Exemplo n.º 1
        public SqlDataReader GetWarehouseBycWhCode(WarehouseInfo model)
            string strSql = string.Empty;

            strSql = string.Format("SELECT cwhcode,cwhname FROM Warehouse WHERE cwhcode = '{0}'", model.WarehouseNo);

            return(OperationSql.ExecuteReaderForERP(CommandType.Text, strSql, null));
Exemplo n.º 2
        public bool GetSaleBillVouchByCode(string code, out SaleBillVouch_Model model, out string strErrMsg)
                string strSql = @"Select SaleBillVouchZW.cSOCode as ssocode,csbvcode as ssbvcode, SaleBillVouchZW.sbvid, SaleBillVouchZW.autoid,SaleBillVouchZW.SBVID,SO_SODetails.iquantity as ssoqty,SaleBillVouchZW.iquantity as ssbvqty,cWhCode,cWhName,SaleBillVouchZW.cInvCode,SaleBillVouchZW.cinvname,cinvstd,SaleBillVouchZW.irowno as ssbvrowno,SO_SODetails.iRowNo as ssorowno,cbdefine1
 From SaleBillVouchZW  
left join (select cbdefine1 as cbdefine1,cbdefine5 as cbdefine5,cbdefine6 as cbdefine6,autoid as keyextend_b_autoid_salebillvouchs_extradefine_autoid 
from salebillvouchs_extradefine) extend_b_autoid_salebillvouchs_extradefine on 
join SaleBillVouchZT on SaleBillVouchZT.sbvid=SaleBillVouchZW.sbvid
left join SO_SODetails on (SaleBillVouchZW.cSOCode = SO_SODetails.cSOCode and SaleBillVouchZW.iorderrowno = SO_SODetails.iRowNo)
where cSource=N'销售' and csbvcode='" + code + "'";
                model          = new SaleBillVouch_Model();
                model.csbvcode = code;
                model.details  = new List <SaleBillDetails_Model>();

                using (SqlDataReader dr = OperationSql.ExecuteReaderForERP(System.Data.CommandType.Text, strSql))
                    while (dr.Read())
                        model.sbvid = dr["SBVID"].ToDBString();
                        SaleBillDetails_Model SM = new SaleBillDetails_Model();
                        SM.autoid    = dr["autoid"].ToDBString();
                        SM.cinvcode  = dr["cinvcode"].ToDBString();
                        SM.cinvname  = dr["cinvname"].ToDBString();
                        SM.cinvstd   = dr["cinvstd"].ToDBString();
                        SM.ssorowno  = dr["ssorowno"].ToDBString();
                        SM.ssbvrowno = dr["ssbvrowno"].ToDBString();
                        SM.cWhCode   = dr["cWhCode"].ToDBString();
                        SM.cWhName   = dr["cWhName"].ToDBString();
                        SM.ssoqty    = dr["ssoqty"].ToDecimal();
                        SM.ssbvqty   = dr["ssbvqty"].ToDecimal();
                        SM.ssocode   = dr["ssocode"].ToDBString();
                        SM.ssbvcode  = dr["ssbvcode"].ToDBString();
                strErrMsg = "";
            catch (Exception ex)
                strErrMsg = ex.Message;
                model     = null;
Exemplo n.º 3
        //internal bool DealImport(ref string strError)
        //    if (!UpdateSapMaterial(ref strError)) return false;

        //    strError = string.Empty;
        //    //SqlParameter[] para = new SqlParameter[]{
        //    //new SqlParameter("ErrStrng",SqlDbType.NVarChar,200,ParameterDirection.Output,true,0,0,"ErrStrng",DataRowVersion.Default,strError)
        //    //};
        //    //OperationSql.ExecuteNonQuery2( CommandType.StoredProcedure, "Proc_ImportStock", para);
        //    //strError = para[para.Length - 1].Value.ToString();

        //    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strError))
        //    {
        //        return true;
        //    }
        //    else if (strError.ToLower() == "null")
        //    {
        //        return true;
        //    }
        //    else
        //    {
        //        return false;
        //    }

        //private bool UpdateSapMaterial(ref string strError)
        //    List<Barcode_Model> lstBarcode = new List<Barcode_Model>();
        //    using (SqlDataReader dr = OperationSql.ExecuteReader(CommandType.Text, "SELECT MATERIALNO FROM T_P_IMPORTSTOCK WHERE MATERIALDESC IS NULL AND ROWNUM <= 5000 GROUP BY MATERIALNO", null))
        //    {
        //        while (dr.Read())
        //        {
        //            lstBarcode.Add(new Barcode_Model() { MATERIALNO = dr["MATERIALNO"].ToDBString() });
        //        }

        //        dr.Close();
        //    }
        //    if (lstBarcode == null || lstBarcode.Count <= 0) return true;

        //    List<Material_Model> lstMaterial = new List<Material_Model>();
        //    Material_SAP materialSap = new Material_SAP();
        //    if (!materialSap.GetMaterialInfoForSAPByBarcode(lstBarcode, ref lstMaterial, ref strError)) return false;
        //    if (lstMaterial == null || lstMaterial.Count <= 0) return false;

        //    List<string> lstSql = new List<string>();
        //    foreach (Material_Model material in lstMaterial)
        //    {
        //        lstSql.Add(string.Format("UPDATE T_P_IMPORTSTOCK SET MATERIALDESC = '{0}', ISROHS = {1} WHERE MATERIALNO = '{2}'", material.MaterialDesc, material.ROHS == "ROHS" ? 2 : 1, material.MaterialNo));
        //    }
        //    if (lstSql == null || lstSql.Count <= 0) return true;

        //    int OnceImportSize = 500;
        //    List<string> lstTemp = new List<string>();
        //    while (lstSql.Count >= OnceImportSize)
        //    {
        //        lstTemp =(lstSql.GetRange(0, OnceImportSize-1));
        //        if (OperationSql.ExecuteNonQueryList(lstTemp, ref strError) <=0)
        //        {
        //            return false;
        //        }
        //        lstSql.RemoveRange(0, OnceImportSize - 1);
        //    }

        //    if (lstSql.Count >= 1)
        //    {
        //        lstTemp = lstSql;
        //        if (OperationSql.ExecuteNonQueryList(lstTemp, ref strError) <= 0)
        //        {
        //            return false;
        //        }
        //    }

        //    object o = OperationSql.ExecuteScalar(CommandType.Text, "select count(1) from (SELECT MATERIALNO FROM T_P_IMPORTSTOCK WHERE MATERIALDESC IS NULL GROUP BY MATERIALNO )", null);
        //    if (o.ToInt32() >= 1)
        //    {
        //        strError = "还有未更新完的物料信息";
        //        return false;
        //    }
        //    return true;

        public bool GetSaleBillVouchCodeByCustomer(string ccusname, out List <string> list, out string strErrMsg)
                list = new List <string>();
                string strSql = "select csbvcode from SaleBillVouchZT where ccusname like '%" + ccusname + "%' and cSource=N'销售' and ivouchstate='Opening' and iverifystate=0 and isnull(bReturnFlag,0)<>1 ";
                using (SqlDataReader dr = OperationSql.ExecuteReaderForERP(System.Data.CommandType.Text, strSql))
                    while (dr.Read())
                strErrMsg = "";
            catch (Exception ex)
                strErrMsg = ex.Message;
                list      = null;
Exemplo n.º 4
        public SqlDataReader ReadData(ReadApiType iType, params object[] list)
            string strSql = string.Empty;
            int    iNo    = Convert.ToInt32(iType);

            switch (iNo)
            case 1:
                if (list != null && list.Count <object>() > 0)
                    strSql = string.Format("select top 100000000 * from xMES_ItemMST where invtid='{0}'", list[0].ToString());

            case 2:
                if (list != null && list.Count <object>() > 0)
                    strSql = string.Format(@"select top 100000000 a.*,b.Allergic,b.SceneMaterial,b.UserFlag,b.InvtType,b.ShelfLife,b.StkUnit from xMES_Purchase a 
                        join xMES_ItemMST b on a.invtid=b.invtid where PoNbr='{0}'", list[0].ToString());

            case 3:
                if (list != null && list.Count <object>() > 0)
                    int iCount = list.Count <object>();
                    if (iCount == 1)
                        strSql = string.Format(@"select top 100000000  a.BatNbr,a.SiteID,a.ToSiteID,a.RefNbr,a.InvtID,a.CHDesc,a.Descr,a.WhseLoc,a.ToWhseLoc,a.LotSerNbr,a.Qty,a.TranDate
                            ,b.Allergic,b.SceneMaterial,b.UserFlag,b.InvtType,b.ShelfLife,b.StkUnit from xMES_TranSF_To01 a join join xMES_ItemMST b on a.invtid=b.invtid where InvtID='{0}'", list[0].ToString());
                    if (iCount == 2)
                        strSql = string.Format(@"select top 100000000  a.BatNbr,a.SiteID,a.ToSiteID,a.RefNbr,a.InvtID,a.CHDesc,a.Descr,a.WhseLoc,a.ToWhseLoc,a.LotSerNbr,a.Qty,a.TranDate
                            ,b.Allergic,b.SceneMaterial,b.UserFlag,b.InvtType,b.ShelfLife,b.StkUnit from xMES_TranSF_To01 a join join xMES_ItemMST b on a.invtid=b.invtid where InvtID='{0}' and LotSerNbr='{1}'", list[0].ToString(), list[1].ToString());
                    if (iCount == 3)
                        strSql = string.Format(@"select top 100000000  a.BatNbr,a.SiteID,a.ToSiteID,a.RefNbr,a.InvtID,a.CHDesc,a.Descr,a.WhseLoc,a.ToWhseLoc,a.LotSerNbr,a.Qty,a.TranDate
                            ,b.Allergic,b.SceneMaterial,b.UserFlag,b.InvtType,b.ShelfLife,b.StkUnit from xMES_TranSF_To01 a join join xMES_ItemMST b on a.invtid=b.invtid where InvtID='{0}' and LotSerNbr='{1}' and CONVERT(varchar(100), TranDate, 23)='{2}'", list[0].ToString(), list[1].ToString(), Convert.ToDateTime(list[2]).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));
                    if (iCount == 4)
                        strSql = string.Format(@"select top 100000000  a.BatNbr,a.SiteID,a.ToSiteID,a.RefNbr,a.InvtID,a.CHDesc,a.Descr,a.WhseLoc,a.ToWhseLoc,a.LotSerNbr,a.Qty,a.TranDate
                            ,b.Allergic,b.SceneMaterial,b.UserFlag,b.InvtType,b.ShelfLife,b.StkUnit from xMES_TranSF_To01 a join join xMES_ItemMST b on a.invtid=b.invtid where InvtID='{0}' and LotSerNbr='{1}' and TranDate>= '{2}' and and TranDate<='{3}'", list[0].ToString(), list[1].ToString(), Convert.ToDateTime(list[2]).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), Convert.ToDateTime(list[3]).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));

            case 4:
                if (list != null && list.Count <object>() > 0)
                    strSql = string.Format("select top 100000000 * from xMES_BOM where InvtID='{0}'", list[0].ToString());

            case 5:
                if (list != null && list.Count <object>() > 0)
                    int iCount = list.Count <object>();
                    if (iCount == 1)
                        strSql = string.Format("select top 100000000 * from xMES_PackingSlip where ShipperID='{0}'", list[0].ToString());
                    if (iCount == 2)
                        strSql = string.Format("select top 100000000 * from xMES_PackingSlip where ShipperID='{0}' and CONVERT(varchar(100),ShipDateAct, 23)='{1}'", list[0].ToString(), Convert.ToDateTime(list[1]).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));

            case 6:
                if (list != null && list.Count <object>() > 0)
                    int iCount = list.Count <object>();
                    if (iCount == 1)
                        strSql = string.Format("select top 100000000 * from xMES_Prod a join xMES_ItemMST b on a.invtid=b.invtid where ProdOrdID='{0}'", list[0].ToString());
                    if (iCount == 2)
                        strSql = string.Format("select top 100000000 * from xMES_Prod a join xMES_ItemMST b on a.invtid=b.invtid where ProdOrdID='{0}' and CONVERT(varchar(100),StartDate, 23)='{1}'", list[0].ToString(), Convert.ToDateTime(list[1]).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));
                    if (iCount == 3)
                        strSql = string.Format("select top 100000000 * from xMES_Prod a join xMES_ItemMST b on a.invtid=b.invtid where ProdOrdID='{0}' and CONVERT(varchar(100),StartDate, 23)='{1}'  and CONVERT(varchar(100),EndDate, 23)='{2}'", list[0].ToString(), Convert.ToDateTime(list[1]).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), Convert.ToDateTime(list[2]).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));

            case 7:
                if (list != null && list.Count <object>() > 0)
                    int iCount = list.Count <object>();
                    if (iCount == 1)
                        strSql = string.Format("select top 100000000 * from xMES_TranSF_To03 where InvtID='{0}'", list[0].ToString());
                    if (iCount == 2)
                        strSql = string.Format("select top 100000000 * from xMES_TranSF_To03 where InvtID='{0}' and LotSerNbr='{1}'", list[0].ToString(), list[1].ToString());
                    if (iCount == 3)
                        strSql = string.Format("select top 100000000 * from xMES_TranSF_To03 where InvtID='{0}' and LotSerNbr='{1}' and CONVERT(varchar(100), TranDate, 23)='{2}'", list[0].ToString(), list[1].ToString(), Convert.ToDateTime(list[2]).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));

            case 8:
                if (list != null && list.Count <object>() > 0)
                    int iCount = list.Count <object>();
                    if (iCount == 1)
                        strSql = string.Format("select top 100000000 * from xMES_ProdBook_1 where ProdOrdID='{0}'", list[0].ToString());
                    if (iCount == 2)
                        strSql = string.Format("select top 100000000 * from xMES_ProdBook_1 where ProdOrdID='{0}' and CONVERT(varchar(100),StartDate, 23)='{1}'", list[0].ToString(), Convert.ToDateTime(list[1]).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));
                    if (iCount == 3)
                        strSql = string.Format("select top 100000000 * from xMES_ProdBook_1 where ProdOrdID='{0}' and CONVERT(varchar(100),StartDate, 23)='{1}'  and CONVERT(varchar(100),EndDate, 23)='{2}'", list[0].ToString(), Convert.ToDateTime(list[1]).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), Convert.ToDateTime(list[2]).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));

            case 9:
                if (list != null && list.Count <object>() > 0)
                    int iCount = list.Count <object>();
                    if (iCount == 1)
                        strSql = string.Format("select top 100000000 * from xMES_ProdBook_2 where ProdOrdID='{0}'", list[0].ToString());
                    if (iCount == 2)
                        strSql = string.Format("select top 100000000 * from xMES_ProdBook_2 where ProdOrdID='{0}' and CONVERT(varchar(100),StartDate, 23)='{1}'", list[0].ToString(), Convert.ToDateTime(list[1]).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));
                    if (iCount == 3)
                        strSql = string.Format("select top 100000000 * from xMES_ProdBook_2 where ProdOrdID='{0}' and CONVERT(varchar(100),StartDate, 23)='{1}'  and CONVERT(varchar(100),EndDate, 23)='{2}'", list[0].ToString(), Convert.ToDateTime(list[1]).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), Convert.ToDateTime(list[2]).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));

            case 10:
                if (list != null && list.Count <object>() > 0)
                    int iCount = list.Count <object>();
                    if (iCount == 1)
                        strSql = string.Format("select top 100000000 * from xMES_ProdBook_3 where ProdOrdID='{0}'", list[0].ToString());
                    if (iCount == 2)
                        strSql = string.Format("select top 100000000 * from xMES_ProdBook_3 where ProdOrdID='{0}' and CONVERT(varchar(100),StartDate, 23)='{1}'", list[0].ToString(), Convert.ToDateTime(list[1]).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));
                    if (iCount == 3)
                        strSql = string.Format("select top 100000000 * from xMES_ProdBook_3 where ProdOrdID='{0}' and CONVERT(varchar(100),StartDate, 23)='{1}'  and CONVERT(varchar(100),EndDate, 23)='{2}'", list[0].ToString(), Convert.ToDateTime(list[1]).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), Convert.ToDateTime(list[2]).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));

            case 11:
                if (list != null && list.Count <object>() > 0)
                    int iCount = list.Count <object>();
                    if (iCount == 1)
                        strSql = string.Format("select top 100000000 * from xMES_TranSF_To04 where InvtID='{0}'", list[0].ToString());
                    if (iCount == 2)
                        strSql = string.Format("select top 100000000 * from xMES_TranSF_To04 where InvtID='{0}' and LotSerNbr='{1}'", list[0].ToString(), list[1].ToString());
                    if (iCount == 3)
                        strSql = string.Format("select top 100000000 * from xMES_TranSF_To04 where InvtID='{0}' and LotSerNbr='{1}' and CONVERT(varchar(100), TranDate, 23)='{2}'", list[0].ToString(), list[1].ToString(), Convert.ToDateTime(list[2]).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));

            return(OperationSql.ExecuteReaderForERP(CommandType.Text, strSql, null));
Exemplo n.º 5
        public bool GetSaleBillDetailsForTrans(SaleBillDetails_Model detail, out List <SaleBillDetails_Model> list, out string strErrMsg)
                list = new List <SaleBillDetails_Model>();
                string strSql = @"select cSOCode,iRowNo,iQuantity from SO_SODetails
where dbclosedate is null and cInvCode = '" + detail.cinvcode + "' and cSOCode != '" + detail.ssocode + "'";
                using (SqlDataReader dr = OperationSql.ExecuteReaderForERP(System.Data.CommandType.Text, strSql))
                    while (dr.Read())
                        strSql = "select * from T_temptrans where RealQty < " + detail.qty + " and ssocode = '" + dr["cSOCode"].ToDBString() + "' and cinvcode = '" + detail.cinvcode + "'";
                        if (OperationSql.ExecuteReader(System.Data.CommandType.Text, strSql).Read())
                        strSql = "select SUM(qty) from T_temptrans where  cinvcode = '" + detail.cinvcode + "' and dsocode = '" + dr["cSOCode"].ToDBString() + "'";
                        decimal sum = OperationSql.ExecuteScalar(System.Data.CommandType.Text, strSql).ToDecimal();
                        if (sum != null && (dr["iQuantity"].ToDecimal() - sum < detail.qty))
                        strSql = "select SUM(T_STOCK.qty) from T_OUTBARCODE join T_STOCK on T_STOCK.serialno = T_OUTBARCODE.serialno where T_STOCK.warehouseno = '14' and T_OUTBARCODE.materialno = '" + detail.cinvcode + "' and SoCode = '" + dr["cSOCode"].ToDBString() + "'";
                        sum    = OperationSql.ExecuteScalar(System.Data.CommandType.Text, strSql).ToDecimal();
                        if (sum == null)
                        else if (sum < detail.qty)
                        SaleBillDetails_Model SM = new SaleBillDetails_Model();
                        SM.autoid    = detail.autoid;
                        SM.cinvcode  = detail.cinvcode;
                        SM.cinvname  = detail.cinvname;
                        SM.cinvstd   = detail.cinvstd;
                        SM.ssorowno  = detail.ssorowno;
                        SM.ssbvrowno = detail.ssbvrowno;
                        SM.cWhCode   = detail.cWhCode;
                        SM.cWhName   = detail.cWhName;
                        SM.ssoqty    = detail.ssoqty;
                        SM.ssbvqty   = detail.ssbvqty;
                        SM.ssocode   = detail.ssocode;
                        SM.ssbvcode  = detail.ssbvcode;
                        SM.dsocode   = dr["cSOCode"].ToDBString();
                        SM.dsorowno  = dr["iRowNo"].ToDBString();
                        SM.dsoqty    = sum;
                        SM.qty       = detail.qty;
                        //SM.dsoqty = dr["iQuantity"].ToDecimal();
                strErrMsg = "";
            catch (Exception ex)
                strErrMsg = ex.Message;
                list      = null;