Exemplo n.º 1
    IEnumerator _Import()
        List <List <Info_Container> > bodyinfo = null;

        master.sviews = null;
        string path = new Uri(_baseurl + master.specimenNames [title.loadindex] + "/" + master.specimenNames [title.loadindex] + ".obj").AbsoluteUri;

        if (useIP)
            path = "" + path.Substring(22);
        ObjReader1.ObjData objdata = new ObjReader1.ObjData();

        objdata = ObjReader1.use.ConvertFileAsync(path, true, opaque);
        while (!objdata.isDone)
            yield return(null);
        yield return(null);

        if (objdata.gameObjects == null)
            status = master.specimenNames [title.loadindex] + ".obj or the mtl was not found in the " + master.specimenNames[title.loadindex] + " folder";
            yield break;
        if (objdata.gameObjects.Length <= 0)
            status = master.specimenNames [title.loadindex] + ".obj or the mtl was not found in the " + master.specimenNames[title.loadindex] + " folder";
            yield break;
        for (int i = 0; i < objdata.gameObjects.Length; i++)
            Material[] cm = objdata.gameObjects [i].GetComponent <Renderer> ().materials;
            for (int j = 0; j < cm.Length; j++)
                if (cm [j].shader == VertexLit)
                    Material temp = new Material(opaque);
                    temp.mainTexture = cm [j].mainTexture;
                    temp.color       = cm [j].color;
                    temp.name        = cm [j].name;
                    cm [j]           = temp;
                else if (cm [j].shader == TransparentVertexLit)
                    Material temp = new Material(transparent);
                    temp.mainTexture = cm [j].mainTexture;
                    temp.color       = cm [j].color;
                    temp.name        = cm [j].name;
                    cm [j]           = temp;
            objdata.gameObjects [i].GetComponent <Renderer> ().materials = cm;

        status = "Parenting meshes to empty root object.";
        yield return(null);

        master.model = new GameObject();
        master.model.transform.position = new Vector3(0, -.8f, 0);
        master.model.name = master.specimenNames [title.loadindex];
        GameObject[] pivots = new GameObject[objdata.gameObjects.Length];
        for (int i = 0; i < objdata.gameObjects.Length; i++)
            objdata.gameObjects [i].transform.parent = master.model.transform;
            objdata.gameObjects [i].transform.name   = i.ToString();
            pivots [i] = new GameObject();
            pivots [i].transform.position = objdata.gameObjects [i].transform.position;
            pivots [i].transform.rotation = objdata.gameObjects [i].transform.rotation;
            pivots [i].transform.parent   = objdata.gameObjects [i].transform;
            pivots [i].name = "Pivot";

        //now search for name list
        path = new Uri(_baseurl + master.specimenNames [title.loadindex] + "/Name%20List.txt").AbsoluteUri;
        if (useIP)
            path = "" + path.Substring(22);
        WWW www = new WWW(path);

        yield return(www);

        if (www.error != null)
            status = "Name List.txt not found in " + master.specimenNames [title.loadindex] + " folder. Files are case and space sensitive";
            yield break;
        string[] lines = getlines(www);
        status = "Setting pivots.";
        yield return(null);

        int     s      = 0;
        Vector3 v      = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
        int     oindex = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++)
            if (IsNullOrWhiteSpace(lines [i]))
            if (s == 0)
            if (s == 1)
                if (lines [i].Length <= 3)
                    status = "float.parse(Substring(3)) error in Name List.txt at line " + lines [i];
                    yield break;
                if (!float.TryParse(lines[i].Substring(3), out v.x))
                    status = "float.parse(Substring(3)) error in Name List.txt at line " + lines [i];
                    yield break;
            else if (s == 2)
                if (lines[i].Length <= 3)
                    status = "float.parse(Substring(3)) error in Name List.txt at line " + lines [i];
                    yield break;
                if (!float.TryParse(lines[i].Substring(3), out v.y))
                    status = "float.parse(Substring(3)) error in Name List.txt at line " + lines [i];
                    yield break;
            else if (s == 3)
                if (lines[i].Length <= 3)
                    status = "float.parse(Substring(3)) error in Name List.txt at line " + lines [i];
                    yield break;
                if (!float.TryParse(lines[i].Substring(3), out v.z))
                    status = "float.parse(Substring(3)) error in Name List.txt at line " + lines [i];
                    yield break;
                if (oindex >= pivots.Length)
                pivots [oindex].transform.position = v;
            if (s > 3)
                s = 0;
            yield return(null);

        path = new Uri(_baseurl + master.specimenNames[title.loadindex] + "/getDirectoryList.php").AbsoluteUri;
        if (useIP)
            path = "" + path.Substring(22);
        www = new WWW(path);
        yield return(www);

        if (www.error != null)
            status = "getDirectoryList.php not found in " + master.specimenNames [title.loadindex] + " folder";
            yield break;
        lines = getfolders(www);
        int           iterator = 0;
        int           views    = 0;
        List <string> ls       = new List <string> ();

        for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++)
            ls.Add(lines [i]);
        for (int i = 0; i < ls.Count; i++)
            if (ls.Contains(iterator.ToString()))
        bodyinfo        = new List <List <Info_Container> >();
        master.allparts = new List <Part>();

        MatFlasher[] mf = new MatFlasher[objdata.gameObjects.Length];
        master.maxViews = views;
        for (int j = 0; j < objdata.gameObjects.Length; j++)
            //j is object index
            mf[j]          = objdata.gameObjects[j].AddComponent <MatFlasher>();
            mf[j].master   = master;
            mf[j].wildcard = master.mempty;
            mf [j].marray  = new List <Material[]> ();
            for (int k = 0; k < views; k++)
                Material[] mtemp = new Material[objdata.gameObjects [j].GetComponent <Renderer> ().materials.Length + 1];
                for (int l = 0; l < objdata.gameObjects [j].GetComponent <Renderer> ().materials.Length; l++)
                    mtemp [l] = new Material(objdata.gameObjects [j].GetComponent <Renderer> ().materials [l]);
                mtemp [mtemp.Length - 1] = mf [j].wildcard;
                mf [j].marray.Add(mtemp);
                if (k == 0)
                    objdata.gameObjects [j].GetComponent <Renderer> ().materials = mtemp;

                yield return(null);

        for (int i = 0; i < views; i++)
            string temppath = _baseurl + master.specimenNames [title.loadindex] + "/" + i.ToString() + "/";
            path = new Uri(temppath + "Info.txt").AbsoluteUri;
            if (useIP)
                path = "" + path.Substring(22);
            www = new WWW(path);
            yield return(www);

            if (www.error != null)
                status = "Info.txt missing from " + master.specimenNames [title.loadindex] + "'s " + i.ToString() + " folder";
                yield break;
            lines = getlines(www);
            //retrieve body part info
            bodyinfo.Add(new List <Info_Container>());
            s        = 0;
            iterator = 0;

            for (int j = 0; j < lines.Length; j++)
                //i is view#
                //j is line#
                if (IsNullOrWhiteSpace(lines [j]))
                if (s == 0)
                    status = "Loading body part info: " + "view " + i.ToString() + " body part# " + iterator.ToString();
                    yield return(null);

                    //print ("view " + i.ToString () + " container " + iterator.ToString () + " bodyinfo.count " + bodyinfo.Count);
                    bodyinfo [i].Add(new Info_Container());
                    if (lines [j].Length <= 6)
                        status  = "Error at line " + j.ToString() + " of Info.txt for view " + i.ToString() + " of specimen " + master.specimenNames [title.loadindex];
                        status += "\n" + lines [j];
                        yield break;
                    bodyinfo [i] [iterator].part = lines [j].Substring(6);
                    path = new Uri(temppath + bodyinfo [i] [iterator].part + ".png").AbsoluteUri;
                    if (useIP)
                        path = "" + path.Substring(22);
                    www = new WWW(path);
                    yield return(www);

                    if (www.error != null)
                        status = bodyinfo [i] [iterator].part + ".png missing from view folder " + i.ToString();
                        yield break;
                    bodyinfo [i] [iterator].icon = www.texture;
                else if (s == 1)
                    if (lines [j].Length <= 8)
                        status  = "Error at line " + j.ToString() + " of Info.txt for view " + i.ToString() + " of specimen " + master.specimenNames [title.loadindex];
                        status += "\n" + lines [j];
                        yield break;
                    bodyinfo [i] [iterator].system = lines [j].Substring(8);
                else if (s == 2)
                    if (lines [j].Length <= 8)
                        status  = "Error at line " + j.ToString() + " of Info.txt for view " + i.ToString() + " of specimen " + master.specimenNames [title.loadindex];
                        status += "\n" + lines [j];
                        yield break;
                    if (lines [j].Contains("Object: "))
                        int num = 0;
                        if (!Int32.TryParse(lines[j].Substring(8), out num))
                            status  = "Error at line " + j.ToString() + " of Info.txt for view " + i.ToString() + " of specimen " + master.specimenNames [title.loadindex] + ": Older format, use object index instead of object name.";
                            status += "\n" + lines [j];
                            yield break;
                        bodyinfo [i] [iterator].oindex.Add(num);
                if (s == 3)
                    if (lines [j].Length <= 13)
                        status = "Error at line " + j.ToString() + " of Info.txt for view " + i.ToString() + " of specimen " + master.specimenNames [title.loadindex];
                        yield break;
                    bodyinfo [i] [iterator].description = lines [j].Substring(13);
                    for (int k = 0; k < bodyinfo [i] [iterator].oindex.Count; k++)
                        //k is oindex[k]
                        if (k == 0)
                            Part _part = objdata.gameObjects [bodyinfo [i] [iterator].oindex [k]].AddComponent <Part> ();
                            _part.mc    = objdata.gameObjects [bodyinfo [i] [iterator].oindex [k]].AddComponent <MeshCollider> ();
                            _part.pname = bodyinfo [i] [iterator].part;
                            string[] syslist = getsystems(bodyinfo [i] [iterator].system);
                            _part.systems     = syslist;
                            _part.description = bodyinfo [i] [iterator].description;
                            _part.icon        = bodyinfo [i] [iterator].icon;
                            _part.type        = i;
                            _part.pivot       = pivots [bodyinfo [i] [iterator].oindex [k]];
                            _part.master      = master;
                            if (master.slist == null)
                                master.slist = new List <string> ();
                            for (int d = 0; d < _part.systems.Length; d++)
                                if (!master.slist.Contains(_part.systems[d]))

                            Paired pair = objdata.gameObjects [bodyinfo [i] [iterator].oindex [k]].AddComponent <Paired> ();
                            pair.mc         = objdata.gameObjects [bodyinfo [i] [iterator].oindex [k]].AddComponent <MeshCollider> ();
                            pair.pairedPart = objdata.gameObjects [bodyinfo [i] [iterator].oindex [0]].GetComponent <Part> ();
                    //bodyinfo [i] [iterator].display ();
                    yield return(null);
                if (s != 2)
                if (s >= 4)
                    s = 0;
                yield return(null);
            }             // end body part info loop
            status = "Loading Mat Edit data";
            yield return(null);

            path = new Uri(temppath + "Mat Edit.txt").AbsoluteUri;
            if (useIP)
                path = "" + path.Substring(22);
            www = new WWW(path);
            yield return(www);

            if (www.error != null)
                status = "Mat Edit.txt not found in " + master.specimenNames [title.loadindex] + "'s view " + i.ToString() + " folder";
                yield break;
            lines    = getlines(www);
            s        = 0;
            iterator = 0;
            Mat_Container mc = new Mat_Container();
            for (int j = 0; j < lines.Length; j++)
                //j is lines iterator
                if (IsNullOrWhiteSpace(lines [j]))
                if (s == 0)
                    mc = new Mat_Container();
                    int num = 0;
                    if (lines [j].Length <= 8)
                        status = "Error at line " + j.ToString() + " in Mat Edit.txt of view " + i.ToString();
                        yield break;
                    if (Int32.TryParse(lines [j].Substring(8), out num))
                        mc.oindex = num;
                        status = "Error at line " + j.ToString() + " in Mat Edit.txt of view " + i.ToString();
                        yield break;
                else if (s == 1)
                    int num = 0;
                    if (lines [j].Length <= 16)
                        status = "Error at line " + j.ToString() + " in Mat Edit.txt of view " + i.ToString();
                        yield break;
                    if (Int32.TryParse(lines [j].Substring(16), out num))
                        mc.matindex = num;
                        status = "Error at line " + j.ToString() + " in Mat Edit.txt of view " + i.ToString();
                        yield break;
                else if (s == 2)
                    if (lines [j].Length <= 13)
                        status = "Error at line " + j.ToString() + " in Mat Edit.txt of view " + i.ToString();
                        yield break;
                    if (lines [j].Substring(13) == "Opaque" || lines [j].Substring(13) == "Transparent")
                        mc.shadertype = lines [j].Substring(13);
                        status = "Error at line " + j.ToString() + " in Mat Edit.txt of view " + i.ToString();
                        yield break;
                else if (s == 3)
                    float value = 0;
                    if (lines [j].Length <= 5)
                        status = "Error at line " + j.ToString() + " in Mat Edit.txt of view " + i.ToString();
                        yield break;
                    if (float.TryParse(lines [j].Substring(5), out value))
                        mc.color.r = value;
                        status = "Error at line " + j.ToString() + " in Mat Edit.txt of view " + i.ToString();
                        yield break;
                else if (s == 4)
                    float value = 0;
                    if (lines [j].Length <= 7)
                        status = "Error at line " + j.ToString() + " in Mat Edit.txt of view " + i.ToString();
                        yield break;
                    if (float.TryParse(lines [j].Substring(7), out value))
                        mc.color.g = value;
                        status = "Error at line " + j.ToString() + " in Mat Edit.txt of view " + i.ToString();
                        yield break;
                else if (s == 5)
                    float value = 0;
                    if (lines [j].Length <= 6)
                        status = "Error at line " + j.ToString() + " in Mat Edit.txt of view " + i.ToString();
                        yield break;
                    if (float.TryParse(lines [j].Substring(6), out value))
                        mc.color.b = value;
                        status = "Error at line " + j.ToString() + " in Mat Edit.txt of view " + i.ToString();
                        yield break;
                else if (s == 6)
                    float value = 0;
                    if (lines [j].Length <= 7)
                        status = "Error at line " + j.ToString() + " in Mat Edit.txt of view " + i.ToString();
                        yield break;
                    if (float.TryParse(lines [j].Substring(7), out value))
                        mc.color.a = value;
                        status = "Error at line " + j.ToString() + " in Mat Edit.txt of view " + i.ToString();
                        yield break;
                    Material mtemp = new Material(opaque);
                    if (mc.shadertype == "Transparent")
                        mtemp = new Material(transparent);
                    mtemp.color       = mc.color;
                    mtemp.mainTexture = mf [mc.oindex].marray [i] [mc.matindex].mainTexture;
                    if (mc.oindex >= mf.Length)
                        status = "Error at line " + j.ToString() + " in Mat Edit.txt of view " + i.ToString();
                        yield break;
                    if (mc.matindex >= mf [mc.oindex].marray [i].Length - 1)
                        status = "Error at line " + j.ToString() + " in Mat Edit.txt of view " + i.ToString();
                        yield break;
                    mf [mc.oindex].marray [i] [mc.matindex] = mtemp;
                if (s > 6)
                    s = 0;
                yield return(null);

            path = new Uri(temppath + "ViewName.txt").AbsoluteUri;
            if (useIP)
                path = "" + path.Substring(22);
            //print (path);
            www = new WWW(path);
            yield return(www);

            if (www.error != null)
                status = "ViewName.txt missing from view " + i.ToString() + " of " + master.specimenNames [title.loadindex];
                yield break;
            if (master.sviews == null)
                master.sviews     = new string[1];
                master.sviews [0] = www.text;
                string[] stemp = new string[master.sviews.Length + 1];
                for (int x = 0; x < master.sviews.Length; x++)
                    stemp [x] = master.sviews [x];
                stemp [stemp.Length - 1] = www.text;
                master.sviews            = stemp;
            yield return(null);
        }         //end view folders loop

        master.objects = objdata.gameObjects;
        yield break;
Exemplo n.º 2
 void upStatus(ObjReader1.ObjData oj)
     status = (oj.progress * 100).ToString("0") + "%";