Exemplo n.º 1
        private static void CreateAndSaveOutboundRule(PhoneSystem ps, Tenant tenant, OutBoundRuleDetails outbound_rule_to_create)
            OutboundRule[] rules = tenant.GetOutboundRules();
            int            last_maximum_priority = 0;

            /* Determine the highest priority outbound rule in the system at the moment.
             * While we're here, might as well see if this new rule exists or not...there are allowed to be duplicates though */
            foreach (OutboundRule rule in rules)
                if (rule.Priority > last_maximum_priority)
                    last_maximum_priority = rule.Priority;

                if (rule.Name.Equals(outbound_rule_to_create.Name) == true)
                    if (isDebug)
                        LogMessage("Duplicate rule found, " + rule.Name, Severity.Warn);

                if (print_rules == true)
                    LogMessage(rule.Name, Severity.Info);

            if (tenant != null)
                OutboundRule outbound_rule = null;
                outbound_rule = tenant.CreateOutboundRule();

                if (outbound_rule != null)
                    /* Populate the outbound rule, using defaults where non is explicity set */

                    outbound_rule.Name               = String.IsNullOrEmpty(outbound_rule_to_create.Name) ? outbound_rule.Name : outbound_rule_to_create.Name;
                    outbound_rule.Prefix             = String.IsNullOrEmpty(outbound_rule_to_create.Prefix) ? outbound_rule.Prefix : outbound_rule_to_create.Prefix;
                    outbound_rule.NumberLengthRanges = String.IsNullOrEmpty(outbound_rule_to_create.Calls_to_numbers_with_a_length_of) ? outbound_rule.NumberLengthRanges : outbound_rule_to_create.Calls_to_numbers_with_a_length_of;

                    /* Get a list of gateways the system is aware of */

                    Gateway[] gateways = ps.GetGateways();
                    bool      found_user_specified_gateway_in_system = false;
                    if (gateways.Length > 0)
                        foreach (Gateway gw in gateways)
                            if (print_gateways)
                                LogMessage(String.Format("GATEWAY {0}", gw.Name), Severity.Info);

                            /* GetAppPath the gateways that the user wants to add to this outbound_rule_to_create rule */

                            if (gw.Name.Equals(outbound_rule_to_create.Outbound_route[0].name) == true)
                                outbound_rule.OutboundRoutes[0].Gateway = gw;
                                found_user_specified_gateway_in_system  = true;
                        outbound_rule.OutboundRoutes[0].Prepend     = outbound_rule_to_create.Outbound_route[0].prepend;
                        outbound_rule.OutboundRoutes[0].StripDigits = outbound_rule_to_create.Outbound_route[0].strip_count;
                        LogMessage("No gateways are defined in the system, no specifying one in the outbound rule", Severity.Warn);

                    /*Use default gateway if one is available and we cant find the use specified gateway name*/
                    if (!found_user_specified_gateway_in_system && gateways.Length > 0)
                        outbound_rule.OutboundRoutes[0].Gateway = gateways[0];
                        LogMessage("Using default gateway as route for outbound rule - route not found or not provided.", Severity.Warn);

                    if (outbound_rule_to_create.External_lines != null)
                        if (outbound_rule_to_create.External_lines.Length > 0)
                            outbound_rule.ExternalLines = outbound_rule_to_create.External_lines;

                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(outbound_rule_to_create.ExtensionRange) == false)
                        string[] ranges = outbound_rule_to_create.ExtensionRange.Split(',');
                        //allocate space for extensio nranges
                        DNRange[] made_ranges = new DNRange[ranges.Length];

                        for (int i = 0; i < ranges.Length; i++)
                            made_ranges[i] = outbound_rule.CreateDNRange();
                            if (ranges[i].Contains("-") == true)
                                string[] toAndFrom = ranges[i].Split('-');
                                made_ranges[i].From = toAndFrom[0];
                                made_ranges[i].To   = toAndFrom[1];
                                // no range just single extension
                                made_ranges[i].From = ranges[i];
                                made_ranges[i].To   = ranges[i];
                        outbound_rule.DNRanges = made_ranges;

                    if (outbound_rule_to_create.DNGroups != null)
                        if (outbound_rule_to_create.DNGroups.Length > 0)
                            outbound_rule.DNGroups = outbound_rule_to_create.DNGroups;

                    /* NB - ensure that the priority of the successive Outbound rules are at consecutive multiples of 5 larger than the highest priority in the system */
                    outbound_rule.Priority = last_maximum_priority + 5; //this is a static variable because we cannot determine which order the last outbound rule was saved in when calling GetOutBoundRules
                    outbound_rule.Save();                               // Save it to the system
                    tenant.Refresh();                                   // This is so that the next call to the Tenant Object's GetOutboundRules() contains reference to the rule we just created.
                    LogMessage("Saved outbound rule, " + outbound_rule.Name, Severity.Info);
                    LogMessage("Could not create/allocate an Outbound rule template to use to create a new rule.", Severity.Critical);
                LogMessage("Tenant " + tenant.Name + " is not found but is required.", Severity.Critical);
Exemplo n.º 2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            PhoneSystem.ApplicationName = "3CX Outbound Rule importer";
            OutBoundRuleDetails single_use_outbound_rule = new OutBoundRuleDetails();


            /* Deal with the command line */

            OptionSet options = new OptionSet()
                                .Add("h|?|help", "Show this output", delegate(string v) { show_help = v != null; })
                                .Add("f|csv-file=", "Specify path to csv file (eg. c:\\import_rules.csv)", delegate(string v) { csv_file_path = v; use_csv = true; })
                                .Add("p|prefix=", "prefix to use (eg. 1232)", delegate(string v) { single_use_outbound_rule.Prefix = v; })
                                .Add("n|numlen=", "VALUE number length (eg. 5)", delegate(string v) { single_use_outbound_rule.Calls_to_numbers_with_a_length_of = v; })
                                // .Add("po|outrules", "Print outbound rules for the default tenant ", delegate(string v) { print_rules = true; })
                                // .Add("pgw|gateways", "Print gateways defined in default tenant ", delegate(string v) { print_gateways = true; })
                                .Add("x|name=", "name of rule to use eg. (CstInternalFwdRule) ", delegate(string v) { single_use_outbound_rule.Name = v; })
                                .Add("d|debug", "print debug information", delegate(string v) { isDebug = true; })
                                .Add("sr|strip=", "strip VALUE digits while routing (eg. 2)", delegate(string v) { single_use_outbound_rule.Outbound_route[0].strip_count = byte.Parse(v); })
                                .Add("pr|prepend=", "prepend while routing (eg. 2222)", delegate(string v) { single_use_outbound_rule.Outbound_route[0].prepend = v; })
                                .Add("iw|ignore-warnings", "Dont show warnings", delegate(string v) { ignore_warnings = true; })
                                .Add("bs|be-silent", "Don't show any output", delegate(string v) { be_silent = true; })
                                .Add("e|extension-range=", "Extension range", delegate(string v) { single_use_outbound_rule.ExtensionRange = v; })
                                .Add("rn|route-name=", "Outbound root name (eg. DOL)", delegate(string v) { single_use_outbound_rule.Outbound_route[0].name = v; }); // we only support creating one route, hence [0]

            List <string> extra = options.Parse(args);

            if (args.Length < 2)
                show_help = true;
            if (extra.Count > 0)
                foreach (string option in extra)
                    System.Console.WriteLine(option + " not recognised.");

            if (show_help == true)
                Console.WriteLine("Usage: orule_importer.exe [OPTIONS]");
                Console.WriteLine("NB:This needs to be run 'physically' on a capable 3CX server.");
                Console.WriteLine("Eg: orule_importer.exe -e 11115-11118,12345 -p MyPrefix -n 5 -x MyRule --sr 2 --pr 2222 --rn DOL");
                Console.WriteLine("Eg: orule_importer.exe -f c:\\import_rules.csv --bs");


            #region phone system initialization(init db server)
            RegistryKey regKeyAppRoot;
            if (IntPtr.Size == 4)
                regKeyAppRoot = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\\3CX\\PhoneSystem");
                regKeyAppRoot = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\\Wow6432Node\\3CX\\PhoneSystem");
            String _appPath = (string)regKeyAppRoot.GetValue("AppPath");
            String filePath = Path.Combine(_appPath, @"Bin\3CXPhoneSystem.ini");
            String value    = GetKeyValue("ConfService", "ConfPort", filePath);
            Int32  port     = 0;
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
                Int32.TryParse(value.Trim(), out port);
                PhoneSystem.CfgServerPort = port;
            value = GetKeyValue("ConfService", "confUser", filePath);
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
                PhoneSystem.CfgServerUser = value;
            value = GetKeyValue("ConfService", "confPass", filePath);
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
                PhoneSystem.CfgServerPassword = value;

            PhoneSystem ps = null;

            while (ps == null)
                    /* Get the system off its knees */
                    ps = PhoneSystem.Root;
                    Tenant tenant = ps.GetTenants()[0];
                    List <OutBoundRuleDetails> outbound_rules_to_create = new List <OutBoundRuleDetails>();

                    if (use_csv == true)
                        StreamReader sr = null;

                            sr = File.OpenText(csv_file_path);
                            string line = sr.ReadLine();

                            while (String.IsNullOrEmpty(line) == false)
                                if (line.StartsWith("//"))
                                    line = sr.ReadLine();

                                if (item_protection == false)
                                    if (line.StartsWith("[") == true)
                                        item_protection = true;

                                string[] values = line.Split(',');
                                string[] result = removeItemProtection(item_protection, values);

                                if (result.Length != 7)
                                    throw new Exception("Delimited item length not expected: CSV is in invalid format");

                                OutBoundRuleDetails rule = new OutBoundRuleDetails();
                                    rule.Name   = result[0];
                                    rule.Prefix = result[1];
                                    rule.Calls_to_numbers_with_a_length_of = result[2];
                                    rule.Outbound_route[0].name            = result[3];
                                    rule.Outbound_route[0].prepend         = result[4];
                                    rule.Outbound_route[0].strip_count     = byte.Parse(result[5]);
                                    rule.ExtensionRange = result[6];
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    throw new Exception(ex.Message + ": CSV is in invalid format");
                                line = sr.ReadLine();
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            LogMessage(ex.Message, Severity.Critical);
                            if (sr != null)
                                sr.Close(); // Be nice ;-)
                        /* Loop through datasource and extract details for outbound rules to be created */
                        // single cmd line mode

                    /* With the data loaded, lets create the outbound rules that the data corresponds to*/

                    for (int i = 0; i < outbound_rules_to_create.Count; i++)
                        CreateAndSaveOutboundRule(ps, tenant, outbound_rules_to_create[i]);
                catch (TCX.Configuration.Exceptions.ObjectSavingException)
                    LogMessage("Error creating and saving outbound rule. ", Severity.Critical);