Exemplo n.º 1
    public static void PropertyTest1()
        IAsyncResult asyncResult = new Task(() => Console.WriteLine("this is a dummy task"));
        var obj = new Overlapped();

        obj.AsyncResult = asyncResult;
        Assert.Same(obj.AsyncResult, asyncResult);

#pragma warning disable 618
        Assert.Equal(obj.EventHandle, 0);
        obj.EventHandle = 3;
        Assert.Equal(obj.EventHandle, 3);
#pragma warning restore 618

        var _handle = new ManualResetEvent(false).SafeWaitHandle;
        Assert.NotSame(obj.EventHandleIntPtr, IntPtr.Zero);
        obj.EventHandleIntPtr = _handle.DangerousGetHandle();
        Assert.Equal(obj.EventHandleIntPtr, _handle.DangerousGetHandle());

        Assert.Equal(obj.OffsetHigh, 0);
        obj.OffsetHigh = 3;
        Assert.Equal(obj.OffsetHigh, 3);

        Assert.Equal(obj.OffsetLow, 0);
        obj.OffsetLow = 1;
        Assert.Equal(obj.OffsetLow, 1);
Exemplo n.º 2
    public static void PropertyTest3()
        IAsyncResult asyncResult = new Task(() => Console.WriteLine("this is a dummy task"));
        var _event = new ManualResetEvent(false);
        var _handle = _event.SafeWaitHandle;
        var obj = new Overlapped(1, 3, _handle.DangerousGetHandle(), asyncResult);
        Assert.Same(obj.AsyncResult, asyncResult);

#pragma warning disable 618
        Assert.Equal(obj.EventHandle, _event.Handle.ToInt32());
#pragma warning restore 618

        Assert.Equal(obj.EventHandleIntPtr, _handle.DangerousGetHandle());
        Assert.Equal(obj.OffsetHigh, 3);
        Assert.Equal(obj.OffsetLow, 1);
Exemplo n.º 3
    public static unsafe void PackNegTest()
        var helper = new AsyncHelper();
        IOCompletionCallback callback = MyCallback(helper);

        NativeOverlapped* nativeOverlapped;
        Overlapped ov = new Overlapped();
        nativeOverlapped = ov.Pack(new IOCompletionCallback(callback), null);

            Assert.True(nativeOverlapped != null);
            Assert.Throws<InvalidOperationException>(() => ov.Pack(new IOCompletionCallback(callback), null));
Exemplo n.º 4
    public static unsafe void PackPosTest()
        #pragma warning disable 618
        Overlapped ov = new Overlapped();
        var helper = new AsyncHelper();
        IOCompletionCallback callback = MyCallback(helper);

        NativeOverlapped* nativeOverlapped = ov.Pack(callback);
            Assert.True(nativeOverlapped != null);


        #pragma warning restore 618
        public static VirtualHardDisk Create(string filename, ulong maximumSize,
            VirtualStorageDeviceTypes deviceType = VirtualStorageDeviceTypes.Vhd,
            VirtualDiskAccessMasks mask = VirtualDiskAccessMasks.All, RawSecurityDescriptor securityDescriptor = null,
            CreateVirtualDiskFlags flags = CreateVirtualDiskFlags.None, uint providerSpecificFlags = 0,
            Guid uniqueId = default(Guid), uint blockSizeInBytes = 0, uint sectorSizeInBytes = 0,
            string parentPath = null, string sourcePath = null, Overlapped overlapped = null)
            if ()

            var storageType = new VirtualStorageType {DeviceId = deviceType};

            var parameters = new CreateVirtualDiskParameters
                Version = CreateVirtualDiskVersions.Version1,
                Version1 = new CreateVirtualDiskParametersVersion1
                    UniqueId = uniqueId,
                    MaximumSize = maximumSize,
                    BlockSizeInBytes = blockSizeInBytes,
                    SectorSizeInBytes = sectorSizeInBytes,
                    ParentPath = parentPath,
                    SourcePath = sourcePath

            var handle = VirtualDiskCore.CreateVirtualDisk(storageType, filename, mask, securityDescriptor, flags,
                providerSpecificFlags, parameters, overlapped);

            var vhd = new VirtualHardDisk(filename, handle);

            // ReSharper disable once InvertIf
            if (vhd.VirtualStorageType.DeviceId == VirtualStorageDeviceTypes.Iso)
                throw new NotSupportedException("This class does not support ISO files.");

            return vhd;
Exemplo n.º 6
 public static extern bool GetOverlappedResult(
     SafeFileHandle hFile,                //IntPtr hFile, //Puntero hacia el manejador del archivo creado
     [In] ref Overlapped lpOverlapped,    //[In] ref System.Threading.NativeOverlapped lpOverlapped, //Puntero a la estructura overlapped que se creo con readfile
     ref long lpNumberofBytesTransferred, //IntPtr lpNumberofBytesTransferred,//out uint lpNumberofBytesTransferred, //Vriable donde se van a recibir los datos
     bool bWait                           //Si esta variable es true, la funcion no regresara hasta que se haya terminado la transferencia asincrona
Exemplo n.º 7
 internal static extern bool ReadFile(
     HandleRef hndRef,
     StringBuilder buffer,
     int numberOfBytesToRead,
     out int numberOfBytesRead,
     ref Overlapped flag);
Exemplo n.º 8
        private static unsafe void CompletionCallback(uint errorCode, uint numBytes, NativeOverlapped *nativeOverlapped)
            ThreadPoolBoundHandleOverlapped overlapped = (ThreadPoolBoundHandleOverlapped)Overlapped.Unpack(nativeOverlapped);

            // The Win32 thread pool implementation of ThreadPoolBoundHandle does not permit reuse of NativeOverlapped
            // pointers without freeing them and allocating new a new one.  We need to ensure that code using the CLR
            // ThreadPool implementation follows those rules.
            if (overlapped._completed)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.InvalidOperation_NativeOverlappedReused);

            overlapped._completed = true;

            if (overlapped._boundHandle == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Argument_NativeOverlappedAlreadyFree);

            overlapped._userCallback(errorCode, numBytes, nativeOverlapped);
Exemplo n.º 9
        unsafe private FileStreamAsyncResult BeginReadCore(byte[] bytes, int offset, int numBytes, AsyncCallback userCallback, Object stateObject, int numBufferedBytesRead)
            Contract.Assert(!_handle.IsClosed, "!_handle.IsClosed");
            Contract.Assert(CanRead, "CanRead"); 
            Contract.Assert(bytes != null, "bytes != null"); 
            Contract.Assert(_writePos == 0, "_writePos == 0");
            Contract.Assert(_isAsync, "BeginReadCore doesn't work on synchronous file streams!"); 
            Contract.Assert(offset >= 0, "offset is negative");
            Contract.Assert(numBytes >= 0, "numBytes is negative");

            // Create and store async stream class library specific data in the 
            // async result
            FileStreamAsyncResult asyncResult = new FileStreamAsyncResult(); 
            asyncResult._handle = _handle; 
            asyncResult._userCallback = userCallback;
            asyncResult._userStateObject = stateObject; 
            asyncResult._isWrite = false;

            // Must set this here to ensure all the state on the IAsyncResult
            // object is set before we call ReadFile, which gives the OS an 
            // opportunity to run our callback (including the user callback &
            // the call to EndRead) before ReadFile has returned. 
            asyncResult._numBufferedBytes = numBufferedBytesRead; 

            // For Synchronous IO, I could go with either a callback and using 
            // the managed Monitor class, or I could create a handle and wait on it.
            ManualResetEvent waitHandle = new ManualResetEvent(false);
            asyncResult._waitHandle = waitHandle;
            // Create a managed overlapped class
            // We will set the file offsets later 
            Overlapped overlapped = new Overlapped(0, 0, IntPtr.Zero, asyncResult); 

            // Pack the Overlapped class, and store it in the async result 
            NativeOverlapped* intOverlapped;
            if (userCallback != null)
                intOverlapped = overlapped.Pack(IOCallback, bytes);
                intOverlapped = overlapped.UnsafePack(null, bytes);
            asyncResult._overlapped = intOverlapped; 

            // Calculate position in the file we should be at after the read is done 
            if (CanSeek) {
                long len = Length;

                // Make sure we are reading from the position that we think we are 
                if (_exposedHandle)
                if (_pos + numBytes > len) {
                    if (_pos <= len) 
                        numBytes = (int) (len - _pos);
                        numBytes = 0;

                // Now set the position to read from in the NativeOverlapped struct 
                // For pipes, we should leave the offset fields set to 0. 
                intOverlapped->OffsetLow = unchecked((int)_pos);
                intOverlapped->OffsetHigh = (int)(_pos>>32); 

                // When using overlapped IO, the OS is not supposed to
                // touch the file pointer location at all.  We will adjust it
                // ourselves. This isn't threadsafe. 

                // WriteFile should not update the file pointer when writing 
                // in overlapped mode, according to MSDN.  But it does update 
                // the file pointer when writing to a UNC path!
                // So changed the code below to seek to an absolute 
                // location, not a relative one.  ReadFile seems consistent though.
                SeekCore(numBytes, SeekOrigin.Current);
            // queue an async ReadFile operation and pass in a packed overlapped
            int hr = 0; 
            int r = ReadFileNative(_handle, bytes, offset, numBytes, intOverlapped, out hr); 
            // ReadFile, the OS version, will return 0 on failure.  But
            // my ReadFileNative wrapper returns -1.  My wrapper will return 
            // the following:
            // On error, r==-1.
            // On async requests that are still pending, r==-1 w/ hr==ERROR_IO_PENDING
            // on async requests that completed sequentially, r==0 
            // You will NEVER RELIABLY be able to get the number of bytes
            // read back from this call when using overlapped structures!  You must 
            // not pass in a non-null lpNumBytesRead to ReadFile when using 
            // overlapped structures!  This is by design NT behavior.
            if (r==-1 && numBytes!=-1) { 

                // For pipes, when they hit EOF, they will come here.
                if (hr == ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE) {
                    // Not an error, but EOF.  AsyncFSCallback will NOT be 
                    // called.  Call the user callback here.
                    // We clear the overlapped status bit for this special case. 
                    // Failure to do so looks like we are freeing a pending overlapped later.
                    intOverlapped->InternalLow = IntPtr.Zero; 
                    // EndRead will free the Overlapped struct correctly.
                else if (hr != ERROR_IO_PENDING) { 
                    if (!_handle.IsClosed && CanSeek)  // Update Position - It could be anywhere.
                        SeekCore(0, SeekOrigin.Current); 
                    if (hr == ERROR_HANDLE_EOF)
                        __Error.WinIOError(hr, String.Empty);
            else {
                // Due to a workaround for a race condition in NT's ReadFile & 
                // WriteFile routines, we will always be returning 0 from ReadFileNative 
                // when we do async IO instead of the number of bytes read,
                // irregardless of whether the operation completed 
                // synchronously or asynchronously.  We absolutely must not
                // set asyncResult._numBytes here, since will never have correct
                // results.
                //Console.WriteLine("ReadFile returned: "+r+" (0x"+Int32.Format(r, "x")+")  The IO completed synchronously, but the user callback was called on a separate thread"); 
            return asyncResult; 
Exemplo n.º 10
        /// <devdoc>
        ///     Calls native API and sets up handle with the directory change API.
        /// </devdoc>
        /// <internalonly/>
        private unsafe void Monitor(byte[] buffer)
            if (!_enabled || IsHandleInvalid)

            Overlapped overlapped = new Overlapped();

            if (buffer == null)
                buffer = AllocateBuffer();

            // Pass "session" counter to callback:
            FSWAsyncResult asyncResult = new FSWAsyncResult();

            asyncResult.session = _currentSession;
            asyncResult.buffer  = buffer;

            // Pack overlapped. The buffer will be pinned by Overlapped:
            overlapped.AsyncResult = asyncResult;
            NativeOverlapped *overlappedPointer = overlapped.Pack(new IOCompletionCallback(this.CompletionStatusChanged), buffer);

            // Can now call OS:
            int  size;
            bool ok = false;

                // There could be a race in user code between calling StopRaisingEvents (where we close the handle)
                // and when we get here from CompletionStatusChanged.
                // We might need to take a lock to prevent race absolutely, instead just catch
                // ObjectDisposedException from SafeHandle in case it is disposed
                if (!IsHandleInvalid)
                    // An interrupt is possible here
                    fixed(byte *buffPtr = buffer)
                        ok = UnsafeNativeMethods.ReadDirectoryChangesW(_directoryHandle,
                                                                       _includeSubdirectories ? 1 : 0,
                                                                       out size,
            catch (ObjectDisposedException)
            { //Ignore
            catch (ArgumentNullException)
            { //Ignore
                Debug.Assert(IsHandleInvalid, "ArgumentNullException from something other than SafeHandle?");
                if (!ok)

                    // If the handle was for some reason changed or closed during this call, then don't throw an
                    // exception.  Else, it's a valid error.
                    if (!IsHandleInvalid)
                        OnError(new ErrorEventArgs(new Win32Exception()));
 public static extern bool WriteFile(
     UInt32 hFile,                    // handle to file
     byte[] lpBuffer,                // data buffer
     UInt32 nNumberOfBytesToWrite,     // number of bytes to write
     out UInt32 lpNumberOfBytesWritten,  // number of bytes written
     Overlapped lpOverlapped        // overlapped buffer
Exemplo n.º 12
        private void AsyncReadPageCallback <TContext>(uint errorCode, uint numBytes, NativeOverlapped *overlap)
            if (errorCode != 0)
                Trace.TraceError("OverlappedStream GetQueuedCompletionStatus error: {0}", errorCode);

            PageAsyncReadResult <TContext> result = (PageAsyncReadResult <TContext>)Overlapped.Unpack(overlap).AsyncResult;

            if (Interlocked.Decrement(ref result.count) == 1)
                // We will be issuing another I/O, so free this overlap

                long ptr = (long)pointers[result.page % BufferSize];
                // Correct for page 0 of HLOG
                if (result.page == 0)
                    ptr += Constants.kFirstValidAddress;

                long minObjAddress = long.MaxValue;
                long maxObjAddress = long.MinValue;

                while (ptr < (long)pointers[result.page % BufferSize] + PageSize)
                    if (!Layout.GetInfo(ptr)->Invalid)
                        if (Key.HasObjectsToSerialize())
                            Key *key  = Layout.GetKey(ptr);
                            var  addr = ((AddressInfo *)key)->Address;
                            if (addr < minObjAddress)
                                minObjAddress = addr;
                            addr += ((AddressInfo *)key)->Size;
                            if (addr > maxObjAddress)
                                maxObjAddress = addr;

                        if (Value.HasObjectsToSerialize())
                            Value *value = Layout.GetValue(ptr);
                            var    addr  = ((AddressInfo *)value)->Address;
                            if (addr < minObjAddress)
                                minObjAddress = addr;
                            addr += ((AddressInfo *)value)->Size;
                            if (addr > maxObjAddress)
                                maxObjAddress = addr;
                    ptr += Layout.GetPhysicalSize(ptr);

                // Object log fragment should be aligned by construction
                Debug.Assert(minObjAddress % sectorSize == 0);

                var to_read   = (int)(maxObjAddress - minObjAddress);
                var objBuffer = ioBufferPool.Get(to_read);
                result.freeBuffer1 = objBuffer;
                var alignedLength = (to_read + (sectorSize - 1)) & ~(sectorSize - 1);

                // Request objects from objlog
                    (int)(result.page >> (LogSegmentSizeBits - LogPageSizeBits)),
                    (IntPtr)objBuffer.aligned_pointer, (uint)alignedLength, AsyncReadPageCallback <TContext>, result);
                // Load objects from buffer into memory
                long ptr = (long)pointers[result.page % BufferSize];
                // Correct for page 0 of HLOG
                if (result.page == 0)
                    ptr += Constants.kFirstValidAddress;

                MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(result.freeBuffer1.buffer);
                ms.Seek(result.freeBuffer1.offset + result.freeBuffer1.valid_offset, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                while (ptr < (long)pointers[result.page % BufferSize] + PageSize)
                    if (!Layout.GetInfo(ptr)->Invalid)
                        if (Key.HasObjectsToSerialize())
                            Key.Deserialize(Layout.GetKey(ptr), ms);

                        if (Value.HasObjectsToSerialize())
                            Value.Deserialize(Layout.GetValue(ptr), ms);
                    ptr += Layout.GetPhysicalSize(ptr);


                // Call the "real" page read callback
                result.callback(errorCode, numBytes, overlap);
Exemplo n.º 13
        private static unsafe Task <TOut?> ExplicitDeviceIoControlAsync <TIn, TOut>(SafeFileHandle hDevice, uint ioControlCode, TIn?inVal, TOut?outVal) where TIn : struct where TOut : struct
            var tcs              = new TaskCompletionSource <TOut?>();
            var buffer           = Pack(inVal, outVal);
            var nativeOverlapped = new Overlapped().Pack((code, bytes, overlap) =>
                    switch (code)
                    case Win32Error.ERROR_SUCCESS:
                        outVal = Unpack <TIn, TOut>(buffer).Item2;

                    case Win32Error.ERROR_OPERATION_ABORTED:

                        tcs.TrySetException(new Win32Exception((int)code));
            }, buffer);

            var unpack = true;

                var inSz = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(TIn));
                fixed(byte *pIn = buffer, pOut = &buffer[inSz])
                    uint bRet;
                    var  ret = DeviceIoControl(hDevice, ioControlCode, pIn, (uint)inSz, pOut, (uint)(buffer.Length - inSz), out bRet,

                    if (ret)
                        outVal = Unpack <TIn, TOut>(buffer).Item2;

                var lastWin32Error = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
                if (lastWin32Error != Win32Error.ERROR_IO_PENDING && lastWin32Error != Win32Error.ERROR_SUCCESS)
                    throw new Win32Exception(lastWin32Error);
                unpack = false;
                if (unpack)
Exemplo n.º 14
	// Starts an asynchronous read operation.

    public override unsafe IAsyncResult BeginRead(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count,
												  AsyncCallback userCallback, object userState) {
		if (!_isAsync) {
			return base.BeginRead(buffer, offset, count, userCallback, userState);
        NativeOverlapped* overlappedPtr;
        SimpleFileStreamAsyncResult fsar = new SimpleFileStreamAsyncResult(userCallback, userState);
        Overlapped overlapped = new Overlapped(0, 0, IntPtr.Zero, fsar);
        overlappedPtr = overlapped.Pack(IOCallback, buffer);
        long length = Length;
		if (_position + count > length) {
			if (_position <= length) {
				count = (int)(length - _position);
			} else {
				count = 0;
        overlappedPtr->OffsetLow = (int)_position;
        overlappedPtr->OffsetHigh = (int) (_position >> 32);
        Seek((long)count, SeekOrigin.Current);
        int errorCode;
        if (ReadFileNative(buffer, offset, count, overlappedPtr, out errorCode) == -1) {
            if (errorCode == Win32Native.ERROR_IO_PENDING)
                return fsar;
            throw GetIOException(errorCode);
        return fsar;
        public virtual void Attach(AttachVirtualDiskFlags flags = AttachVirtualDiskFlags.None,
            RawSecurityDescriptor securityDescriptor = null,
            uint providerSpecificFlags = 0, Overlapped overlapped = null)
            var parameters = new AttachVirtualDiskParameters { Version = AttachVirtualDiskVersions.Version1 };

            VirtualDiskCore.AttachVirtualDisk(Handle, securityDescriptor, flags, providerSpecificFlags, parameters,
Exemplo n.º 16
        public unsafe void EndReceive(uint code, uint bytes, NativeOverlapped *native)

            lock (Outstanding)

            if (code == 995) // operation aborted
                Tcs.TrySetException(new QueueException(ErrorCode.OperationCanceled));

            var result = Native.GetOverlappedResult(native);

                switch (result)
                case 0:

                case (int)ErrorCode.InsufficientResources:
                    Tcs.SetException(new OutOfMemoryException("async receive operation reported InsufficientResources"));

                case (int)ErrorCode.IOTimeout:

                    // successfully completed but no enough memory
                    if (Native.NotEnoughMemory(result))
                        Props = Message.Props.Allocate();
                        var overlapped       = new Overlapped();
                        var nativeOverlapped = overlapped.Pack(EndReceive, null);
                        int res = Native.ReceiveMessage(handle, timeoutMS, action, Props, nativeOverlapped, null, cursor, IntPtr.Zero);

                        if (res == MQ_INFORMATION_OPERATION_PENDING)        // running asynchronously

                        // call completed synchronously

                        if (!Native.IsError(res))

                    // some other error
                    Tcs.TrySetException(new QueueException(unchecked ((int)code)));    // or do we use the result?
            catch (ObjectDisposedException ex)
                Tcs.TrySetException(new QueueException(ErrorCode.OperationCanceled));
Exemplo n.º 17
        unsafe private FileStreamAsyncResult BeginWriteCore(byte[] bytes, int offset, int numBytes, AsyncCallback userCallback, Object stateObject)
            Contract.Assert(!_handle.IsClosed, "!_handle.IsClosed"); 
            Contract.Assert(CanWrite, "CanWrite");
            Contract.Assert(bytes != null, "bytes != null"); 
            Contract.Assert(_readPos == _readLen, "_readPos == _readLen");
            Contract.Assert(_isAsync, "BeginWriteCore doesn't work on synchronous file streams!");
            Contract.Assert(offset >= 0, "offset is negative");
            Contract.Assert(numBytes >= 0, "numBytes is negative"); 

            // Create and store async stream class library specific data in the 
            // async result 
            FileStreamAsyncResult asyncResult = new FileStreamAsyncResult();
            asyncResult._handle = _handle; 
            asyncResult._userCallback = userCallback;
            asyncResult._userStateObject = stateObject;
            asyncResult._isWrite = true;
            // For Synchronous IO, I could go with either a callback and using
            // the managed Monitor class, or I could create a handle and wait on it. 
            ManualResetEvent waitHandle = new ManualResetEvent(false); 
            asyncResult._waitHandle = waitHandle;
            // Create a managed overlapped class
            // We will set the file offsets later
            Overlapped overlapped = new Overlapped(0, 0, IntPtr.Zero, asyncResult);
            // Pack the Overlapped class, and store it in the async result
            NativeOverlapped* intOverlapped; 
            if (userCallback != null) 
                intOverlapped = overlapped.Pack(IOCallback, bytes);
                intOverlapped = overlapped.UnsafePack(null, bytes);
            asyncResult._overlapped = intOverlapped;

            if (CanSeek) { 
                // Make sure we set the length of the file appropriately.
                long len = Length; 
                //Console.WriteLine("BeginWrite - Calculating end pos.  pos: "+pos+"  len: "+len+"  numBytes: "+numBytes); 

                // Make sure we are writing to the position that we think we are 
                if (_exposedHandle)

                if (_pos + numBytes > len) { 
                    //Console.WriteLine("BeginWrite - Setting length to: "+(pos + numBytes));
                    SetLengthCore(_pos + numBytes); 

                // Now set the position to read from in the NativeOverlapped struct 
                // For pipes, we should leave the offset fields set to 0.
                intOverlapped->OffsetLow = (int)_pos;
                intOverlapped->OffsetHigh = (int)(_pos>>32);
                // When using overlapped IO, the OS is not supposed to
                // touch the file pointer location at all.  We will adjust it 
                // ourselves.  This isn't threadsafe. 



                SeekCore(numBytes, SeekOrigin.Current);

            //Console.WriteLine("BeginWrite finishing.  pos: "+pos+"  numBytes: "+numBytes+"  _pos: "+_pos+"  Position: "+Position);

            int hr = 0; 
            // queue an async WriteFile operation and pass in a packed overlapped
            int r = WriteFileNative(_handle, bytes, offset, numBytes, intOverlapped, out hr); 
            // WriteFile, the OS version, will return 0 on failure.  But
            // my WriteFileNative wrapper returns -1.  My wrapper will return 
            // the following:
            // On error, r==-1.
            // On async requests that are still pending, r==-1 w/ hr==ERROR_IO_PENDING
            // On async requests that completed sequentially, r==0 
            // You will NEVER RELIABLY be able to get the number of bytes
            // written back from this call when using overlapped IO!  You must 
            // not pass in a non-null lpNumBytesWritten to WriteFile when using 
            // overlapped structures!  This is ByDesign NT behavior.
            if (r==-1 && numBytes!=-1) { 
                //Console.WriteLine("WriteFile returned 0;  Write will complete asynchronously (if hr==3e5)  hr: 0x{0:x}", hr);

                // For pipes, when they are closed on the other side, they will come here.
                if (hr == ERROR_NO_DATA) { 
                    // Not an error, but EOF.  AsyncFSCallback will NOT be
                    // called.  Call the user callback here. 
                    // EndWrite will free the Overlapped struct correctly.
                else if (hr != ERROR_IO_PENDING) {
                    if (!_handle.IsClosed && CanSeek)  // Update Position - It could be anywhere.
                        SeekCore(0, SeekOrigin.Current);
                    if (hr == ERROR_HANDLE_EOF)
                        __Error.WinIOError(hr, String.Empty);
            else {
                // Due to a workaround for a race condition in NT's ReadFile &
                // WriteFile routines, we will always be returning 0 from WriteFileNative 
                // when we do async IO instead of the number of bytes written,
                // irregardless of whether the operation completed 
                // synchronously or asynchronously.  We absolutely must not 
                // set asyncResult._numBytes here, since will never have correct
                // results. 
                //Console.WriteLine("WriteFile returned: "+r+" (0x"+Int32.Format(r, "x")+")  The IO completed synchronously, but the user callback was called on another thread.");

            return asyncResult; 
Exemplo n.º 18
        protected void AsyncGetFromDiskCallback(
            uint errorCode,
            uint numBytes,
            NativeOverlapped *overlap)
            var result = (AsyncGetFromDiskResult <AsyncIOContext>)Overlapped.Unpack(overlap).AsyncResult;

                if (errorCode != 0)
                    Trace.TraceError("OverlappedStream GetQueuedCompletionStatus error: {0}", errorCode);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Trace.TraceError("Completion Callback error, {0}", ex.Message);
                Interlocked.Decrement(ref numPendingReads);

                var ctx    = result.context;
                var record = ctx.record.GetValidPointer();
                if (Layout.HasTotalRecord(record, ctx.record.available_bytes, out int requiredBytes))
                    //We have the complete record.
                    if (RetrievedObjects(record, ctx))
                        if (Key.Equals(ctx.key, Layout.GetKey((long)record)))
                            //The keys are same, so I/O is complete
                            // ctx.record = result.record;
                            var oldAddress = ctx.logicalAddress;

                            //keys are not same. I/O is not complete
                            ctx.logicalAddress = ((RecordInfo *)record)->PreviousAddress;
                            if (ctx.logicalAddress != Constants.kInvalidAddress)
                                // Delete key, value, record
                                if (Key.HasObjectsToSerialize())
                                    var physicalAddress = (long)ctx.record.GetValidPointer();
                                if (Value.HasObjectsToSerialize())
                                    var physicalAddress = (long)ctx.record.GetValidPointer();
                                AsyncGetFromDisk(ctx.logicalAddress, requiredBytes, AsyncGetFromDiskCallback, ctx);
                                //Console.WriteLine("Lookup Address = " + oldAddress);
                                //Console.WriteLine("RecordInfo: " + RecordInfo.ToString((RecordInfo*)record));
                                // Console.WriteLine("Record not found. Looking for: " + ctx.key->value + " found: " + Layout.GetKey((long)record)->value + " req bytes: " + requiredBytes);
                    AsyncGetFromDisk(ctx.logicalAddress, requiredBytes, AsyncGetFromDiskCallback, ctx);

 public static extern bool ReadFile(
     UInt32 hFile,                // handle to file
     byte[] lpBuffer,             // data buffer
     UInt32 nNumberOfBytesToRead,  // number of bytes to read
     out UInt32 lpNumberOfBytesRead, // number of bytes read
     Overlapped lpOverlapped    // overlapped buffer
Exemplo n.º 20
 public static extern bool ConnectNamedPipe(
     IntPtr hHandle,                                                     // handle to named pipe
     Overlapped lpOverlapped                                             // overlapped structure
Exemplo n.º 21
 public QueuedBuffer(int bufferSizeBytes)
     BufferSize = bufferSizeBytes;
     Overlapped = new Overlapped();
     PinnedBuffer = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(BufferSize);
Exemplo n.º 22
    internal static unsafe IOCompletionCallback MyCallback(AsyncHelper helper)
        IOCompletionCallback del = delegate (uint param1, uint param2, NativeOverlapped* overlapped)

            Overlapped ov = new Overlapped();
            NativeOverlapped* nativeOverlapped2 = ov.Pack(helper.Callback, null);

        return del;
Exemplo n.º 23
        unsafe static void Main(string[] args)
            using (var sw = File.CreateText("test.txt"))

            SafeFileHandle handle = CreateFile(
                EFileShare.Read | EFileShare.Write | EFileShare.Delete,
                new SafeFileHandle(IntPtr.Zero, false));

            if (!ThreadPool.BindHandle(handle))
                Console.WriteLine("Failed to bind handle to the threadpool.");

            byte[] bytes = new byte[0x8000];

            IOCompletionCallback iocomplete = delegate(uint errorCode, uint numBytes, NativeOverlapped *_overlapped)
                        if (errorCode == ERROR_HANDLE_EOF)
                            Console.WriteLine("End of file in callback.");

                        if (errorCode != 0 && numBytes != 0)
                            Console.WriteLine("Error {0} when reading file.", errorCode);
                        Console.WriteLine("Read {0} bytes.", numBytes);

            Overlapped overlapped = new Overlapped();

            NativeOverlapped *pOverlapped = overlapped.Pack(iocomplete, bytes);

            pOverlapped->OffsetLow = 0;

            fixed(byte *p = bytes)
                int r = ReadFile(handle, p, bytes.Length, IntPtr.Zero, pOverlapped);

                if (r == 0)
                    r = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
                    if (r == ERROR_HANDLE_EOF)

                    if (r != ERROR_IO_PENDING)
                        Console.WriteLine("Failed to read file. LastError is {0}", Marshal.GetLastWin32Error());

Exemplo n.º 24
        /// <devdoc>
        ///     Callback from thread pool.
        /// </devdoc>
        /// <internalonly/>
        private unsafe void CompletionStatusChanged(uint errorCode, uint numBytes, NativeOverlapped *overlappedPointer)
            Overlapped     overlapped  = Overlapped.Unpack(overlappedPointer);
            FSWAsyncResult asyncResult = (FSWAsyncResult)overlapped.AsyncResult;

                if (_stopListening)

                lock (this)
                    if (errorCode != 0)
                        if (errorCode == 995 /* ERROR_OPERATION_ABORTED */)
                            //Inside a service the first completion status is false
                            //cannot return without monitoring again.
                            //Because this return statement is inside a try/finally block,
                            //the finally block will execute. It does restart the monitoring.
                            OnError(new ErrorEventArgs(new Win32Exception((int)errorCode)));
                            EnableRaisingEvents = false;

                    // Ignore any events that occurred before this "session",
                    // so we don't get changed or error events after we
                    // told FSW to stop.
                    if (asyncResult.session != _currentSession)

                    if (numBytes == 0)
                    {  // Else, parse each of them and notify appropriate delegates
                        *  Format for the buffer is the following C struct:
                        *  typedef struct _FILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION {
                        *     DWORD NextEntryOffset;
                        *     DWORD Action;
                        *     DWORD FileNameLength;
                        *     WCHAR FileName[1];
                        *  } FILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION;
                        *  NOTE1: FileNameLength is length in bytes.
                        *  NOTE2: The Filename is a Unicode string that's NOT NULL terminated.
                        *  NOTE3: A NextEntryOffset of zero means that it's the last entry

                        // Parse the file notify buffer:
                        int    offset = 0;
                        int    nextOffset, action, nameLength;
                        string oldName = null;
                        string name    = null;

                            fixed(byte *buffPtr = asyncResult.buffer)
                                // Get next offset:
                                nextOffset = *((int *)(buffPtr + offset));

                                // Get change flag:
                                action = *((int *)(buffPtr + offset + 4));

                                // Get filename length (in bytes):
                                nameLength = *((int *)(buffPtr + offset + 8));
                                name       = new string((char *)(buffPtr + offset + 12), 0, nameLength / 2);

                            /* A slightly convoluted piece of code follows.  Here's what's happening:
                             * We wish to collapse the poorly done rename notifications from the
                             * ReadDirectoryChangesW API into a nice rename event. So to do that,
                             * it's assumed that a FILE_ACTION_RENAMED_OLD_NAME will be followed
                             * immediately by a FILE_ACTION_RENAMED_NEW_NAME in the buffer, which is
                             * all that the following code is doing.
                             * On a FILE_ACTION_RENAMED_OLD_NAME, it asserts that no previous one existed
                             * and saves its name.  If there are no more events in the buffer, it'll
                             * assert and fire a RenameEventArgs with the Name field null.
                             * If a NEW_NAME action comes in with no previous OLD_NAME, we assert and fire
                             * a rename event with the OldName field null.
                             * If the OLD_NAME and NEW_NAME actions are indeed there one after the other,
                             * we'll fire the RenamedEventArgs normally and clear oldName.
                             * If the OLD_NAME is followed by another action, we assert and then fire the
                             * rename event with the Name field null and then fire the next action.
                             * In case it's not a OLD_NAME or NEW_NAME action, we just fire the event normally.
                             * (Phew!)

                            // If the action is RENAMED_FROM, save the name of the file
                            if (action == Direct.FILE_ACTION_RENAMED_OLD_NAME)
                                Debug.Assert(oldName == null, "FileSystemWatcher: Two FILE_ACTION_RENAMED_OLD_NAME " +
                                             "in a row!  [" + oldName + "], [ " + name + "]");

                                oldName = name;
                            else if (action == Direct.FILE_ACTION_RENAMED_NEW_NAME)
                                if (oldName != null)
                                    NotifyRenameEventArgs(WatcherChangeTypes.Renamed, name, oldName);
                                    oldName = null;
                                    Debug.Fail("FileSystemWatcher: FILE_ACTION_RENAMED_NEW_NAME with no" +
                                               "old name! [ " + name + "]");

                                    NotifyRenameEventArgs(WatcherChangeTypes.Renamed, name, oldName);
                                    oldName = null;
                                if (oldName != null)
                                    Debug.Fail("FileSystemWatcher: FILE_ACTION_RENAMED_OLD_NAME with no" +
                                               "new name!  [" + oldName + "]");

                                    NotifyRenameEventArgs(WatcherChangeTypes.Renamed, null, oldName);
                                    oldName = null;

                                // Notify each file of change
                                NotifyFileSystemEventArgs(action, name);

                            offset += nextOffset;
                        } while (nextOffset != 0);

                        if (oldName != null)
                            Debug.Fail("FileSystemWatcher: FILE_ACTION_RENAMED_OLD_NAME with no" +
                                       "new name!  [" + oldName + "]");

                            NotifyRenameEventArgs(WatcherChangeTypes.Renamed, null, oldName);
                            oldName = null;
                if (!_stopListening)
Exemplo n.º 25
    public static unsafe void UnPackTest()
        Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException>(() => Overlapped.Unpack(null));

        Overlapped ov = new Overlapped();
        var helper = new AsyncHelper();
        IOCompletionCallback callback = MyCallback(helper);
        NativeOverlapped* nativeOverlapped = ov.Pack(new IOCompletionCallback(callback), null);
            Assert.True(null != nativeOverlapped);

            Overlapped ov1 = Overlapped.Unpack(nativeOverlapped);
            Assert.Same(ov1, ov);
Exemplo n.º 26
        public static unsafe Task WriteAsync(SafeFileHandle hFile, long fileOffset, ArraySegment <byte> bytes)
            if (fileOffset < 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(fileOffset));

            var asyncResult = new AsyncResult();
            int low         = (int)(fileOffset & 0xFFFFFFFF);
            int high        = (int)(fileOffset >> 32);
            var o           = new Overlapped(low, high, IntPtr.Zero, asyncResult);

            fixed(byte *bufferBase = bytes.Array)
                // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.threading.overlapped.pack?view=netframework-4.7#System_Threading_Overlapped_Pack_System_Threading_IOCompletionCallback_System_Object_
                // The buffer or buffers specified in userData must be the same as those passed to the unmanaged operating system function that performs the asynchronous I/O.
                // The runtime pins the buffer or buffers specified in userData for the duration of the I/O operation.
                NativeOverlapped *pOverlapped = o.Pack(CompletionCallback, bytes.Array);
                bool needToFree = true;

                    if (WriteFile(hFile, bufferBase + bytes.Offset, bytes.Count, IntPtr.Zero, pOverlapped) != 0)
                        // Completed synchronously.

                        // The number of bytes transferred for the I/O request. The system sets this member if the request is completed without errors.
                        // https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms684342(v=vs.85).aspx
                        int bytesWritten = (int)pOverlapped->InternalHigh.ToInt64();
                        if (bytesWritten != bytes.Count)
                            throw new EndOfStreamException("Could not write all the bytes.");

                        int systemErrorCode = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
                        if (systemErrorCode == ERROR_IO_DEVICE)
                            throw new IOException($"WriteFile failed with system error ERROR_IO_DEVICE", new Win32Exception(systemErrorCode));
                        else if (systemErrorCode == ERROR_IO_PENDING)
                            needToFree = false;
                            throw new Win32Exception(systemErrorCode, $"WriteFile failed with system error code:{systemErrorCode}");

                        return(asyncResult.CompletionSource.Value.Task.ContinueWith(t =>
                            if (t.Status == TaskStatus.RanToCompletion && t.Result != bytes.Count)
                                throw new EndOfStreamException("Could not write all the bytes.");

                            return t;
                    if (needToFree)
Exemplo n.º 27
        internal HttpResponseStreamAsyncResult(object asyncObject, object userState, AsyncCallback callback, byte[] buffer, int offset, int size, bool chunked, bool sentHeaders) : base(asyncObject, userState, callback)
            m_SentHeaders = sentHeaders;
            Overlapped overlapped = new Overlapped();

            overlapped.AsyncResult = this;

            if (size == 0)
                m_DataChunks  = null;
                m_pOverlapped = overlapped.Pack(s_IOCallback, null);
                m_DataChunks = new UnsafeNclNativeMethods.HttpApi.HTTP_DATA_CHUNK[chunked ? 3 : 1];

                GlobalLog.Print("HttpResponseStreamAsyncResult#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::.ctor() m_pOverlapped:0x" + ((IntPtr)m_pOverlapped).ToString("x8"));

                object[] objectsToPin = new object[1 + m_DataChunks.Length];
                objectsToPin[m_DataChunks.Length] = m_DataChunks;

                int    chunkHeaderOffset = 0;
                byte[] chunkHeaderBuffer = null;
                if (chunked)
                    chunkHeaderBuffer = ConnectStream.GetChunkHeader(size, out chunkHeaderOffset);

                    m_DataChunks[0] = new UnsafeNclNativeMethods.HttpApi.HTTP_DATA_CHUNK();
                    m_DataChunks[0].DataChunkType = UnsafeNclNativeMethods.HttpApi.HTTP_DATA_CHUNK_TYPE.HttpDataChunkFromMemory;
                    m_DataChunks[0].BufferLength  = (uint)(chunkHeaderBuffer.Length - chunkHeaderOffset);

                    objectsToPin[0] = chunkHeaderBuffer;

                    m_DataChunks[1] = new UnsafeNclNativeMethods.HttpApi.HTTP_DATA_CHUNK();
                    m_DataChunks[1].DataChunkType = UnsafeNclNativeMethods.HttpApi.HTTP_DATA_CHUNK_TYPE.HttpDataChunkFromMemory;
                    m_DataChunks[1].BufferLength  = (uint)size;

                    objectsToPin[1] = buffer;

                    m_DataChunks[2] = new UnsafeNclNativeMethods.HttpApi.HTTP_DATA_CHUNK();
                    m_DataChunks[2].DataChunkType = UnsafeNclNativeMethods.HttpApi.HTTP_DATA_CHUNK_TYPE.HttpDataChunkFromMemory;
                    m_DataChunks[2].BufferLength  = (uint)NclConstants.CRLF.Length;

                    objectsToPin[2] = NclConstants.CRLF;
                    m_DataChunks[0] = new UnsafeNclNativeMethods.HttpApi.HTTP_DATA_CHUNK();
                    m_DataChunks[0].DataChunkType = UnsafeNclNativeMethods.HttpApi.HTTP_DATA_CHUNK_TYPE.HttpDataChunkFromMemory;
                    m_DataChunks[0].BufferLength  = (uint)size;

                    objectsToPin[0] = buffer;

                // This call will pin needed memory
                m_pOverlapped = overlapped.Pack(s_IOCallback, objectsToPin);

                if (chunked)
                    m_DataChunks[0].pBuffer = (byte *)(Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(chunkHeaderBuffer, chunkHeaderOffset));
                    m_DataChunks[1].pBuffer = (byte *)(Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(buffer, offset));
                    m_DataChunks[2].pBuffer = (byte *)(Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(NclConstants.CRLF, 0));
                    m_DataChunks[0].pBuffer = (byte *)(Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(buffer, offset));
Exemplo n.º 28
        private unsafe IAsyncResult BeginWaitForConnection(AsyncCallback callback, Object state)

            if (!IsAsync)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.InvalidOperation_PipeNotAsync);

            // Create and store async stream class library specific data in the
            // async result
            PipeAsyncResult asyncResult = new PipeAsyncResult();

            asyncResult._handle          = InternalHandle;
            asyncResult._userCallback    = callback;
            asyncResult._userStateObject = state;

            IOCancellationHelper cancellationHelper = state as IOCancellationHelper;

            // Create wait handle and store in async result
            ManualResetEvent waitHandle = new ManualResetEvent(false);

            asyncResult._waitHandle = waitHandle;

            // Create a managed overlapped class
            // We will set the file offsets later
            Overlapped overlapped = new Overlapped();

            overlapped.OffsetLow   = 0;
            overlapped.OffsetHigh  = 0;
            overlapped.AsyncResult = asyncResult;

            // Pack the Overlapped class, and store it in the async result
            NativeOverlapped *intOverlapped = overlapped.Pack(s_WaitForConnectionCallback, null);

            asyncResult._overlapped = intOverlapped;
            if (!Interop.mincore.ConnectNamedPipe(InternalHandle, intOverlapped))
                int errorCode = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();

                if (errorCode == Interop.mincore.Errors.ERROR_IO_PENDING)
                    if (cancellationHelper != null)
                        cancellationHelper.AllowCancellation(InternalHandle, intOverlapped);

                // WaitForConnectionCallback will not be called because we completed synchronously.
                // Either the pipe is already connected, or there was an error. Unpin and free the overlapped again.
                asyncResult._overlapped = null;

                // Did the client already connect to us?
                if (errorCode == Interop.mincore.Errors.ERROR_PIPE_CONNECTED)
                    if (State == PipeState.Connected)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.InvalidOperation_PipeAlreadyConnected);

                throw Win32Marshal.GetExceptionForWin32Error(errorCode);
            // will set state to Connected when EndWait is called
            if (cancellationHelper != null)
                cancellationHelper.AllowCancellation(InternalHandle, intOverlapped);

Exemplo n.º 29
		public static extern bool ConnectNamedPipe(
			IntPtr hHandle,									// handle to named pipe
			Overlapped lpOverlapped					// overlapped structure
Exemplo n.º 30
        private static unsafe void WaitCallback(uint errorCode, uint numBytes, System.Threading.NativeOverlapped *nativeOverlapped)
            ListenerClientCertAsyncResult asyncResult = (ListenerClientCertAsyncResult)Overlapped.Unpack(nativeOverlapped).AsyncResult;
            HttpListenerRequest           asyncObject = (HttpListenerRequest)asyncResult.AsyncObject;
            object result = null;

                if (errorCode == 0xea)
                    UnsafeNclNativeMethods.HttpApi.HTTP_SSL_CLIENT_CERT_INFO *requestBlob = asyncResult.RequestBlob;
                    asyncResult.Reset(numBytes + requestBlob->CertEncodedSize);
                    uint pBytesReceived = 0;
                    errorCode = UnsafeNclNativeMethods.HttpApi.HttpReceiveClientCertificate(asyncObject.HttpListenerContext.RequestQueueHandle, asyncObject.m_ConnectionId, 0, asyncResult.m_MemoryBlob, asyncResult.m_Size, &pBytesReceived, asyncResult.m_pOverlapped);
                    if ((errorCode == 0x3e5) || (errorCode == 0))
                if (errorCode != 0)
                    asyncResult.ErrorCode = (int)errorCode;
                    result = new HttpListenerException((int)errorCode);
                    UnsafeNclNativeMethods.HttpApi.HTTP_SSL_CLIENT_CERT_INFO *memoryBlob = asyncResult.m_MemoryBlob;
                    if (memoryBlob != null)
                        if (memoryBlob->pCertEncoded != null)
                                byte[] destination = new byte[memoryBlob->CertEncodedSize];
                                Marshal.Copy((IntPtr)memoryBlob->pCertEncoded, destination, 0, destination.Length);
                                result = asyncObject.ClientCertificate = new X509Certificate2(destination);
                            catch (CryptographicException exception)
                                result = exception;
                            catch (SecurityException exception2)
                                result = exception2;
            catch (Exception exception3)
                if (NclUtilities.IsFatal(exception3))
                result = exception3;
                if (errorCode != 0x3e5)
                    asyncObject.ClientCertState = ListenerClientCertState.Completed;
Exemplo n.º 31
 public static extern bool WriteFile(
         IntPtr hFile,
         byte[] lpBuffer,
         uint nNumberOfBytesToWrite,
         ref uint lpNumberOfBytesWritten,
         ref Overlapped lpOverlapped
Exemplo n.º 32
 public static extern bool ReadFileEx(
         IntPtr hFile,
         byte[] lpBuffer,
         uint nNumberOfBytesToRead,
         ref Overlapped lpNumberOfBytesRead,
         EvtFileIOCompletionRoutine lpOverlapped
Exemplo n.º 33
 public static extern bool ReadFile(
         IntPtr hFile,
         byte[] lpBuffer,
         uint nNumberOfBytesToRead,
         ref uint lpNumberOfBytesRead,
         ref Overlapped lpOverlapped
Exemplo n.º 34
 public static extern bool GetOverlappedResultEx(
         IntPtr hHandle,
         ref Overlapped lpOverlapped,
         ref uint lpNumberOfBytesTransferred,
         uint dwMilliseconds,
         bool bWait
Exemplo n.º 35
        public Socket(AddressFamily addressFamily, SocketType socketType, ProtocolType protocolType)
            : base(addressFamily, socketType, protocolType)
            m_disposed = false;

            m_inOverlapped = new Overlapped(this);
            m_outOverlapped = new Overlapped(this);

            m_sendWSABuffer = new WSABuffer();
            m_receiveWSABuffer = new WSABuffer();
