Exemplo n.º 1
 private static void SearchNewPlayers(Hero me)
     for (uint i = 0; i < 10; i++)
             var v = ObjectMgr.GetPlayerById(i).Hero;
             if (v == null)
             if (!v.IsValid)
             if (v.Team == me.Team)
             PlayersDictionary.Add(i, v);
             // ignored
Exemplo n.º 2
 private static void SelectedHeroTopEnemy(int Index, float Base, int Offset = 0)
     if (Variables.EnemyTracker[Index - Offset].EnemyTracker != null)
         int   BaseX     = (int)Base + ((int)Variables.HeroIconWidth * (Index - Offset));
         int   BaseY     = (int)Variables.ToolTipActivationY + 10;
         int   counter   = 1;
         Color itemColor = Color.Green;
         var   Player    = ObjectMgr.GetPlayerById((uint)Index);
         Drawing.DrawText(GlobalClasses.GetHeroNameFromLongHeroName(Player.Hero.Name), new Vector2(BaseX, BaseY), Color.Red, FontFlags.AntiAlias | FontFlags.Outline);
         foreach (var p in Variables.EnemyTracker)
             if (p != null)
                 if (p.EnemyTracker.Player.Name == Player.Name)
                     foreach (var item in p.EnemyTracker.Inventory.Items)
                         itemColor = GlobalClasses.GetCostColor(item);
                         Drawing.DrawText(item.Name.Remove(0, 5), new Vector2(BaseX, BaseY + (counter * 12)), itemColor, FontFlags.AntiAlias | FontFlags.Outline);
                         itemColor = Color.Green;
Exemplo n.º 3
        private static void Drawing_OnEndScene(EventArgs args)
            if (!menuadded)
            if (Drawing.Direct3DDevice9 == null || Drawing.Direct3DDevice9.IsDisposed || !Game.IsInGame)
            var player = ObjectMgr.LocalPlayer;

            if (player == null || player.Team == Team.Observer)

            if (startw == 0)
                _screenSize = new Vector2(Drawing.Width, Drawing.Height);

                startw = 520f / 1920f * _screenSize.X;
                spacew = (208f / 1920f) * _screenSize.X;
                herow  = (66f / 1920f) * _screenSize.X;

            if (Menu.Item("cs").GetValue <bool>() || Menu.Item("bb").GetValue <bool>())
                for (uint i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                    Player p = null;
                        p = ObjectMgr.GetPlayerById(i);
                    if (p == null)

                    var initPos = (int)(i >= 5
                        ? (startw + herow * i) + spacew
                        : (startw + herow * i));
                    if (Menu.Item("cs").GetValue <bool>())
                        var text = string.Format("{0}/{1}", p.LastHitCount, p.DenyCount);
                        DrawShadowText(text, initPos + 10, 35 + 1 - 7 * 5, Color.White, _text);
                    if (Menu.Item("bb").GetValue <bool>() && p.BuybackCooldownTime > 0)
                        var text = string.Format("{0:0.}", p.BuybackCooldownTime);
                        DrawFilledBox(initPos + 2, 35 + 1 - 7 * 5 + 22, 35, 15, new Color(0, 0, 0, 150));
                        DrawShadowText(text, initPos + 5, 35 + 1 - 7 * 5 + 22, Color.White, _text);
Exemplo n.º 4
        public static void Game_OnUpdate(EventArgs args)
            if (loaded)
                    "<font face='Tahoma'><font color='#000000'>[--</font> <font color='#33ff66'>MapHack Fixed</font> by <font color='#999999'>NaVi_Slon </font> ensage-forum.ru <font color='#000000'>--]</font></font>",
                loaded = false;

            //we only proceed if 1 of the following condition is True
            //+ Forced refresh hotkey is Active and slept for 50ms
            //+ Repeat hotkey is Active and SleepCheck is off CD
            //+ Auto Reload is ON and SleepCheck is off CD
            if (!((Menu.Item("refresh_hotkey2").GetValue <KeyBind>().Active&& Utils.SleepCheck("GCMH_GameUpdateMinSleeper")) ||
                  ((Menu.Item("repeat_hotkey2").GetValue <KeyBind>().Active || Menu.Item("auto_reload").GetValue <bool>()) && Utils.SleepCheck("GCMH_GameUpdateSleeper"))))

            //minimap temp fix
            _minimapHeight = (int)Math.Floor(260.0 * Drawing.Height / 1080);
            _minimapWidth  = (int)Math.Floor(270.0 * Drawing.Height / 1080);
            _minimapCorner = (int)Math.Floor(11.0 * Drawing.Height / 1080);

            //backup camera position

            //   string z = Game.GetConsoleVar("dota_camera_get_lookatpos ").GetString();
            // Game.ExecuteCommand("dota_camera_set_lookatpos" + z );

            //get the game state
            var me = ObjectMgr.LocalPlayer;

            _nHeroes = 0;
            for (uint i = 0; i < 40; ++i)
                var player = ObjectMgr.GetPlayerById(i);
                if (player == null || player.Team == me.Team)
                int playerColor = (player.Team == Team.Radiant ? 0 : 1) * 5 + (int)player.TeamSlot;
                playerColor = playerColor < 0 ? 11 : playerColor > 10 ? 11 : playerColor;
                HeroesPlayerPosition[_nHeroes] = playerColor;
                Heroes[_nHeroes++]             = player.Hero;

            Utils.Sleep(Menu.Item("refresh_rate").GetValue <Slider>().Value, "GCMH_GameUpdateSleeper");
            Utils.Sleep(50, "GCMH_GameUpdateMinSleeper");  //sleep at least 50 tick
Exemplo n.º 5
        private static void Render_HUD(EventArgs args)
            for (uint i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                var player = ObjectMgr.GetPlayerById(i);
                if (player == null)
                Hero h = player.Hero;
                if (h == null)

                var Pos  = HUDInfo.GetTopPanelPosition(h);
                var PosX = (float)HUDInfo.GetTopPanelSizeX(h);
                var PosY = (float)HUDInfo.GetTopPanelSizeY(h);

                var PosHealth = new Vector2(h.Health * PosX / h.MaximumHealth, 0);
                var PosMana   = new Vector2(h.Mana * PosX / h.MaximumMana, 0);

                float BPos = PosY + 1;

                if (h.Health == 0)
                if (h.Mana == 0)

                //uint HPX = h.Health * 100 / h.MaximumHealth;
                //string buff = Convert.ToString(HPX);

                if (Menu.Item("HPBarShow").GetValue <bool>())
                    Drawing.DrawRect(Pos + new Vector2(0, BPos), new Vector2(PosX, 7), new Color(0, 0, 0, 100));
                    Drawing.DrawRect(Pos + new Vector2(0, BPos), new Vector2(PosHealth.X, 7), new Color(0, 255, 0, 255));
                    Drawing.DrawRect(Pos + new Vector2(0, BPos), new Vector2(PosX, 7), Color.Black, true);
                    BPos += 7;

                if (Menu.Item("ManaBarShow").GetValue <bool>())
                    Drawing.DrawRect(Pos + new Vector2(0, BPos), new Vector2(PosX, 7), new Color(0, 0, 0, 100));
                    Drawing.DrawRect(Pos + new Vector2(0, BPos), new Vector2(PosMana.X, 7), new Color(0, 122, 204, 255));
                    Drawing.DrawRect(Pos + new Vector2(0, BPos), new Vector2(PosX, 7), Color.Black, true);
                // Ebala...
                //Drawing.DrawText(string.Format("({0}% | 999%)", buff), "Arial", Pos + new Vector2(0, PosY + 18), new Vector2(13, 5), Color.White, 0);
Exemplo n.º 6
        private static void Overlay1(EventArgs args)
            if (!Game.IsInGame)
            if (Menu.Item("manabar").GetValue <bool>())
                var player = ObjectMgr.LocalPlayer;
                if (player == null || player.Team == Team.Observer)

                var enemies = ObjectMgr.GetEntities <Hero>()
                              .Where(x => x.IsVisible && x.IsAlive && x.MaximumMana > 0 && !x.IsIllusion && x.Team != player.Team)
                foreach (var enemy in enemies)
                    var start    = HUDInfo.GetHPbarPosition(enemy) + new Vector2(0, HUDInfo.GetHpBarSizeY(enemy) + 1);
                    var manaperc = enemy.Mana / enemy.MaximumMana;
                    var size     = new Vector2(HUDInfo.GetHPBarSizeX(enemy), HUDInfo.GetHpBarSizeY(enemy) * 2 / 5);

                    Drawing.DrawRect(start, size + new Vector2(1, 1), Color.Black);
                    Drawing.DrawRect(start, new Vector2(size.X * manaperc, size.Y), new Color(100, 135, 240, 255));
                    Drawing.DrawRect(start + new Vector2(-1, -2), size + new Vector2(4, 3), Color.Black, true);
            if (Menu.Item("toppanel").GetValue <bool>())
                for (uint i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                    var v = ObjectMgr.GetPlayerById(i).Hero;
                    if (v == null || !v.IsAlive)
                    var       pos         = HUDInfo.GetTopPanelPosition(v);
                    var       sizeX       = (float)HUDInfo.GetTopPanelSizeX(v);
                    var       sizeY       = (float)HUDInfo.GetTopPanelSizeY(v);
                    var       healthDelta = new Vector2(v.Health * sizeX / v.MaximumHealth, 0);
                    var       manaDelta   = new Vector2(v.Mana * sizeX / v.MaximumMana, 0);
                    const int height      = 7;

                    Drawing.DrawRect(pos + new Vector2(0, sizeY + 1), new Vector2(healthDelta.X, height), new Color(0, 255, 0, 100));
                    Drawing.DrawRect(pos + new Vector2(0, sizeY + 1), new Vector2(sizeX, height), Color.Black, true);

                    Drawing.DrawRect(pos + new Vector2(0, sizeY + height), new Vector2(manaDelta.X, height), new Color(80, 120, 255, 255));
                    Drawing.DrawRect(pos + new Vector2(0, sizeY + height), new Vector2(sizeX, height), Color.Black, true);
Exemplo n.º 7
                private static void SelectedHeroTopFriendly(int Index, float Base, int Offset = 0)
                    string PlayerName = GlobalClasses.GetHeroNameFromLongHeroName(ObjectMgr.GetPlayerById((uint)Index).Hero.Name);
                    int    counter    = 1;
                    int    BaseX      = (int)Base + ((int)Variables.HeroIconWidth * (Index));
                    int    BaseY      = (int)Variables.ToolTipActivationY + 10;
                    Color  itemColor  = Color.Green;

                    Drawing.DrawText(PlayerName, new Vector2(BaseX, BaseY), Color.Red, FontFlags.AntiAlias | FontFlags.Outline);
                    var p = ObjectMgr.GetPlayerById((uint)Index);

                    foreach (var item in p.Hero.Inventory.Items)
                        itemColor = GlobalClasses.GetCostColor(item);
                        Drawing.DrawText(item.Name.Remove(0, 5), new Vector2(BaseX, BaseY + (counter * 12)), itemColor, FontFlags.AntiAlias | FontFlags.Outline);
                        itemColor = Color.Green;
Exemplo n.º 8
        public static void Game_OnUpdate(EventArgs args)
            //we only proceed if 1 of the following condition is True
            //+ Forced refresh hotkey is Active and slept for 50ms
            //+ Repeat hotkey is Active and SleepCheck is off CD
            //+ Auto Reload is ON and SleepCheck is off CD
            if (!((Menu.Item("refresh_hotkey2").GetValue <KeyBind>().Active&& Utils.SleepCheck("GCMH_GameUpdateMinSleeper")) ||
                  ((Menu.Item("repeat_hotkey2").GetValue <KeyBind>().Active || Menu.Item("auto_reload").GetValue <bool>()) && Utils.SleepCheck("GCMH_GameUpdateSleeper"))))

            //minimap temp fix
            _minimapHeight = (int)Math.Floor(260.0 * Drawing.Height / 1080);
            _minimapWidth  = (int)Math.Floor(270.0 * Drawing.Height / 1080);
            _minimapCorner = (int)Math.Floor(11.0 * Drawing.Height / 1080);

            //backup camera position

            //get the game state
            var me = ObjectMgr.LocalPlayer;

            _nHeroes = 0;
            for (uint i = 0; i < 40; ++i)
                var player = ObjectMgr.GetPlayerById(i);
                if (player == null || player.Team == me.Team)
                int playerColor = (player.Team == Team.Radiant ? 0 : 1) * 5 + (int)player.TeamSlot;
                playerColor = playerColor < 0 ? 11 : playerColor > 10 ? 11 : playerColor;
                HeroesPlayerPosition[_nHeroes] = playerColor;
                Heroes[_nHeroes++]             = player.Hero;

            Utils.Sleep(Menu.Item("refresh_rate").GetValue <Slider>().Value, "GCMH_GameUpdateSleeper");
            Utils.Sleep(50, "GCMH_GameUpdateMinSleeper");  //sleep at least 50 tick
Exemplo n.º 9
        private static void Game_OnUpdate(EventArgs args)
            if (!Utils.SleepCheck(Spellpanel))

            _heroes = new Hero[0];

            var me = ObjectMgr.LocalHero;

            if (!_loaded)
                me = ObjectMgr.LocalHero;
                if (!Game.IsInGame || me == null)
                _loaded = true;
                PrintSuccess("> OverlayInformation > SpellPanel loaded! v" + Ver);
            if (!Game.IsInGame || me == null)
                _loaded = false;
                PrintInfo("> OverlayInformation > SpellPanel unLoaded");
            if (!Game.IsInGame || !_loaded)

            _heroes = Enumerable.Range(0, 10)
                      .Select(i => ObjectMgr.GetPlayerById((uint)i).Hero)
                      .Where(v => !Equals(v, me))

            Utils.Sleep(200, Spellpanel);
Exemplo n.º 10
        private static void Game_OnUpdate(EventArgs args)
            if (!_loaded)
                _me     = ObjectMgr.LocalHero;
                _player = ObjectMgr.LocalPlayer;
                if (!Game.IsInGame || _me == null || _me.ClassID != ClassID.CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Techies)
                _loaded = true;
                PrintSuccess("> Techies Annihilation loaded! v 1.4");

            if (!Game.IsInGame || _me == null || _me.ClassID != ClassID.CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Techies)
                _loaded = false;
                PrintInfo("> Techies Annihilation Unloaded!");
                PrintSuccess("Stats: ");
                PrintSuccess(string.Format("Error N {0}: {1}", 1, ErrorLevel[1].ToString()));
                PrintSuccess(string.Format("Error N {0}: {1}", 2, ErrorLevel[2].ToString()));
                PrintSuccess(string.Format("Error N {0}: {1}", 3, ErrorLevel[3].ToString()));
                PrintSuccess(string.Format("Error N {0}: {1}", 4, ErrorLevel[4].ToString()));
                PrintSuccess(string.Format("Error N {0}(2): {1}", 4, ErrorLevel[7].ToString()));
                PrintSuccess(string.Format("Error N {0}: {1}", 5, ErrorLevel[5].ToString()));
                PrintSuccess(string.Format("Error N {0}: {1}", 6, ErrorLevel[6].ToString()));
            if (Game.IsPaused)
                if (_player == null || _player.Team == Team.Observer)

                #region UpdateInfo

                var ultimate = _me.Spellbook.Spell6;
                var suic     = _me.Spellbook.Spell3;

                var bombLevel    = (ultimate != null) ? ultimate.Level : 0;
                var suicideLevel = (suic != null) ? suic.Level : 0;

                if (LvlSpell3 != suicideLevel)
                    Debug.Assert(suic != null, "suic != null");
                    var firstOrDefault = suic.AbilityData.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "damage");
                    if (firstOrDefault != null)
                        _currentSuicDamage = firstOrDefault.GetValue(suicideLevel - 1);
                        //PrintError("_currentSuicDamage: " + _currentSuicDamage.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                    LvlSpell3 = suicideLevel;
                var agh = _me.FindItem("item_ultimate_scepter");
                if (LvlSpell6 != bombLevel || !Equals(_aghStatus, agh))
                    Debug.Assert(ultimate != null, "ultimate != null");
                    var firstOrDefault = ultimate.AbilityData.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "damage");
                    if (firstOrDefault != null)
                        _currentBombDamage  = firstOrDefault.GetValue(ultimate.Level - 1);
                        _currentBombDamage += agh != null
                            ? 150
                            : 0;
                        //PrintError("_currentBombDamage: " + _currentBombDamage.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                    LvlSpell6  = bombLevel;
                    _aghStatus = agh;


                var bombs = ObjectMgr.GetEntities <Unit>()
                    x =>
                    x.ClassID == ClassID.CDOTA_NPC_TechiesMines && x.Team == _player.Team);
                var bombsList  = bombs as IList <Unit> ?? bombs.ToList();
                var enumerable = bombs as IList <Unit> ?? bombsList.ToList();

                #region ForceStaffRange

                if ((Game.IsKeyDown(0x11) || AutoForceStaff) && ShowForceStaffRange)
                    if (_forceStaffRange == null)
                        _forceStaffRange = _me.AddParticleEffect(@"particles\ui_mouseactions\range_display.vpcf");
                        _forceStaffRange.SetControlPoint(1, new Vector3(800, 0, 0));
                    if (_forceStaffRange != null)
                        _forceStaffRange = null;


                foreach (var s in enumerable)
                    //add effect
                    HandleEffect(s, s.Spellbook.Spell1 != null);

                    //Init bomb damage
                    if (!s.Spellbook.Spell1.CanBeCasted())
                    float dmg;
                    if (!BombDamage.TryGetValue(s, out dmg))
                        //PrintError("_currentBombDamage: "+_currentBombDamage.ToString());
                        BombDamage.Add(s, _currentBombDamage);
                var enemies =
                    ObjectMgr.GetEntities <Hero>()
                        x =>
                        x.Team != ObjectMgr.LocalPlayer.Team && !x.IsIllusion)
                var abilSuic   = _me.Spellbook.Spell3;
                var forcestaff = _me.Inventory.Items.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ClassID == ClassID.CDOTA_Item_ForceStaff);
                for (uint i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                        var v = ObjectMgr.GetPlayerById(i).Hero;
                        if (v == null || v.Team == _me.Team || Equals(v, _me))
                        if (!AutoDetonate)
                        if (!DetonateOnAegisAndWk)
                            var aegis = v.FindItem("item_aegis");
                            if (v.ClassID == ClassID.CDOTA_Unit_Hero_SkeletonKing)
                                var reinc = v.Spellbook.Spell4;
                                if (reinc != null && (int)reinc.Cooldown == 0)
                            if (aegis != null)
                        var needToCastnew = new Dictionary <int, Ability>();
                        var inputDmg      = 0f;
                        if (GlobalHealthAfterMines.ContainsKey(v))
                        var extraBombs = 0;
                        if (v.ClassID == ClassID.CDOTA_Unit_Hero_TemplarAssassin)
                            var refrection = v.Spellbook.Spell1;
                            if (refrection != null && refrection.Cooldown > 0)
                                extraBombs = (int)(2 + refrection.Level);
                                //PrintError("its templar: +" + extraBombs);
                        foreach (var b in bombsList)
                            float dmg;
                            if (!(v.Distance2D(b) <= 425) || !BombDamage.TryGetValue(b, out dmg) || !v.IsAlive ||
                                !b.Spellbook.Spell1.CanBeCasted() || !b.IsAlive)
                                if (extraBombs > 0)
                                    inputDmg += v.DamageTaken(dmg, DamageType.Magical, _me, false);
                                //PrintError("ErrorLevel 2");
                            needToCastnew.Add(needToCastnew.Count + 1, b.Spellbook.Spell1);
                            //PrintError("NEED: "+needToCastnew.Count);
                            var finalHealth = v.Health - inputDmg;
                            //PrintError(string.Format("{2}: inputDmg: {0} finalHealth: {1} (dmg: {3})", inputDmg, finalHealth, v.Name, dmg));
                            if (GlobalHealthAfterMines.ContainsKey(v))
                            GlobalHealthAfterMines.Add(v, finalHealth);
                            if (!(finalHealth <= 0))
                            foreach (
                                var ability in
                                needToCastnew.Where(ability => Utils.SleepCheck(ability.Value.Handle.ToString())))
                                    //PrintError("ErrorLevel 1");
                                Utils.Sleep(250, ability.Value.Handle.ToString());
                    catch (Exception)
                        // ignored
                foreach (var v in enemies.Where(v => _me.IsAlive || v.IsAlive))
                    if ((Game.IsKeyDown(0x11) || AutoForceStaff) && forcestaff != null && forcestaff.CanBeCasted() &&
                        CheckForceStaff(v) && _me.Distance2D(v) <= 800
                        /* && v.Modifiers.All(x => x.Name != "modifier_item_sphere_target")*/)
                        if (Utils.SleepCheck("force"))
                            Utils.Sleep(250, "force");
                    if (!(_me.Distance2D(v) <= 120) || abilSuic == null || !abilSuic.CanBeCasted() || !AutoSuicide)
                    if (CanKillSuic(v))
                // ignored
Exemplo n.º 11
        private static void Drawing_OnDraw(EventArgs args)
            var me = ObjectMgr.LocalHero;

            if (!_loaded)
                me = ObjectMgr.LocalHero;
                if (!Game.IsInGame || me == null)
                _loaded = true;
                PrintSuccess("> OverlayInformation > SpellPanel loaded! v" + Ver);
            if (!Game.IsInGame || me == null)
                _loaded = false;
                PrintInfo("> OverlayInformation > SpellPanel unLoaded");
            if (!Game.IsInGame || !_loaded)
            uint i;

            for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                    var v = ObjectMgr.GetPlayerById(i).Hero;
                    if (Equals(v, me))
                    Vector2 screenPos;

                    #region GettingSPells

                    var spells = new Ability[7];
                    spells[1] = v.Spellbook.Spell1;
                    spells[2] = v.Spellbook.Spell2;
                    spells[3] = v.Spellbook.Spell3;
                    spells[4] = v.Spellbook.Spell4;
                    spells[5] = v.Spellbook.Spell5;
                    spells[6] = v.Spellbook.Spell6;

                    if (!Drawing.WorldToScreen(v.Position, out screenPos))
                    var start = screenPos + new Vector2(-65, 20);
                    for (var g = 1; g <= 6; g++)
                        if (spells[g] == null)

                         * {
                         *  PrintError(String.Format("Spell # {0}:{1}", g, spells[g].ManaCost));
                         * }
                         * catch (Exception e)
                         * {
                         *  PrintInfo(e.ToString());
                         * }*/
                        var cd = spells[g].Cooldown;
                        Drawing.DrawRect(start + new Vector2(g * 20 - 5, 0), new Vector2(20, (int)cd == 0 ? 6 : 20),
                                         new ColorBGRA(0, 0, 0, 100), true);
                        //PrintError(String.Format("Spell # {0}:{1}", g, spells[g].AbilityState));
                        if (spells[g].ManaCost > v.Mana)//spells[g].AbilityState == AbilityState.NotEnoughMana)
                            Drawing.DrawRect(start + new Vector2(g * 20 - 5, 0),
                                             new Vector2(20, (int)cd == 0 ? 6 : 20),
                                             new ColorBGRA(0, 0, 150, 150));
                        if (cd > 0)
                            var text     = string.Format("{0:0.#}", cd);
                            var textSize = Drawing.MeasureText(text, "Arial", new Vector2(10, 200),
                            var textPos = (start + new Vector2(g * 20 - 5, 0) +
                                           new Vector2(10 - textSize.X / 2, -textSize.Y / 2 + 12));
                            Drawing.DrawText(text, textPos, new Vector2(10, 150), Color.White,
                                             FontFlags.AntiAlias | FontFlags.DropShadow);
                        if (spells[g].Level == 0)
                        for (var lvl = 1; lvl <= spells[g].Level; lvl++)
                            Drawing.DrawRect(start + new Vector2(g * 20 - 5 + 3 * lvl, 2), new Vector2(2, 2),
                                             new ColorBGRA(255, 255, 0, 255), true);
                    // ignored
Exemplo n.º 12
        private static void Game_OnUpdate(EventArgs args)
            var me = ObjectMgr.LocalHero;

            if (!_loaded)
                if (!Game.IsInGame || me == null)
                _loaded = true;
                PrintSuccess(string.Format("> AutoDisable Loaded v{0}", Ver));
                    "<font face='Comic Sans MS, cursive'><font color='#00aaff'>" + Menu.DisplayName + " By Jumpering" +
                    " loaded!</font> <font color='#aa0000'>v" + Ver, MessageType.LogMessage);
                for (var asd = 0; asd < 10; asd++)
                    Create[asd]         = false;
                    FirstTimeItem[asd]  = true;
                    FirstTimeSpell[asd] = true;

            if (!Game.IsInGame || me == null)
                _loaded = false;
                PrintInfo("> AutoDisable unLoaded");

            #region Dodge by mod

            if (Utils.SleepCheck("item_manta"))
                var dodgeByManta = me.FindItem("item_manta");
                var mod          =
                        x =>
                        x.Name == "modifier_orchid_malevolence_debuff" || x.Name == "modifier_lina_laguna_blade" ||
                        x.Name == "modifier_pudge_meat_hook" || x.Name == "modifier_skywrath_mage_ancient_seal" ||
                        x.Name == "modifier_lion_finger_of_death");
                if (dodgeByManta != null && dodgeByManta.CanBeCasted() && mod != null)
                    Utils.Sleep(250, "item_manta");

            uint i;
            var  isInvis   = me.IsInvisible();
            var  isChannel = me.IsChanneling();
            var  items     = me.Inventory.Items.Where(x => x.CanBeCasted()).ToList();
            var  spells    = me.Spellbook.Spells.Where(x => SpellList.Contains(x.Name)).ToList();
            var  newItems  = false;


            foreach (var item in items.Where(item => !PreLoadItems.ContainsKey(item.Name) && ItemList.Contains(item.Name)))
                PreLoadItems.Add(item.Name, true);
                //Game.PrintMessage("[AutoDisable] [ITEM] " + item.Name + " added to menu", MessageType.LogMessage);
                newItems = true;

            var newSpells = false;
            foreach (var spell in spells.Where(item => !PreLoadSpell.ContainsKey(item.Name)))
                PreLoadSpell.Add(spell.Name, true);
                //Game.PrintMessage("[AutoDisable] [SPELL] " + spell.Name + " added to menu ", MessageType.LogMessage);
                newSpells = true;
            spells = spells.Where(x => x.CanBeCasted()).ToList();

             * if (newSpells)
             * {
             *  AbilityMenu.AddItem(
             *      new MenuItem("SelectedSpells" + me.Name, "Abilities:").SetValue(new AbilityToggler(PreLoadSpell)));
             * }
             * if (newItems)
             * {
             *  ItemMenu.AddItem(
             *      new MenuItem("SelectedItems" + me.Name, "Items:").SetValue(new AbilityToggler(PreLoadItems)));
             * }
            /*foreach (var ability in spells.Where(item => PreLoadSpell.ContainsKey(item.Name)))
             * {
             *  Game.PrintMessage(
             *      ExtraSubMenu[i, 1].Item("SelectedSpells" + _me.Name).GetValue<AbilityToggler>().IsEnabled(ability.Name).ToString(),
             *      MessageType.ChatMessage);
             * }*/
            for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                    var v = ObjectMgr.GetPlayerById(i).Hero;
                    if (v == null || v.Team == me.Team || Equals(v, me) ||
                    var isInvul      = v.IsInvul();
                    var magicImmnune = v.IsMagicImmune();
                    //var LinkProt = v.li();
                    var isStun    = v.IsStunned();
                    var isHex     = v.IsHexed();
                    var isSilence = v.IsSilenced();
                    var isDisarm  = v.IsDisarmed();

                     * {
                     *  Game.PrintMessage("[AutoDisable] " + Menu.Item("ActiveSpell" + i).GetValue<bool>(), MessageType.LogMessage);
                     * }
                     * catch (Exception)
                     * {
                     * }
                    if (!Create[i])
                        ExtraSubMenu[i, 0] = new Menu("", i.ToString(), false, v.Name);
                        ExtraSubMenu[i, 0].AddItem(new MenuItem("ActiveItem" + i, "Active For This Hero").SetValue(true));
                        ItemMenu.AddSubMenu(ExtraSubMenu[i, 0]);
                        ExtraSubMenu[i, 1] = new Menu("", i.ToString(), false, v.Name);
                        ExtraSubMenu[i, 1].AddItem(new MenuItem("ActiveSpell" + i, "Active For This Hero").SetValue(true));
                        AbilityMenu.AddSubMenu(ExtraSubMenu[i, 1]);
                        Create[i] = true;
                    if (PreLoadItems.Count > 0 && FirstTimeItem[i])
                        FirstTimeItem[i] = false;
                        ExtraSubMenu[i, 0].AddItem(
                            new MenuItem("SelectedItems" + me.Name + v.Name, "Items:").SetValue(
                                new AbilityToggler(PreLoadItems)));
                    if (PreLoadSpell.Count > 0 && FirstTimeSpell[i])
                        FirstTimeSpell[i] = false;
                        ExtraSubMenu[i, 1].AddItem(
                            new MenuItem("SelectedSpells" + me.Name + v.Name, "Abilities:").SetValue(
                                new AbilityToggler(PreLoadSpell)));
                    if (newSpells)
                        var preLoadSpell2 = PreLoadSpell.ToDictionary(b => b.Key, b => b.Value);
                        ExtraSubMenu[i, 1].Item("SelectedSpells" + me.Name + v.Name)
                        .SetValue((new AbilityToggler(preLoadSpell2)));
                    if (newItems)
                        var preLoadItems2 = PreLoadItems.ToDictionary(b => b.Key, b => b.Value);
                        ExtraSubMenu[i, 0].Item("SelectedItems" + me.Name + v.Name)
                        .SetValue((new AbilityToggler(preLoadItems2)));

                     *  "SelectedSpells" + me.Name + v.Name + " : " +
                     *  ExtraSubMenu[i, 1].Item("SelectedSpells" + me.Name + v.Name)
                     *      .GetValue<AbilityToggler>()
                     *      .IsEnabled("lion_voodoo"), MessageType.ChatMessage);*/
                    if (!v.IsAlive || !v.IsVisible)
                    if ((isInvis && !me.IsVisibleToEnemies) || isChannel)

                    var blink       = v.FindItem("item_blink");
                    var forcestaff  = v.FindItem("item_force_staff");
                    var dpActivated =
                            x => x.Name == "modifier_slark_dark_pact" || x.Name == "modifier_slark_dark_pact_pulses");
                    var enumerable = items as IList <Item> ?? items.ToList();
                    var distance   = me.Distance2D(v);
                    //var angle =
                    string spellString;
                    var    angle = (float)(Math.Max(
                                               Math.Abs(v.RotationRad - Utils.DegreeToRadian(v.FindAngleBetween(me.Position))) - 0.20, 0));

                    if (!enumerable.Any() || !(isInvul || magicImmnune || isInvis || isChannel || dpActivated))
                        if ((blink != null && blink.Cooldown > 11) || forcestaff != null && forcestaff.Cooldown > 18.6)
                            UseDisableStageOne(v, enumerable, null, false, true, me, i);
                        else if (Menu.Item("onlyoninitiators").GetValue <StringList>().SelectedIndex == (int)DisableType.All)
                            UseDisableStageOne(v, enumerable, null, false, false, me, i);
                        else if (Initiators.TryGetValue(v.ClassID, out spellString))
                            var initSpell = v.FindSpell(spellString);
                            if (initSpell != null && initSpell.Cooldown != 0)
                                UseDisableStageOne(v, enumerable, null, false, true, me, i);
                    if (isStun || isHex || isSilence || isDisarm)
                    var abilities = spells as IList <Ability> ?? spells.ToList();
                    if (!abilities.Any() && !enumerable.Any())

                    /*if (v.ClassID == ClassID.CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Clinkz)
                     * {
                     *  PrintError(String.Format("{0}", angle));
                     * }*/
                    if (angle == 0 && distance < 1500)
                        var r  = CheckForFirstSpell(v);
                        var r2 = CheckForSecondSpell(v);
                        var mustHave = false;
                        var s = CheckForModifier(v, ref mustHave);
                        var act = (CheckForNetworkAct(v) == v.NetworkActivity);
                        //PrintError(String.Format("{0} must have: {1}", v.Name, mustHave));
                        var modifier = s != "" && v.Modifiers.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == s) != null;
                        //if (r != null) PrintInfo(String.Format("r:{0}", r.IsInAbilityPhase));
                        //if (r2 != null) PrintInfo(String.Format("r2:{0} ", r2.Name));
                        if ((r != null && r.IsInAbilityPhase) || (r2 != null && r2.IsInAbilityPhase) ||
                            mustHave && modifier && act || !mustHave && act)
                            CounterSpellAndItems(v, enumerable, abilities, me, i);

                    if ((blink != null && blink.Cooldown > 11) || forcestaff != null && forcestaff.Cooldown > 18.6)
                        UseDisableStageOne(v, enumerable, abilities, true, true, me, i);
                    else if (Menu.Item("onlyoninitiators").GetValue <StringList>().SelectedIndex == (int)DisableType.All && distance <= 1200)
                        UseDisableStageOne(v, enumerable, abilities, true, false, me, i);
                    if (Initiators.TryGetValue(v.ClassID, out spellString) && distance < 1000)
                        var initSpell = v.FindSpell(spellString);
                        if (initSpell != null && initSpell.Cooldown != 0)
                            UseDisableStageOne(v, enumerable, abilities, true, true, me, i);
                catch (Exception)
                    // ignored
Exemplo n.º 13
        private static void Game_OnUpdate(EventArgs args)
            if (!_loaded)
                _me     = ObjectMgr.LocalHero;
                _player = ObjectMgr.LocalPlayer;
                if (!Game.IsInGame || _me == null)
                _loaded = true;
                PrintSuccess(string.Format("> AutoDisable Loaded v{0}", Ver));
            if (!Game.IsInGame || _me == null)
                _loaded = false;
                PrintInfo("> AutoDisable unLoaded");

            uint i;

            for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                    var v = ObjectMgr.GetPlayerById(i).Hero;
                    if (v == null || v.Team == _me.Team || Equals(v, _me) || !v.IsAlive || !v.IsVisible ||
                    var isInvul      = v.IsInvul();
                    var magicImmnune = v.IsMagicImmune();
                    //var LinkProt = v.LinkProtection();
                    var isStun      = v.IsStunned();
                    var isHex       = v.IsHexed();
                    var isSilence   = v.IsSilenced();
                    var isDisarm    = v.IsDisarmed();
                    var isInvis     = _me.IsInvisible();
                    var isChannel   = _me.IsChanneling();
                    var items       = _me.Inventory.Items.Where(x => x.CanBeCasted());
                    var spells      = _me.Spellbook.Spells.Where(x => x.CanBeCasted());
                    var blink       = v.FindItem("item_blink");
                    var forcestaff  = v.FindItem("item_force_staff");
                    var dpActivated =
                            x => x.Name == "modifier_slark_dark_pact" || x.Name == "modifier_slark_dark_pact_pulses");
                    var enumerable = items as IList <Item> ?? items.ToList();
                    var distance   = _me.Distance2D(v);
                    //var angle =
                    string spellString;
                    var    angle = (float)(Math.Max(
                                               Math.Abs(v.RotationRad - Utils.DegreeToRadian(v.FindAngleBetween(_me.Position))) - 0.20, 0));

                    if (!enumerable.Any() || (isInvul || magicImmnune || isInvis || isChannel || dpActivated))
                        if ((blink != null && blink.Cooldown > 11) || forcestaff != null && forcestaff.Cooldown > 18.6)
                            UseDisableStageOne(v, enumerable, null, false);
                        else if (_activated)
                            UseDisableStageOne(v, enumerable, null, false);
                        else if (Initiators.TryGetValue(v.ClassID, out spellString))
                            var initSpell = v.FindSpell(spellString);
                            if (initSpell != null && initSpell.Cooldown != 0)
                                UseDisableStageOne(v, enumerable, null, false);
                    if (isStun || isHex || isSilence || isDisarm)
                    var abilities = spells as IList <Ability> ?? spells.ToList();
                    if (!abilities.Any() && !enumerable.Any())

                    /*if (v.ClassID == ClassID.CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Clinkz)
                     * {
                     *  PrintError(String.Format("{0}", angle));
                     * }*/
                    if (angle == 0 && distance < 1500)
                        var r  = CheckForFirstSpell(v);
                        var r2 = CheckForSecondSpell(v);
                        var mustHave = false;
                        var s = CheckForModifier(v, ref mustHave);
                        var act = (CheckForNetworkAct(v) == v.NetworkActivity);
                        //PrintError(String.Format("{0} must have: {1}", v.Name, mustHave));
                        var modifier = s != "" && v.Modifiers.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == s) != null;
                        //if (r != null) PrintInfo(String.Format("r:{0}", r.IsInAbilityPhase));
                        //if (r2 != null) PrintInfo(String.Format("r2:{0} ", r2.Name));
                        if ((r != null && r.IsInAbilityPhase) || (r2 != null && r2.IsInAbilityPhase) ||
                            mustHave && modifier && act || !mustHave && act)
                            UsaSafeItems(v, enumerable, abilities);
                    if ((blink != null && blink.Cooldown > 11) || forcestaff != null && forcestaff.Cooldown > 18.6)
                        UseDisableStageOne(v, enumerable, abilities, true);
                    else if (_activated)
                        UseDisableStageOne(v, enumerable, abilities, true);
                    else if (Initiators.TryGetValue(v.ClassID, out spellString))
                        var initSpell = v.FindSpell(spellString);
                        if (initSpell != null && initSpell.Cooldown != 0)
                            UseDisableStageOne(v, enumerable, abilities, true);
                catch (Exception)
                    // ignored
Exemplo n.º 14
        private static void Drawing_OnDraw(EventArgs args)
            var me = ObjectMgr.LocalHero;

            if (!_loaded)
                if (!Game.IsInGame || me == null)
                _loaded = true;
                PrintSuccess("> ShowEnemyItems loaded!");
                    "<font face='Comic Sans MS, cursive'><font color='#00aaff'>" +
                    "ShowEnemyItems loaded!</font>", MessageType.LogMessage);

            if (!Game.IsInGame || me == null)
                _loaded = false;
                PrintInfo("> ShowEnemyItems unLoaded");
            if (!Menu.Item("show").GetValue <bool>())
            var percent = HUDInfo.RatioPercentage();

            for (uint i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                #region Init

                Hero v;
                    v = ObjectMgr.GetPlayerById(i).Hero;
                if (v == null)
                if (!v.IsValid)

                Vector2 pos;
                if (v.IsVisible && v.IsAlive && Drawing.WorldToScreen(v.Position, out pos))
                    if (Menu.Item("checkforteam").GetValue <bool>())
                        if (v.Team == me.Team)
                    var   invetory = v.Inventory.Items;
                    var   iPos     = HUDInfo.GetHPbarPosition(v);
                    var   iSize    = new Vector2(HUDInfo.GetHPBarSizeX(v), HUDInfo.GetHpBarSizeY(v));
                    float yPos     = 0;
                    float count    = 0;
                    var   n        = 0;
                    var   botrange = iSize.X / 4;
                    var   coef     = Menu.Item("sizer").GetValue <Slider>().Value;
                    Drawing.DrawRect(iPos + new Vector2(0, -iSize.Y - iSize.X / 3),
                                     new Vector2(iSize.X / 2 * coef, (float)(iSize.Y * 3.5) * coef),
                                     GetTexture("materials/ensage_ui/heroes_horizontal/" + v.Name.Replace("npc_dota_hero_", "") +
                    #region Items
                    foreach (var item in invetory)
                        var itemname = string.Format("materials/ensage_ui/items/{0}.vmat",
                                                     item.Name.Replace("item_", ""));
                        if (item is Bottle)
                            var bottletype = item as Bottle;
                            if (bottletype.StoredRune != RuneType.None)
                                itemname = string.Format("materials/ensage_ui/items/{0}.vmat",
                                                         item.Name.Replace("item_", "") + "_" + bottletype.StoredRune);
                                //Game.PrintMessage(itemname, MessageType.LogMessage);

                        Drawing.DrawRect(iPos + new Vector2(count, botrange + yPos),
                                         new Vector2(iSize.X / 3 * coef, (float)(iSize.Y * 2.5) * coef),

                        if (item.AbilityState == AbilityState.OnCooldown)
                            Drawing.DrawRect(iPos + new Vector2(count, botrange + yPos),
                                             new Vector2((iSize.X / 4) * coef,
                                                         item.Cooldown / item.CooldownLength *
                                                         ((float)(iSize.Y * 2.5) * coef)),
                                             new Color(255, 255, 255, Menu.Item("slider").GetValue <Slider>().Value));
                        if (item.AbilityState == AbilityState.NotEnoughMana)
                            Drawing.DrawRect(iPos + new Vector2(count, botrange + yPos),
                                             new Vector2((iSize.X / 5) * coef, (float)(iSize.Y * 2.5) * coef),
                                             new Color(0, 0, 200, Menu.Item("slider").GetValue <Slider>().Value));
                        count += iSize.X / 4 * coef;
                        if (n != 3)
                        count = 0;
                        yPos  = (int)((iSize.Y * 2.5) * coef);


                    #region Spells
                    var start = new Vector2(iPos.X, iPos.Y + 120 * percent) + new Vector2(0, yPos);

                    var g = -1;
                    var distBetweenSpells = Menu.Item("distBetweenSpells").GetValue <Slider>().Value;
                    var DistBwtweenLvls   = Menu.Item("DistBwtweenLvls").GetValue <Slider>().Value;
                    var SizeSpell         = Menu.Item("SizeSpell").GetValue <Slider>().Value;
                    var size  = distBetweenSpells; //(iSize.X / 3);
                    var sizey = 9;

                    foreach (var spell in v.Spellbook.Spells.Where(x => x.AbilityType != AbilityType.Attribute))
                        var cd = spell.Cooldown;
                        Drawing.DrawRect(start + new Vector2((g * size), 0), new Vector2(size, spell.AbilityState != AbilityState.OnCooldown ? sizey : 22),
                                         new ColorBGRA(0, 0, 0, 100));
                        Drawing.DrawRect(start + new Vector2((g * size), 0), new Vector2(size, spell.AbilityState != AbilityState.OnCooldown ? sizey : 22),
                                         new ColorBGRA(255, 255, 255, 100), true);
                        if (spell.AbilityState == AbilityState.NotEnoughMana)
                            Drawing.DrawRect(start + new Vector2((g * size), 0),
                                             new Vector2(size, spell.AbilityState != AbilityState.OnCooldown ? sizey : 22),
                                             new ColorBGRA(0, 0, 150, 150));
                        if (spell.AbilityState == AbilityState.OnCooldown)
                            var text     = string.Format("{0:0.#}", cd);
                            var textSize = Drawing.MeasureText(text, "Arial", new Vector2(10, 200),
                            var textPos = (start + new Vector2(g * size, 0) +
                                           new Vector2(10 - textSize.X / 2, -textSize.Y / 2 + 12));
                            Drawing.DrawText(text, textPos, /*new Vector2(10, 150),*/ Color.White,
                                             FontFlags.AntiAlias | FontFlags.DropShadow);
                        if (spell.Level == 0)
                        for (var lvl = 1; lvl <= spell.Level; lvl++)
                            Drawing.DrawRect(start + new Vector2((g * (size) + (/*4+*/ DistBwtweenLvls) * lvl), sizey - 6), new Vector2(SizeSpell, sizey - 6),
                                             new ColorBGRA(255, 255, 0, 255));

Exemplo n.º 15
        private static void DrawItems(Hero me, Vector2 pos, Vector2 size, float percent)
            uint i = 0;

            for (uint num = 0; num < 10; num++)
                    if (Heroes[num] == null || !Heroes[num].IsValid)
                        Heroes[num] = ObjectMgr.GetPlayerById(num).Hero;
                if (Heroes[num] == null || !Heroes[num].IsValid || Heroes[num].Team == me.Team)
                Drawing.DrawRect(pos + new Vector2(10, size.Y / 7 + 10 + i * (size.Y / 10 + 5) * percent),
                                 new Vector2(size.X / 7, size.Y / 8),
                                 Drawing.GetTexture("materials/ensage_ui/heroes_horizontal/" +
                                                    Heroes[num].Name.Substring("npc_dota_hero_".Length) + ".vmat"));

                Drawing.DrawRect(pos + new Vector2(10, size.Y / 7 + 10 + i * (size.Y / 10 + 5) * percent),
                                 new Vector2(size.X / 7, size.Y / 8), new Color(0, 0, 0, 255), true);
                for (var i2 = 1; i2 <= 6; i2++)
                        string texturename;
                        var    item = Heroes[num].Inventory.GetItem((ItemSlot)i2 - 1);
                        if (item == null)
                            texturename = "materials/ensage_ui/items/emptyitembg.vmat";
                        else if (item.IsRecipe)
                            texturename = "materials/ensage_ui/items/recipe.vmat";
                            texturename = string.Format("materials/ensage_ui/items/{0}.vmat",
                                                        item.Name.Replace("item_", ""));
                        if (item is Bottle)
                            var bottletype = item as Bottle;
                            if (bottletype.StoredRune != RuneType.None)
                                texturename = string.Format("materials/ensage_ui/items/{0}.vmat",
                                                            item.Name.Replace("item_", "") + "_" + bottletype.StoredRune);
                        if (item == null)
                        var itemStartPos = pos +
                                           new Vector2((size.X / 7) + (size.X / 9) * i2, size.Y / 7 + 10 + i * (size.Y / 10 + 5) * percent);
                            new Vector2(size.X / 7, size.Y / 8),

                        if (item.AbilityState == AbilityState.NotEnoughMana)
                                             new Vector2(size.X / 9, size.Y / 8), new Color(0, 0, 255, 75));

                        if (item.AbilityState == AbilityState.OnCooldown)
                            if (Menu.Item("showRect").GetValue <bool>())
                                                 new Vector2(size.X / 9, item.Cooldown / item.CooldownLength * (size.Y / 8)),
                                                 new Color(255, 255, 255, Menu.Item("trans").GetValue <Slider>().Value));
                            if (Menu.Item("showNumber").GetValue <bool>())
                                                 itemStartPos, new Vector2(Menu.Item("fontSize").GetValue <Slider>().Value *percent),
                                                 FontFlags.AntiAlias | FontFlags.DropShadow);
                    catch (Exception)
                        /*Drawing.DrawRect(_startPos + new Vector2(25 * Con * i2, 18 * Con * (i + 1)), new Vector2(32 * Con, 18 * Con),
                         * Drawing.GetTexture("materials/ensage_ui/items/emptyitembg.vmat"));*/
Exemplo n.º 16
 public static void start(bool topmenu)
     me = ObjectMgr.LocalHero;
     if (me == null && !Game.IsInGame)
     ScaleX = (float)Drawing.Width / 1400;
     ScaleY = (float)Drawing.Height / 900;
     heroes = ObjectMgr.GetEntities <Hero>().Where(x => x.IsAlive && !x.IsIllusion && x.IsVisible && x.IsValid).ToList();
             for (uint t = 0; t < 10; t++)
                 player = ObjectMgr.GetPlayerById(t);
                 if (player != null && player.Team != me.Team)
                     Hero x = player.Hero;
                     if (x != null && x.IsValid && x.Health != 0)
                         if (topmenu)
                             TOP_HEALTH_BAR_POS  = new Vector2(HUDInfo.GetTopPanelPosition(x).X, (float)HUDInfo.GetTopPanelSizeY(x) + (1 * ScaleY));
                             TOP_HEALTH_BAR_SIZE = new Vector2(((float)HUDInfo.GetTopPanelSizeX(x) / (x.MaximumHealth / (float)x.Health)) - (2 * ScaleX), boxSizeY - (13 * ScaleY));
                             TOP_MANA_BAR_POS    = new Vector2(HUDInfo.GetTopPanelPosition(x).X, (float)HUDInfo.GetTopPanelSizeY(x) + 6);
                             TOP_MANA_BAR_SIZE   = new Vector2(((float)HUDInfo.GetTopPanelSizeX(x) / (x.MaximumMana / x.Mana)) - (2 * ScaleX), boxSizeY - (13 * ScaleY));
                             TOP_BAR_FULLSIZE    = new Vector2((float)HUDInfo.GetTopPanelSizeX(x) - (2 * ScaleX), boxSizeY - (13 * ScaleY));
                             TOP_ULT_BAR_POS     = new Vector2(HUDInfo.GetTopPanelPosition(x).X, (float)HUDInfo.GetTopPanelSizeY(x) + (12 * ScaleY));
                             TOP_ULT_BAR_SIZE    = new Vector2(((float)HUDInfo.GetTopPanelSizeX(x) / (x.Spellbook.SpellR.CooldownLength / x.Spellbook.SpellR.Cooldown)) - (2 * ScaleX), boxSizeY - (13 * ScaleY));
                             if (MouseOnSpot(TOP_HEALTH_BAR_POS, new Vector2((float)HUDInfo.GetTopPanelSizeX(x), 100 * ScaleY)))
                                 Drawing.DrawText("HP: " + (int)x.Health + " / MANA: " + (int)x.Mana + " / ULT: " + (int)x.Spellbook.SpellR.Cooldown, TOP_HEALTH_BAR_POS + new Vector2(-5 * ScaleX, 17 * ScaleY), new Vector2(18 * ScaleX, 15 * ScaleY), Color.White, FontFlags.AntiAlias | FontFlags.StrikeOut | FontFlags.Additive);
                             Drawing.DrawRect(TOP_HEALTH_BAR_POS, TOP_HEALTH_BAR_SIZE, Color.Green, false);
                             Drawing.DrawRect(TOP_HEALTH_BAR_POS, TOP_BAR_FULLSIZE, Color.Black, true);
                             Drawing.DrawRect(TOP_MANA_BAR_POS, TOP_MANA_BAR_SIZE, new Color(0x00, 0x80, 0xF8, 0xFF), false);
                             Drawing.DrawRect(TOP_MANA_BAR_POS, TOP_BAR_FULLSIZE, Color.Black, true);
                             if (TOP_ULT_BAR_SIZE.X > 0)
                                 Drawing.DrawRect(TOP_ULT_BAR_POS, TOP_ULT_BAR_SIZE, Color.Gold, false);
                                 Drawing.DrawRect(TOP_ULT_BAR_POS, TOP_BAR_FULLSIZE, Color.Black, true);
             foreach (Hero x in heroes)
                 if (x == null)
                 if (x == me)
                 Herospells  = x.Spellbook.Spells;
                 DangerItems = x.Inventory.Items;
                 i           = 0;
                 i2          = 0;
                 i3          = 0;
                 if (x.Mana > 0 && x.Team != me.Team && !x.UnitState.HasFlag(UnitState.NoHealthbar))
                     Drawing.DrawRect(new Vector2((float)(HUDInfo.GetHPbarPosition(x).X - (0.5 * ScaleX)), HUDInfo.GetHPbarPosition(x).Y + (9 * ScaleY)), new Vector2((boxSizeX * 6) + (2 * ScaleX), boxSizeY - (13 * ScaleY)), new Color(0x00, 0x80, 0xF8, 0x32), false);
                     Drawing.DrawRect(new Vector2((float)(HUDInfo.GetHPbarPosition(x).X - (0.5 * ScaleX)), HUDInfo.GetHPbarPosition(x).Y + (9 * ScaleY)), new Vector2((boxSizeX * 6) + (2 * ScaleX), boxSizeY - (13 * ScaleY)), Color.Black, true);
                     Drawing.DrawRect(new Vector2(HUDInfo.GetHPbarPosition(x).X + (1 * ScaleX), HUDInfo.GetHPbarPosition(x).Y + (10 * ScaleY)), new Vector2(((boxSizeX * 6) / (x.MaximumMana / x.Mana)) - (1 * ScaleX), boxSizeY - (15 * ScaleY)), new Color(0x00, 0x80, 0xF8, 0xFF), false);
                 foreach (Ability y in Herospells)
                     if (y != null && !y.Name.Contains("empty") && (x.Name.Contains("rubick") ? !y.Name.Contains("hidden") : true) && !x.UnitState.HasFlag(UnitState.NoHealthbar))
                         if (y.AbilitySlot == AbilitySlot.Slot_1ULL || y.AbilitySlot == AbilitySlot.Slot_2 || y.AbilitySlot == AbilitySlot.Slot_3 || y.AbilitySlot == AbilitySlot.Slot_4 || y.AbilitySlot == AbilitySlot.Slot_5 || y.AbilitySlot == AbilitySlot.Slot_6)
                             Drawing.DrawRect(new Vector2(HUDInfo.GetHPbarPosition(x).X + ((i * 20) * ScaleX), HUDInfo.GetHPbarPosition(x).Y - (25 * ScaleY)), new Vector2(boxSizeX, boxSizeY), Drawing.GetTexture("materials/ensage_ui/spellicons/" + y.Name + ".vmat"));
                             Drawing.DrawRect(new Vector2(HUDInfo.GetHPbarPosition(x).X + ((i * 20) * ScaleX), HUDInfo.GetHPbarPosition(x).Y - (25 * ScaleY)), new Vector2(boxSizeX, boxSizeY), Color.Black, true);
                             if (y.Cooldown > 0 || (y.ManaCost > x.Mana && y.ManaCost > 0))
                                 Drawing.DrawRect(new Vector2(HUDInfo.GetHPbarPosition(x).X + ((i * 20) * ScaleX), HUDInfo.GetHPbarPosition(x).Y - (25 * ScaleY)), new Vector2(boxSizeX, boxSizeY), new Color(0x5F, 0x00, 0xCE, 0x9E), false);
                                 Drawing.DrawText((int)(y.Cooldown == 0 ? (y.ManaCost - x.Mana) : y.Cooldown) + "", new Vector2((float)(HUDInfo.GetHPbarPosition(x).X + (0.8 + (i * 20) * ScaleX)), HUDInfo.GetHPbarPosition(x).Y - (17 * ScaleY)), new Vector2(10 * ScaleX, 20 * ScaleY), y.Cooldown == 0 ? Color.LightSkyBlue : Color.White, FontFlags.AntiAlias | FontFlags.StrikeOut | FontFlags.Additive);
                             if (y.Level <= 0)
                                 Drawing.DrawRect(new Vector2(HUDInfo.GetHPbarPosition(x).X + ((i * 20) * ScaleX), HUDInfo.GetHPbarPosition(x).Y - (25 * ScaleY)), new Vector2(boxSizeX, boxSizeY), new Color(0x5F, 0x00, 0x00, 0x9E), false);
                                 Drawing.DrawRect(new Vector2((HUDInfo.GetHPbarPosition(x).X + ((i * 20) * ScaleX)), HUDInfo.GetHPbarPosition(x).Y - (25 * ScaleY)), new Vector2(boxSizeX - ((y.Level < 10 ? 8 : 5) * ScaleX), boxSizeY - (9 * ScaleY)), Color.Black, false);
                                 Drawing.DrawText((int)y.Level + "", new Vector2((float)(HUDInfo.GetHPbarPosition(x).X + (((y.Level < 10 ? 0.8 : 0) + (i * 20)) * ScaleX)), HUDInfo.GetHPbarPosition(x).Y - (25 * ScaleY)), new Vector2(10 * ScaleX, 20 * ScaleY), Color.YellowGreen, FontFlags.AntiAlias | FontFlags.StrikeOut | FontFlags.Additive);
                             i += 1 * ScaleX;
                             if (y.Cooldown != 0 || y.ManaCost > x.Mana)
                                 Drawing.DrawRect(new Vector2(HUDInfo.GetHPbarPosition(x).X + ((i2 * 20) * ScaleX), HUDInfo.GetHPbarPosition(x).Y - (50 * ScaleY)), new Vector2(boxSizeX, boxSizeY), Drawing.GetTexture("materials/ensage_ui/spellicons/" + y.Name + ".vmat"));
                                 Drawing.DrawRect(new Vector2(HUDInfo.GetHPbarPosition(x).X + ((i2 * 20) * ScaleX), HUDInfo.GetHPbarPosition(x).Y - (50 * ScaleY)), new Vector2(boxSizeX, boxSizeY), Color.Black, true);
                                 if (y.Cooldown > 0 || (y.ManaCost > x.Mana && y.ManaCost > 0))
                                     Drawing.DrawRect(new Vector2(HUDInfo.GetHPbarPosition(x).X + ((i2 * 20) * ScaleX), HUDInfo.GetHPbarPosition(x).Y - (50 * ScaleY)), new Vector2(boxSizeX, boxSizeY), new Color(0x5F, 0x00, 0xCE, 0x9E), false);
                                     Drawing.DrawText((int)(y.Cooldown == 0 ? (y.ManaCost - x.Mana) : y.Cooldown) + "", new Vector2((float)(HUDInfo.GetHPbarPosition(x).X + ((0.8 + (i2 * 20)) * ScaleX)), HUDInfo.GetHPbarPosition(x).Y - (42 * ScaleY)), new Vector2(10 * ScaleX, 20 * ScaleY), y.Cooldown == 0 ? Color.LightSkyBlue : Color.White, FontFlags.AntiAlias | FontFlags.StrikeOut | FontFlags.Additive);
                                 i2 += 1 * ScaleX;
                 foreach (Item z in DangerItems)
                     if (z != null && !x.UnitState.HasFlag(UnitState.NoHealthbar) && (z.Name == "item_gem" || z.Name == "item_dust" || z.Name == "item_sphere" || z.Name == "item_blink" || z.Name == "item_ward_observer" || z.Name == "item_ward_sentry" || z.Name == "item_black_king_bar" || z.Name == "item_ward_dispenser" || z.Name == "item_sheepstick" || z.Name == "item_blade_mail" || z.Name == "item_rapier" || z.Name == "item_cyclone" || z.Name == "item_shadow_amulet" || z.Name == "item_invis_sword" || z.Name == "item_silver_edge" || z.Name == "item_glimmer_cape" || z.Name == "item_lotus_orb" || z.Name == "item_orchid" || z.Name.Contains("item_dagon") || z.Name == "item_manta" || z.Name == "item_aegis" || z.Name == "item_cheese"))
                         Drawing.DrawRect(new Vector2(HUDInfo.GetHPbarPosition(x).X + ((i3 * 20) * ScaleX), HUDInfo.GetHPbarPosition(x).Y + (15 * ScaleY)), new Vector2(boxSizeX + (6 * ScaleX), boxSizeY), Drawing.GetTexture("materials/ensage_ui/items/" + z.Name.Remove(0, 5)));
                         Drawing.DrawRect(new Vector2(HUDInfo.GetHPbarPosition(x).X + ((i3 * 20) * ScaleX), HUDInfo.GetHPbarPosition(x).Y + (15 * ScaleY)), new Vector2(boxSizeX, boxSizeY), Color.Black, true);
                         if (z.Cooldown > 0 || (z.ManaCost > x.Mana && z.ManaCost > 0))
                             Drawing.DrawRect(new Vector2(HUDInfo.GetHPbarPosition(x).X + ((i3 * 20) * ScaleX), HUDInfo.GetHPbarPosition(x).Y + (15 * ScaleY)), new Vector2(boxSizeX, boxSizeY), new Color(0x5F, 0x00, 0xCE, 0x9E), false);
                             Drawing.DrawText((int)(z.Cooldown == 0 ? (z.ManaCost - x.Mana) : z.Cooldown) + "", new Vector2((float)(HUDInfo.GetHPbarPosition(x).X + ((1.2 + (i3 * 20)) * ScaleX)), HUDInfo.GetHPbarPosition(x).Y + (23 * ScaleY)), new Vector2(10 * ScaleX, 20 * ScaleY), z.Cooldown == 0 ? Color.LightSkyBlue : Color.White, FontFlags.AntiAlias | FontFlags.StrikeOut | FontFlags.Additive);
                         i3 += 1 * ScaleX;
         catch (EntityNotFoundException)
     catch (NullReferenceException)
Exemplo n.º 17
        private static void Drawing_OnEndScene(EventArgs args)
            if (Drawing.Direct3DDevice9 == null || Drawing.Direct3DDevice9.IsDisposed || !Game.IsInGame || !_loaded)
            var player = ObjectMgr.LocalPlayer;

            if (player == null || player.Team == Team.Observer)

            /*var screenX = Drawing.Width / (float)1600 * (float)0.8;
             * Drawing.DrawRect(new Vector2(10, 200), new Vector2((float)15 * screenX, (float)15 * screenX), Drawing.GetTexture(@"vgui\hud\minimap_creep.vmat"));
             * Drawing.DrawRect(new Vector2(10, 300), new Vector2((float)15 * screenX, (float)15 * screenX), Drawing.GetTexture(@"vgui\hud\minimap_glow.vmat"));
             * vgui\dashboard\dash_button_back
             * root\materials\vgui\hud\heroportraits\portraitbackground_techies.vmat_c
             * */
                if (!IsClose)
                    DrawFilledBox(10, 200, 200, ExtraMenu ? 400 : 270, new ColorBGRA(0, 0, 0, 100));
                    DrawLine(10, 250, 200, 250, 1, Color.Black);
                    DrawShadowText("Damage Helper", 20, 210, Color.White, _fontSize1);
                    var enemies =
                        ObjectMgr.GetEntities <Hero>()
                            x =>
                            x.Team != player.Team && !x.IsIllusion && x.ClassID != ClassID.CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Meepo)
                    var counter = 0;
                    DrawFilledBox(20, 380, 120, 50,
                                  CheckMouse(20, 380, 120, 50) ? new ColorBGRA(255, 255, 0, 100) : new ColorBGRA(100, 255, 0, 100));
                    DrawShadowText("Open / Hide", 30, 390, Color.White, _fontSize1);
                    DrawFilledBox(145, 380, 55, 50,
                                  CheckMouse(145, 380, 55, 50)
                            ? new ColorBGRA(255, 255, 0, 100)
                            : WithAll ? new ColorBGRA(100, 255, 0, 100) : new ColorBGRA(255, 0, 0, 100));
                    DrawShadowText(WithAll ? "AllHero" : "WithVis", 150, 390, Color.White, _fontSize2);

                    DrawFilledBox(20, 435, 180, 25,
                                  CheckMouse(20, 435, 180, 25)
                            ? new ColorBGRA(255, 255, 0, 100)
                            : ExtraMenu ? new ColorBGRA(100, 255, 0, 100) : new ColorBGRA(255, 0, 0, 100));
                    if (!ExtraMenu)
                        DrawLine(90, 440, 100, 450, 3, Color.Black);
                        DrawLine(100, 450, 110, 440, 3, Color.Black);
                        DrawLine(100, 440, 90, 450, 3, Color.Black);
                        DrawLine(110, 450, 100, 440, 3, Color.Black);

                        DrawShadowText("Auto detonate", 20, 470, Color.White, _fontSize2);
                        DrawShadowText("Auto suicide", 20, 490, Color.White, _fontSize2);
                        DrawShadowText("Legit mode", 20, 510, Color.White, _fontSize2);
                        DrawShadowText("Auto Force Staff", 20, 530, Color.White, _fontSize2);
                        DrawShadowText("Show Force Staff Range", 20, 550, Color.White, _fontSize2);
                        DrawShadowText("Detonate Aegis or Wk", 20, 570, Color.White, _fontSize2);

                        DrawButton(180, 470, 15, 15, 2, ref AutoDetonate, true);
                        DrawButton(180, 490, 15, 15, 2, ref AutoSuicide, true);
                        DrawButton(180, 510, 15, 15, 2, ref LegitMode, false);
                        DrawButton(180, 530, 15, 15, 2, ref AutoForceStaff, true);
                        DrawButton(180, 550, 15, 15, 2, ref ShowForceStaffRange, true);
                        DrawButton(180, 570, 15, 15, 2, ref DetonateOnAegisAndWk, true);
                    //DrawShadowText(WithAll ? "AllHero" : "WithVis", 150, 390, Color.White, _fontSize2);
                    var dummy = false;
                    if (!WithAll)
                        foreach (var v in enemies)
                                string.Format("  {0}: {3} | {1}/{2}", GetNameOfHero(v),
                                              Math.Abs(_currentBombDamage) <= 0 ? 0 : GetCount(v, v.Health, _currentBombDamage),
                                              Math.Abs(_currentBombDamage) <= 0
                                        ? 0
                                        : GetCount(v, v.MaximumHealth, _currentBombDamage),
                                              CanKillSuic(v, ref dummy)),
                                10, 250 + 25 * counter++,
                        for (uint i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                                var v = ObjectMgr.GetPlayerById(i).Hero;
                                if (v != null && v.Team != _me.Team && !Equals(v, _me))
                                        string.Format("  {0}: {3} | {1}/{2}", GetNameOfHero(v),
                                                      Math.Abs(_currentBombDamage) <= 0
                                                ? 0
                                                : GetCount(v, v.Health, _currentBombDamage),
                                                      Math.Abs(_currentBombDamage) <= 0
                                                ? 0
                                                : GetCount(v, v.MaximumHealth, _currentBombDamage),
                                                      CanKillSuic(v, ref dummy)),
                                        10, 250 + 25 * counter++,
                            catch (Exception) //not all 10 players in a game!
                                //PrintError("ErrorLevel 6 ");
                                // ignored
                    DrawFilledBox(20, 380, 50, 50,
                                  CheckMouse(20, 380, 50, 50) ? new ColorBGRA(255, 255, 0, 100) : new ColorBGRA(0, 0, 0, 100));
                // ignored