Exemplo n.º 1
 private BinaryTerm(RiakFluentSearch search, string field, Op op, Term left)
     : base(search, field)
     _op = op;
     _left = left;
     left.Owner = this;
  static void Main() 
      Op op = new Op(100);
      Op opNew = op++;
      if (op.i != 101) throw new Exception("operator++ postfix failed (op)");
      if (opNew.i != 100) throw new Exception("operator++ postfix failed (opNew)");
      Op op = new Op(100);
      Op opNew = op--;
      if (op.i != 99) throw new Exception("operator-- postfix failed (op)");
      if (opNew.i != 100) throw new Exception("operator-- postfix failed (opNew)");
      Op op = new Op(100);
      Op opNew = ++op;
      if (op.i != 101) throw new Exception("operator++ prefix failed (op)");
      if (opNew.i != 101) throw new Exception("operator++ prefix failed (opNew)");
      Op op = new Op(100);
      Op opNew = --op;
      if (op.i != 99) throw new Exception("operator-- prefix failed (op)");
      if (opNew.i != 99) throw new Exception("operator-- prefix failed (opNew)");

    // overloaded operator class
    Op k = new OpDerived(3);
    int check_k = k.IntCast();
    Assert(check_k == 6);
        /// <summary>
        /// 创建查询条件片段。
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="propertyName">属性名</param>
        /// <param name="op">查询操作</param>
        /// <returns>2元组:结果一、查询条件片段;结果二、查询参数</returns>
        protected override Tuple<string, string> CreateFragment(string propertyName, Op op)
            var criteria = string.Empty;
            var parameterName = string.Empty;

            switch (op)
                case Op.Eq:
                case Op.Gt:
                case Op.Ge:
                case Op.Lt:
                case Op.Le:
                    parameterName = propertyName + (this._parameterIndex++);
                    criteria = string.Format(CriteriaFormat, propertyName, Operations[(int)op], parameterName);

                case Op.Like:
                    parameterName = propertyName + (this._parameterIndex++);
                    criteria = $"\"{propertyName}\" LIKE '%'||:{parameterName}||'%'";

                case Op.IsNull:
                    criteria = $"\"{propertyName}\" IS NULL";

                case Op.IsNotNull:
                    criteria = $"\"{propertyName}\" IS NOT NULL";


            return new Tuple<string, string>(criteria, parameterName);
Exemplo n.º 4
 /// <summary>
 /// 构造方法。
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="column">属性</param>
 /// <param name="op">操作</param>
 /// <param name="value">值</param>
 internal Condition(string column, Op op, object value)
     this.Op = op;
     this.Value = value;
     this.JoinType = "AND";
     this.PropertyName = column;
Exemplo n.º 5
        public NotationValue(string notation, int index, int end)
            value = 1;
            op = Op.Add;
            type = NotationType.Value;

            switch (notation[index])
                case '+': { index++; break; }
                case '-': { op = Op.Sub; index++; break; }
                case '*': { op = Op.Mul; index++; break; }
                case '/': { op = Op.Div; index++; break; }
                case '^': { op = Op.Mod; index++; break; }

            if (index <= end && char.IsDigit(notation[index]))
                int i = index + 1;
                while (i <= end && char.IsDigit(notation[i])) i++;
                value = int.Parse(notation.Substring(index, i - index));
                index = i;

            if (index <= end && char.IsLetter(notation[index]))
                Enum.TryParse<NotationType>(notation.Substring(index, end - index + 1), out type);
Exemplo n.º 6
 public Person(string name, int age, string dogName)
     Name = name;
     Age = age;
     Pet = new Dog(dogName);
     action += (val) => val * val;
Exemplo n.º 7
 public object Operator(Op op, params object[] args)
     if (binaryOps.ContainsKey(op))
         return binaryOps[op]((bool)args[0], (bool)args[1]);
     if (op == Op.Not)
         return !(bool)args[0];
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Exemplo n.º 8
 public ActionCopyMoveRename(Op operation, FileInfo from, FileInfo to, ProcessedEpisode ep)
     this.PercentDone = 0;
     this.Episode = ep;
     this.Operation = operation;
     this.From = from;
     this.To = to;
 /// <summary>
 /// Two CostantBaseOps are equivalent if they are of the same 
 /// derived type and have the same type and value. 
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="other">the other Op</param>
 /// <returns>true, if these are equivalent (not a strict equality test)</returns>
 internal override bool IsEquivalent(Op other)
     var otherConstant = other as ConstantBaseOp;
         otherConstant != null &&
         OpType == other.OpType &&
         otherConstant.Type.EdmEquals(Type) &&
         ((otherConstant.Value == null && Value == null) || otherConstant.Value.Equals(Value));
Exemplo n.º 10
 internal void Emit(Op op, Label label)
     if (!label.IsEmpty())
         Emit(op, label.GetIndex());
         Emit(op, 0);
Exemplo n.º 11
		private bool ignore;	// ignore case

		private void Compile (string pattern)
			if (pattern == null || pattern.IndexOfAny (InvalidChars) >= 0)
				throw new ArgumentException ("Invalid search pattern.");

			if (pattern == "*") {	// common case
				ops = new Op (OpCode.True);

			ops = null;

			int ptr = 0;
			Op last_op = null;
			while (ptr < pattern.Length) {
				Op op;
				switch (pattern [ptr]) {
				case '?':
					op = new Op (OpCode.AnyChar);
					++ ptr;

				case '*':
					op = new Op (OpCode.AnyString);
					++ ptr;
					op = new Op (OpCode.ExactString);
					int end = pattern.IndexOfAny (WildcardChars, ptr);
					if (end < 0)
						end = pattern.Length;

					op.Argument = pattern.Substring (ptr, end - ptr);
					if (ignore)
						op.Argument = op.Argument.ToLowerInvariant ();

					ptr = end;

				if (last_op == null)
					ops = op;
					last_op.Next = op;

				last_op = op;

			if (last_op == null)
				ops = new Op (OpCode.End);
				last_op.Next = new Op (OpCode.End);
 static Operator()
     Op[] opArray = new Op[9];
     opArray[3] = Op.EQ;
     opArray[4] = Op.NE;
     opArray[5] = Op.GT;
     opArray[6] = Op.GE;
     opArray[7] = Op.LT;
     opArray[8] = Op.LE;
     invertOp = opArray;
Exemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        public Expression(string attrbuteName, Op op, string attrbuteValue)
            if (op == Op.Exists || op == Op.NotExists)
                throw new ArgumentException("op");

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(attrbuteName))
                throw new ArgumentException("attrbuteName");

            _op = op;
            _attributeName = attrbuteName;
            _attributeValue = attrbuteValue;
Exemplo n.º 14
 public Binary(Op op, string symbol = "")
     _op = op;
     Left = new Lambda();
     Right = new Lambda();
     if (symbol == "") {
         StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
         _symbol = sb.ToString();
     else {
         _symbol = symbol;
Exemplo n.º 15
 private static bool IsTypeTransitive(Op op)
     switch (op)
         case Op.Add:
         case Op.Subtract:
         case Op.Multiply:
         case Op.Remainder:
         case Op.Divide:
         case Op.AndAnd:
         case Op.OrOr:
         case Op.And:
         case Op.Or:
         case Op.ExclusiveOr:
         case Op.LeftShift:
         case Op.RightShift:
             return true;
     return false;
Exemplo n.º 16
        private void AddArg(Op op, ICollection<Node> argList)
            if (TokType == TokenType.Identifer)

                if (_reg16.ContainsKey(Keyword))
                else if (_reg8.ContainsKey(Keyword))
                else if (_specReg.ContainsKey(Keyword))
                else if (argList.Count == 0)
                    if (op == Op.Jr && _jrCond.ContainsKey(Keyword))
                    else if ((op == Op.Jp || op == Op.Ret || op == Op.Call) && _cond.ContainsKey(Keyword))
Exemplo n.º 17
 public static int GetArity(Op op)
     switch (op)
         case Op.Not:
         case Op.Negate:
         case Op.OnesComplement:
         case Op.Int32:
         case Op.UInt32:
         case Op.Int64:
         case Op.UInt64:
         case Op.BigInteger:
         case Op.Double:
         case Op.Complex:
         case Op.Rational:
         case Op.Random:
             return 1;
         case Op.New:
         case Op.NullCoalescing:
             return 0;
             return 2;
Exemplo n.º 18
 public static byte[] SegInt(BigInteger body) => Seg(Op.BigInt2Bytes(body));
Exemplo n.º 19
        /// <summary>
        /// Main program entry point
        /// </summary>
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Op                 op      = Op.None;
            bool               cache   = false;
            int                period  = 60 * 1000;
            DnsServiceRecord   record  = null;
            ProxySocketAddress address = null;

            // Parse command line
            try {
                for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++)
                    switch (args[i])
                    case "-a":
                    case "--all":
                        if (op != Op.None)
                            throw new ArgumentException("Operations are mutual exclusive");
                        op = Op.All;

                    case "-s":
                    case "--services":
                        if (op != Op.None)
                            throw new ArgumentException("Operations are mutual exclusive");
                        op = Op.Browse;
                        if (i < args.Length)
                            record = DnsServiceRecord.Parse(args[i]);

                    case "-t":
                    case "--timeout":
                        if (i >= args.Length || !int.TryParse(args[i], out period))
                            throw new ArgumentException($"Bad -t arg");

                    case "-r":
                    case "--resolve":
                        if (op != Op.None)
                            throw new ArgumentException("Operations are mutual exclusive");
                        op = Op.Resolve;
                        if (i < args.Length)
                            address = ProxySocketAddress.Parse(args[i]);

                    case "-d":
                    case "--dir":
                        if (op != Op.None)
                            throw new ArgumentException("Operations are mutual exclusive");
                        op = Op.Dir;
                        if (i < args.Length)
                            address = ProxySocketAddress.Parse(args[i]);

                    case "--fs":
                        if (op != Op.None)
                            throw new ArgumentException("Operations are mutual exclusive");
                        op = Op.Fs;

                    case "--use-cache":
                        cache = true;

                    case "-R":
                    case "--relay":
                        Socket.Provider = Provider.RelayProvider.CreateAsync().Result;

                    case "-?":
                    case "-h":
                    case "--help":
                        throw new ArgumentException("Help");

                        throw new ArgumentException($"Unknown {args[i]}");
            catch (Exception e) {
Browser - Proxy .net browser sample.  
usage:       Browser [options] operation [args]

             Timeout in ms to use for each browse request.
             Return data from cache only (meaning depends on operation).
     -R      Use relay provider instead of default provider.

     -h      Prints out this help.

Operations (Mutually exclusive):
             Without further argument browses all domains. Otherwise
             browses for service types or service names in a domain.
             If service name is provided, resolves to host:port and txt.
    --all    Browse all services in all domains on all proxies and 
             resolve each one. (default!)

             Resolve host to address (getaddrbyhost) or address to host 
             (gethostbyaddr) on all proxies.

    --dir   Browse a folder on any proxy.
    --fs    Browse entire file system on all proxies recursively.

            if (op == Op.Browse)
                if (record != null)
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(record.Name))
                        var entries = BrowseServicesAsync(
                            record.Type, record.Domain, period, cache).Result;
                        var entries = ResolveServiceAsync(
                            record, period, cache).Result;
                    var entries = BrowseDomainsAsync(period).Result;
                    Console.WriteLine($"{entries.Count} entries found!!!");
            else if (op == Op.Resolve)
                var entries = ResolveAddressAsync(address, period, cache).Result;
            else if (op == Op.Dir)
                var files = BrowseFilesAsync(null, address?.Host, period, cache).Result;
                Console.WriteLine($"{files.Count} files/folders found!!!");
            else if (op == Op.Fs)
                BrowseFilesRecursiveAsync(null, null, period, cache).Wait();
            else if (op == Op.All || op == Op.None)
                Console.WriteLine("Browse and resolve all services");
                var entries = ResolveServiceNamesAsync(period).Result;
                Console.WriteLine($"{entries.Count} entries resolved!!!");

            Console.WriteLine("Press a key to exit...");
Exemplo n.º 20
        public Exp e;       //$TODO: rename to Expression.

        public UnaryExp(Op op, Exp exp, string filename, int start, int end) : base(filename, start, end)
            this.op = op;
            this.e  = exp;
Exemplo n.º 21
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets or creates the cache.
        /// </summary>
        private ICache <TK, TV> GetOrCreateCache <TK, TV>(CacheConfiguration configuration,
                                                          NearCacheConfiguration nearConfiguration, Op op)
            IgniteArgumentCheck.NotNull(configuration, "configuration");
            IgniteArgumentCheck.NotNull(configuration.Name, "CacheConfiguration.Name");

            var cacheTarget = DoOutOpObject((int)op, s =>
                var w = BinaryUtils.Marshaller.StartMarshal(s);

                configuration.Write(w, ClientSocket.CurrentProtocolVersion);

                if (nearConfiguration != null)

            return(GetCache <TK, TV>(cacheTarget));
Exemplo n.º 22
 internal Exp(Param p)
     this.param = p;
     this.op    = Op.Param;
Exemplo n.º 23
 public Exp(double value)
     this.value = value;
     this.op    = Op.Const;
Exemplo n.º 24
 Exp(Op op, Exp a, Exp b)
     this.a  = a;
     this.b  = b;
     this.op = op;
Exemplo n.º 25
 public override string ToString()
Exemplo n.º 26
        public static void Initialize()
            // Create and initialize a new workspace folder relative to the project root
            workspace           = new Workspace();
            workspace.KeepFiles = KeepFileType.Results;

            // Uncomment the following line to clear the workspace before each run
            // workspace.Clear();

            // Extract JSON data from a zip file, if not already done
            if (!File.Exists("seattle-pet-licenses.json") || !File.Exists("washington-zip-codes.json"))
                ZipFile.ExtractToDirectory("data.zip", ".");

            // Import the main license table
            if (!workspace.TableExists("PetLicenses"))
                List <PetLicense>            collection = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <PetLicense> >(File.ReadAllText("seattle-pet-licenses.json"));
                ObjectConnector <PetLicense> connector  = new ObjectConnector <PetLicense>(workspace, collection);

            // Import the secondary location table
            if (!workspace.TableExists("Locations"))
                List <Location>            collection = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <Location> >(File.ReadAllText("washington-zip-codes.json"));
                ObjectConnector <Location> connector  = new ObjectConnector <Location>(workspace, collection);

            // Retrieve the main table for use in constructing queries
            dynamic licenses = workspace.table("PetLicenses");

            // Number of licenses, by species
            if (!workspace.QueryExists("BySpecies"))
                dynamic query = workspace.query("BySpecies", new {
                    Count = Op.Count(licenses.Species)


            // Number of licenses, by calendar year
            if (!workspace.QueryExists("ByYear"))
                // Create a query with all base table columns and add a Year field, extracted from the DateTime value
                dynamic parent = workspace.query(new {
                    _base = "*",
                    Year  = Op.DtPart(licenses.IssueDate, DateTimeParts.Year)

                // Derive another query from the unnamed query above and perform the aggregation
                dynamic query = workspace.query("ByYear", new {
                    _range = parent.Year.Gte(2015),
                    Count = Op.Count(parent.Year)


            // Most popular dog names (sort criteria and row limits are applied later)
            if (!workspace.QueryExists("DogNames"))
                // Use the _range attribute to limit the results to dogs only
                dynamic query = workspace.query("DogNames", new {
                    _range  = licenses.Species.Eq("Dog"),
                    Species = licenses.Species,
                    DogName = licenses.AnimalName,
                    Count   = Op.Count(licenses.AnimalName)


            // List names for all species except dogs and cats
            if (!workspace.QueryExists("OtherAnimals"))
                // Create a query with specified base table columns and use the _filter attribute to limit the results
                // (_filter is used instead of _range because the latter does not support the Ne operator)
                dynamic parent = workspace.query(new {
                    _filter = licenses.Species.Ne("Dog").And().Ne("Cat"),

                // Derive another query from the unnamed query above and use First as the aggregation operator
                // (otherwise the query will not yield any results)
                dynamic query = workspace.query("OtherAnimals", new {
                    AnimalName = Op.First(parent.AnimalName)


            // Retrieve the secondary table for use in a join query
            dynamic locations = workspace.table("Locations");

            // Number of licenses in King County, by city
            if (!workspace.QueryExists("KingCounty"))
                // Create a join from the main table (licenses) to the secondary table (locations)
                // * The addition expression to the left of the vertical bar denotes which secondary fields to include
                // * The equality expression to the right of the vertical bar specifies the join condition
                // * The assignment statement specifies a property of the anonymous type (its name is not significant)
                dynamic join = workspace.join(licenses, new {
                    locale = locations.County + locations.City | licenses.ZipCode == locations.Zip

                // Derive another query from the join query above, specifying both a _range and an aggregation
                dynamic query = workspace.query("KingCounty", new {
                    _range = join.County.Eq("King"),
                    Count = Op.Count(join.LicenseNumber)

Exemplo n.º 27
        /// <summary>
        /// This helper tests various scenarios related to the <see cref="PosColdStakingRule"/>. The parameters determine the test cases.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="isColdCoinStake">Tests the scenario where a hotPubKey was used to spend a cold stake transaction input.</param>
        /// <param name="inputScriptPubKeysDiffer">Tests the scenario where some of the input scriptPubKeys differ.</param>
        /// <param name="outputScriptPubKeysDiffer">Tests the scenario where some of the output scriptPubKeys differ.</param>
        /// <param name="badSecondOutput">Tests the scenario where the second output is not an OP_RETURN followed by some data.</param>
        /// <param name="inputsExceedOutputs">Tests the scenario where the input amount exceeds the output amount.</param>
        /// <param name="inputsWithoutOutputs">Tests the scenario where the some inputs have no incoming outputs.</param>
        /// <param name="expectedError">The error expected by running this test. Set to <c>null</c> if no error is expected.</param>
        private async Task PosColdStakingRuleTestHelperAsync(bool isColdCoinStake, bool inputScriptPubKeysDiffer, bool outputScriptPubKeysDiffer,
                                                             bool badSecondOutput, bool inputsExceedOutputs, bool inputsWithoutOutputs, ConsensusError expectedError)
            Block block = this.ruleContext.ValidationContext.BlockToValidate;

            // Create two scripts that are different.
            var scriptPubKey1 = new Script(OpcodeType.OP_1);
            var scriptPubKey2 = new Script(OpcodeType.OP_2);

            // Add dummy first transaction.
            Transaction transaction = this.network.CreateTransaction();

            transaction.Outputs.Add(new TxOut(Money.Zero, (IDestination)null));

            // Create a previous transaction with scriptPubKey outputs.
            Transaction prevTransaction = this.network.CreateTransaction();

            prevTransaction.Outputs.Add(new TxOut(15, scriptPubKey1));
            prevTransaction.Outputs.Add(new TxOut(25, inputScriptPubKeysDiffer ? scriptPubKey2 : scriptPubKey1));

            // Record the spendable outputs.
            var posRuleContext = this.ruleContext as PosRuleContext;

            posRuleContext.UnspentOutputSet.Update(this.network, prevTransaction, 0);

            // Create cold coin stake transaction.
            Transaction coinstakeTransaction = this.network.CreateTransaction();

            coinstakeTransaction.Inputs.Add(new TxIn()
                PrevOut   = new OutPoint(prevTransaction, 0),
                ScriptSig = new Script()

            coinstakeTransaction.Inputs.Add(new TxIn()
                PrevOut   = new OutPoint(prevTransaction, inputsWithoutOutputs ? 2 : 1),
                ScriptSig = new Script()

            coinstakeTransaction.Outputs.Add(new TxOut(Money.Zero, (IDestination)null));
            coinstakeTransaction.Outputs.Add(new TxOut(Money.Zero, badSecondOutput ?
                                                       new Script() : new Script(OpcodeType.OP_RETURN, Op.GetPushOp(new Key().PubKey.Compress().ToBytes()))));
            coinstakeTransaction.Outputs.Add(new TxOut(inputsExceedOutputs ? 10 : 15, scriptPubKey1));
            coinstakeTransaction.Outputs.Add(new TxOut(25, outputScriptPubKeysDiffer ? scriptPubKey2 : scriptPubKey1));

            // Set this flag which is expected to be set by the preceding PosCoinview rule if this were run in an integrated scenario.
            (coinstakeTransaction as PosTransaction).IsColdCoinStake = isColdCoinStake;


            // Finalize the block and add it to the chain.
            block.Header.HashPrevBlock = this.ChainIndexer.Tip.HashBlock;
            block.Header.Time          = (uint)1483747200;



            // Execute the rule and check the outcome against what is expected.
            var rule = this.CreateRule <PosColdStakingRule>();

            // Initialize the rule context.
            posRuleContext.ValidationContext.ChainedHeaderToValidate = this.ChainIndexer.Tip;
            posRuleContext.CoinStakePrevOutputs  = coinstakeTransaction.Inputs.ToDictionary(txin => txin, txin => posRuleContext.UnspentOutputSet.GetOutputFor(txin));
            posRuleContext.TotalCoinStakeValueIn = posRuleContext.CoinStakePrevOutputs.Sum(a => a.Value?.Value ?? 0);

            // If an error is expeected then capture the error and compare it against the expected error.
            if (expectedError != null)
                ConsensusErrorException exception = Assert.Throws <ConsensusErrorException>(() => rule.RunAsync(this.ruleContext).GetAwaiter().GetResult());

                Assert.Equal(expectedError, exception.ConsensusError);


            // No error is expected. Attempt to run the rule normally.
            await rule.RunAsync(this.ruleContext);
Exemplo n.º 28
 public static byte[] JoinSegs2Table(params byte[][] segs) => Op.JoinByteArray(segs);
Exemplo n.º 29
            public async Task InitializeAsync()
                this.blockinfo = new List <Blockinfo>();
                List <long> lst = blockinfoarr.Cast <long>().ToList();

                for (int i = 0; i < lst.Count; i += 2)
                    this.blockinfo.Add(new Blockinfo {
                        extranonce = (int)lst[i], nonce = (uint)lst[i + 1]

                // Note that by default, these tests run with size accounting enabled.
                this.network = KnownNetworks.RegTest;
                byte[] hex = Encoders.Hex.DecodeData("04678afdb0fe5548271967f1a67130b7105cd6a828e03909a67962e0ea1f61deb649f6bc3f4cef38c4f35504e51ec112de5c384df7ba0b8d578a4c702b6bf11d5f");
                this.scriptPubKey = new Script(new[] { Op.GetPushOp(hex), OpcodeType.OP_CHECKSIG });

                this.entry = new TestMemPoolEntryHelper();
                this.chain = new ConcurrentChain(this.network);
                this.network.Consensus.Options = new ConsensusOptions();

                IDateTimeProvider dateTimeProvider = DateTimeProvider.Default;

                var inMemoryCoinView = new InMemoryCoinView(this.chain.Tip.HashBlock);

                this.cachedCoinView = new CachedCoinView(inMemoryCoinView, dateTimeProvider, new LoggerFactory(), new NodeStats(dateTimeProvider));

                var loggerFactory = new ExtendedLoggerFactory();


                var nodeSettings      = new NodeSettings(args: new string[] { "-checkpoints" });
                var consensusSettings = new ConsensusSettings(nodeSettings);

                var networkPeerFactory = new NetworkPeerFactory(this.network, dateTimeProvider, loggerFactory, new PayloadProvider().DiscoverPayloads(), new SelfEndpointTracker(loggerFactory), new Mock <IInitialBlockDownloadState>().Object, new ConnectionManagerSettings());

                var peerAddressManager  = new PeerAddressManager(DateTimeProvider.Default, nodeSettings.DataFolder, loggerFactory, new SelfEndpointTracker(loggerFactory));
                var peerDiscovery       = new PeerDiscovery(new AsyncLoopFactory(loggerFactory), loggerFactory, this.network, networkPeerFactory, new NodeLifetime(), nodeSettings, peerAddressManager);
                var connectionSettings  = new ConnectionManagerSettings(nodeSettings);
                var selfEndpointTracker = new SelfEndpointTracker(loggerFactory);
                var connectionManager   = new ConnectionManager(dateTimeProvider, loggerFactory, this.network, networkPeerFactory,
                                                                nodeSettings, new NodeLifetime(), new NetworkPeerConnectionParameters(), peerAddressManager, new IPeerConnector[] { },
                                                                peerDiscovery, selfEndpointTracker, connectionSettings, new VersionProvider(), new Mock <INodeStats>().Object);

                var peerBanning = new PeerBanning(connectionManager, loggerFactory, dateTimeProvider, peerAddressManager);
                var deployments = new NodeDeployments(this.network, this.chain);

                var genesis = this.network.GetGenesis();

                var chainState = new ChainState()
                    BlockStoreTip = new ChainedHeader(genesis.Header, genesis.GetHash(), 0)

                this.ConsensusRules = new PowConsensusRuleEngine(this.network, loggerFactory, dateTimeProvider, this.chain, deployments, consensusSettings,
                                                                 new Checkpoints(), this.cachedCoinView, chainState, new InvalidBlockHashStore(dateTimeProvider), new NodeStats(dateTimeProvider)).Register();

                this.consensus = ConsensusManagerHelper.CreateConsensusManager(this.network, chainState: chainState, inMemoryCoinView: inMemoryCoinView, chain: this.chain);

                await this.consensus.InitializeAsync(chainState.BlockStoreTip);


                var dateTimeProviderSet = new DateTimeProviderSet
                    time    = dateTimeProvider.GetTime(),
                    timeutc = dateTimeProvider.GetUtcNow()

                this.DateTimeProvider = dateTimeProviderSet;
                this.mempool          = new TxMempool(dateTimeProvider, new BlockPolicyEstimator(new MempoolSettings(nodeSettings), loggerFactory, nodeSettings), loggerFactory, nodeSettings);
                this.mempoolLock      = new MempoolSchedulerLock();

                // We can't make transactions until we have inputs
                // Therefore, load 100 blocks :)
                this.baseheight = 0;
                var blocks = new List <Block>();

                this.txFirst = new List <Transaction>();

                this.nonce = 0;

                for (int i = 0; i < this.blockinfo.Count; ++i)
                    Block block = this.network.CreateBlock();
                    block.Header.HashPrevBlock = this.consensus.Tip.HashBlock;
                    block.Header.Version       = 1;
                    block.Header.Time          = Utils.DateTimeToUnixTime(this.chain.Tip.GetMedianTimePast()) + 1;

                    Transaction txCoinbase = this.network.CreateTransaction();
                    txCoinbase.Version = 1;
                    txCoinbase.AddInput(new TxIn(new Script(new[] { Op.GetPushOp(this.blockinfo[i].extranonce), Op.GetPushOp(this.chain.Height) })));
                    // Ignore the (optional) segwit commitment added by CreateNewBlock (as the hardcoded nonces don't account for this)
                    txCoinbase.AddOutput(new TxOut(Money.Zero, new Script()));

                    if (this.txFirst.Count == 0)
                        this.baseheight = this.chain.Height;

                    if (this.txFirst.Count < 4)

                    block.Header.Bits = block.Header.GetWorkRequired(this.network, this.chain.Tip);


                    while (!block.CheckProofOfWork())
                        block.Header.Nonce = ++this.nonce;

                    // Serialization sets the BlockSize property.
                    block = Block.Load(block.ToBytes(), this.network);

                    var res = await this.consensus.BlockMinedAsync(block);

                    if (res == null)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException();


                // Just to make sure we can still make simple blocks
                this.newBlock = AssemblerForTest(this).Build(this.chain.Tip, this.scriptPubKey);
Exemplo n.º 30
 private static byte[] GetQuiz(BigInteger quizID)
     byte[] qdata = NuIO.GetStorageWithKeyPath("quiz", Op.BigInt2String(quizID));
Exemplo n.º 31
        internal string OpToString(Op op)
            switch (op)
            default: throw new NotSupportedException(string.Format("Unknown op {0}.", op));

            case Op.Ge: return(" >= ");

            case Op.Le: return(" <= ");

            case Op.Lt: return(" < ");

            case Op.Gt: return(" > ");

            case Op.Eq: return("=");

            case Op.Ne: return(" != ");

            case Op.In: return("in");

            case Op.NotIn: return("not in");

            case Op.Is: return("is");

            case Op.IsNot: return("is not");

            case Op.Xor: return("^");

            case Op.LogOr: return("or");

            case Op.LogAnd: return("and");

            case Op.Shl: return(" << ");

            case Op.Shr: return(" >> ");

            case Op.Add: return(" + ");

            case Op.Sub: return(" - ");

            case Op.Mul: return(" * ");

            case Op.Div: return(" /");

            case Op.IDiv: return(" // ");

            case Op.Mod: return("%");

            case Op.Complement: return("~");

            case Op.AugAdd: return(" += ");

            case Op.AugSub: return(" -= ");

            case Op.AugMul: return(" *= ");

            case Op.AugDiv: return(" /= ");

            case Op.AugMod: return(" %= ");

            case Op.AugAnd: return(" &= ");

            case Op.AugOr: return(" |= ");

            case Op.AugXor: return(" ^= ");

            case Op.AugShl: return(" <<= ");

            case Op.AugShr: return(" >>= ");

            case Op.AugExp: return(" **= ");

            case Op.AugIDiv: return(" //= ");

            case Op.BitAnd: return("&");

            case Op.BitOr: return("|");

            case Op.Not: return("not ");

            case Op.Exp: return(" ** ");

            case Op.Assign: return("=");
Exemplo n.º 32
 public static Tensor <Type> Create(Dim[] shape, Scalar <int> index, Tensor <Type> content = null)
     content = content ?? Op.Ones <Type>(shape.DropLeft(1));
     return(new OneHot <Type>(shape, index, content));
Exemplo n.º 33
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a canonical representation for the multiplication of two scalars.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// 0 * y => 0
        /// 1 * y => y
        /// -1 * y => -y
        /// a * ( b * yy) => (a * b) * yy
        /// a * ( - y) => (- a ) * y
        /// x * b => b * x
        /// a * ( b / yy) => (a * b) / yy
        /// x.Item[z] * y.Item[z] => (x * y).Item[z]
        /// </remarks>
        public static Scalar <Type> Create(Scalar <Type> x, Scalar <Type> y)
            if (x == y)
            var consx = x as Const;

            if (consx != null)
                // 0 * y => 0
                if (consx.IsZero)
                // 1 * y => y
                if (consx.IsOne)

                // a * (b * yy) => (a * b) * yy
                var yMul = y as Mul <Type>;
                if (yMul != null && yMul.x is Const)
                    return((x * yMul.x) * yMul.y);

                // a * (b / yy) => (a * b) / yy;
                var yDiv2 = y as Div <Type>;
                if (yDiv2 != null && yDiv2.x is Const)
                    return((x * yDiv2.x) / yDiv2.y);                                   // important for softmax gradient optimization
                // -1 * y => -y
                if (consx.IsMinusOne)

                // a * ( - y) => (- a ) * y
                var yNeg = y as Neg <Type>;
                if (yNeg != null)
                    return(Create(-x, yNeg.x));

            if (y is Const consy)
                if (consx != null)
                    return(Numeric.Mul(consx.Value, consy.Value));
                // x * b => b * x
                    return(Create(y, x));

            // a * ( b / yy) => (a * b) / yy
            if (y is Div <Type> yDiv && !(y is Div <int>))
                return((x * yDiv.x) / yDiv.y);

            if (x is Div <Type> xdiv)
                // (a / y) * y => a
                if (xdiv.y == y)
                    return(xdiv.x);             // important for softmax gradient optimization
                var ymul = y as Mul <Type>;
                if (ymul != null)
                    // (xdiv.x / xdiv.y) * (ymul.x * ymul.y) => (xdiv.x * ymul.x * ymul.y) / xdiv.y
                    if (ymul.y == xdiv.y)
                        return(xdiv.x * ymul.x);                    // important for sigmoid gradient optimization
                    if (ymul.x == xdiv.y)
                        return(xdiv.x * ymul.y);
                    return((xdiv.x * ymul.x * ymul.y) / xdiv.y);
                return((xdiv.x * y) / xdiv.y);

            // (-x) * y => -(x * y)
            if (x is Neg <Type> xneg)
                return(Neg <Type> .Create(xneg.x *y));

            // x.Item[z] * y.Item[z] => (x * y).Item[z] // important for softmax gradient optimization
            if (x is Item <Type> xitem)
                var yitem = y as Item <Type>;
                if (yitem != null && xitem.Indexes.SequenceEqual(yitem.Indexes))
                    return((xitem.x * yitem.x).Item[xitem.Indexes]);

            // (a / b) * (b * c) => (a * c)
            if (x is Div <Type> xDiv)
                var yMul = y as Mul <Type>;
                if (yMul != null && xDiv.y == yMul.x)
                    return(xDiv.x * yMul.y);

            return(new Mul <Type>(x, y));
Exemplo n.º 34
 public static string GetOperatorString(DSASM.Operator optr)
Exemplo n.º 35
 public override string ToString()
Exemplo n.º 36
        /// <summary>
        /// 条件比较
        /// </summary>
        private static bool GetTFilterOk(string where, int quoteIndex, string sign, Op op, MDataColumn mdc, out TFilter tFilter)
            bool result = false;
            tFilter = null;
            int index = where.ToLower().IndexOf(sign, 0, quoteIndex > 0 ? quoteIndex : where.Length);
            if (index > 0)
                string columnAName = where.Substring(0, index).Trim();
                int columnAIndex = mdc.GetIndex(columnAName);
                string valueB = where.Substring(index + sign.Length).Trim(' ', '\'').Replace("''", "'");
                if (op == Op.In || op == Op.NotIn)
                    valueB = ',' + valueB.TrimStart('(', ')').Replace("'", "") + ",";//去除单引号。
                int columnBIndex = -1;
                if (quoteIndex == 0 && mdc.Contains(valueB)) //判断右侧的是否列名。
                    columnBIndex = mdc.GetIndex(valueB);
                tFilter = new TFilter(Ao.None, columnAName, columnAIndex, op, valueB, columnBIndex);
                if (columnBIndex == -1 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString(valueB)))//右侧是值类型,转换值的类型。
                    if (columnAIndex > -1 && DataType.GetGroup(mdc[columnAIndex].SqlType) == 3)//bool型
                        switch (Convert.ToString(tFilter._valueB).ToLower())
                            case "true":
                            case "1":
                            case "on":
                                tFilter._valueB = true;
                            case "false":
                            case "0":
                            case "":
                                tFilter._valueB = false;
                                tFilter._valueB = null;
                            tFilter._valueB = StaticTool.ChangeType(tFilter._valueB, columnAIndex > -1 ? typeof(string) : mdc[columnAIndex].ValueType);
                result = true;

            return result;
Exemplo n.º 37
 public static byte[] SegBool(bool body) => Seg(Op.Bool2Bytes(body));
Exemplo n.º 38
 public Filter(string propertyName, object value, Op operation = Op.Equals)
     PropertyName = propertyName;
     Value = value;
     Operation = operation;
Exemplo n.º 39
 public static byte[] SegString(string body) => Seg(Op.String2Bytes(body));
Exemplo n.º 40
 private STATE this[Op op]
     get { return m_state[(int)op]; }
     set { m_state[(int)op] = value; }
        private Node VisitPropertyOp(Op op, Node n, PropertyRef propertyRef, bool throwIfMissing)
                op.OpType == OpType.Property || op.OpType == OpType.RelProperty,
                "Unexpected optype: " + op.OpType);

            var inputType = n.Child0.Op.Type;
            var outputType = op.Type;

            // First visit all my children

            Node newNode = null;
            var inputTypeInfo = m_typeInfo.GetTypeInfo(inputType);

            if (TypeUtils.IsStructuredType(outputType))
                var outputTypeInfo = m_typeInfo.GetTypeInfo(outputType);
                var fieldTypes = new List<md.EdmProperty>();
                var fieldValues = new List<Node>();
                var expectedProperties = m_nodePropertyMap[n];

                foreach (var npr in outputTypeInfo.PropertyRefList)
                    // Is this a property that's desired by my consumers?
                    if (expectedProperties.Contains(npr))
                        var newPropRef = npr.CreateNestedPropertyRef(propertyRef);
                        md.EdmProperty newNestedProp;

                        if (inputTypeInfo.TryGetNewProperty(newPropRef, throwIfMissing, out newNestedProp))
                            var outputNestedProp = outputTypeInfo.GetNewProperty(npr);
                            var field = BuildAccessor(n.Child0, newNestedProp);
                            if (null != field)
                Op newRecordOp = m_command.CreateNewRecordOp(outputTypeInfo.FlattenedTypeUsage, fieldTypes);
                newNode = m_command.CreateNode(newRecordOp, fieldValues);
                var newProp = inputTypeInfo.GetNewProperty(propertyRef);
                // Build an accessor over the new property
                newNode = BuildAccessorWithNulls(n.Child0, newProp);
            return newNode;
Exemplo n.º 42
        // <summary>
        // ApplyOp/JoinOp common processing
        // </summary>
        // <remarks>
        // If one of the inputs to any JoinOp/ApplyOp is a NestOp, then the NestOp
        // can be pulled above the join/apply if every input to the join/apply has
        // a key(s). The keys of the NestOp are augmented with the keys of the
        // other join inputs:
        // JoinOp/ApplyOp(NestOp(X, ...), Y) => NestOp(JoinOp/ApplyOp(X, Y), ...)
        // In addition, if the NestOp is on a 'nullable' side of a join (i.e. right side of
        // LeftOuterJoin/OuterApply or either side of FullOuterJoin), the driving node
        // of that NestOp (X) is capped with a project with a null sentinel and
        // the dependant collection nodes (the rest of the NestOp children)
        // are filtered based on that sentinel:
        // LOJ/OA/FOJ (X, NestOp(Y, Z1, Z2, ..ZN))  =>  NestOp( LOJ/OA/FOJ (X, PROJECT (Y, v = 1)), FILTER(Z1, v!=null), FILTER(Z2, v!=null), ... FILTER(ZN, v!=null))
        // FOJ (NestOp(Y, Z1, Z2, ..ZN), X)  =>  NestOp( LOJ/OA/FOJ (PROJECT (Y, v = 1), X), FILTER(Z1, v!=null), FILTER(Z2, v!=null), ... FILTER(ZN, v!=null))
        // Also, FILTER(Zi, v != null) may be transformed to push the filter below any NestOps.
        // The definitions for collection vars corresponding to the filtered collection nodes (in m_definingNodeMap)
        // are also updated to filter based on the sentinel.
        // Requires: Every input to the join/apply must have a key.
        // </remarks>
        private Node ApplyOpJoinOp(Op op, Node n)
            // First, visit my children

            // Now determine if any of the input nodes are a nestOp.
            var countOfNestInputs = 0;

            foreach (var chi in n.Children)
                var nestOp = chi.Op as NestBaseOp;
                if (null != nestOp)

                    if (OpType.SingleStreamNest
                        == chi.Op.OpType)
                        // There should not be a SingleStreamNest in the tree, because we made a decision
                        // that in essence means the only way to get a SingleStreamNest is to have a
                        // PhysicalProject over something with an underlying NestOp.   Having
                        //      Project(Collect(PhysicalProject(...)))
                        // isn’t good enough, because that will get converted to a MultiStreamNest, with
                        // the SingleStreamNest as the input to the MultiStreamNest.
                        throw new InvalidOperationException(

            // If none of the inputs are a nest, then we don't really need to do anything.
            if (0 == countOfNestInputs)
                return n;

            // We can only pull the nest over a Join/Apply if it has keys, so
            // we can order things; if it doesn't have keys, we throw a NotSupported
            // exception.
            foreach (var chi in n.Children)
                if (op.OpType != OpType.MultiStreamNest
                    && chi.Op.IsRelOp)
                    var keys = Command.PullupKeys(chi);

                    if (null == keys
                        || keys.NoKeys)
                        throw new NotSupportedException(Strings.ADP_KeysRequiredForJoinOverNest(op.OpType.ToString()));

            // Alright, we're OK to pull the nestOp over the joinOp/applyOp.
            // That means:
            // (1) build a new list of children for the nestOp and for the joinOp/applyOp
            // (2) build the new list of collectionInfos for the new nestOp.
            var newNestChildren = new List<Node>();
            var newJoinApplyChildren = new List<Node>();
            var newCollectionInfoList = new List<CollectionInfo>();

            foreach (var chi in n.Children)
                if (chi.Op.OpType
                    == OpType.MultiStreamNest)

                    // SQLBUDT #615513: If the nest op is on a 'nullable' side of join 
                    // (i.e. right side of LeftOuterJoin/OuterApply or either side of FullOuterJoin)
                    // the driving node of that nest operation needs to be capped with a project with 
                    // a null sentinel and the dependant collection nodes need to be filtered based on that sentinel.
                    //  LOJ/OA/FOJ (X, MSN(Y, Z1, Z2, ..ZN))  =>  MSN( LOJ/OA/FOJ (X, PROJECT (Y, v = 1)), FILTER(Z1, v!=null), FILTER(Z2, v!=null), ... FILTER(ZN, v!=null))
                    //         FOJ (MSN(Y, Z1, Z2, ..ZN), X)  =>  MSN( LOJ/OA/FOJ (PROJECT (Y, v = 1), X), FILTER(Z1, v!=null), FILTER(Z2, v!=null), ... FILTER(ZN, v!=null))
                    //  Note: we transform FILTER(Zi, v != null) to push the filter below any MSNs. 
                    if ((op.OpType == OpType.FullOuterJoin)
                        ((op.OpType == OpType.LeftOuterJoin || op.OpType == OpType.OuterApply)
                         && n.Child1.Op.OpType == OpType.MultiStreamNest))
                        Var sentinelVar = null;
                        newJoinApplyChildren.Add(AugmentNodeWithConstant(chi.Child0, () => Command.CreateNullSentinelOp(), out sentinelVar));

                        // Update the definitions corresponding ot the collection vars to be filtered based on the sentinel. 
                        foreach (var collectionInfo in ((MultiStreamNestOp)chi.Op).CollectionInfo)
                            m_definingNodeMap[collectionInfo.CollectionVar].Child0 =
                                ApplyIsNotNullFilter(m_definingNodeMap[collectionInfo.CollectionVar].Child0, sentinelVar);

                        for (var i = 1; i < chi.Children.Count; i++)
                            var newNestChild = ApplyIsNotNullFilter(chi.Children[i], sentinelVar);
                        for (var i = 1; i < chi.Children.Count; i++)

            // (3) create the new Join/Apply node using the existing op and the
            //     new list of children from (1).
            var newJoinApplyNode = Command.CreateNode(op, newJoinApplyChildren);

            // (4) insert the apply op as the driving node of the nestOp (put it
            //     at the beginning of the new nestOps' children.
            newNestChildren.Insert(0, newJoinApplyNode);

            // (5) build an updated list of output vars based upon the new join/apply
            //     node, and ensure all the collection vars from the nestOp(s) are
            //     included.
            var xni = newJoinApplyNode.GetExtendedNodeInfo(Command);
            var newOutputVars = Command.CreateVarVec(xni.Definitions);

            foreach (var ci in newCollectionInfoList)

            // (6) create the new nestop
            NestBaseOp newNestOp = Command.CreateMultiStreamNestOp(new List<SortKey>(), newOutputVars, newCollectionInfoList);
            var newNode = Command.CreateNode(newNestOp, newNestChildren);
            return newNode;
Exemplo n.º 43
 public static byte[] JoinToTable(byte[] table, byte[] seg) => Op.JoinTwoByteArray(table, seg);
Exemplo n.º 44
 static void Edit([Domain("Users")] string user, string file, Op op)
     Map<string, Op> userRevisions = revisions[user];
     revisions = revisions.Override(user, userRevisions.Add(file, (op == Op.Delete ? Op.Delete : Op.Add)));
Exemplo n.º 45
        public string GetRowAndColumn(string ApplicationId, int ObjectType, int RoleId)
            // IServiceClient client = this.EbConfig.GetServiceStackClient(ViewBag.token, ViewBag.rToken);
            List <string> _permissionsData = new List <string>(); // FOR NEW MODE

            if (RoleId > 0)
                var fr = this.ServiceClient.Get <GetPermissionsResponse>(new GetPermissionsRequest {
                    id = RoleId, TenantAccountId = ViewBag.cid
                _permissionsData = fr.Permissions;

            var resultlist = this.ServiceClient.Get <GetApplicationObjectsResponse>(new GetApplicationObjectsRequest {
                Id = Convert.ToInt32(ApplicationId), objtype = ObjectType

            ViewBag.dict = resultlist.Data;
            string html   = @"<thead><tr><th>@Header</th></tr></thead><tbody>@tbody</tbody>";
            string header = string.Empty;
            string tbody  = string.Empty;

            if (ObjectType == 16)
                foreach (var Op in Enum.GetValues(typeof(EbTableVisualization.Operations)))
                    header += "<th> @Operation </th>".Replace("@Operation", Op.ToString());

                foreach (var obj in resultlist.Data.Keys)
                    tbody += "<tr>";
                    tbody += "<td>{0}</td>".Fmt(resultlist.Data[obj]);
                    foreach (var Op in Enum.GetValues(typeof(EbTableVisualization.Operations)))
                        var perm           = string.Format("{0}_{1}", obj, (int)Op);
                        var checked_string = _permissionsData.Contains(perm) ? "checked" : string.Empty;
                        tbody += "<td><input type = 'checkbox' name ='permissions' value='{0}' class='form-check-input' aria-label='...' {1}></td>".Fmt(perm, checked_string);
                    tbody += "</tr>";

            else if (ObjectType == 17)
                foreach (var Op in Enum.GetValues(typeof(EbChartVisualization.Operations)))
                    header += "<th> @Operation </th>".Replace("@Operation", Op.ToString());

                foreach (var obj in resultlist.Data.Keys)
                    tbody += "<tr>";
                    tbody += "<td>{0}</td>".Fmt(resultlist.Data[obj]);
                    foreach (var Op in Enum.GetValues(typeof(EbChartVisualization.Operations)))
                        var perm           = string.Format("{0}_{1}", obj, (int)Op);
                        var checked_string = _permissionsData.Contains(perm) ? "checked" : string.Empty;
                        tbody += "<td><input type = 'checkbox' name ='permissions' value='{0}' class='form-check-input' aria-label='...' {1}></td>".Fmt(perm, checked_string);
                    tbody += "</tr>";

            else if (ObjectType == 18)
                foreach (var Op in Enum.GetValues(typeof(EbBotForm.Operations)))
                    header += "<th> @Operation </th>".Replace("@Operation", Op.ToString());

                foreach (var obj in resultlist.Data.Keys)
                    tbody += "<tr>";
                    tbody += "<td>{0}</td>".Fmt(resultlist.Data[obj]);
                    foreach (var Op in Enum.GetValues(typeof(EbBotForm.Operations)))
                        var perm           = string.Format("{0}_{1}", obj, (int)Op);
                        var checked_string = _permissionsData.Contains(perm) ? "checked" : string.Empty;
                        tbody += "<td><input type = 'checkbox' name ='permissions' value='{0}' class='form-check-input' aria-label='...' {1}></td>".Fmt(perm, checked_string);
                    tbody += "</tr>";

            else if (ObjectType == 3)
                foreach (var Op in Enum.GetValues(typeof(EbReport.Operations)))
                    header += "<th> @Operation </th>".Replace("@Operation", Op.ToString());

                foreach (var obj in resultlist.Data.Keys)
                    tbody += "<tr>";
                    tbody += "<td>{0}</td>".Fmt(resultlist.Data[obj]);
                    foreach (var Op in Enum.GetValues(typeof(EbReport.Operations)))
                        var perm           = string.Format("{0}_{1}", obj, (int)Op);
                        var checked_string = _permissionsData.Contains(perm) ? "checked" : string.Empty;
                        tbody += "<td><input type = 'checkbox' name ='permissions' value='{0}' class='form-check-input' aria-label='...' {1}></td>".Fmt(perm, checked_string);
                    tbody += "</tr>";

            return(html.Replace("@Header", header).Replace("@tbody", tbody));
Exemplo n.º 46
        private static bool Compare(SqlDbType sqlType, object valueA, Op op, object valueB)
                switch (op)
                case Op.Big:
                case Op.BigEqual:
                    switch (DataType.GetGroup(sqlType))
                    case 1:        //int
                        return(op == Op.Big ? Convert.ToDecimal(valueA) > Convert.ToDecimal(valueB) : Convert.ToDecimal(valueA) >= Convert.ToDecimal(valueB));

                    case 2:        //datetime
                        return(op == Op.Big ? Convert.ToDateTime(valueA) > Convert.ToDateTime(valueB) : Convert.ToDateTime(valueA) >= Convert.ToDateTime(valueB));

                        int value = Convert.ToString(valueA).CompareTo(valueB);
                        return(op == Op.Big ? value == 1 : value > -1);

                case Op.Equal:
                    return(string.Compare(Convert.ToString(valueA).TrimEnd(), Convert.ToString(valueB).TrimEnd(), true) == 0);

                case Op.NotEqual:
                    return(string.Compare(Convert.ToString(valueA).TrimEnd(), Convert.ToString(valueB).TrimEnd(), true) != 0);

                case Op.Small:
                case Op.SmallEqual:
                    switch (DataType.GetGroup(sqlType))
                    case 1:        //int
                        return(op == Op.Small ? Convert.ToDecimal(valueA) < Convert.ToDecimal(valueB) : Convert.ToDecimal(valueA) <= Convert.ToDecimal(valueB));

                    case 2:        //datetime
                        return(op == Op.Small ? Convert.ToDateTime(valueA) < Convert.ToDateTime(valueB) : Convert.ToDateTime(valueA) <= Convert.ToDateTime(valueB));

                        int value = Convert.ToString(valueA).CompareTo(valueB);
                        return(op == Op.Small ? value == -1 : value <= 0);

                case Op.Like:
                case Op.NotLike:
                    bool   result = false;
                    string bValue = Convert.ToString(valueB);
                    if (!bValue.StartsWith("%"))
                        result = Convert.ToString(valueA).StartsWith(bValue.Trim('%'), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
                    else if (!bValue.EndsWith("%"))     //'123    ' like '123%'
                        result = Convert.ToString(valueA).TrimEnd().EndsWith(bValue.Trim('%'), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
                        result = Convert.ToString(valueA).IndexOf(bValue.Trim('%'), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) > -1;
                    return(op == Op.Like ? result : !result);

                case Op.In:
                    return(Convert.ToString(valueB).Contains(',' + Convert.ToString(valueA) + ","));

                case Op.NotIn:
                    return(!Convert.ToString(valueB).Contains(',' + Convert.ToString(valueA) + ","));
Exemplo n.º 47
        private static bool Compare(SqlDbType sqlType, object valueA, Op op, object valueB)
                switch (op)
                    case Op.Big:
                    case Op.BigEqual:
                        switch (DataType.GetGroup(sqlType))
                            case 1://int
                                return op == Op.Big ? ((int)valueA > Convert.ToInt32(valueB)) : ((int)valueA >= Convert.ToInt32(valueB));
                            case 2://datetime
                                return op == Op.Big ? (DateTime)valueA > Convert.ToDateTime(valueB) : (DateTime)valueA >= Convert.ToDateTime(valueB);
                                int value = Convert.ToString(valueA).CompareTo(valueB);
                                return op == Op.Big ? value == 1 : value > -1;

                    case Op.Equal:
                        return string.Compare(Convert.ToString(valueA), Convert.ToString(valueB), true) == 0;
                    case Op.NotEqual:
                        return string.Compare(Convert.ToString(valueA), Convert.ToString(valueB), true) != 0;
                    case Op.Small:
                    case Op.SmallEqual:
                        switch (DataType.GetGroup(sqlType))
                            case 1://int
                                return op == Op.Small ? ((int)valueA < Convert.ToInt32(valueB)) : ((int)valueA <= Convert.ToInt32(valueB));
                            case 2://datetime
                                return op == Op.Small ? (DateTime)valueA < Convert.ToDateTime(valueB) : (DateTime)valueA <= Convert.ToDateTime(valueB);
                                int value = Convert.ToString(valueA).CompareTo(valueB);
                                return op == Op.Small ? value == -1 : value <= 0;
                    case Op.Like:
                        string bValue = Convert.ToString(valueB);
                        if (!bValue.StartsWith("%"))
                            return Convert.ToString(valueA).StartsWith(bValue.Trim('%'), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
                        else if (!bValue.EndsWith("%"))
                            return Convert.ToString(valueA).EndsWith(bValue.Trim('%'), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
                            return Convert.ToString(valueA).IndexOf(bValue.Trim('%'), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) > -1;
                    case Op.In:
                        return Convert.ToString(valueB).Contains(',' + Convert.ToString(valueA) + ",");
                    case Op.NotIn:
                        return !Convert.ToString(valueB).Contains(',' + Convert.ToString(valueA) + ",");
                return false;
                return false;
Exemplo n.º 48
 public static Transaction AddOpReturn(this Transaction transaction, byte[] opReturnContent)
     transaction.AddOutput(new TxOut(Money.Zero, new Script(OpcodeType.OP_RETURN, Op.GetPushOp(opReturnContent))));
Exemplo n.º 49
 public TFilter(Ao ao, object valueA, int columnAIndex, Op op, object valueB, int columnBIndex)
     _Ao = ao;
     _valueA = valueA;
     _columnAIndex = columnAIndex;
     _Op = op;
     _valueB = valueB;
     _columnBIndex = columnBIndex;
Exemplo n.º 50
 public static Cmd ToCmd(Op op)
     return(Cmd.IMM | (Cmd)op);
Exemplo n.º 51
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new publish-subscribe exception.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="op">The operation that failed.</param>
 /// <param name="error">A description of the error.</param>
 /// <param name="elem">The stanza that caused the error.</param>
 public PubSubException(Op op, string error, XmlElement elem) : base(error)
     Operation = op;
     Protocol = elem;
Exemplo n.º 52
        public TrustedBroadcastRequest CreateRedeemTransaction(FeeRate feeRate, Script redeemDestination)
            if (feeRate == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(feeRate));

            var coin   = InternalState.EscrowedCoin;
            var escrow = EscrowScriptBuilder.ExtractEscrowScriptPubKeyParameters(coin.Redeem);

            Transaction tx = new Transaction();

            tx.LockTime = escrow.LockTime;
            tx.Inputs.Add(new TxIn(coin.Outpoint));
            tx.Inputs[0].Sequence = 0;
            tx.Outputs.Add(new TxOut(coin.Amount, redeemDestination));
            var vSize = tx.GetVirtualSize() + 80;

            tx.Inputs[0].ScriptSig = EscrowScriptBuilder.GenerateScriptSig(new TransactionSignature[] { null }) + Op.GetPushOp(coin.Redeem.ToBytes());
            tx.Outputs[0].Value   -= feeRate.GetFee(vSize);

            var redeemTransaction = new TrustedBroadcastRequest
                Key = InternalState.RedeemKey,
                PreviousScriptPubKey = coin.Redeem.Hash.ScriptPubKey,
                Transaction          = tx

            //Strip redeem script information so we check if TrustedBroadcastRequest can sign correctly
            redeemTransaction.Transaction = redeemTransaction.ReSign(new Coin(coin.Outpoint, coin.TxOut));
Exemplo n.º 53
        private void FireError(Op op, string message, XmlElement protocol)
            Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Error {0}ing pubsub node: {1}", op, message));
            this[op] = STATE.Error;

            if (OnError != null)
                OnError(this, new PubSubException(op, message, protocol));
Exemplo n.º 54
 public override CType GetEvaluatedCType(EmitContext ec)
     return((Op == Unop.Not) ? CBasicType.SignedInt : GetPromotedType(Right, Op.ToString(), ec));
Exemplo n.º 55
        // <summary>
        // Not Supported common processing
        // For all those cases where we don't intend to support
        // a nest operation as a child, we have this routine to
        // do the work.
        // </summary>
        private Node NestingNotSupported(Op op, Node n)
            // First, visit my children

            // Make sure we don't have a child that is a nest op.
            foreach (var chi in n.Children)
                if (IsNestOpNode(chi))
                    throw new NotSupportedException(Strings.ADP_NestingNotSupported(op.OpType.ToString(), chi.Op.OpType.ToString()));
            return n;
Exemplo n.º 56
        public SignaturesRequest CreateSignatureRequest(Script cashoutDestination, FeeRate feeRate)
            if (cashoutDestination == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(cashoutDestination));
            if (feeRate == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(feeRate));

            Transaction cashout = new Transaction();

            cashout.AddInput(new TxIn(InternalState.EscrowedCoin.Outpoint));
            cashout.Inputs[0].ScriptSig = new Script(
            cashout.AddOutput(new TxOut(InternalState.EscrowedCoin.Amount, cashoutDestination));
            var virtualSize = cashout.HasWitness ? cashout.GetVirtualSize(_Network.Consensus.Options.WitnessScaleFactor) : cashout.GetSerializedSize();

            cashout.Outputs[0].Value -= feeRate.GetFee(virtualSize);

            List <HashBase> hashes = new List <HashBase>();

            for (int i = 0; i < Parameters.RealTransactionCount; i++)
                RealHash h = new RealHash(cashout, InternalState.EscrowedCoin);
                h.FeeVariation = Money.Satoshis(i);

            for (int i = 0; i < Parameters.FakeTransactionCount; i++)
                FakeHash h = new FakeHash(Parameters);
                h.Salt = new uint256(RandomUtils.GetBytes(32));

            _Hashes = hashes.ToArray();
            NBitcoin.Utils.Shuffle(_Hashes, RandomUtils.GetInt32());
            for (int i = 0; i < _Hashes.Length; i++)
                _Hashes[i].Index = i;
            var     fakeIndices = _Hashes.OfType <FakeHash>().Select(h => h.Index).ToArray();
            uint256 indexSalt   = null;
            var     request     = new SignaturesRequest
                Hashes          = _Hashes.Select(h => h.GetHash(_Network)).ToArray(),
                FakeIndexesHash = PromiseUtils.HashIndexes(ref indexSalt, fakeIndices),

            InternalState.IndexSalt   = indexSalt;
            InternalState.Cashout     = cashout.Clone(_Network.Consensus.ConsensusFactory);
            InternalState.Status      = PromiseClientStates.WaitingCommitments;
            InternalState.FakeIndexes = fakeIndices;
Exemplo n.º 57
		/// <summary>
		/// Add a simple IL instruction
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="inst">the IL instruction</param>
		public void Inst(Op inst) 
			AddToBuffer(new Instr((int)inst));
 public Operator(Op op, AstNode opnd1, AstNode opnd2)
     _opType = op;
     _opnd1  = opnd1;
     _opnd2  = opnd2;
Exemplo n.º 59
 static bool EditEnabled(string user, string file, Op op)
     return (CanStep(user) &&
             !revisions[user].ContainsKey(file) &&
             (Repository.FileExists(file, version[user]) ?
                                          op != Op.Add : op == Op.Add));
Exemplo n.º 60
 public BinExp(Op op, Exp l, Exp r, string filename, int start, int end) : base(filename, start, end)
     this.op = op; this.l = l; this.r = r;