internal void ShowObject(ObjectDTO ObjectDTO)
     Object             = ObjectDTO;
     txtObjectName.Text = ObjectDTO.ObjectName;
     txtCategory.Text   = ObjectDTO.Category;
     chkNeedsExplicitPermission.IsChecked = Object.NeedsExplicitPermission;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public ObjectDTO GetObjectById(decimal objectId)
            ObjectDTO result = null;

            using (BaseDB dbHelper = new RedasDBHelper())
                    Dictionary <string, object> dic = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                    dic.Add("i_object_id", objectId);
                    List <ObjectDTO> list = null;
                    list = dbHelper.ExecuteListProc <ObjectDTO>("PKG_OBJECT.sp_object_get", dic);

                    if (list.Count > 0)
                        result = list[0];
                catch (Exception ex)
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void ShowDatabaseObjects(List <int> databaseIds)
            ItemCollection collection = treeDBObjects.Items;;

            //if (parentCategory == DatabaseObjectCategory.Database)
            //    collection = treeDBObjects.Items;
            //    collection = FindTreeDBObject(treeDBObjects.Items, parentCategory, parentIdentity).Items;

            foreach (var id in databaseIds)
                var       database = bizDatabase.GetDatabase(id);
                ObjectDTO dbObject = new ObjectDTO();
                dbObject.ObjectCategory = DatabaseObjectCategory.Database;
                dbObject.ObjectIdentity = id;
                //dbObject.SecurityObjectID = database.SecurityObjectID;
                dbObject.Title = database.Name;
                AddDBObjectsToTree(dbObject, treeDBObjects.Items);

            //var objects = bizDatabaseToObject.GetDatabaseChildObjects(DatabaseObjectCategory.Database, databaseID);
            //AddDBObjectsToTree(objects, collection);
            if (treeDBObjects.Items.Count > 0 && treeDBObjects.Items[0] is TreeViewItem)
                (treeDBObjects.Items[0] as TreeViewItem).IsExpanded = true;
Exemplo n.º 4
        //private string GetSchemaObjectName(string dbName, string schemaName)
        //    return dbName + ">" + schemaName;

        public ObjectDTO GetParentObject(DatabaseObjectCategory objectCategory, int objectIdentity)
            if (objectCategory == DatabaseObjectCategory.Database)
            using (var projectContext = new DataAccess.MyProjectEntities())
                ObjectDTO result = null;
                if (objectCategory == DatabaseObjectCategory.Schema)
                    //var dbName = objectIdentity.Split('>')[0];
                    var schema = projectContext.DBSchema.First(x => x.ID == objectIdentity);
                    result = ToObjectDTO(DatabaseObjectCategory.Database, schema.DatabaseInformationID, schema.DatabaseInformation.Name, "", 0);
                else if (objectCategory == DatabaseObjectCategory.Entity)
                    //int id = Convert.ToInt32(objectIdentity);
                    var entity = projectContext.TableDrivedEntity.First(x => x.ID == objectIdentity);
                    result = ToObjectDTO(DatabaseObjectCategory.Schema, entity.Table.DBSchemaID, entity.Table.DBSchema.Name, "", 0);
                else if (objectCategory == DatabaseObjectCategory.Column)
                    //var column = projectContext.TableDrivedEntity.First(x => x.ID == objectIdentity);
                    //result = ToObjectDTO("Schema", GetSchemaObjectName(entity.Table.Catalog, entity.Table.RelatedSchema), entity.Table.RelatedSchema);
Exemplo n.º 5
        public List <ObjectDTO> SceneReconstruction(int planId)
            List <ObjectDTO> objects = new List <ObjectDTO>();

            List <BoxDTO> BoxesInPlan = Boxs.BoxesInPlan(planId);

            foreach (BoxDTO box in BoxesInPlan)
                List <BoardDTO>  BoardsInBox  = Boards.BoardsInBox(box.Id);
                List <DrawerDTO> DrawersInBox = Drawers.DrawersInBox(box.Id);
                List <DoorDTO>   DoorsInBox   = Doors.DoorsInBox(box.Id);

                List <bool> PozicijeFioka = new List <bool>();
                List <bool> PozicijeVrata = new List <bool>();

                for (int i = 0; i < BoardsInBox.Count + 1; i++)

                foreach (DrawerDTO d in DrawersInBox)
                    PozicijeFioka[d.pregrada] = true;

                foreach (DoorDTO d in DoorsInBox)
                    PozicijeVrata[d.pregrada] = true;

                ObjectDTO o = new ObjectDTO()
                    Width          = box.Width,
                    Height         = box.Height,
                    Depth          = box.Depth,
                    Name           = box.Name,
                    BoardThickness = box.BoardThickness,
                    PositionX      = box.PositionX,
                    PositionY      = box.PositionY,
                    PositionZ      = box.PositionZ,
                    Texture        = box.Texture,
                    childs         = BoardsInBox,
                    nizFioka       = DrawersInBox,
                    pozicije_fioka = PozicijeFioka,
                    nizVrata       = DoorsInBox,
                    pozicije_vrata = PozicijeVrata,
                    vertikalno     = box.vertikalno,
                    horizontalno   = box.horizontalno,
                    globalX        = box.globalX,
                    globalY        = box.globalY,
                    globalZ        = box.globalZ


        private RadTreeViewItem AddDBObjectsToTree(ObjectDTO item, ItemCollection collection)
            var treeItem = new RadTreeViewItem();

            treeItem.Header      = GetNodeHeader(item.Title, item.ObjectCategory);
            treeItem.DataContext = item;
        private ObjectDTO ToObjectDTO(DatabaseObjectCategory objectCategory, int objectIdentity, string title)
            ObjectDTO result = new ObjectDTO();

            result.ObjectCategory = objectCategory;
            result.ObjectIdentity = objectIdentity;
            result.Title          = title;
Exemplo n.º 8
        public IActionResult SearchOEAN([FromQuery] int page, [FromQuery] string search)
                if (page < 1)
                    throw new DataException("Page Number must be at least 1 (" + where + ") (ST)");
                if (search.Length == 0)
                    throw new DataException("Search String can't be BLANK (" + where + ") (ST)");

                int       jump, records, maxpages = 1;
                Code_Mstr cdm = S.ServiceLocator.Instance.CodeMstrService.Get(new Code_Mstr("CONFIGURATION", "JUMP_OBJECT", ""));
                if (cdm is null)
                    jump = 50;
                else if (!int.TryParse(cdm.Code_Desc, out jump))
                    jump = 50;

                records = S.ServiceLocator.Instance.GeneralTypeService.SearchEANcnt(search);
                IEnumerable <GenObjectSearch> objs = null;
                if (records > 0)
                    if (records > jump)
                        maxpages = records / jump;
                        if (records % jump > 0)
                            maxpages += 1;

                    if (page <= maxpages)
                        objs = S.ServiceLocator.Instance.GeneralTypeService.SearchEAN(page, jump, search);
                    if (objs != null && objs.OfType <GenObjectSearch>().Count() == 0)
                        objs = null;

                ObjectDTO odto = new ObjectDTO(records, maxpages, page, jump, objs);

                return(ApiControllerHelper.SendOk(this, new ApiResult <ObjectDTO>(HttpStatusCode.OK, null, odto), true));
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(ApiControllerHelper.SendError(this, ex));
Exemplo n.º 9
        public IHttpActionResult GetObjectById(long objectId)
            using (var client = ServiceClient <IObjectManager> .Create(ObjectConstants.ObjectManager))
                _objectDTO = client.Instance.GetObjectById(objectId);

Exemplo n.º 10
        public IHttpActionResult UpdateObject(ObjectDTO objects)
            long objectId;

            using (var client = ServiceClient <IObjectManager> .Create(ObjectConstants.ObjectManager))
                objectId = client.Instance.Update(objects);

Exemplo n.º 11
 public Task <ObjectDTO> GetDatabaseObjects(DatabaseDTO database)
     return(Task.Run(() =>
         ObjectDTO dbObject = new ObjectDTO();
         dbObject.ObjectCategory = DatabaseObjectCategory.Database;
         dbObject.ObjectIdentity = database.ID;
         dbObject.Title = database.Name;
         return dbObject;
Exemplo n.º 12
        //private Tuple<string, string> GetDBNameSchemaName(string objectIdentity)
        //    return new Tuple<string, string>(objectIdentity.Split('>')[0], objectIdentity.Split('>')[1]);
        private ObjectDTO ToObjectDTO(DatabaseObjectCategory objectCategory, int objectIdentity, string title, string name, int tableDrivedEntityID, EntityObjectType entityType = EntityObjectType.None)
            ObjectDTO result = new ObjectDTO();

            result.ObjectCategory      = objectCategory;
            result.ObjectIdentity      = objectIdentity;
            result.Title               = title;
            result.TableDrivedEntityID = tableDrivedEntityID;
            result.EntityType          = entityType;
            result.Name = name;
            //result.SecurityObjectID = securityObjectID;
            result.NeedsExplicitPermission = (objectCategory == DatabaseObjectCategory.Entity);
Exemplo n.º 13
        public ObjectDTO InstanceAndReturnNew(TypeEnum generate)
            var obj = real.ExecuteAction(generate);

            if (generate == TypeEnum.Empty)
                emptyObject = obj;
                filledObject = obj;
Exemplo n.º 14
        private RadTreeViewItem AddEntityObjectNode(ItemCollection collection, DatabaseObjectCategory objectCategory, int objectIdentity, string title, string tooltip = null)
            var node    = new RadTreeViewItem();
            var context = new ObjectDTO();

            context.ObjectCategory = objectCategory;
            context.Title          = title;
            context.ObjectIdentity = objectIdentity;
            node.DataContext       = context;
            node.Header  = GetNodeHeader(context.Title, context.ObjectCategory);
            node.ToolTip = tooltip;
            //   node.Selected += node_Selected;
Exemplo n.º 15
        private void AddChildObjects(ObjectDTO objectDTO)
            if (InfoUpdated != null)
                InfoUpdated(this, new ItemImportingStartedArg()
                    ItemName = "Fetching database object " + objectDTO.Title
            var childObjects = bizDatabaseToObject.GetDatabaseChildObjects(objectDTO.ObjectCategory, objectDTO.Title, Convert.ToInt32(objectDTO.ObjectIdentity));

            foreach (var child in childObjects)
Exemplo n.º 16
    static void Main(string[] args)
        Mapper.Initialize(cfg =>
            cfg.CreateMap <ObjectDTO, Object>()
            .ForMember(dest => dest.Number, opt => opt.Condition(src => src.Number.HasValue))
            .ForMember(dest => dest.LastUpdateDate, opt => opt.Condition(src => src.LastUpdateDate.HasValue));

        var source = new ObjectDTO {
            LastUpdateDate = DateTime.Now
        var destination = new Object {
            Number = 10, LastUpdateDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-10)
        var result = Mapper.Map(source, destination);
Exemplo n.º 17
 public void ShowDatabaseObjects(List <int> databaseIds)
     //ItemCollection collection = null;
     //if (parentIdentity == 0)
     //    collection = treeDBObjects.Items;
     //    collection = FindTreeDBObject(treeDBObjects.Items, parentCategory, parentIdentity).Items;
     foreach (var id in databaseIds)
         var       database = bizDatabase.GetDatabaseByEntityID(id);
         ObjectDTO dbObject = new ObjectDTO();
         dbObject.ObjectCategory = DatabaseObjectCategory.Database;
         dbObject.ObjectIdentity = id.ToString();
         dbObject.Title          = database.Name;
         var node = AddDBObjectsToTree(dbObject, treeDBObjects.Items);
     //     var objects = bizDatabaseToObject.GetDatabaseChildObjects(parentCategory, parentIdentity);
     //  AddDBObjectsToTree(objects, collection);
        private void btnSave_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            BizObject bizObject = new BizObject();

            if (Object == null)
                Object = new ObjectDTO();
            Object.ObjectName = txtObjectName.Text;
            Object.Category   = txtCategory.Text;
            Object.NeedsExplicitPermission = chkNeedsExplicitPermission.IsChecked == true;
            if (ObjectSaved != null)
                ObjectSavedArg arg = new ObjectSavedArg();
                arg.Object = Object;
                ObjectSaved(this, arg);
Exemplo n.º 19
        private TreeViewItem AddDBObjectsToTree(ObjectDTO item, ItemCollection collection)
            var treeItem = new TreeViewItem();

            if (!ExceptColumns || item.ObjectCategory != DatabaseObjectCategory.Entity)
                treeItem.Expanded += treeItem_Expanded;
            treeItem.Header                = GetNodeHeader(item.Title, item.ObjectCategory);
            treeItem.DataContext           = item;
            treeItem.MouseRightButtonDown += (sender, e) => TreeItem_MouseRightButtonDown(sender, e, treeItem, item);
            //    treeItem.Items
Exemplo n.º 20
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="objectId"></param>
        /// <param name="type">1:询价  2:查勘</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Dictionary <int, JArray> GetDynamicFormData(decimal objectId, int type)
            ObjectDTO info = GetObjectById(objectId);
            Dictionary <int, JArray> lstFormData = new Dictionary <int, JArray>();

            if (type == 1 && info.INQUIRY_FORM_ID > 0) //询价表单Id
                FormStoreDTO formInfo = GetFormStore(info.INQUIRY_FORM_ID);
                JArray       arry     = JArray.Parse(formInfo.CONTENTS);
                lstFormData.Add(1, arry);
            if (type == 2 && info.SURVEY_FORM_ID > 0) //查勘表单Id
                FormStoreDTO formInfo = GetFormStore(info.SURVEY_FORM_ID);
                if (!lstFormData.ContainsKey(Convert.ToInt32(formInfo.INSTANCE_TYPE_ID)))
                    JArray arry = JArray.Parse(formInfo.CONTENTS);
                    lstFormData.Add(2, arry);
Exemplo n.º 21
 private void TreeItem_MouseRightButtonDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e, TreeViewItem treeItem, ObjectDTO item)
     if (ObjectRightClick != null)
         ObjectRightClickedArg arg = new MyProject_WPF.ObjectRightClickedArg();
         arg.Node   = treeItem;
         arg.Object = item;
         ObjectRightClick(sender, arg);
 public static async Task <object> UpdateAsync(ObjectDTO objectToUpdate)
     return(await TypeToServiceDictionary[objectToUpdate.GetType()].UpdateAsync(objectToUpdate));
 public static async Task DeleteAsync(ObjectDTO objectToDelete)
     await TypeToServiceDictionary[objectToDelete.GetType()].DeleteAsync(objectToDelete.Id);
 public static async Task <object> AddAsync(ObjectDTO objectToAdd)
     return(await TypeToServiceDictionary[objectToAdd.GetType()].AddAsync(objectToAdd));
Exemplo n.º 25
        public void SaveConfiguration(string ArrayOfObjects, int planId)
            //List<ObjectDTO> objects = (List<ObjectDTO>)JsonSerializer.DeserializeFromString(ArrayOfObjects, typeof(List<ObjectDTO>));
            ObjectDTO o = (ObjectDTO)JsonSerializer.DeserializeFromString(ArrayOfObjects, typeof(ObjectDTO));
            //foreach (ObjectDTO o in objects)


            BoxDTO box = new BoxDTO()
                PlanId         = planId,
                Width          = o.Width,
                Height         = o.Height,
                Depth          = o.Depth,
                BoardThickness = o.BoardThickness,
                PositionX      = o.PositionX,
                PositionY      = o.PositionY,
                PositionZ      = o.PositionZ,
                Name           = o.Name,
                Texture        = o.Texture,
                vertikalno     = o.vertikalno,
                horizontalno   = o.horizontalno,
                globalX        = o.globalX,
                globalY        = o.globalY,
                globalZ        = o.globalZ

            int boxId = Boxs.Create(box);

            foreach (BoardDTO b in o.childs)
                BoardDTO board = new BoardDTO()
                    BoxId          = boxId,
                    Width          = b.Width,
                    Height         = b.Height,
                    Depth          = b.Depth,
                    BoardThickness = b.BoardThickness,
                    PositionX      = b.PositionX,
                    PositionY      = b.PositionY,
                    PositionZ      = b.PositionZ,
                    Name           = b.Name,
                    Texture        = b.Texture

                int boardId = Boards.Create(board);

            List <int> pozicije = new List <int>();

            if (o.pozicije_fioka != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < o.childs.Count + 1; i++)
                    if (o.pozicije_fioka[i] == true)

            int k = 0;

            foreach (DrawerDTO d in o.nizFioka)
                DrawerDTO drawer = new DrawerDTO()
                    BoxId          = boxId,
                    Width          = d.Width,
                    Height         = d.Height,
                    Depth          = d.Depth,
                    BoardThickness = d.BoardThickness,
                    PositionX      = d.PositionX,
                    PositionY      = d.PositionY,
                    PositionZ      = d.PositionZ,
                    Name           = d.Name,
                    Texture        = d.Texture,
                    pregrada       = pozicije[k]

                int drawerId = Drawers.Create(drawer);

            pozicije = new List <int>();
            if (o.pozicije_vrata != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < o.childs.Count + 1; i++)
                    if (o.pozicije_vrata[i] == true)

            k = 0;

            foreach (DoorDTO d in o.nizVrata)
                DoorDTO door = new DoorDTO()
                    BoxId     = boxId,
                    Width     = d.Width,
                    Height    = d.Height,
                    Depth     = d.Depth,
                    PositionX = d.PositionX,
                    PositionY = d.PositionY,
                    PositionZ = d.PositionZ,
                    Name      = d.Name,
                    Texture   = d.Texture,
                    pregrada  = pozicije[k]

                int doorId = Doors.Create(door);
Exemplo n.º 26
        //public  DatabaseDTO GetDatabaseDTO(int entityID)
        //    using (var context = new MyProjectEntities())
        //    {
        //        var entity = context.TableDrivedEntity.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ID == entityID);
        //        if (entity != null)
        //        {
        //            var dbInfo = context.DatabaseInformation.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == entity.Table.Catalog);
        //            if (dbInfo != null)
        //                return ToDatabaseDTO(dbInfo);
        //        }
        //        return null;
        //    }
        //public List<DatabaseDTO> GetDatabases()
        //    List<DatabaseDTO> result = new List<DatabaseDTO>();
        //    using (var projectContext = new DataAccess.MyProjectEntities())
        //    {
        //        var list = projectContext.DatabaseInformation;
        //        foreach (var item in list)
        //        {
        //            result.Add(ToDatabaseDTO(item));
        //        }
        //    }
        //    return result;

        //private DatabaseDTO ToDatabaseDTO(DataAccess.DatabaseInformation item)
        //    DatabaseDTO result = new DatabaseDTO();
        //    result.Name = item.Name;
        //    result.ConnectionString = item.ConnectionString;
        //    return result;

        //public List<SchemaDTO> GetSchemaDTO(string databaseName)
        //    List<SchemaDTO> result = new List<SchemaDTO>();
        //    using (var projectContext = new DataAccess.MyProjectEntities())
        //    {
        //        foreach (var schema in projectContext.TableDrivedEntity.Where(x => x.Table.Catalog == databaseName).GroupBy(x => x.Table.RelatedSchema))
        //        {
        //            result.Add(ToSchemaDTO(schema));
        //        }
        //    }
        //    return result;

        //private SchemaDTO ToSchemaDTO(IGrouping<string, DataAccess.TableDrivedEntity> schema)
        //    SchemaDTO result = new SchemaDTO();
        //    result.Name = schema.Key;
        //    return result;

        public List <ObjectDTO> GetDatabaseChildObjects(DatabaseObjectCategory parentCategory, string parentTitle, int parentIdentity)
            List <ObjectDTO> result = new List <ObjectDTO>();

            using (var myProjectContext = new MyProjectEntities())
                //foreach (var database in myProjectContext.DatabaseInformation)
                //    ObjectDTO dbObject = ToObjectDTO(DatabaseObjectCategory.Database, database.Name, database.Name);
                //    result.Add(dbObject);

                if (parentCategory == DatabaseObjectCategory.Database)
                    foreach (var schema in myProjectContext.DBSchema.Where(x => x.DatabaseInformationID == parentIdentity))
                        //var schemaName = "";
                        //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(schema.Key))
                        //    schemaName = "Default Schema";
                        //schemaName = schema.Name;

                        ObjectDTO schemaObject = ToObjectDTO(DatabaseObjectCategory.Schema, schema.ID, schema.Name, "", 0);
                else if (parentCategory == DatabaseObjectCategory.Schema)
                    //var res = GetDBNameSchemaName(parentIdentity);
                    foreach (var entity in myProjectContext.TableDrivedEntity.Where(x => x.IsDisabled == false && x.Table.DBSchemaID == parentIdentity))
                        if (IgnoreNotIndependentOrAlreadyInNavigationTree)
                            if (entity.IndependentDataEntry != true || myProjectContext.NavigationTree.Any(x => x.Category == "Entity" && x.ItemIdentity == entity.ID))
                        if (IgnoreViews)
                            if (entity.IsView)
                        ObjectDTO entityObject = ToObjectDTO(DatabaseObjectCategory.Entity, entity.ID, string.IsNullOrEmpty(entity.Alias) ? entity.Name : entity.Alias, entity.Name, entity.ID, entity.IsView ? EntityObjectType.View : EntityObjectType.Entity);
                else if (parentCategory == DatabaseObjectCategory.Entity)
                    int id       = Convert.ToInt32(parentIdentity);
                    var dbEntity = myProjectContext.TableDrivedEntity.First(x => x.ID == id);
                    if (!IgnoreColumns)
                        List <Column> columns = null;
                        if (dbEntity.TableDrivedEntity_Columns.Any())
                            columns = dbEntity.TableDrivedEntity_Columns.Select(x => x.Column).ToList();
                            columns = dbEntity.Table.Column.ToList();
                        foreach (var column in columns)
                            bool skipColumn = false;
                            if (HidePKColumns)
                                if (column.PrimaryKey)
                                    skipColumn = true;
                            if (HideFKRelationshipColumns)
                                var type = (int)Enum_MasterRelationshipType.FromForeignToPrimary;
                                if (myProjectContext.Relationship.Any(x => x.Removed != true && x.MasterTypeEnum == type && x.RelationshipColumns.Any(y => y.FirstSideColumnID == column.ID && y.Column.PrimaryKey == false)))
                                    skipColumn = true;
                            if (!skipColumn)
                                ObjectDTO columnObject = ToObjectDTO(DatabaseObjectCategory.Column, column.ID, string.IsNullOrEmpty(column.Alias) ? column.Name : column.Alias, column.Name, id);
                    if (!IgnoreRelationships)
                        foreach (var relationship in dbEntity.Relationship.Where(x => x.Removed != true))
                            ObjectDTO relationshipObject = ToObjectDTO(DatabaseObjectCategory.Relationship, relationship.ID, string.IsNullOrEmpty(relationship.Alias) ? relationship.Name : relationship.Alias, relationship.Name, id);
                    if (!IgnoreCommands)
                        foreach (var command in dbEntity.TableDrivedEntity_EntityCommand)
                            ObjectDTO commandObject = ToObjectDTO(DatabaseObjectCategory.Command, command.EntityCommandID, command.EntityCommand.Title, "", id);
                    if (!IgnoreReports)
                        foreach (var report in dbEntity.EntityReport)
                            ObjectDTO commandObject = ToObjectDTO(DatabaseObjectCategory.Report, report.ID, report.Title, "", id);
                    if (dbEntity.IsView == false && !IgnoreEntityArchive)
                        ObjectDTO commandObject = ToObjectDTO(DatabaseObjectCategory.Archive, parentIdentity, "آرشیو" + " " + parentTitle, "", id);
                    if (dbEntity.IsView == false && !IgnoreEntityLetter)
                        ObjectDTO commandObject = ToObjectDTO(DatabaseObjectCategory.Letter, parentIdentity, "نامه ها" + " " + parentTitle, "", id);
                    if (!IgnoreDataView)
                        ObjectDTO commandObject = ToObjectDTO(DatabaseObjectCategory.DataView, parentIdentity, "نمای داده" + " " + parentTitle, "", id);
                    if (!IgnoreGridView)
                        ObjectDTO commandObject = ToObjectDTO(DatabaseObjectCategory.GridView, parentIdentity, "گرید داده" + " " + parentTitle, "", id);