Exemplo n.º 1
            ///// <summary>
            ///// Редактирование значения
            ///// </summary>
            ///// <param name="val">значение</param>
            ///// <returns>измененное знач.</returns>
            //private string fewerValue(double val)
            //    return Convert.ToString(val * Math.Pow(10F, 1 * vsRatio));

            /// <summary>
            /// Создание. Подготовка. Отправка письма.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="tableSource">таблица с данными</param>
            /// <param name="dtSend">выбранный промежуток</param>
            /// <param name="to">получатель</param>
            public void SendMailToNSS(IEnumerable <HandlerDbTaskCalculate.PUT_PARAMETER> parameters
                                      , IEnumerable <TepCommon.HandlerDbTaskCalculate.VALUE> values
                                      , Func <int, int, float, int, float> fGetValueAsRatio
                                      , DateTime dtSend
                                      , string to)
                string bodyMsg      = string.Empty
                , sbjct             = string.Empty;
                DateTime reportDate = DateTime.MinValue;

                reportDate = dtSend.AddHours(6).Date;//??
                sbjct      = @"Отчет о выработке электроэнергии НТЭЦ-5 за " + reportDate.ToShortDateString();
                bodyMsg    = createBodyToSend(parameters, values, fGetValueAsRatio, reportDate);

                if (sbjct.Equals(string.Empty) == false)
                    using (OutlookMessage outlookMessage = new OutlookMessage()) {
                        if (outlookMessage.Format(sbjct, bodyMsg, to) == true)
Exemplo n.º 2
        static void SendOutlookMail(string strSubject, string message, string fullFileName, string txtEmail, string txtEmailcc)
            outlook.MailItem    OutlookMessage;
            outlook.Application AppOutlook = new outlook.Application();
            LogWriter           log        = new LogWriter();

                OutlookMessage = AppOutlook.CreateItem(outlook.OlItemType.olMailItem);
                outlook.Recipients Recipients = OutlookMessage.Recipients;
                //OutlookMessage.From = "*****@*****.**";
                OutlookMessage.Subject    = strSubject;
                OutlookMessage.Body       = message;
                OutlookMessage.BodyFormat = outlook.OlBodyFormat.olFormatHTML;
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fullFileName))
                    OutlookMessage.Attachments.Add(fullFileName, outlook.OlAttachmentType.olByValue);

                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtEmail))
                    string[] arrAddTos = txtEmail.Split(new char[] { ';', ',' });
                    foreach (string strAddr in arrAddTos)
                        if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(strAddr) &&
                            strAddr.IndexOf('@') != -1)
                            if ((Utilities.IsBitSet(Program.iLoc, 0)) || (Utilities.IsBitSet(Program.iLoc, 1)))    // Toronto or Montreal
                                log.LogWrite(Program.torbackupPath, Program.txtOutputFile, Environment.UserName + "," + DateTime.Now + "," + fullFileName + "," + "Bad to-address: " + strAddr);

                            if ((Utilities.IsBitSet(Program.iLoc, 2)) || (Utilities.IsBitSet(Program.iLoc, 3)))    // Vancouver or Calgary
                                log.LogWrite(Program.vanbackupPath, Program.txtOutputFile, Environment.UserName + "," + DateTime.Now + "," + fullFileName + "," + "Bad to-address: " + strAddr);
                            // throw new Exception("Bad to-address: " + txtEmail);
                    if ((Utilities.IsBitSet(Program.iLoc, 0)) || (Utilities.IsBitSet(Program.iLoc, 1)))    // Toronto or Montreal
                        log.LogWrite(Program.torbackupPath, Program.txtOutputFile, Environment.UserName + "," + DateTime.Now + "," + fullFileName + "," + "Must specify to-address.");

                    if ((Utilities.IsBitSet(Program.iLoc, 2)) || (Utilities.IsBitSet(Program.iLoc, 3)))    // Vancouver or Calgary
                        log.LogWrite(Program.vanbackupPath, Program.txtOutputFile, Environment.UserName + "," + DateTime.Now + "," + fullFileName + "," + "Must specify to-address.");
                //throw new Exception("Must specify to-address");

                //Parse 'sCc'
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtEmailcc))
                    string[] arrAddTos = txtEmailcc.Split(new char[] { ';', ',' });
                    foreach (string strAddr in arrAddTos)
                        if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(strAddr) &&
                            strAddr.IndexOf('@') != -1)
                            if ((Utilities.IsBitSet(Program.iLoc, 0)) || (Utilities.IsBitSet(Program.iLoc, 1)))    // Toronto or Montreal
                                log.LogWrite(Program.torbackupPath, Program.txtOutputFile, Environment.UserName + "," + DateTime.Now + "," + fullFileName + "," + "Bad cc-address: " + strAddr);

                            if ((Utilities.IsBitSet(Program.iLoc, 2)) || (Utilities.IsBitSet(Program.iLoc, 3)))    // Vancouver or Calgary
                                log.LogWrite(Program.vanbackupPath, Program.txtOutputFile, Environment.UserName + "," + DateTime.Now + "," + fullFileName + "," + "Bad cc-address: " + strAddr);
                        //throw new Exception("Bad CC-address: " + txtEmailcc);
                    if ((Utilities.IsBitSet(Program.iLoc, 0)) || (Utilities.IsBitSet(Program.iLoc, 1)))    // Toronto or Montreal
                        log.LogWrite(Program.torbackupPath, Program.txtOutputFile, Environment.UserName + "," + DateTime.Now + "," + fullFileName + "," + "Must specify cc-address.");

                    if ((Utilities.IsBitSet(Program.iLoc, 2)) || (Utilities.IsBitSet(Program.iLoc, 3)))    // Vancouver or Calgary
                        log.LogWrite(Program.vanbackupPath, Program.txtOutputFile, Environment.UserName + "," + DateTime.Now + "," + fullFileName + "," + "Must specify cc-address.");
                //throw new Exception("Must specify to-address");


            catch (Exception ex)

            // MessageBox.Show("Mail could not be sent") 'if you dont want this message, simply delete this line
                OutlookMessage = null /* TODO Change to default(_) if this is not a reference type */;
                AppOutlook     = null /* TODO Change to default(_) if this is not a reference type */;
