Exemplo n.º 1
        private void DamageOrgans(float damage, AttackType attackType, DamageType damageType, bool organDamageSplit, float armorPenetration)
            var organDamageRatingValue = SubOrganBodyPartArmour.GetRatingValue(attackType, armorPenetration);

            if (maxHealth - Damages[(int)damageType] < SubOrganDamageIncreasePoint)
                organDamageRatingValue += 1 - ((maxHealth - Damages[(int)damageType]) / SubOrganDamageIncreasePoint);
                organDamageRatingValue  = Math.Min(1, organDamageRatingValue);

            var subDamage = damage * organDamageRatingValue;

            //TODO: remove BodyPart component from organ
            if (organDamageSplit)
                foreach (var organ in OrganList)
                    var organBodyPart = organ.GetComponent <BodyPart>();
                    organBodyPart.AffectDamage(subDamage / OrganList.Count, (int)damageType);
                var organBodyPart = OrganList.PickRandom().GetComponent <BodyPart>();                //It's not like you can aim for Someone's liver can you
                organBodyPart.AffectDamage(subDamage, (int)damageType);
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Applies damage to this body part. Damage will be divided among it and sub organs depending on their
        /// armor values.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="damagedBy">The player or object that caused the damage. Null if there is none</param>
        /// <param name="damage">Damage amount</param>
        /// <param name="attackType">Type of attack that is causing the damage</param>
        /// <param name="damageType">The type of damage</param>
        /// <param name="damageSplit">Should the damage be divided amongst the contained body parts or applied to a random body part</param>
        public void TakeDamage(GameObject damagedBy, float damage, AttackType attackType, DamageType damageType,
                               bool damageSplit = false, bool DamageSubOrgans = true, float armorPenetration = 0)
            float damageToLimb = Armor.GetTotalDamage(
                SelfArmor.GetDamage(damage, attackType, armorPenetration),

            AffectDamage(damageToLimb, (int)damageType);

            // May be changed to individual damage
            // May also want it so it can miss sub organs
            if (DamageSubOrgans && OrganList.Count > 0)
                var organDamageRatingValue = SubOrganBodyPartArmour.GetRatingValue(attackType, armorPenetration);
                if (maxHealth - Damages[(int)damageType] < SubOrganDamageIncreasePoint)
                    organDamageRatingValue +=
                        1 - ((maxHealth - Damages[(int)damageType]) / SubOrganDamageIncreasePoint);
                    organDamageRatingValue = Math.Min(1, organDamageRatingValue);

                var subDamage = damage * organDamageRatingValue;

                //TODO: remove BodyPart component from organ
                if (damageSplit)
                    foreach (var organ in OrganList)
                        var organBodyPart = organ.GetComponent <BodyPart>();
                        organBodyPart.TakeDamage(damagedBy, subDamage / OrganList.Count, attackType, damageType, damageSplit);
                    var organBodyPart = OrganList.PickRandom().GetComponent <BodyPart>();                    //It's not like you can aim for Someone's liver can you
                    organBodyPart.TakeDamage(damagedBy, subDamage, attackType, damageType);
            if (damageType == DamageType.Brute)            //Check damage type to avoid bugs where you can blow someone's head off with a shoe.
                if (attackType == AttackType.Melee || attackType == AttackType.Laser || attackType == AttackType.Energy)
            if (attackType == AttackType.Bomb)
                if (damageToLimb >= DamageThreshold)

            if (attackType == AttackType.Fire || attackType == AttackType.Laser || attackType == AttackType.Energy)
                ApplyTraumaDamage(damage, TraumaticDamageTypes.BURN);
            if (CanBeBroken)
            }                                             //If our external limb can be broken.