Exemplo n.º 1
        public void ComputeMarginProperlyShortCoverZeroLong()
            const decimal leverage = 2m;
            const int amount = 1000;
            const int quantity = (int)(amount * leverage);
            var securities = new SecurityManager(TimeKeeper);
            var transactions = new SecurityTransactionManager(securities);
            var orderProcessor = new OrderProcessor();
            var portfolio = new SecurityPortfolioManager(securities, transactions);

            var config = CreateTradeBarDataConfig(SecurityType.Equity, Symbols.AAPL);
            securities.Add(new Security(SecurityExchangeHours, config, new Cash(CashBook.AccountCurrency, 0, 1m), SymbolProperties.GetDefault(CashBook.AccountCurrency)));
            var security = securities[Symbols.AAPL];

            var time = DateTime.Now;
            const decimal sellPrice = 1m;
            security.SetMarketPrice(new TradeBar(time, Symbols.AAPL, sellPrice, sellPrice, sellPrice, sellPrice, 1));

            var order = new MarketOrder(Symbols.AAPL, -quantity, time) { Price = sellPrice };
            var fill = new OrderEvent(order, DateTime.UtcNow, 0) { FillPrice = sellPrice, FillQuantity = -quantity };
            var request = new SubmitOrderRequest(OrderType.Market, security.Type, security.Symbol, order.Quantity, 0, 0, order.Time, null);
            orderProcessor.AddTicket(new OrderTicket(null, request));


            // we shouldn't be able to place a new short order
            var newOrder = new MarketOrder(Symbols.AAPL, -1, time.AddSeconds(1)) { Price = sellPrice };
            var sufficientCapital = transactions.GetSufficientCapitalForOrder(portfolio, newOrder);

            // we should be able to place cover to zero
            newOrder = new MarketOrder(Symbols.AAPL, quantity, time.AddSeconds(1)) { Price = sellPrice };
            sufficientCapital = transactions.GetSufficientCapitalForOrder(portfolio, newOrder);

            // now the stock doubles, so we should have negative margin remaining
            time = time.AddDays(1);
            const decimal highPrice = sellPrice * 2;
            security.SetMarketPrice(new TradeBar(time, Symbols.AAPL, highPrice, highPrice, highPrice, highPrice, 1));

            // we still shouldn be able to place cover to zero
            newOrder = new MarketOrder(Symbols.AAPL, quantity, time.AddSeconds(1)) { Price = highPrice };
            sufficientCapital = transactions.GetSufficientCapitalForOrder(portfolio, newOrder);

            // we shouldn't be able to place cover to long
            newOrder = new MarketOrder(Symbols.AAPL, quantity + 1, time.AddSeconds(1)) { Price = highPrice };
            sufficientCapital = transactions.GetSufficientCapitalForOrder(portfolio, newOrder);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void ComputeMarginProperlyAsSecurityPriceFluctuates()
            const decimal leverage = 1m;
            const int quantity = (int) (1000*leverage);
            var securities = new SecurityManager(TimeKeeper);
            var transactions = new SecurityTransactionManager(securities);
            var orderProcessor = new OrderProcessor();
            var portfolio = new SecurityPortfolioManager(securities, transactions);

            var config = CreateTradeBarDataConfig(SecurityType.Equity, Symbols.AAPL);
            securities.Add(new Security(SecurityExchangeHours, config, new Cash(CashBook.AccountCurrency, 0, 1m), SymbolProperties.GetDefault(CashBook.AccountCurrency)));
            var security = securities[Symbols.AAPL];

            var time = DateTime.Now;
            const decimal buyPrice = 1m;
            security.SetMarketPrice(new TradeBar(time, Symbols.AAPL, buyPrice, buyPrice, buyPrice, buyPrice, 1));

            var order = new MarketOrder(Symbols.AAPL, quantity, time) {Price = buyPrice};
            var fill = new OrderEvent(order, DateTime.UtcNow, 0) { FillPrice = buyPrice, FillQuantity = quantity };
            var request = new SubmitOrderRequest(OrderType.Market, security.Type, security.Symbol, order.Quantity, 0, 0, order.Time, null);
            orderProcessor.AddTicket(new OrderTicket(null, request));
            Assert.AreEqual(portfolio.CashBook["USD"].Amount, fill.FillPrice*fill.FillQuantity);


            Assert.AreEqual(0, portfolio.MarginRemaining);
            Assert.AreEqual(quantity, portfolio.TotalMarginUsed);
            Assert.AreEqual(quantity, portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue);

            // we shouldn't be able to place a trader
            var newOrder = new MarketOrder(Symbols.AAPL, 1, time.AddSeconds(1)) {Price = buyPrice};
            bool sufficientCapital = transactions.GetSufficientCapitalForOrder(portfolio, newOrder);

            // now the stock doubles, so we should have margin remaining

            time = time.AddDays(1);
            const decimal highPrice = buyPrice * 2;
            security.SetMarketPrice(new TradeBar(time, Symbols.AAPL, highPrice, highPrice, highPrice, highPrice, 1));

            Assert.AreEqual(quantity, portfolio.MarginRemaining);
            Assert.AreEqual(quantity, portfolio.TotalMarginUsed);
            Assert.AreEqual(quantity * 2, portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue);

            // we shouldn't be able to place a trader
            var anotherOrder = new MarketOrder(Symbols.AAPL, 1, time.AddSeconds(1)) { Price = highPrice };
            sufficientCapital = transactions.GetSufficientCapitalForOrder(portfolio, anotherOrder);

            // now the stock plummets, so we should have negative margin remaining

            time = time.AddDays(1);
            const decimal lowPrice = buyPrice/2;
            security.SetMarketPrice(new TradeBar(time, Symbols.AAPL, lowPrice, lowPrice, lowPrice, lowPrice, 1));

            Assert.AreEqual(-quantity/2m, portfolio.MarginRemaining);
            Assert.AreEqual(quantity, portfolio.TotalMarginUsed);
            Assert.AreEqual(quantity/2m, portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue);

            // this would not cause a margin call due to leverage = 1
            bool issueMarginCallWarning;
            var marginCallOrders = portfolio.ScanForMarginCall(out issueMarginCallWarning);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, marginCallOrders.Count);

            // now change the leverage and buy more and we'll get a margin call
            security.SetLeverage(leverage * 2);

            order = new MarketOrder(Symbols.AAPL, quantity, time) { Price = buyPrice };
            fill = new OrderEvent(order, DateTime.UtcNow, 0) { FillPrice = buyPrice, FillQuantity = quantity };


            Assert.AreEqual(0, portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue);

            marginCallOrders = portfolio.ScanForMarginCall(out issueMarginCallWarning);
            Assert.AreNotEqual(0, marginCallOrders.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(-security.Holdings.Quantity, marginCallOrders[0].Quantity); // we bought twice
            Assert.GreaterOrEqual(-portfolio.MarginRemaining, security.Price * marginCallOrders[0].Quantity);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void MarginComputesProperlyWithMultipleSecurities()
            var securities = new SecurityManager(TimeKeeper);
            var transactions = new SecurityTransactionManager(securities);
            var orderProcessor = new OrderProcessor();
            var portfolio = new SecurityPortfolioManager(securities, transactions);
            portfolio.CashBook.Add("EUR",  1000, 1.1m);
            portfolio.CashBook.Add("GBP", -1000, 2.0m);

            var eurCash = portfolio.CashBook["EUR"];
            var gbpCash = portfolio.CashBook["GBP"];
            var usdCash = portfolio.CashBook["USD"];

            var time = DateTime.Now;
            var config1 = CreateTradeBarDataConfig(SecurityType.Equity, Symbols.AAPL);
            securities.Add(new Security(SecurityExchangeHours, config1, new Cash(CashBook.AccountCurrency, 0, 1m), SymbolProperties.GetDefault(CashBook.AccountCurrency)));
            securities[Symbols.AAPL].Holdings.SetHoldings(100, 100);
            securities[Symbols.AAPL].SetMarketPrice(new TradeBar{Time = time, Value = 100});
            //Console.WriteLine("AAPL TMU: " + securities[Symbols.AAPL].MarginModel.GetMaintenanceMargin(securities[Symbols.AAPL]));
            //Console.WriteLine("AAPL Value: " + securities[Symbols.AAPL].Holdings.HoldingsValue);


            var config2 = CreateTradeBarDataConfig(SecurityType.Forex, Symbols.EURUSD);
            securities.Add(new QuantConnect.Securities.Forex.Forex(SecurityExchangeHours, usdCash, config2, SymbolProperties.GetDefault(CashBook.AccountCurrency)));
            securities[Symbols.EURUSD].Holdings.SetHoldings(1.1m, 1000);
            securities[Symbols.EURUSD].SetMarketPrice(new TradeBar { Time = time, Value = 1.1m });
            //Console.WriteLine("EURUSD TMU: " + securities[Symbols.EURUSD].MarginModel.GetMaintenanceMargin(securities[Symbols.EURUSD]));
            //Console.WriteLine("EURUSD Value: " + securities[Symbols.EURUSD].Holdings.HoldingsValue);


            var config3 = CreateTradeBarDataConfig(SecurityType.Forex, Symbols.EURGBP);
            securities.Add(new QuantConnect.Securities.Forex.Forex(SecurityExchangeHours, gbpCash, config3, SymbolProperties.GetDefault(gbpCash.Symbol)));
            securities[Symbols.EURGBP].Holdings.SetHoldings(1m, 1000);
            securities[Symbols.EURGBP].SetMarketPrice(new TradeBar { Time = time, Value = 1m });
            //Console.WriteLine("EURGBP TMU: " + securities[Symbols.EURGBP].MarginModel.GetMaintenanceMargin(securities[Symbols.EURGBP]));
            //Console.WriteLine("EURGBP Value: " + securities[Symbols.EURGBP].Holdings.HoldingsValue);


            //Console.WriteLine("CashBook: " + portfolio.CashBook.TotalValueInAccountCurrency);


            //Console.WriteLine("Total Margin Used: " + portfolio.TotalMarginUsed);
            //Console.WriteLine("Total Free Margin: " + portfolio.MarginRemaining);
            //Console.WriteLine("Total Portfolio Value: " + portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue);

            var acceptedOrder = new MarketOrder(Symbols.AAPL, 101, DateTime.Now) { Price = 100 };
            var request = new SubmitOrderRequest(OrderType.Market, acceptedOrder.SecurityType, acceptedOrder.Symbol, acceptedOrder.Quantity, 0, 0, acceptedOrder.Time, null);
            orderProcessor.AddTicket(new OrderTicket(null, request));
            var sufficientCapital = transactions.GetSufficientCapitalForOrder(portfolio, acceptedOrder);

            var rejectedOrder = new MarketOrder(Symbols.AAPL, 102, DateTime.Now) { Price = 100 };
            sufficientCapital = transactions.GetSufficientCapitalForOrder(portfolio, rejectedOrder);
Exemplo n.º 4
        public void GenerateMarginCallOrderTests()
            const int     quantity       = 1000;
            const decimal leverage       = 1m;
            var           orderProcessor = new OrderProcessor();
            var           portfolio      = GetPortfolio(orderProcessor, quantity);
            var           security       = GetSecurity(Symbols.AAPL);

            security.MarginModel = new NoMarginCallMarginModel(leverage);

            var           time     = DateTime.Now;
            const decimal buyPrice = 1m;

            security.SetMarketPrice(new Tick(time, Symbols.AAPL, buyPrice, buyPrice));

            var order = new MarketOrder(Symbols.AAPL, quantity, time)
                Price = buyPrice
            var fill = new OrderEvent(order, DateTime.UtcNow, 0)
                FillPrice = buyPrice, FillQuantity = quantity

            var request = new SubmitOrderRequest(OrderType.Market, security.Type, security.Symbol, order.Quantity, 0, 0, order.Time, null);

            orderProcessor.AddTicket(new OrderTicket(null, request));
            Assert.AreEqual(portfolio.Cash, fill.FillPrice * fill.FillQuantity);


            Assert.AreEqual(0, portfolio.MarginRemaining);
            Assert.AreEqual(quantity, portfolio.TotalMarginUsed);
            Assert.AreEqual(quantity, portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue);

            // we shouldn't be able to place a trader
            var newOrder = new MarketOrder(Symbols.AAPL, 1, time.AddSeconds(1))
                Price = buyPrice
            bool sufficientCapital = portfolio.Transactions.GetSufficientCapitalForOrder(portfolio, newOrder);


            // now the stock doubles, so we should have margin remaining
            time = time.AddDays(1);
            const decimal highPrice = buyPrice * 2;

            security.SetMarketPrice(new Tick(time, Symbols.AAPL, highPrice, highPrice));

            Assert.AreEqual(quantity, portfolio.MarginRemaining);
            Assert.AreEqual(quantity, portfolio.TotalMarginUsed);
            Assert.AreEqual(quantity * 2, portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue);

            // we shouldn't be able to place a trader
            var anotherOrder = new MarketOrder(Symbols.AAPL, 1, time.AddSeconds(1))
                Price = highPrice

            sufficientCapital = portfolio.Transactions.GetSufficientCapitalForOrder(portfolio, anotherOrder);

            // now the stock plummets, so we should have negative margin remaining
            time = time.AddDays(1);
            const decimal lowPrice = buyPrice / 2;

            security.SetMarketPrice(new Tick(time, Symbols.AAPL, lowPrice, lowPrice));

            Assert.AreEqual(-quantity / 2m, portfolio.MarginRemaining);
            Assert.AreEqual(quantity, portfolio.TotalMarginUsed);
            Assert.AreEqual(quantity / 2m, portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue);

            // this would not cause a margin call due to leverage = 1
            bool issueMarginCallWarning;
            var  marginCallOrders = portfolio.ScanForMarginCall(out issueMarginCallWarning);

            Assert.AreEqual(0, marginCallOrders.Count);

            // now change the leverage to test margin call warning and margin call logic
            security.SetLeverage(leverage * 2);

            // Stock price increase by minimum variation
            const decimal newPrice = lowPrice + 0.01m;

            security.SetMarketPrice(new Tick(time, Symbols.AAPL, newPrice, newPrice));

            // this would not cause a margin call, only a margin call warning
            marginCallOrders = portfolio.ScanForMarginCall(out issueMarginCallWarning);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, marginCallOrders.Count);

            // Price drops again to previous low, margin call orders will be issued
            security.SetMarketPrice(new Tick(time, Symbols.AAPL, lowPrice, lowPrice));

            order = new MarketOrder(Symbols.AAPL, quantity, time)
                Price = buyPrice
            fill = new OrderEvent(order, DateTime.UtcNow, 0)
                FillPrice = buyPrice, FillQuantity = quantity

            Assert.AreEqual(0, portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue);

            // Even with TotalPortfolioValue == 0, do not issue warning or orders
            marginCallOrders = portfolio.ScanForMarginCall(out issueMarginCallWarning);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, marginCallOrders.Count);
        public void ComputeMarginProperlyShortCoverZeroLong()
            const decimal leverage       = 2m;
            const int     amount         = 1000;
            const int     quantity       = (int)(amount * leverage);
            var           securities     = new SecurityManager(TimeKeeper);
            var           transactions   = new SecurityTransactionManager(securities);
            var           orderProcessor = new OrderProcessor();

            var portfolio = new SecurityPortfolioManager(securities, transactions);


            var config = CreateTradeBarDataConfig(SecurityType.Equity, Symbols.AAPL);

            securities.Add(new Security(SecurityExchangeHours, config, new Cash(CashBook.AccountCurrency, 0, 1m), SymbolProperties.GetDefault(CashBook.AccountCurrency)));
            var security = securities[Symbols.AAPL];


            var           time      = DateTime.Now;
            const decimal sellPrice = 1m;

            security.SetMarketPrice(new TradeBar(time, Symbols.AAPL, sellPrice, sellPrice, sellPrice, sellPrice, 1));

            var order = new MarketOrder(Symbols.AAPL, -quantity, time)
                Price = sellPrice
            var fill = new OrderEvent(order, DateTime.UtcNow, 0)
                FillPrice = sellPrice, FillQuantity = -quantity

            var request = new SubmitOrderRequest(OrderType.Market, security.Type, security.Symbol, order.Quantity, 0, 0, order.Time, null);

            orderProcessor.AddTicket(new OrderTicket(null, request));


            // we shouldn't be able to place a new short order
            var newOrder = new MarketOrder(Symbols.AAPL, -1, time.AddSeconds(1))
                Price = sellPrice
            var sufficientCapital = transactions.GetSufficientCapitalForOrder(portfolio, newOrder);


            // we should be able to place cover to zero
            newOrder = new MarketOrder(Symbols.AAPL, quantity, time.AddSeconds(1))
                Price = sellPrice
            sufficientCapital = transactions.GetSufficientCapitalForOrder(portfolio, newOrder);

            // now the stock doubles, so we should have negative margin remaining
            time = time.AddDays(1);
            const decimal highPrice = sellPrice * 2;

            security.SetMarketPrice(new TradeBar(time, Symbols.AAPL, highPrice, highPrice, highPrice, highPrice, 1));

            // we still shouldn be able to place cover to zero
            newOrder = new MarketOrder(Symbols.AAPL, quantity, time.AddSeconds(1))
                Price = highPrice
            sufficientCapital = transactions.GetSufficientCapitalForOrder(portfolio, newOrder);

            // we shouldn't be able to place cover to long
            newOrder = new MarketOrder(Symbols.AAPL, quantity + 1, time.AddSeconds(1))
                Price = highPrice
            sufficientCapital = transactions.GetSufficientCapitalForOrder(portfolio, newOrder);
        public void MarginComputesProperlyWithMultipleSecurities()
            var securities     = new SecurityManager(TimeKeeper);
            var transactions   = new SecurityTransactionManager(securities);
            var orderProcessor = new OrderProcessor();

            var portfolio = new SecurityPortfolioManager(securities, transactions);

            portfolio.CashBook.Add("EUR", 1000, 1.1m);
            portfolio.CashBook.Add("GBP", -1000, 2.0m);

            var eurCash = portfolio.CashBook["EUR"];
            var gbpCash = portfolio.CashBook["GBP"];
            var usdCash = portfolio.CashBook["USD"];

            var time    = DateTime.Now;
            var config1 = CreateTradeBarDataConfig(SecurityType.Equity, Symbols.AAPL);

            securities.Add(new Security(SecurityExchangeHours, config1, new Cash(CashBook.AccountCurrency, 0, 1m), SymbolProperties.GetDefault(CashBook.AccountCurrency)));
            securities[Symbols.AAPL].Holdings.SetHoldings(100, 100);
            securities[Symbols.AAPL].SetMarketPrice(new TradeBar {
                Time = time, Value = 100
            //Console.WriteLine("AAPL TMU: " + securities[Symbols.AAPL].MarginModel.GetMaintenanceMargin(securities[Symbols.AAPL]));
            //Console.WriteLine("AAPL Value: " + securities[Symbols.AAPL].Holdings.HoldingsValue);


            var config2 = CreateTradeBarDataConfig(SecurityType.Forex, Symbols.EURUSD);

            securities.Add(new QuantConnect.Securities.Forex.Forex(SecurityExchangeHours, usdCash, config2, SymbolProperties.GetDefault(CashBook.AccountCurrency)));
            securities[Symbols.EURUSD].Holdings.SetHoldings(1.1m, 1000);
            securities[Symbols.EURUSD].SetMarketPrice(new TradeBar {
                Time = time, Value = 1.1m
            //Console.WriteLine("EURUSD TMU: " + securities[Symbols.EURUSD].MarginModel.GetMaintenanceMargin(securities[Symbols.EURUSD]));
            //Console.WriteLine("EURUSD Value: " + securities[Symbols.EURUSD].Holdings.HoldingsValue);


            var config3 = CreateTradeBarDataConfig(SecurityType.Forex, Symbols.EURGBP);

            securities.Add(new QuantConnect.Securities.Forex.Forex(SecurityExchangeHours, gbpCash, config3, SymbolProperties.GetDefault(gbpCash.Symbol)));
            securities[Symbols.EURGBP].Holdings.SetHoldings(1m, 1000);
            securities[Symbols.EURGBP].SetMarketPrice(new TradeBar {
                Time = time, Value = 1m
            //Console.WriteLine("EURGBP TMU: " + securities[Symbols.EURGBP].MarginModel.GetMaintenanceMargin(securities[Symbols.EURGBP]));
            //Console.WriteLine("EURGBP Value: " + securities[Symbols.EURGBP].Holdings.HoldingsValue);


            //Console.WriteLine("CashBook: " + portfolio.CashBook.TotalValueInAccountCurrency);


            //Console.WriteLine("Total Margin Used: " + portfolio.TotalMarginUsed);
            //Console.WriteLine("Total Free Margin: " + portfolio.MarginRemaining);
            //Console.WriteLine("Total Portfolio Value: " + portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue);

            var acceptedOrder = new MarketOrder(Symbols.AAPL, 101, DateTime.Now)
                Price = 100

            var request = new SubmitOrderRequest(OrderType.Market, acceptedOrder.SecurityType, acceptedOrder.Symbol, acceptedOrder.Quantity, 0, 0, acceptedOrder.Time, null);

            orderProcessor.AddTicket(new OrderTicket(null, request));
            var sufficientCapital = transactions.GetSufficientCapitalForOrder(portfolio, acceptedOrder);


            var rejectedOrder = new MarketOrder(Symbols.AAPL, 102, DateTime.Now)
                Price = 100

            sufficientCapital = transactions.GetSufficientCapitalForOrder(portfolio, rejectedOrder);
        public void ComputeMarginProperlyAsSecurityPriceFluctuates()
            const decimal leverage       = 1m;
            const int     quantity       = (int)(1000 * leverage);
            var           securities     = new SecurityManager(TimeKeeper);
            var           transactions   = new SecurityTransactionManager(securities);
            var           orderProcessor = new OrderProcessor();

            var portfolio = new SecurityPortfolioManager(securities, transactions);


            var config = CreateTradeBarDataConfig(SecurityType.Equity, Symbols.AAPL);

            securities.Add(new Security(SecurityExchangeHours, config, new Cash(CashBook.AccountCurrency, 0, 1m), SymbolProperties.GetDefault(CashBook.AccountCurrency)));
            var security = securities[Symbols.AAPL];


            var           time     = DateTime.Now;
            const decimal buyPrice = 1m;

            security.SetMarketPrice(new TradeBar(time, Symbols.AAPL, buyPrice, buyPrice, buyPrice, buyPrice, 1));

            var order = new MarketOrder(Symbols.AAPL, quantity, time)
                Price = buyPrice
            var fill = new OrderEvent(order, DateTime.UtcNow, 0)
                FillPrice = buyPrice, FillQuantity = quantity

            var request = new SubmitOrderRequest(OrderType.Market, security.Type, security.Symbol, order.Quantity, 0, 0, order.Time, null);

            orderProcessor.AddTicket(new OrderTicket(null, request));
            Assert.AreEqual(portfolio.CashBook["USD"].Amount, fill.FillPrice * fill.FillQuantity);


            Assert.AreEqual(0, portfolio.MarginRemaining);
            Assert.AreEqual(quantity, portfolio.TotalMarginUsed);
            Assert.AreEqual(quantity, portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue);

            // we shouldn't be able to place a trader
            var newOrder = new MarketOrder(Symbols.AAPL, 1, time.AddSeconds(1))
                Price = buyPrice
            bool sufficientCapital = transactions.GetSufficientCapitalForOrder(portfolio, newOrder);


            // now the stock doubles, so we should have margin remaining

            time = time.AddDays(1);
            const decimal highPrice = buyPrice * 2;

            security.SetMarketPrice(new TradeBar(time, Symbols.AAPL, highPrice, highPrice, highPrice, highPrice, 1));

            Assert.AreEqual(quantity, portfolio.MarginRemaining);
            Assert.AreEqual(quantity, portfolio.TotalMarginUsed);
            Assert.AreEqual(quantity * 2, portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue);

            // we shouldn't be able to place a trader
            var anotherOrder = new MarketOrder(Symbols.AAPL, 1, time.AddSeconds(1))
                Price = highPrice

            sufficientCapital = transactions.GetSufficientCapitalForOrder(portfolio, anotherOrder);

            // now the stock plummets, so we should have negative margin remaining

            time = time.AddDays(1);
            const decimal lowPrice = buyPrice / 2;

            security.SetMarketPrice(new TradeBar(time, Symbols.AAPL, lowPrice, lowPrice, lowPrice, lowPrice, 1));

            Assert.AreEqual(-quantity / 2m, portfolio.MarginRemaining);
            Assert.AreEqual(quantity, portfolio.TotalMarginUsed);
            Assert.AreEqual(quantity / 2m, portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue);

            // this would not cause a margin call due to leverage = 1
            bool issueMarginCallWarning;
            var  marginCallOrders = portfolio.ScanForMarginCall(out issueMarginCallWarning);

            Assert.AreEqual(0, marginCallOrders.Count);

            // now change the leverage to test margin call warning and margin call logic
            security.SetLeverage(leverage * 2);

            // Stock price increase by minimum variation
            const decimal newPrice = lowPrice + 0.01m;

            security.SetMarketPrice(new TradeBar(time, Symbols.AAPL, newPrice, newPrice, newPrice, newPrice, 1));

            // this would not cause a margin call, only a margin call warning
            marginCallOrders = portfolio.ScanForMarginCall(out issueMarginCallWarning);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, marginCallOrders.Count);

            // Price drops again to previous low, margin call orders will be issued
            security.SetMarketPrice(new TradeBar(time, Symbols.AAPL, lowPrice, lowPrice, lowPrice, lowPrice, 1));

            order = new MarketOrder(Symbols.AAPL, quantity, time)
                Price = buyPrice
            fill = new OrderEvent(order, DateTime.UtcNow, 0)
                FillPrice = buyPrice, FillQuantity = quantity


            Assert.AreEqual(0, portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue);

            marginCallOrders = portfolio.ScanForMarginCall(out issueMarginCallWarning);
            Assert.AreNotEqual(0, marginCallOrders.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(-security.Holdings.Quantity, marginCallOrders[0].Quantity); // we bought twice
            Assert.GreaterOrEqual(-portfolio.MarginRemaining, security.Price * marginCallOrders[0].Quantity);
        public void GenerateMarginCallOrderTests()
            const int quantity = 1000;
            const decimal leverage = 1m;
            var orderProcessor = new OrderProcessor();
            var portfolio = GetPortfolio(orderProcessor, quantity);
            var security = GetSecurity(Symbols.AAPL);
            security.MarginModel = new NoMarginCallMarginModel(leverage);

            var time = DateTime.Now;
            const decimal buyPrice = 1m;
            security.SetMarketPrice(new Tick(time, Symbols.AAPL, buyPrice, buyPrice));

            var order = new MarketOrder(Symbols.AAPL, quantity, time) {Price = buyPrice};
            var fill = new OrderEvent(order, DateTime.UtcNow, 0) { FillPrice = buyPrice, FillQuantity = quantity };
            var request = new SubmitOrderRequest(OrderType.Market, security.Type, security.Symbol, order.Quantity, 0, 0, order.Time, null);
            orderProcessor.AddTicket(new OrderTicket(null, request));
            Assert.AreEqual(portfolio.Cash, fill.FillPrice*fill.FillQuantity);


            Assert.AreEqual(0, portfolio.MarginRemaining);
            Assert.AreEqual(quantity, portfolio.TotalMarginUsed);
            Assert.AreEqual(quantity, portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue);

            // we shouldn't be able to place a trader
            var newOrder = new MarketOrder(Symbols.AAPL, 1, time.AddSeconds(1)) {Price = buyPrice};
            bool sufficientCapital = portfolio.Transactions.GetSufficientCapitalForOrder(portfolio, newOrder);

            // now the stock doubles, so we should have margin remaining
            time = time.AddDays(1);
            const decimal highPrice = buyPrice * 2;
            security.SetMarketPrice(new Tick(time, Symbols.AAPL, highPrice, highPrice));

            Assert.AreEqual(quantity, portfolio.MarginRemaining);
            Assert.AreEqual(quantity, portfolio.TotalMarginUsed);
            Assert.AreEqual(quantity * 2, portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue);

            // we shouldn't be able to place a trader
            var anotherOrder = new MarketOrder(Symbols.AAPL, 1, time.AddSeconds(1)) { Price = highPrice };
            sufficientCapital = portfolio.Transactions.GetSufficientCapitalForOrder(portfolio, anotherOrder);

            // now the stock plummets, so we should have negative margin remaining
            time = time.AddDays(1);
            const decimal lowPrice = buyPrice/2;
            security.SetMarketPrice(new Tick(time, Symbols.AAPL, lowPrice, lowPrice)); 

            Assert.AreEqual(-quantity/2m, portfolio.MarginRemaining);
            Assert.AreEqual(quantity, portfolio.TotalMarginUsed);
            Assert.AreEqual(quantity/2m, portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue);

            // this would not cause a margin call due to leverage = 1
            bool issueMarginCallWarning;
            var marginCallOrders = portfolio.ScanForMarginCall(out issueMarginCallWarning);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, marginCallOrders.Count);

            // now change the leverage to test margin call warning and margin call logic
            security.SetLeverage(leverage * 2);

            // Stock price increase by minimum variation
            const decimal newPrice = lowPrice + 0.01m;
            security.SetMarketPrice(new Tick(time, Symbols.AAPL, newPrice, newPrice));

            // this would not cause a margin call, only a margin call warning
            marginCallOrders = portfolio.ScanForMarginCall(out issueMarginCallWarning);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, marginCallOrders.Count);

            // Price drops again to previous low, margin call orders will be issued 
            security.SetMarketPrice(new Tick(time, Symbols.AAPL, lowPrice, lowPrice));

            order = new MarketOrder(Symbols.AAPL, quantity, time) { Price = buyPrice };
            fill = new OrderEvent(order, DateTime.UtcNow, 0) { FillPrice = buyPrice, FillQuantity = quantity };

            Assert.AreEqual(0, portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue);

            // Even with TotalPortfolioValue == 0, do not issue warning or orders
            marginCallOrders = portfolio.ScanForMarginCall(out issueMarginCallWarning);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, marginCallOrders.Count);