public ActionResult DeleteConfirmed(int id)
            OwnerAssets ownerAssets = db.OwnerAssets1.Find(id);

            if (ownerAssets.AssetPhoto != null && ownerAssets.AssetPhoto != "noImage.jpeg")
                    Server.MapPath("~/Content/assetimages/" + ownerAssets.AssetPhoto));
        public ActionResult Details(int?id)
            if (id == null)
                return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest));
            OwnerAssets ownerAssets = db.OwnerAssets1.Find(id);

            if (ownerAssets == null)
        public ActionResult Edit(int?id)
            if (id == null)
                return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest));
            OwnerAssets ownerAssets = db.OwnerAssets1.Find(id);

            if (ownerAssets == null)
            if (User.IsInRole("Admin"))
                //Viewbag.OwnerID = new SelectList(datasource, "Value to use", "Text to display", currently selected item); dropdown list
                ViewBag.OwnerId = new SelectList(db.UserDetails1, "UserId", "FullName", ownerAssets.OwnerId);
        public ActionResult Create([Bind(Include = "OwnerAssetId,AssetName,OwnerId,AssetPhoto,SpecialNotes,IsActive")] OwnerAssets ownerAssets, HttpPostedFileBase assetImage)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                //--updating for PostCreate file upload:
                //--1) add HttpPostedFileBase param for fup (fupBookImage)
                //--2) set up processing logic in the If(ModelState.IsValid)
                #region Post-Create's Image Upload
                string imageName = "noImage.jpeg";//default value in case no image was uploaded

                    //did the user upload a file? if so, continue processing it
                    if (assetImage != null)
                        //yes, they uploaded a file.
                        imageName = assetImage.FileName;

                        //find extension
                        string ext = imageName.Substring(imageName.LastIndexOf("."));

                        //declare list of valid extensions
                        string[] goodExts = { ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".gif", ".png" };

                        //check the ext against allowed types & that it's 4MB or less (ASP.NET default max size)
                        if (goodExts.Contains(ext.ToLower()) && (assetImage.ContentLength <= 4194304))
                            //good extension & file size -- make filename unique
                            //easiest way is to use a GUID. downside - not meaningful.
                            imageName = Guid.NewGuid() + ext;//calls Guid's ToString() behind scenes

                            //save the file to the webserver at correct folder - account for
                            //dynamically determining where web root folded is on THIS machine
                                Server.MapPath("~/Content/assetimages/" + imageName));
                            //note path ends in filename. (also, last folder ends in /)
                        }//if good ext & filesize
                            //could do different things to response - bad ext or filesize
                            //Ex: just use NoImage.png and call it day -- we used this
                            imageName = "noImage.jpeg";

                            //Ex: throw a generic or specific error
                            //throw new ApplicationException();

                            //Ex: create a ViewBag variable for error message, return to view
                            //to try again and show that message if it exists.
                            //ViewBag.Message = "There was an error with your file upload - size or type";

                            ////copied ddl collections
                            //ViewBag.BookID = new SelectList(db.BookRoyalties, "BookID", "BookID", book.BookID);
                            //ViewBag.BookStatusID = new SelectList(db.BookStatuses, "BookStatusID", "BookStatusName", book.BookStatusID);
                            //ViewBag.GenreID = new SelectList(db.Genres, "GenreID", "GenreName", book.GenreID);
                            //ViewBag.PublisherID = new SelectList(db.Publishers, "PublisherID", "PublisherName", book.PublisherID);

                            //return View();
                        } //else - bad ext or filesize
                    }     //if file was uploaded
                }         //end try for file upload processing
                catch (Exception)
                    throw new Exception("Sorry, something went wrong with your file upload");
                }//end catch some exception occurred

                //no matter what, add the imagename to the object before we add object to db
                //NEED to have correct image filename on file for that record
                ownerAssets.AssetPhoto = imageName;

                ownerAssets.DateAdded = DateTime.Now;
                if (User.IsInRole("Customer"))
                    ownerAssets.OwnerId = User.Identity.GetUserId();
            //if errors in form send back
            if (User.IsInRole("Admin"))
                //Viewbag.OwnerID = new SelectList(datasource, "Value to use", "Text to display", currently selected item); dropdown list
                ViewBag.OwnerId = new SelectList(db.UserDetails1, "UserId", "FullName", ownerAssets.OwnerId);
        public ActionResult Edit([Bind(Include = "OwnerAssetId,AssetName,OwnerId,AssetPhoto,SpecialNotes,IsActive,DateAdded")] OwnerAssets ownerAssets, HttpPostedFileBase assetImage)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                #region Post-Edit's Image Upload
                //EDIT-Variation: there is no default image for edit

                    //did the user upload a file? if so, continue processing it
                    if (assetImage != null)
                        //EDIT-Variation: variable below is instantiated here now.
                        //yes, they uploaded a file.
                        string imageName = assetImage.FileName;

                        //find extension
                        string ext = imageName.Substring(imageName.LastIndexOf("."));

                        //declare list of valid extensions
                        string[] goodExts = { ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".gif", ".png" };

                        //check the ext against allowed types & that it's 4MB or less (ASP.NET default max size)
                        if (goodExts.Contains(ext.ToLower()) && (assetImage.ContentLength <= 4194304))
                            //good extension & file size -- make filename unique
                            //easiest way is to use a GUID. downside - not meaningful.
                            imageName = Guid.NewGuid() + ext;//calls Guid's ToString() behind scenes

                            //save the file to the webserver at correct folder - account for
                            //dynamically determining where web root folded is on THIS machine
                                Server.MapPath("~/Content/assetimages/" + imageName));
                            //note path ends in filename. (also, last folder ends in /)

                            //EDIT-Variation: delete image old image on file if it's not No-Image
                            if (ownerAssets.AssetPhoto != null && ownerAssets.AssetPhoto != "noImage.jpeg")
                                    Server.MapPath("~/Content/assetimages/" + ownerAssets.AssetPhoto));

                            //only save the image on file if it changed
                            ownerAssets.AssetPhoto = imageName;
                        }//if good ext & filesize
                            //EDIT-Variation:No else needed
                            //lots of options for how to handle, but we'll just fall back to
                            //the old image on file if new image uploaded was no good...
                            //no code needed (not even this else) because of HiddenFor()
                        } //else - bad ext or filesize
                    }     //if file was uploaded
                }         //end try for file upload processing
                catch (Exception)
                    throw new Exception("Sorry, something went wrong with your file upload");
                }//end catch some exception occurred

                db.Entry(ownerAssets).State = EntityState.Modified;
            if (User.IsInRole("Admin"))
                //Viewbag.OwnerID = new SelectList(datasource, "Value to use", "Text to display", currently selected item); dropdown list
                ViewBag.OwnerId = new SelectList(db.UserDetails1, "UserId", "FullName", ownerAssets.OwnerId);