Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Method endDocument
        /// </summary>
        public virtual void endDocument()
            // Iterate through deviceList and make all the
            // OWPaths from the TaggedDevice's vector of Branches.
            TaggedDevice         device;
            OWPath               branchPath;
            Stack <TaggedDevice> singleBranchVector;

            for (int i = 0; i < deviceList.Count; i++)
                device = (TaggedDevice)deviceList[i];

                device.setOWPath(adapter, device.Branches);

            // Now, iterate through branchVectors and make all the
            // OWPaths for the Vector of OWPaths

            for (int i = 0; i < branchVectors.Count; i++)
                singleBranchVector = new Stack <TaggedDevice>(branchVectors[i]);
                branchPath         = new OWPath(adapter);
                for (int j = 0; j < singleBranchVector.Count; j++)
                    device = singleBranchVector.ToArray()[j];
                    branchPath.add(device.DeviceContainer, device.Channel);
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns the OWPath of the device with the given address.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="address"> a Long object representing the address of the device </param>
 /// <returns> The OWPath representing the network path to the device. </returns>
 public override OWPath getDevicePath(long address)
     lock (devicePathHash)
         OWPath val = null;
         devicePathHash.TryGetValue(address, out val);
Exemplo n.º 3
    /// <summary>
    /// Parse the provided XML input stream with the provided parser.
    /// Gather the new TaggedDevices and OWPaths into the global vectors
    /// 'taggedDevices' and 'paths'.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="parser"> parser to parse 1-Wire XML files </param>
    /// <param name="stream">  XML file stream </param>
    /// <param name="currentPath">  OWPath that was opened to get to this file </param>
    /// <param name="autoSpawnFrames"> true if new DeviceFrames are spawned with
    ///        new taggedDevices discovered </param>
    /// <returns> true an XML file was successfully parsed. </returns>
    public static bool parseStream(TAGParser parser, Stream stream, OWPath currentPath, bool autoSpawnFrames)
        bool      rslt = false;
        OWPath    tempPath;
        Stopwatch stopWatch = new Stopwatch();

            // parse the file
            List <TaggedDevice> new_devices = parser.parse(stream);

            // get the new paths
            List <OWPath> new_paths = parser.OWPaths;

            Debug.WriteLine("Success, XML parsed with " + new_devices.Count + " devices " + new_paths.Count + " paths");

            // add the new devices to the old list
            for (int i = 0; i < new_devices.Count; i++)
                TaggedDevice current_device = new_devices[i];

                // update this devices OWPath depending on where we got it if its OWPath is empty
                tempPath = current_device.OWPath;
                if (!tempPath.AllOWPathElements.MoveNext())
                    // replace this devices path with the current path
                    current_device.OWPath = tempPath;

                // add the new device to the device list

            // add the new paths
            for (int i = 0; i < new_paths.Count; i++)

            rslt = true;
        catch (Exception e)
            Debug.WriteLine("Error: " + e);

        Debug.WriteLine("Parsed in " + stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds + "ms");

Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the OWPath for the tagged device.  An
        /// OWPath is a description of how to
        /// physically get to a 1-Wire device through a
        /// set of nested 1-Wire switches.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="adapter"> </param>
        /// <param name="Branches"> </param>
        public virtual void setOWPath(DSPortAdapter adapter, List <TaggedDevice> Branches)
            OWPath = new OWPath(adapter);

            TaggedDevice TDevice;

            for (int i = 0; i < Branches.Count; i++)
                TDevice = Branches[i];

                OWPath.add(TDevice.DeviceContainer, TDevice.Channel);
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs a search of the 1-Wire network, with branch searching
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="arrivals"> A vector of Long objects, represent new arrival addresses. </param>
        /// <param name="departures"> A vector of Long objects, represent departed addresses. </param>
        public override void search(List <long> arrivals, List <long> departures)
            lock (sync_flag)
                    // aquire the adapter

                    // setup the search
                    adapter.Speed = DSPortAdapter.SPEED_REGULAR;

                    // close any opened branches
                    for (int j = 0; j < paths.Count; j++)
                        catch (System.Exception)

                    // search through all of the paths
                    for (int i = 0; i < paths.Count; i++)
                        // set searches to not use reset

                        // find the first device on this branch
                        bool   search_result = false;
                        OWPath path          = (OWPath)paths[i];
                            // try to open the current path
                        catch (System.Exception)
                            // if opening the path failed, continue on to the next path

                        search_result = adapter.findFirstDevice();

                        // loop while devices found
                        while (search_result)
                            // get the 1-Wire address
                            long longAddress = adapter.AddressAsLong;
                            // check if the device allready exists in our hashtable
                            if (!deviceAddressHash.ContainsKey(longAddress))
                                OneWireContainer owc = getDeviceContainer(adapter, longAddress);
                                // check to see if it's a switch and if we are supposed
                                // to automatically search down branches
                                if (this.branchAutoSearching && (owc is SwitchContainer))
                                    SwitchContainer sc    = (SwitchContainer)owc;
                                    byte[]          state = sc.readDevice();
                                    for (int j = 0; j < sc.getNumberChannels(state); j++)
                                        OWPath tmp = new OWPath(adapter, path);
                                        tmp.add(owc, j);
                                        if (!paths.Contains(tmp))

                                lock (devicePathHash)
                                    devicePathHash[longAddress] = path;
                                if (arrivals != null)
                            // check if the existing device moved
                            else if (!path.Equals(devicePathHash[longAddress]))
                                lock (devicePathHash)
                                    devicePathHash[longAddress] = path;
                                if (departures != null)
                                if (arrivals != null)

                            // update count
                            deviceAddressHash[longAddress] = max_state_count;

                            // find the next device on this branch
                            search_result = adapter.findNextDevice();

                // remove any devices that have not been seen
                foreach (var address in deviceAddressHash.Keys.Where(kv => deviceAddressHash[kv] <= 0).ToList())
                    // device entry is stale, should be removed
                    if (departures != null)

                foreach (var address in deviceAddressHash.Keys.Where(kv => deviceAddressHash[kv] > 0).ToList())
                    // device entry isn't stale, it stays
                    deviceAddressHash[address] -= 1;

                // fire notification events
                if (departures != null && departures.Count > 0)
                    fireDepartureEvent(adapter, departures);
                if (arrivals != null && arrivals.Count > 0)
                    fireArrivalEvent(adapter, arrivals);
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds a branch for searching.  Must be used to traverse branches if
 /// auto-searching is disabled.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="path"> A branch to be searched during the next search routine </param>
 public virtual void addBranch(OWPath path)
Exemplo n.º 7
    /// <summary>
    /// Parse the provided XML input stream with the provided parser.
    /// Gather the new TaggedDevices and OWPaths into the global vectors
    /// 'taggedDevices' and 'paths'.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="parser"> parser to parse 1-Wire XML files </param>
    /// <param name="stream">  XML file stream </param>
    /// <param name="currentPath">  OWPath that was opened to get to this file </param>
    /// <param name="autoSpawnFrames"> true if new DeviceFrames are spawned with
    ///        new taggedDevices discovered </param>
    /// <returns> true an XML file was successfully parsed. </returns>
    public static bool parseStream(TAGParser parser, Stream stream, OWPath currentPath, bool autoSpawnFrames)
        bool   rslt = false;
        OWPath tempPath;

            // parse the file
            List <TaggedDevice> new_devices = parser.parse(stream);

            // get the new paths
            List <OWPath> new_paths = parser.OWPaths;

            main_Renamed.Status = "Success, XML parsed with " + new_devices.Count + " devices " + new_paths.Count + " paths";

            // add the new devices to the old list
            for (int i = 0; i < new_devices.Count; i++)
                TaggedDevice current_device = (TaggedDevice)new_devices[i];

                // update this devices OWPath depending on where we got it if its OWPath is empty
                tempPath = current_device.OWPath;
                if (!tempPath.AllOWPathElements.MoveNext())
                    // replace this devices path with the current path
                    current_device.OWPath = tempPath;

                // check if spawning frames
                if (autoSpawnFrames)
                    if (current_device is TaggedSensor)
                        main_Renamed.Status = "Spawning Sensor: " + current_device.Label;
                        deviceFrames.Add(new DeviceMonitorSensor(current_device, logFile));
                    else if (current_device is TaggedActuator)
                        main_Renamed.Status = "Spawning Actuator: " + current_device.Label;
                        deviceFrames.Add(new DeviceMonitorActuator(current_device, logFile));

                // add the new device to the device list

            // add the new paths
            for (int i = 0; i < new_paths.Count; i++)

            rslt = true;
        catch (org.xml.sax.SAXException se)
            main_Renamed.Status = "XML error: " + se;
        catch (IOException ioe)
            main_Renamed.Status = "IO error: " + ioe;

Exemplo n.º 8
    /// <summary>
    /// Search a given path for an XML file.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="currentPathIndex"> index into the 'paths' Vector that
    ///        indicates what 1-Wire path to search for XML files </param>
    /// <returns> true if the current path provided has been
    ///         completely checked for XML files.  false if
    ///         if this current path should be searched further </returns>
    public static bool pathXMLSearchComplete(int currentPathIndex)
        OneWireContainer  owd = null, check_owd = null;
        ParseContainer    pc = null, check_pc = null;
        OWFileInputStream file_stream = null;
        bool rslt       = true;
        bool xml_parsed = false;

            main_Renamed.Status = "Waiting for 1-Wire available";

            // get exclusive use of adapter

            main_Renamed.Status = "Exclusive 1-Wire aquired";

            // open the current path to the device
            OWPath owpath = (OWPath)paths[currentPathIndex];

            main_Renamed.Status = "Path opened: " + owpath.ToString();

            // setup search
            adapter.Speed = DSPortAdapter.SPEED_REGULAR;

            // find all devices, update parseLog and get a device filesystem to check
            for (System.Collections.IEnumerator owd_enum = adapter.AllDeviceContainers; owd_enum.MoveNext();)
                owd = (OneWireContainer)owd_enum.Current;
                long key = owd.AddressAsLong;

                main_Renamed.Status = "Device Found: " + owd.AddressAsString;

                // check to see if this is in the parseLog, add if not there
                pc = null;
                parseLog.TryGetValue(key, out pc);
                if (pc == null)
                    main_Renamed.Status = "Device is new to parse: " + owd.AddressAsString;
                    pc = new ParseContainer(owd);
                    parseLog.Add(key, pc);
                    main_Renamed.Status = "Device " + owd.AddressAsString + " with count " + pc.attemptCount;

                // if attemptCount is low then check it later for XML files
                if (pc.attemptCount < ParseContainer.MAX_ATTEMPT)
                    check_owd = owd;
                    check_pc  = pc;

            // check if there is anything to open
            if (check_owd != null)
                // result is false because found something to try and open
                rslt = false;

                main_Renamed.Status = "Attempt to open file TAGX.000";

                // attempt to open a 'TAGX.000' file, (if fail update parse_log)
                    file_stream         = new OWFileInputStream(check_owd, "TAGX.0");
                    main_Renamed.Status = "Success file TAGX.000 opened";
                catch (OWFileNotFoundException)
                    file_stream = null;
                    main_Renamed.Status = "Could not open TAGX.000 file";

            // try to parse the file, (if fail update parse_log)
            if (file_stream != null)
                // create the tagParser
                // (this should not be necessary but the parser currently holds state)
                parser = new TAGParser(adapter);

                // attempt to parse it, on success max out the attempt
                if (parseStream(parser, file_stream, owpath, true))
                    xml_parsed            = true;
                    check_pc.attemptCount = ParseContainer.MAX_ATTEMPT;

                // close the file
                catch (IOException)
                    main_Renamed.Status = "Could not close TAGX.000 file";

            // close the path
            main_Renamed.Status = "Path closed";

            // update the main paths listbox if XML file found
            if (xml_parsed)
                // add the paths to the main window
                for (int p = 0; p < paths.Count; p++)
        catch (OneWireException e)
            main_Renamed.Status = e.ToString();
            // end exclusive use of adapter
            main_Renamed.Status = "Exclusive 1-Wire aquired released";
