Exemplo n.º 1
    protected void btnHAWB_Imp_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        int    MAWB_ImpID       = 1; // Int32.Parse(lblMAWB_ImpID.Text);
        string HAWB_No          = txtHAWB_No.Text;
        string Agent            = txtAgent.Text;
        string AgentRef_No      = txtAgentRef_No.Text;
        string Customer         = txtCustomer.Text;
        string CustomerRef      = txtCustomerRef.Text;
        string CustomBroker     = txtCustomBroker.Text;
        string Shipper          = txtShipper.Text;
        string Consignee        = txtConsignee.Text;
        string NotifyParty      = txtNotifyParty.Text;
        string FinalDest        = txtFinalDest.Text;
        string FinalETA         = txtFinalETA.Text;
        string ForeignDest      = txtForeignDest.Text;
        string FinalWareHouse   = txtFinalWareHouse.Text;
        string StorageDate      = txtStorageDate.Text;
        string GO_Date          = txtGO_Date.Text;
        string Commodity        = txtCommodity.Text;
        int    PKG_Quant        = Int32.Parse(txtPKG_Quant.Text);
        double GrossKgs         = Double.Parse(txtGrossKgs.Text);
        double ChargeKgs        = Double.Parse(txtChargeKgs.Text);
        string AgentRate        = txtAgentRate.Text;
        string AgentAmount      = txtAgentAmount.Text;
        string CustomerRate     = txtCustomerRate.Text;
        string CustomerAmount   = txtCustomerAmount.Text;
        string WH_Arrive        = txtWH_Arrive.Text;
        string DOC_PickUp       = txtDOC_PickUp.Text;
        string DOC_PickUpName   = txtDOC_PickUpName.Text;
        string CargoRelease     = txtCargoRelease.Text;
        string CargoReleaseName = txtCargoReleaseName.Text;
        bool   PayMethod        = true; // change to from dropdown
        int    LoadMethod       = Int32.Parse(drpLoadMethod.SelectedValue);
        int    UserID           = 1;    // change to lblUserID
        string Salesman         = txtSalesman.Text;
        bool   Closed           = true;
        string ClosedBy         = txtClosedBy.Text;
        string PostDate         = txtPostDate.Text;

        bool flag = false;

        flag = OrderAccess.HAWB_Imp_Create(MAWB_ImpID, HAWB_No, Agent, AgentRef_No, Customer, CustomerRef, CustomBroker,
                                           Shipper, Consignee, NotifyParty, FinalDest, FinalETA, ForeignDest, FinalWareHouse, StorageDate, GO_Date, Commodity,
                                           PKG_Quant, GrossKgs, ChargeKgs, AgentRate, AgentAmount, CustomerRate, CustomerAmount,
                                           WH_Arrive, DOC_PickUp, DOC_PickUpName, CargoRelease, CargoReleaseName, PayMethod, LoadMethod,
                                           UserID, Salesman, Closed, ClosedBy, PostDate);

        lblStatus.Text = flag ? "HAWB IMPORT  CREATED" : "ERROR ! FAILED TO CREATE HAWB IMPORT";