//A column under a <Node> (or <View>) element is either a declaration (build meta data only) or defines an entry in the parent's ViewColumnNode
            public void BuildNodeValue(ViewTable.Builder.BuildingData buildingData, ViewTable vTable, ViewTable.Builder.Node node, long row, ViewTable parentViewTable, Operation.ExpressionParsingContext expressionParsingContext, ref Database.MetaColumn metaColum)
                BuildOrUpdateDeclaration(buildingData, vTable, ref metaColum, expressionParsingContext);

                //If the parent's node data type is Node
                if (node.parent != null && node.parent.data.type == ViewTable.Builder.Node.Data.DataType.Node)
                    // this column is an entry in the parent's column
                    var option = new Operation.Expression.ParseIdentifierOption(buildingData.Schema, parentViewTable, true, true, metaColum != null ? metaColum.Type.scriptingType : null, expressionParsingContext);
                    option.formatError = (string s, Operation.Expression.ParseIdentifierOption opt) =>
                        return(FormatErrorContextInfo(buildingData.Schema, parentViewTable) + " : " + s);
                    Operation.Expression expression = Operation.Expression.ParseIdentifier(value, option);

                    //if the meta column does not have a type defined yet, define it as the expression's type.
                    if (metaColum.Type.scriptingType == null)
                        DataMatchMethod matchMethod = expression.type == typeof(string) ? DataMatchMethod.AsString : DataMatchMethod.AsNumber;
                        metaColum.Type = new MetaType()
                            scriptingType = expression.type, comparisonMethod = matchMethod
                    ViewColumnNode.IViewColumnNode column = BuildOrGetColumnNode(parentViewTable, metaColum, name, expressionParsingContext);
                    column.SetEntry(row, expression, m_MetaLink);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public override int Compare(long rowLhs, Operation.Expression expression, long rowRhs)
            Operation.Operation.ComparableComparator comparator = Operation.Operation.GetComparator(type, expression.type);
            var val1   = GetRowValue(rowLhs);
            var val2   = expression.GetComparableValue(rowRhs);
            int result = comparator(val1, val2);

Exemplo n.º 3
 // Set a Node value to the merged result of it's sub entries
 public static void BuildNodeValueDefault(ViewTable.Builder.Node node, long row, ViewSchema vs, Database.Schema baseSchema, ViewTable parentViewTable, Operation.ExpressionParsingContext expressionParsingContext, Database.MetaColumn metaColumn)
     //set the entry for merge column
     if (metaColumn.DefaultMergeAlgorithm != null && metaColumn.Type != null)
         ViewColumnNode.IViewColumnNode column     = BuildOrGetColumnNode(parentViewTable, metaColumn, metaColumn.Name, expressionParsingContext);
         Operation.Expression           expression = Operation.ColumnCreator.CreateTypedExpressionColumnMerge(metaColumn.Type, parentViewTable, row, column.GetColumn(), metaColumn);
         column.SetEntry(row, expression, null);
Exemplo n.º 4
            public IViewColumn Build(ViewTable.Builder.Node node, ViewSchema vs, Database.Schema baseSchema, ViewTable vTable, Operation.ExpressionParsingContext expressionParsingContext, ref Database.MetaColumn metaColumn)
                // Check if we have a type mismatch
                Type columnValueType = metaColumn != null ? metaColumn.Type : null;

                if (value.type != null)
                    if (columnValueType != null && columnValueType != value.type)
                        DebugUtility.LogWarning("While building column '" + name + "' : "
                                                + "Cannot override type from '" + columnValueType.Name
                                                + "' to '" + value.type.Name + "'");
                    columnValueType = value.type;

                // Parse expression value
                Operation.Expression.ParseIdentifierOption parseOpt = new Operation.Expression.ParseIdentifierOption(vs, vTable, true, false, columnValueType, expressionParsingContext);
                parseOpt.formatError = (string s, Operation.Expression.ParseIdentifierOption opt) => {
                    return(FormatErrorContextInfo(vs, vTable) + " : " + s);

                Operation.Expression expression = Operation.Expression.ParseIdentifier(value, parseOpt);

                // Build declaration with the type we've just parsed
                BuildOrUpdateDeclaration(ref metaColumn, expression.type);

                IViewColumn result = (IViewColumn)Operation.ColumnCreator.CreateViewColumnExpression(expression);
                ViewColumn  vc     = new ViewColumn();

                vc.m_MetaLink     = m_MetaLink;
                vc.viewTable      = vTable;
                vc.ParsingContext = expressionParsingContext;
                result.SetColumn(vc, null);
Exemplo n.º 5
            //A column under a <Node> (or <View>) element is either a declaration (build meta data only) or defines an entry in the parent's ViewColumnNode
            public void BuildNodeValue(ViewTable.Builder.Node node, long row, ViewSchema vs, Database.Schema baseSchema, ViewTable parentViewTable, Operation.ExpressionParsingContext expressionParsingContext, ref Database.MetaColumn metaColum)
                BuildOrUpdateDeclaration(ref metaColum);

                //If the parent's node data type is Node
                if (node.parent != null && node.parent.data.type == ViewTable.Builder.Node.Data.DataType.Node)
                    // this column is an entry in the parent's column
                    var option = new Operation.Expression.ParseIdentifierOption(vs, parentViewTable, true, true, metaColum != null ? metaColum.Type : null, expressionParsingContext);
                    option.formatError = (string s, Operation.Expression.ParseIdentifierOption opt) =>
                        return(FormatErrorContextInfo(vs, parentViewTable) + " : " + s);
                    Operation.Expression expression = Operation.Expression.ParseIdentifier(value, option);

                    //if the meta column does not have a type defined yet, define it as the expression's type.
                    if (metaColum.Type == null)
                        metaColum.Type = expression.type;
                    ViewColumnNode.IViewColumnNode column = BuildOrGetColumnNode(parentViewTable, metaColum, name, expressionParsingContext);
                    column.SetEntry(row, expression, m_MetaLink);
Exemplo n.º 6
 void ViewColumnNode.IViewColumnNode.SetEntry(long row, Operation.Expression exp, TableLink link)
     entries[(int)row]     = exp as Operation.TypedExpression <DataT>;
     linkEntries[(int)row] = link;
Exemplo n.º 7
 //returning indice array is always in ascending index order
 public abstract long[] GetMatchIndex(ArrayRange rowRange, Operation.Operator op, Operation.Expression exp, long expRowFirst, bool rowToRow);
Exemplo n.º 8
 public abstract long GetFirstMatchIndex(Operation.Operator op, Operation.Expression exp, long expRowFirst);
 public void Add(string key, Operation.Expression value)
     m_Parameters.Add(key, value);
Exemplo n.º 10
 public abstract int Compare(long rowLhs, Operation.Expression exp, long rowRhs);
 void ViewColumnNode.IViewColumnNode.SetEntry(long row, Operation.Expression exp, TableLink link)
 public bool TryGet(string key, out Operation.Expression value)
     return(m_Parameters.TryGetValue(key, out value));
Exemplo n.º 13
            public override long[] GetMatchIndex(ArrayRange rowRange, Operation.Operator operation, Operation.Expression expression, long expressionRowFirst, bool rowToRow)
                if (expression.type != type)
                    return(base.GetMatchIndex(rowRange, operation, expression, expressionRowFirst, rowToRow));
                Operation.TypedExpression <int> typedExpression = expression as Operation.TypedExpression <int>;
                long count          = rowRange.Count;
                var  matchedIndices = new List <long>(128);

                if (rowToRow)
                    for (long i = 0; i != count; ++i)
                        var lhs = m_Cache[rowRange[i]];
                        var rhs = typedExpression.GetValue(expressionRowFirst + i);
                        if (Operation.Operation.Match(operation, lhs, rhs))
                    if (Operation.Operation.IsOperatorOneToMany(operation))
                        for (int i = 0; i != count; ++i)
                            var leftValue = m_Cache[rowRange[i]];
                            if (Operation.Operation.Match(operation, leftValue, typedExpression, expressionRowFirst))
                        var valueRight = typedExpression.GetValue(expressionRowFirst);
                        //Optimization for equal operation when querying on all data
                        if (rowRange.IsSequence && operation == Operation.Operator.Equal)
                            //use the sorted index to trim down invalid values
                            long[] sortedIndex     = GetSortIndexAsc();
                            int    lowerIndexIndex = LowerBoundIndex(sortedIndex, (int)rowRange.Sequence.First, (int)rowRange.Count, valueRight);
                            int    upperIndexIndex = (int)rowRange.Sequence.Last;
                            for (int i = lowerIndexIndex; i < upperIndexIndex; ++i)
                                if (m_Cache[sortedIndex[i]] == valueRight)
                            for (int i = 0; i != count; ++i)
                                var leftValue = m_Cache[rowRange[i]];
                                if (Operation.Operation.Match(operation, leftValue, valueRight))

                var matchedIndicesArray = matchedIndices.ToArray();

        public override long GetFirstMatchIndex(Operation.Operator operation, Operation.Expression expression, long expRowFirst)
            long[] sortedIndex = GetSortIndexAsc();

            Operation.Operation.ComparableComparator comparator = Operation.Operation.GetComparator(type, expression.type);
            var val2 = expression.GetComparableValue(expRowFirst);

            long firstMatchIndex = -1;

            switch (operation)
            case Operation.Operator.Less:
                long iFirst = sortedIndex[0];
                var  val1   = GetRowValue(iFirst);
                int  result = comparator(val1, val2);
                if (result < 0)
                    firstMatchIndex = iFirst;

            case Operation.Operator.LessEqual:
                long iFirst = sortedIndex[0];
                var  val1   = GetRowValue(iFirst);
                int  result = comparator(val1, val2);
                if (result <= 0)
                    firstMatchIndex = iFirst;

            case Operation.Operator.Equal:
                long iFirstGreaterEqual = LowerBound(val2, comparator);
                if (iFirstGreaterEqual < sortedIndex.Length)
                    long index            = sortedIndex[iFirstGreaterEqual];
                    var  val1             = GetRowValue(index);
                    int  comparisonResult = comparator(val1, val2);
                    if (comparisonResult == 0)
                        firstMatchIndex = index;

            case Operation.Operator.GreaterEqual:
                long iFirstGreaterEqual = LowerBound(val2, comparator);
                if (iFirstGreaterEqual < sortedIndex.Length)
                    firstMatchIndex = sortedIndex[iFirstGreaterEqual];

            case Operation.Operator.Greater:
                long iFirstGreater = UpperBound(val2, comparator);
                if (iFirstGreater < sortedIndex.Length)
                    firstMatchIndex = sortedIndex[iFirstGreater];
        public override long[] GetMatchIndex(ArrayRange rowRange, Operation.Operator operation, Operation.Expression expression, long expressionRowFirst, bool rowToRow)
            long count = rowRange.Count;

            long[] matchedIndices          = new long[count];
            long   indexOflastMatchedIndex = 0;

            Operation.Operation.ComparableComparator comparator = Operation.Operation.GetComparator(type, expression.type);
            if (rowToRow)
                for (long i = 0; i != count; ++i)
                    var leftValue = GetRowValue(rowRange[i]);
                    if (Operation.Operation.Match(operation, comparator, leftValue, expression, expressionRowFirst + i))
                        matchedIndices[indexOflastMatchedIndex] = rowRange[i];
                if (Operation.Operation.IsOperatorOneToMany(operation))
                    for (int i = 0; i != count; ++i)
                        var leftValue = GetRowValue(rowRange[i]);
                        if (Operation.Operation.Match(operation, comparator, leftValue, expression, expressionRowFirst))
                            matchedIndices[indexOflastMatchedIndex] = rowRange[i];
                    var valueRight = expression.GetComparableValue(expressionRowFirst);
                    for (int i = 0; i != count; ++i)
                        var leftValue = GetRowValue(rowRange[i]);
                        if (Operation.Operation.Match(operation, comparator, leftValue, valueRight))
                            matchedIndices[indexOflastMatchedIndex] = rowRange[i];

            if (indexOflastMatchedIndex != count)
                System.Array.Resize(ref matchedIndices, (int)indexOflastMatchedIndex);

Exemplo n.º 16
        protected long[] GetMatchIndex(ArrayRange indices, Operation.Matcher matcher, Operation.Expression exp)
            //translate group matches to row matches
            if (m_Table.m_RowData.Length == m_Table.m_GroupRowDataRange.Length)
                //all group are closed, group matches are == to row matches
                return(matcher.GetMatchIndex(exp, indices));
                //some group are expanded
                bool   matchAllData = indices.IsSequence && indices.Count == m_Table.m_RowData.Length;
                long[] groupMatches;
                if (matchAllData)
                    //when asking to test all data, test all group
                    groupMatches = matcher.GetMatchIndex(exp, new ArrayRange(0, m_Column.GetRowCount()));
                    //when asking to test only a subset of the data, test only the groups that fall in the indices range
                    var l = new System.Collections.Generic.List <long>((int)indices.Count);
                    for (int i = 0; i != indices.Count; ++i)
                        var row = indices[i];
                        if (m_Table.m_RowData[row].isGroupHead())

                    groupMatches = matcher.GetMatchIndex(exp, new ArrayRange(l.ToArray()));

                // translate from a list of group index to a list of index including the group's subdata
                var matches = new System.Collections.Generic.List <long>(m_Table.m_RowData.Length);
                for (int i = 0; i != groupMatches.Length; ++i)
                    var groupIndex = groupMatches[i];
                    var groupRange = m_Table.m_GroupRowDataRange[groupIndex];
                    for (long j = groupRange.First; j != groupRange.Last; ++j)
Exemplo n.º 17
            public override long[] GetMatchIndex(ArrayRange rowRange, Operation.Operator operation, Operation.Expression expression, long expressionRowFirst, bool rowToRow)
                if (expression.type != type)
                    return(base.GetMatchIndex(rowRange, operation, expression, expressionRowFirst, rowToRow));
                using (Profiling.GetMarker(Profiling.MarkerId.ColumnMatchQueryInt).Auto())
                    Operation.TypedExpression <int> typedExpression = expression as Operation.TypedExpression <int>;
                    long count          = rowRange.Count;
                    var  matchedIndices = new List <long>(128);
                    if (rowToRow)
                        for (long i = 0; i != count; ++i)
                            var lhs = m_Cache[rowRange[i]];
                            var rhs = typedExpression.GetValue(expressionRowFirst + i);
                            if (Operation.Operation.Match(operation, lhs, rhs))
                        if (Operation.Operation.IsOperatorOneToMany(operation))
                            for (int i = 0; i != count; ++i)
                                var leftValue = m_Cache[rowRange[i]];
                                if (Operation.Operation.Match(operation, leftValue, typedExpression, expressionRowFirst))
                            var valueRight = typedExpression.GetValue(expressionRowFirst);
                            //Optimization for equal operation when querying on all data
                            if (rowRange.IsSequence && operation == Operation.Operator.Equal)
                                //use the sorted index to trim down invalid values
                                long[] sortedIndex     = GetSortIndexAsc();
                                int    lowerIndexIndex = LowerBoundIndex(sortedIndex, (int)rowRange.Sequence.First, (int)rowRange.Count, valueRight);
                                int    upperIndexIndex = (int)rowRange.Sequence.Last;
                                for (int i = lowerIndexIndex; i < upperIndexIndex; ++i)
                                    if (m_Cache[sortedIndex[i]] == valueRight)
                                    //Test to validate if optimization works
                                    int matchCount = 0;
                                    for (int i = 0; i != count; ++i)
                                        var leftValue = m_Cache[rowRange[i]];
                                        if (Operation.Operation.Match(operation, leftValue, valueRight))
                                            if (matchedIndices.FindIndex(x => x == rowRange[i]) < 0)
                                                UnityEngine.Debug.LogError("GetMatchIndex Optimization failure on index " + rowRange[i]);
                                    if (matchCount != matchedIndices.Count)
                                        UnityEngine.Debug.LogError("GetMatchIndex Optimization failure on match count " + matchCount + " != " + matchedIndices.Count);
                                for (int i = 0; i != count; ++i)
                                    var leftValue = m_Cache[rowRange[i]];
                                    if (Operation.Operation.Match(operation, leftValue, valueRight))

                    var matchedIndicesArray = matchedIndices.ToArray();

                    Algorithm.DebugLog("GetMatchIndex : indexCount " + rowRange.Count
                                       + " op:" + Operation.Operation.OperatorToString(operation)
                                       + " Exp():" + expression.GetValueString(expressionRowFirst, DefaultDataFormatter.Instance)
                                       + " expRowFirst:" + expressionRowFirst
                                       + " Column:" + this.GetDebugString(rowRange[0])
                                       + " Expression:" + expression.GetDebugString(expressionRowFirst)
                                       + " Result Count:" + (matchedIndices != null ? matchedIndices.Length : 0));

Exemplo n.º 18
        public override long[] GetMatchIndex(ArrayRange rowRange, Operation.Operator operation, Operation.Expression expression, long expressionRowFirst, bool rowToRow)
            using (Profiling.GetMarker(Profiling.MarkerId.ColumnMatchQuery).Auto())
                long   count                   = rowRange.Count;
                long[] matchedIndices          = new long[count];
                long   indexOflastMatchedIndex = 0;
                Operation.Operation.ComparableComparator comparator = Operation.Operation.GetComparator(type, expression.type);
                if (rowToRow)
                    for (long i = 0; i != count; ++i)
                        var leftValue = GetRowValue(rowRange[i]);
                        if (Operation.Operation.Match(operation, comparator, leftValue, expression, expressionRowFirst + i))
                            matchedIndices[indexOflastMatchedIndex] = rowRange[i];
                    if (Operation.Operation.IsOperatorOneToMany(operation))
                        for (int i = 0; i != count; ++i)
                            var leftValue = GetRowValue(rowRange[i]);
                            if (Operation.Operation.Match(operation, comparator, leftValue, expression, expressionRowFirst))
                                matchedIndices[indexOflastMatchedIndex] = rowRange[i];
                        var valueRight = expression.GetComparableValue(expressionRowFirst);
                        for (int i = 0; i != count; ++i)
                            var leftValue = GetRowValue(rowRange[i]);
                            if (Operation.Operation.Match(operation, comparator, leftValue, valueRight))
                                matchedIndices[indexOflastMatchedIndex] = rowRange[i];

                if (indexOflastMatchedIndex != count)
                    System.Array.Resize(ref matchedIndices, (int)indexOflastMatchedIndex);

                Algorithm.DebugLog("GetMatchIndex : indexCount " + rowRange.Count
                                   + " op:" + Operation.Operation.OperatorToString(operation)
                                   + " Exp():" + expression.GetValueString(expressionRowFirst, DefaultDataFormatter.Instance)
                                   + " expRowFirst:" + expressionRowFirst
                                   + " Column:" + this.GetDebugString(rowRange[0])
                                   + " Expression:" + expression.GetDebugString(expressionRowFirst)
                                   + " Result Count:" + (matchedIndices != null ? matchedIndices.Length : 0));

Exemplo n.º 19
        public override long GetFirstMatchIndex(Operation.Operator operation, Operation.Expression expression, long expRowFirst)
            using (Profiling.GetMarker(Profiling.MarkerId.ColumnFirstMatchQuery).Auto())
                long[] sortedIndex = GetSortIndexAsc();

                Operation.Operation.ComparableComparator comparator = Operation.Operation.GetComparator(type, expression.type);
                var val2 = expression.GetComparableValue(expRowFirst);

                long firstMatchIndex = -1;
                switch (operation)
                case Operation.Operator.Less:
                    long iFirst = sortedIndex[0];
                    var  val1   = GetRowValue(iFirst);
                    int  result = comparator(val1, val2);
                    if (result < 0)
                        firstMatchIndex = iFirst;

                case Operation.Operator.LessEqual:
                    long iFirst = sortedIndex[0];
                    var  val1   = GetRowValue(iFirst);
                    int  result = comparator(val1, val2);
                    if (result <= 0)
                        firstMatchIndex = iFirst;

                case Operation.Operator.Equal:
                    long iFirstGreaterEqual = LowerBound(val2, comparator);
                    if (iFirstGreaterEqual < sortedIndex.Length)
                        long index            = sortedIndex[iFirstGreaterEqual];
                        var  val1             = GetRowValue(index);
                        int  comparisonResult = comparator(val1, val2);
                        if (comparisonResult == 0)
                            firstMatchIndex = index;

                case Operation.Operator.GreaterEqual:
                    long iFirstGreaterEqual = LowerBound(val2, comparator);
                    if (iFirstGreaterEqual < sortedIndex.Length)
                        firstMatchIndex = sortedIndex[iFirstGreaterEqual];

                case Operation.Operator.Greater:
                    long iFirstGreater = UpperBound(val2, comparator);
                    if (iFirstGreater < sortedIndex.Length)
                        firstMatchIndex = sortedIndex[iFirstGreater];
                    long count      = sortedIndex.Length;
                    long resultTest = -1;
                    for (long i = 0; i != count; ++i)
                        long index            = sortedIndex[i];
                        var  val              = GetRowValue(index);
                        int  comparisonResult = comparator(val, val2);
                        bool matchResult      = Operation.Operation.Match(operation, comparisonResult);
                        if (matchResult)
                            resultTest = index;
                    UnityEngine.Debug.Assert(resultTest == firstMatchIndex);
                    if (resultTest >= 0)
                        var  val1             = GetRowValue(resultTest);
                        int  comparisonResult = comparator(val1, val2);
                        bool resultMatch      = Operation.Operation.Match(operation, comparisonResult);

                Algorithm.DebugLog("GetFirstMatchIndex :"
                                   + " op:" + Operation.Operation.OperatorToString(operation)
                                   + " Exp():" + expression.GetValueString(expRowFirst, DefaultDataFormatter.Instance)
                                   + " expRowFirst:" + expRowFirst
                                   + " Column:" + this.GetDebugString(0)
                                   + " Expression:" + expression.GetDebugString(expRowFirst)
                                   + " Result:" + firstMatchIndex);