void AddAllAssetsAtPath(
            OdinMenuTree tree,
            string assetFolderPath,
            Type type)
            var strings = AssetDatabase.GetAllAssetPaths().Where(x => x.StartsWith(assetFolderPath, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase));

            var odinMenuItemSet = new HashSet <OdinMenuItem>();

            foreach (var str1 in strings)
                var asset = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(str1, type);
                var path  = string.Empty;
                var name  = string.Empty;
                var str2  = string.Empty;
                if (asset == null)
                    //it's a directory
                    str2 = str1.Substring(assetFolderPath.Length);
                    int length = str2.LastIndexOf('/');
                    if (length == -1)
                        path = string.Empty;
                        name = str2;
                        path = str2.Substring(0, length);
                        name = str2.Substring(length + 1);

                    if (name == string.Empty)
                    tree.AddMenuItemAtPath(odinMenuItemSet, path, new OdinMenuItem(tree, name, new FolderHolder(path, name)));


                var withoutExtension = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(str1);

                str2 = (PathUtilities.GetDirectoryName(str1).TrimEnd('/') + "/").Substring(assetFolderPath.Length);
                if (str2.Length != 0)
                    path = path.Trim('/') + "/" + str2;

                path = path.Trim('/') + "/" + withoutExtension;
                SplitMenuPath(path, out path, out name);
                var menuItem = new OdinMenuItem(tree, name, new DataNodeHolder(path, name, (DataNode)asset));
                tree.AddMenuItemAtPath(odinMenuItemSet, path, menuItem);
Exemplo n.º 2
    /// <summary>
    /// 单 Class 的按组添加
    /// </summary>
    /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
    /// <param name="tree"></param>
    /// <param name="bigStr"></param>
    /// <param name="subString"></param>
    /// <param name="color"></param>
    protected void AddNew <R>(OdinMenuTree tree, string bigStr, string subString, MyEnumColor color = MyEnumColor.Blue)
        where R : new()
        OdinMenuItem item1 = new OdinMenuItem(tree, subString, MyType.NewTypeClass <R>());

        item1.TextColor = color;
        tree.AddMenuItemAtPath(bigStr, item1);
Exemplo n.º 3
        protected override OdinMenuTree BuildMenuTree()
            var tree = new OdinMenuTree(true);

            var customMenuStyle = new OdinMenuStyle
                BorderPadding     = 0f,
                AlignTriangleLeft = true,
                TriangleSize      = 16f,
                TrianglePadding   = 0f,
                Offset            = 20f,
                Height            = 23,
                IconPadding       = 0f,
                BorderAlpha       = 0.323f

            tree.DefaultMenuStyle = customMenuStyle;

            tree.Config.DrawSearchToolbar = true;

            // Adds the custom menu style to the tree, so that you can play around with it.
            // Once you are happy, you can press Copy C# Snippet copy its settings and paste it in code.
            // And remove the "Menu Style" menu item from the tree.
            tree.AddObjectAtPath("Menu Style", tree.DefaultMenuStyle)

            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                var customObject = new SomeCustomClass()
                    Name = i.ToString()
                var customMenuItem = new MyCustomMenuItem(tree, customObject);
                tree.AddMenuItemAtPath("Custom Menu Items", customMenuItem);

            tree.AddAllAssetsAtPath("Scriptable Objects in Plugins Tree", "Plugins", typeof(ScriptableObject), true, false)

            tree.AddAllAssetsAtPath("Scriptable Objects in Plugins Flat", "Plugins", typeof(ScriptableObject), true, true)

            tree.AddAllAssetsAtPath("Only Configs has Icons", "Plugins/Sirenix", true, false)
            .Where(x => x.ObjectInstance as ScriptableObject)

Exemplo n.º 4
        public static void BuildMenuTree(OdinMenuTree tree)
            foreach (var allTrickOverViewInfo in AllTrickOverViewExamples)
                TrickOverViewInfo trickOverViewInfo = (allTrickOverViewInfo.Value).GetTrickOverViewInfo();
                OdinMenuItem      menuItem          =
                    new OdinMenuItem(tree, trickOverViewInfo.Name, allTrickOverViewInfo.Key)
                    Value        = allTrickOverViewInfo.Key,
                    SearchString = trickOverViewInfo.Name + trickOverViewInfo.Description
                tree.AddMenuItemAtPath(trickOverViewInfo.Category, menuItem);

Exemplo n.º 5
        public static void BuildMenuTree(OdinMenuTree tree)
            foreach (var a in GetAllOdinAttributes())
                string search = a.Name; // TODO: tags?

                foreach (var c in GetAttributeCategories(a))
                    var item = new OdinMenuItem(tree, a.GetNiceName().Replace("Attribute", "").SplitPascalCase(), a)
                        Value        = a,
                        Icon         = GetAttributeIcon(a),
                        SearchString = search,
                    search = null; // Only allow the user to find the first item of an attribute by search.

                    tree.AddMenuItemAtPath(c, item);

        protected override OdinMenuTree BuildMenuTree()
            var tree = new OdinMenuTree(true)
                DefaultMenuStyle = { IconSize = 28.00f },
                Config           = { DrawSearchToolbar = true }

            if (SODatabaseSettings.Path == string.Empty)
                inSettings = true;
                tree.AddMenuItemAtPath(new HashSet <OdinMenuItem>(), string.Empty, new OdinMenuItem(tree, "Settings", SODatabaseSettings.Instance));

            AddAllAssetsAtPath(tree, SODatabaseSettings.Path, typeof(DataNode));
            Texture folderIcon = (Texture2D)AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath("Packages/com.nuclearband.sodatabase/Editor/folderIcon.png", typeof(Texture2D));

            tree.EnumerateTree().AddIcons <FolderHolder>(x => folderIcon);
            tree.Selection.SelectionChanged += SelectionChanged;
        public static void BuildMenuTree(OdinMenuTree tree)
            foreach (var a in GetAllOdinAttributes())
                // TODO: tags?
                string search = a.Name + " " + string.Join(" ", GetAttributeExampleInfos(a).Select(x => x.Name).ToArray());

                foreach (var c in GetAttributeCategories(a))
                    var item = new OdinMenuItem(tree, a.GetNiceName().Replace("Attribute", "").SplitPascalCase(), a)
                        Value        = a,
                        SearchString = search,
                    search = null; // Only allow the user to find the first item of an attribute by search.

                    tree.AddMenuItemAtPath(c, item);

        protected override OdinMenuTree BuildMenuTree()
            var tree = new OdinMenuTree(true);

            tree.Config.DrawSearchToolbar   = true;
            tree.Config.SearchToolbarHeight = (int)_editorInterface.toolbarHeight + 2;

            string path = ResourceManager.ActorEditorPath;

            string[] assets = Directory.GetFiles(path, "*.asset");
            for (int i = 0; i < assets.Length; i++)
                var         asset = ResourceManager.LoadResource <NodeCanvas>(assets[i]);
                SVNMenuItem item  = new SVNMenuItem(tree, asset.name, asset.savePath);
                tree.AddMenuItemAtPath("", item);
                EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar(TITLE, asset.name, (i + 1f) / assets.Length);

            tree.Selection.SelectionConfirmed += SelectionConfirmed;
