Exemplo n.º 1
        private void TestShort()
            logBuilder.AppendLine("ObscuredShort vs short, " + shortIterations + " iterations for read and write");

            ObscuredShort obscured    = 100;
            short         notObscured = obscured;
            short         dummy       = 0;

            var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            for (var i = 0; i < shortIterations; i++)
                dummy = obscured;

            for (var i = 0; i < shortIterations; i++)
                obscured = dummy;
            logBuilder.AppendLine("ObscuredShort:").AppendLine(sw.ElapsedMilliseconds + " ms");

            for (var i = 0; i < shortIterations; i++)
                dummy = notObscured;

            for (var i = 0; i < shortIterations; i++)
                notObscured = dummy;
            logBuilder.AppendLine("short:").AppendLine(sw.ElapsedMilliseconds + " ms");

            if (dummy != 0)
            if (obscured != 0)
            if (notObscured != 0)
    private void TestShort()
        Debug.Log("  Testing ObscuredShort vs short preformance:\n  " + shortIterations + " iterations for read and same for write");

        Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();

        ObscuredShort obscured    = 100;
        short         notObscured = obscured;
        short         dummy       = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < shortIterations; i++)
            dummy = obscured;

        for (int i = 0; i < shortIterations; i++)
            obscured = dummy;

        Debug.Log("    ObscuredShort:\n    " + sw.ElapsedMilliseconds + " ms ");

        for (int i = 0; i < shortIterations; i++)
            dummy = notObscured;

        for (int i = 0; i < shortIterations; i++)
            notObscured = dummy;

        Debug.Log("    short:\n    " + sw.ElapsedMilliseconds + "  ms ");

        if (dummy != 0)
        if (obscured != 0)
        if (notObscured != 0)
Exemplo n.º 3
        public override void OnGUI(Rect position, SerializedProperty prop, GUIContent label)
#if !UNITY_5_0_PLUS
            EditorGUI.LabelField(position, label.text + " [works in Unity 5+]");
            SerializedProperty hiddenValue = prop.FindPropertyRelative("hiddenValue");
            SetBoldIfValueOverridePrefab(prop, hiddenValue);

            SerializedProperty cryptoKey       = prop.FindPropertyRelative("currentCryptoKey");
            SerializedProperty inited          = prop.FindPropertyRelative("inited");
            SerializedProperty fakeValue       = prop.FindPropertyRelative("fakeValue");
            SerializedProperty fakeValueActive = prop.FindPropertyRelative("fakeValueActive");

            short currentCryptoKey = (short)cryptoKey.intValue;
            short val = 0;

            if (!inited.boolValue)
                if (currentCryptoKey == 0)
                    currentCryptoKey   = ObscuredShort.cryptoKeyEditor;
                    cryptoKey.intValue = ObscuredShort.cryptoKeyEditor;
                hiddenValue.intValue = ObscuredShort.EncryptDecrypt(0, currentCryptoKey);
                inited.boolValue     = true;
                val = ObscuredShort.EncryptDecrypt((short)hiddenValue.intValue, currentCryptoKey);

            val = (short)EditorGUI.IntField(position, label, val);
            if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
                hiddenValue.intValue      = ObscuredShort.EncryptDecrypt(val, currentCryptoKey);
                fakeValue.intValue        = val;
                fakeValueActive.boolValue = true;

Exemplo n.º 4
        private void TestShort()
            this.logBuilder.AppendLine("ObscuredShort vs short, " + this.shortIterations + " iterations for read and write");
            ObscuredShort value     = 100;
            short         num       = value;
            short         num2      = 0;
            Stopwatch     stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            for (int i = 0; i < this.shortIterations; i++)
                num2 = value;
            for (int j = 0; j < this.shortIterations; j++)
                value = num2;
            this.logBuilder.AppendLine("ObscuredShort:").AppendLine(stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds + " ms");
            for (int k = 0; k < this.shortIterations; k++)
                num2 = num;
            for (int l = 0; l < this.shortIterations; l++)
                num = num2;
            this.logBuilder.AppendLine("short:").AppendLine(stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds + " ms");
            if (num2 != 0)
            if (value != 0)
            if (num != 0)
Exemplo n.º 5
        public override void OnGUI(Rect position, SerializedProperty prop, GUIContent label)
            var hiddenValue = prop.FindPropertyRelative("hiddenValue");

            var cryptoKey       = prop.FindPropertyRelative("currentCryptoKey");
            var inited          = prop.FindPropertyRelative("inited");
            var fakeValue       = prop.FindPropertyRelative("fakeValue");
            var fakeValueActive = prop.FindPropertyRelative("fakeValueActive");

            var   currentCryptoKey = (short)cryptoKey.intValue;
            short val = 0;

            if (!inited.boolValue)
                if (currentCryptoKey == 0)
                    currentCryptoKey   = ObscuredShort.GenerateKey();
                    cryptoKey.intValue = currentCryptoKey;
                hiddenValue.intValue = ObscuredShort.Encrypt(0, currentCryptoKey);
                inited.boolValue     = true;
                val = ObscuredShort.Decrypt((short)hiddenValue.intValue, currentCryptoKey);

            label = EditorGUI.BeginProperty(position, label, prop);

            val = (short)EditorGUI.IntField(position, label, val);
            if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
                hiddenValue.intValue      = ObscuredShort.Encrypt(val, currentCryptoKey);
                fakeValue.intValue        = val;
                fakeValueActive.boolValue = true;
    private void TestShort()
        UnityEngine.Debug.Log("  Testing ObscuredShort vs short preformance:\n  " + shortIterations + " iterations for read and same for write");
        Stopwatch     stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
        ObscuredShort value     = (short)100;
        short         num       = value;
        short         num2      = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < shortIterations; i++)
            num2 = value;
        for (int j = 0; j < shortIterations; j++)
            value = num2;
        UnityEngine.Debug.Log("    ObscuredShort:\n    " + stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds + " ms ");
        for (int k = 0; k < shortIterations; k++)
            num2 = num;
        for (int l = 0; l < shortIterations; l++)
            num = num2;
        UnityEngine.Debug.Log("    short:\n    " + stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds + "  ms ");
        if (num2 != 0)
        if ((short)value != 0)
        if (num == 0)
        public override void OnGUI(Rect position, SerializedProperty prop, GUIContent label)
            var hiddenValue = prop.FindPropertyRelative("hiddenValue");

            SetBoldIfValueOverridePrefab(prop, hiddenValue);

            var cryptoKey = prop.FindPropertyRelative("currentCryptoKey");
            var inited    = prop.FindPropertyRelative("inited");

            var   currentCryptoKey = (short)cryptoKey.intValue;
            short val = 0;

            if (!inited.boolValue)
                if (currentCryptoKey == 0)
                    currentCryptoKey   = ObscuredShort.cryptoKeyEditor;
                    cryptoKey.intValue = ObscuredShort.cryptoKeyEditor;
                hiddenValue.intValue = ObscuredShort.EncryptDecrypt(0, currentCryptoKey);
                inited.boolValue     = true;
                val = ObscuredShort.EncryptDecrypt((short)hiddenValue.intValue, currentCryptoKey);

            val = (short)EditorGUI.IntField(position, label, val);
            if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
                hiddenValue.intValue = ObscuredShort.EncryptDecrypt(val, currentCryptoKey);

Exemplo n.º 8
        public static void MigrateObscuredTypesOnPrefabs()
            if (!EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("ACTk Obscured types migration",
                                             "Are you sure you wish to scan all prefabs in your project and automatically migrate values to the new format?",
                                             "Yes", "No"))
                Debug.Log(ActEditorGlobalStuff.LOG_PREFIX + "Obscured types migration was cancelled by user.");


            string[] assets = AssetDatabase.FindAssets("t:ScriptableObject t:Prefab");
            //string[] prefabs = AssetDatabase.FindAssets("TestPrefab");
            int touchedCount = 0;
            int count        = assets.Length;

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                if (EditorUtility.DisplayCancelableProgressBar("Looking through objects", "Object " + (i + 1) + " from " + count,
                                                               i / (float)count))
                    Debug.Log(ActEditorGlobalStuff.LOG_PREFIX + "Obscured types migration was cancelled by user.");

                string guid = assets[i];
                string path = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(guid);

                Object[] objects = AssetDatabase.LoadAllAssetsAtPath(path);
                foreach (Object unityObject in objects)
                    if (unityObject == null)
                    if (unityObject.name == "Deprecated EditorExtensionImpl")

                    bool modified         = false;
                    var  so               = new SerializedObject(unityObject);
                    SerializedProperty sp = so.GetIterator();

                    if (sp == null)

                    while (sp.NextVisible(true))
                        if (sp.propertyType != SerializedPropertyType.Generic)

                        string type = sp.type;

                        switch (type)
                        case "ObscuredBool":
                            SerializedProperty hiddenValue      = sp.FindPropertyRelative("hiddenValue");
                            SerializedProperty cryptoKey        = sp.FindPropertyRelative("currentCryptoKey");
                            SerializedProperty fakeValue        = sp.FindPropertyRelative("fakeValue");
                            SerializedProperty fakeValueChanged = sp.FindPropertyRelative("fakeValueChanged");
                            SerializedProperty fakeValueActive  = sp.FindPropertyRelative("fakeValueActive");
                            SerializedProperty inited           = sp.FindPropertyRelative("inited");

                            if (inited != null && inited.boolValue)
                                int  currentCryptoKey = cryptoKey.intValue;
                                bool real             = ObscuredBool.Decrypt(hiddenValue.intValue, (byte)currentCryptoKey);
                                bool fake             = fakeValue.boolValue;

                                if (real != fake)
                                    Debug.Log(ActEditorGlobalStuff.LOG_PREFIX + "Fixed property " + sp.displayName + ":" + type +
                                              " at the object " + unityObject.name + "\n" + path);
                                    fakeValue.boolValue = real;
                                    if (fakeValueChanged != null)
                                        fakeValueChanged.boolValue = true;
                                    if (fakeValueActive != null)
                                        fakeValueActive.boolValue = true;
                                    modified = true;

                        case "ObscuredDouble":
                            SerializedProperty hiddenValue = sp.FindPropertyRelative("hiddenValue");
                            if (hiddenValue == null)

                            SerializedProperty hiddenValue1 = hiddenValue.FindPropertyRelative("b1");
                            SerializedProperty hiddenValue2 = hiddenValue.FindPropertyRelative("b2");
                            SerializedProperty hiddenValue3 = hiddenValue.FindPropertyRelative("b3");
                            SerializedProperty hiddenValue4 = hiddenValue.FindPropertyRelative("b4");
                            SerializedProperty hiddenValue5 = hiddenValue.FindPropertyRelative("b5");
                            SerializedProperty hiddenValue6 = hiddenValue.FindPropertyRelative("b6");
                            SerializedProperty hiddenValue7 = hiddenValue.FindPropertyRelative("b7");
                            SerializedProperty hiddenValue8 = hiddenValue.FindPropertyRelative("b8");

                            SerializedProperty hiddenValueOld = sp.FindPropertyRelative("hiddenValueOld");

                            if (hiddenValueOld != null && hiddenValueOld.isArray && hiddenValueOld.arraySize == 8)
                                hiddenValue1.intValue = hiddenValueOld.GetArrayElementAtIndex(0).intValue;
                                hiddenValue2.intValue = hiddenValueOld.GetArrayElementAtIndex(1).intValue;
                                hiddenValue3.intValue = hiddenValueOld.GetArrayElementAtIndex(2).intValue;
                                hiddenValue4.intValue = hiddenValueOld.GetArrayElementAtIndex(3).intValue;
                                hiddenValue5.intValue = hiddenValueOld.GetArrayElementAtIndex(4).intValue;
                                hiddenValue6.intValue = hiddenValueOld.GetArrayElementAtIndex(5).intValue;
                                hiddenValue7.intValue = hiddenValueOld.GetArrayElementAtIndex(6).intValue;
                                hiddenValue8.intValue = hiddenValueOld.GetArrayElementAtIndex(7).intValue;

                                hiddenValueOld.arraySize = 0;

                                Debug.Log(ActEditorGlobalStuff.LOG_PREFIX + "Migrated property " + sp.displayName + ":" + type +
                                          " at the object " + unityObject.name + "\n" + path);
                                modified = true;

#if UNITY_5_0_PLUS
                            SerializedProperty cryptoKey       = sp.FindPropertyRelative("currentCryptoKey");
                            SerializedProperty fakeValue       = sp.FindPropertyRelative("fakeValue");
                            SerializedProperty fakeValueActive = sp.FindPropertyRelative("fakeValueActive");
                            SerializedProperty inited          = sp.FindPropertyRelative("inited");

                            if (inited != null && inited.boolValue)
                                var union = new LongBytesUnion();
                                union.b8.b1 = (byte)hiddenValue1.intValue;
                                union.b8.b2 = (byte)hiddenValue2.intValue;
                                union.b8.b3 = (byte)hiddenValue3.intValue;
                                union.b8.b4 = (byte)hiddenValue4.intValue;
                                union.b8.b5 = (byte)hiddenValue5.intValue;
                                union.b8.b6 = (byte)hiddenValue6.intValue;
                                union.b8.b7 = (byte)hiddenValue7.intValue;
                                union.b8.b8 = (byte)hiddenValue8.intValue;

                                long   currentCryptoKey = cryptoKey.longValue;
                                double real             = ObscuredDouble.Decrypt(union.l, currentCryptoKey);
                                double fake             = fakeValue.doubleValue;

                                if (Math.Abs(real - fake) > 0.0000001d)
                                    Debug.Log(ActEditorGlobalStuff.LOG_PREFIX + "Fixed property " + sp.displayName + ":" + type +
                                              " at the object " + unityObject.name + "\n" + path);

                                    fakeValue.doubleValue     = real;
                                    fakeValueActive.boolValue = true;
                                    modified = true;

                        case "ObscuredFloat":
                            SerializedProperty hiddenValue = sp.FindPropertyRelative("hiddenValue");
                            if (hiddenValue == null)

                            SerializedProperty hiddenValue1 = hiddenValue.FindPropertyRelative("b1");
                            SerializedProperty hiddenValue2 = hiddenValue.FindPropertyRelative("b2");
                            SerializedProperty hiddenValue3 = hiddenValue.FindPropertyRelative("b3");
                            SerializedProperty hiddenValue4 = hiddenValue.FindPropertyRelative("b4");

                            SerializedProperty hiddenValueOld = sp.FindPropertyRelative("hiddenValueOld");

                            if (hiddenValueOld != null && hiddenValueOld.isArray && hiddenValueOld.arraySize == 4)
                                hiddenValue1.intValue = hiddenValueOld.GetArrayElementAtIndex(0).intValue;
                                hiddenValue2.intValue = hiddenValueOld.GetArrayElementAtIndex(1).intValue;
                                hiddenValue3.intValue = hiddenValueOld.GetArrayElementAtIndex(2).intValue;
                                hiddenValue4.intValue = hiddenValueOld.GetArrayElementAtIndex(3).intValue;

                                hiddenValueOld.arraySize = 0;

                                Debug.Log(ActEditorGlobalStuff.LOG_PREFIX + "Migrated property " + sp.displayName + ":" + type +
                                          " at the object " + unityObject.name + "\n" + path);
                                modified = true;

                            SerializedProperty cryptoKey       = sp.FindPropertyRelative("currentCryptoKey");
                            SerializedProperty fakeValue       = sp.FindPropertyRelative("fakeValue");
                            SerializedProperty fakeValueActive = sp.FindPropertyRelative("fakeValueActive");
                            SerializedProperty inited          = sp.FindPropertyRelative("inited");

                            if (inited != null && inited.boolValue)
                                var union = new IntBytesUnion();
                                union.b4.b1 = (byte)hiddenValue1.intValue;
                                union.b4.b2 = (byte)hiddenValue2.intValue;
                                union.b4.b3 = (byte)hiddenValue3.intValue;
                                union.b4.b4 = (byte)hiddenValue4.intValue;

                                int   currentCryptoKey = cryptoKey.intValue;
                                float real             = ObscuredFloat.Decrypt(union.i, currentCryptoKey);
                                float fake             = fakeValue.floatValue;
                                if (Math.Abs(real - fake) > 0.0000001f)
                                    Debug.Log(ActEditorGlobalStuff.LOG_PREFIX + "Fixed property " + sp.displayName + ":" + type +
                                              " at the object " + unityObject.name + "\n" + path);

                                    fakeValue.floatValue      = real;
                                    fakeValueActive.boolValue = true;
                                    modified = true;

                        case "ObscuredInt":
                            SerializedProperty hiddenValue     = sp.FindPropertyRelative("hiddenValue");
                            SerializedProperty cryptoKey       = sp.FindPropertyRelative("currentCryptoKey");
                            SerializedProperty fakeValue       = sp.FindPropertyRelative("fakeValue");
                            SerializedProperty fakeValueActive = sp.FindPropertyRelative("fakeValueActive");
                            SerializedProperty inited          = sp.FindPropertyRelative("inited");

                            if (inited != null && inited.boolValue)
                                int currentCryptoKey = cryptoKey.intValue;
                                int real             = ObscuredInt.Decrypt(hiddenValue.intValue, currentCryptoKey);
                                int fake             = fakeValue.intValue;

                                if (real != fake)
                                    Debug.Log(ActEditorGlobalStuff.LOG_PREFIX + "Fixed property " + sp.displayName + ":" + type +
                                              " at the object " + unityObject.name + "\n" + path);
                                    fakeValue.intValue        = real;
                                    fakeValueActive.boolValue = true;
                                    modified = true;

#if UNITY_5_0_PLUS
                        case "ObscuredLong":
                            SerializedProperty hiddenValue     = sp.FindPropertyRelative("hiddenValue");
                            SerializedProperty cryptoKey       = sp.FindPropertyRelative("currentCryptoKey");
                            SerializedProperty fakeValue       = sp.FindPropertyRelative("fakeValue");
                            SerializedProperty fakeValueActive = sp.FindPropertyRelative("fakeValueActive");
                            SerializedProperty inited          = sp.FindPropertyRelative("inited");

                            if (inited != null && inited.boolValue)
                                long currentCryptoKey = cryptoKey.longValue;
                                long real             = ObscuredLong.Decrypt(hiddenValue.longValue, currentCryptoKey);
                                long fake             = fakeValue.longValue;

                                if (real != fake)
                                    Debug.Log(ActEditorGlobalStuff.LOG_PREFIX + "Fixed property " + sp.displayName + ":" + type +
                                              " at the object " + unityObject.name + "\n" + path);
                                    fakeValue.longValue       = real;
                                    fakeValueActive.boolValue = true;
                                    modified = true;

                        case "ObscuredShort":
                            SerializedProperty hiddenValue     = sp.FindPropertyRelative("hiddenValue");
                            SerializedProperty cryptoKey       = sp.FindPropertyRelative("currentCryptoKey");
                            SerializedProperty fakeValue       = sp.FindPropertyRelative("fakeValue");
                            SerializedProperty fakeValueActive = sp.FindPropertyRelative("fakeValueActive");
                            SerializedProperty inited          = sp.FindPropertyRelative("inited");

                            if (inited != null && inited.boolValue)
                                short currentCryptoKey = (short)cryptoKey.intValue;
                                short real             = ObscuredShort.EncryptDecrypt((short)hiddenValue.intValue, currentCryptoKey);
                                short fake             = (short)fakeValue.intValue;

                                if (real != fake)
                                    Debug.Log(ActEditorGlobalStuff.LOG_PREFIX + "Fixed property " + sp.displayName + ":" + type +
                                              " at the object " + unityObject.name + "\n" + path);
                                    fakeValue.intValue        = real;
                                    fakeValueActive.boolValue = true;
                                    modified = true;
                        case "ObscuredString":
                            SerializedProperty hiddenValue     = sp.FindPropertyRelative("hiddenValue");
                            SerializedProperty cryptoKey       = sp.FindPropertyRelative("currentCryptoKey");
                            SerializedProperty fakeValue       = sp.FindPropertyRelative("fakeValue");
                            SerializedProperty fakeValueActive = sp.FindPropertyRelative("fakeValueActive");
                            SerializedProperty inited          = sp.FindPropertyRelative("inited");

                            if (inited != null && inited.boolValue)
                                string currentCryptoKey = cryptoKey.stringValue;
                                byte[] bytes            = new byte[hiddenValue.arraySize];
                                for (int j = 0; j < hiddenValue.arraySize; j++)
                                    bytes[j] = (byte)hiddenValue.GetArrayElementAtIndex(j).intValue;

                                string real = ObscuredString.EncryptDecrypt(GetString(bytes), currentCryptoKey);
                                string fake = fakeValue.stringValue;

                                if (real != fake)
                                    Debug.Log(ActEditorGlobalStuff.LOG_PREFIX + "Fixed property " + sp.displayName + ":" + type +
                                              " at the object " + unityObject.name + "\n" + path);
                                    fakeValue.stringValue     = real;
                                    fakeValueActive.boolValue = true;
                                    modified = true;

#if UNITY_5_0_PLUS
                        case "ObscuredUInt":
                            SerializedProperty hiddenValue     = sp.FindPropertyRelative("hiddenValue");
                            SerializedProperty cryptoKey       = sp.FindPropertyRelative("currentCryptoKey");
                            SerializedProperty fakeValue       = sp.FindPropertyRelative("fakeValue");
                            SerializedProperty fakeValueActive = sp.FindPropertyRelative("fakeValueActive");
                            SerializedProperty inited          = sp.FindPropertyRelative("inited");

                            if (inited != null && inited.boolValue)
                                uint currentCryptoKey = (uint)cryptoKey.intValue;
                                uint real             = ObscuredUInt.Decrypt((uint)hiddenValue.intValue, currentCryptoKey);
                                uint fake             = (uint)fakeValue.intValue;

                                if (real != fake)
                                    Debug.Log(ActEditorGlobalStuff.LOG_PREFIX + "Fixed property " + sp.displayName + ":" + type +
                                              " at the object " + unityObject.name + "\n" + path);
                                    fakeValue.intValue        = (int)real;
                                    fakeValueActive.boolValue = true;
                                    modified = true;

                        case "ObscuredULong":
                            SerializedProperty hiddenValue     = sp.FindPropertyRelative("hiddenValue");
                            SerializedProperty cryptoKey       = sp.FindPropertyRelative("currentCryptoKey");
                            SerializedProperty fakeValue       = sp.FindPropertyRelative("fakeValue");
                            SerializedProperty fakeValueActive = sp.FindPropertyRelative("fakeValueActive");
                            SerializedProperty inited          = sp.FindPropertyRelative("inited");

                            if (inited != null && inited.boolValue)
                                ulong currentCryptoKey = (ulong)cryptoKey.longValue;
                                ulong real             = ObscuredULong.Decrypt((ulong)hiddenValue.longValue, currentCryptoKey);
                                ulong fake             = (ulong)fakeValue.longValue;

                                if (real != fake)
                                    Debug.Log(ActEditorGlobalStuff.LOG_PREFIX + "Fixed property " + sp.displayName + ":" + type +
                                              " at the object " + unityObject.name + "\n" + path);
                                    fakeValue.longValue       = (long)real;
                                    fakeValueActive.boolValue = true;
                                    modified = true;
                        case "ObscuredVector2":
                            SerializedProperty hiddenValue = sp.FindPropertyRelative("hiddenValue");
                            if (hiddenValue == null)

                            SerializedProperty hiddenValueX = hiddenValue.FindPropertyRelative("x");
                            SerializedProperty hiddenValueY = hiddenValue.FindPropertyRelative("y");

                            SerializedProperty cryptoKey       = sp.FindPropertyRelative("currentCryptoKey");
                            SerializedProperty fakeValue       = sp.FindPropertyRelative("fakeValue");
                            SerializedProperty fakeValueActive = sp.FindPropertyRelative("fakeValueActive");
                            SerializedProperty inited          = sp.FindPropertyRelative("inited");

                            if (inited != null && inited.boolValue)
                                ObscuredVector2.RawEncryptedVector2 ev = new ObscuredVector2.RawEncryptedVector2();
                                ev.x = hiddenValueX.intValue;
                                ev.y = hiddenValueY.intValue;

                                int     currentCryptoKey = cryptoKey.intValue;
                                Vector2 real             = ObscuredVector2.Decrypt(ev, currentCryptoKey);
                                Vector2 fake             = fakeValue.vector2Value;

                                if (real != fake)
                                    Debug.Log(ActEditorGlobalStuff.LOG_PREFIX + "Fixed property " + sp.displayName + ":" + type +
                                              " at the object " + unityObject.name + "\n" + path);
                                    fakeValue.vector2Value    = real;
                                    fakeValueActive.boolValue = true;
                                    modified = true;

                        case "ObscuredVector3":
                            SerializedProperty hiddenValue = sp.FindPropertyRelative("hiddenValue");
                            if (hiddenValue == null)

                            SerializedProperty hiddenValueX = hiddenValue.FindPropertyRelative("x");
                            SerializedProperty hiddenValueY = hiddenValue.FindPropertyRelative("y");
                            SerializedProperty hiddenValueZ = hiddenValue.FindPropertyRelative("z");

                            SerializedProperty cryptoKey       = sp.FindPropertyRelative("currentCryptoKey");
                            SerializedProperty fakeValue       = sp.FindPropertyRelative("fakeValue");
                            SerializedProperty fakeValueActive = sp.FindPropertyRelative("fakeValueActive");
                            SerializedProperty inited          = sp.FindPropertyRelative("inited");

                            if (inited != null && inited.boolValue)
                                var ev = new ObscuredVector3.RawEncryptedVector3();
                                ev.x = hiddenValueX.intValue;
                                ev.y = hiddenValueY.intValue;
                                ev.z = hiddenValueZ.intValue;

                                int     currentCryptoKey = cryptoKey.intValue;
                                Vector3 real             = ObscuredVector3.Decrypt(ev, currentCryptoKey);
                                Vector3 fake             = fakeValue.vector3Value;

                                if (real != fake)
                                    Debug.Log(ActEditorGlobalStuff.LOG_PREFIX + "Fixed property " + sp.displayName + ":" + type +
                                              " at the object " + unityObject.name + "\n" + path);
                                    fakeValue.vector3Value    = real;
                                    fakeValueActive.boolValue = true;
                                    modified = true;

                    if (modified)



            if (touchedCount > 0)
                Debug.Log(ActEditorGlobalStuff.LOG_PREFIX + "Migrated obscured types on " + touchedCount + " objects.");
                Debug.Log(ActEditorGlobalStuff.LOG_PREFIX + "No objects were found for obscured types migration.");
Exemplo n.º 9
 public OShort(int value)
     this.value = (ObscuredShort)((short)value);
Exemplo n.º 10
 public OShort(short value)
     this.value = (ObscuredShort)value;