Exemplo n.º 1
        public OnlineSchedulingEventListModel ManageSponsoredByLogo(OnlineSchedulingEventListModel model, IEnumerable <OrderedPair <long, long> > eventIdOrganizationIdpairs, IEnumerable <Organization> organizations, IEnumerable <File> files)
            if (eventIdOrganizationIdpairs == null || eventIdOrganizationIdpairs.Count() < 1 || files == null || files.Count() < 1)

            foreach (var organization in organizations)
                if (organization.LogoImageId < 1)
                var file     = files.Where(f => f.Id == organization.LogoImageId).Single();
                var eventIds = eventIdOrganizationIdpairs.Where(p => p.SecondValue == organization.Id).Select(m => m.FirstValue).ToArray();
                foreach (var eventId in eventIds)
                    var theEvent = model.Events.Where(m => m.EventId == eventId).SingleOrDefault();
                    if (theEvent == null)
                    theEvent.SponsorImage = file.Path;

Exemplo n.º 2
        public OnlineSchedulingEventListModel ManipulateSlotAvilabilityDisplay(OnlineSchedulingEventListModel model, IEnumerable <Appointment> slots)
            foreach (var theEvent in model.Events)
                var eventSlots = slots.Where(sl => sl.EventId == theEvent.EventId).ToArray();
                var freeSlots  = eventSlots.Where(sl => (sl.ScheduledById == null || sl.ScheduledById.Value < 1) /*&& sl.AppointmentStatus == AppointmentStatus.Free*/).ToArray();

                if (theEvent.EventDate.Date == DateTime.Now.Date)
                    freeSlots = freeSlots.Where(es => es.StartTime >= DateTime.Now.AddHours(1)).ToArray();

                if (freeSlots.Count() < 1)
                    theEvent.AppointmentAvailabilityDisplayString = "None Available";
                else if (freeSlots.Count() <= _limitedAvailabilityThreshold)
                    theEvent.AppointmentAvailabilityDisplayString = "Limited Availability";
                    bool morningSlot, afternoonSlot;
                    morningSlot = afternoonSlot = false;

                    if (freeSlots.Where(sl => sl.StartTime.TimeOfDay < new TimeSpan(12, 0, 0)).Count() > 0)
                        morningSlot = true;
                    if (freeSlots.Where(sl => sl.StartTime.TimeOfDay >= new TimeSpan(12, 0, 0)).Count() > 0)
                        afternoonSlot = true;

                    if (morningSlot && afternoonSlot)
                        theEvent.AppointmentAvailabilityDisplayString = "Morning and Afternoon";
                    else if (morningSlot)
                        theEvent.AppointmentAvailabilityDisplayString = "Morning";
                    else if (afternoonSlot)
                        theEvent.AppointmentAvailabilityDisplayString = "Afternoon";

Exemplo n.º 3
        public OnlineSchedulingEventListModel Create(IEnumerable <Event> events, IEnumerable <Host> hosts, IEnumerable <OrderedPair <long, int> > totalSlotsOrderedPair, IEnumerable <OrderedPair <long, int> > availableSlotsOrderedPair, ZipCode filterZipCode,
                                                     IEnumerable <EventSchedulingSlot> slots, long selectedEventId, int cutOffHourforMarkEventOnlineSelection, SortOrderBy sortOrderBy, SortOrderType sortOrderType, int maxNumberofRecordstoFetch, int pageNumber, int pageSize, out int totalRecords)
            var listModel           = new OnlineSchedulingEventListModel();
            var viewModelCollection = new List <OnlineSchedulingEventViewModel>();

            DateTime?nextDay = null;

            if (cutOffHourforMarkEventOnlineSelection > 0)
                var currentDay = DateTime.Now;
                nextDay = currentDay.Date.AddDays(1);

                if (currentDay.AddHours(cutOffHourforMarkEventOnlineSelection) < nextDay)
                    nextDay = currentDay;

            foreach (var theEvent in events)
                var host          = hosts.Where(h => h.Id == theEvent.HostId).FirstOrDefault();
                var totalSlot     = totalSlotsOrderedPair.Where(op => op.FirstValue == theEvent.Id).SingleOrDefault();
                var availableSlot = availableSlotsOrderedPair.Where(op => op.FirstValue == theEvent.Id).SingleOrDefault();

                if (theEvent.EventDate.Date == DateTime.Now.Date && slots != null && theEvent.Id != selectedEventId)
                    var slot         = slots.Where(a => a.EventId == theEvent.Id).ToArray();
                    var maxStartTime = slot.Select(a => a.StartTime).Max();
                    if (DateTime.Now.Date.AddHours(maxStartTime.Hour).AddMinutes(maxStartTime.Minute) < DateTime.Now.AddHours(1))

                double distance = 0;
                if (filterZipCode != null && host.Address.ZipCode != null)
                    distance = _distanceCalculator.DistanceBetweenTwoPoints(filterZipCode.Latitude, filterZipCode.Longitude,
                                                                            host.Address.ZipCode.Latitude, host.Address.ZipCode.Longitude);

                if (distance > 0)
                    distance = Math.Round(distance, 2);

                var model = new OnlineSchedulingEventViewModel
                    EventDate               = theEvent.EventDate,
                    EventId                 = theEvent.Id,
                    HostName                = host.OrganizationName,
                    EventLocation           = Mapper.Map <Address, AddressViewModel>(host.Address),
                    TotalSlots              = totalSlot != null ? totalSlot.SecondValue : 0,
                    AvailableSlots          = availableSlot != null ? availableSlot.SecondValue : 0,
                    DistanceFromZip         = distance,
                    IsMarkedOffforSelection = nextDay != null && theEvent.EventDate.Date <= nextDay.Value.Date ? true : false,
                    EventType               = theEvent.EventType,
                    IsFemaleOnly            = theEvent.IsFemaleOnly,
                    RegistrationMode        = theEvent.RegistrationMode


            if (viewModelCollection.Count < 1)
                totalRecords     = 0;
                listModel.Events = viewModelCollection;

            if (sortOrderBy == SortOrderBy.Distance)
                int    countForUncalculatableZip = viewModelCollection.Where(vm => vm.DistanceFromZip < 0).Count();
                double maxDistance = viewModelCollection.Max(vm => vm.DistanceFromZip);

                if (countForUncalculatableZip > 0 && maxDistance >= 0 && sortOrderType == SortOrderType.Ascending)
                    maxDistance += 1;
                    viewModelCollection.Where(vm => vm.DistanceFromZip < 0).All(vm =>
                        vm.DistanceFromZip = maxDistance;

                viewModelCollection = sortOrderType == SortOrderType.Ascending
                                          ? viewModelCollection.OrderBy(m => m.EventDate).OrderBy(m => m.DistanceFromZip).ToList()
                                          : viewModelCollection.OrderByDescending(m => m.EventDate).OrderBy(m => m.DistanceFromZip).ToList();

                if (countForUncalculatableZip > 0 && maxDistance >= 0 && sortOrderType == SortOrderType.Ascending)
                    viewModelCollection.Where(vm => vm.DistanceFromZip == maxDistance).All(vm =>
                        vm.DistanceFromZip = -0.0009;
            else // Default Ordering will be Event Date
                viewModelCollection = sortOrderType == SortOrderType.Ascending
                                          ? viewModelCollection.OrderBy(m => m.DistanceFromZip).OrderBy(m => m.EventDate).ToList()
                                          : viewModelCollection.OrderByDescending(m => m.DistanceFromZip).OrderBy(m => m.EventDate).ToList();

            viewModelCollection = viewModelCollection.Where(vw => vw.EventId != selectedEventId).ToList();

            totalRecords = viewModelCollection.Count();
            totalRecords = totalRecords > maxNumberofRecordstoFetch ? maxNumberofRecordstoFetch : totalRecords;

            viewModelCollection = viewModelCollection.Take(totalRecords).ToList();

            listModel.Events = viewModelCollection.Skip((pageNumber - 1) * pageSize).Take(pageSize).ToArray();

            if (pageNumber > 1 && listModel.Events.Count() < 1)
                listModel.Events = viewModelCollection.Skip((pageNumber - 2) * pageSize).Take(pageSize).ToArray();
