Exemplo n.º 1
        Stream <string, Epoch> loadDiskFiles(OneOffComputation computation, String inputDir, int numFiles)
            var           processes   = computation.Configuration.Processes;
            var           thisProcess = computation.Configuration.ProcessID;
            List <string> myFiles     = new List <string>();

            bool printFirstInput = false;

            for (int i = 0; i < numFiles; i++)
                // ensure we generate the same graph no matter how many processes there are

                if ((i % processes) == thisProcess)
                    myFiles.Add(inputDir + getFileName(i, numFiles));
                    if (!printFirstInput)
                        Console.Out.WriteLine("my process ID: " + thisProcess.ToString() + ", and my first file is " + inputDir + i.ToString());
                        printFirstInput = true;
            var text = myFiles.ToArray()
                       .SelectMany(x => x.ReadLinesOfText());

            //.SelectMany(x => x.ReadLinesOfText());
Exemplo n.º 2
        public NaiadSolution(string[] args)
            rawUsers          = new List <User>();
            rawPosts          = new List <Post>();
            rawComments       = new List <Comment>();
            rawCommentedEdges = new List <CommentedEdge>();
            rawLikesEdges     = new List <LikesEdge>();
            rawPostEdges      = new List <PostEdge>();
            rawSubmitterEdges = new List <SubmitterEdge>();
            rawFriendEdges    = new List <FriendEdge>();

            computation = NewComputation.FromArgs(ref args);

            users          = computation.NewInputCollection <User>();
            posts          = computation.NewInputCollection <Post>();
            comments       = computation.NewInputCollection <Comment>();
            commentedEdges = computation.NewInputCollection <CommentedEdge>();
            likesEdges     = computation.NewInputCollection <LikesEdge>();
            postEdges      = computation.NewInputCollection <PostEdge>();
            submitterEdges = computation.NewInputCollection <SubmitterEdge>();
            friendEdges    = computation.NewInputCollection <FriendEdge>();

            actualEpoch = -1;

            isDisposed = false;
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void Execute(string[] args)
            using (OneOffComputation computation = NewComputation.FromArgs(ref args))
                int numToExchange = args.Length > 1 ? int.Parse(args[1]) : 1000000;

                Stream <int, Epoch> input = computation.NewInput(new ConstantDataSource <int>(5));

                Stream <int, Epoch>           stream   = ProducerVertex.MakeStage(numToExchange, computation.Configuration.WorkerCount, input);
                Stage <ConsumerVertex, Epoch> consumer = ConsumerVertex.MakeStage(numToExchange, computation.Configuration.WorkerCount, stream);

Exemplo n.º 4
        public void Execute(string[] args)
            using (OneOffComputation computation = NewComputation.FromArgs(ref args))
                int numToExchange = args.Length > 1 ? int.Parse(args[1]) : 1000000;
                int producers     = Int32.Parse(args[2]);
                int consumers     = Int32.Parse(args[3]);

                var exchange = args.Length > 4 && args[4] == "exchange";

                var input = new Pair <int, int>[] { }.AsNaiadStream(computation);

                Stream <Pair <int, int>, Epoch> stream = ProducerVertex.MakeStage(numToExchange, 0, producers, computation.Configuration.WorkerCount, input);
                Stage <ConsumerVertex, Epoch>   consumer = ConsumerVertex.MakeStage(numToExchange, computation.Configuration.Processes - consumers, computation.Configuration.Processes, computation.Configuration.WorkerCount, exchange, stream);

Exemplo n.º 5
        Stream <Pair <Byte[], Byte[]>, Epoch> loadDiskFiles(OneOffComputation computation, String inputDir, int numFiles)
            var           processes   = computation.Configuration.Processes;
            var           thisProcess = computation.Configuration.ProcessID;
            List <string> myFiles     = new List <string>();

            for (int i = 0; i < numFiles; i++)
                // ensure we generate the same graph no matter how many processes there are

                if ((i % processes) == thisProcess)
                    myFiles.Add(inputDir + getFileName(i, numFiles));
                    Console.Out.WriteLine("my process ID: " + thisProcess.ToString() + ", and my files have " + inputDir + i.ToString());
            var text = myFiles.ToArray()
                       .Synchronize(x => true)
                       .SelectMany(x => x.ReadLinesOfKeyValue(KEY_LEN, VALUE_LEN));

            //.SelectMany(x => x.ReadLinesOfText());