private void RigidBodyDataToState(sRigidBodyData rbData, OptitrackHiResTimer.Timestamp timestamp, OptitrackRigidBodyState rbState)
     rbState.DeliveryTimestamp = timestamp;
     rbState.Pose = new OptitrackPose
         Position    = new Vector3(-rbData.X, rbData.Y, rbData.Z),
         Orientation = new Quaternion(-rbData.QX, rbData.QY, rbData.QZ, -rbData.QW),
Exemplo n.º 2
 //update the transform position, rotation and timestamp every frame
 void Update()
     rbState = StreamingClient.GetLatestRigidBodyState(RigidBodyId);
     if (rbState != null)
         this.transform.localPosition = rbState.Pose.Position;
         this.transform.localRotation = rbState.Pose.Orientation;
         this.rbTimestamp             = rbState.DeliveryTimestamp;
Exemplo n.º 3
    System.Collections.IEnumerator CheckConnectionHealth()
        const float kHealthCheckIntervalSeconds  = 1.0f;
        const float kRecentFrameThresholdSeconds = 5.0f;

        // The lifespan of these variables is tied to the lifespan of a single connection session.
        // The coroutine is stopped on disconnect and restarted on connect.
        YieldInstruction checkIntervalYield = new WaitForSeconds(kHealthCheckIntervalSeconds);

        OptitrackHiResTimer.Timestamp connectionInitiatedTimestamp = OptitrackHiResTimer.Now();
        OptitrackHiResTimer.Timestamp lastFrameReceivedTimestamp;
        bool wasReceivingFrames      = false;
        bool warnedPendingFirstFrame = false;

        while (true)
            yield return(checkIntervalYield);

            if (m_receivedFrameSinceConnect == false)
                // Still waiting for first frame. Warn exactly once if this takes too long.
                if (connectionInitiatedTimestamp.AgeSeconds > kRecentFrameThresholdSeconds)
                    if (warnedPendingFirstFrame == false)
                        Debug.LogWarning(GetType().FullName + ": No frames received from the server yet. Verify your connection settings are correct and that the server is streaming.", this);
                        warnedPendingFirstFrame = true;

                // We've received at least one frame, do ongoing checks for changes in connection health.
                lastFrameReceivedTimestamp.m_ticks = Interlocked.Read(ref m_lastFrameDeliveryTimestamp.m_ticks);
                bool receivedRecentFrame = lastFrameReceivedTimestamp.AgeSeconds < kRecentFrameThresholdSeconds;

                if (wasReceivingFrames == false && receivedRecentFrame == true)
                    // Transition: Bad health -> good health.
                    wasReceivingFrames = true;
                    Debug.Log(GetType().FullName + ": Receiving streaming data from the server.", this);
                else if (wasReceivingFrames == true && receivedRecentFrame == false)
                    // Transition: Good health -> bad health.
                    wasReceivingFrames = false;
                    Debug.LogWarning(GetType().FullName + ": No streaming frames received from the server recently.", this);
Exemplo n.º 4
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        reference = OptitrackHiResTimer.Now();
        // Get the camera component
        Camera cam = GetComponentInChildren <Camera>();

        cam.nearClipPlane = 0.000001f;
        // set the OSC communication
        osc.SetAddressHandler("/Close", OnReceiveStop);
        writer = new StreamWriter(Paths.recording_path, true);
        mouse2 = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Sphere);
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        // get the reference timer
        reference = OptitrackHiResTimer.Now();
        // Set up the camera (so it doesn't clip objects too close to the mouse)
        Camera cam = GetComponentInChildren <Camera>();

        cam.nearClipPlane = 0.000001f;
        // set the OSC communication
        osc.SetAddressHandler("/Close", OnReceiveStop);
        // Set the writer
        writer = new StreamWriter(Paths.recording_path, true);
Exemplo n.º 6
    void Update()
        if (!useOptitrack)
            this.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
            if (!m_initialPoseSet)
                m_initialPoseSet = true;

        OptitrackRigidBodyState rbState = StreamingClient.GetLatestRigidBodyState(RigidBodyId);

        if (rbState != null && rbState.DeliveryTimestamp.AgeSeconds < 1.0f)
            Debug.Log("new position", this);
            // Update position.
            this.transform.localPosition = rbState.Pose.Position;

            // Update drift correction.
            if (m_lastTimestamp.AgeSeconds != rbState.DeliveryTimestamp.AgeSeconds)
                // If we're coming here the first time: reset to optical pose.  Otherwise
                // we're using the optical orientation for drift correction.
                if (!m_initialPoseSet)
                    m_initialPoseSet = true;
                else if (enableDriftCorrection)
                m_lastTimestamp = rbState.DeliveryTimestamp;
Exemplo n.º 7
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        // Force full screen on projector
        Screen.fullScreen = true;

        // Get the reference timer
        reference = OptitrackHiResTimer.Now();

        // set the OSC communication
        osc.SetAddressHandler("/Close", OnReceiveStop);

        // Set up the camera (so it doesn't clip objects too close to the mouse)
        Camera cam = GetComponentInChildren <Camera>();

        cam.nearClipPlane = 0.000001f;

        // Set the writer
        writer = new StreamWriter(Paths.recording_path, true);

        // Get cricket object array sorted by name/number
        CricketObjs = FindObsWithTag("Cricket");