Exemplo n.º 1
        public IOutputInfo OnWrite()
            List <IOutputBody> bodies = new List <IOutputBody>();
            OutputBody         body;

            body = new OutputBody(new List <string>(2)
                "Command", $": {Command}"

            body = new OutputBody(new List <string>(2)
                "Description", $": {Description}"

            if (Parameters.Count > 0)
                body = new OutputBody(new List <string>(2)
                    "Parameters", ":"
                List <IOutputBody> outputParameters = OutputInfo.RetriveProperties <CommandParameterInfo>(Parameters, COMMAND_PARAMETER_PROPERTIES, true);
            return(OutputInfo.Create(null, bodies, ""));
        protected override void Execute(CodeActivityContext executionContext)
            //Create the context
            IWorkflowContext            context        = executionContext.GetExtension <IWorkflowContext>();
            IOrganizationServiceFactory serviceFactory = executionContext.GetExtension <IOrganizationServiceFactory>();
            IOrganizationService        service        = serviceFactory.CreateOrganizationService(context.UserId);

            EntityReference emailTemplateSendId = EmailTemplateSendId.Get <EntityReference>(executionContext);

            Entity          emailTemplateSend = service.Retrieve("ndxc_emailtemplatesend", emailTemplateSendId.Id, new ColumnSet("ndxc_accountid", "ndxc_emailtemplateid"));
            EntityReference accountId         = emailTemplateSend.GetAttributeValue <EntityReference>("ndxc_accountid");
            EntityReference emailTemplateId   = emailTemplateSend.GetAttributeValue <EntityReference>("ndxc_emailtemplateid");

            Entity emailTemplate   = service.Retrieve("ndxc_emailtemplate", emailTemplateId.Id, new ColumnSet("ndxc_subject", "ndxc_body"));
            string templateSubject = emailTemplate.GetAttributeValue <string>("ndxc_subject");
            string templateBody    = emailTemplate.GetAttributeValue <string>("ndxc_body");

            //  Regular expression to find the tags within the string content
            var regex = new Regex(@"{(.*?)}");

            //  Use the regex to grab the tags from the string
            MatchCollection subjectTags = regex.Matches(templateSubject);
            MatchCollection bodyTags    = regex.Matches(templateBody);
            MatchCollection allTags     = regex.Matches(templateSubject + templateBody);

            //  Create a new column set for each of the viable tables
            var accountColumnSet = new ColumnSet(false);

            //  For each tag found
            foreach (Match tag in allTags)
                //  Get the tag name
                //  By removing the first and last characters
                //  '{' '}'
                var tagName = tag.Value.Substring(1, tag.Value.Length - 2);

                //  Split tagName by '#'
                //  Provides the entity logical name
                //  And field name
                var tagComponents = tagName.Split('#');

                //  switch on the first tag component
                //  which is the logical name of the table
                //  then add the column - found in the second tag component
                switch (tagComponents[0])
                case "account":

            //  Retrieve the records that have been passed as parameters
            //  Using the columnsets defined
            Entity account = service.Retrieve("account", accountId.Id, accountColumnSet);

            //  Now we have the data
            //  Loop through the tags again
            //  Retrieve the data for the given column from the record provided
            //  Replace the tag with the value
            foreach (Match tag in subjectTags)
                var tagName = tag.Value.Substring(1, tag.Value.Length - 2);

                var tagComponents = tagName.Split('#');

                switch (tagComponents[0])
                case "account":
                    if (account != null)
                        var schemaTextValue = returnValueForSchemaName(service, account, tagComponents[1]);
                        templateSubject = templateSubject.Replace(tag.Value, schemaTextValue);

            foreach (Match tag in bodyTags)
                var tagName = tag.Value.Substring(1, tag.Value.Length - 2);

                var tagComponents = tagName.Split('#');

                switch (tagComponents[0])
                case "account":
                    if (account != null)
                        var schemaTextValue = returnValueForSchemaName(service, account, tagComponents[1]);
                        templateBody = templateBody.Replace(tag.Value, schemaTextValue);

            //  Set the resultant string as the output for the CWA
            //  As well as the application reference
            OutputSubject.Set(executionContext, templateSubject);
            OutputBody.Set(executionContext, templateBody);