private void AddUpdateTransferInDetail(object transferObject, object transferDetailObject, bool allowNegativeQty, ItemsManagementType imt, bool increaseStoreAvailability)
            SqlHelper helper = GetSqlHelper();


            bool usesLots = imt != ItemsManagementType.AveragePrice &&
                            imt != ItemsManagementType.QuickAveragePrice &&
                            imt != ItemsManagementType.LastPurchasePrice;

            // Check if we already have that detail
            long result;
            var  oldInfo = ExecuteObject <ObjectsContainer <int, long, long, double> > ("SELECT Sign as Value1, ObjectID as Value2, GoodID as Value3, Qtty as Value4 FROM operations WHERE ID = @ID", helper.Parameters);
            // Get the quantity from the new detail
            double newGoodsQty = (double)helper.GetObjectValue(DataField.OperationDetailQuantity);

            // We are updating detail information
            if (oldInfo != null)
                long   oldLocationId = oldInfo.Value2;
                long   oldGoodsId    = oldInfo.Value3;
                double oldGoodsQty   = oldInfo.Value4;
                // Get the store id from the new detail
                long newLocationId = (long)helper.GetObjectValue(DataField.OperationLocationId);
                // Get the item id from the new detail
                long newGoodsId = (long)helper.GetObjectValue(DataField.OperationDetailItemId);

                long   newLotId;
                string newLot;
                double newPrice;
                long   oldLotId;
                string oldLot;
                double oldPrice;
                GetOperationDetailLotInfo(helper, usesLots, newGoodsQty, out newLotId, out newLot, out newPrice, out oldLotId, out oldLot, out oldPrice);

                if (newGoodsQty.IsZero())
                    // Update the operation row with the changes
                    result = ExecuteNonQuery("DELETE FROM operations WHERE ID = @ID", helper.Parameters);
                    // Update the operation row with the changes
                    result = ExecuteNonQuery(string.Format("UPDATE operations {0} WHERE ID = @ID",
                                                           helper.GetSetStatement(OperationNonDBFields.Union(new [] { DataField.OperationDetailId }).ToArray())), helper.Parameters);

                if (result != 1)
                    throw new Exception("Unable to update operation detail.");

                if (oldInfo.Value1 == 0 && increaseStoreAvailability)
                    ApplyTransferInInsertToStore(helper, usesLots);

                helper.AddParameters(new DbParam("oldGoodsQty", oldGoodsQty));
                helper.AddParameters(new DbParam("oldLocationId", oldLocationId));
                helper.AddParameters(new DbParam("oldGoodsId", oldGoodsId));

                if (usesLots)
                    if (newLocationId != oldLocationId || newGoodsId != oldGoodsId || newGoodsQty != oldGoodsQty ||
                        newPrice != oldPrice || newLot != oldLot || newLotId != oldLotId)
                        helper.AddParameters(new DbParam("oldPrice", oldPrice));
                        helper.AddParameters(new DbParam("oldLot", oldLot));
                        helper.AddParameters(new DbParam("oldLotId", oldLotId));

                        // Set the new quantity in the store
                        if (!newGoodsQty.IsZero())
                            result = ExecuteNonQuery(string.Format(@"UPDATE store 
                                SET Qtty = Qtty + @Qtty
                                WHERE ObjectID = @ObjectID AND GoodID = @GoodID AND Lot = @Lot AND LotID = @LotID AND ABS(Price - @PriceIn) < {0}",
                                                                   PurchaseCurrencyPrecisionString), helper.Parameters);

                            if (result == 0)
                                result = ExecuteScalar <long> (@"SELECT IFNULL(MAX(LotOrder), 0)
                                    FROM store
                                    WHERE ObjectID = @ObjectID AND GoodID = @GoodID", helper.Parameters);
                                helper.AddParameters(new DbParam("newLotOrder", result + 1));
                                ExecuteNonQuery(@"INSERT INTO store (ObjectID, GoodID, Lot, LotID, Price, Qtty, LotOrder)
                                    VALUES(@ObjectID, @GoodID, @Lot, @LotID, @PriceIn, @Qtty, @newLotOrder)",

                        // Revert the old quantity in the store
                        result = ExecuteNonQuery(@"UPDATE store
                            SET Qtty = Qtty - @oldGoodsQty
                            WHERE ObjectID = @oldLocationId AND GoodID = @oldGoodsId AND Lot = @oldLot AND LotID = @oldLotId AND Price = @oldPrice AND " +
                                                 GetQuantityCondition("oldGoodsId", "oldGoodsQty", "oldLocationId", helper, -1),

                        if (result != 1)
                            string goodsName = ExecuteScalar <string> ("SELECT Name FROM goods WHERE ID = @oldGoodsId",
                            throw new InsufficientItemAvailabilityException(goodsName);

                        // Delete the row if it has become with 0 quantity
                        ExecuteNonQuery(@"DELETE FROM store
                            WHERE ObjectID = @oldLocationId AND GoodID = @oldGoodsId AND Lot = @oldLot AND LotID = @oldLotId AND Price = @oldPrice AND ABS(Qtty) < 0.0000001", helper.Parameters);
                    if (newLocationId != oldLocationId || newGoodsId != oldGoodsId || newGoodsQty != oldGoodsQty)
                        // Set the new quantity in the store
                        if (!newGoodsQty.IsZero())
                            ExecuteNonQuery("UPDATE store SET Qtty = Qtty + @Qtty WHERE ObjectID = @ObjectID AND GoodID = @GoodID",

                        // Revert the old quantity in the store
                        if (allowNegativeQty)
                            ExecuteNonQuery("UPDATE store SET Qtty = Qtty - @oldGoodsQty WHERE ObjectID = @oldLocationId AND GoodID = @oldGoodsId",
                            result = ExecuteNonQuery(@"UPDATE store SET Qtty = Qtty - @oldGoodsQty 
                                WHERE ObjectID = @oldLocationId AND GoodID = @oldGoodsId AND " +
                                                     GetQuantityCondition("oldGoodsId", "oldGoodsQty", "oldLocationId", helper, -1),

                            if (result != 1)
                                string goodsName = ExecuteScalar <string> ("SELECT Name FROM goods WHERE ID = @oldGoodsId",
                                throw new InsufficientItemAvailabilityException(goodsName);
            } // We are creating new detail information
                if (newGoodsQty.IsZero())

                // Insert the operation row
                result = ExecuteNonQuery(string.Format("INSERT INTO operations {0}",
                                                       helper.GetColumnsAndValuesStatement(OperationNonDBFields.Union(new [] { DataField.OperationDetailId }).ToArray())), helper.Parameters);

                if (result != 1)
                    throw new Exception("Unable to insert operation detail.");

                result = GetLastAutoId();
                helper.SetObjectValue(DataField.OperationDetailId, result);

                if (increaseStoreAvailability)
                    ApplyTransferInInsertToStore(helper, usesLots);
Exemplo n.º 2
        private void AddUpdateStockTakingDetail(object stockTakingObject, object stockTakingDetailObjects,
                                                bool allowNegativeQty, DataField priceOutField, ItemsManagementType imt, bool annul)
            SqlHelper helper = GetSqlHelper();


            bool usesLots = imt != ItemsManagementType.AveragePrice &&
                            imt != ItemsManagementType.QuickAveragePrice &&
                            imt != ItemsManagementType.LastPurchasePrice;

            // Check if we already have that detail
            var oldInfo = ExecuteObject <ObjectsContainer <int, long, long, double> > ("SELECT Sign as Value1, ObjectID as Value2, GoodID as Value3, Qtty as Value4 FROM operations WHERE ID = @ID", helper.Parameters);
            // Get the quantity from the new detail
            double newGoodsQty = (double)helper.GetObjectValue(DataField.OperationDetailQuantity);

            long result;

            // We are updating detail information
            if (oldInfo != null)
                int    oldSign       = oldInfo.Value1;
                long   oldLocationId = oldInfo.Value2;
                long   oldGoodsId    = oldInfo.Value3;
                double oldGoodsQty   = oldInfo.Value4;

                long   newLotId;
                string newLot;
                double newPrice;
                long   oldLotId;
                string oldLot;
                double oldPrice;
                GetOperationDetailLotInfo(helper, usesLots, newGoodsQty, out newLotId, out newLot, out newPrice, out oldLotId, out oldLot, out oldPrice);

                // unlike other operations, stock-takings are allowed to have zero quantity
                if (annul)
                    // Update the operation row with the changes
                    result = ExecuteNonQuery("DELETE FROM operations WHERE ID = @ID", helper.Parameters);
                    // Update the operation row with the changes
                    result = ExecuteNonQuery(string.Format("UPDATE operations {0} WHERE ID = @ID",
                                                           helper.GetSetStatement(OperationNonDBFields.Union(new [] { DataField.OperationDetailId }).ToArray())), helper.Parameters);

                if (result != 1)
                    throw new Exception("Unable to update operation detail.");

                int sign = (int)helper.GetObjectValue(DataField.OperationDetailSign);
                if (sign == 0)

                if (oldSign == 0)
                    oldGoodsQty = 0;

                helper.AddParameters(new DbParam("oldGoodsQty", oldGoodsQty));
                helper.AddParameters(new DbParam("oldLocationId", oldLocationId));
                helper.AddParameters(new DbParam("oldGoodsId", oldGoodsId));

                ExecuteNonQuery(string.Format("UPDATE goods SET PriceIn = @PriceIn, {0} = @PriceOut WHERE ID = @GoodID", fieldsTable.GetFieldName(priceOutField)),

                #region Update location items availability on hand

                if (usesLots)
                    if (!newGoodsQty.IsEqualTo(oldGoodsQty) ||
                        !newPrice.IsEqualTo(oldPrice) || newLot != oldLot || newLotId != oldLotId || annul)
                        // Set the new quantity in the store
                        if (!newGoodsQty.IsZero())
                            result = ExecuteNonQuery(string.Format(@"UPDATE store
                                SET Qtty = Qtty + @Qtty
                                WHERE ObjectID = @ObjectID AND GoodID = @GoodID AND Lot = @Lot AND LotID = @LotID AND ABS(Price - @PriceIn) < {0}", PurchaseCurrencyPrecisionString), helper.Parameters);

                            if (result == 0)
                                result = ExecuteScalar <long> (@"SELECT IFNULL(MAX(LotOrder), 0)
                                    FROM store
                                    WHERE ObjectID = @ObjectID AND GoodID = @GoodID", helper.Parameters);
                                helper.AddParameters(new DbParam("newLotOrder", result + 1));
                                if ((double)helper.GetObjectValue(DataField.OperationDetailQuantity) > 0)
                                    ExecuteNonQuery(@"INSERT INTO store (ObjectID, GoodID, Lot, LotID, Price, Qtty, LotOrder)
                                        VALUES(@ObjectID, @GoodID, @Lot, @LotID, @PriceIn, @Qtty, @newLotOrder)", helper.Parameters);

                        helper.AddParameters(new DbParam("oldPrice", oldPrice));
                        helper.AddParameters(new DbParam("oldLot", oldLot));
                        helper.AddParameters(new DbParam("oldLotId", oldLotId));

                        // a stock-taking may have deleted a lot by nullifying the quantity; check for the lot and restore it if needed
                        object lot = ExecuteScalar(@"SELECT ID FROM store WHERE ObjectID = @oldLocationId AND GoodID = @oldGoodsId AND Lot = @oldLot 
                            AND LotID = @oldLotId AND Price = @oldPrice", helper.Parameters);
                        if (lot != null)
                            result = ExecuteNonQuery(@"UPDATE store
                                SET Qtty = Qtty - @oldGoodsQty
                                WHERE ObjectID = @oldLocationId AND GoodID = @oldGoodsId AND Lot = @oldLot AND LotID = @oldLotId AND 
                                      Price = @oldPrice AND " + GetQuantityCondition("oldGoodsId", "oldGoodsQty", "oldLocationId", helper, -1), helper.Parameters);
                            if (oldGoodsQty <= 0 || allowNegativeQty)
                                result = ExecuteScalar <long> (@"SELECT IFNULL(MAX(LotOrder), 0)
                                    FROM store
                                    WHERE ObjectID = @oldLocationId AND GoodID = @oldGoodsId", helper.Parameters);
                                helper.AddParameters(new DbParam("newLotOrder", result + 1));
                                result = ExecuteNonQuery(@"INSERT INTO store (ObjectID, GoodID, Lot, LotID, Price, Qtty, LotOrder)
                                    VALUES(@oldLocationId, @oldGoodsId, @oldLot, @oldLotId, @oldPrice, @oldGoodsQty, @newLotOrder)", helper.Parameters);
                                result = 0;

                        if (result != 1)
                            string goodsName = ExecuteScalar <string> ("SELECT Name FROM goods WHERE ID = @oldGoodsId",
                            throw new InsufficientItemAvailabilityException(goodsName);

                        // Delete the row if it has become with 0 quantity
                        ExecuteNonQuery(@"DELETE FROM store
                            WHERE ObjectID = @oldLocationId AND GoodID = @oldGoodsId AND Lot = @oldLot AND LotID = @oldLotId AND Price = @oldPrice AND ABS(Qtty) < 0.0000001", helper.Parameters);
                    if (!newGoodsQty.IsEqualTo(oldGoodsQty) || annul)
                        // Set the new price in store
                        ExecuteNonQuery("UPDATE store SET Price = @PriceIn WHERE GoodID = @GoodID", helper.Parameters);

                        // Set the new quantity in the store
                        if (!newGoodsQty.IsZero())
                            ExecuteNonQuery("UPDATE store SET Qtty = Qtty + @Qtty WHERE ObjectID = @ObjectID AND GoodID = @GoodID",

                        // Revert the old quantity in the store
                        if (allowNegativeQty)
                            ExecuteNonQuery("UPDATE store SET Qtty = Qtty - @oldGoodsQty WHERE ObjectID = @oldLocationId AND GoodID = @oldGoodsId",
                            result = ExecuteNonQuery(@"UPDATE store SET Qtty = Qtty - @oldGoodsQty 
                                WHERE ObjectID = @oldLocationId AND GoodID = @oldGoodsId AND " +
                                                     GetQuantityCondition("oldGoodsId", "oldGoodsQty", "oldLocationId", helper, -1),

                            if (result != 1)
                                string goodsName = ExecuteScalar <string> ("SELECT Name FROM goods WHERE ID = @oldGoodsId",
                                throw new InsufficientItemAvailabilityException(goodsName);

            } // We are creating new detail information
            else if (!annul)
                if (usesLots)
                    long lotId = GetCreateLotId((string)helper.GetObjectValue(DataField.LotSerialNumber),
                                                (string)helper.GetObjectValue(DataField.LotLocation), null);

                    helper.SetObjectValue(DataField.OperationDetailLotId, lotId);
                    helper.SetParameterValue(DataField.OperationDetailLotId, lotId);

                // Insert the operation row
                result = ExecuteNonQuery(string.Format("INSERT INTO operations {0}",
                                                       helper.GetColumnsAndValuesStatement(OperationNonDBFields.Union(new [] { DataField.OperationDetailId }).ToArray())), helper.Parameters);

                if (result != 1)
                    throw new Exception("Unable to insert operation detail.");

                result = GetLastAutoId();
                helper.SetObjectValue(DataField.OperationDetailId, result);

                int sign = (int)helper.GetObjectValue(DataField.OperationDetailSign);
                if (sign == 0)

                ExecuteNonQuery(string.Format("UPDATE goods SET PriceIn = @PriceIn, {0} = @PriceOut WHERE ID = @GoodID", fieldsTable.GetFieldName(priceOutField)),

                #region Update location items availability on hand

                if (usesLots)
                    result = ExecuteNonQuery(string.Format(@"UPDATE store
                        SET Qtty = Qtty + @Qtty
                        WHERE ObjectID = @ObjectID AND GoodID = @GoodID AND Lot = @Lot AND LotID = @LotID AND ABS(Price - @PriceIn) < {0} AND Qtty + @Qtty + 0.0000001 > 0", PurchaseCurrencyPrecisionString), helper.Parameters);

                    if (result == 0)
                        newGoodsQty = ExecuteScalar <double> (string.Format(@"SELECT IFNULL(MAX({0} + @Qtty), 0)
                            FROM store
                            WHERE ObjectID = @ObjectID AND GoodID = @GoodID AND Lot = @Lot AND LotID = @LotID AND ABS(Price - @PriceIn) < {1}", GetQuantity("GoodID", "ObjectID", helper, -1), PurchaseCurrencyPrecisionString), helper.Parameters);

                        if (newGoodsQty < 0)
                            throw new InsufficientItemAvailabilityException((string)helper.GetObjectValue(DataField.ItemName));

                        result = ExecuteScalar <long> (@"SELECT IFNULL(MAX(LotOrder), 0)
                            FROM store
                            WHERE ObjectID = @ObjectID AND GoodID = @GoodID", helper.Parameters);
                        helper.AddParameters(new DbParam("newLotOrder", result + 1));

                        if ((double)helper.GetObjectValue(DataField.OperationDetailQuantity) > 0)
                            ExecuteNonQuery(@"INSERT INTO store (ObjectID, GoodID, Lot, LotID, Price, Qtty, LotOrder)
                                VALUES(@ObjectID, @GoodID, @Lot, @LotID, @PriceIn, @Qtty, @newLotOrder)", helper.Parameters);
                        // Delete the row if it has become with 0 quantity
                        ExecuteNonQuery(string.Format(@"DELETE FROM store
                            WHERE ObjectID = @ObjectID AND GoodID = @GoodID AND Lot = @Lot AND LotID = @LotID AND ABS(Price - @PriceIn) < {0} AND ABS(Qtty) < 0.0000001", PurchaseCurrencyPrecisionString), helper.Parameters);
                    // Set the new quantity in the store
                    ExecuteNonQuery("UPDATE store SET Price = @PriceIn WHERE GoodID = @GoodID", helper.Parameters);
                    if (allowNegativeQty)
                        ExecuteNonQuery("UPDATE store SET Qtty = Qtty + @Qtty WHERE GoodID = @GoodID AND ObjectID = @ObjectID",
                        result = ExecuteNonQuery(string.Format(@"UPDATE store SET Qtty = Qtty + @Qtty 
							WHERE GoodID = @GoodID AND ObjectID = @ObjectID AND {0} + @Qtty + 0.0000001 > 0"                            , GetQuantity("GoodID", "ObjectID", helper, -1)),

                        if (result != 1)
                            string goodsName = ExecuteScalar <string> ("SELECT Name FROM goods WHERE ID = @GoodID", helper.Parameters);
                            throw new InsufficientItemAvailabilityException(goodsName);

                throw new Exception("Wrong number of operation details found with the given Id.");