Exemplo n.º 1
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Request.Form["AjaxMethod"] == "laf")
                Sessions objSess = new Sessions();

                string UserID = objSess.GetUserID();

                string OpResult = CustEnum.Generic.Error_SessionExpired.ToString();

                if (UserID != null)
                    //string VillageID = Request.Form["Vil"]; //if time permits, try to check if the clients belong to this village!
                    string CenterID  = Request.Form["Cen"];
                    string FeID      = Request.Form["FE"];
                    string LpID      = Request.Form["LP"];
                    string ClientObj = Request.Form["Client"];

                    int ClientCount      = 0;
                    int ClientGroupCount = 0;
                    int LoanCount        = 0;

                    OpResult = CustEnum.LAF.Error_Default.ToString();

                    StringBuilder sbrErrorMsgs = new StringBuilder();

                    LAF objCLi = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize <LAF>(ClientObj);

                    ClientCount = objCLi.clients.Count;

                    if (ClientCount > 0)
                        //populate error trace
                        sbrErrorMsgs.AppendLine("Center: " + CenterID);
                        sbrErrorMsgs.AppendLine("FeID: " + FeID);
                        sbrErrorMsgs.AppendLine("Lpid: " + LpID);
                        sbrErrorMsgs.AppendLine("Formatted Client object str: " + ClientObj.SafeSqlLiteral(1));

                        //create group.
                        int GroupID;

                        Users objUser = new Users();

                        int.TryParse(objUser.CreateGroup(CenterID, FeID, UserID), out GroupID);

                        if (GroupID > 0)
                            //foreach (var item in objCLi.clients)
                            for (int ctr = 0; ctr < objCLi.clients.Count; ctr++)
                                string ClientID   = objCLi.clients[ctr].CliID;
                                string LoanAmount = objCLi.clients[ctr].Amnt;
                                string PurposeID  = objCLi.clients[ctr].PurpID;
                                string LoanCycle  = objCLi.clients[ctr].Cycle;

                                int IsLeader = 0;
                                if (ctr == 0)
                                    IsLeader = 1; //only the first client will be group leader

                                //add client to group
                                int GroupClientID;
                                int.TryParse(objUser.AddGroupClient(GroupID.ToString(), ClientID, IsLeader.ToString(), UserID), out GroupClientID);

                                if (GroupClientID > 0)

                                    //apply loan for the client.
                                    Loans objLoan = new Loans();

                                    int LoanID;
                                    int.TryParse(objLoan.ApplyLoanForClient(GroupClientID.ToString(), DbSettings.LoanStatus.Applied, LpID, FeID, LoanAmount, PurposeID, UserID), out LoanID);

                                    if (LoanID > 0)
                                        //error. loan not applied.
                                        sbrErrorMsgs.AppendLine("Loan not applied for Client: " + ClientID + "");
                                    //error: client not added to group client table
                                    sbrErrorMsgs.AppendLine("Client: " + ClientID + " not added to Group.");
                            //error. group creation failed.
                            sbrErrorMsgs.AppendLine("Group creation failed");

                        if ((ClientCount == ClientGroupCount) && (ClientCount == LoanCount))
                            OpResult = CustEnum.LAF.Success_.ToString() + GroupID.ToString();
                            Common objErr = new Common();

                            string ErrorID = objErr.LogError(DbSettings.ErrorType.LafProcess, sbrErrorMsgs.ToString(), UserID);

                            OpResult = CustEnum.LAF.Error_Process_.ToString() + ErrorID;
                        //error. no clients
                        // OpResult = CustEnum.LAF.Error_NoClients.ToString();

            } //LAF

            if (Request.Form["AjaxMethod"] == "disburse")
                Sessions objSess = new Sessions();

                string UserID = objSess.GetUserID();

                string OpResult = CustEnum.Disbursement.Error_Default.ToString();

                if (UserID != null)
                    string GroupID      = Request.Form["GID"];
                    string Interest     = Request.Form["Int"];
                    string Installments = Request.Form["Inst"];
                    string LoanData     = Request.Form["LoanData"];

                    int SuccessCtr = 0; //to count no of successfull trans

                    Disbursement objDisb = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize <Disbursement>(LoanData);

                    if (objDisb.loan.Count > 0)
                        Loans objLoan = new Loans();

                        for (int ctr = 0; ctr < objDisb.loan.Count; ctr++)
                            string LoanID       = objDisb.loan[ctr].LoanID;
                            string DisbAmount   = objDisb.loan[ctr].Amnt;
                            string DisbDate     = objDisb.loan[ctr].DisbDate;
                            string FirstRepDate = objDisb.loan[ctr].FrDate;
                            string Emi          = objDisb.loan[ctr].Emi;

                            if (FirstRepDate == "")
                                FirstRepDate = null;

                            if (Emi == "")
                                Emi = null;

                            if (objLoan.DisburseLoan(LoanID, UserID, GroupID, DbSettings.GroupStatus.Active, DisbAmount, Interest, Installments, DisbDate, FirstRepDate, Emi) == CustEnum.Disbursement.Success_.ToString())

                        if (SuccessCtr == objDisb.loan.Count)
                            OpResult = CustEnum.Disbursement.Success_.ToString();
                            Common objErr = new Common();

                            string ErrorID = objErr.LogError(DbSettings.ErrorType.RPSError, GroupID, UserID);

                            OpResult = CustEnum.Disbursement.Error_Process_.ToString() + ErrorID;


            if (Request.Form["AjaxMethod"] == "RejectLoan")
                string GroupID = Request.Form["GID"];

                string OpResult = CustEnum.DeleteOffice.Error.ToString();

                Users          objUsr    = new Users();
                UserKeyDetails objUsrDet = objUsr.GetUserKeyDetails();

                string UserID       = objUsrDet.UserID;
                string UserStatusID = objUsrDet.StatusID;

                //string UserRoleID = objUsrDet.RoleID;
                string UserOfficeID = objUsrDet.OfficeID;

                if (UserID != null && UserStatusID == DbSettings.UserStatus.Active)
                    Office objOff = new Office();

                    string Result = objOff.DeleteGroup(GroupID, UserID, DbSettings.LoanStatus.Rejected);

                    if (Result != CustEnum.Generic.Error_Default.ToString())
                        if (Result == "1") // string comp is guaranteed to be safe check. else have to handle null/err cases
                            OpResult = CustEnum.DeleteOffice.Success.ToString();
                        //else if (Result == "-1")
                        //    OpResult = CustEnum.DeleteOffice.HasSubOffice.ToString();
                    OpResult = CustEnum.Generic.Error_SessionExpired.ToString();


            if (Request.Form["AjaxMethod"] == "AddLP")
                string LpName     = Request.Form["Name"].SafeSqlLiteral(1);
                string MaxAmount  = Request.Form["Amount"];
                string Interest   = Request.Form["Interest"];
                string Tenure     = Request.Form["Tenure"];
                string FSID       = Request.Form["FS"];
                string RepTypeID  = Request.Form["RepType"];
                string RepDays    = Request.Form["RepDays"];
                string CycleRange = Request.Form["CycleRange"];

                string LcMin1 = null;
                string LcMin2 = null;
                string LcMin3 = null;
                string LcMin4 = null;
                string LcMin5 = null;

                string LcMax1 = null;
                string LcMax2 = null;
                string LcMax3 = null;
                string LcMax4 = null;
                string LcMax5 = null;

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(CycleRange))
                    int Length = CycleRange.Split('~').Length;

                    for (int ctr = 0; ctr < Length; ctr++)
                        string CycleID = (CycleRange.Split('~')[ctr]).Split('_')[0];

                        if (CycleID == "1")
                            LcMin1 = (CycleRange.Split('~')[ctr]).Split('_')[1];
                            LcMax1 = (CycleRange.Split('~')[ctr]).Split('_')[2];

                        if (CycleID == "2")
                            LcMin2 = (CycleRange.Split('~')[ctr]).Split('_')[1];
                            LcMax2 = (CycleRange.Split('~')[ctr]).Split('_')[2];

                        if (CycleID == "3")
                            LcMin3 = (CycleRange.Split('~')[ctr]).Split('_')[1];
                            LcMax3 = (CycleRange.Split('~')[ctr]).Split('_')[2];

                        if (CycleID == "4")
                            LcMin4 = (CycleRange.Split('~')[ctr]).Split('_')[1];
                            LcMax4 = (CycleRange.Split('~')[ctr]).Split('_')[2];

                        if (CycleID == "5")
                            LcMin5 = (CycleRange.Split('~')[ctr]).Split('_')[1];
                            LcMax5 = (CycleRange.Split('~')[ctr]).Split('_')[2];

                string OpResult = CustEnum.Generic.Error_Default.ToString();

                Users          objUsr    = new Users();
                UserKeyDetails objUsrDet = objUsr.GetUserKeyDetails();

                string UserID       = objUsrDet.UserID;
                string UserStatusID = objUsrDet.StatusID;

                if (UserID != null && UserStatusID == DbSettings.UserStatus.Active)
                    Loans objLoan = new Loans();
                    int   LPID    = 0;
                    int   RepValue;

                    int.TryParse(RepDays, out RepValue);

                    if (RepValue < 1)
                        RepDays = "0";

                    int.TryParse(objLoan.AddLoanProduct(LpName, MaxAmount, Interest, Tenure, FSID, RepTypeID, RepDays, UserID, LcMin1, LcMin2, LcMin3, LcMin4, LcMin5, LcMax1, LcMax2, LcMax3, LcMax4, LcMax5), out LPID);

                    if (LPID > 0)
                        OpResult = CustEnum.Generic.Success_.ToString() + LPID.ToString();


            if (Request.Form["AjaxMethod"] == "DeleteLP")
                string LPID = Request.Form["LPID"];

                string OpResult = CustEnum.DeleteLP.Error.ToString();

                Users          objUsr    = new Users();
                UserKeyDetails objUsrDet = objUsr.GetUserKeyDetails();

                string UserID       = objUsrDet.UserID;
                string UserStatusID = objUsrDet.StatusID;

                //string UserRoleID = objUsrDet.RoleID;
                string UserOfficeID = objUsrDet.OfficeID;

                if (UserID != null && UserStatusID == DbSettings.UserStatus.Active)
                    Loans objLoan = new Loans();

                    int Result;

                    int.TryParse(objLoan.DeleteLP(LPID, UserID), out Result);

                    if (Result == 1)
                        OpResult = CustEnum.DeleteLP.Success.ToString();

                    else if (Result == -1)
                        OpResult = CustEnum.DeleteLP.LinkedToLoan.ToString();


            if (Request.Form["AjaxMethod"] == "GetMeetingDatesForCenter")
                string CenterID = Request.Form["CenterID"];

                string OpResult      = CustEnum.Generic.Error_Default.ToString();
                bool   IsFirstRecord = true; //to skip disabled attribute if more than one rep dates are present for a center

                Loans objLoan = new Loans();

                DataSet dsDate = objLoan.GetPlannedMeetingDateForCenter(CenterID);

                StringBuilder sbrDate = new StringBuilder();

                if (!DataUtils.IsDataSetNull(dsDate, 0))
                    //sbrDate.Append("<select class='span2' id='drpPlannedDate'>");
                    //sbrDate.Append("<option value='0'>Select Center</option>");

                    foreach (DataRow dr in dsDate.Tables[0].Rows)
                        string Date = dr["PlannedDate"].ToString();

                        if (IsFirstRecord)
                            sbrDate.Append("<option value='" + Date + "'>" + DateTime.Parse(Date).ToDateShortMonth(false, '-') + "</option>");
                            IsFirstRecord = false;
                            sbrDate.Append("<option value='" + Date + "' disabled='disabled' style='color:red'>" + DateTime.Parse(Date).ToDateShortMonth(false, '-') + "</option>");

                    OpResult = sbrDate.ToString();


            if (Request.Form["AjaxMethod"] == "GetRepaymentData")
                string CenterID      = Request.Form["CenterID"];
                string PlannedDate   = Request.Form["PlannedDate"];
                bool   IsReport      = false;
                int    LoanRecordCtr = 0; //to check if there is any loan record pushed to ui. If 0, no need to generate the "rep. process button";

                    if (Request.Form["IsReport"] == "1")
                        IsReport = true;
                catch (Exception ex)

                string OpResult = CustEnum.Generic.Error_Default.ToString();

                Loans objLoan = new Loans();

                DataSet dsRep = objLoan.GetRepaymentDataForCenterID(CenterID, DateTime.Parse(PlannedDate));

                StringBuilder sbrRepData = new StringBuilder();

                if (!DataUtils.IsDataSetNull(dsRep, 0))
                    DataTable dt = dsRep.Tables[0];

                    //filter unique loans
                    var distinctGroups = (from row in dt.AsEnumerable()
                                          where row.Field <DateTime>("PlannedDate") == DateTime.Parse(PlannedDate)
                                          select row.Field <int>("GroupID")).Distinct();

                    foreach (var UniqueGroupID in distinctGroups)
                        //filter unique loans
                        var distinctLoans = (from row in dt.AsEnumerable()
                                             where row.Field <int>("GroupID") == int.Parse(UniqueGroupID.ToString())
                                             select row.Field <int>("LoanID")).Distinct();

                        double GroupTotalDue = 0;

                        foreach (var UniqueLoanID in distinctLoans)
                            //get the record for the current meeting date
                            var currentLoan = from myRow in dt.AsEnumerable()
                                              where myRow.Field <int>("LoanID") == int.Parse(UniqueLoanID.ToString()) && myRow.Field <DateTime>("PlannedDate") == DateTime.Parse(PlannedDate)
                                              select myRow;

                            foreach (DataRow dr in currentLoan)

                                string LoanID        = dr["LoanID"].ToString();
                                string LoanInstID    = dr["LoanInstID"].ToString();
                                string ClientID      = dr["ClientID"].ToString();
                                string ClientName    = dr["Name"].ToString();
                                string ProductName   = dr["ProductName"].ToString();
                                int    InstallmentNo = (from myRow in dt.AsEnumerable()
                                                        where myRow.Field <int>("LoanID") == int.Parse(UniqueLoanID.ToString()) && myRow.Field <DateTime>("PlannedDate") <= DateTime.Parse(PlannedDate)
                                                        select myRow).Count();

                                //double TotalExpectedPrincipal = (from myRow in dt.AsEnumerable()
                                //                                 where myRow.Field<int>("LoanID") == int.Parse(UniqueLoanID.ToString()) && myRow.Field<DateTime>("PlannedDate") < DateTime.Parse(PlannedDate)
                                //                                 select myRow).Sum(row => row.Field<double>("ExpectedPrincipal"));

                                //double TotalExpectedInterest = (from myRow in dt.AsEnumerable()
                                //                               where myRow.Field<int>("LoanID") == int.Parse(UniqueLoanID.ToString()) && myRow.Field<DateTime>("PlannedDate") < DateTime.Parse(PlannedDate)
                                //                                select myRow).Sum(row => row.Field<double>("ExpectedInterest"));

                                //double TotalCollectedInterest = (from myRow in dt.AsEnumerable()
                                //                                 where myRow.Field<int>("LoanID") == int.Parse(UniqueLoanID.ToString()) && myRow.Field<DateTime>("PlannedDate") < DateTime.Parse(PlannedDate)
                                //                                 select myRow).Sum(row => row.Field<double>("CollectedInterest"));

                                //double TotalCollectedPrincipal = (from myRow in dt.AsEnumerable()
                                //                                  where myRow.Field<int>("LoanID") == int.Parse(UniqueLoanID.ToString()) && myRow.Field<DateTime>("PlannedDate") < DateTime.Parse(PlannedDate)
                                //                                 select myRow).Sum(row => row.Field<double>("CollectedPrincipal"));

                                double OverdueInterest  = double.Parse(dr["OverdueInterest"].ToString());
                                double OverduePrincipal = double.Parse(dr["OverduePrincipal"].ToString());

                                //if( (TotalExpectedInterest - TotalCollectedInterest) > 0)
                                //    OverdueInterest =  TotalExpectedInterest - TotalCollectedInterest;

                                //if ((TotalExpectedPrincipal - TotalCollectedPrincipal) > 0)
                                //    OverduePrincipal = TotalExpectedPrincipal - TotalCollectedPrincipal;

                                double CurrentPrincipal = double.Parse(dr["ExpectedPrincipal"].ToString());
                                double CurrentInterest  = double.Parse(dr["ExpectedInterest"].ToString());

                                double CurrentDue = CurrentPrincipal + OverduePrincipal + CurrentInterest + OverdueInterest;

                                GroupTotalDue += CurrentDue;

                                sbrRepData.Append("<tr id='TR_" + LoanInstID + "'>");
                                sbrRepData.Append("<td>" + LoanID + "</td>");
                                sbrRepData.Append("<td>" + ClientID + "</td>");
                                sbrRepData.Append("<td>" + ClientName + "</td>");
                                sbrRepData.Append("<td>" + ProductName + "</td>");
                                sbrRepData.Append("<td>" + InstallmentNo.ToString() + "</td>");
                                sbrRepData.Append("<td>" + OverdueInterest.ToString() + "</td>");
                                sbrRepData.Append("<td>" + OverduePrincipal.ToString() + "</td>");
                                sbrRepData.Append("<td>" + CurrentInterest.ToString() + "</td>");
                                sbrRepData.Append("<td>" + CurrentPrincipal.ToString() + "</td>");
                                sbrRepData.Append("<td>" + CurrentDue.ToString() + "</td>");

                                if (IsReport)
                                    sbrRepData.Append("<td><input type='text' class='input-mini' value='" + OverdueInterest.ToString() + "' id='ODI_" + LoanInstID + "'/></td>");
                                    sbrRepData.Append("<td><input type='text' class='input-mini' value='" + OverduePrincipal.ToString() + "' id='ODP_" + LoanInstID + "' /></td>");
                                    sbrRepData.Append("<td><input type='text' class='input-mini' value='" + CurrentInterest.ToString() + "' id='CI_" + LoanInstID + "'/></td>");
                                    sbrRepData.Append("<td><input type='text' class='input-mini' value='" + CurrentPrincipal.ToString() + "' id='CP_" + LoanInstID + "'/></td>");
                                    sbrRepData.Append("<td><input type='text' class='input-mini' value='" + CurrentDue.ToString() + "' id='TD_" + LoanInstID + "'/></td>");
                                    sbrRepData.Append("<td><input type='text' class='input-mini' id='RNO_" + LoanInstID + "'/></td>");
                        } //unique loan

                        sbrRepData.Append("<td colspan='9'><strong>Group Total</strong></td>");
                        sbrRepData.Append("<td><strong>" + GroupTotalDue + "</strong></td>");
                        sbrRepData.Append("<td colspan='6'></td>");
                    }//unique group

                    if (LoanRecordCtr > 0 && !IsReport)
                        sbrRepData.Append("<td colspan='16'>");
                        sbrRepData.Append("<a id='btnSaveRep' class='btn btn-large btn-success pull-right'><i class='icon-white icon-check'></i> Save</a>");

                    OpResult = sbrRepData.ToString();


            if (Request.Form["AjaxMethod"] == "repayment")
                string CollectionDate = Request.Form["CollecDate"];
                string RepaymentData  = Request.Form["RepData"];

                string         OpResult  = CustEnum.Generic.Error_Default.ToString();
                Users          objUsr    = new Users();
                UserKeyDetails objUsrDet = objUsr.GetUserKeyDetails();
                string         UserID    = objUsrDet.UserID;

                Repayment objRep = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize <Repayment>(RepaymentData);

                int SuccessfulUpdateCtr = 0;

                if (objRep.repayment.Count > 0)
                    Loans objLoan = new Loans();

                    for (int ctr = 0; ctr < objRep.repayment.Count; ctr++)
                        string LoanInstID    = objRep.repayment[ctr].LoanInstID;
                        string CollectedAmnt = objRep.repayment[ctr].CollectedAmnt;
                        string ReceiptNo     = objRep.repayment[ctr].ReceiptNo;

                        if (objLoan.SaveRepaymentData(LoanInstID, CollectedAmnt, CollectionDate, ReceiptNo, UserID))

                if (objRep.repayment.Count == SuccessfulUpdateCtr)
                    OpResult = "success";

Exemplo n.º 2
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Request.Form["AjaxMethod"] == "SaveOffDetails")
                Sessions objSess = new Sessions();

                string UserID = objSess.GetUserID();

                string OpResult = CustEnum.Generic.Error_SessionExpired.ToString();

                if (UserID != null)
                    string OfficeID = Request.Form["OID"].Trim().SafeSqlLiteral(1);
                    string Name     = Request.Form["Name"].Trim().SafeSqlLiteral(1);
                    string Addr     = Request.Form["Addr"].Trim().SafeSqlLiteral(1);
                    string Ph1      = Request.Form["Ph1"].Trim().SafeSqlLiteral(1);
                    string Ph2      = Request.Form["Ph2"].Trim().SafeSqlLiteral(1);
                    string Fax      = Request.Form["Fax"].Trim().SafeSqlLiteral(1);
                    string Web      = Request.Form["Web"].Trim().SafeSqlLiteral(1);
                    string Email    = Request.Form["Email"].Trim().SafeSqlLiteral(1);

                    OpResult = CustEnum.Generic.Error_Default.ToString();

                    Office obj = new Office();

                    if (obj.UpdateOfficeDetails(OfficeID, UserID, DbSettings.Generic.Active, Name, Addr, Ph1, Ph2, Fax, Web, Email))
                        OpResult = CustEnum.Generic.Success_.ToString();

            } //save ho

            if (Request.Form["AjaxMethod"] == "FetchParent")
                string OfficeTypeID = Request.Form["OTID"];

                string OpResult = CustEnum.Generic.Error_Default.ToString();

                Users          objUsr    = new Users();
                UserKeyDetails objUsrDet = objUsr.GetUserKeyDetails();

                string UserID       = objUsrDet.UserID;
                string UserStatusID = objUsrDet.StatusID;

                string UserRoleID       = objUsrDet.RoleID;
                string UserOfficeID     = objUsrDet.OfficeID;
                string UserOfficeTypeID = objUsrDet.OfficeTypeID;

                if (UserID != null && UserStatusID == DbSettings.UserStatus.Active)
                    if (int.Parse(UserOfficeTypeID) < int.Parse(OfficeTypeID))
                        Office  objOff = new Office();
                        DataSet ds     = objOff.GetImmediateParentOfficesForOfficeType(UserOfficeID, OfficeTypeID);

                        if (!DataUtils.IsDataSetNull(ds, 0))
                            StringBuilder sbrMenu = new StringBuilder();
                            sbrMenu.Append("<select id='drpParent'>");
                            foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                                string ParentOfficeID   = dr["ParentOfficeID"].ToString();
                                string ParentOfficeName = dr["OfficeName"].ToString();

                                sbrMenu.Append("<option id=drpOptParent_" + ParentOfficeID + ">" + ParentOfficeName + "</option>");
                            OpResult = sbrMenu.ToString();
                    OpResult = CustEnum.Generic.Error_SessionExpired.ToString();

            } //fetch parent

            if (Request.Form["AjaxMethod"] == "AddOffice")
                string ParentOfficeID = Request.Form["PID"].Trim().SafeSqlLiteral(1);
                string OfficeTypeID   = Request.Form["OTID"].Trim().SafeSqlLiteral(1);
                string Name           = Request.Form["Name"].Trim().SafeSqlLiteral(1);
                string Addr           = Request.Form["Addr"].Trim().SafeSqlLiteral(1);
                string Ph1            = Request.Form["Ph1"].Trim().SafeSqlLiteral(1);
                string Ph2            = Request.Form["Ph2"].Trim().SafeSqlLiteral(1);
                string Fax            = Request.Form["Fax"].Trim().SafeSqlLiteral(1);
                string Email          = Request.Form["Email"].Trim().SafeSqlLiteral(1);

                string OpResult = CustEnum.Generic.Error_Default.ToString();

                Users          objUsr    = new Users();
                UserKeyDetails objUsrDet = objUsr.GetUserKeyDetails();

                string UserID       = objUsrDet.UserID;
                string UserStatusID = objUsrDet.StatusID;

                //string UserRoleID = objUsrDet.RoleID;
                string UserOfficeID = objUsrDet.OfficeID;

                if (UserID != null && UserStatusID == DbSettings.UserStatus.Active)
                    Office objOff = new Office();

                    bool OfficeCreated = objOff.AddNewOffice(UserID, ParentOfficeID, OfficeTypeID, Name, Addr, Ph1, Ph2, Fax, Email);

                    if (OfficeCreated)
                        OpResult = CustEnum.Generic.Success_.ToString();
                    OpResult = CustEnum.Generic.Error_SessionExpired.ToString();

            } // add

            if (Request.Form["AjaxMethod"] == "DeleteOffice")
                string OfficeID = Request.Form["OID"];

                string OpResult = CustEnum.DeleteOffice.Error.ToString();

                Users          objUsr    = new Users();
                UserKeyDetails objUsrDet = objUsr.GetUserKeyDetails();

                string UserID       = objUsrDet.UserID;
                string UserStatusID = objUsrDet.StatusID;

                //string UserRoleID = objUsrDet.RoleID;
                string UserOfficeID = objUsrDet.OfficeID;

                if (UserID != null && UserStatusID == DbSettings.UserStatus.Active)
                    Office objOff = new Office();

                    string SubOffCount = objOff.GetSubOfficeCountForOffice(OfficeID);

                    if (SubOffCount != CustEnum.Generic.Error_Default.ToString())
                        if (int.Parse(SubOffCount) == 0)
                            //delete office
                            if (objOff.DeleteOffice(OfficeID, UserID) == CustEnum.Generic.Success_.ToString())
                                OpResult = CustEnum.DeleteOffice.Success.ToString();
                        else if (int.Parse(SubOffCount) > 0)
                            OpResult = CustEnum.DeleteOffice.HasSubOffice.ToString();
                    OpResult = CustEnum.Generic.Error_SessionExpired.ToString();


            if (Request.Form["AjaxMethod"] == "AddCenter")
                string VillageID       = Request.Form["VillageID"];
                string MeetingLocation = Request.Form["Location"];
                string MeetingTime     = Request.Form["Time"];
                string FEID            = Request.Form["FE"];

                string OpResult = CustEnum.Generic.Error_Default.ToString();

                Users          objUsr    = new Users();
                UserKeyDetails objUsrDet = objUsr.GetUserKeyDetails();

                string UserID       = objUsrDet.UserID;
                string UserStatusID = objUsrDet.StatusID;

                if (UserID != null && UserStatusID == DbSettings.UserStatus.Active)
                    Office objOff   = new Office();
                    int    CenterID = 0;

                    int.TryParse(objOff.AddNewCenter(VillageID, MeetingLocation, FEID, UserID, MeetingTime), out CenterID);

                    if (CenterID > 0)
                        OpResult = CustEnum.Generic.Success_.ToString() + CenterID.ToString();


            if (Request.Form["AjaxMethod"] == "EditCenter")
                string CenterID        = Request.Form["CenterID"];
                string MeetingLocation = Request.Form["Location"];
                string MeetingTime     = Request.Form["Time"];
                string FEID            = Request.Form["FE"];

                string OpResult = CustEnum.Generic.Error_Default.ToString();

                Users          objUsr    = new Users();
                UserKeyDetails objUsrDet = objUsr.GetUserKeyDetails();

                string UserID       = objUsrDet.UserID;
                string UserStatusID = objUsrDet.StatusID;

                if (UserID != null && UserStatusID == DbSettings.UserStatus.Active)
                    Office objOff = new Office();

                    if (objOff.UpdateCenter(CenterID, MeetingLocation, MeetingTime, FEID, UserID))
                        OpResult = CustEnum.Generic.Success_.ToString();

            } //edit center

            if (Request.Form["AjaxMethod"] == "DeleteCenter")
                string CenterID = Request.Form["CID"];

                string OpResult = CustEnum.DeleteOffice.Error.ToString();

                Users          objUsr    = new Users();
                UserKeyDetails objUsrDet = objUsr.GetUserKeyDetails();

                string UserID       = objUsrDet.UserID;
                string UserStatusID = objUsrDet.StatusID;

                //string UserRoleID = objUsrDet.RoleID;
                string UserOfficeID = objUsrDet.OfficeID;

                if (UserID != null && UserStatusID == DbSettings.UserStatus.Active)
                    Office objOff = new Office();

                    string SubOffCount = objOff.GetGroupCountForCenterID(CenterID);

                    if (SubOffCount != CustEnum.Generic.Error_Default.ToString())
                        if (SubOffCount == "0") // string comp is guaranteed to be safe check. else have to handle null/err cases
                            //delete office
                            if (objOff.DeleteCenter(CenterID, UserID) == CustEnum.Generic.Success_.ToString())
                                OpResult = CustEnum.DeleteOffice.Success.ToString();
                        else if (int.Parse(SubOffCount) > 0)
                            OpResult = CustEnum.DeleteOffice.HasSubOffice.ToString();
                    OpResult = CustEnum.Generic.Error_SessionExpired.ToString();

            } //DEL CENT

            if (Request.Form["AjaxMethod"] == "DeleteGroup")
                string GroupID = Request.Form["GID"];

                string OpResult = CustEnum.DeleteOffice.Error.ToString();

                Users          objUsr    = new Users();
                UserKeyDetails objUsrDet = objUsr.GetUserKeyDetails();

                string UserID       = objUsrDet.UserID;
                string UserStatusID = objUsrDet.StatusID;

                //string UserRoleID = objUsrDet.RoleID;
                string UserOfficeID = objUsrDet.OfficeID;

                if (UserID != null && UserStatusID == DbSettings.UserStatus.Active)
                    Office objOff = new Office();

                    string SubOffCount = objOff.DeleteGroup(GroupID, UserID, DbSettings.LoanStatus.GroupDeleted);

                    if (SubOffCount != CustEnum.Generic.Error_Default.ToString())
                        if (SubOffCount == "1") // string comp is guaranteed to be safe check. else have to handle null/err cases
                            OpResult = CustEnum.DeleteOffice.Success.ToString();
                        else if (SubOffCount == "-1")
                            OpResult = CustEnum.DeleteOffice.HasSubOffice.ToString();
                    OpResult = CustEnum.Generic.Error_SessionExpired.ToString();
