Exemplo n.º 1
        public override void Initialize()
            Tabs    = new OpTab[1];
            Tabs[0] = new OpTab("RichPresence");

            string modName = RegionCastPlugin.Instance.Info.Metadata.Name;
            string modVrsn = RegionCastPlugin.Instance.Info.Metadata.Version.ToString();
            string modAuth = RegionCastPlugin.Instance.Info.Metadata.GUID.Split('.')[0];

            Tabs[0].AddItems(new UIelement[]
                new OpLabel(new Vector2(100f, 550f), new Vector2(400f, 40f), modName, bigText: true),
                new OpLabel(new Vector2(150f, 500f), new Vector2(150f, 30f), $"v{modVrsn}"),
                new OpLabel(new Vector2(300f, 500f), new Vector2(150f, 30f), $"by {modAuth}")

            OpRadioButtonGroup buttonGroup = new OpRadioButtonGroup("toAppend", 0);

            Tabs[0].AddItems(new UIelement[] { buttonGroup });
            buttonGroup.SetButtons(new OpRadioButton[]
                new OpRadioButton(40f, 400f)
                    description = "No data is appended to your game mode"
                new OpRadioButton(240f, 400f)
                    description = "Cycle count is appended to your game mode"
                new OpRadioButton(440f, 400f)
                    description = "Player count (if greater than 1) is appended to your game mode"

            Tabs[0].AddItems(new UIelement[]
                new OpLabel(new Vector2(100f, 430f), new Vector2(400f, 40f), "Data to append to game mode:"),
                new OpLabel(new Vector2(80f, 400f), new Vector2(150f, 30f), "None", FLabelAlignment.Left),
                new OpLabel(new Vector2(280f, 400f), new Vector2(150f, 30f), "Cycle count", FLabelAlignment.Left),
                new OpLabel(new Vector2(480f, 400f), new Vector2(150f, 30f), "Player count", FLabelAlignment.Left)
Exemplo n.º 2
    public override void Initialize()
        regionList = RegionFinder.Generate().ToArray();

        this.Tabs    = new OpTab[1];
        this.Tabs[0] = new OpTab("Weather");

        //Weather Type
        this.logo             = new OpImage(new Vector2(270f, 540f), "logo");
        this.logo2            = new OpImage(new Vector2(270f, 540f), "logo2");
        this.weatherType      = new OpRadioButtonGroup("Type", 0);
        this.weatherTypeLabel = new OpLabel(new Vector2(30f, 570f), new Vector2(400f, 40f), "Weather Type", FLabelAlignment.Left, true);
        this.rainWeather      = new OpRadioButton(new Vector2(0f, 800f));
        this.rainButton       = new OpSimpleButton(new Vector2(30f, 540f), new Vector2(70f, 25f), "rainButton", "Rain");
        this.snowWeather      = new OpRadioButton(new Vector2(0f, 800f));
        this.snowButton       = new OpSimpleButton(new Vector2(130f, 540f), new Vector2(70f, 25f), "snowButton", "Snow");
        this.weatherType.SetButtons(new OpRadioButton[] { rainWeather, snowWeather });
        //this.weatherType.valueInt = 1;
        this.versionNumber     = new OpLabel(new Vector2(10f, -5f), new Vector2(0f, 0f), "Version: " + Downpour.mod.Version, FLabelAlignment.Left, false);
        this.snowWarning       = new OpLabel(305f, 525f, "Snow is experimental, use at your own risk!", false);
        this.snowWarning.color = new Color(0.85f, 0f, 0f);
        this.Tabs[0].AddItems(rainButton, rainWeather, snowWeather, snowButton, weatherType, weatherTypeLabel, versionNumber, snowWarning);

        //Weather Sliders
        this.rainIntensity                = new OpLabel(new Vector2(topAnchor.x, topAnchor.y), new Vector2(400f, 40f), "Rain Settings", FLabelAlignment.Left, true);
        this.intensitySliderLabel         = new OpLabel(new Vector2(topAnchor.x + 40f, topAnchor.y - 83f), new Vector2(400f, 40f), "Weather Progression", FLabelAlignment.Left, false);
        this.weatherIntensity             = new OpSlider(new Vector2(topAnchor.x + 25, topAnchor.y - 60f), "weatherIntensity", new IntVector2(0, 3), 50f, false, 0);
        this.rainSettingsDescription      = new OpLabel(new Vector2(topAnchor.x, topAnchor.y - 20f), new Vector2(400f, 40f), "Enable or disable rain specific settings:", FLabelAlignment.Left, false);
        this.directionSliderLabel         = new OpLabel(new Vector2(topAnchor.x + 47f, topAnchor.y - 143f), new Vector2(400f, 40f), "Weather Direction", FLabelAlignment.Left, false);
        this.weatherDirection             = new OpSlider(new Vector2(topAnchor.x + 25, topAnchor.y - 120f), "weatherDirection", new IntVector2(0, 3), 50f, false, 0);
        this.rainChanceLabel              = new OpLabel(new Vector2(topAnchor.x + 47f, topAnchor.y - 203f), new Vector2(400f, 40f), "Weather Chance", FLabelAlignment.Left, false);
        this.rainChanceSlider             = new OpSlider(new Vector2(topAnchor.x + 25, topAnchor.y - 180f), "weatherChance", new IntVector2(0, 100), 1.5f, false, 100);
        this.weatherIntensity.description = "Configure whether the intensity of the chosen weather increases as the cycle progresses or fix it to a certain intensity.";
        this.weatherDirection.description = "Configure whether rain should fall towards a random or chosen direction.";
        this.rainChanceSlider.description = "Configure whether the chosen weather will occur during a cycle.";
        this.topRect = new OpRect(new Vector2(15f, 250f), new Vector2(570f, 270f), 0.1f);
        this.Tabs[0].AddItems(rainIntensity, weatherIntensity, intensitySliderLabel, directionSliderLabel, weatherDirection, topRect, logo, logo2, rainChanceSlider, rainChanceLabel);

        this.lightningCheck             = new OpCheckBox(new Vector2(checkAnchor.x, checkAnchor.y - 30f), "Lightning", false);
        this.lightningLabel             = new OpLabel(new Vector2(checkAnchor.x + 30f, checkAnchor.y - 36f), new Vector2(400f, 40f), "Lightning", FLabelAlignment.Left, false);
        this.paletteCheck               = new OpCheckBox(new Vector2(checkAnchor.x, checkAnchor.y + 10), "Palette", true);
        this.paletteLabel               = new OpLabel(new Vector2(checkAnchor.x + 30f, checkAnchor.y + 4f), new Vector2(400f, 40f), "Palette changes", FLabelAlignment.Left, false);
        this.muteCheck                  = new OpCheckBox(new Vector2(checkAnchor.x + 150f, checkAnchor.y + 10), "Mute", false);
        this.muteLabel                  = new OpLabel(new Vector2(checkAnchor.x + 180f, checkAnchor.y + 4f), new Vector2(400f, 40f), "Mute interiors", FLabelAlignment.Left, false);
        this.waterCheck                 = new OpCheckBox(new Vector2(checkAnchor.x + 150f, checkAnchor.y - 30f), "Water", false);
        this.waterLabel                 = new OpLabel(new Vector2(checkAnchor.x + 180f, checkAnchor.y - 36f), new Vector2(400f, 40f), "Water ripples", FLabelAlignment.Left, false);
        this.strikeCheck                = new OpCheckBox(new Vector2(checkAnchor.x, checkAnchor.y - 70f), "Strike", true);
        this.strikeLabel                = new OpLabel(new Vector2(checkAnchor.x + 30f, checkAnchor.y - 76f), new Vector2(400f, 40f), "Lightning Strikes", FLabelAlignment.Left, false);
        this.strikeDamage               = new OpSliderSubtle(new Vector2(checkAnchor.x + 10f, checkAnchor.y - 105f), "Damage", new IntVector2(0, 2), 110, false, 1);
        this.damageLabel                = new OpLabel(new Vector2(checkAnchor.x + 10f, checkAnchor.y - 123f), new Vector2(), "Damage Type: ", FLabelAlignment.Left, false);
        this.bgOn                       = new OpCheckBox(new Vector2(checkAnchor.x + 150f, checkAnchor.y - 70f), "Background", true);
        this.bgLabel                    = new OpLabel(new Vector2(checkAnchor.x + 180f, checkAnchor.y - 76f), new Vector2(400f, 40f), "Background", FLabelAlignment.Left, false);
        this.decalCheck                 = new OpCheckBox(new Vector2(checkAnchor.x + 150f, checkAnchor.y - 30f), "Decals", true);
        this.decalLabel                 = new OpLabel(new Vector2(checkAnchor.x + 180f, checkAnchor.y - 36f), new Vector2(400f, 40f), "Surface decals", FLabelAlignment.Left, false);
        this.dustCheck                  = new OpCheckBox(new Vector2(checkAnchor.x + 150f, checkAnchor.y - 70f), "Dust", true);
        this.dustLabel                  = new OpLabel(new Vector2(checkAnchor.x + 180f, checkAnchor.y - 76f), new Vector2(400f, 40f), "Snow dust", FLabelAlignment.Left, false);
        this.blizzardCheck              = new OpCheckBox(new Vector2(checkAnchor.x + 150f, checkAnchor.y - 110f), "Blizzard", true);
        this.blizzardLabel              = new OpLabel(new Vector2(checkAnchor.x + 180f, checkAnchor.y - 116f), new Vector2(400f, 40f), "Blizzard", FLabelAlignment.Left, false);
        this.effectCheck                = new OpCheckBox(new Vector2(checkAnchor.x + 150f, checkAnchor.y + 10), "Effect", true);
        this.effectLabel                = new OpLabel(new Vector2(checkAnchor.x + 180f, checkAnchor.y + 4f), new Vector2(400f, 40f), "Effect Colors", FLabelAlignment.Left, false);
        this.dustCheck.description      = "Puffs of snow appear when landing on the ground.";
        this.decalCheck.description     = "Adds snowy decals to surfaces.";
        this.lightningCheck.description = "Lightning will appear at higher weather intensities.";
        this.paletteCheck.description   = "The region will become darker with higher rain intensity.";
        this.muteCheck.description      = "Mute the sound effect added to interiors when its raining outside.";
        this.waterCheck.description     = "Rain drops can interact with water surfaces and cause ripples, may impact performance.";
        this.bgOn.description           = "Enable or disable collision with background elements, may impact performance.";
        this.strikeDamage.description   = "Adjust the damage type of Lightning Strikes";
        this.strikeCheck.description    = "When weather intensity is high enough, lightning strikes can occur.";
        this.effectCheck.description    = "Whitens things like plants and signs so they better match the snowy palette, can ruin some custom props";
        this.blizzardCheck.description  = "Replaces the end-of-cycle rain with a roaring blizzard and affects normal gameplay";
        this.Tabs[0].AddItems(lightningLabel, lightningCheck, strikeCheck, strikeLabel, strikeDamage, damageLabel, rainSettingsDescription, paletteCheck, muteCheck, waterCheck, bgOn, paletteLabel, muteLabel, waterLabel, bgLabel, dustCheck, dustLabel, decalCheck, decalLabel, effectCheck, effectLabel, blizzardCheck, blizzardLabel);

        //Particle Limit
        this.rainOption = new OpLabel(new Vector2(topAnchor.x + 366f, topAnchor.y - 223f), new Vector2(400f, 40f), "Particle Limit", FLabelAlignment.Left, false);
        this.rainSlider = new OpSlider(new Vector2(topAnchor.x + 275f, topAnchor.y - 200f), "rainAmount", new IntVector2(10, 80), 3.3f, false, 50);
        this.Tabs[0].AddItems(rainSlider, rainOption);

        if (regionList != null)
            this.regionLabelList   = new OpLabel[regionList.Length];
            this.regionChecks      = new OpCheckBox[regionList.Length];
            this.regionLabel       = new OpLabel(new Vector2(30f, 200f), new Vector2(400f, 40f), "Region Settings", FLabelAlignment.Left, true);
            this.regionDescription = new OpLabel(new Vector2(30f, 175f), new Vector2(400f, 40f), "Enable and Disable weather on a per-region basis.", FLabelAlignment.Left, false);
            this.Tabs[0].AddItems(regionLabel, regionDescription);
            for (int i = 0; i < regionList.Length; i++)
                if (i < 10)
                    regionChecks[i]    = new OpCheckBox(new Vector2(30f + (55f * i), 150f), regionList[i], true);
                    regionLabelList[i] = new OpLabel(new Vector2(60f + (55f * i), 142f), new Vector2(400f, 40f), regionList[i], FLabelAlignment.Left, false);
                else if (i >= 10 && i < 20)
                    regionChecks[i]    = new OpCheckBox(new Vector2(-520f + (55f * i), 105f), regionList[i], true);
                    regionLabelList[i] = new OpLabel(new Vector2(-490f + (55f * i), 97f), new Vector2(400f, 40f), regionList[i], FLabelAlignment.Left, false);
                else if (i >= 20 && i < 30)
                    regionChecks[i]    = new OpCheckBox(new Vector2(-1070f + (55f * i), 60f), regionList[i], true);
                    regionLabelList[i] = new OpLabel(new Vector2(-1040f + (55f * i), 52f), new Vector2(400f, 40f), regionList[i], FLabelAlignment.Left, false);
                else if (i >= 30)
                    regionChecks[i]    = new OpCheckBox(new Vector2(-1650f + (55f * i), 15f), regionList[i], true);
                    regionLabelList[i] = new OpLabel(new Vector2(-1620f + (55f * i), 7f), new Vector2(400f, 40f), regionList[i], FLabelAlignment.Left, false);
                this.Tabs[0].AddItems(regionLabelList[i], regionChecks[i]);
                if (regionList[i] == "SS")
                    regionChecks[i].valueBool = false;
        Downpour.configLoaded = true;