Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <inheritdoc />
        protected override void WriteCodeOpcodeClassProperties(OpcodeSpec spec, TextWriter writer)
            X86OpcodeSpec x86spec = (X86OpcodeSpec)spec;

            WriteCanLock(x86spec, writer);

            base.WriteCodeOpcodeClassProperties(spec, writer);
 /// <inheritdoc />
 protected override void WriteTestClassTests(OpcodeSpec spec, TextWriter writer)
     var x86spec = (X86OpcodeSpec)spec;
     if (spec.Variants.Any())
         WriteTest(x86spec, (X86OpcodeVariantSpec)spec.Variants.First(), writer);
         foreach (var variant in spec.Variants.Skip(1).Cast<X86OpcodeVariantSpec>())
             WriteTest(x86spec, variant, writer);
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <inheritdoc />
        protected override void WriteTestClassTests(OpcodeSpec spec, TextWriter writer)
            var x86spec = (X86OpcodeSpec)spec;

            if (spec.Variants.Any())
                WriteTest(x86spec, (X86OpcodeVariantSpec)spec.Variants.First(), writer);
                foreach (var variant in spec.Variants.Skip(1).Cast <X86OpcodeVariantSpec>())
                    WriteTest(x86spec, variant, writer);
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <inheritdoc />
        protected override void WriteCodeInstrOpcodeVariantMethods(OpcodeSpec spec, string mnemonic, TextWriter writer)
            var x86spec = (X86OpcodeSpec)spec;

            // Determine all possible combinations of parameters.
            var operandArguments = x86spec.Variants
                                   .SelectMany(v => CartesianProduct(
                                                   from o in v.Operands.Cast <X86OperandSpec>()
                                                   select GetOperandArguments(o)));
            var operandTuples = operandArguments.Distinct(new OperandEnumerationEqualityComparer());

            if (operandTuples.Any())
                WriteCodeInstrOpcodeVariantMethod(x86spec, mnemonic, operandTuples.First(), writer);
                foreach (var operands in operandTuples.Skip(1))
                    WriteCodeInstrOpcodeVariantMethod(x86spec, mnemonic, operands, writer);
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <inheritdoc />
        protected override void WriteCodeOpcodeVariant(OpcodeSpec spec, OpcodeVariantSpec variant, TextWriter writer)
            var x86variant   = (X86OpcodeVariantSpec)variant;
            var operands     = x86variant.Operands.Cast <X86OperandSpec>();
            var operandNames = from o in operands select GetOperandManualName(o);

            writer.Write(T + T + T + T + "// {0}", spec.Mnemonic.ToUpperInvariant());
            if (operandNames.Any())
                writer.WriteLine(" {0}", string.Join(", ", operandNames));
            writer.WriteLine(T + T + T + T + "new X86OpcodeVariant(");

            string opcodeBytes = string.Join(", ", from b in x86variant.OpcodeBytes select string.Format("0x{0:X2}", b));

            writer.Write(T + T + T + T + T + "new byte[] {{ {0} }}", opcodeBytes);

            // Either the fixed REG is not 0, or the opcode has a spot for the REG available as it uses the
            // ModRM byte (because it has a reg/mem operand) but does not specify the REG part (because it does not
            // have a reg operand), or the OperandSize is specified, which requires the REG also to be specified.
            if (x86variant.FixedReg != 0 || (x86variant.OperandSize != DataSize.None && operands.Any()) ||
                (operands.Any(o => o.Type == X86OperandType.RegisterOrMemoryOperand) &&
                 !operands.Any(o => o.Type == X86OperandType.RegisterOperand)))
                writer.Write(", {0}", x86variant.FixedReg);

            if (x86variant.OperandSize != DataSize.None)
                writer.Write(", DataSize.{0}", Enum.GetName(typeof(DataSize), x86variant.OperandSize));

            foreach (var operand in operands)
                WriteOperandDescriptor(operand, writer);

            if (x86variant.NoRexPrefix || x86variant.SupportedModes != ProcessorModes.LongProtectedReal)
                writer.Write(T + T + T + T + T + "{ ");

                List <string> properties = new List <string>();
                if (x86variant.NoRexPrefix)
                    properties.Add("NoRexPrefix = true");

                if (x86variant.SupportedModes != ProcessorModes.LongProtectedReal)
                    properties.Add("SupportedModes = ProcessorModes." + Enum.GetName(typeof(ProcessorModes), x86variant.SupportedModes));

                writer.Write(string.Join(", ", properties));

                writer.Write(" }");