Exemplo n.º 1
 /// <summary>
 /// 构造函数
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="name"></param>
 /// <param name="oType"></param>
 /// <param name="dType"></param>
 /// <param name="setting"></param>
 /// <param name="data"></param>
 /// <param name="time"></param>
 public UserOperation(string name, OprationType oType, DataType dType, object setting, string data, int time)
     _name          = name;
     _opreationType = oType;
     _dataType      = dType;
     _setting       = setting;
     _data          = data;
     _time          = time;
Exemplo n.º 2
        private async Task SendParity(OprationType ThisType, OprationType ThatType)
            await Socket.Send(ThisType);

            var Status = await Socket.Recive <OprationType>();

            if (Status != ThatType)
                var EX = "Wrong opration, This side is '" + ThisType.ToString() + "'" +
                         " And other side must be '" + ThatType.ToString() + "'" +
                         " But that is '" + Status.ToString() + "'";
                throw new InvalidOperationException(EX);
Exemplo n.º 3
 public int UpdateCabinetStatus(Order2Cabinet obj, OprationType Opration, Sender sender)
         using (ObjectProxy op = new ObjectProxy(true))
             int resurt = op.UpdateCabinetStatus(obj, Opration, sender);
     catch (Exception ex)
         throw ex;
Exemplo n.º 4
        private async Task ClientParity(OprationType ThisType, OprationType ThatType)
            Console.WriteLine($"Net:{Client.Address} {ThisType.ToString()}   {ThatType.ToString()}");
            Console.WriteLine($"Net:{Client.Address} Sequence:{Sequnce}");

            await Client.Send(new byte[] { (byte)ThisType });

            await Client.Send(BitConverter.GetBytes(Sequnce));

            OprationType Status         = (OprationType)(await Client.Recive(1))[0];
            int          CurrentSequnce = BitConverter.ToInt32(await Client.Recive(4), 0);

            if (Status == OprationType.Exeption)
                throw (await Client.RecivePacket()).Deserialize <Exception>();
            if (Sequnce != CurrentSequnce)
                var Address = Client.Address.ToString();
                var ex      = $"Wrong Sequnce On {Address}, This side is {Sequnce}" +
                              $" but other side is {CurrentSequnce}";
                await Client.Disconncet();

                throw new InvalidOperationException(ex);


            if (Status != ThatType)
                var Address = Client.Address.ToString();
                var ex      = "Wrong opration On " + Address + ", This side is '" + ThisType.ToString() + "'" +
                              " And other side must be '" + ThatType.ToString() + "'" +
                              " But that is '" + Status.ToString() + "'";
                await Client.Disconncet();

                throw new InvalidOperationException(ex);
        private async Task ServerParity(
            OprationType ThisType,
            OprationType ThatType)
            Console.WriteLine($"Net:{Client.Address} {ThisType.ToString()}   {ThatType.ToString()}");
            Console.WriteLine($"Net:{Client.Address} Sequence:{Sequnce}");
            OprationType Status         = (OprationType)(await Client.Recive(1))[0];
            int          CurrentSequnce = BitConverter.ToInt32(await Client.Recive(4), 0);

            await Client.Send(new byte[] { (byte)ThisType });

            await Client.Send(BitConverter.GetBytes(Sequnce));

            if (Sequnce != CurrentSequnce)
                var Address = Client.Address.ToString();
                Client.WhyDisconnect = $"Wrong Sequnce On {Address}, This side is {Sequnce}" +
                                       $" but other side is {CurrentSequnce}";
                await Client.Disconncet();

                throw new InvalidOperationException(Client.WhyDisconnect);


            if (Status != ThatType)
                var Address = Client.Address.ToString();
                Client.WhyDisconnect =
                    "Wrong opration On " + Address + ", This side is '" + ThisType.ToString() + "'" +
                    " And other side must be '" + ThatType.ToString() + "'" +
                    " But that is '" + Status.ToString() + "'";
                await Client.Disconncet();

                throw new InvalidOperationException
 /// <summary>
 /// 构造函数
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="name"></param>
 /// <param name="oType"></param>
 /// <param name="dType"></param>
 /// <param name="setting"></param>
 /// <param name="data"></param>
 /// <param name="time"></param>
 public UserOperation(string name, OprationType oType, DataType dType, object setting, string data, int time)
     _name = name;
     _opreationType = oType;
     _dataType = dType;
     _setting = setting;
     _data = data;
     _time = time;
        /// <summary>
        /// 加载配置文件
        /// </summary>
        private void LoadConfig()
                XmlDocument config = new XmlDocument();

                XmlNode root = config.SelectSingleNode("Root");

                #region LoadNormalCommand
                XmlNodeList areas = root.SelectNodes("Area");
                foreach (XmlNode area in areas)
                    string areaName = area.SelectSingleNode("AreaName").InnerText;
                    Area   tempArea = new Area(areaName);

                    XmlNodeList actions = area.SelectNodes("Action");
                    foreach (XmlNode action in actions)
                        string     actionName        = action.SelectSingleNode("ActionName").InnerText;
                        string     actionReceiveData = action.SelectSingleNode("ActionReceiveData").InnerText;
                        UserAction useraction        = new UserAction(actionName, actionReceiveData);
                        XmlNodeList oprations = action.SelectNodes("Operation");
                        foreach (XmlNode operation in oprations)
                            string       operationName       = operation.SelectSingleNode("OperationName").InnerText;
                            string       operationTypeString = operation.SelectSingleNode("OperationType").InnerText;
                            OprationType operationType       = (OprationType)Enum.Parse(typeof(OprationType), operationTypeString, true);
                            XmlNode      operationSetting    = operation.SelectSingleNode("OperationSetting");
                            object       setting             = null;
                            if (operationType == OprationType.Com)
                                ComSetting cs = new ComSetting();
                                cs.ComNumber = operationSetting.SelectSingleNode("ComNumber").InnerText;
                                cs.BaudRate  = int.Parse(operationSetting.SelectSingleNode("BaudRate").InnerText);
                                cs.DataBits  = int.Parse(operationSetting.SelectSingleNode("DataBit").InnerText);
                                cs.StopBits  = int.Parse(operationSetting.SelectSingleNode("StopBit").InnerText);
                                cs.Parity    = (Parity)Enum.Parse(typeof(Parity), operationSetting.SelectSingleNode("Parity").InnerText);

                                setting = cs;
                            else if (operationType == OprationType.TCP || operationType == OprationType.UDP)
                                NetworkSetting ns = new NetworkSetting();
                                ns.Ip   = operationSetting.SelectSingleNode("IP").InnerText;
                                ns.Port = int.Parse(operationSetting.SelectSingleNode("Port").InnerText);
                                setting = ns;

                            string        dataTypeString = operation.SelectSingleNode("OperationDataType").InnerText;
                            DataType      dataType       = (DataType)Enum.Parse(typeof(DataType), dataTypeString, true);
                            string        data           = operation.SelectSingleNode("OperationData").InnerText;
                            int           time           = int.Parse(operation.SelectSingleNode("OperationTime").InnerText);
                            UserOperation userOperation  = new UserOperation(operationName, operationType, dataType, setting, data, time);
            catch (Exception ex)
Exemplo n.º 8
 public Operation(OprationType type, params object[] args)
     opType = type;
     opArgs = new object[args.Length];
     Array.Copy(args, opArgs, args.Length);
Exemplo n.º 9
 public Operation(OprationType type, params object[] args)
     opType = type;
     opArgs = new object[args.Length];
     Array.Copy(args, opArgs, args.Length);