetSelectableColor(this.Stroke); var fillColor = this.GetSelectableFillColor(this.Fill); rc.DrawLine( new[] { new ScreenPoint(xmid, legendBox.Top), new ScreenPoint(xmid, ytop) }, strokeColor, LegendStrokeThickness, LineStyle.Solid.GetDashArray(), OxyPenLineJoin.Miter, true); rc.DrawLine( new[] { new ScreenPoint(xmid, ybottom), new ScreenPoint(xmid, legendBox.Bottom) }, strokeColor, LegendStrokeThickness, LineStyle.Solid.GetDashArray(), OxyPenLineJoin.Miter, true); if (this.WhiskerWidth > 0) { // top whisker rc.DrawLine( new[] { new ScreenPoint(xmid - halfWhiskerWidth - 1, legendBox.Bottom), new ScreenPoint(xmid + halfWhiskerWidth, legendBox.Bottom) }, strokeColor, LegendStrokeThickness, LineStyle.Solid.GetDashArray(), OxyPenLineJoin.Miter, true); // bottom whisker rc.DrawLine( new[] { new ScreenPoint(xmid - halfWhiskerWidth - 1, legendBox.Top), new ScreenPoint(xmid + halfWhiskerWidth, legendBox.Top) }, strokeColor, LegendStrokeThickness, LineStyle.Solid.GetDashArray(), OxyPenLineJoin.Miter, true); } if (this.ShowBox) { // box rc.DrawRectangleAsPolygon( new OxyRect(xmid - halfBoxWidth, ytop, 2 * halfBoxWidth, ybottom - ytop), fillColor, strokeColor, LegendStrokeThickness); } // median if (!this.ShowMedianAsDot) { rc.DrawLine( new[] { new ScreenPoint(xmid - halfBoxWidth, ymid), new ScreenPoint(xmid + halfBoxWidth, ymid) }, strokeColor, LegendStrokeThickness * this.MedianThickness, LineStyle.Solid.GetDashArray(), OxyPenLineJoin.Miter, true); } else { var ellipseRect = new OxyRect( xmid - this.MedianPointSize, ymid - this.MedianPointSize, this.MedianPointSize * 2, this.MedianPointSize * 2); rc.DrawEllipse(ellipseRect, fillColor, OxyColors.Undefined); } }
private RectangleF ToRectangle(OxyRect rect) { return new RectangleF((int)rect.Left, (int)rect.Top, (int)rect.Width, (int)rect.Height); }
/// <summary> /// Updates the intervals. /// </summary> /// <param name="plotArea"> /// The plot area. /// </param> internal override void UpdateIntervals(OxyRect plotArea) { base.UpdateIntervals(plotArea); switch (this.actualIntervalType) { case DateTimeIntervalType.Years: this.ActualMinorStep = 31; this.actualMinorIntervalType = DateTimeIntervalType.Years; if (this.ActualStringFormat == null) { this.ActualStringFormat = "yyyy"; } break; case DateTimeIntervalType.Months: this.actualMinorIntervalType = DateTimeIntervalType.Months; if (this.ActualStringFormat == null) { this.ActualStringFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd"; } break; case DateTimeIntervalType.Weeks: this.actualMinorIntervalType = DateTimeIntervalType.Days; this.ActualMajorStep = 7; this.ActualMinorStep = 1; if (this.ActualStringFormat == null) { this.ActualStringFormat = "yyyy/ww"; } break; case DateTimeIntervalType.Days: this.ActualMinorStep = this.ActualMajorStep; if (this.ActualStringFormat == null) { this.ActualStringFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd"; } break; case DateTimeIntervalType.Hours: this.ActualMinorStep = this.ActualMajorStep; if (this.ActualStringFormat == null) { this.ActualStringFormat = "HH:mm"; } break; case DateTimeIntervalType.Minutes: this.ActualMinorStep = this.ActualMajorStep; if (this.ActualStringFormat == null) { this.ActualStringFormat = "HH:mm"; } break; case DateTimeIntervalType.Seconds: this.ActualMinorStep = this.ActualMajorStep; if (this.ActualStringFormat == null) { this.ActualStringFormat = "HH:mm:ss"; } break; case DateTimeIntervalType.Manual: break; case DateTimeIntervalType.Auto: break; } }
/// <summary> /// Renders the legend symbol on the specified rendering context. /// </summary> /// <param name="rc">The rendering context.</param> /// <param name="legendBox">The legend rectangle.</param> public override void RenderLegend(IRenderContext rc, OxyRect legendBox) { double xmid = (legendBox.Left + legendBox.Right) / 2; double ymid = (legendBox.Top + legendBox.Bottom) / 2; double height = (legendBox.Bottom - legendBox.Top) * 0.8; double width = height; rc.DrawRectangleAsPolygon( new OxyRect(xmid - (0.5 * width), ymid - (0.5 * height), width, height), this.GetSelectableFillColor(this.ActualFillColor), this.StrokeColor, this.StrokeThickness); }
/// <summary> /// Converts a <see cref="OxyRect" /> to a <see cref="RectangleF" />. /// </summary> /// <param name="rect">The rectangle to convert.</param> /// <returns>The converted rectangle.</returns> public static RectangleF Convert(this OxyRect rect) { return(new RectangleF((float)rect.Left, (float)rect.Top, (float)(rect.Right - rect.Left), (float)(rect.Bottom - rect.Top))); }