Exemplo n.º 1
        private void CreateOrder(int number)
            List <Customer> customerLst = _unitOfWork.CustomerRepository.GetAll();
            List <Product>  productLst  = _unitOfWork.ProductRepository.GetAll();
            Random          random      = new Random();

            for (int i = 1; i < number + 1; i++)
                int      indexC   = random.Next(0, customerLst.Count() - 1);
                Customer customer = customerLst.ToList()[indexC];
                //Create OrderHeader
                Order order = new Order()
                    CustomerId  = customer.Id,
                    CreateDate  = DateTime.Now,
                    Total       = 0,
                    Status      = OrderStatus.New,
                    UpdatedDate = DateTime.Now

                // Create OrderLine
                for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
                    int     indexP = random.Next(0, productLst.Count() - 1);
                    Product p      = productLst.ToList()[indexP];

                    OrderDetail detail = new OrderDetail()
                        Order         = order,
                        DiscountTotal = 0,
                        Product       = p,
                        PromotionCode = "",
                        Status        = OrderLineStatus.Active,
                        Quanity       = 1,
                        UPrice        = 0,
                        SubTotal      = 0

                    //Add option
                    IEnumerable <ProductOption> optLst = _unitOfWork.ProductOptionRepository.GetByProduct(p.Id);
                    ProductOption     selectedOpt      = optLst.ToList()[0];
                    OrderDetailOption opt = new OrderDetailOption()
                        AdditionalCost = selectedOpt.AdditionalCost,
                        OrderDetail    = detail,
                        OptionId       = selectedOpt.Id

                    //UPdate back to detail
                    detail.SubTotal = (p.BasePrice + opt.AdditionalCost) * detail.Quanity - detail.DiscountTotal;
                    order.Total    += detail.SubTotal;

Exemplo n.º 2
        public async Task <bool> CreateOrderAsync(OrderDetailView orderView)
            var validated = await ValidateDataAsync(orderView);

            if (!validated)
                new RestException(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, new { order = "Invalid data" });

            Order order = new Order()
                Id         = 0,
                CreateDate = DateTime.Now,
                CustomerId = orderView.CustomerId,
                Status     = OrderStatus.New,
                Total      = orderView.Total,
            await _unitOfWork.OrderRepository.AddAsync(order);

            foreach (OrderLineView line in orderView.OrderLines)
                OrderDetail detail = new OrderDetail()
                    Id            = 0,
                    Order         = order,
                    DiscountTotal = line.DiscountTotal,
                    PromotionCode = line.PromotionCode,
                    ProductiId    = line.ProductiId,
                    Quanity       = line.Quanity,
                    Status        = CodeTranslation.ToOrderLineCode(line.Status),
                    SubTotal      = line.SubTotal,
                    UPrice        = line.UPrice
                await _unitOfWork.OrderDetailRepository.AddAsync(detail);

                if (line.PurchasedOptions != null)
                    foreach (OrderLineOptionView opt in line.PurchasedOptions)
                        OrderDetailOption detailOpt = new OrderDetailOption()
                            Id             = 0,
                            AdditionalCost = opt.AdditionalCost,
                            OptionId       = opt.OptionId,
                            OrderDetailID  = opt.OrderDetailId,
                        await _unitOfWork.OrderDetailOptionRepository.AddAsync(detailOpt);

            var success = await _unitOfWork.SaveAsync() > 0;

            if (success)
                throw new RestException(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, new { order = "Unable to save order" });