Exemplo n.º 1
	// * * * * * * * * * * * * *

	// Awake
	void Awake()
		// Find camera controller
		OVRCameraController[] CameraControllers;
		CameraControllers = gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren<OVRCameraController>();
		if(CameraControllers.Length == 0)
			Debug.LogWarning("OVRMainMenu: No OVRCameraController attached.");
		else if (CameraControllers.Length > 1)
			Debug.LogWarning("OVRMainMenu: More then 1 OVRCameraController attached.");
			CameraController = CameraControllers[0];
		// Find player controller
		OVRPlayerController[] PlayerControllers;
		PlayerControllers = gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren<OVRPlayerController>();
		if(PlayerControllers.Length == 0)
			Debug.LogWarning("OVRMainMenu: No OVRPlayerController attached.");
		else if (PlayerControllers.Length > 1)
			Debug.LogWarning("OVRMainMenu: More then 1 OVRPlayerController attached.");
			PlayerController = PlayerControllers[0];
Exemplo n.º 2
    //// -- !UnityAndroid - CameraTexture is not used for Android.

        #pragma warning restore 414             // The private field 'x' is assigned but its value is never used


    #region Monobehaviour Member Functions
    /// <summary>
    /// Start
    /// </summary>
    void Start()
        // Get the OVRCameraController
        CameraController = transform.parent.GetComponent <OVRCameraController>();

        if (CameraController == null)
            Debug.LogWarning("OVRCameraController not found!");
            this.enabled = false;

        if (!CameraController.UseCameraTexture)

        // This will scale the render texture based on ideal resolution
        if (CameraTexture[0] == null)

        camera.targetTexture = CameraTexture[(RightEye) ? 1 : 0];
Exemplo n.º 3
    // Start
    new void Start()

        // Get the OVRCameraController
        CameraController = gameObject.transform.parent.GetComponent <OVRCameraController>();

        if (CameraController == null)
            Debug.LogWarning("WARNING: OVRCameraController not found!");

        // Set CameraTextureScale (increases the size of the texture we are rendering into
        // for a better pixel match when post processing the image through lens distortion)
        CameraTextureScale = OVRDeviceImposter.DistortionScale();
        // If CameraTextureScale is not 1.0f, create a new texture and assign to target texture
        // Otherwise, fall back to normal camera rendering
        if ((CameraTexture == null) && (CameraTextureScale > 1.0f))
            int w = (int)(Screen.width / 2.0f * CameraTextureScale);
            int h = (int)(Screen.height * CameraTextureScale);
            CameraTexture = new RenderTexture(w, h, 24);               // 24 bit colorspace

            // This value should be the default for MSAA textures
            // CameraTexture.antiAliasing = 4;
            // Set it within the project
            CameraTexture.antiAliasing = QualitySettings.antiAliasing;
Exemplo n.º 4
    // Start
    new void Start()

        // Get the OVRCameraController
        CameraController = gameObject.transform.parent.GetComponent <OVRCameraController>();

        if (CameraController == null)
            Debug.LogWarning("WARNING: OVRCameraController not found!");

        // Set CameraTextureScale (increases the size of the texture we are rendering into
        // for a better pixel match when post processing the image through lens distortion)

        //CameraTextureScale = OVRDevice.DistortionScale();

        // If CameraTextureScale is not 1.0f, create a new texture and assign to target texture
        // Otherwise, fall back to normal camera rendering
        if ((CameraTexture == null) && (CameraTextureScale != 1.0f))
            int w = (int)(Screen.width / 2.0f * CameraTextureScale);
            int h = (int)(Screen.height * CameraTextureScale);
            CameraTexture = new RenderTexture(w, h, 24);

            // Use MSAA settings in QualitySettings for new RenderTexture
            CameraTexture.antiAliasing = QualitySettings.antiAliasing;
Exemplo n.º 5
    public void Start()
        switch (compass)
        case CompassSource.Kinect:
            if (!skeletonManager)
                skeletonManager = FindObjectOfType(typeof(RUISSkeletonManager)) as RUISSkeletonManager;
            if (!skeletonManager)
                Debug.LogError("RUISSkeletonManager script is missing from this scene!");

        case CompassSource.PSMove:
            inputManager = FindObjectOfType(typeof(RUISInputManager)) as RUISInputManager;
            if (!inputManager)
                Debug.LogError("RUISInputManager script is missing from this scene!");

        if (driftingSensor == DriftingRotation.InputTransform && !driftingTransform)
            Debug.LogError("driftingTransform is none, you need to set it from the inspector!");

        oculusCamController = FindObjectOfType(typeof(OVRCameraController)) as OVRCameraController;
Exemplo n.º 6
    public void AttachCorrectCameraModule()
        GameObject cameraHolder = GameObject.FindWithTag("CameraHolder");
        // Cleanup up previous camera (if it exists)
        if( cameraHolder.transform.childCount > 0)
            Destroy(cameraHolder.transform.GetChild(0).gameObject, 0.0f);

        // Add correct camera module
            GameObject ovrModule = (GameObject)Instantiate(ovrCameraControllerModulePrefab, new Vector3(), Quaternion.identity);
            //ovrModule.transform.Rotate(new Vector3(0, -90, 0), Space.Self);
            ovrModule.transform.parent = cameraHolder.transform;
            ovrModule.transform.localPosition = new Vector3();
            ovrCameraController = (OVRCameraController)GameObject.FindWithTag("OVRCameraController").GetComponent("OVRCameraController");
            mainCameraGameObject =  GameObject.FindWithTag("MainCamera");

            GameObject[] tempCameraObjectArray =  GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("MainCamera");
            for(int i = 0; i < tempCameraObjectArray.Length; i++)
                mainCameraComponentList.Add( (Camera)tempCameraObjectArray[i].GetComponent("Camera") );

            GameObject normalCameraModule = (GameObject)Instantiate(mainCameraModulePrefab, new Vector3(), Quaternion.identity);
            //normalCameraModule.transform.Rotate(new Vector3(0, -90, 0), Space.Self);
            normalCameraModule.transform.parent = cameraHolder.transform;
            normalCameraModule.transform.localPosition = new Vector3();
            mainCameraGameObject =  GameObject.FindWithTag("MainCamera"); //GameObject.Find("Main Camera");
Exemplo n.º 7
    // Awake
    void Awake()
        CameraController = GetComponentInChildren(typeof(OVRCameraController)) as OVRCameraController;
        if (CameraController == null)
            Debug.LogWarning("Single Method Failed!");
            // Find camera controller
            OVRCameraController[] CameraControllers;
            CameraControllers = gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren <OVRCameraController>();

            if (CameraControllers.Length == 0)
                Debug.LogWarning("OVRMainMenu: No OVRCameraController attached.");
            else if (CameraControllers.Length > 1)
                Debug.LogWarning("OVRMainMenu: More then 1 OVRCameraController attached.");
                CameraController = CameraControllers[0];
Exemplo n.º 8
    void Start()
        NeedsSetTexture = true;
        wasFullScreen   = Screen.fullScreen;

        // Get the OVRCameraController
        CameraController = gameObject.transform.parent.GetComponent <OVRCameraController>();

        if (CameraController == null)
            Debug.LogWarning("OVRCameraController not found!");
            this.enabled = false;

        if (!CameraController.UseCameraTexture)

        // if AA & AF are disabled, step down RT scale for a FPS boost
        if (QualitySettings.anisotropicFiltering == 0 && QualitySettings.antiAliasing == 0)
            CameraController.CameraTextureScale = Mathf.Min(CameraController.CameraTextureScale, 0.7f);

        // This will scale the render texture based on ideal resolution
        CreateRenderTexture(EyeId, CameraController.CameraTextureScale);

        GetComponent <Camera>().targetTexture = CameraTexture[EyeId];
        OldScale = CameraController.ScaleRenderTarget;
Exemplo n.º 9
    /// <summary>
    /// Start
    /// </summary>
    new void Start()

        // Get the OVRCameraController
        CameraController = gameObject.transform.parent.GetComponent <OVRCameraController>();

        if (CameraController == null)
            Debug.LogWarning("WARNING: OVRCameraController not found!");
            this.enabled = false;

        if (!CameraController.UseCameraTexture)

        // This will scale the render texture based on ideal resolution
        if (CameraTexture == null)

        camera.targetTexture = CameraTexture;
    /// <summary>
    /// Start this instance.
    /// </summary>
    new void Start()

        // Get the OVRCameraController
        CameraController = GetComponent <OVRCameraController>();

        if (CameraController == null)
            Debug.LogWarning("WARNING: OVRCameraController not found!");

        // Without this, we will be drawing 1 frame behind
        camera.depth = Mathf.Max(CameraLeft.depth, CameraRight.depth) + 1;

        // Don't want the camera to render anything..
        camera.cullingMask         = 0;
        camera.eventMask           = 0;
        camera.useOcclusionCulling = false;
        camera.backgroundColor     = Color.black;
        camera.clearFlags          = (!CameraController.UseCameraTexture) ? CameraClearFlags.Nothing :
                                     CameraClearFlags.SolidColor; // TBD: This may be a performance loss on mobile.
        camera.renderingPath = RenderingPath.Forward;
        camera.orthographic  = true;
Exemplo n.º 11
    // * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    // Awake
    new public virtual void Awake()

        // We use Controller to move player around
        Controller = gameObject.GetComponent <CharacterController>();

        if (Controller == null)
            Debug.LogWarning("OVRPlayerController: No CharacterController attached.");

        // We use OVRCameraController to set rotations to cameras,
        // and to be influenced by rotation
        OVRCameraController[] CameraControllers;
        CameraControllers = gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren <OVRCameraController>();

        if (CameraControllers.Length == 0)
            Debug.LogWarning("OVRPlayerController: No OVRCameraController attached.");
        else if (CameraControllers.Length > 1)
            Debug.LogWarning("OVRPlayerController: More then 1 OVRCameraController attached.");
            CameraController = CameraControllers[0];

        // Instantiate a Transform from the main game object (will be used to
        // direct the motion of the PlayerController, as well as used to rotate
        // a visible body attached to the controller)
        DirXform = null;
        Transform[] Xforms = gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren <Transform>();

        for (int i = 0; i < Xforms.Length; i++)
            if (Xforms[i].name == "ForwardDirection")
                DirXform = Xforms[i];

        if (DirXform == null)
            Debug.LogWarning("OVRPlayerController: ForwardDirection game object not found. Do not use.");

        Vector3 currForward = Camera.main.transform.TransformDirection(Vector3.forward);

        currForward.y = 0;
        currForward   = currForward.normalized;
        for (int i = 0; i < driftFactor; i++)
Exemplo n.º 12
    void useSimpleCamera()
        simpleCamera.enabled = true;
        ovrCamera.enabled = false;

        Destroy (ovrCamera.gameObject);
        ovrCamera = null;
Exemplo n.º 13
    void Start()
        coatLeft  = transform.Find("coatLeft");
        coatRight = transform.Find("coatRight");

        ovrController           = transform.parent.parent.GetComponent <OVRCameraController>();
        isHiding                = false;
        calledHiding            = false;
        coatRight.localPosition = cRight = new Vector3(maxCoatRightX, 0f, 0f);
        coatLeft.localPosition  = -cRight;
Exemplo n.º 14
    void Start()
        coatLeft = transform.Find("coatLeft");
        coatRight = transform.Find("coatRight");

        ovrController = transform.parent.parent.GetComponent<OVRCameraController>();
        isHiding = false;
        calledHiding = false;
        coatRight.localPosition = cRight = new Vector3(maxCoatRightX, 0f, 0f);
        coatLeft.localPosition = -cRight;
Exemplo n.º 15
	// SetOVRCameraController
	public void SetOVRCameraController(ref OVRCameraController cameraController)
		CameraController = cameraController;
		CameraController.GetCamera(ref MainCam);
		if(CameraController.PortraitMode == true)
			float tmp = DeadZoneX;
			DeadZoneX = DeadZoneY;
			DeadZoneY = tmp;
    /// <summary>
    /// Start this instance.
    /// </summary>
    new void Start()

        // Get the OVRCameraController
        CameraController = GetComponent <OVRCameraController>();

        if (CameraController == null)
            Debug.LogWarning("WARNING: OVRCameraController not found!");
Exemplo n.º 17
    // SetOVRCameraController
    public void SetOVRCameraController(ref OVRCameraController cameraController)
        CameraController = cameraController;
        CameraController.GetCamera(ref MainCam);

        if (CameraController.PortraitMode == true)
            float tmp = DeadZoneX;
            DeadZoneX = DeadZoneY;
            DeadZoneY = tmp;
Exemplo n.º 18
    void Awake()
        // Find camera controller
        OVRCameraController[] camera_controllers;
        camera_controllers = gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren<OVRCameraController>();

        if (camera_controllers.Length == 0)
            Debug.LogWarning("ThreeDimGUI: No OVRCameraController attached.");
        else if (camera_controllers.Length > 1)
            Debug.LogWarning("ThreeDimGUI: More then 1 OVRCameraController attached.");
            m_CameraController = camera_controllers[0];
Exemplo n.º 19
    // * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    // Awake
    new public virtual void Awake()

        // Don't let the Physics Engine rotate this physics object so it doesn't fall over when running
        rigidbody.freezeRotation = true;

        collider.material.dynamicFriction  = 0;
        collider.material.dynamicFriction2 = 0;
        collider.material.staticFriction   = 0;
        collider.material.staticFriction2  = 0;
        collider.material.frictionCombine  = PhysicMaterialCombine.Minimum;

        // We use OVRCameraController to set rotations to cameras,
        // and to be influenced by rotation
        OVRCameraController[] CameraControllers;
        CameraControllers = gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren <OVRCameraController>();

        if (CameraControllers.Length == 0)
            Debug.LogWarning("OVRPlayerController: No OVRCameraController attached.");
        else if (CameraControllers.Length > 1)
            Debug.LogWarning("OVRPlayerController: More then 1 OVRCameraController attached.");
            CameraController = CameraControllers[0];

        // Instantiate a Transform from the main game object (will be used to
        // direct the motion of the PlayerController, as well as used to rotate
        // a visible body attached to the controller)
        DirXform = null;
        Transform[] Xforms = gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren <Transform>();

        for (int i = 0; i < Xforms.Length; i++)
            if (Xforms[i].name == "ForwardDirection")
                DirXform = Xforms[i];

        if (DirXform == null)
            Debug.LogWarning("OVRPlayerController: ForwardDirection game object not found. Do not use.");
Exemplo n.º 20
    // * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    // Awake
    void Awake()
        // Find camera controller
        OVRCameraController[] CameraControllers;
        CameraControllers = gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren <OVRCameraController>();

        if (CameraControllers.Length == 0)
            Debug.LogWarning("OVRMainMenu: No OVRCameraController attached.");
        else if (CameraControllers.Length > 1)
            Debug.LogWarning("OVRMainMenu: More then 1 OVRCameraController attached.");
            CameraController = CameraControllers[0];

        // Find player controller
        OVRPlayerController[] PlayerControllers;
        PlayerControllers = gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren <OVRPlayerController>();

        if (PlayerControllers.Length == 0)
            Debug.LogWarning("OVRMainMenu: No OVRPlayerController attached.");
        else if (CameraControllers.Length > 1)
            Debug.LogWarning("OVRMaunMenu: More then 1 OVRPlayerController attached.");
            PlayerController = PlayerControllers[0];

        // Set the GUI target
        GUIRenderObject = GameObject.Instantiate(Resources.Load("OVRGUIObjectMain")) as GameObject;

        if (GUIRenderObject != null)
            if (GUIRenderTexture == null)
                int w = (int)(Screen.width);
                int h = (int)(Screen.height);
                GUIRenderTexture = new RenderTexture(w, h, 24);

                GuiHelper.Draw3D = true;
    void Awake()
        ovrCameraController = GetComponentInChildren<OVRCameraController>();
        ovrCameraControllerTransform = ovrCameraController.transform;
        headController = GetComponent<HeadController>();
        handsController = GetComponent<HandsController>();
        feetController = GetComponent<FeetController>();
        motionController = GetComponent<MotionController>();
        swooshSound = ovrCameraControllerTransform.Find("SwooshSound").GetComponent<AudioSource>();

        materialTriggers = GameObject.FindObjectsOfType( typeof (TriggerSolidColor ) ) as TriggerSolidColor[];
        foreach ( CameraAnchor cameraAnchor in GameObject.FindObjectsOfType( typeof(CameraAnchor) ))
            characterCameraAnchorTransforms.Add( cameraAnchor.transform );
Exemplo n.º 22
    void Update()
        if (AllowMouseLook)
            if (LockMouse && CaptureMouseCursor)
                Screen.lockCursor = true;
                Screen.lockCursor = false;

            if (CaptureMouseCursor)
                OVRCameraController cameraController = GetComponent <OVRCameraController>();

                float MousePitchDelta = Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y") * MouseSensitivityPitch;
                float MouseYawDelta   = Input.GetAxis("Mouse X") * MouseSensitivityYaw * -1.0f;
                if (InvertPitch)
                    MouseYawDelta = -MouseYawDelta;

                MouseAngles.x += MousePitchDelta;
                MouseAngles.y += MouseYawDelta;
                if (MousePitchDelta > 0.0f)
                    if (MouseAngles.x > 89.5f)
                        MouseAngles.x = 89.5f;
                else if (MousePitchDelta < 0.0f)
                    if (MouseAngles.x < -89.5f)
                        MouseAngles.x = -89.5f;
                MouseAngles.y = Mathf.Clamp(MouseAngles.y, -360.0f, 360.0f);

                Quaternion q = Quaternion.Euler(MouseAngles.x, MouseAngles.y, 0.0f);

Exemplo n.º 23
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        movement = Vector3.zero;
        controller = gameObject.GetComponent<CharacterController>();

        OVRCameraController[] CameraControllers;
        CameraControllers = gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren<OVRCameraController>();

        if(CameraControllers.Length == 0)
            Debug.LogWarning("OVRPlayerController: No OVRCameraController attached.");
        else if (CameraControllers.Length > 1)
            Debug.LogWarning("OVRPlayerController: More then 1 OVRCameraController attached.");
            CameraController = CameraControllers[0];
Exemplo n.º 24
    public void Start()
        CurrentState   = PlayerState.Normal;
        _changingState = false;

        _manager = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("GameManager").GetComponent <GameManager>();

        _terrainCollider     = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Terrain").GetComponent <TerrainCollider>();
        _sunLight            = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("SunLight").GetComponent <Light>();
        _startIntensity      = _sunLight.intensity;
        _ovrPlayerController = GetComponent <OVRPlayerController>();
        _ovrCameraController = GetComponentInChildren <OVRCameraController>();

        _audioManager = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("AudioManager").GetComponent <AudioManager>();
Exemplo n.º 25
    public void Start()
        CurrentState = PlayerState.Normal;
        _changingState = false;

        _manager = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("GameManager").GetComponent<GameManager>();

        _terrainCollider = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Terrain").GetComponent<TerrainCollider>();
        _sunLight = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("SunLight").GetComponent<Light>();
        _startIntensity = _sunLight.intensity;
        _ovrPlayerController = GetComponent<OVRPlayerController>();
        _ovrCameraController = GetComponentInChildren<OVRCameraController>();

        _audioManager = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("AudioManager").GetComponent<AudioManager>();
Exemplo n.º 26
    // Start
    new void Start()

        // Get the OVRCameraController
        CameraController = gameObject.transform.parent.GetComponent <OVRCameraController>();

        // Get the cameras
        OVRCamera[] cameras = gameObject.transform.parent.GetComponentsInChildren <OVRCamera>();
        for (int i = 0; i < cameras.Length; i++)
            if (cameras[i].name == "CameraRight")
                CameraRight = cameras[i];

        if (CameraController == null)
            Debug.LogWarning("WARNING: OVRCameraController not found!");

        // Set CameraTextureScale (increases the size of the texture we are rendering into
        // for a better pixel match when post processing the image through lens distortion)

        // CameraTextureScale = OVRDevice.DistortionScale();

        // If CameraTextureScale is not 1.0f, create a new texture and assign to target texture
        // Otherwise, fall back to normal camera rendering
        if ((CameraTexture == null) && (CameraTextureScale != 1.0f))
            int w = (int)(Screen.width / 2.0f * CameraTextureScale);
            int h = (int)(Screen.height * CameraTextureScale);

            if (camera.hdr)
                CameraTexture = new RenderTexture(w, h, 24, RenderTextureFormat.ARGBFloat);
                CameraTexture = new RenderTexture(w, h, 24);

            // Use MSAA settings in QualitySettings for new RenderTexture
            CameraTexture.antiAliasing = (QualitySettings.antiAliasing == 0) ? 1 : QualitySettings.antiAliasing;
Exemplo n.º 27
    // Awake
    void Awake()
        CameraController = GetComponentInChildren(typeof(OVRCameraController)) as OVRCameraController;
         Debug.LogWarning("Single Method Failed!");
          // Find camera controller
          OVRCameraController[] CameraControllers;
          CameraControllers = gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren<OVRCameraController>();

          if(CameraControllers.Length == 0)
         Debug.LogWarning("OVRMainMenu: No OVRCameraController attached.");
          else if (CameraControllers.Length > 1)
         Debug.LogWarning("OVRMainMenu: More then 1 OVRCameraController attached.");
         CameraController = CameraControllers[0];
Exemplo n.º 28
    // * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    // Awake
    void Awake()
        OVRCameraController[] CameraControllers;
        CameraControllers = gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren <OVRCameraController>();

        if (CameraControllers.Length == 0)
            Debug.LogWarning("No OVRCameraController attached.");
        else if (CameraControllers.Length > 1)
            Debug.LogWarning("More then 1 OVRCameraController attached.");
            CameraController = CameraControllers[0];
Exemplo n.º 29
        /// <summary>
        /// sets various parameters on the Oculus scripts
        /// </summary>
        private static void SetOVRParameters(GameObject arCameraGameObject)
            QCARAbstractBehaviour qcarBehaviour = arCameraGameObject.GetComponent <QCARAbstractBehaviour>();
            // set black background color
            OVRCameraController ovrCameraController = arCameraGameObject.GetComponent <OVRCameraController>();
            ovrCameraController.BackgroundColor   = Color.black;
            ovrCameraController.FlipCorrectionInY = true;

            // set up cameras as Oculus expects them to be:
            qcarBehaviour.PrimaryCamera.depth = 1;
            OVRCamera leftOVRCamera = qcarBehaviour.PrimaryCamera.GetComponent <OVRCamera>();
            leftOVRCamera.RightEye = false;

            qcarBehaviour.SecondaryCamera.depth = 0;
            OVRCamera rightOVRCamera = qcarBehaviour.SecondaryCamera.GetComponent <OVRCamera>();
            rightOVRCamera.RightEye = true;
Exemplo n.º 30
        void Awake()
            OVRCameraController ovrCameraController = GetComponent <OVRCameraController>();

            if (ovrCameraController != null)
                mOVRController         = ovrCameraController;
                mOVRController.enabled = false;
                // This API disables OVR tracking in the scene while Vuforia is tracking.
                // It needs to be manually added to the Oculus SDK scripts, please see
                // the Vuforia developer library at developer.vuforia.com for more details.
                mOVRController.DisableVrTracking = true;

            QCARBehaviour arCamera = GetComponent <QCARBehaviour>();

            if (arCamera != null)
                mQCARBehaviour         = arCamera;
                mQCARBehaviour.enabled = false;
    // * * * * * * * * * * * * *
    // Awake
    public new virtual void Awake()
        base.Awake ();

        // We use Controller to move player around
        Controller = gameObject.GetComponent<CharacterController> ();

        if (Controller == null)
            Debug.LogWarning ("OVRPlayerController: No CharacterController attached.");

        // We use OVRCameraController to set rotations to cameras,
        // and to be influenced by rotation
        OVRCameraController[] CameraControllers;
        CameraControllers = gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren<OVRCameraController> ();

        if (CameraControllers.Length == 0)
            Debug.LogWarning ("OVRPlayerController: No OVRCameraController attached.");
        else if (CameraControllers.Length > 1)
            Debug.LogWarning ("OVRPlayerController: More then 1 OVRCameraController attached.");
            CameraController = CameraControllers [0];

        // Instantiate a Transform from the main game object (will be used to
        // direct the motion of the PlayerController, as well as used to rotate
        // a visible body attached to the controller)
        DirXform = null;
        Transform[] Xforms = gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren<Transform> ();

        for (int i = 0; i < Xforms.Length; i++) {
            if (Xforms [i].name == "ForwardDirection") {
                DirXform = Xforms [i];

        if (DirXform == null)
            Debug.LogWarning ("OVRPlayerController: ForwardDirection game object not found. Do not use.");
Exemplo n.º 32
    public void AttachCorrectCameraModule()
        GameObject cameraHolder = GameObject.FindWithTag("CameraHolder");

        // Cleanup up previous camera (if it exists)
        if (cameraHolder.transform.childCount > 0)
            Destroy(cameraHolder.transform.GetChild(0).gameObject, 0.0f);

        // Add correct camera module
        if (isOVR)
            GameObject ovrModule = (GameObject)Instantiate(ovrCameraControllerModulePrefab, new Vector3(), Quaternion.identity);
            //ovrModule.transform.Rotate(new Vector3(0, -90, 0), Space.Self);
            ovrModule.transform.parent        = cameraHolder.transform;
            ovrModule.transform.localPosition = new Vector3();
            ovrCameraController  = (OVRCameraController)GameObject.FindWithTag("OVRCameraController").GetComponent("OVRCameraController");
            mainCameraGameObject = GameObject.FindWithTag("MainCamera");

            GameObject[] tempCameraObjectArray = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("MainCamera");
            for (int i = 0; i < tempCameraObjectArray.Length; i++)
            GameObject normalCameraModule = (GameObject)Instantiate(mainCameraModulePrefab, new Vector3(), Quaternion.identity);
            //normalCameraModule.transform.Rotate(new Vector3(0, -90, 0), Space.Self);
            normalCameraModule.transform.parent        = cameraHolder.transform;
            normalCameraModule.transform.localPosition = new Vector3();
            mainCameraGameObject = GameObject.FindWithTag("MainCamera");              //GameObject.Find("Main Camera");
Exemplo n.º 33
    /// <summary>
    /// Start
    /// </summary>
    new void Start()

        // Get the OVRCameraController
        CameraController = gameObject.transform.parent.GetComponent <OVRCameraController>();

        if (CameraController == null)
            Debug.LogWarning("WARNING: OVRCameraController not found!");

        // Set CameraTextureScale (increases the size of the texture we are rendering into
        // for a better pixel match when post processing the image through lens distortion)
        // If CameraTextureScale is not 1.0f, create a new texture and assign to target texture
        // Otherwise, fall back to normal camera rendering
        int w = 0;
        int h = 0;

        GetIdealResolution(ref w, ref h);

        int index = (RightEye) ? 1 : 0;

        if (camera.hdr)
            CameraTexture[index] = new RenderTexture(w, h, 24, RenderTextureFormat.ARGBFloat);
            CameraTexture[index] = new RenderTexture(w, h, 24);

        // Use MSAA settings in QualitySettings for new RenderTexture
        CameraTexture[index].antiAliasing = (QualitySettings.antiAliasing == 0) ? 1 : QualitySettings.antiAliasing;

        camera.targetTexture = CameraTexture[index];
Exemplo n.º 34
    // * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    // Awake
    new public virtual void Awake()

        Instance = this;

        // We use Controller to move player around
        Controller = gameObject.GetComponent <CharacterController>();

        if (Controller == null)
            Debug.LogWarning("OVRPlayerController: No CharacterController attached.");

        // We use OVRCameraController to set rotations to cameras,
        // and to be influenced by rotation
        OVRCameraController[] CameraControllers;
        CameraControllers = gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren <OVRCameraController>();

        if (CameraControllers.Length == 0)
            Debug.LogWarning("OVRPlayerController: No OVRCameraController attached.");
        else if (CameraControllers.Length > 1)
            Debug.LogWarning("OVRPlayerController: More then 1 OVRCameraController attached.");
            CameraController = CameraControllers[0];

        if (DirXform == null)
            Debug.LogWarning("OVRPlayerController: ForwardDirection game object not found. Do not use.");
Exemplo n.º 35
	//// -- !UnityAndroid - CameraTexture is not used for Android.

	#pragma warning restore 414		// The private field 'x' is assigned but its value is never used

	#region Monobehaviour Member Functions
	/// <summary>
	/// Start
	/// </summary>
	void Start()
		// Get the OVRCameraController
		CameraController = transform.parent.GetComponent<OVRCameraController>();
		if(CameraController == null)
			Debug.LogWarning("OVRCameraController not found!");
			this.enabled = false;

		if (!CameraController.UseCameraTexture)

		// This will scale the render texture based on ideal resolution
		if (CameraTexture[0] == null)
			CreateRenderTexture (CameraController.CameraTextureScale);
		camera.targetTexture = CameraTexture[(RightEye) ? 1 : 0];
 void Start()
     OvrController = GameObject.Find("OVRCameraController").GetComponent<OVRCameraController>();
     cameras = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("MainCamera");
     characterController = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").GetComponent<MyCharacterMotor>();
Exemplo n.º 37
	// Start
	new void Start()
		base.Start ();		
		// Get the OVRCameraController
		CameraController = gameObject.transform.parent.GetComponent<OVRCameraController>();
		if(CameraController == null)
			Debug.LogWarning("WARNING: OVRCameraController not found!");
		// Set CameraTextureScale (increases the size of the texture we are rendering into
		// for a better pixel match when post processing the image through lens distortion)
		// CameraTextureScale = OVRDevice.DistortionScale();

		// If CameraTextureScale is not 1.0f, create a new texture and assign to target texture
		// Otherwise, fall back to normal camera rendering
		if((CameraTexture == null) && (CameraTextureScale != 1.0f))
			int w = (int)(Screen.width / 2.0f * CameraTextureScale);
			int h = (int)(Screen.height * CameraTextureScale);
			if ( camera.hdr )
				CameraTexture = new RenderTexture(  w, h, 24, RenderTextureFormat.ARGBFloat );	
				CameraTexture = new RenderTexture(  w, h, 24 );
			// Use MSAA settings in QualitySettings for new RenderTexture
			CameraTexture.antiAliasing = ( QualitySettings.antiAliasing == 0 ) ? 1 : QualitySettings.antiAliasing;
Exemplo n.º 38
    public void Start()
            case CompassSource.Kinect:
                if (!skeletonManager)
                    skeletonManager = FindObjectOfType(typeof(RUISSkeletonManager)) as RUISSkeletonManager;
                    Debug.LogError("RUISSkeletonManager script is missing from this scene!");
            case CompassSource.PSMove:
                inputManager = FindObjectOfType(typeof(RUISInputManager)) as RUISInputManager;
                    Debug.LogError("RUISInputManager script is missing from this scene!");

        if(driftingSensor == DriftingRotation.InputTransform && !driftingTransform)
            Debug.LogError("driftingTransform is none, you need to set it from the inspector!");

        oculusCamController = FindObjectOfType(typeof(OVRCameraController)) as OVRCameraController;
Exemplo n.º 39
    // End of Yaw Drift Corrector members
    void Awake()
        localPosition = Vector3.zero;
        localRotation = Quaternion.identity;
        rawRotation = Quaternion.identity;

        filterPos = new KalmanFilter();
        filterPos.skipIdenticalMeasurements = true;
        //		filterRot = new KalmanFilter();
        //		filterRot.initialize(4,4);

        // Mobile Razer Hydra base filtering
        hydraBaseFilterPos = new KalmanFilter();
        hydraBaseFilterPos.skipIdenticalMeasurements = true;
        //		hydraBaseFilterRot = new KalmanFilter();
        //		hydraBaseFilterRot.initialize(4,4);

        filterRot.skipIdenticalMeasurements = true;

        // Yaw Drift Corrector invocations in Awake()
        filterDrift = new KalmanFilter();

        transform.localPosition = defaultPosition;
        eyeCenterPosition = defaultPosition;
        measuredHeadPosition = defaultPosition;

        hydraBasePosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
        hydraBaseRotation = Quaternion.identity;

        oculusCamController = gameObject.GetComponentInChildren(typeof(OVRCameraController)) as OVRCameraController;

            useOculusRiftRotation = true;
            useOculusRiftRotation = false;
        //oculusCamController = FindObjectOfType(typeof(OVRCameraController)) as OVRCameraController;
        //if(headRotationInput == HeadRotationSource.OculusRift && !oculusCamController)
        //	Debug.LogError("OVRCameraController script is missing from this scene!");

        filterPosition = false;
Exemplo n.º 40
    // * * * * * * * * * * * * *
    // Awake
    public new virtual void Awake()

        // Don't let the Physics Engine rotate this physics object so it doesn't fall over when running
        rigidbody.freezeRotation = true;

        collider.material.dynamicFriction = 0;
        collider.material.dynamicFriction2 = 0;
        collider.material.staticFriction = 0;
        collider.material.staticFriction2 = 0;
        collider.material.frictionCombine = PhysicMaterialCombine.Minimum;

        // We use OVRCameraController to set rotations to cameras,
        // and to be influenced by rotation
        OVRCameraController[] CameraControllers;
        CameraControllers = gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren<OVRCameraController>();

        if(CameraControllers.Length == 0)
            Debug.LogWarning("OVRPlayerController: No OVRCameraController attached.");
        else if (CameraControllers.Length > 1)
            Debug.LogWarning("OVRPlayerController: More then 1 OVRCameraController attached.");
            CameraController = CameraControllers[0];

        // Instantiate a Transform from the main game object (will be used to
        // direct the motion of the PlayerController, as well as used to rotate
        // a visible body attached to the controller)
        DirXform = null;
        Transform[] Xforms = gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren<Transform>();

        for(int i = 0; i < Xforms.Length; i++)
            if(Xforms[i].name == "ForwardDirection")
                DirXform = Xforms[i];

        if(DirXform == null)
            Debug.LogWarning("OVRPlayerController: ForwardDirection game object not found. Do not use.");
Exemplo n.º 41
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()

        leftarrows = (Texture)Resources.Load("leftarrow");
        rightarrows = (Texture)Resources.Load("rightarrow");
        uparrows = (Texture)Resources.Load("uparrow");

        left.renderer.material.color = Color.yellow;
        right.renderer.material.color = Color.yellow;
        straight.renderer.material.color = Color.yellow;

        ovr = GameObject.Find("OVRCameraController").GetComponent<OVRCameraController>();
Exemplo n.º 42
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets the OVR camera controller.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="cameraController">Camera controller.</param>
 public void SetOVRCameraController(ref OVRCameraController cameraController)
     CameraController = cameraController;
     CameraController.GetCamera(ref MainCam);
Exemplo n.º 43
 // OnEnable
 void OnEnable()
     m_Component = (OVRCameraController)target;
	// OnEnable
	void OnEnable()
		m_Component = (OVRCameraController)target;
Exemplo n.º 45
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        // Set the GUI target
        GUIRenderObject = GameObject.Instantiate(Resources.Load("OVRGUIObjectMain")) as GameObject;

        // Find camera controller
        OVRCameraController[] CameraControllers;
        CameraControllers = FindObjectsOfType(typeof(OVRCameraController)) as OVRCameraController[];

        if (CameraControllers.Length == 0)
            Debug.LogWarning("OVRMainMenu: No OVRCameraController attached.");
        else if (CameraControllers.Length > 1)
            Debug.LogWarning("OVRMainMenu: More then 1 OVRCameraController attached.");
            CameraController = CameraControllers[0];

        if (GUIRenderObject != null)
            if (GUIRenderTexture == null)            // TODO: *** Screen.width from RUISDisplayManager
                int w = Screen.width;
                int h = Screen.height;

                if (CameraController.PortraitMode == true)
                    int t = h;
                    h = w;
                    w = t;

                GUIRenderTexture = new RenderTexture(w, h, 24);
                GuiHelper.SetPixelResolution(w, h);
                GuiHelper.SetDisplayResolution(OVRDevice.HResolution, OVRDevice.VResolution);

        // Attach GUI texture to GUI object and GUI object to Camera
        if (GUIRenderTexture != null && GUIRenderObject != null)
            GUIRenderObject.renderer.material.mainTexture = GUIRenderTexture;

            if (CameraController != null)
                // Grab transform of GUI object
                Transform t = GUIRenderObject.transform;
                // Attach the GUI object to the camera
                CameraController.AttachGameObjectToCamera(ref GUIRenderObject);
                // Reset the transform values (we will be maintaining state of the GUI object
                // in local state)
                OVRUtils.SetLocalTransform(ref GUIRenderObject, ref t);
                // Deactivate object until we have completed the fade-in
                // Also, we may want to deactive the render object if there is nothing being rendered
                // into the UI
                // we will move the position of everything over to the left, so get
                // IPD / 2 and position camera towards negative X
                Vector3 lp  = GUIRenderObject.transform.localPosition;
                float   ipd = 0.0f;
                CameraController.GetIPD(ref ipd);
                lp.x -= ipd * 0.5f;
                GUIRenderObject.transform.localPosition = lp;


        // Mag Yaw-Drift correction
        magCal.SetOVRCameraController(ref CameraController);
    /// <summary>
    /// Start this instance.
    /// </summary>
    new void Start()
        base.Start ();

        // Get the OVRCameraController
        CameraController = GetComponent<OVRCameraController>();

        if(CameraController == null)
            Debug.LogWarning("WARNING: OVRCameraController not found!");
Exemplo n.º 47
    void Start()
        NeedsSetTexture = true;
        wasFullScreen = Screen.fullScreen;

        // Get the OVRCameraController
        CameraController = gameObject.transform.parent.GetComponent<OVRCameraController>();

        if(CameraController == null)
            Debug.LogWarning("OVRCameraController not found!");
            this.enabled = false;

        if (!CameraController.UseCameraTexture)

        // if AA & AF are disabled, step down RT scale for a FPS boost
        if (QualitySettings.anisotropicFiltering == 0 && QualitySettings.antiAliasing == 0)
            CameraController.CameraTextureScale = Mathf.Min(CameraController.CameraTextureScale, 0.7f);

        // This will scale the render texture based on ideal resolution
        CreateRenderTexture(EyeId, CameraController.CameraTextureScale);

        GetComponent<Camera>().targetTexture = CameraTexture[EyeId];
        OldScale = CameraController.ScaleRenderTarget;
Exemplo n.º 48
    // * * * * * * * * * * * * *
    // Awake
    void Awake()
        OVRCameraController[] CameraControllers;
        CameraControllers = gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren<OVRCameraController>();

        if(CameraControllers.Length == 0)
            Debug.LogWarning("No OVRCameraController attached.");
        else if (CameraControllers.Length > 1)
            Debug.LogWarning("More then 1 OVRCameraController attached.");
            CameraController = CameraControllers[0];
Exemplo n.º 49
    /// <summary>
    /// Start
    /// </summary>
    new void Start()
        base.Start ();

        // Get the OVRCameraController
        CameraController = gameObject.transform.parent.GetComponent<OVRCameraController>();

        if(CameraController == null)
            Debug.LogWarning("WARNING: OVRCameraController not found!");

        // Set CameraTextureScale (increases the size of the texture we are rendering into
        // for a better pixel match when post processing the image through lens distortion)
        // If CameraTextureScale is not 1.0f, create a new texture and assign to target texture
        // Otherwise, fall back to normal camera rendering
        int w = 0;
        int h = 0;
        GetIdealResolution(ref w, ref h);

        int index = (RightEye) ? 1 : 0;

        if ( GetComponent<Camera>().hdr )
            CameraTexture[index] = new RenderTexture(  w, h, 24, RenderTextureFormat.ARGBFloat );
            CameraTexture[index] = new RenderTexture(w, h, 24);

        // Use MSAA settings in QualitySettings for new RenderTexture
        CameraTexture[index].antiAliasing = (QualitySettings.antiAliasing == 0) ? 1 : QualitySettings.antiAliasing;

        GetComponent<Camera>().targetTexture = CameraTexture[index];
Exemplo n.º 50
    /// <summary>
    /// Start this instance.
    /// </summary>
    void Start()
        // Get the OVRCameraController
        CameraController = GetComponent<OVRCameraController>();

        if(CameraController == null)
            Debug.LogWarning("WARNING: OVRCameraController not found!");

        // Without this, we will be drawing 1 frame behind
        camera.depth = Mathf.Max (CameraLeft.depth, CameraRight.depth) + 1;

        // Don't want the camera to render anything..
        camera.cullingMask = 0;
        camera.eventMask = 0;
        camera.useOcclusionCulling = false;
        camera.backgroundColor = Color.black;
        camera.clearFlags = (!CameraController.UseCameraTexture) ? CameraClearFlags.Nothing :
            CameraClearFlags.SolidColor; // TBD: This may be a performance loss on mobile.
        camera.renderingPath = RenderingPath.Forward;
        camera.orthographic = true;
Exemplo n.º 51

	/// <summary>
	/// Sets the camera controller.
	/// </summary>
	/// <param name="cameraController">Camera controller.</param>
	public void SetOVRCameraController(ref OVRCameraController cameraController)
		CameraController = cameraController;
Exemplo n.º 52
 void Start()
     controller = GetComponent<OVRCameraController>();
Exemplo n.º 53
    // Start
    new void Start()
        base.Start ();

        // Get the OVRCameraController
        CameraController = gameObject.transform.parent.GetComponent<OVRCameraController>();

        if(CameraController == null)
            Debug.LogWarning("WARNING: OVRCameraController not found!");

        // Set CameraTextureScale (increases the size of the texture we are rendering into
        // for a better pixel match when post processing the image through lens distortion)
        #if MSAA_ENABLED
        CameraTextureScale = OVRDevice.DistortionScale();
        // If CameraTextureScale is not 1.0f, create a new texture and assign to target texture
        // Otherwise, fall back to normal camera rendering
        if((CameraTexture == null) && (CameraTextureScale > 1.0f))
            int w = (int)(Screen.width / 2.0f * CameraTextureScale);
            int h = (int)(Screen.height * CameraTextureScale);
            CameraTexture = new RenderTexture(  w, h, 24); // 24 bit colorspace

            // This value should be the default for MSAA textures
            // CameraTexture.antiAliasing = 4;
            // Set it within the project
        #if MSAA_ENABLED
            CameraTexture.antiAliasing = QualitySettings.antiAliasing;
Exemplo n.º 54
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets the OVR camera controller.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="cameraController">Camera controller.</param>
 public void SetOVRCameraController(ref OVRCameraController cameraController)
     CameraController = cameraController;
     CameraController.GetCamera(ref MainCam);
Exemplo n.º 55
    // * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    // Awake
    new public virtual void Awake()

        // We use Controller to move player around
        Controller = gameObject.GetComponent <CharacterController>();

        if (Controller == null)
            Debug.LogWarning("OVRPlayerController: No CharacterController attached.");

        // We use OVRCameraController to set rotations to cameras,
        // and to be influenced by rotation
        OVRCameraController[] CameraControllers;
        CameraControllers = gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren <OVRCameraController>();

        if (CameraControllers.Length == 0)
            Debug.LogWarning("OVRPlayerController: No OVRCameraController attached.");
        else if (CameraControllers.Length > 1)
            Debug.LogWarning("OVRPlayerController: More then 1 OVRCameraController attached.");
            CameraController = CameraControllers[0];

        // Instantiate a Transform from the main game object (will be used to
        // direct the motion of the PlayerController, as well as used to rotate
        // a visible body attached to the controller)
        DirXform = null;
        Transform[] Xforms = gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren <Transform>();

        for (int i = 0; i < Xforms.Length; i++)
            if (Xforms[i].name == "ForwardDirection")
                DirXform = Xforms[i];

            if (Xforms[i].name == "Gun")
                Debug.Log("Found Hand");
                Hand    = Xforms[i];
                OldHand = Hand.position;

            if (Hand != null && DirXform != null)

        if (DirXform == null)
            Debug.LogWarning("OVRPlayerController: ForwardDirection game object not found. Do not use.");
Exemplo n.º 56
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        // Set the GUI target
        GUIRenderObject = GameObject.Instantiate(Resources.Load("OVRGUIObjectMain")) as GameObject;

        // Find camera controller
        OVRCameraController[] CameraControllers;
        CameraControllers = FindObjectsOfType(typeof(OVRCameraController)) as OVRCameraController[];

        if(CameraControllers.Length == 0)
            Debug.LogWarning("OVRMainMenu: No OVRCameraController attached.");
        else if (CameraControllers.Length > 1)
            Debug.LogWarning("OVRMainMenu: More then 1 OVRCameraController attached.");
            CameraController = CameraControllers[0];

        if(GUIRenderObject != null)
            if(GUIRenderTexture == null) // TODO: *** Screen.width from RUISDisplayManager
                int w = Screen.width;
                int h = Screen.height;

                if(CameraController != null && CameraController.PortraitMode == true)
                    int t = h;
                    h = w;
                    w = t;

                GUIRenderTexture = new RenderTexture(w, h, 24);
                GuiHelper.SetPixelResolution(w, h);
                GuiHelper.SetDisplayResolution(OVRDevice.HResolution, OVRDevice.VResolution);

        // Attach GUI texture to GUI object and GUI object to Camera
        if(GUIRenderTexture != null && GUIRenderObject != null)
            GUIRenderObject.renderer.material.mainTexture = GUIRenderTexture;

            if(CameraController != null)
                // Grab transform of GUI object
                Transform t = GUIRenderObject.transform;
                // Attach the GUI object to the camera
                CameraController.AttachGameObjectToCamera(ref GUIRenderObject);
                // Reset the transform values (we will be maintaining state of the GUI object
                // in local state)
                OVRUtils.SetLocalTransform(ref GUIRenderObject, ref t);
                // Deactivate object until we have completed the fade-in
                // Also, we may want to deactive the render object if there is nothing being rendered
                // into the UI
                // we will move the position of everything over to the left, so get
                // IPD / 2 and position camera towards negative X
                Vector3 lp = GUIRenderObject.transform.localPosition;
                float ipd = 0.0f;
                CameraController.GetIPD(ref ipd);
                lp.x -= ipd * 0.5f;
                GUIRenderObject.transform.localPosition = lp;


        // Mag Yaw-Drift correction
        if(CameraController != null)
            magCal.SetOVRCameraController(ref CameraController);

        // Show Oculus magnetometer status at the beginning
        if(showCalibrationStatus && OVRDevice.IsSensorPresent(0))
            delayedShowTime = delayedShowDuration;
            showMagStatus = true;
Exemplo n.º 57
 // SetOVRCameraController
 public void SetOVRCameraController(ref OVRCameraController cameraController)
     CameraController = cameraController;
Exemplo n.º 58
 private void Start()
     ovrController = GameObject.Find("ORCamera").GetComponent<OVRCameraController>();
Exemplo n.º 59
    /// <summary>
    /// Awake this instance.
    /// </summary>
    void Awake()
        // Find camera controller
        OVRCameraController[] CameraControllers;
        CameraControllers = gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren<OVRCameraController>();

        if(CameraControllers.Length == 0)
            Debug.LogWarning("OVRMainMenu: No OVRCameraController attached.");
        else if (CameraControllers.Length > 1)
            Debug.LogWarning("OVRMainMenu: More then 1 OVRCameraController attached.");
            CameraController = CameraControllers[0];

        // Find player controller
        OVRPlayerController[] PlayerControllers;
        PlayerControllers = gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren<OVRPlayerController>();

        if(PlayerControllers.Length == 0)
            Debug.LogWarning("OVRMainMenu: No OVRPlayerController attached.");
        else if (PlayerControllers.Length > 1)
            Debug.LogWarning("OVRMainMenu: More then 1 OVRPlayerController attached.");
            PlayerController = PlayerControllers[0];
Exemplo n.º 60
 private void Start()
     CameraFade.StartAlphaFade(Color.black, true, 2f);
     ovrController = GameObject.Find("ORCamera").GetComponent <OVRCameraController>();