Exemplo n.º 1
        internal MainWindowVM(ImportExportImp importExportImp)
            var serverHubUrl = DemoUrlConstants.LocalHostUrl + DemoUrlConstants.OrgaSHubEndpoint;

            _orgaSHubClientTwoWayComm = new OrgaSHubClientTwoWayComm(serverHubUrl);

            OrganizationalStructureVM = new OrganizationalStructureVM(_orgaSHubClientTwoWayComm, importExportImp);
            ChangesLiveUploadVM       = new ChangesLiveUploadVM(OrganizationalStructureVM);
            ConnectCommand            = new DelegateCommand(Connect, arg => !IsConnected);

            ChangesLiveUploadVM.ShouldDoLiveUploads = true;
        static async Task Main(string[] args)
            var serverHubUrl = DemoUrlConstants.LocalHostUrl + DemoUrlConstants.OrgaSHubEndpoint;
            var twoWayComm   = new OrgaSHubClientTwoWayComm(serverHubUrl);

            Console.WriteLine("Connecting with server...");
            await twoWayComm.ConnectWithServerHub();

            Console.WriteLine("Connection with server established.");

            var userParser = new Regex(@"(?'command'create) (?'jobRoles'\d*),(?'employees'\d*)");
            var newCommand = string.Empty;

                Console.WriteLine("Syntax \"create x,y\", where x is number of new jobs and y is number of new employees to be added for each new job.\n");
                newCommand = Console.ReadLine().ToLower();

                if (userParser.IsMatch(newCommand))
                    var match        = userParser.Match(newCommand);
                    var newJobRoles  = int.Parse(match.Groups["jobRoles"].Value);
                    var newEmployees = int.Parse(match.Groups["employees"].Value);

                    for (int i = 0; i < newJobRoles; i++)
                        var jobRoleMock = new JobRole()
                            Name = "Job role mock " + (i + 1), EntityKey = Guid.NewGuid()
                        await twoWayComm.ServerHubProxy.CreateJobRole(jobRoleMock);

                        for (int j = 0; j < newEmployees; j++)
                            var employeeMock = new Employee()
                                Name = "Employee mock " + (j + 1), EntityKey = Guid.NewGuid(), JobRoleEntityKey = jobRoleMock.EntityKey
                            await twoWayComm.ServerHubProxy.CreateEmployee(employeeMock);

                    Console.WriteLine("Invalid command. Please try again, or write -1 to exit.");
            } while (newCommand != "-1");